Esempio n. 1
def _process_main_duration(result, data):
    histogram_data = [r["duration"] for r in result["result"]
                      if not r["error"]]
    histograms = []
    if histogram_data:
        hvariety = histo.hvariety(histogram_data)
        for i in range(len(hvariety)):

    stacked_area = []
    for key in "duration", "idle_duration":
            "key": key,
            "values": [(i, round(d, 2))
                       for i, d in data["total_durations"][key]],

    return {
        "pie": [
            {"key": "success", "value": len(histogram_data)},
            {"key": "errors", "value": len(data["errors"])},
        "iter": stacked_area,
        "histogram": [
                "key": "task",
                "method": histogram.method,
                "values": [{"x": round(x, 2), "y": float(y)}
                           for x, y in zip(histogram.x_axis, histogram.y_axis)]
            } for histogram in histograms
Esempio n. 2
def _process_main_duration(result, data):
    histogram_data = [r["duration"] for r in result["result"]
                      if not r["error"]]
    histograms = []
    if histogram_data:
        hvariety = histo.hvariety(histogram_data)
        for i in range(len(hvariety)):

    stacked_area = []
    for key in "duration", "idle_duration":
            "key": key,
            "values": [(i, round(d, 2))
                       for i, d in data["total_durations"][key]],

    return {
        "pie": [
            {"key": "success", "value": len(histogram_data)},
            {"key": "errors", "value": data["num_errors"]},
        "iter": stacked_area,
        "histogram": [
                "key": "task",
                "method": histogram.method,
                "values": [{"x": round(x, 2), "y": float(y)}
                           for x, y in zip(histogram.x_axis, histogram.y_axis)]
            } for histogram in histograms
Esempio n. 3
def _process_main_duration(result):

    pie = filter(lambda t: not t["error"], result["result"])
    num_successful_iterations = len(pie)
    stacked_area = map(
        lambda t: {"idle_duration": 0, "duration": 0} if t["error"] else t,
    histogram_data = filter(None, map(
        lambda t: t["duration"] if not t["error"] else None,

    histograms = []
    if num_successful_iterations > 0:
        hvariety = histo.hvariety(histogram_data)
        for i in range(len(hvariety)):

    return {
        "pie": [
            {"key": "success", "value": len(pie)},
            {"key": "errors",
             "value": len(result["result"]) - len(pie)}
        "iter": [
                "key": "duration",
                "values": [[i + 1, v["duration"]]
                           for i, v in enumerate(stacked_area)]
                "key": "idle_duration",
                "values": [[i + 1, v["idle_duration"]]
                           for i, v in enumerate(stacked_area)]
        "histogram": [
                "key": "task",
                "method": histogram.method,
                "values": [{"x": x, "y": y}
                           for x, y in zip(histogram.x_axis, histogram.y_axis)]
            } for histogram in histograms
Esempio n. 4
def _process_atomic(result, data):

    def avg(lst, key=None):
        lst = lst if not key else map(lambda x: x[key], lst)
        return utils.mean(lst)

    # NOTE(boris-42): In our result["result"] we have next structure:
    #                 {"error": NoneOrDict,
    #                  "atomic_actions": {
    #                       "action1": <duration>,
    #                       "action2": <duration>
    #                   }
    #                 }
    #                 Our goal is to get next structure:
    #                 [{"key": $atomic_actions.action,
    #                   "values": [[order, $atomic_actions.duration
    #                              if not $error else 0], ...}]
    #                 Order of actions in "atomic_action" is similar for
    #                 all iteration. So we should take first non "error"
    #                 iteration. And get in atomitc_iter list:
    #                 [{"key": "action", "values":[]}]
    stacked_area = []
    for row in result["result"]:
        if not row["error"] and "atomic_actions" in row:
            stacked_area = [{"key": a, "values": []}
                            for a in row["atomic_actions"]]

    # NOTE(boris-42): pie is similar to stacked_area, only difference is in
    #                 structure of values. In case of $error we shouldn't put
    #                 anything in pie. In case of non error we should put just
    #                 $atomic_actions.duration (without order)
    pie = []
    histogram_data = []
    if stacked_area:
        pie = copy.deepcopy(stacked_area)
        histogram_data = copy.deepcopy(stacked_area)
        for i, res in enumerate(result["result"]):
            # in case of error put (order, 0.0) to all actions of stacked area
            if res["error"]:
                for k in range(len(stacked_area)):
                    stacked_area[k]["values"].append([i + 1, 0.0])

            # in case of non error put real durations to pie and stacked area
            for j, action in enumerate(res["atomic_actions"].keys()):
                # in case any single atomic action failed, put 0
                action_duration = res["atomic_actions"][action] or 0.0

    # filter out empty action lists in pie / histogram to avoid errors
    pie = filter(lambda x: x["values"], pie)
    histogram_data = [x for x in histogram_data if x["values"]]

    histograms = [[] for atomic_action in range(len(histogram_data))]
    for i, atomic_action in enumerate(histogram_data):
        hvariety = histo.hvariety(atomic_action["values"])
        for v in range(len(hvariety)):
    stacked_area = []
    for name, durations in six.iteritems(data["atomic_durations"]):
            "key": name,
            "values": [(i, round(d, 2)) for i, d in durations],

    return {
        "histogram": [[
                "key": action.key,
                "disabled": i,
                "method": action.method,
                "values": [{"x": round(x, 2), "y": y}
                           for x, y in zip(action.x_axis, action.y_axis)]
            } for action in atomic_action_list]
            for i, atomic_action_list in enumerate(histograms)
        "iter": stacked_area,
        "pie": [{"key": x["key"], "value": avg(x["values"])} for x in pie]
Esempio n. 5
def _process_atomic(result, data):

    def avg(lst, key=None):
        lst = lst if not key else map(lambda x: x[key], lst)
        return utils.mean(lst)

    # NOTE(boris-42): In our result["result"] we have next structure:
    #                 {"error": NoneOrDict,
    #                  "atomic_actions": {
    #                       "action1": <duration>,
    #                       "action2": <duration>
    #                   }
    #                 }
    #                 Our goal is to get next structure:
    #                 [{"key": $atomic_actions.action,
    #                   "values": [[order, $atomic_actions.duration
    #                              if not $error else 0], ...}]
    #                 Order of actions in "atomic_action" is similiar for
    #                 all iteration. So we should take first non "error"
    #                 iteration. And get in atomitc_iter list:
    #                 [{"key": "action", "values":[]}]
    stacked_area = []
    for row in result["result"]:
        if not row["error"] and "atomic_actions" in row:
            stacked_area = [{"key": a, "values": []}
                            for a in row["atomic_actions"]]

    # NOTE(boris-42): pie is similiar to stacked_area, only difference is in
    #                 structure of values. In case of $error we shouldn't put
    #                 anything in pie. In case of non error we should put just
    #                 $atomic_actions.duration (without order)
    pie = []
    histogram_data = []
    if stacked_area:
        pie = copy.deepcopy(stacked_area)
        histogram_data = copy.deepcopy(stacked_area)
        for i, res in enumerate(result["result"]):
            # in case of error put (order, 0.0) to all actions of stacked area
            if res["error"]:
                for k in range(len(stacked_area)):
                    stacked_area[k]["values"].append([i + 1, 0.0])

            # in case of non error put real durations to pie and stacked area
            for j, action in enumerate(res["atomic_actions"].keys()):
                # in case any single atomic action failed, put 0
                action_duration = res["atomic_actions"][action] or 0.0

    # filter out empty action lists in pie / histogram to avoid errors
    pie = filter(lambda x: x["values"], pie)
    histogram_data = filter(lambda x: x["values"], histogram_data)

    histograms = [[] for atomic_action in range(len(histogram_data))]
    for i, atomic_action in enumerate(histogram_data):
        hvariety = histo.hvariety(atomic_action['values'])
        for v in range(len(hvariety)):
    stacked_area = []
    for name, durations in data["atomic_durations"].iteritems():
            "key": name,
            "values": [(i, round(d, 2)) for i, d in durations],

    return {
        "histogram": [[
                "key": action.key,
                "disabled": i,
                "method": action.method,
                "values": [{"x": round(x, 2), "y": y}
                           for x, y in zip(action.x_axis, action.y_axis)]
            } for action in atomic_action_list]
            for i, atomic_action_list in enumerate(histograms)
        "iter": stacked_area,
        "pie": map(lambda x: {"key": x["key"], "value": avg(x["values"])}, pie)
Esempio n. 6
def _process_atomic_time(result):

    def avg(lst, key=None):
        lst = lst if not key else map(lambda x: x[key], lst)
        return sum(lst) / float(len(lst))

    # NOTE(boris-42): In our result["result"] we have next structure:
    #                 {"error": NoneOrDict,
    #                  "atomic_actions_time": [
    #                       {"action": String, "duration": Float},
    #                       ...
    #                   ]}
    #                 Our goal is to get next structure:
    #                 [{"key": $atomic_actions_time.action,
    #                   "values": [[order, $atomic_actions_time.duration
    #                              if not $error else 0], ...}]
    #                 Order of actions in "atomic_action_time" is similiar for
    #                 all iteration. So we should take first non "error"
    #                 iteration. And get in atomitc_iter list:
    #                 [{"key": "action", "values":[]}]
    stacked_area = []
    for r in result["result"]:
        if not r["error"]:
            for action in r["atomic_actions_time"]:
                stacked_area.append({"key": action["action"], "values": []})

    # NOTE(boris-42): pie is similiar to stacked_area, only difference is in
    #                 structure of values. In case of $error we shouldn't put
    #                 anything in pie. In case of non error we should put just
    #                 $atomic_actions_time.duration (without order)
    pie = []
    histogram_data = []
    if stacked_area:
        pie = copy.deepcopy(stacked_area)
        histogram_data = copy.deepcopy(stacked_area)
        for i, data in enumerate(result["result"]):
            # in case of error put (order, 0.0) to all actions of stacked area
            if data["error"]:
                for k in range(len(stacked_area)):
                    stacked_area[k]["values"].append([i + 1, 0.0])

            # in case of non error put real durations to pie and stacked area
            for j, action in enumerate(data["atomic_actions_time"]):
                stacked_area[j]["values"].append([i + 1, action["duration"]])

    histograms = [[] for atomic_action in range(len(histogram_data))]
    for i, atomic_action in enumerate(histogram_data):
        hvariety = histo.hvariety(atomic_action['values'])
        for v in range(len(hvariety)):
    return {
        "histogram": [[
                "key": action.key,
                "disabled": i,
                "method": action.method,
                "values": [{"x": x, "y": y}
                           for x, y in zip(action.x_axis, action.y_axis)]
                for action in atomic_action_list]
            for i, atomic_action_list in enumerate(histograms)
        "iter": stacked_area,
        "pie": map(lambda x: {"key": x["key"], "value": avg(x["values"])}, pie)
Esempio n. 7
def _process_atomic(result):

    def avg(lst, key=None):
        lst = lst if not key else map(lambda x: x[key], lst)
        return utils.mean(lst)

    # NOTE(boris-42): In our result["result"] we have next structure:
    #                 {"error": NoneOrDict,
    #                  "atomic_actions": [
    #                       {"action": String, "duration": Float},
    #                       ...
    #                   ]}
    #                 Our goal is to get next structure:
    #                 [{"key": $atomic_actions.action,
    #                   "values": [[order, $atomic_actions.duration
    #                              if not $error else 0], ...}]
    #                 Order of actions in "atomic_action" is similiar for
    #                 all iteration. So we should take first non "error"
    #                 iteration. And get in atomitc_iter list:
    #                 [{"key": "action", "values":[]}]
    stacked_area = []
    for r in result["result"]:
        if not r["error"]:
            for action in r["atomic_actions"]:
                stacked_area.append({"key": action["action"], "values": []})

    # NOTE(boris-42): pie is similiar to stacked_area, only difference is in
    #                 structure of values. In case of $error we shouldn't put
    #                 anything in pie. In case of non error we should put just
    #                 $atomic_actions.duration (without order)
    pie = []
    histogram_data = []
    if stacked_area:
        pie = copy.deepcopy(stacked_area)
        histogram_data = copy.deepcopy(stacked_area)
        for i, data in enumerate(result["result"]):
            # in case of error put (order, 0.0) to all actions of stacked area
            if data["error"]:
                for k in range(len(stacked_area)):
                    stacked_area[k]["values"].append([i + 1, 0.0])

            # in case of non error put real durations to pie and stacked area
            for j, action in enumerate(data["atomic_actions"]):
                stacked_area[j]["values"].append([i + 1, action["duration"]])

    histograms = [[] for atomic_action in range(len(histogram_data))]
    for i, atomic_action in enumerate(histogram_data):
        hvariety = histo.hvariety(atomic_action['values'])
        for v in range(len(hvariety)):
    return {
        "histogram": [[
                "key": action.key,
                "disabled": i,
                "method": action.method,
                "values": [{"x": x, "y": y}
                           for x, y in zip(action.x_axis, action.y_axis)]
                for action in atomic_action_list]
            for i, atomic_action_list in enumerate(histograms)
        "iter": stacked_area,
        "pie": map(lambda x: {"key": x["key"], "value": avg(x["values"])}, pie)