Esempio n. 1
def _project(dataframe, project_q):
    if not project_q:
        return dataframe

    assert_list("project", project_q)

    if project_q == [["count"]]:
        # Special case for count only, ~equal to SQL count(*)
        return DataFrame.from_dict({"count": [len(dataframe)]})

    aggregate_fns, alias_expressions = classify_expressions(project_q)

    if aggregate_fns and alias_expressions:
        raise_malformed("Cannot mix aliasing and aggregation functions", project_q)

    if isinstance(dataframe, DataFrameGroupBy):
        dataframe = _aggregate(dataframe, project_q, aggregate_fns)
    elif aggregate_fns:
        return _aggregate_without_group_by(dataframe, project_q, aggregate_fns)
    elif alias_expressions:
        dataframe = _alias(dataframe, alias_expressions)
        # Nothing to do here

    columns = [e if type(e) is not list else e[1] for e in project_q]

        return dataframe[columns]
    except KeyError:
        missing_columns = set(columns) - set(dataframe.columns.values)
        raise_malformed("Selected columns not in table", list(missing_columns))
Esempio n. 2
def _group_by(dataframe, group_by_q):
    if not group_by_q:
        return dataframe

    assert_list("group_by", group_by_q)

        return dataframe.groupby(group_by_q, as_index=False)
    except KeyError:
        raise_malformed("Group by column not in table", group_by_q)
Esempio n. 3
    def filter(self, dataframe, filter_q):
        if filter_q:
            assert_list('where', filter_q)
            filter_str = self._build_filter(filter_q)
                # The filter string may contain references to variables in env.
                # That's why it is defined here.
                env = self.env  # noqa
                return dataframe.query(filter_str)
            except SyntaxError:
                raise_malformed('Syntax error in where clause', filter_q)
            except ValueError:
                raise_malformed('Invalid type in comparison in where clause', filter_q)

        return dataframe
Esempio n. 4
def _order_by(dataframe, order_q):
    if not order_q:
        return dataframe

    assert_list("order_by", order_q)
    if not all(isinstance(c, basestring) for c in order_q):
        raise_malformed("Invalid order by format", order_q)

    columns = [e[1:] if e.startswith("-") else e for e in order_q]
    ascending = [not e.startswith("-") for e in order_q]

        return dataframe.sort_values(by=columns, ascending=ascending)
    except KeyError:
        raise_malformed("Order by column not in table", columns)
Esempio n. 5
def pandas_filter(df, filter_q):
    if filter_q:
        assert_list('where', filter_q)
        return df[_do_pandas_filter(df, filter_q)]

    return df