Esempio n. 1
def makeBinHistos(var):
    for s in samples.itervalues():
        hfilename = "%s/%s_%s.root" % (outhistos, s.label,

        hfile = ROOT.TFile(hfilename, "UPDATE")

        print "file ", hfile

        hin = hfile.Get(var)
        if not isinstance(hin, ROOT.TH1):
            raise RuntimeError('Failed to load histogram %s from %s' %
                               (hin, var))
            ibin = 7
            #print "Sample: ",s.label
            #print "Variable: ",hin.GetName()
            #print "Integral: ",hin.Integral()
            #print "Number of bins: ",hin.GetXaxis().GetNbins()
            #        nh = shift(hin, ib, "up")
            #nh = shift(hin, ibin, "down")
            mcStat_down = [
                shift(hin, ib, "Down", s.label,, var)
                for ib in xrange(1,
                                 hin.GetXaxis().GetNbins() + 1)
            mcStat_up = [
                shift(hin, ib, "Up", s.label,, var)
                for ib in xrange(1,
                                 hin.GetXaxis().GetNbins() + 1)

            [nh.Write() for nh in mcStat_down]
            [nh.Write() for nh in mcStat_up]
Esempio n. 2
def createSyst(syst, newsyst, versus, verbose = False):

    verbose = True 
    for s in samples.itervalues():
#        if(not s.label.startswith("Z")):continue

        for ch in channels:
            src = s.label + "_" + ch + ".root"
            dst =  [s.label + "_" + ch + "_" + nSyst + versus + ".root" for nSyst in newsyst]

                for d in dst:
                    print "Copying 1 " + opt.path + src + " to "+ opt.path + d
            [shutil.copyfile(opt.path + src, opt.path + d) for d in dst]

            srcSys = s.label + "_" + ch + "_" + syst + versus + ".root"  

                dstSys = s.label + "_" + ch + "_" + newsyst[0]+ versus + ".root" 
                if verbose: print "Copying W ++ " + opt.path + srcSys + " to "+ opt.path + dstSys
                shutil.copyfile(opt.path + srcSys, opt.path + dstSys)
            elif(s.label.startswith("ZToNuNu") or s.label.startswith("DY")):
                dstSys = s.label + "_" + ch + "_" + newsyst[1]+ versus + ".root" 
                if verbose: print "Copying Z ++ " + opt.path + srcSys + " to "+ opt.path + dstSys
                shutil.copyfile(opt.path + srcSys, opt.path + dstSys)
Esempio n. 3
def makeBinHistos(var):
    for s in samples.itervalues():
        hfilename = "%s/%s_%s.root" % (outhistos,s.label,
        hfile = ROOT.TFile(hfilename, "UPDATE")

        print "file ", hfile

        hin = hfile.Get(var)
        if not isinstance(hin, ROOT.TH1):
            raise RuntimeError('Failed to load histogram %s from %s' % (hin, var))
            ibin = 7
            #print "Sample: ",s.label
            #print "Variable: ",hin.GetName()
            #print "Integral: ",hin.Integral()
            #print "Number of bins: ",hin.GetXaxis().GetNbins()
            #        nh = shift(hin, ib, "up")
            #nh = shift(hin, ibin, "down")
            mcStat_down = [ shift(hin, ib, "Down",s.label,, var) for ib in xrange(1, hin.GetXaxis().GetNbins()+1) ]
            mcStat_up = [ shift(hin, ib, "Up", s.label,, var) for ib in xrange(1, hin.GetXaxis().GetNbins()+1) ]
            [nh.Write() for nh in mcStat_down]
            [nh.Write() for nh in mcStat_up]
Esempio n. 4
def createSyst(versus, verbose=True):

    for s in samples.itervalues():
        for ch in channels:
            src = s.label + "_" + ch + ".root"
            dst = [
                s.label + "_" + ch + "_" + nSyst + versus + ".root"
                for nSyst in newsyst

            if (verbose):
                for d in dst:
                    print "Copying " + opt.path + src + " to " + opt.path + d

            [shutil.copyfile(opt.path + src, opt.path + d) for d in dst]

            srcSys = s.label + "_" + ch + "_" + syst + versus + ".root"
            dstSys = s.label + "_" + ch + "_" + syst + s.label + versus + ".root"
            if s.label.startswith("DM"):
                dstSys = s.label + "_" + ch + "_" + syst + "DMtt" + versus + ".root"
            if (s.label.startswith("ZToNuNu") or s.label.startswith("DY")):

                dstSys = s.label + "_" + ch + "_" + syst + "ZJets" + versus + ".root"

            if verbose:
                print "Copying " + opt.path + srcSys + " to " + opt.path + dstSys
            shutil.copyfile(opt.path + srcSys, opt.path + dstSys)
Esempio n. 5
def createSyst(syst, newsyst, versus, verbose=False):

    verbose = True

    for s in samples.itervalues():
        #        if(not s.label.startswith("Z")):continue

        for ch in channels:
            src = s.label + "_" + ch + ".root"
            dst = [
                s.label + "_" + ch + "_" + nSyst + versus + ".root"
                for nSyst in newsyst

            if (verbose):
                for d in dst:
                    print "Copying 1 " + opt.path + src + " to " + opt.path + d

            [shutil.copyfile(opt.path + src, opt.path + d) for d in dst]

            srcSys = s.label + "_" + ch + "_" + syst + versus + ".root"

            if (s.label.startswith("WJets")):
                dstSys = s.label + "_" + ch + "_" + newsyst[
                    0] + versus + ".root"
                if verbose:
                    print "Copying W ++ " + opt.path + srcSys + " to " + opt.path + dstSys
                shutil.copyfile(opt.path + srcSys, opt.path + dstSys)
            elif (s.label.startswith("ZToNuNu") or s.label.startswith("DY")):
                dstSys = s.label + "_" + ch + "_" + newsyst[
                    1] + versus + ".root"
                if verbose:
                    print "Copying Z ++ " + opt.path + srcSys + " to " + opt.path + dstSys
                shutil.copyfile(opt.path + srcSys, opt.path + dstSys)
Esempio n. 6
def symmetrize(syst):
    for s in samples.itervalues():
        for ch in channels:

            nom = opt.path + s.label + "_" + ch + ".root"
            up = opt.path + s.label + "_" + ch + "_"+syst+"Up.root"
            down = opt.path + s.label + "_" + ch + "_"+syst+"Down.root"
            f_nom = ROOT.TFile(nom)
            f_up = ROOT.TFile(up)
            f_down = ROOT.TFile(down)

            vars = varsFh
            if (ch=="semileptonic"): 
                vars = varsSl

            for  v, region in vars.iteritems():
                sysUp = opt.path + s.label + "_" + ch +"_"+ syst  + region + "Up.root"
                sysDown =opt.path + s.label + "_" + ch +"_"+ syst  + region + "Down.root"
                #print "++ New File Up: ", sysUp
                #print "++ New File Down: ", sysDown

                print "+ Copying " + nom + " to "+ sysUp
                shutil.copyfile(nom, sysUp)
                print "+ Copying " + nom + " to "+ sysDown
                shutil.copyfile(nom, sysDown)

                h_up = f_up.Get(v)
                raiseError(h_up, v, up)
                h_down = f_down.Get(v)
                raiseError(h_down, v, down)
                nf_up = ROOT.TFile(sysUp, "UPDATE")
                nh_up = copy.deepcopy(h_up)
                nf_down = ROOT.TFile(sysDown, "UPDATE")
                nh_down = copy.deepcopy(h_down)
            for region in regsOff:
                sysUp = opt.path + s.label + "_" + ch +"_"+ syst  + region + "Up.root"
                sysDown =opt.path + s.label + "_" + ch +"_"+ syst  + region + "Down.root"
                print "+ Copying " + nom + " to "+ sysUp
                shutil.copyfile(nom, sysUp)
                print "+ Copying " + nom + " to "+ sysDown
                shutil.copyfile(nom, sysDown)
Esempio n. 7
def applyXSecSys():
    syst = "QCD_xsec"
    unc_xsec = 0.5
    for s in samples.itervalues():
        for ch in channels:
            nom = opt.path + s.label + "_" + ch + ".root"
            f_nom = ROOT.TFile(nom)

            sysUp = opt.path + s.label + "_" + ch + "_" + syst + "Up.root"
            sysDown = opt.path + s.label + "_" + ch + "_" + syst + "Down.root"

            shutil.copyfile(nom, sysUp)
            shutil.copyfile(nom, sysDown)

            if (ch == "fullhadronic"):
                histos_up = []
                histos_down = []

                for v, region in varsFh.iteritems():

                    h = f_nom.Get(v)
                    raiseError(h, v, nom)

                    nh_up = copy.deepcopy(h)
                    nh_down = copy.deepcopy(h)

                    if (s.label == "QCD"): nh_up.Scale(1.0 + unc_xsec)
                    if (s.label == "QCD"): nh_down.Scale(1.0 - unc_xsec)

                nf_up = ROOT.TFile(sysUp, "UPDATE")
                [h.Write() for h in histos_up]

                nf_down = ROOT.TFile(sysDown, "UPDATE")
                [h.Write() for h in histos_down]
Esempio n. 8
def applySys():
    syst = "Trigger"
    for s in samples.itervalues():
        for ch in channels:
            nom = opt.path + s.label + "_" + ch + ".root"
            f_nom = ROOT.TFile(nom)

            sysUp = opt.path + s.label + "_" + ch + "_" + syst + "Up.root"
            sysDown = opt.path + s.label + "_" + ch + "_" + syst + "Down.root"

            shutil.copyfile(nom, sysUp)
            shutil.copyfile(nom, sysDown)

            if (ch == "cat"):
                histos_up = []
                histos_down = []

                for v, region in varsFh.iteritems():

                    h = f_nom.Get(v)
                    raiseError(h, v, nom)

                    nh_up = copy.deepcopy(h)
                    nh_down = copy.deepcopy(h)


                nf_up = ROOT.TFile(sysUp, "UPDATE")
                [h.Write() for h in histos_up]

                nf_down = ROOT.TFile(sysDown, "UPDATE")
                [h.Write() for h in histos_down]
Esempio n. 9
def createSyst(versus, verbose = True):

    for s in samples.itervalues():
        for ch in channels:
            src = s.label + "_" + ch + ".root"
            dst =  [s.label + "_" + ch + "_" + nSyst + versus + ".root" for nSyst in newsyst]

                for d in dst:
                    print "Copying " + opt.path + src + " to "+ opt.path + d
            [shutil.copyfile(opt.path + src, opt.path + d) for d in dst]
            srcSys = s.label + "_" + ch + "_" + syst + versus + ".root"  
            dstSys = s.label + "_" + ch + "_" + syst + s.label + versus + ".root" 
            if s.label.startswith("DM"):
                dstSys = s.label + "_" + ch + "_" + syst + "DMtt"+ versus +".root"
            if (s.label.startswith("ZToNuNu") or s.label.startswith("DY")):
                dstSys = s.label + "_" + ch + "_" + syst + "ZJets"+ versus +".root"

            if verbose: print "Copying " + opt.path + srcSys + " to "+ opt.path + dstSys
            shutil.copyfile(opt.path + srcSys, opt.path + dstSys)
Esempio n. 10
def symmetrize(syst):
    for s in samples.itervalues():
        for ch in channels:
            print "+channel ", ch, " samples ", s.label
            nom = opt.path + s.label + "_" + ch + ".root"
            jesUp = opt.path + s.label + "_" + ch + "_"+syst+"Up.root"
            jesDown = opt.path + s.label + "_" + ch + "_"+syst+"Down.root"
            jesUpSym = opt.path + s.label + "_" + ch + "_sym"+syst+"Up.root"
            jesDownSym = opt.path + s.label + "_" + ch + "_sym"+syst+"Down.root"
            f_nom = ROOT.TFile(nom)
            f_jup = ROOT.TFile(jesUp)
            f_jdown = ROOT.TFile(jesDown)

            vars = VariablesFh
            if (ch=="semileptonic"): vars = VariablesSl
            histos_up = []
            histos_down = []
            for v in vars:
                h_nom = f_nom.Get(v)
                h_jup = f_jup.Get(v)
                h_jdown = f_jdown.Get(v)
                raiseError(h_nom, v, f_nom)
                raiseError(h_jup, v, f_jup)
                raiseError(h_jdown, v, f_jdown)

                ## nh_nom = copy.deepcopy(h_nom)
                ## nh_up = copy.deepcopy(h_jup)
                ## nh_down = copy.deepcopy(h_jdown)

                ## #nh_nom.Scale(2)
                ## nh_up.Add(nh_down, -1)
                ## nh_up.Scale(0.5)
                ## #print "+ Nom Integral: ", nh_up.Integral()
                ## nh_up.Smooth()
                ## #print "++ Nom Integral after smoothing: ", nh_up.Integral()

                ## sym_jup = copy.deepcopy(h_nom)
                ## sym_jup.Add(nh_up)
                ## sym_jdown = copy.deepcopy(h_nom)
                ## sym_jdown.Add(nh_up,-1)
                #if(opt.debug and s.label.startswith("TT") and ch=="semileptonic"):
                if(opt.debug ):
                    print "Variable: ",v
                    print "+ JesUp: ", h_jup.Integral()
                    print "+ Nom: ", h_nom.Integral()
                    print "+ JesDown: ", h_jdown.Integral()
                    ## print "++ New jesUp: ", sym_jup.Integral()
                    ## print "++ Nom:       ", h_nom.Integral()       
                    ## print "++ New jesDown: ", sym_jdown.Integral()       
                    ## print "-"*30  

                    sym_new_jup = copy.deepcopy(h_nom)
                    sym_new_jdown = copy.deepcopy(h_nom)
                    k_smooth = copy.deepcopy(h_nom)

                    print " --> Symmetrization "
                    for b in xrange(h_nom.GetNbinsX()):
                        print "bin ", b + 1
                        up =  h_jup.GetBinContent(b+1)
                        nom = h_nom.GetBinContent(b+1)
                        down = h_jdown.GetBinContent(b+1)
                        #print "up ", up, " down ", down
                        #k =  ROOT.TMath.Abs(up-down)/2
                        k =  max(ROOT.TMath.Abs(up-nom),ROOT.TMath.Abs(nom-down))
                        print " k_smooth ", nom-k, " for bin ", b
                        k_smooth.SetBinContent(b+1, k)

                    print " --> Smoothing "
                    for b in xrange(k_smooth.GetNbinsX()):
                        print "k_smooth post bin  ", b+1, " value= ", k_smooth.GetBinContent(b+1)

                    sym_new_jdown.Add(k_smooth, -1)

                    for b in xrange(sym_new_jdown.GetNbinsX()):
                            nom = h_nom.GetBinContent(b+1)
                            sym_new_jdown.SetBinContent(b+1, (ROOT.TMath.Power(10,-6)*nom))
                            print " --> CHECK nom = ", nom, "  down ", sym_new_jdown.GetBinContent(b+1)   

                    histos_up.append( sym_new_jup)
                    histos_down.append( sym_new_jdown)

                    print "++ New-2 jesUp: ", sym_new_jup.Integral()
                    print "++ Nom:       ", h_nom.Integral()       
                    print "++ New-2 jesDown: ", sym_new_jdown.Integral()
                    print "-"*30  

            f_symjup = ROOT.TFile(jesUpSym,"RECREATE")
            [h.Write() for h in histos_up]
            f_symjup .Close()
            f_symjdown = ROOT.TFile(jesDownSym, "RECREATE")
            [h.Write() for h in histos_down]
            f_symjdown .Close()
Esempio n. 11
    #    regions = ["2j0t"]
    rf = opt.fileSF
    #    rf="./mlfit.root"
    print "rootfile is ", rf
    postFit = PFUtils(rootfile=rf,
    #    print postFit._rootfile
    #regions =
    #    import postFitUtils as postFitSF
    keylist = list(settings.keys())

    sampleslist = []
    for s in samples.itervalues():
        #    list(samples.keys())
        print "Printing samples ==== ", sampleslist
    print sampleslist
    importedSFs = postFit.importScaleFactors(variables=keylist,
    print importedSFs

#parser.add_option('', '--getSF', dest='getSF', type='string', default = '', help='type of scale factors from the fit')
#parser.add_option('', '--fileSF', dest='fileSF', type='string', default = './mlfit.root', help='file for the scale factors')

for var, (title, scale, rebin, usrrng) in settings.iteritems():
Esempio n. 12
    print "Rebin: ", rebin

    #THStack for plotting
    stack_bkg = Stack(var,title)
    stack_sig = Stack(var,title)
    stack_data = Stack(var,title)
    stack_sh  = Stack(var,title)

    leg = Legend()
    leg_sh = Legend()
    leg_sign = ROOT.TLegend(0.7,0.7,0.9,0.9)

    h1 = None

    for s in samples.itervalues():
        nEntries = 0
        #print "+ sample" , s.label

        if(hasattr(s, "components")):
            #samples with components
            histos = []
            notFound = []
            for c in s.components:
                #print "comp ", c.label

                if c.label.startswith("MET") and == "semileptonic": continue

                elif ((c.label.startswith("SingleMu") or c.label.startswith("SingleEl")) and (("CR3" not in var) and ("CR6" not in var) and ("CR7" not in var) and ("CRtt" not in var) and ("SR_1lep" not in var))  and ( == "fullhadronic")):
                    print "Fullhadronic channel, skipping dataset: " + c.label +" for variable " + var
Esempio n. 13
def symmetrize(syst):
    for s in samples.itervalues():
        for ch in channels:
            print "+channel ", ch, " samples ", s.label
            nom = opt.path + s.label + "_" + ch + ".root"
            jesUp = opt.path + s.label + "_" + ch + "_"+syst+"Up.root"
            jesDown = opt.path + s.label + "_" + ch + "_"+syst+"Down.root"
            jesUpSym = opt.path + s.label + "_" + ch + "_sym"+syst+"Up.root"
            jesDownSym = opt.path + s.label + "_" + ch + "_sym"+syst+"Down.root"
            f_nom = ROOT.TFile(nom)
            f_jup = ROOT.TFile(jesUp)
            f_jdown = ROOT.TFile(jesDown)

            vars = VariablesFh
            if (ch=="semileptonic"): vars = VariablesSl
            histos_up = []
            histos_down = []
            for v in vars:
                h_nom = f_nom.Get(v)
                h_jup = f_jup.Get(v)
                h_jdown = f_jdown.Get(v)
                raiseError(h_nom, v, f_nom)
                raiseError(h_jup, v, f_jup)
                raiseError(h_jdown, v, f_jdown)

                ## nh_nom = copy.deepcopy(h_nom)
                ## nh_up = copy.deepcopy(h_jup)
                ## nh_down = copy.deepcopy(h_jdown)

                ## #nh_nom.Scale(2)
                ## nh_up.Add(nh_down, -1)
                ## nh_up.Scale(0.5)
                ## #print "+ Nom Integral: ", nh_up.Integral()
                ## nh_up.Smooth()
                ## #print "++ Nom Integral after smoothing: ", nh_up.Integral()

                ## sym_jup = copy.deepcopy(h_nom)
                ## sym_jup.Add(nh_up)
                ## sym_jdown = copy.deepcopy(h_nom)
                ## sym_jdown.Add(nh_up,-1)
                #if(opt.debug and s.label.startswith("TT") and ch=="semileptonic"):
                if(opt.debug ):
                    print "Variable: ",v
                    print "+ JesUp: ", h_jup.Integral()
                    print "+ Nom: ", h_nom.Integral()
                    print "+ JesDown: ", h_jdown.Integral()
                    ## print "++ New jesUp: ", sym_jup.Integral()
                    ## print "++ Nom:       ", h_nom.Integral()       
                    ## print "++ New jesDown: ", sym_jdown.Integral()       
                    ## print "-"*30  

                    sym_new_jup = copy.deepcopy(h_nom)
                    sym_new_jdown = copy.deepcopy(h_nom)
                    k_smooth = copy.deepcopy(h_nom)

                    print " --> Symmetrization "
                    for b in xrange(h_nom.GetNbinsX()):
                        print "bin ", b + 1
                        up =  h_jup.GetBinContent(b+1)
                        nom = h_nom.GetBinContent(b+1)
                        down = h_jdown.GetBinContent(b+1)
                        #print "up ", up, " down ", down
                        #k =  ROOT.TMath.Abs(up-down)/2
                        k =  max(ROOT.TMath.Abs(up-nom),ROOT.TMath.Abs(nom-down))
                        print " k_smooth ", nom-k, " for bin ", b
                        k_smooth.SetBinContent(b+1, k)

                    print " --> Smoothing "
                    for b in xrange(k_smooth.GetNbinsX()):
                        print "k_smooth post bin  ", b+1, " value= ", k_smooth.GetBinContent(b+1)

                    sym_new_jdown.Add(k_smooth, -1)

                    for b in xrange(sym_new_jdown.GetNbinsX()):
                            nom = h_nom.GetBinContent(b+1)
                            sym_new_jdown.SetBinContent(b+1, (ROOT.TMath.Power(10,-6)*nom))
                            print " --> CHECK nom = ", nom, "  down ", sym_new_jdown.GetBinContent(b+1)   

                    histos_up.append( sym_new_jup)
                    histos_down.append( sym_new_jdown)

                    print "++ New-2 jesUp: ", sym_new_jup.Integral()
                    print "++ Nom:       ", h_nom.Integral()       
                    print "++ New-2 jesDown: ", sym_new_jdown.Integral()
                    print "-"*30  

            f_symjup = ROOT.TFile(jesUpSym,"RECREATE")
            [h.Write() for h in histos_up]
            f_symjup .Close()
            f_symjdown = ROOT.TFile(jesDownSym, "RECREATE")
            [h.Write() for h in histos_down]
            f_symjdown .Close()
Esempio n. 14
def symmetrize(syst):
    for s in samples.itervalues():
        for ch in channels:
            nom = opt.path + s.label + "_" + ch + ".root"
            jesUp = opt.path + s.label + "_" + ch + "_" + syst + "Up.root"
            jesDown = opt.path + s.label + "_" + ch + "_" + syst + "Down.root"
            jesUpSym = opt.path + s.label + "_" + ch + "_sym" + syst + "Up.root"
            jesDownSym = opt.path + s.label + "_" + ch + "_sym" + syst + "Down.root"

            #shutil.copyfile(nom, jesUp)
            shutil.copyfile(nom, jesDown)

            f_nom = ROOT.TFile(nom)
            f_jup = ROOT.TFile(jesUp)
            f_jdown = ROOT.TFile(jesDown)

            vars = VariablesFh
            if (ch == "semileptonic"): vars = VariablesSl
            histos_up = []
            histos_down = []
            for v in vars:
                h_nom = f_nom.Get(v)
                h_jup = f_jup.Get(v)
                h_jdown = f_jdown.Get(v)
                raiseError(h_nom, v, f_nom)
                raiseError(h_jup, v, f_jup)
                raiseError(h_jdown, v, f_jdown)

                ## nh_nom = copy.deepcopy(h_nom)
                ## nh_up = copy.deepcopy(h_jup)
                ## nh_down = copy.deepcopy(h_jdown)

                ## #nh_nom.Scale(2)
                ## nh_up.Add(nh_down, -1)
                ## nh_up.Scale(0.5)
                ## #print "+ Nom Integral: ", nh_up.Integral()
                ## nh_up.Smooth()
                ## #print "++ Nom Integral after smoothing: ", nh_up.Integral()

                ## sym_jup = copy.deepcopy(h_nom)
                ## sym_jup.Add(nh_up)
                ## sym_jdown = copy.deepcopy(h_nom)
                ## sym_jdown.Add(nh_up,-1)
                #if(opt.debug and s.label.startswith("TT") and ch=="semileptonic"):
                if (opt.debug):
                    print "Variable: ", v
                    print "+ JesUp: ", h_jup.Integral()
                    print "+ Nom: ", h_nom.Integral()
                    print "+ JesDown: ", h_jdown.Integral()
                    ## print "++ New jesUp: ", sym_jup.Integral()
                    ## print "++ Nom:       ", h_nom.Integral()
                    ## print "++ New jesDown: ", sym_jdown.Integral()
                    ## print "-"*30

                    sym_new_jup = copy.deepcopy(h_nom)
                    sym_new_jdown = copy.deepcopy(h_nom)
                    k_smooth = copy.deepcopy(h_nom)
                    for b in xrange(h_nom.GetNbinsX()):
                        # print b + 1
                        up = h_jup.GetBinContent(b + 1)
                        nom = h_nom.GetBinContent(b + 1)
                        down = h_jdown.GetBinContent(b + 1)
                        k = ROOT.TMath.Abs(up - nom)
                        k_smooth.SetBinContent(b + 1, k)

                    sym_new_jdown.Add(k_smooth, -1)

                    for b in xrange(sym_new_jdown.GetNbinsX()):
                        if (sym_new_jdown.GetBinContent(b + 1) < 0):
                            print "+ readapting histo down "
                            sym_new_jdown.SetBinContent(b + 1, 0)

                    print "++ New-2 jesUp: ", sym_new_jup.Integral()
                    print "++ Nom:       ", h_nom.Integral()
                    print "++ New-2 jesDown: ", sym_new_jdown.Integral()
                    print "-" * 30

            if (s.label.startswith("WJets") or s.label.startswith("DY")
                    or s.label.startswith("Z")):
                f_symjdown = ROOT.TFile(jesDown, "RECREATE")
                [h.Write() for h in histos_down]