Esempio n. 1
def get_filter_values(mol):
    calculate the values, for a given molecule, that are used to filter
    return as a dictionary

    assert isinstance(mol, Chem.Mol)

    values = {}
    values["MW"] = desc.CalcExactMolWt(mol)
    values["logP"] = crip.MolLogP(mol)
    values["HBA"] = lip.NumHAcceptors(mol)
    values["HBD"] = lip.NumHDonors(mol)
    values["tPSA"] = desc.CalcTPSA(mol)
    values["rot_bonds"] = lip.NumRotatableBonds(mol)
    values["rigid_bonds"] = mol.GetNumBonds() - values["rot_bonds"]  # assume mutual exclusion
    values["num_rings"] = lip.RingCount(mol)
    values["num_hetero_atoms"] = lip.NumHeteroatoms(mol)
    values["charge"] = rdmolops.GetFormalCharge(mol)  # trusting this charge calculation method
    values["num_carbons"], values["num_charges"], values["max_ring_size"] = get_atom_props(mol)
        values["hc_ratio"] = float(values["num_hetero_atoms"]) / float(values["num_carbons"])
    except ZeroDivisionError:
        values["hc_ratio"] = 100000000  # if there are zero carbons
    values["fc"] = len(list(Brics.FindBRICSBonds(mol)))  # how many BRICS bonds, related to complexity
    values["is_good"] = True  # default to true, but not yet observed
    atoms = [atom.GetSymbol() for atom in mol.GetAtoms()]  # get all the atoms, and make the list unique (only types)
    atoms = set(atoms)
    atoms = list(atoms)
    values["atoms"] = atoms
    values["num_chiral_centers"] = len(Chem.FindMolChiralCenters(mol, includeUnassigned=True))
    values["rejections"] = []  # empty list to store the reasons for rejection

    return values
Esempio n. 2
def fragment_recursive(mol, frags):
        bonds = list(BRICS.FindBRICSBonds(mol))

        if bonds == []:
            return frags

        idxs, labs = list(zip(*bonds))

        bond_idxs = []
        for a1, a2 in idxs:
            bond = mol.GetBondBetweenAtoms(a1, a2)

        order = np.argsort(bond_idxs).tolist()
        bond_idxs = [bond_idxs[i] for i in order]

        broken = Chem.FragmentOnBonds(mol,
                                      dummyLabels=[(0, 0)])
        head, tail = Chem.GetMolFrags(broken, asMols=True)
        print(mol_to_smiles(head), mol_to_smiles(tail))

        fragment_recursive(tail, frags)
    except Exception:
Esempio n. 3
def fragment_iterative(mol, min_length=3):

    bond_data = list(BRICS.FindBRICSBonds(mol))

        idxs, labs = zip(*bond_data)
    except Exception:
        return []

    bonds = []
    for a1, a2 in idxs:
        bond = mol.GetBondBetweenAtoms(a1, a2)

    order = np.argsort(bonds).tolist()
    bonds = [bonds[i] for i in order]

    frags, temp = [], deepcopy(mol)
    for bond in bonds:
        res = break_on_bond(temp, bond)

        if len(res) == 1:

        head, tail = res
        if get_size(head) < min_length or get_size(tail) < min_length:

        temp = deepcopy(tail)

    return frags
Esempio n. 4
def break_on_rotatable_bonds_to_mol(inmol):
    """Takes a mol and breaks it on all of the rotatable bonds (well, most of them) - returns a single mol, or None if there are no rotatable bonds"""

    # Get the indices of the atoms around the bonds to be broken
    atom_pairs = [p[0] for p in BRICS.FindBRICSBonds(inmol) if p]
    # Return if no bonds found... as it was given
    if not atom_pairs:
        return inmol
    # Get the bond indices
    bonds = [
        inmol.GetBondBetweenAtoms(at1, at2).GetIdx()
        for (at1, at2) in atom_pairs
    # Fragment the molecule
    fragged_mol = Chem.rdmolops.FragmentOnBonds(inmol, bonds, addDummies=False)

    return fragged_mol
Esempio n. 5
def identify_rotatable_bond_atom_pairs(mol):
    """find the atom quadruplets around rotatable bonds of a molecule"""

    # List of tuples of 4 atoms
    atom_sets = []
    # Get the atoms on the ends of rotatable bonds
    atom_pairs = [p[0] for p in BRICS.FindBRICSBonds(mol) if p]
    # Go through and get one of the neighbours for each
    for a1,a2 in atom_pairs:
        # Get the neighbours for a1 (removing a2)
        a1_neighbours = [n.GetIdx() for n in mol.GetAtomWithIdx(a1).GetNeighbors()]
        # Get the neighbours for a2 (removing a1)
        a2_neighbours = [n.GetIdx() for n in mol.GetAtomWithIdx(a2).GetNeighbors()]
        # Add one from either side of the double bond
        atom_sets.append((a1_neighbours[0], a1, a2, a2_neighbours[0]))
    # Now have 4 atoms from which we can calculate a dihedral angle
    return atom_sets
 def splitMol(self, mol, bondsToKeep):
     ''' fragments a molecule on a particular set of BRICS bonds.
     Partially sanitizes the results
     bbnds = BRICS.FindBRICSBonds(mol)
     bndsToTry = []
     lbls = []
     for aids, lbl in bbnds:
         if lbl in bondsToKeep:
                 aids[0], aids[1]).GetIdx())
             lbls.append([int(x) for x in lbl])
     if not bndsToTry:
         return []
     res = Chem.FragmentOnSomeBonds(mol, bndsToTry, dummyLabels=lbls)
     # We need at least a partial sanitization for the rest of what we will be doing:
     for entry in res:
     return res
    def __init__(self, radius, fpSize, IC50function, molFile):
        self.fpgen = rdFingerprintGenerator.GetMorganGenerator(
            radius=radius, fpSize=fpSize)
        self.getIC50 = IC50function
        self.molFile = molFile

        # Open SMILES file and convert each sequence to rdkit molecule
        with open(self.molFile) as f:
            raw_text =

        raw_data = raw_text.split("\n")
        mol_list = [Chem.MolFromSmiles(x) for x in raw_data[:1000]] = [rdMolStandardize.FragmentParent(x) for x in mol_list]

        # Get a count of the BRICS bonds within the molecules
        cntr = Counter()
        for m in
            bbnds = BRICS.FindBRICSBonds(m)
            for aids, lbls in bbnds:
                cntr[lbls] += 1
        freqs = sorted([(y, x) for x, y in cntr.items()], reverse=True)

        # Keep the top 10 bonds
        self.bondsToKeep = [y for x, y in freqs]
Esempio n. 8
    def get_fc0_frags(self):
        This function breaks every bond and enumerates all the FC0 fragments. This is a needed first step, since these
        are used to build up all the more complex fragments.
        fc0_frags = []
        brics = BRICS.FindBRICSBonds(self.init_mol)
        brics_counter = Counter(
        )  # counter starts at 100 since it's not going to be in use as a p.atom
        edges = []
        for bond, brics_type in brics:
            i, j = bond
            x, y = brics_type
            pseudo_i = brics_counter.increment()
            pseudo_j = brics_counter.increment(
            )  # this is always done in pairs so that eg. 100 and 101 go together
            self.brics_legend[pseudo_i] = int(
                x)  # remember to store the BRICS typing, we need it later
            self.brics_legend[pseudo_j] = int(y)
            edges.append((pseudo_i, pseudo_j))  # keep a record of this bond
            self.breakAndReplace(i, j, pseudo_i, pseudo_j)
        self.edges = edges

        # this while loop finds parts of a graph that are no longer connected, meaning FC0 fragments in this case
        untouched = set(self.atoms.keys()
                        )  # keep a list of atoms we haven't investigated yet
        while untouched:  # if there are still atoms we haven't processed
            currSet = set()
            newMol = RecomposerMol()
            newAtoms = {}
            newPseudoAtoms = {}
            new_brics_legend = {}
            while currSet:
                # perform graph search
                currAtom = self.atoms[currSet.pop()]
                for bond in currAtom.bonds:
                    idx = None
                    if currAtom.index == bond.endAtomIdx:
                        idx = bond.beginAtomIdx
                    elif currAtom.index == bond.beginAtomIdx:
                        idx = bond.endAtomIdx
                    # add connected atoms to curr mol atom set
                    if idx in untouched:
                newAtoms[currAtom.index] = self._copyAtom(
                    currAtom)  # watch out for reference errors!
                if currAtom.atom_num == 0:
                    newPseudoAtoms[currAtom.isotope] = currAtom.index
            newMol.atoms = newAtoms
            newMol.pseudoIndex = newPseudoAtoms
            newMol.brics_legend = new_brics_legend
        # now need to index the fragments to make it easier to bond them
        fc0_index = {}
        for i, frag in enumerate(fc0_frags):
            for pseudo_atom in frag.pseudoIndex.keys():
                    pseudo_atom] = i  # each FC0 fragment should be accessible by pseudoatom
        self.fc0_index = fc0_index
        self.fragments[0] = fc0_frags