Esempio n. 1
def getEpimoricZip(r):
    "(6/5) -> [(3/2,1), (5/4,-1)]"
    result = []
    while r != Rational(1):
        p, i = zip(utils.primes(), r)[-1]
        e = Rational(p, p-1)
        result.insert(0, (e, i))
        r /= e ** i
    return result
Esempio n. 2
def getEpimoricZip(r):
    #"(6/5) -> [(3/2,1), (5/4,-1)]"
    "(6/5) -> [(3,1), (5,-1)]"
    result = []
    while r != Rational(1):
        p, i = zip(primes, r)[-1]
        result.insert(0, (p, i))
        r /= Rational(p, p - 1)**i
    return result
Esempio n. 3
def test():
    #r = Rational(21, 8)
    #r = Rational(9, 5)
    #r = Rational(81, 80)
    r0 = Rational(9)
    r1 = Rational(5)
    for path in getPaths(r0,r1):
        print "=" * 30
        print path.r0, "->", path.r1, "way", path.way
        for s in path.steps: print str(s)
        f = formatPath(path)
        if f:
            print f
Esempio n. 4
def getSteps(n0, n1):
    #"(6/5) -> [(3/2,1), (5/4,-1)]"
    #"(6/5) -> [(3,1), (5,-1)]"
    "(6/5) -> (3, -5)"
    result = ()
    r = Rational(n1, n0)
    while r != Rational(1):
        p, i = zip(primes, r)[-1]
        a = abs(i)
        s = i//a
        for j in range(a):
            result += (p * s,)
        r /= Rational(p, p-1) ** i
    return result
Esempio n. 5
def formatPath(path):
    from collections import defaultdict
    grid = defaultdict(defaultdict)
    for s in path.steps:
        grid[s.note0][s.scala] = s.i0
        grid[s.note1][s.scala] = s.i1
    #grid[r0][Rational(1)] = r0
    #grid[r1][Rational(1)] = r1
    #for i in sorted(grid.keys()): print i, dict(grid[i])
    # scalas
    scalas = []
    for row in grid.values():
        scalas += row.keys()
    scalas = sorted(set(scalas))
    gcd = Rational.gcd(*scalas)
    # table
    columns = sorted(set(scalas + [gcd]))
    table = []
    table.append([""] + [("(%s)" % str(j)) for j in columns])  # columns header
    for i in sorted(grid.keys())[::-1]:
        def cell(j):
            r = grid[i].get(j)
            if r is not None: return str(r)
            if j == gcd: return "[%s]" % str(i/gcd)
            return ""
        h = i in (path.r0, path.r1) and ">" or ""  # row header
        table.append([h] + [cell(j) for j in columns])
    #for row in table: print row

    # result
    widths = [max(len(row[j]) for row in table) for j in range(len(table[0]))]
    return "\n".join(" ".join([j]) for (j,s) in enumerate(row)) for row in table)
Esempio n. 6
 def check_numerator(N):
     #print N
     if N < R0: return True
     if N > R1: return False
     f = Rational(N, D)
     #print f, fraction(f), "(%s)" % HARMONIC_DISTANCE(f)
     needed = self.add_result(f)
     return needed
Esempio n. 7
 def __init__(self, *items, **params):
     defaultdict.__init__(self, float)
     if items:
         weights = params.get("weights", [1.0] * len(items))
         for (i, a) in enumerate(items):
             if isinstance(a, Rational):
                 self[a] = weights[i]
                 self[Rational(a)] = weights[
                     i]  # create Rational key by argument
Esempio n. 8
 def draw(self, initial=None):
     keys = sorted(self.keys(), key=float)
     d = Rational.gcd(*keys)
     for i in range(int(keys[0] / d), int(keys[-1] / d) + 1):
         k = d * i
         w0 = initial and initial.get(k, 0)
         w1 = self.get(k, 0)
         print "%s %s%s%s %s" % (initial and ("%-8s" % (w0 or "")) or "",
                                 "%2d" % i, k.getFraction(5), "%-6s" %
                                 k.getSonant(), "%-8s" % (w1 or ""))
Esempio n. 9
 def getFundamentals(self):
     result = Spectrum()
     keys = sorted(self.keys(), key=float)  # might be not sorted
     variations = list(utils.variations(len(keys)))[1:]
     for v in variations:  # (0,0,1), (0,1,0), (0,1,1),.. (1,1,1)
         ks = [k for (b, k) in zip(v, keys) if b]
         d = Rational.gcd(*ks)
         value = utils.mult(self[k] for k in ks)
         value **= 1.0 / len(ks)  # geometric mean
         result[d] += value
     return result
Esempio n. 10
def matrix(m, n, a=0, b=9, c=1, d=1):
  #use current time to randomize seed
  time = str(
  seed = int(time[20:26] + time[17:19] + time[14:16] \
        + time[11:13] + time[8:10] + time[5:7] + time[0:4])
  #generate a list of lists (matrix) with rational entries
  A = [[Rational(random.randint(a, b), random.randint(c,d)) for i in range(n)] for j in range(m)]
  #print random matrix
  return A
Esempio n. 11
def rationalMatrix(m, n):
  #intial matrix A
  A = []
  #append each entry of matrix A
  for i in range(m):
    print(f'enter each entry as "integer/integer" or just "integer" for row {str(i+1)} of matrix:')
    row = []
    for _ in range(n):
      entry = input()
      entry = entry.split('/')
        if len(entry) == 1:
          ratio = Rational(int(entry[0]))
        elif len(entry) > 1:
          ratio = Rational(int(entry[0]),int(entry[1]))
        ratio = Rational()
  #display matrix
  print('matrix =')
  return A
Esempio n. 12
def getHarmonicDistance(chord, weights=()):
    "chord as a list of integers, weights - floats"
    from rationals import Rational
    import harmonicity

    #print chord, weights
    if not weights: weights = (1.0, ) * len(chord)

    variations = list(utils.variations(len(chord)))
    distance = 0.0
    for var in variations:
        ns = [n for (n, b) in zip(chord, var) if b]
        if len(ns) >= 2:
            gcd = reduce(utils.gcd, ns)
            ns = [n / gcd for n in ns]  # reduce notes
            d = sum([harmonicity.simple(5)(Rational(n)) for n in ns])
            dw = d * utils.mult([w for (w, b) in zip(weights, var) if b])
            #print "  ", ns, lcm, `r`, d #, dw
            distance += dw
    return distance
Esempio n. 13
 def check_denominator(D):
     d = Rational(1, D)
     h = self.harmonic_distance(d)
     R0 = int(math.ceil(self.range[0] * D))
     R1 = int(math.floor(self.range[1] * D))
     #print "------------ denominator", fraction(d), "(%s)" % h, "nominator %d..%d" % (R0,R1)
     if self.result_distance and self.result_distance <= h: return False
     def check_numerator(N):
         #print N
         if N < R0: return True
         if N > R1: return False
         f = Rational(N, D)
         #print f, fraction(f), "(%s)" % HARMONIC_DISTANCE(f)
         needed = self.add_result(f)
         return needed
     def co_primes():
         for (i,p) in enumerate(utils.primes()):
             if d[i] == 0: yield p  # skip primes used in denominator
     self.tree(co_primes, check_numerator, self.level)
     return True
Esempio n. 14
def test_truediv():
    a = Rational(3, 4)
    b = Rational(5, 6)
    assert str(a / b) == "9/10"
Esempio n. 15
def test_truediv_type_error():
    a = Rational(3, 4)
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        a / 4.5
Esempio n. 16
def test_mul_int():
    a = Rational(9, 4)
    assert str(a * 2) == "9/2"
Esempio n. 17
def test_constructor_default_denom():
    assert str(Rational(3) == "3/1")
Esempio n. 18
def test_mul():
    a = Rational(3, 4)
    b = Rational(5, 6)
    assert str(a * b) == "5/8"
Esempio n. 19
def test_mul_type_error():
    a = Rational(3, 4)
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        a * 4.5
Esempio n. 20
def test_sub_int():
    a = Rational(9, 4)
    assert str(a - 2) == "1/4"
Esempio n. 21
def test_sub_type_error():
    a = Rational(3, 4)
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        a - 4.5
Esempio n. 22
def test_truediv_int():
    a = Rational(9, 4)
    assert str(a / 2) == "9/8"
Esempio n. 23
def test_power_square():
    a = Rational(17, 23)
    assert str(a.square()) == str(a.power(2))
Esempio n. 24
def test_cube():
    assert str(Rational(3, 4).cube()) == "27/64" 
Esempio n. 25
def test_square():
    assert str(Rational(3, 4).square()) == "9/16"
Esempio n. 26
def test_add_int():
    a = Rational(3, 4)
    assert str(a + 2) == "11/4"
Esempio n. 27
def test_power():
    assert str(Rational(3, 4).power(5)) == "243/1024"
Esempio n. 28
def test_constructor():
    assert str(Rational(3, 4)) == "3/4"
Esempio n. 29
def test_power_type_error():
    a = Rational(17, 23)
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
Esempio n. 30
def test_sub():
    a = Rational(3, 4)
    b = Rational(5, 6)
    assert str(b - a) == "1/12"