Esempio n. 1
    def get_configurations(cls, item_type: str, config_id: str, url: str):
        if not cls.__instance:


        validated_item = validate_config_id(cls.__source_base_uri, item_type,

        if validated_item:
            item_type = unquote(item_type)
            item_type = re.sub(' ', '.', item_type)
            url = unquote(url)
            url = re.sub(' ', '.', url)

            container = Resource(cls.__graph, URIRef(url))

            streams = load_streams(cls.__source_base_uri, item_type, config_id)
            for stream in streams.keys():
                member = Resource(
                        url.replace('configurations', 'stream') +
                container.add(RDFS.member, member)

            return container

            return False
Esempio n. 2
def output_rdf(data, code, headers=None):
    """Makes a Flask response with a JSON encoded body"""

    content_type = request.headers.get('accept')
    representation = get_content_type(content_type)

    if code == OK:
        data = data.to_rdf(representation)
        g = Graph()
        g.bind('oslc', OSLC)

        rsrc = Resource(g, URIRef(request.base_url))
        rsrc.add(RDF.type, OSLC.Error)

        if isinstance(data, dict):
            for attr in data:
                rsrc.add(OSLC.term(attr), Literal(data[attr]))

        data = g.serialize(format=representation)

    resp = make_response(data, code)
    resp.headers.extend(headers or {})

    return resp
Esempio n. 3
    def __get_query_capability(cls, item_type_name: str,
                               item_type_name_url: str, uri: str) -> Resource:

        qc = Resource(cls.__graph, BNode())
        qc.add(RDF.type, OSLC.QueryCapability)
               Literal(f'Query Capability for ItemType: {item_type_name}'))
        qc.add(OSLC.queryBase, URIRef(uri))
        qc.add(OSLC.resourceType, URIRef(ARAS.term(item_type_name_url)))
        qc.add(OSLC.resourceShape, URIRef(uri + '/resourceShape'))

        return qc
 def convert_calendar_dates(self, csv_filename):
     read_dates = self.__open_file(csv_filename)
     for row in read_dates:
         service = self.get_service(str.strip(row["service_id"]))
         calendar_date = Resource(self.graph, URIRef(self.uri + str.strip(row["service_id"]) + "_cal" + "_" + str.strip(row["date"])))
         service.add(self.GTFS.serviceRule, calendar_date)
         calendar_date.set(RDF.type, self.GTFS.CalendarDateRule)
         calendar_date.add(, self.get_date_literal(str.strip(row["date"])))
         exception_type = str.strip(row["exception_type"])
         if exception_type is "2":
             exception_type = "0"
         calendar_date.add(self.GTFS.dateAddition, Literal(exception_type, datatype=XSD.boolean))
 def convert_frequencies(self, csv_filename):
     read_freqs = self.__open_file(csv_filename)
     for row in read_freqs:
         freq = Resource(self.graph, URIRef(self.uri + str.strip(row["trip_id"]) + str.strip(row["start_time"]) + str.strip(row["end_time"])))
         freq.set(RDF.type, self.GTFS.Frequency)
         freq.add(self.GTFS.trip, self.get_trip(str.strip(row["trip_id"])))
         freq.add(self.GTFS.startTime, Literal(str.strip(row["start_time"]), datatype=XSD.string))
         freq.add(self.GTFS.endTime, Literal(str.strip(row["end_time"]), datatype=XSD.string))
         freq.add(self.GTFS.headwaySeconds, Literal(str.strip(row["headway_secs"]), datatype=XSD.nonNegativeInteger))
         if "exact_times" in row:
             exact = False
             if str.strip(row["exact_times"]) == "1":
                 exact = True
             freq.add(self.GTFS.exactTimes, Literal(exact, datatype=XSD.boolean))
Esempio n. 6
    def get_resource_shape(cls, item_type: str, url: str, url_sp: str):
        if not cls.__instance:


        resource_shape = Resource(cls.__graph, URIRef(url))
        resource_shape.add(RDF.type, OSLC.ResourceShape)

        rs = cls.__get_resource_shape(item_type, url_sp, cls.__source_base_uri)

        if rs:
            for subject in rs.subjects(RDF.type, OSLC.Property):

                prop = Resource(cls.__graph, subject)
                prop.add(RDF.type, OSLC.Property)

                for p, o in rs.predicate_objects(subject):
                    prop.add(p, o)

                resource_shape.add(, prop)

            return resource_shape
            return False
Esempio n. 7
    def get_service_provider(cls, url: str):
        if not cls.__instance:


        service_provider = None

        service = cls.__get_service(url=url)
        if service:
            service_provider = Resource(cls.__graph, URIRef(url))
            service_provider.add(RDF.type, OSLC.ServiceProvider)
            service_provider.add(OSLC.service, service)
            return service_provider
            return False
 def convert_calendar(self, csv_filename):
     read_calendar = self.__open_file(csv_filename)
     for row in read_calendar:
         service = self.get_service(str.strip(row["service_id"]))
         calendar = Resource(self.graph, URIRef(self.uri + str.strip(row["service_id"]) + "_cal"))
         service.add(self.GTFS.serviceRule, calendar)
         calendar.set(RDF.type, self.GTFS.CalendarRule)
         calendar.set(self.GTFS.monday, Literal(str.strip(row["monday"]), datatype=XSD.boolean))
         calendar.set(self.GTFS.tuesday, Literal(str.strip(row["tuesday"]), datatype=XSD.boolean))
         calendar.set(self.GTFS.wednesday, Literal(str.strip(row["wednesday"]), datatype=XSD.boolean))
         calendar.set(self.GTFS.thursday, Literal(str.strip(row["thursday"]), datatype=XSD.boolean))
         calendar.set(self.GTFS.friday, Literal(str.strip(row["friday"]), datatype=XSD.boolean))
         calendar.set(self.GTFS.saturday, Literal(str.strip(row["saturday"]), datatype=XSD.boolean))
         calendar.set(self.GTFS.sunday, Literal(str.strip(row["sunday"]), datatype=XSD.boolean))
         temporal = Resource(self.graph, URIRef(self.uri + str.strip(row["service_id"]) + "_cal" + "_temporal"))
         calendar.set(DCTERMS.temporal, temporal)
         temporal.add(self.SCHEMA.startDate, self.get_date_literal(str.strip(row["start_date"])))
         temporal.add(self.SCHEMA.endDate, self.get_date_literal(str.strip(row["end_date"])))
Esempio n. 9
    def get_components(cls,
                       item_type: str,
                       url: str,
                       paging: bool = False,
                       page_size: int = 0,
                       page_no: int = 0):
        if not cls.__instance:


        if not cls.__item_types:
            cls.__item_types = cls.__get_item_types()

        if re.sub('\\.', ' ', item_type) in cls.__item_types.values():
            item_type = unquote(item_type)
            item_type = re.sub(' ', '.', item_type)
            url = unquote(url)
            url = re.sub(' ', '.', url)

            container = Resource(cls.__graph, URIRef(url))
            container.add(RDF.type, LDP.BasicContainer)

            config_ids = load_items(cls.__source_base_uri, item_type,
                                    page_size, page_no)

            ri, config_ids = cls.__get_paging(item_type, config_ids, url,
                                              paging, page_size, page_no)
            if ri:
                container.add(OSLC.responseInfo, ri)

            for config_id in config_ids:
                member_url = url + f'/{config_id}'
                member = Resource(cls.__graph, URIRef(member_url))
                member.add(RDF.type, OSLC_CONFIG.Component)

                container.add(LDP.contains, member)

            return container

            return False
Esempio n. 10
    def __get_response_info(cls, item_type: str, url: str, url_sp: str,
                            paging: bool, page_size: int,
                            page_no: int) -> Resource:

        items = load_items(cls.__source_base_uri, item_type, page_size,

        resource = Resource(cls.__graph, URIRef(url))
        ri, items = cls.__get_paging(item_type, items, url, paging, page_size,
        if ri:
            resource.add(OSLC.responseInfo, ri)

        for item in items:
            item_url = url + '/' + re.sub(' ', '.', item)
            member = Resource(cls.__graph, URIRef(item_url))
            resource.add(RDFS.member, member)

        return resource
 def convert_transfers(self, csv_filename):
     read_transfers = self.__open_file(csv_filename)
     for row in read_transfers:
         from_stop = str.strip(row["from_stop_id"])
         to_stop = str.strip(row["to_stop_id"])
         transfers = Resource(self.graph, URIRef(self.uri + "_" + from_stop + "_" + to_stop))
         transfers.set(RDF.type, self.GTFS.TransferRule)
         transfers.add(self.GTFS.originStop, self.get_stop(from_stop))
         transfers.add(self.GTFS.destinationStop, self.get_stop(to_stop))
         transfers.add(self.GTFS.transferType, self.get_transfer_type(str.strip(row["transfer_type"])))
         if "min_transfer_time" in row and str.strip(row["min_transfer_time"]):
             transfers.add(self.GTFS.minimumTransferTime, Literal(str.strip(row["min_transfer_time"]), datatype=XSD.nonNegativeInteger))
Esempio n. 12
    def to_rdf(self, graph):
        super(Preview, self).to_rdf(graph)

        p = Resource(graph, BNode())
        p.add(RDF.type, OSLC.Preview)

        if self.document:
            p.add(OSLC.document, URIRef(self.document))

        if self.hint_height:
            p.add(OSLC.hintHeight, Literal(self.hint_height, datatype=XSD.string))

        if self.hint_width:
            p.add(OSLC.hintWidth, Literal(self.hint_width, datatype=XSD.string))

        if self.initial_height:
            p.add(OSLC.initialHeight, Literal(self.initial_height, datatype=XSD.string))

        return p
Esempio n. 13
    def __get_paging(cls, item_type: str, items: dict, url: str, paging: bool,
                     page_size: int, page_no: int) -> tuple:
        ri = None
        paging = paging if paging else page_size > 0
        if paging:
            page_size = page_size if page_size else 50
            page_no = page_no if page_no else 1

            params = {'oslc.paging': 'true'}
            if page_size:
                params['oslc.pageSize'] = page_size

            if page_no:
                params['oslc.pageNo'] = page_no

            ri_url = cls.__get_url(url, params)

            ri = Resource(cls.__graph, URIRef(ri_url))
            ri.add(RDF.type, OSLC.ResponseInfo)

            ri.add(DCTERMS.title, Literal(f'Query Results for {item_type}'))

            params['oslc.pageNo'] = page_no + 1
            ri_url = cls.__get_url(url, params)
            ri.add(OSLC.nextPage, URIRef(ri_url))

        return ri, items
Esempio n. 14
    def get_stream(cls, item_type: str, config_id: str, stream_id: str,
                   url: str):
        if not cls.__instance:


        validated_item = validate_config_id(cls.__source_base_uri, item_type,

        if validated_item:
            item_type = unquote(item_type)
            item_type = re.sub(' ', '.', item_type)
            url = unquote(url)
            url = re.sub(' ', '.', url)

            streams = load_streams(cls.__source_base_uri, item_type, config_id)
            if stream_id in streams.keys():
                stream = streams[stream_id]
                configuration = Resource(cls.__graph, URIRef(url))
                configuration.add(RDF.type, OSLC_CONFIG.Stream)
                configuration.add(DCTERMS.identifier, Literal(stream['id']))
                configuration.add(DCTERMS.title, Literal(stream['keyed_name']))

                return configuration
                return False
            return False
Esempio n. 15
    def get_component(cls, item_type: str, config_id: str, url: str):
        if not cls.__instance:


        validated_item = validate_config_id(cls.__source_base_uri, item_type,

        if validated_item:
            item_type = unquote(item_type)
            item_type = re.sub(' ', '.', item_type)
            url = unquote(url)
            url = re.sub(' ', '.', url)

            component = Resource(cls.__graph, URIRef(url))
            component.add(RDF.type, OSLC_CONFIG.Component)

            keyed_name = None

            for item in validated_item['value']:
                keyed_name = item['keyed_name']

            if keyed_name:
                component.add(DCTERMS.title, Literal(keyed_name))

                          URIRef(url + '/configurations'))

            return component

            return False
Esempio n. 16
    def to_rdf(self):
        g = Graph()
        p = Resource(g, self.uri)
        p.add(RDF.type, FOAF.Person)
        p.set(RDFS.label, Literal(self._label()))
        p.set(CONVERIS.converisId, Literal(self.cid))
        if hasattr(self, 'cfresint'):
            p.set(VIVO.researchOverview, Literal(self.cfresint))
        if hasattr(self, 'orcid'):
            p.set(VIVO.orcidId, self.orcid_uri)
            # Confirm the orcid
            g.add((self.orcid_uri, RDF.type, OWL.Thing))
            # Todo - review if we want to confirm all orcids
            g.add((self.orcid_uri, VIVO.confirmedOrcidId, self.uri))

        # Vcard individual
        vci_uri = URIRef(self.vcard_uri)
        p.set(OBO['ARG_2000028'], vci_uri)
        g.add((vci_uri, RDF.type, VCARD.Individual))

        # Vcard Name
        g += self._vcard_name()
        g.add((vci_uri, VCARD.hasName, URIRef(self.vcard_name_uri)))

        # Vcard title
        vtg = self._vcard_title()
        if vtg is not None:
            g += vtg
            g.add((vci_uri, VCARD.hasTitle, URIRef(self.vcard_title_uri)))

        # Vcard email
        vte = self._vcard_email()
        if vte is not None:
            g += vte
            g.add((vci_uri, VCARD.hasEmail, URIRef(self.vcard_email_uri)))

        # positions
        g += self.get_positions()

        return g
 def convert_fare_rules(self, csv_filename):
     read_fares = self.__open_file(csv_filename)
     for row in read_fares:
         fare = self.get_fare(str.strip(row["fare_id"]))
         fare_rule = Resource(self.graph, URIRef(self.uri + str.strip(row["fare_id"]) + "_rule_" + str(self.next_fare_rule_num)))
         self.next_fare_rule_num += 1
         fare_rule.set(RDF.type, self.GTFS.FareRule)
         fare_rule.set(self.GTFS.fareClass, fare_rule)
         if "route_id" in row and str.strip(row["route_id"]) != "":
             fare_rule.add(self.GTFS.route, self.get_route(str.strip(row["route_id"])))
         if "origin_id" in row and str.strip(row["origin_id"]) != "":
             fare_rule.add(self.GTFS.originZone, self.get_zone(str.strip(row["origin_id"])))
         if "destination_id" in row and str.strip(row["destination_id"]) != "":
                 fare_rule.add(self.GTFS.destinationZone, self.get_zone(str.strip(row["destination_id"])))
         if "contains_id" in row and str.strip(row["contains_id"]) != "":
             fare_rule.add(, self.get_zone(str.strip(row["contains_id"])))
Esempio n. 18
 def authorships(self):
     g = Graph()
     aus = self.authors()
     for au in aus:
         aship_uri = self.aship_uri(au['rank'])
         r = Resource(g, aship_uri)
         r.set(RDFS.label, Literal(au["display_name"]))
         r.set(RDF.type, VIVO.Authorship)
         r.set(VIVO.rank, Literal(au['rank']))
         data_props = [
             ('rank', VIVO.rank),
             ('full_name', WOS.fullName),
             ('display_name', WOS.displayName),
             ('wos_standard', WOS.standardName),
             ('first', WOS.firstName),
             ('last', WOS.lastName),
             ('dais_ng', WOS.daisNg),
             ('reprint', WOS.reprint),
         for key, prop in data_props:
             value = au.get(key)
             if value is not None:
                 r.set(prop, Literal(value))
         # relations
         r.add(VIVO.relates, self.uri)
         # relate to addresses too
         # address nums are a space separated list of numbers
         addr_nums = au["address"]
         if addr_nums is None:
             for anum in addr_nums.split():
                 addr_uris = self.addr_uris_from_number(anum)
                 for auri in addr_uris:
                     r.add(VIVO.relates, auri)
     return g
Esempio n. 19
 def addressships(self):
     g = Graph()
     addresses = self.addresses()
     for addr in addresses:
         addr_uri = self.addr_uri(addr["full_address"], addr["number"])
         org = addr["organization"]
         r = Resource(g, addr_uri)
         r.set(RDF.type, WOS.Address)
         r.set(RDFS.label, Literal(addr['full_address']))
         r.set(WOS.organizationName, Literal(org))
         r.set(WOS.sequenceNumber, Literal(addr['number']))
         # relation to author set by authorship
         # relate to pub
         r.set(VIVO.relates, self.uri)
         # sub orgs
         for idx, suborg in enumerate(addr["sub_organizations"]):
             label = "{}, {}".format(suborg, org)
             so_uri = self.sub_org_uri(label)
             r.add(VIVO.relates, so_uri)
         # relate unified orgs
         for uorg in addr["unified_orgs"]:
             uo_uri = waan_uri(uorg)
             r.add(VIVO.relates, uo_uri)
     return g
Esempio n. 20
    def to(self):
        Core publication metadata mapped to VIVO RDF.
        :return: Graph
        g = Graph()
        r = Resource(g, self.uri)
        r.set(RDFS.label, Literal(self.title()))
        for vtype in self.rec_type():
            r.add(RDF.type, vtype)
        r.set(WOS.wosId, Literal(self.ut))

        meta = self.meta()
        # data properties
        data_props = [
            #('author_list', WOS.authorList),
            ('abstract', BIBO.abstract),
            ('funding_acknowledgement', WOS.fundingText),
            ('volume', BIBO.volume),
            ('issue', BIBO.issue),
            ('start', BIBO.pageStart),
            ('end', BIBO.pageEnd),
            ('page_count', BIBO.numPages),
            ('doi', BIBO.doi),
            #('cite_key', WOS.citeKey),
            ('reference_count', WOS.referenceCount),
            ('citation_count', WOS.citationCount)
        for key, prop in data_props:
            value = meta.get(key)
            if value is not None:
                g.add((self.uri, prop, Literal(value)))

        g += self.add_pub_date()

        return g
Esempio n. 21
    def to_rdf(self, graph):
        if not self.about:
            raise Exception("The title is missing")

        oac = Resource(graph, URIRef(self.about))
        oac.add(RDF.type, URIRef(OSLC.oauthConfiguration))

        if self.authorization_uri:
            oac.add(OSLC.authorizationURI, URIRef(self.authorization_uri))

        if self.oauth_access_token_uri:
            oac.add(OSLC.oauthAccessTokenURI, URIRef(self.oauth_access_token_uri))

        if self.oauth_request_token_uri:
            oac.add(OSLC.oauthRequestTokenURI, URIRef(self.oauth_request_token_uri))

        return oac
Esempio n. 22
    def to_rdf(self, graph):
        super(PrefixDefinition, self).to_rdf(graph)

        pd = Resource(graph, BNode())
        pd.add(RDF.type, OSLC.PrefixDefinition)

        if self.prefix:
            pd.add(OSLC.prefix, Literal(self.prefix))

        if self.prefix_base:
            pd.add(OSLC.prefixBase, URIRef(self.prefix_base.uri))

        return pd
Esempio n. 23
    def to_rdf(self, graph):
        super(ResponseInfo, self).to_rdf(graph)

        uri = self.about
        ri = Resource(graph, URIRef(uri))
        ri.add(RDF.type, OSLC.ResponseInfo)

        if self.title:
            ri.add(DCTERMS.title, Literal(self.title, datatype=XSD.Literal))

        if self.members:
            for item in self.members:
                item_url = uri + '/' + item.identifier
                member = Resource(graph, URIRef(item_url))
                ri.add(RDFS.member, member)

        if self.total_count and self.total_count > 0:
            ri.add(OSLC.totalCount, Literal(self.total_count))

        return ri
Esempio n. 24
 def add_pub_date(self):
     Publication dates in VIVO's expected format.
     g = Graph()
     value = self.pub_date()
     if value is None:
         return g
     date_uri = self.make_date_uri(self.ut, value)
     date = Resource(g, date_uri)
     date.set(RDF.type, VIVO.DateTimeValue)
     date.set(VIVO.dateTimePrecision, VIVO.yearMonthDayPrecision)
              Literal("%sT00:00:00" % (value), datatype=XSD.dateTime))
     date.add(RDFS.label, Literal(value))
     date.set(RDF.type, VIVO.DateTimeValue)
     date.set(VIVO.dateTimePrecision, VIVO.yearMonthDayPrecision)
              Literal("%sT00:00:00" % (value), datatype=XSD.dateTime))
     date.add(RDFS.label, Literal(value))
     g.add((self.uri, VIVO.dateTimeValue, date_uri))
     return g
Esempio n. 25
    def __get_service(cls, url: str) -> Resource:
        service = None
        cls.__item_types = cls.__get_item_types()

        if cls.__item_types:

            service = Resource(cls.__graph, BNode())
            service.add(RDF.type, OSLC.Service)
            service.add(OSLC.domain, URIRef(ARAS))

            qc_url = url + '/{itemType}'
            for item_type in cls.__item_types:
                item_type_name = cls.__item_types.get(item_type)
                item_type_name_url = re.sub(' ', '.', item_type_name)
                uri = urlparse(
                    qc_url.format(**{'itemType': item_type_name_url}))
                qc = cls.__get_query_capability(item_type_name,
                service.add(OSLC.queryCapability, qc)

        return service
Esempio n. 26
    def to_rdf(self, graph):
        super(ServiceProviderCatalog, self).to_rdf(graph)

        spc = Resource(graph, URIRef(self.about))
        spc.add(RDF.type, OSLC.ServiceProviderCatalog)

        if self.title:
            spc.add(DCTERMS.title, Literal(self.title))

        if self.description:
            spc.add(DCTERMS.description, Literal(self.description))

        if self.publisher:
            spc.add(DCTERMS.publisher, URIRef(self.publisher.about))

        if self.domain:
            for item in self.domain:
                spc.add(OSLC.domain, URIRef(item))

        if self.service_provider:
            for sp in self.service_provider:
                r = sp.to_rdf(graph)
                spc.add(OSLC.serviceProvider, r)

        if self.service_provider_catalog:
            for item in self.service_provider_catalog:
                spc.add(OSLC.serviceProviderCatalog, URIRef(item.about))

        if self.oauth_configuration:
            spc.add(OSLC.oauthConfiguration, URIRef(self.oauth_configuration.about))

        spc.add(OSLC.domain, JAZZ_PROCESS.uri)

        return spc
Esempio n. 27
    def to_rdf(self, graph):
        super(Compact, self).to_rdf(graph)

        uri = self.about if self.about else ''

        d = Resource(graph, URIRef(uri))
        d.add(RDF.type, OSLC.Compact)

        if self.icon:
            d.add(OSLC.icon, URIRef(self.icon))

        if self.short_title:
            d.add(DCTERMS.shortTitle, Literal(self.short_title, datatype=XSD.string))

        if self.title:
            d.add(DCTERMS.title, Literal(self.title, datatype=XSD.string))

        if self.small_preview:
            sp = self.small_preview.to_rdf(graph)
            d.add(OSLC.smallPreview, sp)

        if self.large_preview:
            sp = self.large_preview.to_rdf(graph)
            d.add(OSLC.largePreview, sp)

        return d
 def convert_feed(self, csv_filename):
     read_feed = self.__open_file(csv_filename)
     for row in read_feed:
         feed = Resource(self.graph, URIRef(str.strip(row["publisher"])))
         feed.set(RDF.type, self.GTFS.Feed)
         feed.add(DCTERMS.publisher, Literal(str.strip(row["publisher"]), datatype=XSD.string))
         feed.add(DCTERMS.title, Literal(str.strip(row["feed_publisher_name"]), datatype=XSD.string))
         feed.add(DCTERMS.language, Literal(str.strip(row["feed_lang"]), datatype=XSD.string))
         if "feed_version" in row and str.strip(row["feed_version"]) != "":
             feed.add(self.SCHEMA.version, Literal(row["feed_version"], datatype=XSD.string))
         if "feed_start_date" in row and str.strip(row["feed_start_date"]) != "" and "feed_end_date" in row and str.strip(row["feed_end_date"]) != "":
             temporal = Resource(self.graph, URIRef(feed.identifier + "_temporal"))
             temporal.set(RDF.type, DCTERMS.temporal)
             temporal.add(self.SCHEMA.startDate, self.get_date_literal(str.strip(row["feed_start_date"])))
             temporal.add(self.SCHEMA.endDate, self.get_date_literal(str.strip(row["feed_end_date"])))
Esempio n. 29
    def _createProvenance(self, result):
        provdata = IProvenanceData(result)
        from rdflib import URIRef, Literal, Namespace, Graph
        from rdflib.namespace import RDF, RDFS, FOAF, DCTERMS, XSD
        from rdflib.resource import Resource
        PROV = Namespace(u"")
        BCCVL = Namespace(u"")
        LOCAL = Namespace(u"urn:bccvl:")
        graph = Graph()
        # the user is our agent

        member = api.user.get_current()
        username = member.getProperty('fullname') or member.getId()
        user = Resource(graph, LOCAL['user'])
        user.add(RDF['type'], PROV['Agent'])
        user.add(RDF['type'], FOAF['Person'])
        user.add(FOAF['name'], Literal(username))
        # add software as agent
        software = Resource(graph, LOCAL['software'])
        software.add(RDF['type'], PROV['Agent'])
        software.add(RDF['type'], PROV['SoftwareAgent'])
        software.add(FOAF['name'], Literal('BCCVL ALA Importer'))
        # script content is stored somewhere on result and will be exported with zip?
        #   ... or store along with pstats.json ? hidden from user

        # -> execenvironment after import -> log output?
        # -> source code ... maybe some link expression? stored on result ? separate entity?
        activity = Resource(graph, LOCAL['activity'])
        activity.add(RDF['type'], PROV['Activity'])
        # TODO: this is rather queued or created time for this activity ... could capture real start time on running status update (or start transfer)
        now =
                     Literal(now.isoformat(), datatype=XSD['dateTime']))
        activity.add(PROV['hasAssociationWith'], user)
        activity.add(PROV['hasAssociationWith'], software)
        # add job parameters to activity = graph.serialize(format="turtle")
Esempio n. 30
    def to_rdf(self, graph):
        super(Dialog, self).to_rdf(graph)

        d = Resource(graph, BNode())
        d.add(RDF.type, OSLC.Dialog)

        if self.label:
            d.add(OSLC.label, Literal(self.label))

        if self.title:
            d.add(DCTERMS.title, Literal(self.title))

        if self.hint_width:
            d.add(DCTERMS.hintWidth, Literal(self.hint_width))

        if self.hint_height:
            d.add(DCTERMS.hintHeight, Literal(self.hint_height))

        if self.dialog:
            d.add(OSLC.dialog, URIRef(self.dialog))

        if self.resource_type:
            for item in self.resource_type:
                d.add(OSLC.resourceType, URIRef(item))

        if self.usage:
            for item in self.usage:
                d.add(OSLC.usage, URIRef(item))

        return d
Esempio n. 31
    def to_rdf(self, graph):
        super(QueryCapability, self).to_rdf(graph)

        qc = Resource(graph, BNode())
        qc.add(RDF.type, OSLC.QueryCapability)

        if self.title:
            qc.add(DCTERMS.title, Literal(self.title))

        if self.label:
            qc.add(OSLC.label, Literal(self.label, datatype=XSD.string))
            qc.add(OSLC.label, Literal(self.title, datatype=XSD.string))

        if self.query_base:
            qc.add(OSLC.queryBase, URIRef(self.query_base))

        if self.resource_shape:
            qc.add(OSLC.resourceShape, URIRef(self.resource_shape))

        if self.resource_type:
            for item in self.resource_type:
                qc.add(OSLC.resourceType, URIRef(item))

        if self.usage:
            for item in self.usage.items():
                qc.add(OSLC.usage, URIRef(item[1]))

        return qc
Esempio n. 32
      # we want a way to catalog things that end up without any kind of match. Let's start here.
      if left_labels[key] not in unmatched:

  out_graph = Graph()
  nsm = NamespaceManager(out_graph)
  nsm.bind('owl', OWL, override=False)
  print("Count of matches: " + str(len(match_ids)))

  for i in match_ids:
    osa = owl_sameas[i]
    if osa['score'] >= min_score:
      f = Resource(out_graph, URIRef(osa['left']))
      r = Resource(out_graph, URIRef(osa['right']))
      f.add(OWL.sameAs, r)
      r.add(OWL.sameAs, f)
      # The match was excluded by score
      print("Excluding " + str(osa) + " because the score was too low.")

  if len(unmatched) > 0:
    if len(unmatched_deletions) > 0:
      unmatched = list(set(unmatched) - set(unmatched_deletions)) 
    for u in unmatched:
      print(u + " matched nothing in the target set.")
def generate_rdf(data):
    DCO = Namespace("")
    VIVO = Namespace("")
    SKOS = Namespace("")
    BIBO = Namespace("")

    g = Graph()
    g.bind("dco", DCO)
    g.bind("bibo", BIBO)
    g.bind("vivo", VIVO)

    for (uri, record) in data:
            publication = Publication(record)
            pub = Resource(g, URIRef(uri))

            if publication.issue is not None:
                pub.add(BIBO.issue, Literal(publication.issue))

            if publication.issued is not None and publication.issued["year"] is not None:
                pub.add(DCO.yearOfPublicationYear, Literal(publication.issued["year"], datatype=XSD.gYear))

            if publication.volume is not None:
                pub.add(BIBO.volume, Literal(publication.volume))

            if publication.issn is not None:
                pub.add(BIBO.issn, Literal(publication.issn))

            if publication.pages is not None:
                if "-" in publication.pages:
                    pageStart = publication.pages[:publication.pages.find("-")]
                    pageEnd = publication.pages[publication.pages.find("-") + 1:]
                    if pageStart != "n/a":
                        pub.add(BIBO.pageStart, Literal(pageStart))
                    if pageEnd != "n/a":
                        pub.add(BIBO.pageEnd, Literal(pageEnd))
                    #pub.add(BIBO.pages, Literal(publication.pages))

        except ValueError as err:

    with open("pub-info.ttl", "w") as out:
        out.write(g.serialize(format="turtle", encoding="UTF-8").decode(encoding="UTF-8"))
 def convert_agency(self, csv_filename):
     read_agency = self.__open_file(csv_filename)
     for row in read_agency:
         if "agency_id" in row:
             agency = self.get_agency(str.strip(row["agency_id"]))
             agency = Resource(self.graph, URIRef(row['agency_url']))
             agency.add(RDF.type, self.GTFS.Agency)
         name = Literal(row['agency_name'], datatype=XSD.string)
         agency.add(, name)
         timezone = Literal(row['agency_timezone'], datatype=XSD.string)
         agency.add(self.GTFS.timeZone, timezone)
         if 'agency_lang' in row and str.strip(row["agency_lang"]) != "":
             agency.add(DCTERMS.language, Literal(row['agency_lang'], datatype=XSD.string))
         if 'agency_phone' in row and str.strip(row["agency_phone"]) != "":
             agency.add(, Literal(row['agency_phone'], datatype=XSD.string))
         if 'agency_fare_url' in row and str.strip(row["agency_fare_url"]) != "":
             agency.add(self.GTFS.fareUrl, URIRef(row['agency_fare_url']))
Esempio n. 35
    def __iter__(self):
        """missing docstring."""
        for item in self.previous:
            # check if we have a dataset

            if item['_type'] not in ('org.bccvl.content.dataset',
                # not a dataset
                yield item

            pathkey = self.pathkey(*item.keys())[0]
            # no path .. can't do anything
            if not pathkey:
                yield item

            path = item[pathkey]
            # Skip the Plone site object itself
            if not path:
                yield item

            obj = self.context.unrestrictedTraverse(
                path.encode().lstrip('/'), None)

            # FIXME: this is really not a great way to check where to find provenenace data
            # check if we are inside an experiment (means we import result)
            if IExperiment.providedBy(self.context.__parent__):
                # result import
                context = self.context
                # dataset import?
                context = obj

            # TODO: do some sanity checks
            provdata = IProvenanceData(context)
            PROV = Namespace(u"")
            BCCVL = Namespace(u"")
            LOCAL = Namespace(u"urn:bccvl:")
            graph = Graph()
            graph.parse( or '', format='turtle')
            activity = Resource(graph, LOCAL['activity'])
            # FIXME: shouldn't I use uuid instead of id?
            entity = Resource(graph, LOCAL[])
            # create this dataset as new entity -> output of activity
            entity.add(RDF['type'], PROV['Entity'])
            # generated by
            entity.add(PROV['wasGeneratedBy'], activity)
            # PROV['prov:wasAttributedTo'] to user and software?
            # File metadata
            entity.add(DCTERMS['creator'], Literal(obj.Creator()))
            entity.add(DCTERMS['title'], Literal(obj.title))
            entity.add(DCTERMS['description'], Literal(obj.description))
            entity.add(DCTERMS['rights'], Literal(obj.rights))
            if obj.portal_type == 'org.bccvl.content.dataset':
                entity.add(DCTERMS['format'], Literal(obj.file.contentType))
                # FIXME: this doesn't seem to do the right thing
                entity.add(DCTERMS['format'], Literal(obj.format))
            # TODO: add metadata about file?
            #    genre, layers, emsc, gcm, year

            # set activities end time
            #   first one wins
            if activity.value(PROV['endedAtTime']) is None:
                             Literal(, datatype=XSD['dateTime']))

            # TODO: extend activity metadata with execution environment data
            #       (logfile import?, pstats import) .. and script + params.json file
            # ALA import url
            pd = item.get('_ala_provenance', {})
            if pd:
                entity.add(BCCVL['download_url'], Literal(pd['url']))

            # store prov data
   = graph.serialize(format="turtle")

            yield item
Esempio n. 36
    def _createProvenance(self, result):
        provdata = IProvenanceData(result)
        from rdflib import URIRef, Literal, Namespace, Graph
        from rdflib.namespace import RDF, RDFS, FOAF, DCTERMS, XSD
        from rdflib.resource import Resource
        PROV = Namespace(u"")
        BCCVL = Namespace(u"")
        LOCAL = Namespace(u"urn:bccvl:")
        graph = Graph()
        # the user is our agent

        member = api.user.get_current()
        username = member.getProperty('fullname') or member.getId()
        user = Resource(graph, LOCAL['user'])
        user.add(RDF['type'], PROV['Agent'])
        user.add(RDF['type'], FOAF['Person'])
        user.add(FOAF['name'], Literal(username))
        # add software as agent
        software = Resource(graph, LOCAL['software'])
        software.add(RDF['type'], PROV['Agent'])
        software.add(RDF['type'], PROV['SoftwareAgent'])
        software.add(FOAF['name'], Literal('BCCVL Job Script'))
        # script content is stored somewhere on result and will be exported with zip?
        #   ... or store along with pstats.json ? hidden from user

        # -> execenvironment after import -> log output?
        # -> source code ... maybe some link expression? stored on result ? separate entity?
        activity = Resource(graph, LOCAL['activity'])
        activity.add(RDF['type'], PROV['Activity'])
        # TODO: this is rather queued or created time for this activity ... could capture real start time on running status update (or start transfer)
        now =
                     Literal(now.isoformat(), datatype=XSD['dateTime']))
        activity.add(PROV['hasAssociationWith'], user)
        activity.add(PROV['hasAssociationWith'], software)
        # add job parameters to activity
        for idx, (key, value) in enumerate(result.job_params.items()):
            param = Resource(graph, LOCAL[u'param_{}'.format(idx)])
            activity.add(BCCVL['algoparam'], param)
            param.add(BCCVL['name'], Literal(key))
            # We have only dataset references as parameters
            if key in ('data_table',):
                param.add(BCCVL['value'], LOCAL[dsuuid])
                param.add(BCCVL['value'], Literal(value))
        # iterate over all input datasets and add them as entities
        for key in ('data_table',):
            dsbrain = uuidToCatalogBrain(result.job_params[key])
            if not dsbrain:
            ds = dsbrain.getObject()
            dsprov = Resource(graph, LOCAL[result.job_params[key]])
            dsprov.add(RDF['type'], PROV['Entity'])
            #dsprov.add(PROV['..'], Literal(''))
            dsprov.add(DCTERMS['creator'], Literal(ds.Creator()))
            dsprov.add(DCTERMS['title'], Literal(ds.title))
            dsprov.add(DCTERMS['description'], Literal(ds.description))
            dsprov.add(DCTERMS['rights'], Literal(ds.rights))  # ds.rightsstatement
            dsprov.add(DCTERMS['format'], Literal(ds.file.contentType))
            # location / source
            # graph.add(uri, DCTERMS['source'], Literal(''))
            # TODO: genre ...
            # TODO: resolution
            # species metadata
            md = IBCCVLMetadata(ds)
            # dsprov.add(BCCVL['scientificName'], Literal(md['species']['scientificName']))
            # dsprov.add(BCCVL['taxonID'], URIRef(md['species']['taxonID']))

            # ... species data, ... species id
            for layer in md.get('layers_used',()):
                dsprov.add(BCCVL['layer'], LOCAL[layer])

            # link with activity
            activity.add(PROV['used'], dsprov) = graph.serialize(format="turtle")
Esempio n. 37
    def to_rdf(self, graph):
        super(ServiceProvider, self).to_rdf(graph)

        uri = self.about if self.about.__contains__(self.identifier) \
            else self.about + '/{}'.format(self.identifier) if self.identifier else ''

        sp = Resource(graph, URIRef(uri))
        sp.add(RDF.type, OSLC.ServiceProvider)

        if self.identifier:
            sp.add(DCTERMS.identifier, Literal(self.identifier, datatype=XSD.string))

        if self.title:
            sp.add(DCTERMS.title, Literal(self.title, datatype=XSD.Literal))

        if self.description:
            sp.add(DCTERMS.description, Literal(self.description))

        if self.publisher:
            sp.add(DCTERMS.publisher, URIRef(self.publisher.about))

        if self.service:
            for s in self.service:
                r = s.to_rdf(graph)
                sp.add(OSLC.service, r)

        if self.details:
            sp.add(OSLC.details, URIRef(self.details))

        if self.oauth_configuration:
            sp.add(OSLC.oauthConfiguration, URIRef(self.oauth_configuration.about))

        if self.prefix_definition:
            for pd in self.prefix_definition:
                r = pd.to_rdf(graph)
                sp.add(OSLC.prefixDefinition, r)

        sp.add(JAZZ_PROCESS.supportContributionsToLinkIndexProvider, Literal(True, datatype=XSD.boolean))
        sp.add(JAZZ_PROCESS.supportLinkDiscoveryViaLinkIndexProvider, Literal(True, datatype=XSD.boolean))
        sp.add(JAZZ_PROCESS.supportOSLCSimpleQuery, Literal(True, datatype=XSD.boolean))
        sp.add(JAZZ_PROCESS.globalConfigurationAware, Literal('yes', datatype=XSD.String))

        return sp
Esempio n. 38
    def to_rdf(self, graph):
        super(Service, self).to_rdf(graph)

        # uri = self.about if self.about.__contains__(self.identifier) else self.about + '/{}'.format(
        #     self.identifier) if self.identifier else ''

        s = Resource(graph, BNode())
        s.add(RDF.type, OSLC.Service)

        if self.title:
            s.add(DCTERMS.title, Literal(self.title, datatype=XSD.Literal))

        if self.description:
            s.add(DCTERMS.description, Literal(self.description, datatype=XSD.Literal))

        if self.domain:
            s.add(OSLC.domain, URIRef(self.domain))

        if self.creation_factory:
            for cf in self.creation_factory:
                r = cf.to_rdf(graph)
                s.add(OSLC.creationFactory, r)

        if self.query_capability:
            for qc in self.query_capability:
                r = qc.to_rdf(graph)
                s.add(OSLC.queryCapability, r)

        if self.selection_dialog:
            for sd in self.selection_dialog:
                r = sd.to_rdf(graph)
                s.add(OSLC.selectionDialog, r)

        if self.creation_dialog:
            for cd in self.creation_dialog:
                r = cd.to_rdf(graph)
                s.add(OSLC.creationDialog, r.identifier)

        return s
Esempio n. 39
  nsm = NamespaceManager(g)

  # r_namespace should == p_namespace, otherwise how can they really be reciprocals?
  (p_namespace,p_verb) = predicate.split(":")
  (r_namespace,r_verb) = reciprocal.split(":")

  assert p_namespace == r_namespace, "Prefixes don't match. This would probably create weird reciprocations."

  # find out if the namespaces are already registered via the graph, because they *should* be

  # I wonder if there's a more efficient way of doing this. Namespaces aren't usually prohibitively numerous, but still.
  nuri = ''
  for (p,n) in g.namespaces():
    if p == p_namespace:
      nuri = Namespace(n)

  if nuri == '':
    # we lack a proper prefix/namespace definition and can't continue
    sys.exit("\nError: Can't find the prefix in the namespace list for this graph. Are you sure it's there?\n")

  found_p = getattr(nuri,p_verb)
  found_r = getattr(nuri,r_verb)

  for (s,o) in g.subject_objects(predicate = found_p):
    new_subject = Resource(g, o)
    new_object = Resource(g, s)

Esempio n. 40
    def to_rdf(self, graph):
        super(CreationFactory, self).to_rdf(graph)

        cf = Resource(graph, BNode())
        cf.add(RDF.type, OSLC.CreationFactory)

        if self.title:
            cf.add(DCTERMS.title, Literal(self.title))

        if self.label:
            cf.add(OSLC.label, Literal(self.label, datatype=XSD.string))

        if self.creation:
            cf.add(OSLC.creation, URIRef(self.creation))

        if self.resource_shape:
            for item in self.resource_shape:
                cf.add(OSLC.resourceShape, URIRef(item))

        if self.resource_type:
            for item in self.resource_type:
                cf.add(OSLC.resourceType, URIRef(item))

        if self.usage:
            for item in self.usage:
                cf.add(OSLC.usage, URIRef(item))

        return cf
Esempio n. 41
    def to_rdf(self, graph):
        super(Publisher, self).to_rdf(graph)

        graph.bind('jfs', JFS)

        p = Resource(graph, URIRef(self.about))
        p.add(RDF.type, DCTERMS.Publisher)

        if self.title:
            p.add(DCTERMS.title, Literal(self.title))

        if self.label:
            p.add(OSLC.label, Literal(self.label))

        if self.identifier:
            p.add(DCTERMS.identifier, Literal(self.identifier))

        if self.icon:
            p.add(OSLC.icon, URIRef(self.icon))

        p.add(JFS.nonLocalizedTitle, Literal('Configuration'))
        p.add(JFS.version, Literal('7.0'))
        p.add(JFS.instanceName, Literal('/pyoslc'))

        return p
 def convert_stop_times(self, csv_filename):
     read_stop_times = self.__open_file(csv_filename)
     for row in read_stop_times:
         stop_id = str.strip(row["stop_id"])
         sequence_num = str.strip(row["stop_sequence"])
         trip_id = str.strip(row["trip_id"])
         stop_time = Resource(self.graph, URIRef(self.uri + trip_id + "_" + stop_id + "_StopTime_" + sequence_num))
         stop_time.set(RDF.type, self.GTFS.StopTime)
         stop_time.add(self.GTFS.trip, self.get_trip(trip_id))
         stop_time.add(self.GTFS.arrivalTime, Literal(str.strip(row["arrival_time"]), datatype=XSD.time))
         stop_time.add(self.GTFS.departureTime, Literal(str.strip(row["departure_time"]), datatype=XSD.time))
         stop_time.add(self.GTFS.stop, self.get_stop(stop_id))
         stop_time.add(self.GTFS.stopSequence, Literal(sequence_num, datatype=XSD.nonNegativeInteger))
         if "stop_headsign" in row:
             stop_time.add(self.GTFS.headsign, Literal(str.strip(row["stop_headsign"]), datatype=XSD.string))
         if "pickup_type" in row:
             pickup_type = self.get_stop_type(str.strip(row["pickup_type"]))
             stop_time.add(self.GTFS.pickupType, pickup_type)
         if "drop_off_type" in row:
             dropoff_type = self.get_stop_type(str.strip(row["drop_off_type"]))
             stop_time.add(self.GTFS.dropOffType, dropoff_type)
         if "shape_dist_traveled" in row:
             # stop_time.add(self.GTFS.distanceTraveled,
             # Literal(float(str.strip(row["shape_dist_traveled"])), datatype=XSD.nonNegativeInteger))
             stop_time.add(self.GTFS.distanceTraveled, Literal(float(str.strip(row["shape_dist_traveled"]))))
 def get_agency(self, agency_id):
     agency = Resource(self.graph, URIRef(self.uri + "agency_" + agency_id))
     agency.add(RDF.type, self.GTFS.Agency)
     agency.set(DCTERMS.identifier, Literal(agency_id, datatype=XSD.string))
     return agency