Esempio n. 1
# import a prebuilt RBF function
from rbf.basis import phs3

# create 5 observation points
x = np.linspace(-np.pi,np.pi,5)[:,None] 

# find the function value at the observation points
u = np.sin(x[:,0]) 

# create interpolation points
xitp = np.linspace(-4.0,4.0,1000)[:,None] 

# create the coefficient matrix, where each observation point point is 
# an RBF center and each RBF is evaluated at the observation points
A = phs3(x,x)

# find the coefficients for each RBF
coeff = np.linalg.solve(A,u) 

# create the interpolation matrix which evaluates each of the 5 RBFs 
# at the interpolation points
Aitp = rbf.basis.phs3(xitp,x) 

# evaluate the interpolant at the interpolation points
uitp1 =

### METHOD 2, use RBFInterpolant ###
from rbf.interpolate import RBFInterpolant

# This command will produce an identical interpolant to the one 
Esempio n. 2
                 [0.052,0.629],[0.373,0.63 ],[0.479,0.953],[0.49 ,0.966],
                 [0.503,0.952],[0.611,0.629],[0.934,0.628],[0.95 ,0.622],

smp = np.array([[0,1],[1,2],[2,3],[3,4],[4,5],[5,6],[6,7],[7,8],[8,9],

N = 500 # total number of nodes
nodes,smpid = menodes(N,vert,smp) # generate nodes
boundary, = (smpid>=0).nonzero() # identify boundary nodes
interior, = (smpid==-1).nonzero() # identify interior nodes

# create left-hand-side matrix and right-hand-side vector
A = np.empty((N,N))
A[interior]  = phs3(nodes[interior],nodes,diff=[2,0]) 
A[interior] += phs3(nodes[interior],nodes,diff=[0,2]) 
A[boundary,:] = phs3(nodes[boundary],nodes)
d = np.empty(N)
d[interior] = -100.0
d[boundary] = 0.0

# Solve the PDE
coeff = np.linalg.solve(A,d) # solve for the RBF coefficients
itp = menodes(10000,vert,smp)[0] # interpolation points
soln = phs3(itp,nodes).dot(coeff) # evaluate at the interp points

fig,ax = plt.subplots()
p = ax.scatter(itp[:,0],itp[:,1],s=20,c=soln,edgecolor='none')
Esempio n. 3
                 [0.052,0.629],[0.373,0.63 ],[0.479,0.953],[0.49 ,0.966],
                 [0.503,0.952],[0.611,0.629],[0.934,0.628],[0.95 ,0.622],

smp = np.array([[0,1],[1,2],[2,3],[3,4],[4,5],[5,6],[6,7],[7,8],[8,9],

N = 500 # total number of nodes
nodes,smpid = menodes(N,vert,smp) # generate nodes
boundary, = (smpid>=0).nonzero() # identify boundary nodes
interior, = (smpid==-1).nonzero() # identify interior nodes

# create left-hand-side matrix and right-hand-side vector
A = np.empty((N,N))
A[interior]  = phs3(nodes[interior],nodes,diff=[2,0])
A[interior] += phs3(nodes[interior],nodes,diff=[0,2])
A[boundary,:] = phs3(nodes[boundary],nodes)
d = np.empty(N)
d[interior] = -100.0
d[boundary] = 0.0

# Solve the PDE
coeff = np.linalg.solve(A,d) # solve for the RBF coefficients
itp = menodes(10000,vert,smp)[0] # interpolation points
soln = phs3(itp,nodes).dot(coeff) # evaluate at the interp points

fig,ax = plt.subplots()
p = ax.scatter(itp[:,0],itp[:,1],s=20,c=soln,edgecolor='none',cmap='viridis')
Esempio n. 4
# import a prebuilt RBF function
from rbf.basis import phs3

# create 5 observation points
x = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 5)[:, None]

# find the function value at the observation points
u = np.sin(x[:, 0])

# create interpolation points
xitp = np.linspace(-4.0, 4.0, 1000)[:, None]

# create the coefficient matrix, where each observation point point is
# an RBF center and each RBF is evaluated at the observation points
A = phs3(x, x)

# find the coefficients for each RBF
coeff = np.linalg.solve(A, u)

# create the interpolation matrix which evaluates each of the 5 RBFs
# at the interpolation points
Aitp = rbf.basis.phs3(xitp, x)

# evaluate the interpolant at the interpolation points
uitp1 =

### METHOD 2, use RBFInterpolant ###
from rbf.interpolate import RBFInterpolant

# This command will produce an identical interpolant to the one