Esempio n. 1
    def run(self):
        embed_style = None
        if self.arguments:
            embed_style = self.arguments
            q = dedent("""\
                PREFIX dc:<>
                PREFIX aa:<>
                PREFIX http:<>
                PREFIX media:<>
                SELECT ?ctype ?format ?audiocodec ?videocodec
                WHERE {{
                  OPTIONAL {{ <%(URL)s> http:content_type ?ctype . }}
                  OPTIONAL {{ <%(URL)s> dc:format ?format . }}
                  OPTIONAL {{ <%(URL)s> media:audio_codec ?audiocodec . }}
                  OPTIONAL {{ <%(URL)s> media:video_codec ?videocodec . }}
                }}""".strip() % {'URL': self.stdin['original_url']})

            b = {}
            for row in rdfutils.query(q, RDF_MODEL):
                for name in row:
                    b[name] = rdfutils.rdfnode(row.get(name))

            # TODO: move to templates
            if b.get('ctype') in ("image/jpeg", "image/png", "image/gif"):
                embed_style = "img"
            elif b.get('ctype') in ("video/ogg", "video/webm") or (b.get('videocodec') in ("theora", "vp8")):
                embed_style = "html5video"
            elif b.get('ctype') in ("audio/ogg", ) or (b.get('audiocodec') == "vorbis" and (not b.get('videocodec'))):
                embed_style = "html5audio"
            elif b.get('ctype') in ("text/html", ):
                embed_style = "iframe"
            elif b.get('ctype') in ("application/rss+xml", "text/xml", "application/atom+xml"):
                embed_style = "feed"
                embed_style = None 

        # TODO: move to templates
        if embed_style == "img":
            self.stdout['output'] = '<img src="%s" />' % self.stdin['original_url']
        elif embed_style == "html5video":
            #self.stdout['output'] = '<video class="player" controls src="%s" />' %  self.stdin['local_url']
            # Temporarily fixes the local serveur serving ogg with the wronf mimetype
            self.stdout['output'] = '<video class="player" controls src="%s" />' %  self.stdin['original_url']
        elif embed_style == "html5audio":
            #self.stdout['output'] = '<audio class="player" controls src="%s" />' % self.stdin['local_url']
            # Temporarily fixes the local serveur serving ogg with the wronf mimetype
            self.stdout['output'] = '<audio class="player" controls src="%s" />' % self.stdin['original_url']
        elif embed_style == "iframe":
            self.stdout['output'] = '<iframe src="%s"></iframe>' % self.stdin['local_url']
        elif embed_style == "feed":
            feed = feedparser.parse(self.stdin['local_url'])
            self.stdout['output'] = u''
            for entry in feed['entries'][:4]:
                self.stdout['output'] += u'<div>'
                self.stdout['output'] += u'<h3><a href="%s">%s</a></h3>' % (, entry.title)
                self.stdout['output'] += u'<div>'
                self.stdout['output'] += entry.summary
                self.stdout['output'] += u'</div>'
                self.stdout['output'] += u'</div>'
            self.stdout['output'] = "<p>Unable to detect embed type</p>"
def rdfnode (node):
    return rdfutils.rdfnode(node)