def evaluateArcLength(self, nodes, field, fieldcache):
     componentsCount = field.getNumberOfComponents()
     self._parameters = []
     for expression in self._expressions:
         sumx = None
         for term in expression:
             nodeIdentifier, nodeValueLabel, nodeVersion, scaleFactor = term
             result, x = field.getNodeParameters(fieldcache, -1, nodeValueLabel, nodeVersion, componentsCount)
             if scaleFactor:
                 x = [ v*scaleFactor for v in x ]
             if sumx:
                 sumx = [ (sumx[c] + x[c]) for c in range(componentsCount) ]
                 sumx = x
     self._arcLength = getCubicHermiteArcLength(*self._parameters)
     return self._arcLength
Esempio n. 2
def createAnnulusMesh3d(nodes,
    Create an annulus mesh from a loop of start points/nodes with specified derivative mappings to
    a loop of end points/nodes with specified derivative mappings.
    Derivative d3 is through the wall. Currently limited to single element layer through wall.
    Points/nodes order cycles fastest around the annulus, then through the wall.
    Note doesn't support cross derivatives.
    Arrays are indexed by n3 (node through wall, size 2), n2 (node along/radial), n1 (node around, variable size)
    and coordinate component c.
    :param nodes: The nodeset to create nodes in.
    :param mesh: The mesh to create elements in.
    :param nextNodeIdentifier, nextElementIdentifier: Next identifiers to use and increment.
    :param startPointsx, startPointsd1, startPointsd2, startPointsd3, endPointsx, endPointsd1, endPointsd2, endPointsd3:
        List array[n3][n1][c] or start/point coordinates and derivatives. To linearise through the wall, pass None to
        d3. If both ends are linear through the wall, interior points are linear through the wall.
    :param startNodeId, endNodeId: List array [n3][n1] of existing node identifiers to use at start/end. Pass None for
        argument if no nodes are specified at end. These arguments are 'all or nothing'.
    :param startDerivativesMap, endDerivativesMap: List array[n3][n1] of mappings for d/dxi1, d/dxi2, d/dxi3 at
        start/end of form:
        ( (1, -1, 0), (1, 0, 0), None ) where the first tuple means d/dxi1 = d/ds1 - d/ds2. Only 0, 1 and -1 may be
        None means use default e.g. d/dxi2 = d/ds2.
        Pass None for the entire argument to use the defaults d/dxi1 = d/ds1, d/dxi2 = d/ds2, d/dxi3 = d/ds3.
        Pass a 4th mapping to apply to d/dxi1 on other side of node; if not supplied first mapping applies both sides.
    :param forceStartLinearXi3, forceMidLinearXi3, forceEndLinearXi3: Force start, middle or
        end elements to be linear through the wall, even if d3 is supplied at either end.
        Can only use forceMidLinearXi3 only if at least one end is linear in d3.
    :param maxStartThickness, maxEndThickness: Optional maximum override on start/end thicknesses.
    :param useCrossDerivatives: May only be True if no derivatives maps are in use.
    :param elementsCountRadial: Optional number of elements in radial direction between start and end.
    :param meshGroups:  Optional sequence of Zinc MeshGroup for adding all new elements to, or a sequence of
    length elementsCountRadial containing sequences of mesh groups to add rows of radial elements to
    from start to end.
    :param wallAnnotationGroups: Annotation groups for adding all new elements to a sequence
    of groups to add to elements through wall.
    :param tracksurface: Description for outer surface representation used for creating annulus mesh. Provides
    information for creating radial nodes on annulus that sit on tracksurface. Need startProportions and endProportions
    to work.
    :param startProportions: Proportion around and along of startPoints on tracksurface. These vary with nodes
    around as for startPoints. Values only given for tracksurface for outer layer (xi3 == 1).
    :param endProportions: Proportion around and along of endPoints on track surface. These vary with nodes
    around as for endPoints. Values only given for tracksurface for outer layer (xi3 == 1).
    :param rescaleStartDerivatives, rescaleEndDerivatives: Optional flags to compute and multiply additional scale
    factors on start, end or both radial derivatives to fit arc length, needed if derivatives are of the wrong scale
    for the radial distances and the chosen elementsCountRadial. If either is True, derivatives and sampled radial
    nodes are spaced for a gradual change of derivative from that at the other end. If both are True, scaling is set to
    give even sampling and arclength derivatives.
    :param sampleBlend: Real value varying from 0.0 to 1.0 controlling weighting of start and end
    derivatives when interpolating extra points in-between, where 0.0 = sample with equal end derivatives,
    and 1.0 = proportional to current magnitudes, interpolated in between.
    :return: Final values of nextNodeIdentifier, nextElementIdentifier
    assert (elementsCountRadial >=
            1), 'createAnnulusMesh3d:  Invalid number of radial elements'
    startLinearXi3 = (not startPointsd3) or forceStartLinearXi3
    endLinearXi3 = (not endPointsd3) or forceEndLinearXi3
    midLinearXi3 = (startLinearXi3 and endLinearXi3) or (
        (startLinearXi3 or endLinearXi3) and forceMidLinearXi3)
    # get list whether each row of nodes in elements is linear in Xi3
    # this is for element use; start/end nodes may have d3 even if element is linear
    rowLinearXi3 = [
    ] + [midLinearXi3] * (elementsCountRadial - 1) + [endLinearXi3]
    assert (not useCrossDerivatives) or ((not startDerivativesMap) and (not endDerivativesMap)), \
        'createAnnulusMesh3d:  Cannot use cross derivatives with derivatives map'
    nodesCountWall = len(startPointsx)
    assert (len(startPointsd1) == nodesCountWall) and (len(startPointsd2) == nodesCountWall) and \
           (startLinearXi3 or (len(startPointsd3) == nodesCountWall)) and \
           (len(endPointsx) == nodesCountWall) and (len(endPointsd1) == nodesCountWall) and \
           (len(endPointsd2) == nodesCountWall) and (endLinearXi3 or (len(endPointsd3) == nodesCountWall)) and \
           ((startNodeId is None) or (len(startNodeId) == nodesCountWall)) and \
           ((endNodeId is None) or (len(endNodeId) == nodesCountWall)) and \
           ((startDerivativesMap is None) or (len(startDerivativesMap) == nodesCountWall)) and \
           ((endDerivativesMap is None) or (len(endDerivativesMap) == nodesCountWall)),\
        'createAnnulusMesh3d:  Mismatch in number of layers through wall'
    elementsCountAround = nodesCountAround = len(startPointsx[0])
    assert (
        nodesCountAround > 1
    ), 'createAnnulusMesh3d:  Invalid number of points/nodes around annulus'
    for n3 in range(nodesCountWall):
        assert (len(startPointsx[n3]) == nodesCountAround) and (len(startPointsd1[n3]) == nodesCountAround) and \
               (len(startPointsd2[n3]) == nodesCountAround) and \
               (startLinearXi3 or (len(startPointsd3[n3]) == nodesCountAround)) and\
               (len(endPointsx[n3]) == nodesCountAround) and (len(endPointsd1[n3]) == nodesCountAround) and \
               (len(endPointsd2[n3]) == nodesCountAround) and \
               (endLinearXi3 or (len(endPointsd3[n3]) == nodesCountAround)) and \
               ((startNodeId is None) or (len(startNodeId[n3]) == nodesCountAround)) and\
               ((endNodeId is None) or (len(endNodeId[n3]) == nodesCountAround)) and \
               ((startDerivativesMap is None) or (len(startDerivativesMap[n3]) == nodesCountAround)) and \
               ((endDerivativesMap is None) or (len(endDerivativesMap[n3]) == nodesCountAround)), \
            'createAnnulusMesh3d:  Mismatch in number of points/nodes in layers through wall'
    rowMeshGroups = meshGroups
    if meshGroups:
        assert isinstance(
            Sequence), 'createAnnulusMesh3d:  Mesh groups is not a sequence'
        if (len(meshGroups) == 0) or (not isinstance(meshGroups[0], Sequence)):
            rowMeshGroups = [meshGroups] * elementsCountRadial
            assert len(meshGroups) == elementsCountRadial, \
                'createAnnulusMesh3d:  Length of meshGroups sequence does not equal elementsCountRadial'
    if wallAnnotationGroups:
        assert len(wallAnnotationGroups) == nodesCountWall - 1, \
            'createAnnulusMesh3d:  Length of wallAnnotationGroups sequence does not equal elementsCountThroughWall'
    if tracksurface:
        assert startProportions and endProportions, \
            'createAnnulusMesh3d: Missing start and/or end proportions for use with tracksurface'
        assert len(startProportions) == nodesCountAround, \
            'createAnnulusMesh3d: Length of startProportions does not equal nodesCountAround'
        assert len(endProportions) == nodesCountAround, \
            'createAnnulusMesh3d: Length of endProportions does not equal nodesCountAround'

    fm = mesh.getFieldmodule()
    cache = fm.createFieldcache()
    coordinates = findOrCreateFieldCoordinates(fm)

    # Build arrays of points from start to end
    px = [[] for n3 in range(nodesCountWall)]
    pd1 = [[] for n3 in range(nodesCountWall)]
    pd2 = [[] for n3 in range(nodesCountWall)]
    pd3 = [[] for n3 in range(nodesCountWall)]

    # Find total wall thickness
    thicknessProportions = []
    thicknesses = []
            (startPointsx[nodesCountWall - 1][n1][c] - startPointsx[0][n1][c])
            for c in range(3)
        ]) for n1 in range(nodesCountAround)
    for n2 in range(1, elementsCountRadial):
        thicknesses.append([None] * nodesCountAround)
            (endPointsx[nodesCountWall - 1][n1][c] - endPointsx[0][n1][c])
            for c in range(3)
        ]) for n1 in range(nodesCountAround)

    for n3 in range(nodesCountWall):
        px[n3] = [startPointsx[n3], endPointsx[n3]]
        pd1[n3] = [startPointsd1[n3], endPointsd1[n3]]
        pd2[n3] = [startPointsd2[n3], endPointsd2[n3]]
        pd3[n3] = [
            startPointsd3[n3] if (startPointsd3 is not None) else None,
            endPointsd3[n3] if (endPointsd3 is not None) else None

        startThicknessList = \
            [vector.magnitude([(startPointsx[n3][n1][c] - startPointsx[n3 - (1 if n3 > 0 else 0)][n1][c])
                               for c in range(3)]) for n1 in range(len(startPointsx[n3]))]
        endThicknessList = \
            [vector.magnitude([(endPointsx[n3][n1][c] - endPointsx[n3 - (1 if n3 > 0 else 0)][n1][c])
                               for c in range(3)]) for n1 in range(len(endPointsx[n3]))]
        thicknessList = [startThicknessList,
                         endThicknessList]  # thickness of each layer

        startThicknessProportions = [
            thicknessList[0][c] / thicknesses[0][c]
            for c in range(nodesCountAround)
        endThicknessProportions = [
            thicknessList[1][c] / thicknesses[-1][c]
            for c in range(nodesCountAround)
            [startThicknessProportions, endThicknessProportions])

    if rescaleStartDerivatives:
        scaleFactorMapStart = [[] for n3 in range(nodesCountWall)]
    if rescaleEndDerivatives:
        scaleFactorMapEnd = [[] for n3 in range(nodesCountWall)]

    # following code adds in-between points, but also handles rescaling for 1 radial element
    for n3 in range(nodesCountWall):
        for n2 in range(1, elementsCountRadial):
            px[n3].insert(n2, [None] * nodesCountAround)
            pd1[n3].insert(n2, [None] * nodesCountAround)
            pd2[n3].insert(n2, [None] * nodesCountAround)
                           None if midLinearXi3 else [None] * nodesCountAround)
            thicknessProportions[n3].insert(n2, [None] * nodesCountAround)

    if maxStartThickness:
        for n1 in range(nodesCountAround):
            thicknesses[0][n1] = min(thicknesses[0][n1], maxStartThickness)
    if maxEndThickness:
        for n1 in range(nodesCountAround):
            thicknesses[-1][n1] = min(thicknesses[-1][n1], maxEndThickness)
    n3 = nodesCountWall - 1
    for n1 in range(nodesCountAround):
        ax = startPointsx[n3][n1]
        ad1, ad2 = getMappedD1D2(
            [startPointsd1[n3][n1], startPointsd2[n3][n1]] +
            ([startPointsd3[n3][n1]] if startPointsd3 else []),
            startDerivativesMap[n3][n1] if startDerivativesMap else None)
        bx = endPointsx[n3][n1]
        bd1, bd2 = getMappedD1D2(
            [endPointsd1[n3][n1], endPointsd2[n3][n1]] +
            ([endPointsd3[n3][n1]] if endPointsd3 else []),
            endDerivativesMap[n3][n1] if endDerivativesMap else None)

        # sample between start and end points and derivatives
        # scaling end derivatives to arc length gives even curvature along the curve
        aMag = vector.magnitude(ad2)
        bMag = vector.magnitude(bd2)
        ad2Scaled = vector.setMagnitude(
            0.5 * ((1.0 + sampleBlend) * aMag + (1.0 - sampleBlend) * bMag))
        bd2Scaled = vector.setMagnitude(
            0.5 * ((1.0 + sampleBlend) * bMag + (1.0 - sampleBlend) * aMag))
        scaling = interp.computeCubicHermiteDerivativeScaling(
            ax, ad2Scaled, bx, bd2Scaled)
        ad2Scaled = [d * scaling for d in ad2Scaled]
        bd2Scaled = [d * scaling for d in bd2Scaled]
        derivativeMagnitudeStart = None if rescaleStartDerivatives else vector.magnitude(
        derivativeMagnitudeEnd = None if rescaleEndDerivatives else vector.magnitude(
        if tracksurface:
            mx, md2, md1, md3, mProportions = \
                tracksurface.createHermiteCurvePoints(startProportions[n1][0], startProportions[n1][1],
                                                      endProportions[n1][0], endProportions[n1][1], elementsCountRadial,
                                                      derivativeStart=[d / elementsCountRadial for d in ad2Scaled],
                                                      derivativeEnd=[d / elementsCountRadial for d in bd2Scaled])
            mx, md2, md1 = \
                tracksurface.resampleHermiteCurvePointsSmooth(mx, md2, md1, md3, mProportions,
                                                              derivativeMagnitudeStart, derivativeMagnitudeEnd)[0:3]
            # interpolate thicknesses using xi calculated from radial arclength distances to points
            arcLengthInsideToRadialPoint = \
                [0.0] + [interp.getCubicHermiteArcLength(mx[n2], md2[n2], mx[n2 + 1], md2[n2 + 1])
                         for n2 in range(elementsCountRadial)]
            arclengthInsideToOutside = sum(arcLengthInsideToRadialPoint)
            thi = []
            for n2 in range(elementsCountRadial + 1):
                xi2 = arcLengthInsideToRadialPoint[
                    n2 - 1] / arclengthInsideToOutside
                thi.append(thicknesses[-1][n1] * xi2 + thicknesses[0][n1] *
                           (1.0 - xi2))
            thiProportion = []
            for m3 in range(nodesCountWall):
                thiProportionRadial = []
                for n2 in range(elementsCountRadial + 1):
                    xi2 = arcLengthInsideToRadialPoint[
                        n2 - 1] / arclengthInsideToOutside
                        thicknessProportions[m3][-1][n1] * xi2 +
                        thicknessProportions[m3][0][n1] * (1.0 - xi2))
            mx, md2, me, mxi = interp.sampleCubicHermiteCurvesSmooth(
                [ax, bx], [ad2Scaled, bd2Scaled], elementsCountRadial,
                derivativeMagnitudeStart, derivativeMagnitudeEnd)[0:4]
            md1 = interp.interpolateSampleLinear([ad1, bd1], me, mxi)
            thi = interp.interpolateSampleLinear(
                [thicknesses[0][n1], thicknesses[-1][n1]], me, mxi)
            thiProportion = []
            for m3 in range(nodesCountWall):
                    ], me, mxi))

        # set scalefactors if rescaling, make same on inside for now
        if rescaleStartDerivatives:
            scaleFactor = vector.magnitude(md2[0]) / vector.magnitude(ad2)
        if rescaleEndDerivatives:
            scaleFactor = vector.magnitude(md2[-1]) / vector.magnitude(bd2)

        for n2 in range(1, elementsCountRadial):
            px[n3][n2][n1] = mx[n2]
            pd1[n3][n2][n1] = md1[n2]
            pd2[n3][n2][n1] = md2[n2]
            thicknesses[n2][n1] = thi[n2]
            for m3 in range(nodesCountWall):
                thicknessProportions[m3][n2][n1] = thiProportion[m3][n2]

    xi3List = [[[[] for n1 in range(nodesCountAround)]
                for n2 in range(elementsCountRadial + 1)]
               for n3 in range(nodesCountWall)]
    for n1 in range(nodesCountAround):
        for n2 in range(elementsCountRadial + 1):
            xi3 = 0.0
            for n3 in range(nodesCountWall):
                xi3 += thicknessProportions[n3][n2][n1]
                xi3List[n3][n2][n1] = xi3

    # now get inner positions from normal and thickness, derivatives from curvature
    for n2 in range(1, elementsCountRadial):
        # first smooth derivative 1 around outer loop
        pd1[-1][n2] = \
            interp.smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLoop(px[-1][n2], pd1[-1][n2],

        for n3 in range(0, nodesCountWall - 1):
            for n1 in range(nodesCountAround):
                xi3 = 1 - xi3List[n3][n2][n1]
                normal = vector.normalise(
                    vector.crossproduct3(pd1[-1][n2][n1], pd2[-1][n2][n1]))
                thickness = thicknesses[n2][n1] * xi3
                d3 = [d * thickness for d in normal]
                px[n3][n2][n1] = [(px[-1][n2][n1][c] - d3[c])
                                  for c in range(3)]
                # calculate inner d1 from curvature around
                n1m = n1 - 1
                n1p = (n1 + 1) % nodesCountAround
                curvature = 0.5 * (interp.getCubicHermiteCurvature(
                    px[-1][n2][n1m], pd1[-1][n2][n1m], px[-1][n2][n1], pd1[-1]
                    [n2][n1], normal, 1.0) + interp.getCubicHermiteCurvature(
                        px[-1][n2][n1], pd1[-1][n2][n1], px[-1][n2][n1p],
                        pd1[-1][n2][n1p], normal, 0.0))
                factor = 1.0 + curvature * thickness
                pd1[n3][n2][n1] = [factor * d for d in pd1[-1][n2][n1]]
                # calculate inner d2 from curvature radially
                n2m = n2 - 1
                n2p = n2 + 1
                curvature = 0.5 * (interp.getCubicHermiteCurvature(
                    px[-1][n2m][n1], pd2[-1][n2m][n1], px[-1][n2][n1], pd2[-1]
                    [n2][n1], normal, 1.0) + interp.getCubicHermiteCurvature(
                        px[-1][n2][n1], pd2[-1][n2][n1], px[-1][n2p][n1],
                        pd2[-1][n2p][n1], normal, 0.0))
                factor = 1.0 + curvature * thickness
                pd2[n3][n2][n1] = [factor * d for d in pd2[-1][n2][n1]]
                d2Scaled = [factor * d for d in pd2[-1][n2][n1]]
                if vector.dotproduct(vector.normalise(pd2[-1][n2][n1]),
                                     vector.normalise(d2Scaled)) == -1:
                    pd2[n3][n2][n1] = [-factor * d for d in pd2[-1][n2][n1]]
                if not midLinearXi3:
                    pd3[n3][n2][n1] = pd3[-1][n2][n1] = \
                        [d * thicknesses[n2][n1] * thicknessProportions[n3 + 1][n2][n1] for d in normal]

            # smooth derivative 1 around inner loop
            pd1[n3][n2] = interp.smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLoop(

    for n3 in range(0, nodesCountWall):
        # smooth derivative 2 radially/along annulus
        for n1 in range(nodesCountAround):
            mx = [px[n3][n2][n1] for n2 in range(elementsCountRadial + 1)]
            md2 = [pd2[n3][n2][n1] for n2 in range(elementsCountRadial + 1)]
            # replace mapped start/end d2
            md2[0] = getMappedD1D2(
                [startPointsd1[n3][n1], startPointsd2[n3][n1]] +
                ([startPointsd3[n3][n1]] if startPointsd3 else []),
                if startDerivativesMap else None)[1]
            md2[-1] = getMappedD1D2(
                [endPointsd1[n3][n1], endPointsd2[n3][n1]] +
                ([endPointsd3[n3][n1]] if endPointsd3 else []),
                endDerivativesMap[n3][n1] if endDerivativesMap else None)[1]

            sd2 = interp.smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine(
                fixStartDerivative=not rescaleStartDerivatives,
                fixEndDerivative=not rescaleEndDerivatives,
            if rescaleStartDerivatives:
                scaleFactor = vector.magnitude(sd2[0]) / vector.magnitude(
            if rescaleEndDerivatives:
                scaleFactor = vector.magnitude(sd2[-1]) / vector.magnitude(

            for n2 in range(1, elementsCountRadial):
                pd2[n3][n2][n1] = sd2[n2]

    # Create nodes

    nodetemplate = nodes.createNodetemplate()
    nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1,
                                          Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1)
    nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1,
                                          Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, 1)
    nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1,
                                          Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, 1)
    if useCrossDerivatives:
        nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1,
                                              Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS1DS2, 1)
    nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1,
                                          Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3, 1)
    if useCrossDerivatives:
        nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1,
                                              Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS1DS3, 1)
        nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1,
                                              Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS2DS3, 1)
        nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1,
                                              Node.VALUE_LABEL_D3_DS1DS2DS3, 1)
    nodetemplateLinearS3 = nodes.createNodetemplate()
    nodetemplateLinearS3.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1,
                                                  Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1)
    nodetemplateLinearS3.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1,
                                                  Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, 1)
    nodetemplateLinearS3.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1,
                                                  Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, 1)
    if useCrossDerivatives:
            coordinates, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS1DS2, 1)

    nodeIdentifier = nextNodeIdentifier
    nodeId = [[] for n3 in range(nodesCountWall)]
    for n2 in range(elementsCountRadial + 1):
        for n3 in range(nodesCountWall):
            if (n2 == 0) and (startNodeId is not None):
                rowNodeId = copy.deepcopy(startNodeId[n3])
            elif (n2 == elementsCountRadial) and (endNodeId is not None):
                rowNodeId = copy.deepcopy(endNodeId[n3])
                rowNodeId = []
                nodetemplate1 = nodetemplate if pd3[n3][
                    n2] else nodetemplateLinearS3
                for n1 in range(nodesCountAround):
                    node = nodes.createNode(nodeIdentifier, nodetemplate1)
                    coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1,
                                                  Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1,
                    coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1,
                                                  Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, 1,
                    coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1,
                                                  Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, 1,
                    if pd3[n3][n2]:
                        coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1,
                                                      1, pd3[n3][n2][n1])
                    nodeIdentifier = nodeIdentifier + 1

    # Create elements

    tricubichermite = eftfactory_tricubichermite(mesh, useCrossDerivatives)
    bicubichermitelinear = eftfactory_bicubichermitelinear(
        mesh, useCrossDerivatives)

    elementIdentifier = nextElementIdentifier

    elementtemplateStandard = mesh.createElementtemplate()
    elementtemplateX = mesh.createElementtemplate()
    elementsCountWall = nodesCountWall - 1

    for e2 in range(elementsCountRadial):
        nonlinearXi3 = (not rowLinearXi3[e2]) or (not rowLinearXi3[e2 + 1])
        eftFactory = tricubichermite if nonlinearXi3 else bicubichermitelinear
        eftStandard = eftFactory.createEftBasic()
        elementtemplateStandard.defineField(coordinates, -1, eftStandard)
        mapStartDerivatives = (e2 == 0) and (startDerivativesMap
                                             or rescaleStartDerivatives)
        mapStartLinearDerivativeXi3 = nonlinearXi3 and rowLinearXi3[e2]
        mapEndDerivatives = (e2 == (elementsCountRadial - 1)) and (
            endDerivativesMap or rescaleEndDerivatives)
        mapEndLinearDerivativeXi3 = nonlinearXi3 and rowLinearXi3[e2 + 1]
        mapDerivatives = mapStartDerivatives or mapStartLinearDerivativeXi3 or \
                         mapEndDerivatives or mapEndLinearDerivativeXi3
        for e3 in range(elementsCountWall):
            for e1 in range(elementsCountAround):
                en = (e1 + 1) % elementsCountAround
                nids = [
                    nodeId[e3][e2][e1], nodeId[e3][e2][en],
                    nodeId[e3][e2 + 1][e1], nodeId[e3][e2 + 1][en],
                    nodeId[e3 + 1][e2][e1], nodeId[e3 + 1][e2][en],
                    nodeId[e3 + 1][e2 + 1][e1], nodeId[e3 + 1][e2 + 1][en]
                scaleFactors = []

                if mapDerivatives:
                    eft1 = eftFactory.createEftNoCrossDerivatives()
                    # work out if scaling by global -1
                    scaleMinus1 = mapStartLinearDerivativeXi3 or mapEndLinearDerivativeXi3
                    if (not scaleMinus1
                        ) and mapStartDerivatives and startDerivativesMap:
                        for n3 in range(2):
                            n3Idx = n3 + e3
                            # need to handle 3 or 4 maps (e1 uses last 3, en uses first 3)
                            for map in startDerivativesMap[n3Idx][e1][-3:]:
                                if map and (-1 in map):
                                    scaleMinus1 = True
                            for map in startDerivativesMap[n3Idx][en][:3]:
                                if map and (-1 in map):
                                    scaleMinus1 = True
                    if (not scaleMinus1
                        ) and mapEndDerivatives and endDerivativesMap:
                        for n3 in range(2):
                            n3Idx = n3 + e3
                            # need to handle 3 or 4 maps (e1 uses last 3, en uses first 3)
                            for map in endDerivativesMap[n3Idx][e1][-3:]:
                                if map and (-1 in map):
                                    scaleMinus1 = True
                            for map in endDerivativesMap[n3Idx][en][:3]:
                                if map and (-1 in map):
                                    scaleMinus1 = True
                    # make node scale factors vary fastest by local node varying across lower xi
                    nodeScaleFactorIds = []
                    for n3 in range(2):
                        n3Idx = n3 + e3
                        if mapStartDerivatives and rescaleStartDerivatives:
                            for i in range(2):
                                derivativesMap = (
                                    startDerivativesMap[n3Idx][e1][1] if
                                    (i == 0) else startDerivativesMap[n3Idx]
                                    [en][1]) if startDerivativesMap else None
                                                  if derivativesMap else (0, 1,
                        if mapEndDerivatives and rescaleEndDerivatives:
                            for i in range(2):
                                derivativesMap = (
                                    endDerivativesMap[n3Idx][e1][1] if
                                    (i == 0) else endDerivativesMap[n3Idx][en]
                                    [1]) if endDerivativesMap else None
                                                  if derivativesMap else (0, 1,
                    setEftScaleFactorIds(eft1, [1] if scaleMinus1 else [],
                    firstNodeScaleFactorIndex = 2 if scaleMinus1 else 1
                    firstStartNodeScaleFactorIndex = \
                        firstNodeScaleFactorIndex if (mapStartDerivatives and rescaleStartDerivatives) else None
                    firstEndNodeScaleFactorIndex = \
                        (firstNodeScaleFactorIndex + (2 if firstStartNodeScaleFactorIndex else 0)) \
                            if (mapEndDerivatives and rescaleEndDerivatives) else None
                    layerNodeScaleFactorIndexOffset = \
                        4 if (firstStartNodeScaleFactorIndex and firstEndNodeScaleFactorIndex) else 2
                    if scaleMinus1:
                    for n3 in range(2):
                        n3Idx = n3 + e3
                        if firstStartNodeScaleFactorIndex:
                        if firstEndNodeScaleFactorIndex:

                    if mapStartLinearDerivativeXi3:
                            eft1, [1, 5, 2, 6], Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3,
                    if mapStartDerivatives:
                        for i in range(2):
                            lns = [1, 5] if (i == 0) else [2, 6]
                            for n3 in range(2):
                                n3Idx = n3 + e3
                                derivativesMap = \
                                    (startDerivativesMap[n3Idx][e1] if (i == 0) else startDerivativesMap[n3Idx][en]) \
                                        if startDerivativesMap else (None, None, None)
                                # handle different d1 on each side of node
                                d1Map = \
                                    derivativesMap[0] if ((i == 1) or (len(derivativesMap) < 4)) else derivativesMap[3]
                                d2Map = derivativesMap[1] if derivativesMap[
                                    1] else (0, 1, 0)
                                d3Map = derivativesMap[2]
                                # use temporary to safely swap DS1 and DS2:
                                ln = [lns[n3]]
                                if d1Map:
                                        eft1, ln, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1,
                                        [(Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS1DS2, [])])
                                if d3Map:
                                        eft1, ln, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3,
                                        [(Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS2DS3, [])])
                                if d2Map:
                                        eft1, ln, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2,
                                             Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3), d2Map,
                                            (firstStartNodeScaleFactorIndex +
                                             i + n3 *
                                            if rescaleStartDerivatives else
                                if d1Map:
                                        eft1, ln, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS1DS2,
                                             Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3), d1Map))
                                if d3Map:
                                        eft1, ln, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS2DS3,
                                             Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3), d3Map))
                    if mapEndLinearDerivativeXi3:
                            eft1, [3, 7, 4, 8], Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3,
                    if mapEndDerivatives:
                        for i in range(2):
                            lns = [3, 7] if (i == 0) else [4, 8]
                            for n3 in range(2):
                                n3Idx = n3 + e3
                                derivativesMap = \
                                    (endDerivativesMap[n3Idx][e1] if (i == 0) else endDerivativesMap[n3Idx][en]) \
                                        if endDerivativesMap else (None, None, None)
                                # handle different d1 on each side of node
                                d1Map = derivativesMap[0] if ((i == 1) or (len(derivativesMap) < 4)) else \
                                d2Map = derivativesMap[1] if derivativesMap[
                                    1] else (0, 1, 0)
                                d3Map = derivativesMap[2]

                                # use temporary to safely swap DS1 and DS2:
                                ln = [lns[n3]]
                                if d1Map:
                                        eft1, ln, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1,
                                        [(Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS1DS2, [])])
                                if d3Map:
                                        eft1, ln, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3,
                                        [(Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS2DS3, [])])
                                if d2Map:
                                        eft1, ln, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2,
                                             Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3), d2Map,
                                            (firstEndNodeScaleFactorIndex + i +
                                             n3 *
                                            if rescaleEndDerivatives else
                                if d1Map:
                                        eft1, ln, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS1DS2,
                                             Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3), d1Map))
                                if d3Map:
                                        eft1, ln, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS2DS3,
                                             Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3), d3Map))

                    elementtemplateX.defineField(coordinates, -1, eft1)
                    elementtemplate1 = elementtemplateX
                    eft1 = eftStandard
                    elementtemplate1 = elementtemplateStandard

                element = mesh.createElement(elementIdentifier,
                result2 = element.setNodesByIdentifier(eft1, nids)
                if scaleFactors:
                    result3 = element.setScaleFactors(eft1, scaleFactors)
                # print('create element annulus', element.isValid(), elementIdentifier, eft1.validate(),
                #       result2, result3 if scaleFactors else None, nids)
                elementIdentifier += 1

                if rowMeshGroups:
                    for meshGroup in rowMeshGroups[e2]:

                if wallAnnotationGroups:
                    for annotationGroup in wallAnnotationGroups[e3]:
                        meshGroup = annotationGroup.getMeshGroup(mesh)


    return nodeIdentifier, elementIdentifier
    def generateBaseMesh(cls, region, options):
        Generate the base tricubic Hermite mesh. See also generateMesh().
        :param region: Zinc region to define model in. Must be empty.
        :param options: Dict containing options. See getDefaultOptions().
        :return: annotationGroups
        centralPath = options['Central path']
        segmentProfile = options['Segment profile']
        segmentCount = options['Number of segments']
        startPhase = options['Start phase'] % 360.0
        proximalLength = options['Proximal length']
        transverseLength = options['Transverse length']
        proximalInnerRadius = options['Proximal inner radius']
        proximalTCWidth = options['Proximal tenia coli width']
        proximalTransverseInnerRadius = options['Proximal-transverse inner radius']
        proximalTransverseTCWidth = options['Proximal-transverse tenia coli width']
        transverseDistalInnerRadius = options['Transverse-distal inner radius']
        transverseDistalTCWidth = options['Transverse-distal tenia coli width']
        distalInnerRadius = options['Distal inner radius']
        distalTCWidth = options['Distal tenia coli width']
        segmentSettings = segmentProfile.getScaffoldSettings()

        elementsCountAroundTC = segmentSettings['Number of elements around tenia coli']
        elementsCountAroundHaustrum = segmentSettings['Number of elements around haustrum']
        cornerInnerRadiusFactor = segmentSettings['Corner inner radius factor']
        haustrumInnerRadiusFactor = segmentSettings['Haustrum inner radius factor']
        segmentLengthEndDerivativeFactor = segmentSettings['Segment length end derivative factor']
        segmentLengthMidDerivativeFactor = segmentSettings['Segment length mid derivative factor']
        tcCount = segmentSettings['Number of tenia coli']
        tcThickness = segmentSettings['Tenia coli thickness']
        elementsCountAround = (elementsCountAroundTC + elementsCountAroundHaustrum)*tcCount

        elementsCountAlongSegment = segmentSettings['Number of elements along segment']
        elementsCountThroughWall = segmentSettings['Number of elements through wall']
        wallThickness = segmentSettings['Wall thickness']
        useCrossDerivatives = segmentSettings['Use cross derivatives']
        useCubicHermiteThroughWall = not(segmentSettings['Use linear through wall'])
        elementsCountAlong = int(elementsCountAlongSegment*segmentCount)

        firstNodeIdentifier = 1
        firstElementIdentifier = 1

        # Central path
        tmpRegion = region.createRegion()
        cx, cd1, cd2, cd12 = extractPathParametersFromRegion(tmpRegion)
        # for i in range(len(cx)):
        #     print(i, '[', cx[i], ',', cd1[i], ',', cd2[i], ',', cd12[i], '],')
        del tmpRegion

        # find arclength of colon
        length = 0.0
        elementsCountIn = len(cx) - 1
        sd1 = interp.smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine(cx, cd1, fixAllDirections = True,
            magnitudeScalingMode = interp.DerivativeScalingMode.HARMONIC_MEAN)
        for e in range(elementsCountIn):
            arcLength = interp.getCubicHermiteArcLength(cx[e], sd1[e], cx[e + 1], sd1[e + 1])
            # print(e+1, arcLength)
            length += arcLength
        segmentLength = length / segmentCount
        # print('Length = ', length)
        elementAlongLength = length / elementsCountAlong

        # Sample central path
        sx, sd1, se, sxi, ssf = interp.sampleCubicHermiteCurves(cx, cd1, elementsCountAlong)
        sd2, sd12 = interp.interpolateSampleCubicHermite(cd2, cd12, se, sxi, ssf)

        # Generate variation of radius & tc width along length
        lengthList = [0.0, proximalLength, proximalLength + transverseLength, length]
        innerRadiusList = [proximalInnerRadius, proximalTransverseInnerRadius,
                           transverseDistalInnerRadius, distalInnerRadius]
        innerRadiusAlongElementList, dInnerRadiusAlongElementList = interp.sampleParameterAlongLine(lengthList,

        tcWidthList = [proximalTCWidth, proximalTransverseTCWidth, transverseDistalTCWidth, distalTCWidth]
        tcWidthAlongElementList, dTCWidthAlongElementList = interp.sampleParameterAlongLine(lengthList,

        # Account for reduced haustrum appearance in transverse and distal pig colon
        if tcCount == 2:
            haustrumInnerRadiusFactorList = [haustrumInnerRadiusFactor, haustrumInnerRadiusFactor*0.75,
                                             haustrumInnerRadiusFactor*0.5, haustrumInnerRadiusFactor*0.2]
            haustrumInnerRadiusFactorAlongElementList = \
                interp.sampleParameterAlongLine(lengthList, haustrumInnerRadiusFactorList, elementsCountAlong)[0]
            haustrumInnerRadiusFactorAlongElementList = [haustrumInnerRadiusFactor]*(elementsCountAlong+1)

        # Create annotation groups for colon sections
        elementsAlongInProximal = round(proximalLength/elementAlongLength)
        elementsAlongInTransverse = round(transverseLength/elementAlongLength)
        elementsAlongInDistal = elementsCountAlong - elementsAlongInProximal - elementsAlongInTransverse
        elementsCountAlongGroups = [elementsAlongInProximal, elementsAlongInTransverse, elementsAlongInDistal]

        colonGroup = AnnotationGroup(region, get_colon_term("colon"))

        if tcCount == 1:
            proximalGroup = AnnotationGroup(region, get_colon_term("proximal colon"))
            transverseGroup = AnnotationGroup(region, get_colon_term("transverse colon"))
            distalGroup = AnnotationGroup(region, get_colon_term("distal colon"))
            annotationGroupAlong = [[colonGroup, proximalGroup],
                                    [colonGroup, transverseGroup],
                                    [colonGroup, distalGroup]]

        elif tcCount == 2:
            spiralGroup = AnnotationGroup(region, get_colon_term("spiral colon"))
            transverseGroup = AnnotationGroup(region, get_colon_term("transverse colon"))
            distalGroup = AnnotationGroup(region, get_colon_term("distal colon"))
            annotationGroupAlong = [[colonGroup, spiralGroup],
                                    [colonGroup, transverseGroup],
                                    [colonGroup, distalGroup]]

        elif tcCount == 3:
            ascendingGroup = AnnotationGroup(region, get_colon_term("ascending colon"))
            transverseGroup = AnnotationGroup(region, get_colon_term("transverse colon"))
            descendingGroup = AnnotationGroup(region, get_colon_term("descending colon"))
            annotationGroupAlong = [[colonGroup, ascendingGroup],
                                    [colonGroup, transverseGroup],
                                    [colonGroup, descendingGroup]]

        annotationGroupsAlong = []
        for i in range(len(elementsCountAlongGroups)):
            elementsCount = elementsCountAlongGroups[i]
            for n in range(elementsCount):

        annotationGroupsThroughWall = []
        for i in range(elementsCountThroughWall):
            annotationGroupsThroughWall.append([ ])

        xExtrude = []
        d1Extrude = []
        d2Extrude = []
        d3UnitExtrude = []
        sxRefExtrudeList = []

        # Create object
        colonSegmentTubeMeshInnerPoints = ColonSegmentTubeMeshInnerPoints(
            region, elementsCountAroundTC, elementsCountAroundHaustrum, elementsCountAlongSegment,
            tcCount, segmentLengthEndDerivativeFactor, segmentLengthMidDerivativeFactor,
            segmentLength, wallThickness, cornerInnerRadiusFactor, haustrumInnerRadiusFactorAlongElementList,
            innerRadiusAlongElementList, dInnerRadiusAlongElementList, tcWidthAlongElementList,

        for nSegment in range(segmentCount):
            # Create inner points
            xInner, d1Inner, d2Inner, transitElementList, segmentAxis, annotationGroupsAround \
                = colonSegmentTubeMeshInnerPoints.getColonSegmentTubeMeshInnerPoints(nSegment)

            # Project reference point for warping onto central path
            start = nSegment * elementsCountAlongSegment
            end = (nSegment + 1) * elementsCountAlongSegment + 1
            sxRefList, sd1RefList, sd2ProjectedListRef, zRefList = \
                tubemesh.getPlaneProjectionOnCentralPath(xInner, elementsCountAround, elementsCountAlongSegment,
                                                         segmentLength, sx[start:end], sd1[start:end], sd2[start:end],

            # Warp segment points
            xWarpedList, d1WarpedList, d2WarpedList, d3WarpedUnitList = tubemesh.warpSegmentPoints(
                xInner, d1Inner, d2Inner, segmentAxis, sxRefList, sd1RefList, sd2ProjectedListRef,
                elementsCountAround, elementsCountAlongSegment, zRefList, innerRadiusAlongElementList[start:end],

            # Store points along length
            xExtrude +=  xWarpedList if nSegment == 0 else xWarpedList[elementsCountAround:]
            d1Extrude += d1WarpedList if nSegment == 0 else d1WarpedList[elementsCountAround:]
            d2Extrude += d2WarpedList if nSegment == 0 else d2WarpedList[elementsCountAround:]
            d3UnitExtrude += d3WarpedUnitList if nSegment == 0 else d3WarpedUnitList[elementsCountAround:]
            sxRefExtrudeList += sxRefList if nSegment == 0 else sxRefList[elementsCountAround:]

        contractedWallThicknessList = colonSegmentTubeMeshInnerPoints.getContractedWallThicknessList()

        # Create coordinates and derivatives
        xList, d1List, d2List, d3List, curvatureList = tubemesh.getCoordinatesFromInner(xExtrude, d1Extrude,
            d2Extrude, d3UnitExtrude, contractedWallThicknessList,
            elementsCountAround, elementsCountAlong, elementsCountThroughWall, transitElementList)

        relaxedLengthList, xiList = colonSegmentTubeMeshInnerPoints.getRelaxedLengthAndXiList()

        closedProximalEnd = False

        if tcThickness > 0:
            tubeTCWidthList = colonSegmentTubeMeshInnerPoints.getTubeTCWidthList()
            xList, d1List, d2List, d3List, annotationArrayAround = getTeniaColi(
                region, xList, d1List, d2List, d3List, curvatureList, tcCount, elementsCountAroundTC,
                elementsCountAroundHaustrum, elementsCountAlong, elementsCountThroughWall,
                tubeTCWidthList, tcThickness, sxRefExtrudeList, annotationGroupsAround,

            # Create flat and texture coordinates
            xFlat, d1Flat, d2Flat, xTexture, d1Texture, d2Texture = createFlatAndTextureCoordinatesTeniaColi(
                xiList, relaxedLengthList, length, wallThickness, tcCount, tcThickness,
                elementsCountAroundTC, elementsCountAroundHaustrum, elementsCountAlong,
                elementsCountThroughWall, transitElementList, closedProximalEnd)

            # Create nodes and elements
            nextNodeIdentifier, nextElementIdentifier, annotationGroups = createNodesAndElementsTeniaColi(
                region, xList, d1List, d2List, d3List, xFlat, d1Flat, d2Flat, xTexture, d1Texture, d2Texture,
                elementsCountAroundTC, elementsCountAroundHaustrum, elementsCountAlong, elementsCountThroughWall,
                tcCount, annotationGroupsAround, annotationGroupsAlong, annotationGroupsThroughWall,
                firstNodeIdentifier, firstElementIdentifier, useCubicHermiteThroughWall, useCrossDerivatives,

            # Create flat and texture coordinates
            xFlat, d1Flat, d2Flat, xTexture, d1Texture, d2Texture = tubemesh.createFlatAndTextureCoordinates(
                xiList, relaxedLengthList, length, wallThickness, elementsCountAround,
                elementsCountAlong, elementsCountThroughWall, transitElementList)

            # Create nodes and elements
            nextNodeIdentifier, nextElementIdentifier, annotationGroups = tubemesh.createNodesAndElements(
                region, xList, d1List, d2List, d3List, xFlat, d1Flat, d2Flat, xTexture, d1Texture, d2Texture,
                elementsCountAround, elementsCountAlong, elementsCountThroughWall,
                annotationGroupsAround, annotationGroupsAlong, annotationGroupsThroughWall,
                firstNodeIdentifier, firstElementIdentifier, useCubicHermiteThroughWall, useCrossDerivatives,

        return annotationGroups
    def generateBaseMesh(cls, region, options):
        Generate the base tricubic Hermite mesh. See also generateMesh().
        :param region: Zinc region to define model in. Must be empty.
        :param options: Dict containing options. See getDefaultOptions().
        :return: annotationGroups
        centralPath = options['Central path']
        elementsCountAround = options['Number of elements around']
        elementsCountAlong = options['Number of elements along']
        elementsCountThroughWall = options['Number of elements through wall']
        wallThickness = options['Wall thickness']
        mucosaRelThickness = options['Mucosa relative thickness']
        submucosaRelThickness = options['Submucosa relative thickness']
        circularRelThickness = options[
            'Circular muscle layer relative thickness']
        longitudinalRelThickness = options[
            'Longitudinal muscle layer relative thickness']
        useCrossDerivatives = options['Use cross derivatives']
        useCubicHermiteThroughWall = not (options['Use linear through wall'])

        firstNodeIdentifier = 1
        firstElementIdentifier = 1

        # Central path
        esophagusTermsAlong = [
            None, 'cervical part of esophagus', 'thoracic part of esophagus',
            'abdominal part of esophagus'
        arcLengthOfGroupsAlong = []
        for i in range(len(esophagusTermsAlong)):
            tmpRegion = region.createRegion()
            cxGroup, cd1Group, cd2Group, cd3Group, cd12Group, cd13Group = \
                extractPathParametersFromRegion(tmpRegion, [Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1,
                                                            Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS3,
                                                            Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS1DS2, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D2_DS1DS3],
            arcLength = 0.0
            for e in range(len(cxGroup) - 1):
                arcLength += interp.getCubicHermiteArcLength(
                    cxGroup[e], cd1Group[e], cxGroup[e + 1], cd1Group[e + 1])

            if i == 0:
                cx = cxGroup
                cd1 = cd1Group
                cd2 = cd2Group
                cd3 = cd3Group
                cd12 = cd12Group
                cd13 = cd13Group

            del tmpRegion

        # Sample central path
        sx, sd1, se, sxi, ssf = interp.sampleCubicHermiteCurves(
            cx, cd1, elementsCountAlong)
        sd2, sd12 = interp.interpolateSampleCubicHermite(
            cd2, cd12, se, sxi, ssf)
        sd3, sd13 = interp.interpolateSampleCubicHermite(
            cd3, cd13, se, sxi, ssf)

        centralPathLength = arcLengthOfGroupsAlong[0]
        elementAlongLength = centralPathLength / elementsCountAlong

        elementsCountAlongGroups = []
        groupLength = 0.0
        e = 0
        elementsCount = 1
        length = elementAlongLength
        for i in range(1, len(esophagusTermsAlong)):
            groupLength += arcLengthOfGroupsAlong[i]
            if e == elementsCountAlong - 2:
                elementsCount += 1
                while length < groupLength:
                    elementsCount += 1
                    e += 1
                    length += elementAlongLength

                # check which end is grouplength closer to
                distToUpperEnd = abs(length - groupLength)
                distToLowerEnd = abs(groupLength -
                                     (length - elementsCountAlong))
                if distToLowerEnd < distToUpperEnd:
                    elementsCount -= 1
                    e -= 1
                    length -= elementAlongLength
            elementsCount = 0

        majorRadiusElementList = sd2
        minorRadiusElementList = sd3

        # Create annotation groups along esophagus
        esophagusGroup = AnnotationGroup(region,
        cervicalGroup = AnnotationGroup(
            region, get_esophagus_term("cervical part of esophagus"))
        thoracicGroup = AnnotationGroup(
            region, get_esophagus_term("thoracic part of esophagus"))
        abdominalGroup = AnnotationGroup(
            region, get_esophagus_term("abdominal part of esophagus"))

        annotationGroupAlong = [[esophagusGroup, cervicalGroup],
                                [esophagusGroup, thoracicGroup],
                                [esophagusGroup, abdominalGroup]]

        annotationGroupsAlong = []
        for i in range(len(elementsCountAlongGroups)):
            elementsCount = elementsCountAlongGroups[i]
            for n in range(elementsCount):

        annotationGroupsAround = []
        for i in range(elementsCountAround):

        # Groups through wall
        longitudinalMuscleGroup = AnnotationGroup(
            get_esophagus_term("esophagus smooth muscle longitudinal layer"))
        circularMuscleGroup = AnnotationGroup(
            get_esophagus_term("esophagus smooth muscle circular layer"))
        submucosaGroup = AnnotationGroup(
            region, get_esophagus_term("submucosa of esophagus"))
        mucosaGroup = AnnotationGroup(region,
                                      get_esophagus_term("esophagus mucosa"))

        if elementsCountThroughWall == 1:
            relativeThicknessList = [1.0]
            annotationGroupsThroughWall = [[]]
            relativeThicknessList = [
                mucosaRelThickness, submucosaRelThickness,
                circularRelThickness, longitudinalRelThickness
            annotationGroupsThroughWall = [[mucosaGroup], [submucosaGroup],

        xToSample = []
        d1ToSample = []
        for n2 in range(elementsCountAlong + 1):
            # Create inner points
            cx = [0.0, 0.0, elementAlongLength * n2]
            axis1 = [vector.magnitude(majorRadiusElementList[n2]), 0.0, 0.0]
            axis2 = [0.0, vector.magnitude(minorRadiusElementList[n2]), 0.0]
            xInner, d1Inner = geometry.createEllipsePoints(cx,
                                                           2 * math.pi,
            xToSample += xInner
            d1ToSample += d1Inner

        d2ToSample = [[0.0, 0.0, elementAlongLength]
                      ] * (elementsCountAround * (elementsCountAlong + 1))

        # Sample along length
        xInnerRaw = []
        d2InnerRaw = []
        xToWarp = []
        d1ToWarp = []
        d2ToWarp = []
        flatWidthList = []
        xiList = []

        for n1 in range(elementsCountAround):
            xForSamplingAlong = []
            d2ForSamplingAlong = []
            for n2 in range(elementsCountAlong + 1):
                idx = n2 * elementsCountAround + n1
            xSampled, d2Sampled = interp.sampleCubicHermiteCurves(

        # Re-arrange sample order & calculate dx_ds1 and dx_ds3 from dx_ds2
        for n2 in range(elementsCountAlong + 1):
            xAround = []
            d2Around = []

            for n1 in range(elementsCountAround):
                x = xInnerRaw[n1][n2]
                d2 = d2InnerRaw[n1][n2]

            d1Around = []
            for n1 in range(elementsCountAround):
                v1 = xAround[n1]
                v2 = xAround[(n1 + 1) % elementsCountAround]
                d1 = d2 = [v2[c] - v1[c] for c in range(3)]
                arcLengthAround = interp.computeCubicHermiteArcLength(
                    v1, d1, v2, d2, True)
                dx_ds1 = [c * arcLengthAround for c in vector.normalise(d1)]
            d1Smoothed = interp.smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLoop(
                xAround, d1Around)

            xToWarp += xAround
            d1ToWarp += d1Smoothed
            d2ToWarp += d2Around

            # Flat width and xi
            flatWidth = 0.0
            xiFace = []
            for n1 in range(elementsCountAround):
                v1 = xAround[n1]
                d1 = d1Smoothed[n1]
                v2 = xAround[(n1 + 1) % elementsCountAround]
                d2 = d1Smoothed[(n1 + 1) % elementsCountAround]
                flatWidth += interp.getCubicHermiteArcLength(v1, d1, v2, d2)

            for n1 in range(elementsCountAround + 1):
                xi = 1.0 / elementsCountAround * n1

        # Project reference point for warping onto central path
        sxRefList, sd1RefList, sd2ProjectedListRef, zRefList = \
            tubemesh.getPlaneProjectionOnCentralPath(xToWarp, elementsCountAround, elementsCountAlong,
                                                     centralPathLength, sx, sd1, sd2, sd12)

        # Warp points
        segmentAxis = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
        closedProximalEnd = False

        innerRadiusAlong = []
        for n2 in range(elementsCountAlong + 1):
            firstNodeAlong = xToWarp[n2 * elementsCountAround]
            midptSegmentAxis = [0.0, 0.0, elementAlongLength * n2]
            radius = vector.magnitude(firstNodeAlong[c] - midptSegmentAxis[c]
                                      for c in range(3))

        xWarpedList, d1WarpedList, d2WarpedList, d3WarpedUnitList = \
            tubemesh.warpSegmentPoints(xToWarp, d1ToWarp, d2ToWarp, segmentAxis, sxRefList, sd1RefList,
                                       sd2ProjectedListRef, elementsCountAround, elementsCountAlong,
                                       zRefList, innerRadiusAlong, closedProximalEnd)

        # Create coordinates and derivatives
        transitElementList = [0] * elementsCountAround
        xList, d1List, d2List, d3List, curvatureList = \
            tubemesh.getCoordinatesFromInner(xWarpedList, d1WarpedList, d2WarpedList, d3WarpedUnitList,
                                             [wallThickness]*(elementsCountAlong+1), relativeThicknessList,
                                             elementsCountAround, elementsCountAlong, elementsCountThroughWall,

        # Create flat coordinates
        xFlat, d1Flat, d2Flat = tubemesh.createFlatCoordinates(
            xiList, flatWidthList, length, wallThickness,
            relativeThicknessList, elementsCountAround, elementsCountAlong,
            elementsCountThroughWall, transitElementList)

        # Create nodes and elements
        xOrgan = []
        d1Organ = []
        d2Organ = []
        nodeIdentifier, elementIdentifier, annotationGroups = \
            tubemesh.createNodesAndElements(region, xList, d1List, d2List, d3List, xFlat, d1Flat, d2Flat,
                                            xOrgan, d1Organ, d2Organ, None, elementsCountAround, elementsCountAlong,
                                            elementsCountThroughWall, annotationGroupsAround, annotationGroupsAlong,
                                            annotationGroupsThroughWall, firstNodeIdentifier, firstElementIdentifier,
                                            useCubicHermiteThroughWall, useCrossDerivatives, closedProximalEnd)

        # annotation fiducial points
        fm = region.getFieldmodule()
        mesh = fm.findMeshByDimension(3)
        cache = fm.createFieldcache()

        markerGroup = findOrCreateFieldGroup(fm, "marker")
        markerName = findOrCreateFieldStoredString(fm, name="marker_name")
        markerLocation = findOrCreateFieldStoredMeshLocation(
            fm, mesh, name="marker_location")

        nodes = fm.findNodesetByFieldDomainType(Field.DOMAIN_TYPE_NODES)
        markerPoints = findOrCreateFieldNodeGroup(markerGroup,
        markerTemplateInternal = nodes.createNodetemplate()

        markerNames = [
            "proximodorsal midpoint on serosa of upper esophageal sphincter",
            "proximoventral midpoint on serosa of upper esophageal sphincter",
            "distal point of lower esophageal sphincter serosa on the greater curvature of stomach",
            "distal point of lower esophageal sphincter serosa on the lesser curvature of stomach"

        totalElements = elementIdentifier
        radPerElementAround = math.pi * 2.0 / elementsCountAround
        elementAroundHalfPi = int(0.25 * elementsCountAround)
        xi1HalfPi = (math.pi * 0.5 - radPerElementAround *
                     elementAroundHalfPi) / radPerElementAround
        elementAroundPi = int(0.5 * elementsCountAround)
        xi1Pi = (math.pi -
                 radPerElementAround * elementAroundPi) / radPerElementAround

        markerElementIdentifiers = [
            elementsCountAround * elementsCountThroughWall -
            elementAroundHalfPi, elementAroundHalfPi + 1 +
            elementsCountAround * (elementsCountThroughWall - 1),
            totalElements - elementsCountAround,
            totalElements - elementsCountAround + elementAroundPi

        markerXis = [[1.0 - xi1HalfPi, 0.0, 1.0], [xi1HalfPi, 0.0, 1.0],
                     [0.0, 1.0, 1.0], [xi1Pi, 1.0, 1.0]]

        for n in range(len(markerNames)):
            markerGroup = findOrCreateAnnotationGroupForTerm(
                annotationGroups, region, get_esophagus_term(markerNames[n]))
            markerElement = mesh.findElementByIdentifier(
            markerXi = markerXis[n]
            cache.setMeshLocation(markerElement, markerXi)
            markerPoint = markerPoints.createNode(nodeIdentifier,
            nodeIdentifier += 1
            markerName.assignString(cache, markerGroup.getName())
            markerLocation.assignMeshLocation(cache, markerElement, markerXi)
            for group in [esophagusGroup, markerGroup]:


        return annotationGroups
    def generateBaseMesh(cls, region, options):
        Generate the base bicubic Hermite mesh.
        :param region: Zinc region to define model in. Must be empty.
        :param options: Dict containing options. See getDefaultOptions().
        :return: list of AnnotationGroup
        bifurcationTreeScaffold = options['Bifurcation tree']
        maxElementLength = options['Maximum element length']
        elementsCountAroundRoot = options['Number of elements around root']
        useCrossDerivatives = False

        fm = region.getFieldmodule()
        coordinates = findOrCreateFieldCoordinates(fm)
        cache = fm.createFieldcache()

        # Create nodes

        bifurcationTree = bifurcationTreeScaffold.getScaffoldType(
        nodeIdentifier = bifurcationTree.generateZincModel(region)[0]

        nodes = fm.findNodesetByFieldDomainType(Field.DOMAIN_TYPE_NODES)
        nodetemplate = nodes.createNodetemplate()
        nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1,
                                              Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1)
        nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1,
                                              Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, 1)
        nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1,
                                              Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, 1)

        rootNode = bifurcationTree.getRootNode()
        child1 = rootNode.getChild(0)

        x1, xd1, r1, x2, xd2, r2 = child1.getChildCurve(0)
        rd1 = rd2 = (r2 - r1)

        curveLength = getCubicHermiteArcLength(x1, xd1, x2, xd2)
        elementsCount = max(2, math.ceil(curveLength / maxElementLength))
        elementLength = curveLength / elementsCount
        side = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        for i in range(elementsCount + 1):
            xi = i / elementsCount
            x, d1, d2 = get_curve_circle_points(x1, xd1, x2, xd2, r1, rd1, r2,
                                                rd2, xi, elementLength, side,
            for n in range(elementsCountAroundRoot):
                node = nodes.createNode(nodeIdentifier, nodetemplate)
                coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1,
                                              Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1, x[n])
                coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1,
                                              Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, 1, d1[n])
                coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1,
                                              Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, 1, d2[n])
                nodeIdentifier = nodeIdentifier + 1

        # Create elements

        elementIdentifier = 1

        return []
Esempio n. 6
    def trackVector(self, startPosition, direction, trackDistance):
        Track from startPosition the given distance in the vector direction.
        Approximate, uses improved Euler method (mean of original & final gradient).
        :param startPosition: TrackSurfacePosition
        :param direction: 3-D vector (x, y, z) to track along. Projected onto surface.
        :param trackDistance: Distance to track along. Can be negative.
        :return: Final TrackSurfacePosition
        #print('TrackSurface.trackVector  start position', startPosition, 'direction', direction, 'distance', trackDistance)
        useDirection = direction
        useTrackDistance = trackDistance
        if trackDistance < 0.0:
            useDirection = [-d for d in direction]
            useTrackDistance = -trackDistance
        position = copy.deepcopy(startPosition)
        distance = 0.0
        distanceLimit = 0.9999 * useTrackDistance
        max_mag_dxi = 0.02  # target/maximum magnitude of xi increment

        while distance < useTrackDistance:
            xi1 = position.xi1
            xi2 = position.xi2
            ax, ad1, ad2 = self.evaluateCoordinates(position, derivatives=True)
            adelta_xi1, adelta_xi2 = calculate_surface_delta_xi(
                ad1, ad2, useDirection)
            #print('adelta_xi', adelta_xi1, adelta_xi2)
            scale = max_mag_dxi / math.sqrt(adelta_xi1 * adelta_xi1 +
                                            adelta_xi2 * adelta_xi2)
            adxi1 = dxi1 = scale * adelta_xi1
            adxi2 = dxi2 = scale * adelta_xi2
            #print('adxi', adxi1, adxi2)
            for i in range(1):  # can try more in future
                # can go slightly outside element to get predictor/correct position
                position.xi1 = xi1 + dxi1
                position.xi2 = xi2 + dxi2
                bx, bd1, bd2 = self.evaluateCoordinates(position,
                bdelta_xi1, bdelta_xi2 = calculate_surface_delta_xi(
                    bd1, bd2, useDirection)
                # use mean of start and end derivatives
                delta_xi1 = 0.5 * (adelta_xi1 + bdelta_xi1)
                delta_xi2 = 0.5 * (adelta_xi2 + bdelta_xi2)
                scale = max_mag_dxi / math.sqrt(delta_xi1 * delta_xi1 +
                                                delta_xi2 * delta_xi2)
                dxi1 = scale * delta_xi1
                dxi2 = scale * delta_xi2
            bxi1, bxi2, proportion, faceNumber = increment_xi_on_square(
                xi1, xi2, dxi1, dxi2)
            position.xi1 = bxi1
            position.xi2 = bxi2
            #print(distance, '-->', position)
            bx, bd1, bd2 = self.evaluateCoordinates(position, derivatives=True)
            bdelta_xi1, bdelta_xi2 = calculate_surface_delta_xi(
                bd1, bd2, useDirection)
            scale = max_mag_dxi / math.sqrt(bdelta_xi1 * bdelta_xi1 +
                                            bdelta_xi2 * bdelta_xi2)
            bdxi1 = scale * bdelta_xi1
            bdxi2 = scale * bdelta_xi2
            #print('bdxi', bdxi1, bdxi2)
            ad = [
                proportion * (adxi1 * ad1[c] + adxi2 * ad2[c])
                for c in range(3)
            bd = [
                proportion * (bdxi1 * bd1[c] + bdxi2 * bd2[c])
                for c in range(3)
            # GRC check:
            #arcLength = interp.computeCubicHermiteArcLength(ax, ad, bx, bd, rescaleDerivatives = True)
            arcLength = interp.getCubicHermiteArcLength(ax, ad, bx, bd)
            #print('scales', vector.magnitude([ (bx[c] - ax[c]) for c in range(3) ]), vector.magnitude(ad), vector.magnitude(bd), 'arc length', arcLength)
            if (distance + arcLength) >= distanceLimit:
                # limit to useTrackDistance, approximately, and finish
                r = proportion * (useTrackDistance - distance) / arcLength
                position.xi1 = xi1 + r * dxi1
                position.xi2 = xi2 + r * dxi2
                #print(distance, '-->', position, '(final)')
            if (arcLength == 0.0) and (not faceNumber):
                print('TrackSurface.trackVector. No increment at', position,
                      'final distance', distance, 'of', useTrackDistance)
            distance += arcLength
            if faceNumber:
                onBoundary = self.updatePositionTofaceNumber(
                    position, faceNumber)
                if onBoundary:
                    print('TrackSurface.trackVector:  End on boundary at',
                #print('  cross face', faceNumber, 'new position', position)
        return position
    def generateBaseMesh(cls, region, options):
        Generate the base tricubic Hermite mesh. See also generateMesh().
        :param region: Zinc region to define model in. Must be empty.
        :param options: Dict containing options. See getDefaultOptions().
        :return: annotationGroups
        centralPath = options['Central path']
        segmentCount = options['Number of segments']
        elementsCountAround = options['Number of elements around']
        elementsCountAlongSegment = options['Number of elements along segment']
        elementsCountThroughWall = options['Number of elements through wall']
        duodenumLength = options['Duodenum length']
        jejunumLength = options['Jejunum length']
        duodenumInnerRadius = options['Duodenum inner radius']
        duodenumJejunumInnerRadius = options['Duodenum-jejunum inner radius']
        jejunumIleumInnerRadius = options['Jejunum-ileum inner radius']
        ileumInnerRadius = options['Ileum inner radius']
        wallThickness = options['Wall thickness']
        useCrossDerivatives = options['Use cross derivatives']
        useCubicHermiteThroughWall = not(options['Use linear through wall'])
        elementsCountAlong = int(elementsCountAlongSegment*segmentCount)
        startPhase = 0.0

        firstNodeIdentifier = 1
        firstElementIdentifier = 1

        # Central path
        tmpRegion = region.createRegion()
        cx, cd1, cd2, cd12 = extractPathParametersFromRegion(tmpRegion)
        # for i in range(len(cx)):
        #     print(i, '[', cx[i], ',', cd1[i], ',', cd2[i],',', cd12[i], '],')
        del tmpRegion

        # find arclength of colon
        length = 0.0
        elementsCountIn = len(cx) - 1
        sd1 = interp.smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine(cx, cd1, fixAllDirections = True,
            magnitudeScalingMode = interp.DerivativeScalingMode.HARMONIC_MEAN)
        for e in range(elementsCountIn):
            arcLength = interp.getCubicHermiteArcLength(cx[e], sd1[e], cx[e + 1], sd1[e + 1])
            # print(e+1, arcLength)
            length += arcLength
        segmentLength = length / segmentCount
        elementAlongLength = length / elementsCountAlong
        # print('Length = ', length)

        # Sample central path
        sx, sd1, se, sxi, ssf = interp.sampleCubicHermiteCurves(cx, cd1, elementsCountAlongSegment*segmentCount)
        sd2, sd12 = interp.interpolateSampleCubicHermite(cd2, cd12, se, sxi, ssf)

        # Generate variation of radius & tc width along length
        lengthList = [0.0, duodenumLength, duodenumLength + jejunumLength, length]
        innerRadiusList = [duodenumInnerRadius, duodenumJejunumInnerRadius, jejunumIleumInnerRadius, ileumInnerRadius]
        innerRadiusSegmentList, dInnerRadiusSegmentList = interp.sampleParameterAlongLine(lengthList, innerRadiusList,

        # Create annotation groups for small intestine sections
        elementsAlongDuodenum = round(duodenumLength / elementAlongLength)
        elementsAlongJejunum = round(jejunumLength / elementAlongLength)
        elementsAlongIleum = elementsCountAlong - elementsAlongDuodenum - elementsAlongJejunum
        elementsCountAlongGroups = [elementsAlongDuodenum, elementsAlongJejunum, elementsAlongIleum]

        smallintestineGroup = AnnotationGroup(region, get_smallintestine_term("small intestine"))
        duodenumGroup = AnnotationGroup(region, get_smallintestine_term("duodenum"))
        jejunumGroup = AnnotationGroup(region, get_smallintestine_term("jejunum"))
        ileumGroup = AnnotationGroup(region, get_smallintestine_term("ileum"))

        annotationGroupAlong = [[smallintestineGroup, duodenumGroup],
                                [smallintestineGroup, jejunumGroup],
                                [smallintestineGroup, ileumGroup]]

        annotationGroupsAlong = []
        for i in range(len(elementsCountAlongGroups)):
            elementsCount = elementsCountAlongGroups[i]
            for n in range(elementsCount):

        annotationGroupsAround = []
        for i in range(elementsCountAround):
            annotationGroupsAround.append([ ])

        annotationGroupsThroughWall = []
        for i in range(elementsCountThroughWall):
            annotationGroupsThroughWall.append([ ])

        xExtrude = []
        d1Extrude = []
        d2Extrude = []
        d3UnitExtrude = []

        # Create object
        smallIntestineSegmentTubeMeshInnerPoints = CylindricalSegmentTubeMeshInnerPoints(
            elementsCountAround, elementsCountAlongSegment, segmentLength,
            wallThickness, innerRadiusSegmentList, dInnerRadiusSegmentList, startPhase)

        for nSegment in range(segmentCount):
            # Create inner points
            xInner, d1Inner, d2Inner, transitElementList, segmentAxis, radiusAlongSegmentList = \

            # Project reference point for warping onto central path
            start = nSegment*elementsCountAlongSegment
            end = (nSegment + 1)*elementsCountAlongSegment + 1
            sxRefList, sd1RefList, sd2ProjectedListRef, zRefList = \
                tubemesh.getPlaneProjectionOnCentralPath(xInner, elementsCountAround, elementsCountAlongSegment,
                                                         segmentLength, sx[start:end], sd1[start:end], sd2[start:end],

            # Warp segment points
            xWarpedList, d1WarpedList, d2WarpedList, d3WarpedUnitList = tubemesh.warpSegmentPoints(
                xInner, d1Inner, d2Inner, segmentAxis, sxRefList, sd1RefList, sd2ProjectedListRef,
                elementsCountAround, elementsCountAlongSegment, zRefList, radiusAlongSegmentList,

            # Store points along length
            xExtrude = xExtrude + (xWarpedList if nSegment == 0 else xWarpedList[elementsCountAround:])
            d1Extrude = d1Extrude + (d1WarpedList if nSegment == 0 else d1WarpedList[elementsCountAround:])

            # Smooth d2 for nodes between segments and recalculate d3
            if nSegment == 0:
                d2Extrude = d2Extrude + (d2WarpedList[:-elementsCountAround])
                d3UnitExtrude = d3UnitExtrude + (d3WarpedUnitList[:-elementsCountAround])
                xSecondFace = xWarpedList[elementsCountAround:elementsCountAround*2]
                d2SecondFace = d2WarpedList[elementsCountAround:elementsCountAround*2]
                for n1 in range(elementsCountAround):
                    nx = [xLastTwoFaces[n1], xLastTwoFaces[n1 + elementsCountAround], xSecondFace[n1]]
                    nd2 = [d2LastTwoFaces[n1], d2LastTwoFaces[n1 + elementsCountAround], d2SecondFace[n1]]
                    d2 = interp.smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine(nx, nd2, fixStartDerivative = True,
                                                                  fixEndDerivative = True)[1]
                    d3Unit = vector.normalise(vector.crossproduct3(vector.normalise(d1LastTwoFaces[n1 + elementsCountAround]),
                d2Extrude = d2Extrude + \
                            (d2WarpedList[elementsCountAround:-elementsCountAround] if nSegment < segmentCount - 1 else
                d3UnitExtrude = d3UnitExtrude + \
                                (d3WarpedUnitList[elementsCountAround:-elementsCountAround] if nSegment < segmentCount - 1 else
            xLastTwoFaces = xWarpedList[-elementsCountAround*2:]
            d1LastTwoFaces = d1WarpedList[-elementsCountAround*2:]
            d2LastTwoFaces = d2WarpedList[-elementsCountAround*2:]

        # Create coordinates and derivatives
        xList, d1List, d2List, d3List, curvatureList = tubemesh.getCoordinatesFromInner(xExtrude, d1Extrude,
            d2Extrude, d3UnitExtrude, [wallThickness]*(elementsCountAlong+1),
            elementsCountAround, elementsCountAlong, elementsCountThroughWall, transitElementList)

        flatWidthList, xiList = smallIntestineSegmentTubeMeshInnerPoints.getFlatWidthAndXiList()

        # Create flat and texture coordinates
        xFlat, d1Flat, d2Flat, xTexture, d1Texture, d2Texture = tubemesh.createFlatAndTextureCoordinates(
            xiList, flatWidthList, length, wallThickness, elementsCountAround,
            elementsCountAlong, elementsCountThroughWall, transitElementList)

        # Create nodes and elements
        nextNodeIdentifier, nextElementIdentifier, annotationGroups = tubemesh.createNodesAndElements(
            region, xList, d1List, d2List, d3List, xFlat, d1Flat, d2Flat, xTexture, d1Texture, d2Texture,
            elementsCountAround, elementsCountAlong, elementsCountThroughWall,
            annotationGroupsAround, annotationGroupsAlong, annotationGroupsThroughWall,
            firstNodeIdentifier, firstElementIdentifier, useCubicHermiteThroughWall, useCrossDerivatives,

        return annotationGroups
    def generateBaseMesh(region, options):
        Generate the base tricubic Hermite mesh. See also generateMesh().
        :param region: Zinc region to define model in. Must be empty.
        :param options: Dict containing options. See getDefaultOptions().
        :return: annotationGroups
        centralPath = options['Central path']
        segmentProfile = options['Segment profile']
        segmentCount = options['Number of segments']
        startPhase = options['Start phase'] % 360.0
        proximalLength = options['Proximal length']
        transverseLength = options['Transverse length']
        distalLength = options['Distal length']
        proximalInnerRadius = options['Proximal inner radius']
        proximalTCWidth = options['Proximal tenia coli width']
        proximalTransverseInnerRadius = options[
            'Proximal-transverse inner radius']
        proximalTransverseTCWidth = options[
            'Proximal-transverse tenia coli width']
        transverseDistalInnerRadius = options['Transverse-distal inner radius']
        transverseDistalTCWidth = options['Transverse-distal tenia coli width']
        distalInnerRadius = options['Distal inner radius']
        distalTCWidth = options['Distal tenia coli width']
        segmentSettings = segmentProfile.getScaffoldSettings()

        elementsCountAroundTC = segmentSettings[
            'Number of elements around tenia coli']
        elementsCountAroundHaustrum = segmentSettings[
            'Number of elements around haustrum']
        cornerInnerRadiusFactor = segmentSettings['Corner inner radius factor']
        haustrumInnerRadiusFactor = segmentSettings[
            'Haustrum inner radius factor']
        segmentLengthEndDerivativeFactor = segmentSettings[
            'Segment length end derivative factor']
        segmentLengthMidDerivativeFactor = segmentSettings[
            'Segment length mid derivative factor']
        tcCount = segmentSettings['Number of tenia coli']
        tcThickness = segmentSettings['Tenia coli thickness']
        elementsCountAround = (elementsCountAroundTC +
                               elementsCountAroundHaustrum) * tcCount

        elementsCountAlongSegment = segmentSettings[
            'Number of elements along segment']
        elementsCountThroughWall = segmentSettings[
            'Number of elements through wall']
        wallThickness = segmentSettings['Wall thickness']
        useCrossDerivatives = segmentSettings['Use cross derivatives']
        useCubicHermiteThroughWall = not (
            segmentSettings['Use linear through wall'])
        elementsCountAlong = int(elementsCountAlongSegment * segmentCount)

        firstNodeIdentifier = 1
        firstElementIdentifier = 1

        # Central path
        tmpRegion = region.createRegion()
        cx, cd1, cd2, cd12 = extractPathParametersFromRegion(tmpRegion)
        # for i in range(len(cx)):
        # print(i, '[', cx[i], ',', cd1[i], ',', cd2[i], ',', cd12[i], '],')
        del tmpRegion

        # find arclength of colon
        length = 0.0
        elementsCountIn = len(cx) - 1
        sd1 = interp.smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine(
        for e in range(elementsCountIn):
            arcLength = interp.getCubicHermiteArcLength(
                cx[e], sd1[e], cx[e + 1], sd1[e + 1])
            # print(e+1, arcLength)
            length += arcLength
        segmentLength = length / segmentCount
        # print('Length = ', length)

        # Sample central path
        sx, sd1, se, sxi, ssf = interp.sampleCubicHermiteCurves(
            cx, cd1, elementsCountAlongSegment * segmentCount)
        sd2 = interp.interpolateSampleCubicHermite(cd2, cd12, se, sxi, ssf)[0]

        # Generate variation of radius & tc width along length
        lengthList = [
            0.0, proximalLength, proximalLength + transverseLength, length
        innerRadiusList = [
            proximalInnerRadius, proximalTransverseInnerRadius,
            transverseDistalInnerRadius, distalInnerRadius
        innerRadiusAlongElementList, dInnerRadiusAlongElementList = interp.sampleParameterAlongLine(
            lengthList, innerRadiusList, elementsCountAlong)

        tcWidthList = [
            proximalTCWidth, proximalTransverseTCWidth,
            transverseDistalTCWidth, distalTCWidth
        tcWidthAlongElementList, dTCWidthAlongElementList = interp.sampleParameterAlongLine(
            lengthList, tcWidthList, elementsCountAlong)

        xExtrude = []
        d1Extrude = []
        d2Extrude = []
        d3UnitExtrude = []

        # Create object
        colonSegmentTubeMeshInnerPoints = ColonSegmentTubeMeshInnerPoints(
            region, elementsCountAroundTC, elementsCountAroundHaustrum,
            elementsCountAlongSegment, tcCount,
            segmentLengthEndDerivativeFactor, segmentLengthMidDerivativeFactor,
            segmentLength, wallThickness, cornerInnerRadiusFactor,
            haustrumInnerRadiusFactor, innerRadiusAlongElementList,
            dInnerRadiusAlongElementList, tcWidthAlongElementList, startPhase)

        for nSegment in range(segmentCount):
            # Create inner points
            xInner, d1Inner, d2Inner, transitElementList, segmentAxis, annotationGroups, annotationArray, \
                faceMidPointsZ = colonSegmentTubeMeshInnerPoints.getColonSegmentTubeMeshInnerPoints(nSegment)

            # Warp segment points
            xWarpedList, d1WarpedList, d2WarpedList, d3WarpedUnitList = tubemesh.warpSegmentPoints(
                xInner, d1Inner, d2Inner, segmentAxis, segmentLength, sx, sd1,
                sd2, elementsCountAround, elementsCountAlongSegment, nSegment,

            # Store points along length
            xExtrude = xExtrude + (xWarpedList if nSegment == 0 else
            d1Extrude = d1Extrude + (d1WarpedList if nSegment == 0 else
            d2Extrude = d2Extrude + (d2WarpedList if nSegment == 0 else
            d3UnitExtrude = d3UnitExtrude + (
                if nSegment == 0 else d3WarpedUnitList[elementsCountAround:])

        contractedWallThicknessList = colonSegmentTubeMeshInnerPoints.getContractedWallThicknessList(

        # Create coordinates and derivatives
        xList, d1List, d2List, d3List, curvatureList = tubemesh.getCoordinatesFromInner(
            xExtrude, d1Extrude, d2Extrude, d3UnitExtrude,
            contractedWallThicknessList, elementsCountAround,
            elementsCountAlong, elementsCountThroughWall, transitElementList)

        relaxedLengthList, xiList = colonSegmentTubeMeshInnerPoints.getRelaxedLengthAndXiList(

        if tcThickness > 0:
            tubeTCWidthList = colonSegmentTubeMeshInnerPoints.getTubeTCWidthList(
            xList, d1List, d2List, d3List, annotationGroups, annotationArray = getTeniaColi(
                region, xList, d1List, d2List, d3List, curvatureList, tcCount,
                elementsCountAroundTC, elementsCountAroundHaustrum,
                elementsCountAlong, elementsCountThroughWall, tubeTCWidthList,
                tcThickness, sx, annotationGroups, annotationArray)

            # Create flat and texture coordinates
            xFlat, d1Flat, d2Flat, xTexture, d1Texture, d2Texture = createFlatAndTextureCoordinatesTeniaColi(
                xiList, relaxedLengthList, length, wallThickness, tcCount,
                tcThickness, elementsCountAroundTC,
                elementsCountAroundHaustrum, elementsCountAlong,
                elementsCountThroughWall, transitElementList)

            # Create nodes and elements
            nextNodeIdentifier, nextElementIdentifier, annotationGroups = createNodesAndElementsTeniaColi(
                region, xList, d1List, d2List, d3List, xFlat, d1Flat, d2Flat,
                xTexture, d1Texture, d2Texture, elementsCountAroundTC,
                elementsCountAroundHaustrum, elementsCountAlong,
                elementsCountThroughWall, tcCount, annotationGroups,
                annotationArray, firstNodeIdentifier, firstElementIdentifier,
                useCubicHermiteThroughWall, useCrossDerivatives)

            # Create flat and texture coordinates
            xFlat, d1Flat, d2Flat, xTexture, d1Texture, d2Texture = tubemesh.createFlatAndTextureCoordinates(
                xiList, relaxedLengthList, length, wallThickness,
                elementsCountAround, elementsCountAlong,
                elementsCountThroughWall, transitElementList)

            # Create nodes and elements
            nextNodeIdentifier, nextElementIdentifier, annotationGroups = tubemesh.createNodesAndElements(
                region, xList, d1List, d2List, d3List, xFlat, d1Flat, d2Flat,
                xTexture, d1Texture, d2Texture, elementsCountAround,
                elementsCountAlong, elementsCountThroughWall, annotationGroups,
                annotationArray, firstNodeIdentifier, firstElementIdentifier,
                useCubicHermiteThroughWall, useCrossDerivatives)

        return annotationGroups