def test_link_handling(self):
        noKeys = QtCore.Qt
        noButton = QtCore.Qt.MouseButton(0)
        noButtons = QtCore.Qt.MouseButtons(0)
        noModifiers = QtCore.Qt.KeyboardModifiers(0)
        MouseMove = QtCore.QEvent.MouseMove
        QMouseEvent = QtGui.QMouseEvent

        w = ConsoleWidget()
        cursor = w._get_prompt_cursor()
        w._insert_html(cursor, '<a href="">written in</a>')
        obj = w._control
        tip = QtGui.QToolTip
        self.assertEqual(tip.text(), u'')

        # should be somewhere else
        elsewhereEvent = QMouseEvent(MouseMove, QtCore.QPoint(50, 50),
                                     noButton, noButtons, noModifiers)
        w.eventFilter(obj, elsewhereEvent)
        self.assertEqual(tip.isVisible(), False)
        self.assertEqual(tip.text(), u'')
        # should be over text
        overTextEvent = QMouseEvent(MouseMove, QtCore.QPoint(1, 5), noButton,
                                    noButtons, noModifiers)
        w.eventFilter(obj, overTextEvent)
        self.assertEqual(tip.isVisible(), True)
        self.assertEqual(tip.text(), "")

        # should still be over text
        stillOverTextEvent = QMouseEvent(MouseMove, QtCore.QPoint(1, 5),
                                         noButton, noButtons, noModifiers)
        w.eventFilter(obj, stillOverTextEvent)
        self.assertEqual(tip.isVisible(), True)
        self.assertEqual(tip.text(), "")
    def drawLabelAtMouse(self, qp):
        # Nothing to do without a highlighted object
        if not self.highlightObj:
        # Nothing to without a mouse position
        if not self.mousePosOrig:

        # Save QPainter settings to stack

        # That is the mouse positiong
        mouse = self.mousePosOrig

        # Will show zoom
        showZoom = self.zoom and not self.image.isNull() and self.w and self.h

        # The text that is written next to the mouse
        mouseText = self.highlightObj.label

        # Where to write the text
        # Depends on the zoom (additional offset to mouse to make space for zoom?)
        # The location in the image (if we are at the top we want to write below of the mouse)
        off = 36
        if showZoom:
            off += self.zoomSize / 2
        if mouse.y() - off > self.toolbar.height():
            top = mouse.y() - off
            btm = mouse.y()
            vAlign = QtCore.Qt.AlignTop
            # The height of the cursor
            if not showZoom:
                off += 20
            top = mouse.y()
            btm = mouse.y() + off
            vAlign = QtCore.Qt.AlignBottom

        # Here we can draw
        rect = QtCore.QRect()
        rect.setTopLeft(QtCore.QPoint(mouse.x() - 200, top))
        rect.setBottomRight(QtCore.QPoint(mouse.x() + 200, btm))

        # The color
        # The font to use
        font = QtGui.QFont("Helvetica", 20, QtGui.QFont.Bold)
        # Non-transparent
        # Draw the text, horizontally centered
        qp.drawText(rect, QtCore.Qt.AlignHCenter | vAlign, mouseText)
        # Restore settings
Esempio n. 3
    def test_droplist_completer_mousepick(self):
        leftButton = QtCore.Qt.LeftButton

        w = CompletionWidget(self.console)
        w.show_items(self.text_edit.textCursor(), ["item1", "item2", "item3"])

        QTest.mouseClick(w.viewport(), leftButton, pos=QtCore.QPoint(19, 8))
        QTest.mouseRelease(w.viewport(), leftButton, pos=QtCore.QPoint(19, 8))
        QTest.mouseDClick(w.viewport(), leftButton, pos=QtCore.QPoint(19, 8))

        self.assertEqual(self.text_edit.toPlainText(), "item1")
Esempio n. 4
 def mousePressEvent(self, event):
         if self.scene.isUnderMouse():
         # keep the default behaviour
         super(MyQGraphicsView, self).mousePressEvent(event)
     except Exception as e: