Esempio n. 1
def allowgames(bot, cmd, room, msg, user):
    """Determines if a user is allowed to commence a chat game of any sort.
        bot: Robot, connection between this funciton and the main program.
        cmd: str, the command the user is executing.
        msg: str, any message found after the command.
        user: user object.
        Reply object denoting the mesage to be returned and whether or not it
        the message should be sent in PMs or public chat.
    reply = r.ReplyObject(True)
    if not user.hasRank('#'):
        return reply.response(
            'You do not have permission to change this. (Requires #)')
    if room.isPM:
        return reply.response("You can't use this command in a pm.")
    msg = bot.removeSpaces(msg)
    if msg in ['true', 'yes', 'y', 'True']:
        if room.allowGames:
            return reply.response(
                'Chatgames are already allowed in this room.')
        room.allowGames = True
        return reply.response('Chatgames are now allowed in this room.')

    elif msg in ['false', 'no', 'n', ' False']:
        room.allowGames = False
        return reply.response('Chatgames are no longer allowed in this room.')
    return reply.response(
        '{param} is not a supported parameter'.format(param=msg))
Esempio n. 2
def tell(bot, cmd, room, msg, user):
    reply = r.ReplyObject()
    notes = bot.usernotes
    if not msg:
        return reply.response('You need to specify a user and a '
                              'message to send in the format: [user],'
                              ' [message]')
    msg = msg.split(',')
    to = bot.toId(msg[0])
    message = ','.join(msg[1:]).lstrip()
    if notes.alreadySentMessage(to,
        return reply.response('You already have a message to this'
                              ' user waiting')
    if not message:
        return reply.response('You forgot a message')
    if len(message) > 150:
        return reply.response('Message is too long. Max limit is '
                              '150 characters')
    if len(to) >= 20:
        return reply.response("Username is too long. This user doesn't exist")
    notes.addMessage(to,, message)
    reply.samePlace = True
    responseText = "I'll be sure to tell {user} that.".format(user=msg[0])
    if to ==
        responseText = "You sent yourself a message. Was this intended? It will work, but why?"
    return reply.response(responseText)
Esempio n. 3
def leaveroom(bot, cmd, room, msg, user):
    reply = r.ReplyObject()
    msg = bot.removeSpaces(msg)
    if not msg:
        msg = room.title
    if bot.leaveRoom(msg):
        return reply.response('Leaving room {r} succeeded'.format(r=msg))
    return reply.response('Could not leave room: {r}'.format(r=msg))
Esempio n. 4
def untell(bot, cmd, room, msg, user):
    reply = r.ReplyObject()
    notes = bot.usernotes
    if not msg:
        return reply.response('You need to specify a user to remove')
    if not notes.hasMessage(msg):
        return reply.response('This user has no waiting messages')
    if not notes.removeMessage(msg,
        return reply.response('You have no message to this user waiting')
    return reply.response('Message removed')
Esempio n. 5
def read(bot, cmd, room, msg, user):
    reply = r.ReplyObject()
    notes = bot.usernotes
    if not notes.hasMessage(
        return reply.response('You have no messages waiting')
    if not msg:
        # If the user didn't specify any amount to return,
        # give back a single message
        return reply.response(notes.getMessages(, 1))
    if not msg.isdigit() and int(msg) < 1:
        return reply.response('Please enter a positive integer')
    return reply.response(notes.getMessages(, int(msg)))
Esempio n. 6
def moderate(bot, cmd, room, msg, user):
    reply = r.ReplyObject('', True)
    if not msg:
        return reply.response(
            'No parameters given. Command is ~moderate [room],True/False')
    if not user.hasRank('#'):
        return reply.response(
            'You do not have permission to set this. (Requires #)')
    if not room.moderation.config['anything'] and not msg == 'anything':
    room.moderation.config[msg] = not room.moderation.config[msg]
    return reply.response(
        'Moderation for {thing} is now turned {setting}'.format(
            thing=msg, setting='on' if room.moderation.config[msg] else 'off'))
Esempio n. 7
def unbanthing(bot, cmd, room, msg, user):
    reply = r.ReplyObject('', True, True)
    if not user.hasRank('#'):
        return reply.response(
            'You do not have permission to do this. (Requires #)')
    if room.isPM:
        return reply.response("You can't unban things in PMs")
    error = room.moderation.removeBan(cmd[5:], msg)
    if not error:
        return reply.response(('Removed {thing} from the banlist {room}\n'
                               '/modnote {user} removed {thing} from the'
                               ' blacklist').format(thing=msg,
    return reply.response(error)
Esempio n. 8
def getranking(bot, cmd, room, msg, user):
    reply = r.ReplyObject('', True, True)
    if not user.hasRank('%') and not room.isPM:
            'Listing the rankings require Room Driver (%) or higher.')
    # format is room (optional), format, user (if ever, also optional)
    with open('plugins/tournament-rankings.yaml', 'r+') as yf:, 0)
        data = yaml.load(yf)

    parts = list(map(bot.toId, msg.split(',')))
    roomTitle = ''
        roomData = data[parts[0]]
        roomTitle = parts.pop(0)
    except KeyError:
        roomData = data[room.title] if room.title in data else None
        formatData = roomData[parts[0]]
        format = parts.pop(0)
            userData = formatData[parts[0]]
            return reply.response(
                '{user} has played {games} and won {wins} ({winrate:.1f}% win rate)'
                        winrate=(userData['won'] / userData['entered']) * 100))
        except IndexError:
            rankingsTable = Tournament.buildRankingsTable(formatData, format)
            if bot.canHtml(room):
                return reply.response('/addhtmlbox {}'.format(rankingsTable))
                return reply.response('Cannot show full rankings in this room')
        except KeyError:
            return reply.response(
                '{user} has no data for {tier} in {room}'.format(
                    room=roomTitle if roomTitle else room.title))
    except TypeError:
        return reply.response('The room {} has no data about rankings'.format(
    except IndexError:
        return reply.response('No format given')
    except KeyError:
        return reply.response(
            'The room has no data about the format {}'.format(parts[0]))
Esempio n. 9
def oldgentour(bot, cmd, room, msg, user):
    reply = r.ReplyObject('', True, True)
    if not room.tour:
        return reply.response('No tour is currently active, so this command '
                              'is disabled.')
    if not room.tour.format.startswith('gen'):
        return reply.response("The current tour isn't a previous generation, "
                              "so this command is disabled.")
    pastGens = {'gen1': 'RBY', 'gen2': 'GSC', 'gen3': 'RSE', 'gen4': 'DPP'}
    warning = ''
    if room.tour.format[0:4] in pastGens:
        warning = "/wall Please note that bringing Pokemon that aren't **{gen} NU** will disqualify you\n".format(
    return reply.response(
        warning +
        "/wall Sample teams here:"
Esempio n. 10
def handler(bot, cmd, room, msg, user):
    reply = r.ReplyObject('', True)
    if msg.startswith('new'):
        if not user.hasRank('@'):
            return reply.response("You don't have permission to start "
                                  "workshops (Requires @)")
        if room.activity:
            return reply.response('A room.activity is already in progress')
        host = bot.toId(msg[len('new '):]) if msg[len('new '):] else
        room.activity = Workshop(host)
        return reply.response('A new workshop session was created')

    if not (room.activity and room.activity.isThisGame(Workshop)):
        return reply.response('No Workshop in progress right now')
    workshop = room.activity
    if msg.startswith('add'):
        if not workshop.hasHostingRights(user):
            return reply.response(
                'Only the workshop host or a Room Moderator can add Pokemon')
        return reply.response(workshop.addPokemon(msg[4:].strip()))
    elif msg.startswith('remove'):
        if not workshop.hasHostingRights(user):
            return reply.response(
                'Only the workshop host or a Room Moderator can remove Pokemon'
        return reply.response(workshop.removePokemon(msg[7:].strip()))
    elif msg == 'clear':
        if not workshop.hasHostingRights(user):
            return reply.response(
                'Only the workshop host or a Room Moderator can clear the team'
        return reply.response(workshop.clearTeam())
    elif msg == 'team':
        return reply.response(workshop.getTeam())
    elif msg == 'end':
        if not workshop.hasHostingRights(user):
            return reply.response(
                'Only the workshop host or a Room Moderator can end the workshop'
                   workshop.pasteLog(room.title, bot.apikeys['pastebin']))
        room.activity = None
        return reply.response('Workshop session ended')
    unreg_cmd = msg if msg else 'nothing'
    return reply.response('Unrecognized command: {cmd}'.format(unreg_cmd))
Esempio n. 11
def start(bot, cmd, room, msg, user):
    global WHITELIST
    reply = r.ReplyObject('', True, False, True, True, False)
    if room.title == 'pm' and not cmd.startswith('score'):
        return reply.response("Don't try to play games in pm please")
    if msg == 'new':
        if not user.hasRank(WHITELIST_RANK) and not in WHITELIST:
            return reply.response('You do not have permission to start a game in this room. (Requires {rank})'.format(rank=WHITELIST_RANK))
        if room.activity:
            return reply.response('A game is already running somewhere')
        if not room.allowGames:
            return reply.response('This room does not support chatgames.')
        room.activity = Anagram()
        return reply.response('A new anagram has been created (guess with .a):\n' + room.activity.getWord())

    elif msg == 'hint':
        if room.activity:
            return reply.response('The hint is: {hint}'.format(hint=room.activity.getHint()))
        return reply.response('There is no active anagram right now')

    elif msg == 'end':
        if not user.hasRank(WHITELIST_RANK) and not in WHITELIST:
            return reply.response('You do not have permission to end the anagram. (Requires %)')
        if not (room.activity and room.activity.isThisGame(Anagram)):
            return reply.response('There is no active anagram or a different game is active.')
        solved = room.activity.getSolvedWord()
        room.activity = None
        return reply.response(('The anagram was forcefully ended by {baduser}. (Killjoy)\n'
                               'The solution was: **{solved}**').format(, solved=solved))

    elif msg.lower().startswith('score'):
        if msg.strip() == 'score':
            msg += ' {user}'.format(
        name = bot.toId(msg[len('score '):])
        if name not in Scoreboard:
            return reply.response("This user never won any anagrams")
        return reply.response('This user has won {number} anagram(s)'.format(number=Scoreboard[name]))
        if msg:
            return reply.response(('{param} is not a valid parameter for .anagram.'
                                   ' Make guesses with .a').format(param=msg))
        if room.activity and room.activity.isThisGame(Anagram):
            return reply.response('Current anagram: {word}'.format(word=room.activity.getWord()))
        return reply.response('There is no active anagram right now')
Esempio n. 12
def banthing(bot, cmd, room, msg, user):
    reply = r.ReplyObject('', True, True)
    if not user.hasRank('#'):
        return reply.response(
            'You do not have permission to do this. (Requires #)')
    if room.isPM:
        return reply.response("You can't ban things in PMs")
    error = room.moderation.addBan(cmd[3:], msg)
    if not error:
        modnote = ('/modnote {user} added {thing} to the '
        ban = ''
        if msg in room.users:
            ban = '\n/roomban {user}, Was added to blacklist'.format(user=msg)
        return reply.response(
            'Added {thing} to the banlist\n{note}{act}'.format(thing=msg,
    return reply.response(error)
Esempio n. 13
def acceptTeam(self, cmd, room, msg, user):
    reply = r.ReplyObject('')
    meta, team = msg.split()
    if not team:
        return reply.response('You forgot a team')
    if not team.startswith('|'):
        return reply.response(
            "This team doesn't look like a valid packed team :(")
    if meta not in[meta] = []
    if meta not in[meta].append(team)
    with open('plugins/battling/teams.yaml', 'w+') as file:
    return reply.response(
        'Saved that team for you so that I can play with it :)')
Esempio n. 14
def answer(bot, cmd, room, msg, user):
    reply = r.ReplyObject('', True, False, True, True, False)
    if not (room.activity and room.activity.isThisGame(Anagram)):
        return reply.response('There is no anagram active right now')
    if room.activity.isCorrect(re.sub(r'[ -]', '', msg).lower()):
        solved = room.activity.getSolvedWord()
        timeTaken = room.activity.getSolveTimeStr()
        room.activity = None
        # lambda expression to determine the user's score

        def start_score(u, s):
            return 1 if(u not in s) else s[u] + 1

        Scoreboard[] = start_score(, Scoreboard)
        # write the score to file
        with open('plugins/anagram_scoreboard.yaml', 'w') as ym:
            yaml.dump(Scoreboard, ym)
        return reply.response(('Congratulations, {name} got it{time}\n'
                               'The solution was: {solution}').format(, time=timeTaken, solution=solved))
    return reply.response('{ans} is wrong!'.format(ans=msg.lstrip()))
Esempio n. 15
def untourwl(bot, cmd, room, msg, user):
    """Attempts to remove a user from the whistlist of people who start tours.
        bot: Robot, connection between this funciton and the main program.
        cmd: str, the command the user is executing.
        msg: str, any message found after the command.
        user: user object.
        Reply object denoting the mesage to be returned and whether or not it
        the message should be sent in PMs or public chat.
    reply = r.ReplyObject('', True)
    if not user.hasRank('#'):
        return reply.response(("You do not have permission to change this."
                               " (Requires #)"))
    target = bot.toId(msg)
    if not room.delFromWhitelist(target):
        return reply.response('This user is not whitelisted in that room.')
    return reply.response(
        "{name} removed from the whitelist in this room.".format(name=msg))
Esempio n. 16
def commands(bot, cmd, room, msg, user):
    reply = r.ReplyObject('', True, False, False, True, True)
    if room.isPM:
        return reply.response("Don't try to play games in pm please")
    if cmd == 'trivia':
        if not msg:
            return reply.response('{msg} is not an valid parameter for trivia')
        if room.activity:
            return reply.response('There is already a game running in this room')

        params = bot.removeSpaces(msg).split(',')
        if params[0] in ['start', 'begin']:
            if not room.allowGames:
                return reply.response('This room does not support chatgames.')
            kind = 'first'
            if len(params) > 1:
                kind = params[1]
            if user.hasRank('@'):
                room.activity = Trivia(, room.title, kind)
                return reply.response('A new trivia session has started.')
            return reply.response('You do not have permission to set up a trivia session')
        elif params[0] in ['stop', 'end']:
            # The trivia class will solve everything after doing this.
            room.activity.endSession = True
            room.activity = None
            return reply.response('The trivia session has been ended')

    if cmd == 'ta':
        if not (room.activity and room.activity.isThisGame(Trivia)):
            return reply.response('There is no ongoing trivia session.')
        # Don't give information if wrong or right here, let Trivia deal with that
        if room.activity.tryAnswer(msg):
            if not room.activity.solver:
                room.activity.multiple = True
        return reply.response('NoAnswer')
    return reply.response('')
Esempio n. 17
def tour(bot, cmd, room, msg, user):
    """Determines if a user is allowed to commence a tour of any sort.
        bot: Robot, connection between this funciton and the main program.
        cmd: str, the command the user is executing.
        msg: str, any message found after the command.
        user: user object.
        Reply object denoting the mesage to be returned and whether or not it
        the message should be sent in PMs or public chat.
    reply = r.ReplyObject('', True, True, True)
    if room.isPM:
        return reply.response("You can't use this command in a pm.")
    if not room.isWhitelisted(user):
        return reply.response(
            'You are not allowed to use this command. (Requires whitelisting by a Room Owner)'
    if not bot.canStartTour(room):
        return reply.response(
            "I don't have the rank required to start a tour :(")
    return reply.response('/tour {rest}\n/modnote From {user}'.format(
Esempio n. 18
def answer(bot, cmd, room, msg, user):
    reply = r.ReplyObject('', True, False, True, True, False)
    ans = list(msg.lower().split(' '))
    if not (room.activity and room.activity.isThisGame(Periodic)):
        return reply.response('There is no periodic game active right now')
    if room.activity.check_ans(ans):
        solved = room.activity.get_solution()
        timeTaken = room.activity.getSolveTimeStr()
        room.activity = None

        # lambda expression to determine the user's score

        def start_score(u, s):
            return 1 if (u not in s) else s[u] + 1

        Scoreboard[] = start_score(, Scoreboard)
        with open('plugins/periodic_scoreboard.yaml', 'w') as ym:
            yaml.dump(Scoreboard, ym)
        return reply.response(
            ('Congratulations, {name} got it{time}\n'
             'The solution was: {solution}').format(,
    return reply.response('{test} is wrong!'.format(test=msg.lstrip()))
Esempio n. 19
def start(bot, cmd, room, msg, user):
    global WHITELIST
    reply = r.ReplyObject('', True, False, True, True, True)
    if msg.startswith("'") and msg.endswith("'") or (msg.startswith('"')
                                                     and msg.endswith('"')):
        return str(parse_text(msg))
    if room.title == 'pm' and not cmd.startswith('score'):
        return reply.response("Don't try to play games in pm please")
    if msg == 'new':
        if not user.hasRank(WHITELIST_RANK) and not in WHITELIST:
            return reply.response(
                'You do not have permission to start a game in this room. (Requires {rank})'
        if room.activity:
            return reply.response('A game is already running somewhere')
        if not room.allowGames:
            return reply.response('This room does not support chat games.')
        room.activity = PERIODIC_OBJ
        return reply.response(
            'A new periodic game has been created (guess with .pa):\n' +

    elif msg == 'hint':
        if room.activity:
            return reply.response('The hint is: ' + room.activity.get_hint())
        return reply.response('There is no active periodic game right now')

    elif msg == 'help':
        if room.activity:
            return reply.response('Here\'s a periodic table: ' +
        return reply.response('There is no active periodic game right now')

    elif msg == 'end':
        if not user.hasRank(WHITELIST_RANK) and not in WHITELIST:
            return reply.response((
                'You do not have permission to end the periodic game. (Requires {rank})'
        if not (room.activity and room.activity.isThisGame(Periodic)):
            return reply.response(
                'There is no active periodic game or a different game is active.'
        solved = room.activity.get_solution()
        room.activity = None
        return reply.response((
            'The periodic game was forcefully ended by {baduser}. (Killjoy)\nThe solution was: '
            '**{solved}**').format(, solved=solved))

    elif msg.lower().startswith('score'):
        if msg.strip() == 'score':
            msg += ' {user}'.format(
        name = bot.toId(msg[len('score '):])
        if name not in Scoreboard:
            return reply.response("This user never won any periodic games")
        return reply.response(
            'This user has won {number} periodic game(s)'.format(
        if msg:
            return reply.response((
                '{param} is not a valid parameter for periodic. Make guesses with .pa'
        if room.activity and room.activity.isThisGame(Periodic):
            return reply.response('Current periodic word: {word}'.format(
        return reply.response('There is no active periodic game right now')