Esempio n. 1
def deutsch_jozsa_algorithm(d, f):
    # The operators we will need
    U_f = qc.U_f(f, d=d + 1)
    H_d = qc.Hadamard(d)
    H = qc.Hadamard()

    state = qc.zeros(d) * qc.ones(1)
    state = (H_d * H)(state)
    state = U_f(state)
    state = H_d(state, qubit_indices=range(d))

    measurements = state.measure(qubit_indices=range(d))
    return measurements
def quantum_teleportation(alice_state):
    # Get operators we will need
    CNOT = qc.CNOT()
    H = qc.Hadamard()
    X = qc.PauliX()
    Z = qc.PauliZ()

    # The prepared, shared Bell state
    bell = qc.bell_state(0, 0)
    # The whole state vector
    state = alice_state * bell

    # Apply CNOT and Hadamard gate
    state = CNOT(state, qubit_indices=[0, 1])
    state = H(state, qubit_indices=[0])

    # Measure the first two bits
    # The only uncollapsed part of the state vector is Bob's
    M1, M2 = state.measure(qubit_indices=[0, 1], remove=True)

    # Apply X and/or Z gates to third qubit depending on measurements
    if M2:
        state = X(state)
    if M1:
        state = Z(state)

    return state
Esempio n. 3
def QFT(t):
    Op = qc.Identity(t)
    H = qc.Hadamard()

    # The R_k gate applies a 2pi/2^k phase is the qubit is set
    C_Rs = {}
    for k in range(2, t + 1, 1):
        R_k = np.exp(np.pi * 1j / 2**k) * qc.RotationZ(2 * np.pi / 2**k)
        C_Rs[k] = qc.ControlledU(R_k)

    # For each qubit in order, apply the Hadamard gate, and then
    # apply the R_2, R_3, ... conditional on the remainder of the qubits
    for t_i in range(t):
        Op = H(Op, qubit_indices=[t_i])
        for k in range(2, t + 1 - t_i, 1):
            Op = C_Rs[k](Op, qubit_indices=[t_i + k - 1, t_i])

    # We have the QFT, but with the qubits in reverse order
    # Swap them back
    Swap = qc.Swap()
    for i, j in zip(range(t), range(t - 1, -1, -1)):
        if i >= j:
        Op = Swap(Op, qubit_indices=[i, j])

    return Op
Esempio n. 4
def quantum_parallelism(f):
    U_f = qc.U_f(f, d=2)
    H = qc.Hadamard()

    phi = qc.zeros(2)
    phi = H(phi, qubit_indices=[0])
    phi = U_f(phi)
Esempio n. 5
    def test_CNOT_hadamard_identity(self):
        C = qc.CNOT()
        H = qc.Hadamard()

        C1 = (H * H)(C(H * H, qubit_indices=[1, 0]))

        self.assertLess(max_absolute_difference(C, C1), epsilon)
Esempio n. 6
def bell_state(x, y):
    H = qc.Hadamard()
    CNOT = qc.CNOT()

    phi = qc.bitstring(x, y)
    phi = H(phi, qubit_indices=[0])

    return CNOT(phi)
Esempio n. 7
def deutsch_algorithm(f):
    U_f = qc.U_f(f, d=2)
    H = qc.Hadamard()

    phi = H(qc.zeros()) * H(qc.ones())
    phi = U_f(phi)
    phi = H(phi, qubit_indices=[0])

    measurement = phi.measure(qubit_indices=0)
    return measurement
Esempio n. 8
    def test_hadamard_pauli_identities(self):
        X = qc.PauliX()
        Y = qc.PauliY()
        Z = qc.PauliZ()
        H = qc.Hadamard()

        self.assertLess(max_absolute_difference(H(X(H)), Z), epsilon)
        self.assertLess(max_absolute_difference(H(Z(H)), X), epsilon)
        self.assertLess(max_absolute_difference(H(Y(H)), -Y), epsilon)
        self.assertLess(max_absolute_difference(X(Y(X)), -Y), epsilon)
Esempio n. 9
def grover_algorithm(d, f):
    # The operators we will need
    Oracle = qc.U_f(f, d=d+1)
    H_d = qc.Hadamard(d)
    H = qc.Hadamard()
    N = 2**d
    zero_projector = np.zeros((N, N))
    zero_projector[0, 0] = 1
    Inversion = H_d((2 * qc.Operator.from_matrix(zero_projector) - qc.Identity(d))(H_d))
    Grover = Inversion(Oracle, qubit_indices=range(d))

    # Initial state
    state = qc.zeros(d) * qc.ones(1)
    state = (H_d * H)(state)

    # Number of Grover iterations
    angle_to_rotate = np.arccos(np.sqrt(1 / N))
    rotation_angle = 2 * np.arcsin(np.sqrt(1 / N))
    iterations = int(round(angle_to_rotate / rotation_angle))
    for i in range(iterations):
        state = Grover(state)

    measurements = state.measure(qubit_indices=range(d))
    return measurements
Esempio n. 10
def stage_1(state, U, t, d):
    state = qc.Hadamard(d=t)(state, qubit_indices=range(t))

    # For each qubit in reverse order, apply the Hadamard gate,
    # then apply U^(2^i) to the d-qubit register
    # conditional on the state of the t-i qubit in the
    # t-qubit register.
    for idx, t_i in enumerate(range(t - 1, -1, -1)):
        U_2_idx = U
        for app_i in range(idx):
            U_2_idx = U_2_idx(U_2_idx)
        C_U = qc.ControlledU(U_2_idx)
        state = C_U(state, qubit_indices=[t_i] + list(range(t, t + d, 1)))

    return state
Esempio n. 11
    def test_hadamard(self):
        H = (X + Y)/sqrt(2)
        H = qc.Hadamard()
        X = qc.PauliX()
        Z = qc.PauliZ()
        H1 = (X + Z) / np.sqrt(2)
        max_diff = max_absolute_difference(H, H1)
        self.assertLess(max_diff, epsilon)
        H2 = (X + Z) * (1 / np.sqrt(2))
        max_diff = max_absolute_difference(H, H2)
        self.assertLess(max_diff, epsilon)
        H3 = 1 / np.sqrt(2) * (Z + X)
        max_diff = max_absolute_difference(H, H3)
        self.assertLess(max_diff, epsilon)

        self.assertLess(max_absolute_difference(np.sqrt(2) * H - Z, X),
Esempio n. 12
    def test_phase_identities(self):
        Z = qc.PauliZ()
        S = qc.Phase()
        T = qc.PiBy8()
        H = qc.Hadamard()

        self.assertLess(max_absolute_difference(T(T), S), epsilon)
        self.assertLess(max_absolute_difference(S(S), Z), epsilon)
        self.assertLess(max_absolute_difference(T(T(T(T))), Z), epsilon)
                np.exp(1j * np.pi / 8) * qc.RotationZ(np.pi / 4)), epsilon)
                np.exp(1j * np.pi / 4) * qc.RotationZ(np.pi / 2)), epsilon)
                np.exp(1j * np.pi / 8) * qc.RotationX(np.pi / 4)), epsilon)
Esempio n. 13
def superdense_coding(bit_1, bit_2):
    # Get operators we will need
    CNOT = qc.CNOT()
    H = qc.Hadamard()
    X = qc.PauliX()
    Z = qc.PauliZ()

    # The prepared, shared Bell state
    # Initially, half is in Alice's possession, and half in Bob's
    phi = qc.bell_state(0, 0)

    # Alice manipulates her qubit
    if bit_2:
        phi = X(phi, qubit_indices=[0])
    if bit_1:
        phi = Z(phi, qubit_indices=[0])

    # Bob decodes the two bits
    phi = CNOT(phi)
    phi = H(phi, qubit_indices=[0])
    measurements = phi.measure()
    return measurements