Esempio n. 1
    def test_to_repair_a_rule_with_only_1_rse_whose_site_is_blacklisted(self):
        """ JUDGE REPAIRER: Test to repair a rule with only 1 rse whose site is blacklisted"""

        rse = rse_name_generator()
        rse_id = add_rse(rse)
        update_rse(rse_id, {'availability_write': False})
        set_account_limit('jdoe', rse_id, -1)

        rule_repairer(once=True)  # Clean out the repairer
        scope = 'mock'
        files = create_files(4, scope, self.rse4_id, bytes=100)
        dataset = 'dataset_' + str(uuid())
        add_did(scope, dataset, DIDType.from_sym('DATASET'), 'jdoe')
        attach_dids(scope, dataset, files, 'jdoe')

        rule_id = add_rule(dids=[{'scope': scope, 'name': dataset}], account='jdoe', copies=1, rse_expression=rse, grouping='DATASET', weight=None, lifetime=None, locked=False, subscription_id=None, ignore_availability=True, activity='DebugJudge')[0]

        assert(RuleState.STUCK == get_rule(rule_id)['state'])

        # Stil assert STUCK because of ignore_availability:
        assert(RuleState.STUCK == get_rule(rule_id)['state'])

        region = make_region().configure('dogpile.cache.memcached',
                                         arguments={'url': "", 'distributed_lock': True})

        update_rse(rse_id, {'availability_write': True})
        assert(RuleState.REPLICATING == get_rule(rule_id)['state'])
Esempio n. 2
    def test_list_expired_dids_with_locked_rules(self):
        """ UNDERTAKER (CORE): Test that the undertaker does not list expired dids with locked rules"""
        tmp_scope = 'mock'

        # Add quota
        set_account_limit('jdoe', get_rse_id('MOCK'), -1)

        dsn = {
            'dsn_%s' % generate_uuid(),
            'rules': [{
                'account': 'jdoe',
                'copies': 1,
                'rse_expression': 'MOCK',
                'locked': True,
                'grouping': 'DATASET'

        add_dids(dids=[dsn], account='root')

        for did in list_expired_dids(limit=1000):
            assert (did['scope'] != dsn['scope']
                    and did['name'] != dsn['name'])
Esempio n. 3
def generate_rse(endpoint, token):

    rse_name = 'RSE%s' % generate_uuid().upper()

    scheme = 'https'
    impl = 'rucio.rse.protocols.webdav.Default'
    if not endpoint.startswith('https://'):
        scheme = 'srm'
        impl = 'rucio.rse.protocols.srm.Default'

    tmp_proto = {
        'impl': impl,
        'scheme': scheme,
        'domains': {
            'lan': {'read': 1, 'write': 1, 'delete': 1},
            'wan': {'read': 1, 'write': 1, 'delete': 1}}}

    rse_id = rse.add_rse(rse_name)
    tmp_proto['hostname'] = endpoint.split(':')[1][2:]
    tmp_proto['port'] = endpoint.split(':')[2].split('/')[0]
    tmp_proto['prefix'] = '/'.join([''] + endpoint.split(':')[2].split('/')[1:])
    if scheme == 'srm':
        tmp_proto['extended_attributes'] = {'space_token': token,
                                            'web_service_path': '/srm/managerv2?SFN='}
    rse.add_protocol(rse_id=rse_id, parameter=tmp_proto)
    rse.add_rse_attribute(rse_id=rse_id, key='fts', value='')

    account_limit.set_account_limit(account='root', rse_id=rsemanager.get_rse_info(rse_name)['id'], bytes=-1)

    return rsemanager.get_rse_info(rse_name)
Esempio n. 4
def set_account_limit(account, rse, bytes, issuer):
    Set an account limit..

    :param account: The account name.
    :param rse:     The rse name.
    :param bytes:   The limit in bytes.
    :param issuer:  The issuer account_core.
    rse_id = get_rse_id(rse=rse)

    kwargs = {'account': account, 'rse': rse, 'rse_id': rse_id, 'bytes': bytes}
    if not rucio.api.permission.has_permission(
            issuer=issuer, action='set_account_limit', kwargs=kwargs):
        raise rucio.common.exception.AccessDenied(
            'Account %s can not set account limits.' % (issuer))

    account = InternalAccount(account)

    if not account_exists(account=account):
        raise rucio.common.exception.AccountNotFound(
            'Account %s does not exist' % (account))

Esempio n. 5
    def test_add_did(self):
        """ DATA IDENTIFIERS (CLIENT): Add, populate, list did content and create a sample"""
        tmp_scope = 'mock'
        tmp_rse = 'MOCK'
        tmp_dsn = 'dsn_%s' % generate_uuid()

        set_account_limit('root', get_rse_id('MOCK'), -1)
        set_account_limit('root', get_rse_id('CERN-PROD_TZERO'), -1)

        # PFN example: rfio://
        dataset_meta = {
            'project': 'data13_hip',
            'run_number': 300000,
            'stream_name': 'physics_CosmicCalo',
            'prod_step': 'merge',
            'datatype': 'NTUP_TRIG',
            'version': 'f392_m927',
        rules = [{'copies': 1, 'rse_expression': 'MOCK', 'account': 'root'}]

        with assert_raises(ScopeNotFound):
                                        statuses={'monotonic': True},

        files = [
                'scope': tmp_scope,
                'name': 'lfn.%(tmp_dsn)s.' % locals() + str(generate_uuid()),
                'bytes': 724963570L,
                'adler32': '0cc737eb'
Esempio n. 6
    def test_list_rules_states(self):
        """ SUBSCRIPTION (API): Test listing of rule states for subscription """
        tmp_scope = 'mock_' + uuid()[:8]
        add_scope(tmp_scope, 'root')
        site_a = 'RSE%s' % uuid().upper()
        site_b = 'RSE%s' % uuid().upper()


        # Add quota
        set_account_limit('root', get_rse_id(site_a), -1)
        set_account_limit('root', get_rse_id(site_b), -1)

        # add a new dataset
        dsn = 'dataset-%s' % uuid()
        add_did(scope=tmp_scope, name=dsn,
                type=DIDType.DATASET, account='root')

        subscription_name = uuid()
        subid = add_subscription(name=subscription_name, account='root', filter={'account': ['root', ], 'scope': [tmp_scope, ]},
                                 replication_rules=[{'lifetime': 86400, 'rse_expression': 'MOCK|MOCK2', 'copies': 2, 'activity': 'Data Brokering'}], lifetime=100000, retroactive=0, dry_run=0, comments='This is a comment', issuer='root')

        # Add two rules
        add_rule(dids=[{'scope': tmp_scope, 'name': dsn}], account='root', copies=1, rse_expression=site_a, grouping='NONE', weight=None, lifetime=None, locked=False, subscription_id=subid)
        add_rule(dids=[{'scope': tmp_scope, 'name': dsn}], account='root', copies=1, rse_expression=site_b, grouping='NONE', weight=None, lifetime=None, locked=False, subscription_id=subid)

        for rule in list_subscription_rule_states(account='root', name=subscription_name):
            assert_equal(rule[3], 2)
Esempio n. 7
    def test_listing_account_limit(self):
        """ ACCOUNT (CLIENTS): Test listing account limit """
        account_limit.delete_account_limit(account=self.account, rse_id=self.rse1_id)
        account_limit.set_account_limit(account=self.account, rse_id=self.rse1_id, bytes=333)

        limit = self.client.get_account_limit(account=self.account, rse=self.rse1)

        assert_equal(limit, {self.rse1: 333})
        account_limit.delete_account_limit(account=self.account, rse_id=self.rse1_id)
Esempio n. 8
    def test_listing_account_limit(self):
        """ ACCOUNT (CLIENTS): Test listing account limit """
        account_limit.delete_account_limit(account=self.account, rse_id=self.rse1_id)
        account_limit.set_account_limit(account=self.account, rse_id=self.rse1_id, bytes=333)

        limit = self.client.get_account_limit(account=self.account, rse=self.rse1)

        assert_equal(limit, {self.rse1: 333})
        account_limit.delete_account_limit(account=self.account, rse_id=self.rse1_id)
Esempio n. 9
    def test_delete_rule(self):
        """CLIENT(USER): rule deletion"""
        set_account_limit('root', get_rse_id(self.def_rse), -1)
        tmp_file1 = file_generator()
        # add files
        cmd = 'rucio upload --rse {0} --scope {1} {2}'.format(
            self.def_rse, self.user, tmp_file1)
        print(self.marker + cmd)
        exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)
        print(out, err)
        # add rse
        tmp_rse = rse_name_generator()
        cmd = 'rucio-admin rse add {0}'.format(tmp_rse)
        print(self.marker + cmd)
        exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)

        set_account_limit('root', get_rse_id(tmp_rse), -1)

        # add rse atributes
        cmd = 'rucio-admin rse set-attribute --rse {0} --key spacetoken --value ATLASSCRATCHDISK'.format(
        print(self.marker + cmd)
        exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)
        print(out, err)
        # add rules
        cmd = "rucio add-rule {0}:{1} 1 'spacetoken=ATLASSCRATCHDISK'".format(
            self.user, tmp_file1[5:])
        print(self.marker + cmd)
        exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)
        # get the rules for the file
        cmd = "rucio list-rules {0}:{1} | grep {0}:{1} | cut -f1 -d\ ".format(
            self.user, tmp_file1[5:])
        print(self.marker + cmd)
        exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)
        print(out, err)
        (rule1, rule2) = out.split()
        # delete the rules for the file
        cmd = "rucio delete-rule {0}".format(rule1)
        print(self.marker + cmd)
        exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)
        print(out, err)
        cmd = "rucio delete-rule {0}".format(rule2)
        print(self.marker + cmd)
        exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)
        print(out, err)
        # search for the file
        cmd = "rucio list-dids {0}:{1}".format(self.user, tmp_file1[5:])
        print(self.marker + cmd)
        exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)
        print(out, err), len(out.splitlines()))
Esempio n. 10
    def test_set_account_limit(self):
        """ ACCOUNT_LIMIT (CORE): Setting account limit """

                                            rse_id=self.rse1_id), 100000)
                                            rse_id=self.rse2_id), None)
Esempio n. 11
    def test_listing_account_limits(self):
        """ ACCOUNT (CLIENTS): Test listing account limits """
        account_limit.set_account_limit(account=self.account, rse_id=self.rse1_id, bytes=12345)
        account_limit.set_account_limit(account=self.account, rse_id=self.rse2_id, bytes=12345)

        limits = self.client.get_account_limits(account=self.account)

        assert_in((self.rse1, 12345), limits.items())
        assert_in((self.rse2, 12345), limits.items())

        account_limit.delete_account_limit(account=self.account, rse_id=self.rse1_id)
        account_limit.delete_account_limit(account=self.account, rse_id=self.rse2_id)
Esempio n. 12
    def test_listing_account_limits(self):
        """ ACCOUNT (CLIENTS): Test listing account limits """
        account_limit.set_account_limit(account=self.account, rse_id=self.rse1_id, bytes=12345)
        account_limit.set_account_limit(account=self.account, rse_id=self.rse2_id, bytes=12345)

        limits = self.client.get_account_limits(account=self.account)

        assert_in((self.rse1, 12345), limits.items())
        assert_in((self.rse2, 12345), limits.items())

        account_limit.delete_account_limit(account=self.account, rse_id=self.rse1_id)
        account_limit.delete_account_limit(account=self.account, rse_id=self.rse2_id)
Esempio n. 13
    def test_rule_add_fails_account_limit(self):
        """ REPLICATION RULE (CORE): Test if a rule fails correctly when account limit conflict"""

        scope = 'mock'
        files = create_files(3, scope, self.rse1, bytes=100)
        dataset = 'dataset_' + str(uuid())
        add_did(scope, dataset, DIDType.from_sym('DATASET'), 'jdoe')
        attach_dids(scope, dataset, files, 'jdoe')

        set_account_limit(account='jdoe', rse_id=self.rse1_id, bytes=5)

        assert_raises(InsufficientAccountLimit, add_rule, dids=[{'scope': scope, 'name': dataset}], account='jdoe', copies=1, rse_expression=self.rse1, grouping='ALL', weight=None, lifetime=None, locked=False, subscription_id=None)

        delete_account_limit(account='jdoe', rse_id=self.rse1_id)
Esempio n. 14
    def setup(self):
        except OSError as e:
            if e.args[0] != 2:
                raise e
        self.marker = '$> ' = config_get('client', 'rucio_host')
        self.auth_host = config_get('client', 'auth_host')
        self.user = '******'
        self.def_rse = 'MOCK4'
        self.did_client = DIDClient()
        self.replica_client = ReplicaClient()

        set_account_limit('root', get_rse_id(self.def_rse), -1)
Esempio n. 15
    def test_abacus_account(self):
        """ ABACUS (ACCOUNT): Test update of account usage """
        self.session.query(models.UpdatedAccountCounter).delete()  # pylint: disable=no-member
        self.session.query(models.AccountUsage).delete()  # pylint: disable=no-member
        self.session.commit()  # pylint: disable=no-member

        # Upload files -> account usage should increase
        self.files = [{
            'did_scope': self.scope.external,
            'did_name': 'file_' + generate_uuid(),
            'path': file_generator(size=self.file_sizes),
            'rse': self.rse,
            'lifetime': -1
        } for i in range(0, 2)]
        [os.remove(file['path']) for file in self.files]
        account_usage = get_account_usage(account=self.account,
        assert_equal(account_usage['bytes'], len(self.files) * self.file_sizes)
        assert_equal(account_usage['files'], len(self.files))

        # Update and check the account history with the core method
        usage_history = get_usage_history(rse_id=self.rse_id,
                     len(self.files) * self.file_sizes)
        assert_equal(usage_history[-1]['files'], len(self.files))

        # Check the account history with the client
        usage_history = self.account_client.get_account_usage_history(
            rse=self.rse, account=self.account.external)
                     len(self.files) * self.file_sizes)
        assert_equal(usage_history[-1]['files'], len(self.files))

        # Delete rules -> account usage should decrease
        # set account limit because return value of get_account_usage differs if a limit is set or not
        set_account_limit(account=self.account, rse_id=self.rse_id, bytes=10)
        account_usages = get_account_usage(account=self.account,
        assert_equal(account_usages['bytes'], 0)
        assert_equal(account_usages['files'], 0)
Esempio n. 16
    def test_undertaker(self):
        """ UNDERTAKER (CORE): Test the undertaker. """
        tmp_scope = 'mock'
        nbdatasets = 5
        nbfiles = 5

        set_account_limit('jdoe', get_rse_id('MOCK'), -1)

        dsns1 = [{
            'name': 'dsn_%s' % generate_uuid(),
            'scope': tmp_scope,
            'type': 'DATASET',
            'lifetime': -1
        } for i in xrange(nbdatasets)]

        dsns2 = [{
            'dsn_%s' % generate_uuid(),
            'rules': [{
                'account': 'jdoe',
                'copies': 1,
                'rse_expression': 'MOCK',
                'grouping': 'DATASET'
        } for i in xrange(nbdatasets)]

        add_dids(dids=dsns1 + dsns2, account='root')

        replicas = list()
        for dsn in dsns1 + dsns2:
            files = [{
                'scope': tmp_scope,
                'name': 'file_%s' % generate_uuid(),
                'bytes': 1L,
                'adler32': '0cc737eb',
                'tombstone': datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(weeks=2),
                'meta': {
                    'events': 10
            } for i in xrange(nbfiles)]
Esempio n. 17
    def test_list_rules_states(self):
        """ SUBSCRIPTION (REST): Test listing of rule states for subscription """
        tmp_scope = InternalScope('mock_' + uuid()[:8])
        root = InternalAccount('root')
        add_scope(tmp_scope, root)
        mw = []
        site_a = 'RSE%s' % uuid().upper()
        site_b = 'RSE%s' % uuid().upper()

        site_a_id = add_rse(site_a)
        site_b_id = add_rse(site_b)

        # Add quota
        set_account_limit(root, site_a_id, -1)
        set_account_limit(root, site_b_id, -1)

        # add a new dataset
        dsn = 'dataset-%s' % uuid()
        add_did(scope=tmp_scope, name=dsn,
                type=DIDType.DATASET, account=root)

        subscription_name = uuid()
        subid = add_subscription(name=subscription_name, account='root', filter={'account': ['root', ], 'scope': [tmp_scope.external, ]},
                                 replication_rules=[{'lifetime': 86400, 'rse_expression': 'MOCK|MOCK2', 'copies': 2, 'activity': 'Data Brokering'}], lifetime=100000, retroactive=0, dry_run=0, comments='We want a shrubbery', issuer='root')

        # Add two rules
        add_rule(dids=[{'scope': tmp_scope, 'name': dsn}], account=root, copies=1, rse_expression=site_a, grouping='NONE', weight=None, lifetime=None, locked=False, subscription_id=subid)
        add_rule(dids=[{'scope': tmp_scope, 'name': dsn}], account=root, copies=1, rse_expression=site_b, grouping='NONE', weight=None, lifetime=None, locked=False, subscription_id=subid)

        headers1 = {'X-Rucio-Account': 'root', 'X-Rucio-Username': '******', 'X-Rucio-Password': '******'}
        res1 = TestApp(auth_app.wsgifunc(*mw)).get('/userpass', headers=headers1, expect_errors=True)

        assert_equal(res1.status, 200)
        token = str(res1.header('X-Rucio-Auth-Token'))

        headers2 = {'X-Rucio-Auth-Token': str(token)}
        res2 = TestApp(subs_app.wsgifunc(*mw)).get('/%s/%s/Rules/States' % ('root', subscription_name), headers=headers2, expect_errors=True)

        for line in res2.body.split('\n'):
            rs = loads(line)
            if rs[1] == subscription_name:
        assert_equal(rs[3], 2)
Esempio n. 18
def set_account_limit(account, rse, bytes, issuer):
    Set an account limit..

    :param account: The account name.
    :param rse:     The rse name.
    :param bytes:   The limit in bytes.
    :param issuer:  The issuer account_core.

    kwargs = {'account': account, 'rse': rse, 'bytes': bytes}
    if not rucio.api.permission.has_permission(issuer=issuer, action='set_account_limit', kwargs=kwargs):
        raise rucio.common.exception.AccessDenied('Account %s can not set account limits.' % (issuer))

    if not account_exists(account=account):
        raise rucio.common.exception.AccountNotFound('Account %s does not exist' % (account))

    rse_id = get_rse_id(rse=rse)
    account_limit_core.set_account_limit(account=account, rse_id=rse_id, bytes=bytes)
Esempio n. 19
    def test_atlas_archival_policy(self):
        """ UNDERTAKER (CORE): Test the atlas archival policy. """
        tmp_scope = 'mock'
        nbdatasets = 5
        nbfiles = 5

        rse = 'LOCALGROUPDISK_%s' % rse_name_generator()

        set_account_limit('jdoe', get_rse_id(rse), -1)

        dsns2 = [{
            'dsn_%s' % generate_uuid(),
            'rules': [{
                'account': 'jdoe',
                'copies': 1,
                'rse_expression': rse,
                'grouping': 'DATASET'
        } for i in xrange(nbdatasets)]

        add_dids(dids=dsns2, account='root')

        replicas = list()
        for dsn in dsns2:
            files = [{
                'scope': tmp_scope,
                'name': 'file_%s' % generate_uuid(),
                'bytes': 1L,
                'adler32': '0cc737eb',
                'tombstone': datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(weeks=2),
                'meta': {
                    'events': 10
            } for i in xrange(nbfiles)]
Esempio n. 20
    def test_undertaker(self):
        """ UNDERTAKER (CORE): Test the undertaker. """
        tmp_scope = 'mock'
        nbdatasets = 5
        nbfiles = 5
        rse = 'MOCK'
        rse_id = get_rse_id('MOCK')

        set_account_limit('jdoe', rse_id, -1)

        dsns1 = [{'name': 'dsn_%s' % generate_uuid(),
                  'scope': tmp_scope,
                  'type': 'DATASET',
                  'lifetime': -1} for i in range(nbdatasets)]

        dsns2 = [{'name': 'dsn_%s' % generate_uuid(),
                  'scope': tmp_scope,
                  'type': 'DATASET',
                  'lifetime': -1,
                  'rules': [{'account': 'jdoe', 'copies': 1,
                             'rse_expression': rse,
                             'grouping': 'DATASET'}]} for i in range(nbdatasets)]

        add_dids(dids=dsns1 + dsns2, account='root')

        replicas = list()
        for dsn in dsns1 + dsns2:
            files = [{'scope': tmp_scope, 'name': 'file_%s' % generate_uuid(),
                      'bytes': 1, 'adler32': '0cc737eb',
                      'tombstone': datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(weeks=2), 'meta': {'events': 10}} for i in range(nbfiles)]
            attach_dids(scope=tmp_scope, name=dsn['name'], rse_id=rse_id, dids=files, account='root')
            replicas += files

        add_rules(dids=dsns1, rules=[{'account': 'jdoe', 'copies': 1, 'rse_expression': rse, 'grouping': 'DATASET'}])

        undertaker(worker_number=1, total_workers=1, once=True)
        undertaker(worker_number=1, total_workers=1, once=True)

        for replica in replicas:
            assert_not_equal(get_replica(scope=replica['scope'], name=replica['name'], rse_id=rse_id)['tombstone'], None)
Esempio n. 21
class TestBinRucio():
    def setup(self):
        except OSError, e:
            if e.args[0] != 2:
                raise e
        self.marker = '$> ' = config_get('client', 'rucio_host')
        self.auth_host = config_get('client', 'auth_host')
        self.user = '******'
        self.def_rse = 'MOCK4'

        set_account_limit('root', get_rse_id(self.def_rse), -1)
Esempio n. 22
    def test_atlas_archival_policy(self):
        """ UNDERTAKER (CORE): Test the atlas archival policy. """
        tmp_scope = 'mock'
        nbdatasets = 5
        nbfiles = 5

        rse = 'LOCALGROUPDISK_%s' % rse_name_generator()

        set_account_limit('jdoe', get_rse_id(rse), -1)

        dsns2 = [{'name': 'dsn_%s' % generate_uuid(),
                  'scope': tmp_scope,
                  'type': 'DATASET',
                  'lifetime': -1,
                  'rules': [{'account': 'jdoe', 'copies': 1,
                             'rse_expression': rse,
                             'grouping': 'DATASET'}]} for i in range(nbdatasets)]

        add_dids(dids=dsns2, account='root')

        replicas = list()
        for dsn in dsns2:
            files = [{'scope': tmp_scope, 'name': 'file_%s' % generate_uuid(), 'bytes': 1,
                      'adler32': '0cc737eb', 'tombstone': datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(weeks=2), 'meta': {'events': 10}} for i in range(nbfiles)]
            attach_dids(scope=tmp_scope, name=dsn['name'], rse=rse, dids=files, account='root')
            replicas += files

        undertaker(worker_number=1, total_workers=1, once=True)

        for replica in replicas:
            assert(get_replica(scope=replica['scope'], name=replica['name'], rse=rse)['tombstone'] is None)

        for dsn in dsns2:
            assert(get_did(scope='archive', name=dsn['name'])['name'] == dsn['name'])
            assert(len([x for x in list_rules(filters={'scope': 'archive', 'name': dsn['name']})]) == 1)
Esempio n. 23
    def setUpClass(cls):
        # Add test RSE
        cls.rse1 = 'MOCK'
        cls.rse3 = 'MOCK3'
        cls.rse4 = 'MOCK4'
        cls.rse5 = 'MOCK5'

        cls.rse1_id = get_rse_id(rse=cls.rse1)
        cls.rse3_id = get_rse_id(rse=cls.rse3)
        cls.rse4_id = get_rse_id(rse=cls.rse4)
        cls.rse5_id = get_rse_id(rse=cls.rse5)

        # Add Tags
        cls.T1 = tag_generator()
        cls.T2 = tag_generator()
        add_rse_attribute(cls.rse1_id, cls.T1, True)
        add_rse_attribute(cls.rse3_id, cls.T1, True)
        add_rse_attribute(cls.rse4_id, cls.T2, True)
        add_rse_attribute(cls.rse5_id, cls.T1, True)

        # Add fake weights
        add_rse_attribute(cls.rse1_id, "fakeweight", 10)
        add_rse_attribute(cls.rse3_id, "fakeweight", 0)
        add_rse_attribute(cls.rse4_id, "fakeweight", 0)
        add_rse_attribute(cls.rse5_id, "fakeweight", 0)

        # Add quota
        cls.jdoe = InternalAccount('jdoe')
        cls.root = InternalAccount('root')
        set_account_limit(cls.jdoe, cls.rse1_id, -1)
        set_account_limit(cls.jdoe, cls.rse3_id, -1)
        set_account_limit(cls.jdoe, cls.rse4_id, -1)
        set_account_limit(cls.jdoe, cls.rse5_id, -1)

        set_account_limit(cls.root, cls.rse1_id, -1)
        set_account_limit(cls.root, cls.rse3_id, -1)
        set_account_limit(cls.root, cls.rse4_id, -1)
        set_account_limit(cls.root, cls.rse5_id, -1)
Esempio n. 24
def create_scope(scope):
    add_scope(scope, 'root', 'root')
    set_account_limit('root', get_rse_id('PSDM_DISK'), 100000000000)
Esempio n. 25
    def setUpClass(cls):
        # Add test RSE
        cls.rse1 = 'MOCK'
        cls.rse3 = 'MOCK3'
        cls.rse4 = 'MOCK4'
        cls.rse5 = 'MOCK5'

        cls.rse1_id = get_rse(cls.rse1).id
        cls.rse3_id = get_rse(cls.rse3).id
        cls.rse4_id = get_rse(cls.rse4).id
        cls.rse5_id = get_rse(cls.rse5).id

        # Add Tags
        cls.T1 = tag_generator()
        cls.T2 = tag_generator()
        add_rse_attribute(cls.rse1, cls.T1, True)
        add_rse_attribute(cls.rse3, cls.T1, True)
        add_rse_attribute(cls.rse4, cls.T2, True)
        add_rse_attribute(cls.rse5, cls.T1, True)

        # Add fake weights
        add_rse_attribute(cls.rse1, "fakeweight", 10)
        add_rse_attribute(cls.rse3, "fakeweight", 0)
        add_rse_attribute(cls.rse4, "fakeweight", 0)
        add_rse_attribute(cls.rse5, "fakeweight", 0)

        # Add quota
        set_account_limit('jdoe', cls.rse1_id, -1)
        set_account_limit('jdoe', cls.rse3_id, -1)
        set_account_limit('jdoe', cls.rse4_id, -1)
        set_account_limit('jdoe', cls.rse5_id, -1)

        set_account_limit('root', cls.rse1_id, -1)
        set_account_limit('root', cls.rse3_id, -1)
        set_account_limit('root', cls.rse4_id, -1)
        set_account_limit('root', cls.rse5_id, -1)
Esempio n. 26
    def setUpClass(cls):
        if config_get_bool('common',
            cls.vo = {'vo': 'tst'}
            cls.vo = {}

        # Add test RSE
        cls.rse1 = 'MOCK'
        cls.rse3 = 'MOCK3'
        cls.rse4 = 'MOCK4'
        cls.rse5 = 'MOCK5'

        cls.rse1_id = get_rse_id(rse=cls.rse1, **cls.vo)
        cls.rse3_id = get_rse_id(rse=cls.rse3, **cls.vo)
        cls.rse4_id = get_rse_id(rse=cls.rse4, **cls.vo)
        cls.rse5_id = get_rse_id(rse=cls.rse5, **cls.vo)

        # Add Tags
        cls.T1 = tag_generator()
        cls.T2 = tag_generator()
        add_rse_attribute(cls.rse1_id, cls.T1, True)
        add_rse_attribute(cls.rse3_id, cls.T1, True)
        add_rse_attribute(cls.rse4_id, cls.T2, True)
        add_rse_attribute(cls.rse5_id, cls.T1, True)

        # Add fake weights
        add_rse_attribute(cls.rse1_id, "fakeweight", 10)
        add_rse_attribute(cls.rse3_id, "fakeweight", 0)
        add_rse_attribute(cls.rse4_id, "fakeweight", 0)
        add_rse_attribute(cls.rse5_id, "fakeweight", 0)

        # Add quota
        cls.jdoe = InternalAccount('jdoe', **cls.vo)
        cls.root = InternalAccount('root', **cls.vo)
        set_account_limit(cls.jdoe, cls.rse1_id, -1)
        set_account_limit(cls.jdoe, cls.rse3_id, -1)
        set_account_limit(cls.jdoe, cls.rse4_id, -1)
        set_account_limit(cls.jdoe, cls.rse5_id, -1)

        set_account_limit(cls.root, cls.rse1_id, -1)
        set_account_limit(cls.root, cls.rse3_id, -1)
        set_account_limit(cls.root, cls.rse4_id, -1)
        set_account_limit(cls.root, cls.rse5_id, -1)
Esempio n. 27
    add_protocol('SITE1_DISK', params)
    add_rse_attribute(rse='SITE1_DISK', key='istape', value='False')

    params = {
        'scheme': 'file',
        'prefix': '/tmp/SITE2_DISK/',
        'impl': 'rucio.rse.protocols.posix.Default',
        'domains': {
            "lan": {
                "read": 1,
                "write": 1,
                "delete": 1
            "wan": {
                "read": 1,
                "write": 1,
                "delete": 1

    add_rse('SITE2_DISK', 'root')
    add_protocol('SITE2_DISK', params)
    add_rse_attribute(rse='SITE2_DISK', key='istape', value='False')

    # Now set a quota for root and jdoe on the 2 RSEs
    set_account_limit('root', get_rse_id('SITE1_DISK'), 100000000000)
    set_account_limit('root', get_rse_id('SITE2_DISK'), 100000000000)
    set_account_limit('jdoe', get_rse_id('SITE1_DISK'), 1000000000)
    set_account_limit('jdoe', get_rse_id('SITE2_DISK'), 0)
Esempio n. 28
    def test_add_did(self):
        """ DATA IDENTIFIERS (CLIENT): Add, populate, list did content and create a sample"""
        tmp_scope = 'mock'
        tmp_rse = 'MOCK'
        tmp_dsn = 'dsn_%s' % generate_uuid()

        set_account_limit('root', get_rse_id('MOCK'), -1)
        set_account_limit('root', get_rse_id('CERN-PROD_TZERO'), -1)

        # PFN example: rfio://
        dataset_meta = {'project': 'data13_hip',
                        'run_number': 300000,
                        'stream_name': 'physics_CosmicCalo',
                        'prod_step': 'merge',
                        'datatype': 'NTUP_TRIG',
                        'version': 'f392_m927',
        rules = [{'copies': 1, 'rse_expression': 'MOCK', 'account': 'root'}]

        with assert_raises(ScopeNotFound):
            self.did_client.add_dataset(scope='Nimportnawak', name=tmp_dsn, statuses={'monotonic': True}, meta=dataset_meta, rules=rules)

        files = [{'scope': tmp_scope, 'name': 'lfn.%(tmp_dsn)s.' % locals() + str(generate_uuid()), 'bytes': 724963570, 'adler32': '0cc737eb'}, ]
        with assert_raises(DataIdentifierNotFound):
            self.did_client.add_dataset(scope=tmp_scope, name=tmp_dsn, statuses={'monotonic': True}, meta=dataset_meta, rules=rules, files=files)

        with assert_raises(DataIdentifierNotFound):
            self.did_client.add_files_to_dataset(scope=tmp_scope, name=tmp_dsn, files=files)

        files = []
        for i in range(5):
            lfn = 'lfn.%(tmp_dsn)s.' % locals() + str(generate_uuid())
            pfn = 'mock://localhost/tmp/rucio_rse/%(project)s/%(version)s/%(prod_step)s' % dataset_meta
            # it doesn't work with mock: TBF
            # pfn = 'srm://' % dataset_meta
            pfn += '%(tmp_dsn)s/%(lfn)s' % locals()
            file_meta = {'guid': str(generate_uuid()), 'events': 10}
            files.append({'scope': tmp_scope, 'name': lfn,
                          'bytes': 724963570, 'adler32': '0cc737eb',
                          'pfn': pfn, 'meta': file_meta})

        rules = [{'copies': 1, 'rse_expression': 'CERN-PROD_TZERO', 'lifetime': timedelta(days=2), 'account': 'root'}]

        with assert_raises(InvalidPath):
            self.did_client.add_dataset(scope=tmp_scope, name=tmp_dsn, statuses={'monotonic': True}, meta=dataset_meta, rules=rules, files=files, rse=tmp_rse)

        files_without_pfn = [{'scope': i['scope'], 'name': i['name'], 'bytes': i['bytes'], 'adler32': i['adler32'], 'meta': i['meta']} for i in files]
        self.did_client.add_dataset(scope=tmp_scope, name=tmp_dsn, statuses={'monotonic': True}, meta=dataset_meta, rules=rules, files=files_without_pfn, rse=tmp_rse)

        with assert_raises(DataIdentifierAlreadyExists):
            self.did_client.add_dataset(scope=tmp_scope, name=tmp_dsn, files=files, rse=tmp_rse)

        files = []
        for i in range(5):
            lfn = '%(tmp_dsn)s.' % locals() + str(generate_uuid())
            pfn = 'mock://localhost/tmp/rucio_rse/%(project)s/%(version)s/%(prod_step)s' % dataset_meta
            # it doesn't work with mock: TBF
            # pfn = 'srm://' % dataset_meta
            pfn += '%(tmp_dsn)s/%(lfn)s' % locals()
            file_meta = {'guid': str(generate_uuid()), 'events': 100}
            files.append({'scope': tmp_scope, 'name': lfn,
                          'bytes': 724963570, 'adler32': '0cc737eb',
                          'pfn': pfn, 'meta': file_meta})
        rules = [{'copies': 1, 'rse_expression': 'CERN-PROD_TZERO', 'lifetime': timedelta(days=2)}]

        with assert_raises(InvalidPath):
            self.did_client.add_files_to_dataset(scope=tmp_scope, name=tmp_dsn, files=files, rse=tmp_rse)
        files_without_pfn = [{'scope': i['scope'], 'name': i['name'], 'bytes': i['bytes'], 'adler32': i['adler32'], 'meta': i['meta']} for i in files]
        self.did_client.add_files_to_dataset(scope=tmp_scope, name=tmp_dsn, files=files_without_pfn, rse=tmp_rse)

        self.did_client.close(scope=tmp_scope, name=tmp_dsn)

        tmp_dsn_output = 'dsn_%s' % generate_uuid()
        self.did_client.create_did_sample(input_scope=tmp_scope, input_name=tmp_dsn, output_scope=tmp_scope, output_name=tmp_dsn_output, nbfiles=2)
        files = [f for f in self.did_client.list_files(scope=tmp_scope, name=tmp_dsn_output)]
        assert_equal(len(files), 2)
Esempio n. 29
 def test_create_rule(self):
     """CLIENT(USER): Rucio add rule"""
     tmp_file1 = file_generator()
     # add files
     cmd = 'rucio upload --rse {0} --scope {1} {2}'.format(
         self.def_rse, self.user, tmp_file1)
     print(self.marker + cmd)
     exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)
     print(out, err)
     # add rse
     tmp_rse = rse_name_generator()
     cmd = 'rucio-admin rse add {0}'.format(tmp_rse)
     print(self.marker + cmd)
     exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)
     # add quota
     set_account_limit('root', get_rse_id(tmp_rse), -1)
     # add rse atributes
     cmd = 'rucio-admin rse set-attribute --rse {0} --key spacetoken --value ATLASSCRATCHDISK'.format(
     print(self.marker + cmd)
     exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)
     print(out, err)
     # add rse
     tmp_rse = rse_name_generator()
     cmd = 'rucio-admin rse add {0}'.format(tmp_rse)
     print(self.marker + cmd)
     exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)
     print(out, err)
     # add quota
     set_account_limit('root', get_rse_id(tmp_rse), -1)
     # add rse atributes
     cmd = 'rucio-admin rse set-attribute --rse {0} --key spacetoken --value ATLASSCRATCHDISK'.format(
     print(self.marker + cmd)
     exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)
     print(out, err)
     # add rse
     tmp_rse = rse_name_generator()
     cmd = 'rucio-admin rse add {0}'.format(tmp_rse)
     print(self.marker + cmd)
     exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)
     print(out, err)
     # add quota
     set_account_limit('root', get_rse_id(tmp_rse), -1)
     # add rse atributes
     cmd = 'rucio-admin rse set-attribute --rse {0} --key spacetoken --value ATLASSCRATCHDISK'.format(
     print(self.marker + cmd)
     exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)
     print(out, err)
     # add rules
     cmd = "rucio add-rule {0}:{1} 3 'spacetoken=ATLASSCRATCHDISK'".format(
         self.user, tmp_file1[5:])
     print(self.marker + cmd)
     exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)
     rule = out[:-1]  # triming new line character
     # check if rule exist for the file
     cmd = "rucio list-rules {0}:{1}".format(self.user, tmp_file1[5:])
     print(self.marker + cmd)
     exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)
     print(out, err), out), None)
Esempio n. 30
    def test_set_account_limit(self):
        """ ACCOUNT_LIMIT (CORE): Setting account limit """
        account_limit.set_account_limit(account=self.account, rse_id=self.rse1_id, bytes=100000)

        assert_equal(account_limit.get_account_limit(account=self.account, rse_id=self.rse1_id), 100000)
        assert_equal(account_limit.get_account_limit(account=self.account, rse_id=self.rse2_id), float("Inf"))