def test_expand_on_state_fn(self):
        """ Test if expanded StateFn has expected num_qubits. """
        num_qubits = 3
        add_qubits = 2

        # case CircuitStateFn, with primitive QuantumCircuit
        qc2 = QuantumCircuit(num_qubits), 1)

        cfn = CircuitStateFn(qc2, is_measurement=True)

        cfn_exp = cfn._expand_dim(add_qubits)
        self.assertEqual(cfn_exp.num_qubits, add_qubits + num_qubits)

        # case OperatorStateFn, with OperatorBase primitive, in our case CircuitStateFn
        osfn = OperatorStateFn(cfn)
        osfn_exp = osfn._expand_dim(add_qubits)

        self.assertEqual(osfn_exp.num_qubits, add_qubits + num_qubits)

        # case DictStateFn
        dsfn = DictStateFn('1'*num_qubits, is_measurement=True)
        self.assertEqual(dsfn.num_qubits, num_qubits)

        dsfn_exp = dsfn._expand_dim(add_qubits)
        self.assertEqual(dsfn_exp.num_qubits, num_qubits + add_qubits)

        # case VectorStateFn
        vsfn = VectorStateFn(np.ones(2**num_qubits, dtype=complex))
        self.assertEqual(vsfn.num_qubits, num_qubits)

        vsfn_exp = vsfn._expand_dim(add_qubits)
        self.assertEqual(vsfn_exp.num_qubits, num_qubits + add_qubits)
Esempio n. 2
    def test_permute_on_state_fn(self):
        """ Test if StateFns permute are consistent. """

        num_qubits = 4
        dim = 2**num_qubits
        primitive_list = [1.0 / (i + 1) for i in range(dim)]
        primitive_dict = {
            format(i, 'b').zfill(num_qubits): 1.0 / (i + 1)
            for i in range(dim)

        dict_fn = DictStateFn(primitive=primitive_dict, is_measurement=True)
        vec_fn = VectorStateFn(primitive=primitive_list, is_measurement=True)

        # check if dict_fn and vec_fn are equivalent
        equivalent = np.allclose(dict_fn.to_matrix(), vec_fn.to_matrix())

        # permute
        indices = [2, 3, 0, 1]
        permute_dict = dict_fn.permute(indices)
        permute_vect = vec_fn.permute(indices)

        equivalent = np.allclose(permute_dict.to_matrix(),
def grad_classify(x_list, params, class_labels):
    qc = deepcopy(circuit)
    qc_list = []
    for x in x_list:
        parameters = {}
        for i, p in enumerate(feature_map.ordered_parameters):
            parameters[p] = x[i]
        circ_ = qc.assign_parameters(parameters)
        if sv_sim:
            raise TypeError(
                'For now the gradient implementation only allows for Aer backends.'
        qc_list += [StateFn(circ_)]
    if not sv_sim:
        qc_list = ListOp(qc_list)
        grad_fn = Gradient(method='lin_comb').gradient_wrapper(
            qc_list, var_form.ordered_parameters, backend=qi)
        grad = grad_fn(params)
    probs = []
    for grad_vec in grad:
        prob = []
        for i, qc in enumerate(qc_list):
            counts = VectorStateFn(grad_vec[i]).to_dict_fn().primitive
            prob += [return_probabilities(counts, class_labels)]
        probs += [prob]
    return probs
Esempio n. 4
    def test_to_circuit_op(self):
        """Test to_circuit_op method."""
        vector = np.array([2, 2])
        vsfn = VectorStateFn([1, 1], coeff=2)
        dsfn = DictStateFn({'0': 1, '1': 1}, coeff=2)

        for sfn in [vsfn, dsfn]:
                sfn.to_circuit_op().eval(), vector)
    def test_compose_with_indices(self):
        """ Test compose method using its permutation feature."""

        pauli_op = (X ^ Y ^ Z)
        circuit_op = (T ^ H)
        matrix_op = (X ^ Y ^ H ^ T).to_matrix_op()
        evolved_op = EvolvedOp(matrix_op)

        # composition of PrimitiveOps
        num_qubits = 4
        primitive_op = pauli_op @ circuit_op @ matrix_op
        composed_op = pauli_op @ circuit_op @ evolved_op
        self.assertEqual(primitive_op.num_qubits, num_qubits)
        self.assertEqual(composed_op.num_qubits, num_qubits)

        # with permutation
        num_qubits = 5
        indices = [1, 4]
        permuted_primitive_op = evolved_op @ circuit_op.permute(indices) @ pauli_op @ matrix_op
        composed_primitive_op = \
            evolved_op @ pauli_op.compose(circuit_op, permutation=indices, front=True) @ matrix_op

        self.assertEqual(num_qubits, permuted_primitive_op.num_qubits)

        # ListOp
        num_qubits = 6
        tensored_op = TensoredOp([pauli_op, circuit_op])
        summed_op = pauli_op + circuit_op.permute([2, 1])
        composed_op = circuit_op @ evolved_op @ matrix_op

        list_op = summed_op @ composed_op.compose(tensored_op, permutation=[1, 2, 3, 5, 4],
        self.assertEqual(num_qubits, list_op.num_qubits)

        num_qubits = 4
        circuit_fn = CircuitStateFn(primitive=circuit_op.primitive, is_measurement=True)
        operator_fn = OperatorStateFn(primitive=circuit_op ^ circuit_op, is_measurement=True)

        no_perm_op = circuit_fn @ operator_fn
        self.assertEqual(no_perm_op.num_qubits, num_qubits)

        indices = [0, 4]
        perm_op = operator_fn.compose(circuit_fn, permutation=indices, front=True)
        self.assertEqual(perm_op.num_qubits, max(indices) + 1)

        # StateFn
        num_qubits = 3
        dim = 2**num_qubits
        vec = [1.0/(i+1) for i in range(dim)]
        dic = {format(i, 'b').zfill(num_qubits): 1.0/(i+1) for i in range(dim)}

        is_measurement = True
        op_state_fn = OperatorStateFn(matrix_op, is_measurement=is_measurement)  # num_qubit = 4
        vec_state_fn = VectorStateFn(vec, is_measurement=is_measurement)  # 3
        dic_state_fn = DictStateFn(dic, is_measurement=is_measurement)  # 3
        circ_state_fn = CircuitStateFn(circuit_op.to_circuit(), is_measurement=is_measurement)  # 2

        composed_op = op_state_fn @ vec_state_fn @ dic_state_fn @ circ_state_fn
        self.assertEqual(composed_op.num_qubits, op_state_fn.num_qubits)

        # with permutation
        perm = [2, 4, 6]
        composed = \
            op_state_fn @ dic_state_fn.compose(vec_state_fn, permutation=perm, front=True) @ \
        self.assertEqual(composed.num_qubits, max(perm) + 1)
class TestOpConstruction(QiskitAquaTestCase):
    """Operator Construction tests."""

    def test_pauli_primitives(self):
        """ from to file test """
        newop = X ^ Y ^ Z ^ I
        self.assertEqual(newop.primitive, Pauli(label='XYZI'))

        kpower_op = (Y ^ 5) ^ (I ^ 3)
        self.assertEqual(kpower_op.primitive, Pauli(label='YYYYYIII'))

        kpower_op2 = (Y ^ I) ^ 4
        self.assertEqual(kpower_op2.primitive, Pauli(label='YIYIYIYI'))

        # Check immutability
        self.assertEqual(X.primitive, Pauli(label='X'))
        self.assertEqual(Y.primitive, Pauli(label='Y'))
        self.assertEqual(Z.primitive, Pauli(label='Z'))
        self.assertEqual(I.primitive, Pauli(label='I'))

    def test_composed_eval(self):
        """ Test eval of ComposedOp """
        self.assertAlmostEqual(Minus.eval('1'), -.5 ** .5)

    def test_evals(self):
        """ evals test """
        # pylint: disable=no-member
        # TODO: Think about eval names
        self.assertEqual(Z.eval('0').eval('0'), 1)
        self.assertEqual(Z.eval('1').eval('0'), 0)
        self.assertEqual(Z.eval('0').eval('1'), 0)
        self.assertEqual(Z.eval('1').eval('1'), -1)
        self.assertEqual(X.eval('0').eval('0'), 0)
        self.assertEqual(X.eval('1').eval('0'), 1)
        self.assertEqual(X.eval('0').eval('1'), 1)
        self.assertEqual(X.eval('1').eval('1'), 0)
        self.assertEqual(Y.eval('0').eval('0'), 0)
        self.assertEqual(Y.eval('1').eval('0'), -1j)
        self.assertEqual(Y.eval('0').eval('1'), 1j)
        self.assertEqual(Y.eval('1').eval('1'), 0)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            (X ^ Y).eval('1111')

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            Y.eval((X ^ X).to_matrix_op())

        # Check that Pauli logic eval returns same as matrix logic
        self.assertEqual(PrimitiveOp(Z.to_matrix()).eval('0').eval('0'), 1)
        self.assertEqual(PrimitiveOp(Z.to_matrix()).eval('1').eval('0'), 0)
        self.assertEqual(PrimitiveOp(Z.to_matrix()).eval('0').eval('1'), 0)
        self.assertEqual(PrimitiveOp(Z.to_matrix()).eval('1').eval('1'), -1)
        self.assertEqual(PrimitiveOp(X.to_matrix()).eval('0').eval('0'), 0)
        self.assertEqual(PrimitiveOp(X.to_matrix()).eval('1').eval('0'), 1)
        self.assertEqual(PrimitiveOp(X.to_matrix()).eval('0').eval('1'), 1)
        self.assertEqual(PrimitiveOp(X.to_matrix()).eval('1').eval('1'), 0)
        self.assertEqual(PrimitiveOp(Y.to_matrix()).eval('0').eval('0'), 0)
        self.assertEqual(PrimitiveOp(Y.to_matrix()).eval('1').eval('0'), -1j)
        self.assertEqual(PrimitiveOp(Y.to_matrix()).eval('0').eval('1'), 1j)
        self.assertEqual(PrimitiveOp(Y.to_matrix()).eval('1').eval('1'), 0)

        pauli_op = Z ^ I ^ X ^ Y
        mat_op = PrimitiveOp(pauli_op.to_matrix())
        full_basis = list(map(''.join, itertools.product('01', repeat=pauli_op.num_qubits)))
        for bstr1, bstr2 in itertools.product(full_basis, full_basis):
            # print('{} {} {} {}'.format(bstr1, bstr2, pauli_op.eval(bstr1, bstr2),
            # mat_op.eval(bstr1, bstr2)))

        gnarly_op = SummedOp([(H ^ I ^ Y).compose(X ^ X ^ Z).tensor(Z),
                              3 * (X ^ CX ^ T)], coeff=3 + .2j)
        gnarly_mat_op = PrimitiveOp(gnarly_op.to_matrix())
        full_basis = list(map(''.join, itertools.product('01', repeat=gnarly_op.num_qubits)))
        for bstr1, bstr2 in itertools.product(full_basis, full_basis):

    def test_circuit_construction(self):
        """ circuit construction test """
        hadq2 = H ^ I
        cz = hadq2.compose(CX).compose(hadq2)
        qc = QuantumCircuit(2)
        qc.append(cz.primitive, qargs=range(2))

        ref_cz_mat = PrimitiveOp(CZGate()).to_matrix()
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(cz.to_matrix(), ref_cz_mat)

    def test_io_consistency(self):
        """ consistency test """
        new_op = X ^ Y ^ I
        label = 'XYI'
        # label = new_op.primitive.to_label()
        self.assertEqual(str(new_op.primitive), label)
        self.assertEqual(new_op.primitive, Pauli(label=label))

        x_mat = X.primitive.to_matrix()
        y_mat = Y.primitive.to_matrix()
        i_mat = np.eye(2, 2)
                                             np.kron(np.kron(x_mat, y_mat), i_mat))

        hi = np.kron(H.to_matrix(), I.to_matrix())
        hi2 = Operator.from_label('HI').data
        hi3 = (H ^ I).to_matrix()
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(hi, hi2)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(hi2, hi3)

        xy = np.kron(X.to_matrix(), Y.to_matrix())
        xy2 = Operator.from_label('XY').data
        xy3 = (X ^ Y).to_matrix()
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(xy, xy2)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(xy2, xy3)

        # Check if numpy array instantiation is the same as from Operator
        matrix_op = Operator.from_label('+r')
        # Ditto list of lists

        # TODO make sure this works once we resolve endianness mayhem
        # qc = QuantumCircuit(3)
        # qc.x(2)
        # qc.y(1)
        # from qiskit import BasicAer, QuantumCircuit, execute
        # unitary = execute(qc, BasicAer.get_backend('unitary_simulator')).result().get_unitary()
        # np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(new_op.primitive.to_matrix(), unitary)

    def test_to_matrix(self):
        """to matrix text """
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(X.to_matrix(), Operator.from_label('X').data)
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(Y.to_matrix(), Operator.from_label('Y').data)
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(Z.to_matrix(), Operator.from_label('Z').data)

        op1 = Y + H
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(op1.to_matrix(), Y.to_matrix() + H.to_matrix())

        op2 = op1 * .5
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(op2.to_matrix(), op1.to_matrix() * .5)

        op3 = (4 - .6j) * op2
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(op3.to_matrix(), op2.to_matrix() * (4 - .6j))

        op4 = op3.tensor(X)
                                             np.kron(op3.to_matrix(), X.to_matrix()))

        op5 = op4.compose(H ^ I)
                                                                     (H ^ I).to_matrix()))

        op6 = op5 + PrimitiveOp(Operator.from_label('+r').data)
            op6.to_matrix(), op5.to_matrix() + Operator.from_label('+r').data)

    def test_circuit_op_to_matrix(self):
        """ test CircuitOp.to_matrix """
        qc = QuantumCircuit(1)
        qc.rz(1.0, 0)
        qcop = CircuitOp(qc)
            qcop.to_matrix(), scipy.linalg.expm(-0.5j * Z.to_matrix()))

    def test_matrix_to_instruction(self):
        """Test MatrixOp.to_instruction yields an Instruction object."""
        matop = (H ^ 3).to_matrix_op()
        with self.subTest('assert to_instruction returns Instruction'):
            self.assertIsInstance(matop.to_instruction(), Instruction)

        matop = ((H ^ 3) + (Z ^ 3)).to_matrix_op()
        with self.subTest('matrix operator is not unitary'):
            with self.assertRaises(ExtensionError):

    def test_adjoint(self):
        """ adjoint test """
        gnarly_op = 3 * (H ^ I ^ Y).compose(X ^ X ^ Z).tensor(T ^ Z) + \

    def test_primitive_strings(self):
        """ get primitives test """
        self.assertEqual(X.primitive_strings(), {'Pauli'})

        gnarly_op = 3 * (H ^ I ^ Y).compose(X ^ X ^ Z).tensor(T ^ Z) + \
        self.assertEqual(gnarly_op.primitive_strings(), {'QuantumCircuit', 'Matrix'})

    def test_to_pauli_op(self):
        """ Test to_pauli_op method """
        gnarly_op = 3 * (H ^ I ^ Y).compose(X ^ X ^ Z).tensor(T ^ Z) + \
        mat_op = gnarly_op.to_matrix_op()
        pauli_op = gnarly_op.to_pauli_op()
        self.assertIsInstance(pauli_op, SummedOp)
        for p in pauli_op:
            self.assertIsInstance(p, PauliOp)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(mat_op.to_matrix(), pauli_op.to_matrix())

    def test_circuit_permute(self):
        r""" Test the CircuitOp's .permute method """
        perm = range(7)[::-1]
        c_op = (((CX ^ 3) ^ X) @
                (H ^ 7) @
                (X ^ Y ^ Z ^ I ^ X ^ X ^ X) @
                (Y ^ (CX ^ 3)) @
                (X ^ Y ^ Z ^ I ^ X ^ X ^ X))
        c_op_perm = c_op.permute(perm)
        self.assertNotEqual(c_op, c_op_perm)
        c_op_id = c_op_perm.permute(perm)
        self.assertEqual(c_op, c_op_id)

    def test_summed_op_reduce(self):
        """Test SummedOp"""
        sum_op = (X ^ X * 2) + (Y ^ Y)  # type: SummedOp
        with self.subTest('SummedOp test 1'):
            self.assertEqual(sum_op.coeff, 1)
            self.assertListEqual([str(op.primitive) for op in sum_op], ['XX', 'YY'])
            self.assertListEqual([op.coeff for op in sum_op], [2, 1])

        sum_op = (X ^ X * 2) + (Y ^ Y)
        sum_op += Y ^ Y
        with self.subTest('SummedOp test 2-a'):
            self.assertEqual(sum_op.coeff, 1)
            self.assertListEqual([str(op.primitive) for op in sum_op], ['XX', 'YY', 'YY'])
            self.assertListEqual([op.coeff for op in sum_op], [2, 1, 1])

        sum_op = sum_op.collapse_summands()
        with self.subTest('SummedOp test 2-b'):
            self.assertEqual(sum_op.coeff, 1)
            self.assertListEqual([str(op.primitive) for op in sum_op], ['XX', 'YY'])
            self.assertListEqual([op.coeff for op in sum_op], [2, 2])

        sum_op = (X ^ X * 2) + (Y ^ Y)
        sum_op += (Y ^ Y) + (X ^ X * 2)
        with self.subTest('SummedOp test 3-a'):
            self.assertEqual(sum_op.coeff, 1)
            self.assertListEqual([str(op.primitive) for op in sum_op], ['XX', 'YY', 'YY', 'XX'])
            self.assertListEqual([op.coeff for op in sum_op], [2, 1, 1, 2])

        sum_op = sum_op.reduce()
        with self.subTest('SummedOp test 3-b'):
            self.assertEqual(sum_op.coeff, 1)
            self.assertListEqual([str(op.primitive) for op in sum_op], ['XX', 'YY'])
            self.assertListEqual([op.coeff for op in sum_op], [4, 2])

        sum_op = SummedOp([X ^ X * 2, Y ^ Y], 2)
        with self.subTest('SummedOp test 4-a'):
            self.assertEqual(sum_op.coeff, 2)
            self.assertListEqual([str(op.primitive) for op in sum_op], ['XX', 'YY'])
            self.assertListEqual([op.coeff for op in sum_op], [2, 1])

        sum_op = sum_op.collapse_summands()
        with self.subTest('SummedOp test 4-b'):
            self.assertEqual(sum_op.coeff, 1)
            self.assertListEqual([str(op.primitive) for op in sum_op], ['XX', 'YY'])
            self.assertListEqual([op.coeff for op in sum_op], [4, 2])

        sum_op = SummedOp([X ^ X * 2, Y ^ Y], 2)
        sum_op += Y ^ Y
        with self.subTest('SummedOp test 5-a'):
            self.assertEqual(sum_op.coeff, 1)
            self.assertListEqual([str(op.primitive) for op in sum_op], ['XX', 'YY', 'YY'])
            self.assertListEqual([op.coeff for op in sum_op], [4, 2, 1])

        sum_op = sum_op.collapse_summands()
        with self.subTest('SummedOp test 5-b'):
            self.assertEqual(sum_op.coeff, 1)
            self.assertListEqual([str(op.primitive) for op in sum_op], ['XX', 'YY'])
            self.assertListEqual([op.coeff for op in sum_op], [4, 3])

        sum_op = SummedOp([X ^ X * 2, Y ^ Y], 2)
        sum_op += (X ^ X) * 2 + (Y ^ Y)
        with self.subTest('SummedOp test 6-a'):
            self.assertEqual(sum_op.coeff, 1)
            self.assertListEqual([str(op.primitive) for op in sum_op], ['XX', 'YY', 'XX', 'YY'])
            self.assertListEqual([op.coeff for op in sum_op], [4, 2, 2, 1])

        sum_op = sum_op.collapse_summands()
        with self.subTest('SummedOp test 6-b'):
            self.assertEqual(sum_op.coeff, 1)
            self.assertListEqual([str(op.primitive) for op in sum_op], ['XX', 'YY'])
            self.assertListEqual([op.coeff for op in sum_op], [6, 3])

        sum_op = SummedOp([X ^ X * 2, Y ^ Y], 2)
        sum_op += sum_op
        with self.subTest('SummedOp test 7-a'):
            self.assertEqual(sum_op.coeff, 1)
            self.assertListEqual([str(op.primitive) for op in sum_op], ['XX', 'YY', 'XX', 'YY'])
            self.assertListEqual([op.coeff for op in sum_op], [4, 2, 4, 2])

        sum_op = sum_op.collapse_summands()
        with self.subTest('SummedOp test 7-b'):
            self.assertEqual(sum_op.coeff, 1)
            self.assertListEqual([str(op.primitive) for op in sum_op], ['XX', 'YY'])
            self.assertListEqual([op.coeff for op in sum_op], [8, 4])

        sum_op = SummedOp([X ^ X * 2, Y ^ Y], 2) + SummedOp([X ^ X * 2, Z ^ Z], 3)
        with self.subTest('SummedOp test 8-a'):
            self.assertEqual(sum_op.coeff, 1)
            self.assertListEqual([str(op.primitive) for op in sum_op], ['XX', 'YY', 'XX', 'ZZ'])
            self.assertListEqual([op.coeff for op in sum_op], [4, 2, 6, 3])

        sum_op = sum_op.collapse_summands()
        with self.subTest('SummedOp test 8-b'):
            self.assertEqual(sum_op.coeff, 1)
            self.assertListEqual([str(op.primitive) for op in sum_op], ['XX', 'YY', 'ZZ'])
            self.assertListEqual([op.coeff for op in sum_op], [10, 2, 3])

    def test_compose_op_of_different_dim(self):
        Test if smaller operator expands to correct dim when composed with bigger operator.
        Test if PrimitiveOps compose methods are consistent.
        # PauliOps of different dim
        xy_p = (X ^ Y)
        xyz_p = (X ^ Y ^ Z)

        pauli_op = xy_p @ xyz_p
        expected_result = (I ^ I ^ Z)
        self.assertEqual(pauli_op, expected_result)

        # MatrixOps of different dim
        xy_m = xy_p.to_matrix_op()
        xyz_m = xyz_p.to_matrix_op()

        matrix_op = xy_m @ xyz_m
        self.assertEqual(matrix_op, expected_result.to_matrix_op())

        # CircuitOps of different dim
        xy_c = xy_p.to_circuit_op()
        xyz_c = xyz_p.to_circuit_op()

        circuit_op = xy_c @ xyz_c

        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(pauli_op.to_matrix(), matrix_op.to_matrix()))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(pauli_op.to_matrix(), circuit_op.to_matrix(), rtol=1e-14))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(matrix_op.to_matrix(), circuit_op.to_matrix(), rtol=1e-14))

    def test_permute_on_primitive_op(self):
        """ Test if permute methods of PrimitiveOps are consistent and work as expected. """
        indices = [1, 2, 4]

        # PauliOp
        pauli_op = (X ^ Y ^ Z)
        permuted_pauli_op = pauli_op.permute(indices)
        expected_pauli_op = (X ^ I ^ Y ^ Z ^ I)

        self.assertEqual(permuted_pauli_op, expected_pauli_op)

        # CircuitOp
        circuit_op = pauli_op.to_circuit_op()
        permuted_circuit_op = circuit_op.permute(indices)
        expected_circuit_op = expected_pauli_op.to_circuit_op()


        # MatrixOp
        matrix_op = pauli_op.to_matrix_op()
        permuted_matrix_op = matrix_op.permute(indices)
        expected_matrix_op = expected_pauli_op.to_matrix_op()

        equal = np.allclose(permuted_matrix_op.to_matrix(), expected_matrix_op.to_matrix())

    def test_permute_on_list_op(self):
        """ Test if ListOp permute method is consistent with PrimitiveOps permute methods. """

        op1 = (X ^ Y ^ Z).to_circuit_op()
        op2 = (Z ^ X ^ Y)

        # ComposedOp
        indices = [1, 2, 0]
        primitive_op = op1 @ op2
        primitive_op_perm = primitive_op.permute(indices)  # CircuitOp.permute

        composed_op = ComposedOp([op1, op2])
        composed_op_perm = composed_op.permute(indices)

        # reduce the ListOp to PrimitiveOp
        to_primitive = composed_op_perm.oplist[0] @ composed_op_perm.oplist[1]
        # compare resulting PrimitiveOps
        equal = np.allclose(primitive_op_perm.to_matrix(), to_primitive.to_matrix())

        # TensoredOp
        indices = [3, 5, 4, 0, 2, 1]
        primitive_op = op1 ^ op2
        primitive_op_perm = primitive_op.permute(indices)

        tensored_op = TensoredOp([op1, op2])
        tensored_op_perm = tensored_op.permute(indices)

        # reduce the ListOp to PrimitiveOp
        composed_oplist = tensored_op_perm.oplist
        to_primitive = \
            composed_oplist[0] @ (composed_oplist[1].oplist[0] ^ composed_oplist[1].oplist[1]) @ \

        # compare resulting PrimitiveOps
        equal = np.allclose(primitive_op_perm.to_matrix(), to_primitive.to_matrix())

        # SummedOp
        primitive_op = (X ^ Y ^ Z)
        summed_op = SummedOp([primitive_op])

        indices = [1, 2, 0]
        primitive_op_perm = primitive_op.permute(indices)  # PauliOp.permute
        summed_op_perm = summed_op.permute(indices)

        # reduce the ListOp to PrimitiveOp
        to_primitive = summed_op_perm.oplist[0] @ primitive_op @ summed_op_perm.oplist[2]

        # compare resulting PrimitiveOps
        equal = np.allclose(primitive_op_perm.to_matrix(), to_primitive.to_matrix())

    def test_expand_on_list_op(self):
        """ Test if expanded ListOp has expected num_qubits. """
        add_qubits = 3

        # ComposedOp
        composed_op = ComposedOp([(X ^ Y ^ Z), (H ^ T), (Z ^ X ^ Y ^ Z).to_matrix_op()])
        expanded = composed_op._expand_dim(add_qubits)
        self.assertEqual(composed_op.num_qubits + add_qubits, expanded.num_qubits)

        # TensoredOp
        tensored_op = TensoredOp([(X ^ Y), (Z ^ I)])
        expanded = tensored_op._expand_dim(add_qubits)
        self.assertEqual(tensored_op.num_qubits + add_qubits, expanded.num_qubits)

        # SummedOp
        summed_op = SummedOp([(X ^ Y), (Z ^ I ^ Z)])
        expanded = summed_op._expand_dim(add_qubits)
        self.assertEqual(summed_op.num_qubits + add_qubits, expanded.num_qubits)

    def test_expand_on_state_fn(self):
        """ Test if expanded StateFn has expected num_qubits. """
        num_qubits = 3
        add_qubits = 2

        # case CircuitStateFn, with primitive QuantumCircuit
        qc2 = QuantumCircuit(num_qubits), 1)

        cfn = CircuitStateFn(qc2, is_measurement=True)

        cfn_exp = cfn._expand_dim(add_qubits)
        self.assertEqual(cfn_exp.num_qubits, add_qubits + num_qubits)

        # case OperatorStateFn, with OperatorBase primitive, in our case CircuitStateFn
        osfn = OperatorStateFn(cfn)
        osfn_exp = osfn._expand_dim(add_qubits)

        self.assertEqual(osfn_exp.num_qubits, add_qubits + num_qubits)

        # case DictStateFn
        dsfn = DictStateFn('1'*num_qubits, is_measurement=True)
        self.assertEqual(dsfn.num_qubits, num_qubits)

        dsfn_exp = dsfn._expand_dim(add_qubits)
        self.assertEqual(dsfn_exp.num_qubits, num_qubits + add_qubits)

        # case VectorStateFn
        vsfn = VectorStateFn(np.ones(2**num_qubits, dtype=complex))
        self.assertEqual(vsfn.num_qubits, num_qubits)

        vsfn_exp = vsfn._expand_dim(add_qubits)
        self.assertEqual(vsfn_exp.num_qubits, num_qubits + add_qubits)

    def test_permute_on_state_fn(self):
        """ Test if StateFns permute are consistent. """

        num_qubits = 4
        dim = 2**num_qubits
        primitive_list = [1.0/(i+1) for i in range(dim)]
        primitive_dict = {format(i, 'b').zfill(num_qubits): 1.0/(i+1) for i in range(dim)}

        dict_fn = DictStateFn(primitive=primitive_dict, is_measurement=True)
        vec_fn = VectorStateFn(primitive=primitive_list, is_measurement=True)

        # check if dict_fn and vec_fn are equivalent
        equivalent = np.allclose(dict_fn.to_matrix(), vec_fn.to_matrix())

        # permute
        indices = [2, 3, 0, 1]
        permute_dict = dict_fn.permute(indices)
        permute_vect = vec_fn.permute(indices)

        equivalent = np.allclose(permute_dict.to_matrix(), permute_vect.to_matrix())

    def test_compose_consistency(self):
        """Test if PrimitiveOp @ ComposedOp is consistent with ComposedOp @ PrimitiveOp."""

        # PauliOp
        op1 = (X ^ Y ^ Z)
        op2 = (X ^ Y ^ Z)
        op3 = (X ^ Y ^ Z).to_circuit_op()

        comp1 = op1 @ ComposedOp([op2, op3])
        comp2 = ComposedOp([op3, op2]) @ op1
        self.assertListEqual(comp1.oplist, list(reversed(comp2.oplist)))

        # CircitOp
        op1 = op1.to_circuit_op()
        op2 = op2.to_circuit_op()
        op3 = op3.to_matrix_op()

        comp1 = op1 @ ComposedOp([op2, op3])
        comp2 = ComposedOp([op3, op2]) @ op1
        self.assertListEqual(comp1.oplist, list(reversed(comp2.oplist)))

        # MatrixOp
        op1 = op1.to_matrix_op()
        op2 = op2.to_matrix_op()
        op3 = op3.to_pauli_op()

        comp1 = op1 @ ComposedOp([op2, op3])
        comp2 = ComposedOp([op3, op2]) @ op1
        self.assertListEqual(comp1.oplist, list(reversed(comp2.oplist)))

    def test_compose_with_indices(self):
        """ Test compose method using its permutation feature."""

        pauli_op = (X ^ Y ^ Z)
        circuit_op = (T ^ H)
        matrix_op = (X ^ Y ^ H ^ T).to_matrix_op()
        evolved_op = EvolvedOp(matrix_op)

        # composition of PrimitiveOps
        num_qubits = 4
        primitive_op = pauli_op @ circuit_op @ matrix_op
        composed_op = pauli_op @ circuit_op @ evolved_op
        self.assertEqual(primitive_op.num_qubits, num_qubits)
        self.assertEqual(composed_op.num_qubits, num_qubits)

        # with permutation
        num_qubits = 5
        indices = [1, 4]
        permuted_primitive_op = evolved_op @ circuit_op.permute(indices) @ pauli_op @ matrix_op
        composed_primitive_op = \
            evolved_op @ pauli_op.compose(circuit_op, permutation=indices, front=True) @ matrix_op

        self.assertEqual(num_qubits, permuted_primitive_op.num_qubits)

        # ListOp
        num_qubits = 6
        tensored_op = TensoredOp([pauli_op, circuit_op])
        summed_op = pauli_op + circuit_op.permute([2, 1])
        composed_op = circuit_op @ evolved_op @ matrix_op

        list_op = summed_op @ composed_op.compose(tensored_op, permutation=[1, 2, 3, 5, 4],
        self.assertEqual(num_qubits, list_op.num_qubits)

        num_qubits = 4
        circuit_fn = CircuitStateFn(primitive=circuit_op.primitive, is_measurement=True)
        operator_fn = OperatorStateFn(primitive=circuit_op ^ circuit_op, is_measurement=True)

        no_perm_op = circuit_fn @ operator_fn
        self.assertEqual(no_perm_op.num_qubits, num_qubits)

        indices = [0, 4]
        perm_op = operator_fn.compose(circuit_fn, permutation=indices, front=True)
        self.assertEqual(perm_op.num_qubits, max(indices) + 1)

        # StateFn
        num_qubits = 3
        dim = 2**num_qubits
        vec = [1.0/(i+1) for i in range(dim)]
        dic = {format(i, 'b').zfill(num_qubits): 1.0/(i+1) for i in range(dim)}

        is_measurement = True
        op_state_fn = OperatorStateFn(matrix_op, is_measurement=is_measurement)  # num_qubit = 4
        vec_state_fn = VectorStateFn(vec, is_measurement=is_measurement)  # 3
        dic_state_fn = DictStateFn(dic, is_measurement=is_measurement)  # 3
        circ_state_fn = CircuitStateFn(circuit_op.to_circuit(), is_measurement=is_measurement)  # 2

        composed_op = op_state_fn @ vec_state_fn @ dic_state_fn @ circ_state_fn
        self.assertEqual(composed_op.num_qubits, op_state_fn.num_qubits)

        # with permutation
        perm = [2, 4, 6]
        composed = \
            op_state_fn @ dic_state_fn.compose(vec_state_fn, permutation=perm, front=True) @ \
        self.assertEqual(composed.num_qubits, max(perm) + 1)

    def test_summed_op_equals(self):
        """Test corner cases of SummedOp's equals function."""
        with self.subTest('multiplicative factor'):
            self.assertEqual(2 * X, X + X)

        with self.subTest('commutative'):
            self.assertEqual(X + Z, Z + X)

        with self.subTest('circuit and paulis'):
            z = CircuitOp(ZGate())
            self.assertEqual(Z + z, z + Z)

        with self.subTest('matrix op and paulis'):
            z = MatrixOp([[1, 0], [0, -1]])
            self.assertEqual(Z + z, z + Z)

        with self.subTest('matrix multiplicative'):
            z = MatrixOp([[1, 0], [0, -1]])
            self.assertEqual(2 * z, z + z)

        with self.subTest('parameter coefficients'):
            expr = Parameter('theta')
            z = MatrixOp([[1, 0], [0, -1]])
            self.assertEqual(expr * z, expr * z)

        with self.subTest('different coefficient types'):
            expr = Parameter('theta')
            z = MatrixOp([[1, 0], [0, -1]])
            self.assertNotEqual(expr * z, 2 * z)

        with self.subTest('additions aggregation'):
            z = MatrixOp([[1, 0], [0, -1]])
            a = z + z + Z
            b = 2 * z + Z
            c = z + Z + z
            self.assertEqual(a, b)
            self.assertEqual(b, c)
            self.assertEqual(a, c)

    def test_circuit_compose_register_independent(self):
        """Test that CircuitOp uses combines circuits independent of the register.

        I.e. that is uses ``QuantumCircuit.compose`` over ``combine`` or ``extend``.
        op = Z ^ 2
        qr = QuantumRegister(2, 'my_qr')
        circuit = QuantumCircuit(qr)
        composed = op.compose(CircuitOp(circuit))

        self.assertEqual(composed.num_qubits, 2)

    def test_matrix_op_conversions(self):
        """Test to reveal QiskitError when to_instruction or to_circuit method is called on
        parametrized matrix op."""
        m = np.array([[0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, -1], [1, 0, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0, 0]])
        matrix_op = MatrixOp(m, Parameter('beta'))
        for method in ['to_instruction', 'to_circuit']:
            with self.subTest(method):
                # QiskitError: multiplication of Operator with ParameterExpression isn't implemented
                self.assertRaises(QiskitError, getattr(matrix_op, method))

    def test_primitive_op_to_matrix(self):
        """Test to reveal TypeError: multiplication of 'complex' and 'Parameter' is not
        implemented, which is raised on PrimitiveOps with parameter, when to_matrix is called. """
        # MatrixOp
        m = np.array([[0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, -1], [1, 0, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0, 0]])
        matrix_op = MatrixOp(m, Parameter('beta'))

        # PauliOp
        pauli_op = PauliOp(primitive=Pauli(label='XYZ'), coeff=Parameter('beta'))
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, pauli_op.to_matrix)

        # CircuitOp
        qc = QuantumCircuit(2), 1)
        circuit_op = CircuitOp(qc, coeff=Parameter('alpha'))

        for operator in [matrix_op, pauli_op, circuit_op]:
            with self.subTest(operator):
                self.assertRaises(TypeError, operator.to_matrix)

    def test_list_op_to_circuit(self):
        """Test if unitary ListOps transpile to circuit. """

        # generate unitary matrices of dimension 2,4,8, seed is fixed
        u2 = unitary_group.rvs(2)
        u4 = unitary_group.rvs(4)
        u8 = unitary_group.rvs(8)

        # pauli matrices as numpy.arrays
        x = np.array([[0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 0.0]])
        y = np.array([[0.0, -1.0j], [1.0j, 0.0]])
        z = np.array([[1.0, 0.0], [0.0, -1.0]])

        # create MatrixOp and CircuitOp out of matrices
        op2 = MatrixOp(u2)
        op4 = MatrixOp(u4)
        op8 = MatrixOp(u8)
        c2 = op2.to_circuit_op()

        # algorithm using only matrix operations on numpy.arrays
        xu4 = np.kron(x, u4)
        zc2 = np.kron(z, u2)
        zc2y = np.kron(zc2, y)
        matrix = np.matmul(xu4, zc2y)
        matrix = np.matmul(matrix, u8)
        matrix = np.kron(matrix, u2)
        operator = Operator(matrix)

        # same algorithm as above, but using PrimitiveOps
        list_op = ((X ^ op4) @ (Z ^ c2 ^ Y) @ op8) ^ op2
        circuit = list_op.to_circuit()

        # verify that ListOp.to_circuit() outputs correct quantum circuit
        self.assertTrue(operator.equiv(circuit), "ListOp.to_circuit() outputs wrong circuit!")

    def test_composed_op_to_circuit(self):
        Test if unitary ComposedOp transpile to circuit and represents expected operator.
        Test if to_circuit on non-unitary ListOp raises exception.

        x = np.array([[0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 0.0]])  # Pauli X as numpy array
        y = np.array([[0.0, -1.0j], [1.0j, 0.0]])  # Pauli Y as numpy array

        m1 = np.array([[0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, -1], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]])  # non-unitary
        m2 = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0, 0]])  # non-unitary

        m_op1 = MatrixOp(m1)
        m_op2 = MatrixOp(m2)

        pm1 = (X ^ Y) ^ m_op1  # non-unitary TensoredOp
        pm2 = (X ^ Y) ^ m_op2  # non-unitary TensoredOp

        self.assertRaises(ExtensionError, pm1.to_circuit)
        self.assertRaises(ExtensionError, pm2.to_circuit)

        summed_op = pm1 + pm2  # unitary SummedOp([TensoredOp, TensoredOp])
        circuit = summed_op.to_circuit()  # should transpile without any exception

        # same algorithm that leads to summed_op above, but using only arrays and matrix operations
        unitary = np.kron(np.kron(x, y), m1 + m2)


    def test_op_to_circuit_with_parameters(self):
        """On parametrized SummedOp, to_matrix_op returns ListOp, instead of MatrixOp. To avoid
        the infinite recursion, AquaError is raised. """
        m1 = np.array([[0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, -1], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]])  # non-unitary
        m2 = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0, 0]])  # non-unitary

        op1_with_param = MatrixOp(m1, Parameter('alpha'))  # non-unitary
        op2_with_param = MatrixOp(m2, Parameter('beta'))  # non-unitary

        summed_op_with_param = op1_with_param + op2_with_param  # unitary
        self.assertRaises(AquaError, summed_op_with_param.to_circuit)  # should raise Aqua error

    def test_permute_list_op_with_inconsistent_num_qubits(self):
        """Test if permute raises error if ListOp contains operators with different num_qubits."""
        list_op = ListOp([X, X ^ X])
        self.assertRaises(AquaError, list_op.permute, [0, 1])

    @data(Z, CircuitOp(ZGate()), MatrixOp([[1, 0], [0, -1]]))
    def test_op_indent(self, op):
        """Test that indentation correctly adds INDENTATION at the beginning of each line"""
        initial_str = str(op)
        indented_str = op._indent(initial_str)
        starts_with_indent = indented_str.startswith(op.INDENTATION)
        indented_str_content = (
        self.assertListEqual(indented_str_content, initial_str.split("\n"))

    def test_composed_op_immutable_under_eval(self):
        """Test ``ComposedOp.eval`` does not change the operator instance."""
        op = 2 * ComposedOp([X])
        _ = op.eval()
        # previous bug: after op.eval(), op was 2 * ComposedOp([2 * X])
        self.assertEqual(op, 2 * ComposedOp([X]))

    def test_op_parameters(self):
        """Test that Parameters are stored correctly"""
        phi = Parameter('φ')
        theta = ParameterVector(name='θ',

        qc = QuantumCircuit(2)
        qc.rz(phi, 0)
        qc.rz(phi, 1)
        for i in range(2):
            qc.rx(theta[i], i)

        l = Parameter('λ')
        op = PrimitiveOp(qc,

        params = set([phi, l, *theta.params])

        self.assertEqual(params, op.parameters)
        self.assertEqual(params, StateFn(op).parameters)
        self.assertEqual(params, StateFn(qc, coeff=l).parameters)

    def test_list_op_parameters(self):
        """Test that Parameters are stored correctly in a List Operator"""
        lam = Parameter('λ')
        phi = Parameter('φ')
        omega = Parameter('ω')

        mat_op = PrimitiveOp([[0, 1],
                              [1, 0]],

        qc = QuantumCircuit(1)
        qc.rx(phi, 0)
        qc_op = PrimitiveOp(qc)

        op1 = SummedOp([mat_op, qc_op])

        params = [phi, omega]
        self.assertEqual(op1.parameters, set(params))

        # check list nesting case
        op2 = PrimitiveOp([[1, 0],
                           [0, -1]],

        list_op = ListOp([op1, op2])

        self.assertEqual(list_op.parameters, set(params))

    @data(VectorStateFn([1, 0]),
          DictStateFn({'0': 1}),
          OperatorStateFn(MatrixOp([[1, 0], [0, 1]])),
    def test_statefn_eval(self, op):
        """Test calling eval on StateFn returns the statevector."""
        expected = Statevector([1, 0])
        self.assertEqual(op.eval().primitive, expected)

    def test_to_circuit_op(self):
        """Test to_circuit_op method."""
        vector = np.array([2, 2])
        vsfn = VectorStateFn([1, 1], coeff=2)
        dsfn = DictStateFn({'0': 1, '1': 1}, coeff=2)

        for sfn in [vsfn, dsfn]:
                sfn.to_circuit_op().eval(), vector

    def test_invalid_primitive(self):
        """Test invalid MatrixOp construction"""
        msg = "MatrixOp can only be instantiated with " \
              "['list', 'ndarray', 'spmatrix', 'Operator'], not "

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm:
            _ = MatrixOp('invalid')

        self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), msg + "'str'")

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm:
            _ = MatrixOp(MatrixOperator(np.eye(2)))

        self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), msg + "'MatrixOperator'")

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm:
            _ = MatrixOp(None)

        self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), msg + "'NoneType'")

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm:
            _ = MatrixOp(2.0)

        self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), msg + "'float'")

    def test_summedop_equals(self):
        """Test SummedOp.equals """
        ops = [Z, CircuitOp(ZGate()), MatrixOp([[1, 0], [0, -1]]), Zero, Minus]
        sum_op = sum(ops + [ListOp(ops)])
        self.assertEqual(sum_op, sum_op)
        self.assertEqual(sum_op + sum_op, 2 * sum_op)
        self.assertEqual(sum_op + sum_op + sum_op, 3 * sum_op)
        ops2 = [Z, CircuitOp(ZGate()), MatrixOp([[1, 0], [0, 1]]), Zero, Minus]
        sum_op2 = sum(ops2 + [ListOp(ops)])
        self.assertNotEqual(sum_op, sum_op2)
        self.assertEqual(sum_op2, sum_op2)
        sum_op3 = sum(ops)
        self.assertNotEqual(sum_op, sum_op3)
        self.assertNotEqual(sum_op2, sum_op3)
        self.assertEqual(sum_op3, sum_op3)
Esempio n. 7
class TestOpConstruction(QiskitAquaTestCase):
    """Operator Construction tests."""
    def test_pauli_primitives(self):
        """ from to file test """
        newop = X ^ Y ^ Z ^ I
        self.assertEqual(newop.primitive, Pauli(label='XYZI'))

        kpower_op = (Y ^ 5) ^ (I ^ 3)
        self.assertEqual(kpower_op.primitive, Pauli(label='YYYYYIII'))

        kpower_op2 = (Y ^ I) ^ 4
        self.assertEqual(kpower_op2.primitive, Pauli(label='YIYIYIYI'))

        # Check immutability
        self.assertEqual(X.primitive, Pauli(label='X'))
        self.assertEqual(Y.primitive, Pauli(label='Y'))
        self.assertEqual(Z.primitive, Pauli(label='Z'))
        self.assertEqual(I.primitive, Pauli(label='I'))

    def test_composed_eval(self):
        """ Test eval of ComposedOp """
        self.assertAlmostEqual(Minus.eval('1'), -.5**.5)

    def test_evals(self):
        """ evals test """
        # pylint: disable=no-member
        # TODO: Think about eval names
        self.assertEqual(Z.eval('0').eval('0'), 1)
        self.assertEqual(Z.eval('1').eval('0'), 0)
        self.assertEqual(Z.eval('0').eval('1'), 0)
        self.assertEqual(Z.eval('1').eval('1'), -1)
        self.assertEqual(X.eval('0').eval('0'), 0)
        self.assertEqual(X.eval('1').eval('0'), 1)
        self.assertEqual(X.eval('0').eval('1'), 1)
        self.assertEqual(X.eval('1').eval('1'), 0)
        self.assertEqual(Y.eval('0').eval('0'), 0)
        self.assertEqual(Y.eval('1').eval('0'), -1j)
        self.assertEqual(Y.eval('0').eval('1'), 1j)
        self.assertEqual(Y.eval('1').eval('1'), 0)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            (X ^ Y).eval('1111')

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            Y.eval((X ^ X).to_matrix_op())

        # Check that Pauli logic eval returns same as matrix logic
        self.assertEqual(PrimitiveOp(Z.to_matrix()).eval('0').eval('0'), 1)
        self.assertEqual(PrimitiveOp(Z.to_matrix()).eval('1').eval('0'), 0)
        self.assertEqual(PrimitiveOp(Z.to_matrix()).eval('0').eval('1'), 0)
        self.assertEqual(PrimitiveOp(Z.to_matrix()).eval('1').eval('1'), -1)
        self.assertEqual(PrimitiveOp(X.to_matrix()).eval('0').eval('0'), 0)
        self.assertEqual(PrimitiveOp(X.to_matrix()).eval('1').eval('0'), 1)
        self.assertEqual(PrimitiveOp(X.to_matrix()).eval('0').eval('1'), 1)
        self.assertEqual(PrimitiveOp(X.to_matrix()).eval('1').eval('1'), 0)
        self.assertEqual(PrimitiveOp(Y.to_matrix()).eval('0').eval('0'), 0)
        self.assertEqual(PrimitiveOp(Y.to_matrix()).eval('1').eval('0'), -1j)
        self.assertEqual(PrimitiveOp(Y.to_matrix()).eval('0').eval('1'), 1j)
        self.assertEqual(PrimitiveOp(Y.to_matrix()).eval('1').eval('1'), 0)

        pauli_op = Z ^ I ^ X ^ Y
        mat_op = PrimitiveOp(pauli_op.to_matrix())
        full_basis = list(
            map(''.join, itertools.product('01', repeat=pauli_op.num_qubits)))
        for bstr1, bstr2 in itertools.product(full_basis, full_basis):
            # print('{} {} {} {}'.format(bstr1, bstr2, pauli_op.eval(bstr1, bstr2),
            # mat_op.eval(bstr1, bstr2)))

        gnarly_op = SummedOp([(H ^ I ^ Y).compose(X ^ X ^ Z).tensor(Z),
                              PrimitiveOp(Operator.from_label('+r0I')), 3 *
                              (X ^ CX ^ T)],
                             coeff=3 + .2j)
        gnarly_mat_op = PrimitiveOp(gnarly_op.to_matrix())
        full_basis = list(
            map(''.join, itertools.product('01', repeat=gnarly_op.num_qubits)))
        for bstr1, bstr2 in itertools.product(full_basis, full_basis):

    def test_circuit_construction(self):
        """ circuit construction test """
        hadq2 = H ^ I
        cz = hadq2.compose(CX).compose(hadq2)
        qc = QuantumCircuit(2)
        qc.append(cz.primitive, qargs=range(2))

        ref_cz_mat = PrimitiveOp(CZGate()).to_matrix()
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(cz.to_matrix(), ref_cz_mat)

    def test_io_consistency(self):
        """ consistency test """
        new_op = X ^ Y ^ I
        label = 'XYI'
        # label = new_op.primitive.to_label()
        self.assertEqual(str(new_op.primitive), label)
        self.assertEqual(new_op.primitive, Pauli(label=label))

        x_mat = X.primitive.to_matrix()
        y_mat = Y.primitive.to_matrix()
        i_mat = np.eye(2, 2)
            new_op.primitive.to_matrix(), np.kron(np.kron(x_mat, y_mat),

        hi = np.kron(H.to_matrix(), I.to_matrix())
        hi2 = Operator.from_label('HI').data
        hi3 = (H ^ I).to_matrix()
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(hi, hi2)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(hi2, hi3)

        xy = np.kron(X.to_matrix(), Y.to_matrix())
        xy2 = Operator.from_label('XY').data
        xy3 = (X ^ Y).to_matrix()
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(xy, xy2)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(xy2, xy3)

        # Check if numpy array instantiation is the same as from Operator
        matrix_op = Operator.from_label('+r')
        # Ditto list of lists

        # TODO make sure this works once we resolve endianness mayhem
        # qc = QuantumCircuit(3)
        # qc.x(2)
        # qc.y(1)
        # from qiskit import BasicAer, QuantumCircuit, execute
        # unitary = execute(qc, BasicAer.get_backend('unitary_simulator')).result().get_unitary()
        # np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(new_op.primitive.to_matrix(), unitary)

    def test_to_matrix(self):
        """to matrix text """

        op1 = Y + H
                                             Y.to_matrix() + H.to_matrix())

        op2 = op1 * .5
                                             op1.to_matrix() * .5)

        op3 = (4 - .6j) * op2
                                             op2.to_matrix() * (4 - .6j))

        op4 = op3.tensor(X)
            op4.to_matrix(), np.kron(op3.to_matrix(), X.to_matrix()))

        op5 = op4.compose(H ^ I)
            op5.to_matrix(),, (H ^ I).to_matrix()))

        op6 = op5 + PrimitiveOp(Operator.from_label('+r').data)
            op5.to_matrix() + Operator.from_label('+r').data)

    def test_matrix_to_instruction(self):
        """Test MatrixOp.to_instruction yields an Instruction object."""
        matop = (H ^ 3).to_matrix_op()
        with self.subTest('assert to_instruction returns Instruction'):
            self.assertIsInstance(matop.to_instruction(), Instruction)

        matop = ((H ^ 3) + (Z ^ 3)).to_matrix_op()
        with self.subTest('matrix operator is not unitary'):
            with self.assertRaises(ExtensionError):

    def test_adjoint(self):
        """ adjoint test """
        gnarly_op = 3 * (H ^ I ^ Y).compose(X ^ X ^ Z).tensor(T ^ Z) + \

    def test_primitive_strings(self):
        """ get primitives test """
        self.assertEqual(X.primitive_strings(), {'Pauli'})

        gnarly_op = 3 * (H ^ I ^ Y).compose(X ^ X ^ Z).tensor(T ^ Z) + \
                         {'QuantumCircuit', 'Matrix'})

    def test_to_pauli_op(self):
        """ Test to_pauli_op method """
        gnarly_op = 3 * (H ^ I ^ Y).compose(X ^ X ^ Z).tensor(T ^ Z) + \
        mat_op = gnarly_op.to_matrix_op()
        pauli_op = gnarly_op.to_pauli_op()
        self.assertIsInstance(pauli_op, SummedOp)
        for p in pauli_op:
            self.assertIsInstance(p, PauliOp)

    def test_circuit_permute(self):
        r""" Test the CircuitOp's .permute method """
        perm = range(7)[::-1]
        c_op = (((CX ^ 3) ^ X) @ (H ^ 7) @ (X ^ Y ^ Z ^ I ^ X ^ X ^ X)
                @ (Y ^ (CX ^ 3)) @ (X ^ Y ^ Z ^ I ^ X ^ X ^ X))
        c_op_perm = c_op.permute(perm)
        self.assertNotEqual(c_op, c_op_perm)
        c_op_id = c_op_perm.permute(perm)
        self.assertEqual(c_op, c_op_id)

    def test_summed_op_reduce(self):
        """Test SummedOp"""
        sum_op = (X ^ X * 2) + (Y ^ Y)  # type: SummedOp
        with self.subTest('SummedOp test 1'):
            self.assertEqual(sum_op.coeff, 1)
            self.assertListEqual([str(op.primitive) for op in sum_op],
                                 ['XX', 'YY'])
            self.assertListEqual([op.coeff for op in sum_op], [2, 1])

        sum_op = (X ^ X * 2) + (Y ^ Y)
        sum_op += Y ^ Y
        with self.subTest('SummedOp test 2-a'):
            self.assertEqual(sum_op.coeff, 1)
            self.assertListEqual([str(op.primitive) for op in sum_op],
                                 ['XX', 'YY', 'YY'])
            self.assertListEqual([op.coeff for op in sum_op], [2, 1, 1])

        sum_op = sum_op.collapse_summands()
        with self.subTest('SummedOp test 2-b'):
            self.assertEqual(sum_op.coeff, 1)
            self.assertListEqual([str(op.primitive) for op in sum_op],
                                 ['XX', 'YY'])
            self.assertListEqual([op.coeff for op in sum_op], [2, 2])

        sum_op = (X ^ X * 2) + (Y ^ Y)
        sum_op += (Y ^ Y) + (X ^ X * 2)
        with self.subTest('SummedOp test 3-a'):
            self.assertEqual(sum_op.coeff, 1)
            self.assertListEqual([str(op.primitive) for op in sum_op],
                                 ['XX', 'YY', 'YY', 'XX'])
            self.assertListEqual([op.coeff for op in sum_op], [2, 1, 1, 2])

        sum_op = sum_op.reduce()
        with self.subTest('SummedOp test 3-b'):
            self.assertEqual(sum_op.coeff, 1)
            self.assertListEqual([str(op.primitive) for op in sum_op],
                                 ['XX', 'YY'])
            self.assertListEqual([op.coeff for op in sum_op], [4, 2])

        sum_op = SummedOp([X ^ X * 2, Y ^ Y], 2)
        with self.subTest('SummedOp test 4-a'):
            self.assertEqual(sum_op.coeff, 2)
            self.assertListEqual([str(op.primitive) for op in sum_op],
                                 ['XX', 'YY'])
            self.assertListEqual([op.coeff for op in sum_op], [2, 1])

        sum_op = sum_op.collapse_summands()
        with self.subTest('SummedOp test 4-b'):
            self.assertEqual(sum_op.coeff, 1)
            self.assertListEqual([str(op.primitive) for op in sum_op],
                                 ['XX', 'YY'])
            self.assertListEqual([op.coeff for op in sum_op], [4, 2])

        sum_op = SummedOp([X ^ X * 2, Y ^ Y], 2)
        sum_op += Y ^ Y
        with self.subTest('SummedOp test 5-a'):
            self.assertEqual(sum_op.coeff, 1)
            self.assertListEqual([str(op.primitive) for op in sum_op],
                                 ['XX', 'YY', 'YY'])
            self.assertListEqual([op.coeff for op in sum_op], [4, 2, 1])

        sum_op = sum_op.collapse_summands()
        with self.subTest('SummedOp test 5-b'):
            self.assertEqual(sum_op.coeff, 1)
            self.assertListEqual([str(op.primitive) for op in sum_op],
                                 ['XX', 'YY'])
            self.assertListEqual([op.coeff for op in sum_op], [4, 3])

        sum_op = SummedOp([X ^ X * 2, Y ^ Y], 2)
        sum_op += (X ^ X) * 2 + (Y ^ Y)
        with self.subTest('SummedOp test 6-a'):
            self.assertEqual(sum_op.coeff, 1)
            self.assertListEqual([str(op.primitive) for op in sum_op],
                                 ['XX', 'YY', 'XX', 'YY'])
            self.assertListEqual([op.coeff for op in sum_op], [4, 2, 2, 1])

        sum_op = sum_op.collapse_summands()
        with self.subTest('SummedOp test 6-b'):
            self.assertEqual(sum_op.coeff, 1)
            self.assertListEqual([str(op.primitive) for op in sum_op],
                                 ['XX', 'YY'])
            self.assertListEqual([op.coeff for op in sum_op], [6, 3])

        sum_op = SummedOp([X ^ X * 2, Y ^ Y], 2)
        sum_op += sum_op
        with self.subTest('SummedOp test 7-a'):
            self.assertEqual(sum_op.coeff, 1)
            self.assertListEqual([str(op.primitive) for op in sum_op],
                                 ['XX', 'YY', 'XX', 'YY'])
            self.assertListEqual([op.coeff for op in sum_op], [4, 2, 4, 2])

        sum_op = sum_op.collapse_summands()
        with self.subTest('SummedOp test 7-b'):
            self.assertEqual(sum_op.coeff, 1)
            self.assertListEqual([str(op.primitive) for op in sum_op],
                                 ['XX', 'YY'])
            self.assertListEqual([op.coeff for op in sum_op], [8, 4])

        sum_op = SummedOp([X ^ X * 2, Y ^ Y], 2) + SummedOp([X ^ X * 2, Z ^ Z],
        with self.subTest('SummedOp test 8-a'):
            self.assertEqual(sum_op.coeff, 1)
            self.assertListEqual([str(op.primitive) for op in sum_op],
                                 ['XX', 'YY', 'XX', 'ZZ'])
            self.assertListEqual([op.coeff for op in sum_op], [4, 2, 6, 3])

        sum_op = sum_op.collapse_summands()
        with self.subTest('SummedOp test 8-b'):
            self.assertEqual(sum_op.coeff, 1)
            self.assertListEqual([str(op.primitive) for op in sum_op],
                                 ['XX', 'YY', 'ZZ'])
            self.assertListEqual([op.coeff for op in sum_op], [10, 2, 3])

    def test_compose_consistency(self):
        """Checks if PrimitiveOp @ ComposedOp is consistent with ComposedOp @ PrimitiveOp."""

        # PauliOp
        op1 = (X ^ Y ^ Z)
        op2 = (X ^ Y ^ Z)
        op3 = (X ^ Y ^ Z).to_circuit_op()

        comp1 = op1 @ ComposedOp([op2, op3])
        comp2 = ComposedOp([op3, op2]) @ op1
        self.assertListEqual(comp1.oplist, list(reversed(comp2.oplist)))

        # CircitOp
        op1 = op1.to_circuit_op()
        op2 = op2.to_circuit_op()
        op3 = op3.to_matrix_op()

        comp1 = op1 @ ComposedOp([op2, op3])
        comp2 = ComposedOp([op3, op2]) @ op1
        self.assertListEqual(comp1.oplist, list(reversed(comp2.oplist)))

        # MatrixOp
        op1 = op1.to_matrix_op()
        op2 = op2.to_matrix_op()
        op3 = op3.to_pauli_op()

        comp1 = op1 @ ComposedOp([op2, op3])
        comp2 = ComposedOp([op3, op2]) @ op1
        self.assertListEqual(comp1.oplist, list(reversed(comp2.oplist)))

    def test_summed_op_equals(self):
        """Test corner cases of SummedOp's equals function."""
        with self.subTest('multiplicative factor'):
            self.assertEqual(2 * X, X + X)

        with self.subTest('commutative'):
            self.assertEqual(X + Z, Z + X)

        with self.subTest('circuit and paulis'):
            z = CircuitOp(ZGate())
            self.assertEqual(Z + z, z + Z)

        with self.subTest('matrix op and paulis'):
            z = MatrixOp([[1, 0], [0, -1]])
            self.assertEqual(Z + z, z + Z)

        with self.subTest('matrix multiplicative'):
            z = MatrixOp([[1, 0], [0, -1]])
            self.assertEqual(2 * z, z + z)

        with self.subTest('parameter coefficients'):
            expr = Parameter('theta')
            z = MatrixOp([[1, 0], [0, -1]])
            self.assertEqual(expr * z, expr * z)

        with self.subTest('different coefficient types'):
            expr = Parameter('theta')
            z = MatrixOp([[1, 0], [0, -1]])
            self.assertNotEqual(expr * z, 2 * z)

        with self.subTest('additions aggregation'):
            z = MatrixOp([[1, 0], [0, -1]])
            a = z + z + Z
            b = 2 * z + Z
            c = z + Z + z
            self.assertEqual(a, b)
            self.assertEqual(b, c)
            self.assertEqual(a, c)

    def test_circuit_compose_register_independent(self):
        """Test that CircuitOp uses combines circuits independent of the register.

        I.e. that is uses ``QuantumCircuit.compose`` over ``combine`` or ``extend``.
        op = Z ^ 2
        qr = QuantumRegister(2, 'my_qr')
        circuit = QuantumCircuit(qr)
        composed = op.compose(CircuitOp(circuit))

        self.assertEqual(composed.num_qubits, 2)

    def test_matrix_op_conversions(self):
        """Test to reveal QiskitError when to_instruction or to_circuit method is called on
        parametrized matrix op."""
        m = np.array([[0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, -1], [1, 0, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0,
        matrix_op = MatrixOp(m, Parameter('beta'))
        for method in ['to_instruction', 'to_circuit']:
            with self.subTest(method):
                # QiskitError: multiplication of Operator with ParameterExpression isn't implemented
                self.assertRaises(QiskitError, getattr(matrix_op, method))

    def test_primitive_op_to_matrix(self):
        """Test to reveal TypeError: multiplication of 'complex' and 'Parameter' is not
        implemented, which is raised on PrimitiveOps with parameter, when to_matrix is called. """
        # MatrixOp
        m = np.array([[0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, -1], [1, 0, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0,
        matrix_op = MatrixOp(m, Parameter('beta'))

        # PauliOp
        pauli_op = PauliOp(primitive=Pauli(label='XYZ'),
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, pauli_op.to_matrix)

        # CircuitOp
        qc = QuantumCircuit(2), 1)
        circuit_op = CircuitOp(qc, coeff=Parameter('alpha'))

        for operator in [matrix_op, pauli_op, circuit_op]:
            with self.subTest(operator):
                self.assertRaises(TypeError, operator.to_matrix)

    def test_list_op_to_circuit(self):
        """Test if unitary ListOps transpile to circuit. """

        # generate unitary matrices of dimension 2,4,8, seed is fixed
        u2 = unitary_group.rvs(2)
        u4 = unitary_group.rvs(4)
        u8 = unitary_group.rvs(8)

        # pauli matrices as numpy.arrays
        x = np.array([[0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 0.0]])
        y = np.array([[0.0, -1.0j], [1.0j, 0.0]])
        z = np.array([[1.0, 0.0], [0.0, -1.0]])

        # create MatrixOp and CircuitOp out of matrices
        op2 = MatrixOp(u2)
        op4 = MatrixOp(u4)
        op8 = MatrixOp(u8)
        c2 = op2.to_circuit_op()

        # algorithm using only matrix operations on numpy.arrays
        xu4 = np.kron(x, u4)
        zc2 = np.kron(z, u2)
        zc2y = np.kron(zc2, y)
        matrix = np.matmul(xu4, zc2y)
        matrix = np.matmul(matrix, u8)
        matrix = np.kron(matrix, u2)
        operator = Operator(matrix)

        # same algorithm as above, but using PrimitiveOps
        list_op = ((X ^ op4) @ (Z ^ c2 ^ Y) @ op8) ^ op2
        circuit = list_op.to_circuit()

        # verify that ListOp.to_circuit() outputs correct quantum circuit
                        "ListOp.to_circuit() outputs wrong circuit!")

    def test_composed_op_to_circuit(self):
        Test if unitary ComposedOp transpile to circuit and represents expected operator.
        Test if to_circuit on non-unitary ListOp raises exception.

        x = np.array([[0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 0.0]])  # Pauli X as numpy array
        y = np.array([[0.0, -1.0j], [1.0j, 0.0]])  # Pauli Y as numpy array

        m1 = np.array([[0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, -1], [0, 0, 0, 0],
                       [0, 0, 0, 0]])  # non-unitary
        m2 = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0],
                       [0, -1, 0, 0]])  # non-unitary

        m_op1 = MatrixOp(m1)
        m_op2 = MatrixOp(m2)

        pm1 = (X ^ Y) ^ m_op1  # non-unitary TensoredOp
        pm2 = (X ^ Y) ^ m_op2  # non-unitary TensoredOp

        self.assertRaises(ExtensionError, pm1.to_circuit)
        self.assertRaises(ExtensionError, pm2.to_circuit)

        summed_op = pm1 + pm2  # unitary SummedOp([TensoredOp, TensoredOp])
        circuit = summed_op.to_circuit(
        )  # should transpile without any exception

        # same algorithm that leads to summed_op above, but using only arrays and matrix operations
        unitary = np.kron(np.kron(x, y), m1 + m2)


    def test_op_to_circuit_with_parameters(self):
        """On parametrized SummedOp, to_matrix_op returns ListOp, instead of MatrixOp. To avoid
        the infinite recursion, AquaError is raised. """
        m1 = np.array([[0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, -1], [0, 0, 0, 0],
                       [0, 0, 0, 0]])  # non-unitary
        m2 = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0],
                       [0, -1, 0, 0]])  # non-unitary

        op1_with_param = MatrixOp(m1, Parameter('alpha'))  # non-unitary
        op2_with_param = MatrixOp(m2, Parameter('beta'))  # non-unitary

        summed_op_with_param = op1_with_param + op2_with_param  # unitary
            summed_op_with_param.to_circuit)  # should raise Aqua error

    @data(Z, CircuitOp(ZGate()), MatrixOp([[1, 0], [0, -1]]))
    def test_op_hashing(self, op):
        """Regression test against faulty set comparison.

        Set comparisons rely on a hash table which requires identical objects to have identical
        hashes. Thus, the PrimitiveOp.__hash__ should support this requirement.
        self.assertEqual(set([2 * op]), set([2 * op]))

    @data(Z, CircuitOp(ZGate()), MatrixOp([[1, 0], [0, -1]]))
    def test_op_indent(self, op):
        """Test that indentation correctly adds INDENTATION at the beginning of each line"""
        initial_str = str(op)
        indented_str = op._indent(initial_str)
        starts_with_indent = indented_str.startswith(op.INDENTATION)
        indented_str_content = (indented_str[len(op.INDENTATION):]).split(
        self.assertListEqual(indented_str_content, initial_str.split("\n"))

    def test_composed_op_immutable_under_eval(self):
        """Test ``ComposedOp.eval`` does not change the operator instance."""
        op = 2 * ComposedOp([X])
        _ = op.eval()
        # previous bug: after op.eval(), op was 2 * ComposedOp([2 * X])
        self.assertEqual(op, 2 * ComposedOp([X]))

    def test_op_parameters(self):
        """Test that Parameters are stored correctly"""
        phi = Parameter('φ')
        theta = ParameterVector(name='θ', length=2)

        qc = QuantumCircuit(2)
        qc.rz(phi, 0)
        qc.rz(phi, 1)
        for i in range(2):
            qc.rx(theta[i], i)

        l = Parameter('λ')
        op = PrimitiveOp(qc, coeff=l)

        params = set([phi, l, *theta.params])

        self.assertEqual(params, op.parameters)
        self.assertEqual(params, StateFn(op).parameters)
        self.assertEqual(params, StateFn(qc, coeff=l).parameters)

    def test_list_op_parameters(self):
        """Test that Parameters are stored correctly in a List Operator"""
        lam = Parameter('λ')
        phi = Parameter('φ')
        omega = Parameter('ω')

        mat_op = PrimitiveOp([[0, 1], [1, 0]], coeff=omega)

        qc = QuantumCircuit(1)
        qc.rx(phi, 0)
        qc_op = PrimitiveOp(qc)

        op1 = SummedOp([mat_op, qc_op])

        params = [phi, omega]
        self.assertEqual(op1.parameters, set(params))

        # check list nesting case
        op2 = PrimitiveOp([[1, 0], [0, -1]], coeff=lam)

        list_op = ListOp([op1, op2])

        self.assertEqual(list_op.parameters, set(params))

    @data(VectorStateFn([1, 0]), DictStateFn({'0': 1}),
          CircuitStateFn(QuantumCircuit(1)), OperatorStateFn(I),
          OperatorStateFn(MatrixOp([[1, 0], [0, 1]])),
    def test_statefn_eval(self, op):
        """Test calling eval on StateFn returns the statevector."""
        expected = Statevector([1, 0])
        self.assertEqual(op.eval().primitive, expected)