def typefmt(tp, redirects, nbsp=False):
    if isinstance(tp, list):
        if nbsp and len(tp) <= 3:
            return "&nbsp;|&nbsp;".join([typefmt(n, redirects) for n in tp])
            return " | ".join([typefmt(n, redirects) for n in tp])
    if isinstance(tp, dict):
        if tp["type"] == "":
            return "array&lt;%s&gt;" % (typefmt(
                tp["items"], redirects, nbsp=True))
        if tp["type"] in ("",
            frg = schema.avro_name(tp["name"])
            if tp["name"] in redirects:
                return """<a href="%s">%s</a>""" % (redirects[tp["name"]], frg)
                return """<a href="#%s">%s</a>""" % (to_id(frg), frg)
        if isinstance(tp["type"], dict):
            return typefmt(tp["type"], redirects)
        if str(tp) in redirects:
            return """<a href="%s">%s</a>""" % (redirects[tp], redirects[tp])
        elif str(tp) in basicTypes:
            return """<a href="#CWLType">%s</a>""" % schema.avro_name(str(tp))
            _, frg = urlparse.urldefrag(tp)
            if frg:
                tp = frg
            return """<a href="#%s">%s</a>""" % (to_id(tp), tp)
Esempio n. 2
 def typefmt(self, tp, redirects, nbsp=False):
     global primitiveType
     if isinstance(tp, list):
         if nbsp and len(tp) <= 3:
             return "&nbsp;|&nbsp;".join([self.typefmt(n, redirects) for n in tp])
             return " | ".join([self.typefmt(n, redirects) for n in tp])
     if isinstance(tp, dict):
         if tp["type"] == "":
             return "array&lt;%s&gt;" % (self.typefmt(tp["items"], redirects, nbsp=True))
         if tp["type"] in ("", ""):
             frg = schema.avro_name(tp["name"])
             if tp["name"] in redirects:
                 return """<a href="%s">%s</a>""" % (redirects[tp["name"]], frg)
             elif tp["name"] in self.typemap:
                 return """<a href="#%s">%s</a>""" % (to_id(frg), frg)
                 return frg
         if isinstance(tp["type"], dict):
             return self.typefmt(tp["type"], redirects)
         if str(tp) in redirects:
             return """<a href="%s">%s</a>""" % (redirects[tp], redirects[tp])
         elif str(tp) in basicTypes:
             return """<a href="%s">%s</a>""" % (primitiveType, schema.avro_name(str(tp)))
             _, frg = urlparse.urldefrag(tp)
             if frg:
                 tp = frg
             return """<a href="#%s">%s</a>""" % (to_id(tp), tp)
Esempio n. 3
def typefmt(tp, nbsp=False):
    if isinstance(tp, list):
        if nbsp and len(tp) <= 3:
            return "&nbsp;|&nbsp;".join([typefmt(n) for n in tp])
            return " | ".join([typefmt(n) for n in tp])
    if isinstance(tp, dict):
        if tp["type"] == "":
            return "array&lt;%s&gt;" % (typefmt(tp["items"], True))
        if tp["type"] in ("", ""):
            frg = schema.avro_name(tp["name"])
            return """<a href="#%s">%s</a>""" % (to_id(frg), frg)
        if isinstance(tp["type"], dict):
            return typefmt(tp["type"])
        if str(tp) in (
            return """<a href="#CWLType">%s</a>""" % schema.avro_name(str(tp))
            _, frg = urlparse.urldefrag(tp)
            if frg:
                tp = frg
            return """<a href="#%s">%s</a>""" % (to_id(tp), tp)
    def render_type(self, f, depth):
        if f["name"] in self.rendered or f["name"] in self.redirects:

        if "doc" not in f:
            f["doc"] = ""

        f["type"] = copy.deepcopy(f)
        f["doc"] = ""
        f = f["type"]

        if "doc" not in f:
            f["doc"] = ""

        def extendsfrom(item, ex):
            if "extends" in item:
                for e in aslist(item["extends"]):
                    ex.insert(0, self.typemap[e])
                    extendsfrom(self.typemap[e], ex)

        ex = [f]
        extendsfrom(f, ex)

        enumDesc = {}
        if f["type"] == "enum" and isinstance(f["doc"], list):
            for e in ex:
                for i in e["doc"]:
                    idx = i.find(":")
                    if idx > -1:
                        enumDesc[i[:idx]] = i[idx + 1:]
                e["doc"] = [
                    i for i in e["doc"]
                    if i.find(":") == -1 or i.find(" ") < i.find(":")

        f["doc"] = fix_doc(f["doc"])

        if f["type"] == "record":
            for field in f.get("fields", []):
                if "doc" not in field:
                    field["doc"] = ""

        if f["type"] != "documentation":
            lines = []
            for l in f["doc"].splitlines():
                if len(l) > 0 and l[0] == "#":
                    l = ("#" * depth) + l
            f["doc"] = "\n".join(lines)

            _, frg = urlparse.urldefrag(f["name"])
            num = self.toc.add_entry(depth, frg)
            doc = "## %s %s\n" % (num, frg)
            doc = ""

        if self.title is None:
            self.title = f["doc"][0:f["doc"].index("\n")][2:]

        if f["type"] == "documentation":
            f["doc"] = number_headings(self.toc, f["doc"])

        #if "extends" in f:
        #    doc += "\n\nExtends "
        #    doc += ", ".join([" %s" % linkto(ex) for ex in aslist(f["extends"])])
        #if f["name"] in self.subs:
        #    doc += "\n\nExtended by"
        #    doc += ", ".join([" %s" % linkto(s) for s in self.subs[f["name"]]])
        #if f["name"] in self.uses:
        #    doc += "\n\nReferenced by"
        #    doc += ", ".join([" [%s.%s](#%s)" % (s[0], s[1], to_id(s[0])) for s in self.uses[f["name"]]])

        doc = doc + "\n\n" + f["doc"]

        doc = mistune.markdown(doc, renderer=MyRenderer())

        if f["type"] == "record":
            doc += "<h3>Fields</h3>"
            doc += """<table class="table table-striped">"""
            doc += "<tr><th>field</th><th>type</th><th>required</th><th>description</th></tr>"
            required = []
            optional = []
            for i in f.get("fields", []):
                tp = i["type"]
                if isinstance(
                        list) and tp[0] == "":
                    opt = False
                    tp = tp[1:]
                    opt = True

                desc = i["doc"]
                #if "inherited_from" in i:
                #    desc = "%s _Inherited from %s_" % (desc, linkto(i["inherited_from"]))

                frg = schema.avro_name(i["name"])
                tr = "<td><code>%s</code></td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td>" % (
                    frg, self.typefmt(
                        tp, self.redirects), opt, mistune.markdown(desc))
                if opt:
            for i in required + optional:
                doc += "<tr>" + i + "</tr>"
            doc += """</table>"""
        elif f["type"] == "enum":
            doc += "<h3>Symbols</h3>"
            doc += """<table class="table table-striped">"""
            doc += "<tr><th>symbol</th><th>description</th></tr>"
            for e in ex:
                for i in e.get("symbols", []):
                    doc += "<tr>"
                    frg = schema.avro_name(i)
                    doc += "<td><code>%s</code></td><td>%s</td>" % (
                        frg, enumDesc.get(frg, ""))
                    doc += "</tr>"
            doc += """</table>"""
        f["doc"] = doc


        subs = self.docParent.get(f["name"], []) + self.record_refs.get(
            f["name"], [])
        if len(subs) == 1:
            self.render_type(self.typemap[subs[0]], depth)
            for s in subs:
                self.render_type(self.typemap[s], depth + 1)

        for s in self.docAfter.get(f["name"], []):
            self.render_type(self.typemap[s], depth)
    def render_type(self, f, depth):
        if f["name"] in self.rendered or f["name"] in self.redirects:

        if "doc" not in f:
            f["doc"] = ""

        f["type"] = copy.deepcopy(f)
        f["doc"] = ""
        f = f["type"]

        if "doc" not in f:
            f["doc"] = ""

        f["doc"] = fix_doc(f["doc"])

        if f["type"] == "record":
            for field in f.get("fields", []):
                if "doc" not in field:
                    field["doc"] = ""

        if f["type"] != "documentation":
            lines = []
            for l in f["doc"].splitlines():
                if len(l) > 0 and l[0] == "#":
                    l = ("#" * depth) + l
            f["doc"] = "\n".join(lines)

            _, frg = urlparse.urldefrag(f["name"])
            num = self.toc.add_entry(depth, frg)
            doc = "## %s %s\n" % (num, frg)
            doc = ""

        if self.title is None:
            self.title = f["doc"][0:f["doc"].index("\n")][2:]

        if f["type"] == "documentation":
            f["doc"] = number_headings(self.toc, f["doc"])

        #if "extends" in f:
        #    doc += "\n\nExtends "
        #    doc += ", ".join([" %s" % linkto(ex) for ex in aslist(f["extends"])])
        #if f["name"] in self.subs:
        #    doc += "\n\nExtended by"
        #    doc += ", ".join([" %s" % linkto(s) for s in self.subs[f["name"]]])
        #if f["name"] in self.uses:
        #    doc += "\n\nReferenced by"
        #    doc += ", ".join([" [%s.%s](#%s)" % (s[0], s[1], to_id(s[0])) for s in self.uses[f["name"]]])

        doc = doc + "\n\n" + f["doc"]

        doc = mistune.markdown(doc, renderer=MyRenderer())

        if f["type"] == "record":
            doc += "<h3>Fields</h3>"
            doc += """<table class="table table-striped">"""
            doc += "<tr><th>field</th><th>type</th><th>required</th><th>description</th></tr>"
            for i in f.get("fields", []):
                doc += "<tr>"
                tp = i["type"]
                if isinstance(tp, list) and tp[0] == "null":
                    opt = False
                    tp = tp[1:]
                    opt = True

                desc = i["doc"]
                #if "inherited_from" in i:
                #    desc = "%s _Inherited from %s_" % (desc, linkto(i["inherited_from"]))

                frg = schema.avro_name(i["name"])
                doc += "<td><code>%s</code></td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td>" % (
                    frg, typefmt(tp,
                                 self.redirects), opt, mistune.markdown(desc))
                doc += "</tr>"
            doc += """</table>"""
        f["doc"] = doc


        subs = self.docParent.get(f["name"], []) + self.record_refs.get(
            f["name"], [])
        if len(subs) == 1:
            self.render_type(self.typemap[subs[0]], depth)
            for s in subs:
                self.render_type(self.typemap[s], depth + 1)

        for s in self.docAfter.get(f["name"], []):
            self.render_type(self.typemap[s], depth)
Esempio n. 6
    def render_type(self, f, depth):
        if f["name"] in self.rendered or f["name"] in self.redirects:

        if "doc" not in f:
            f["doc"] = ""

        f["type"] = copy.deepcopy(f)
        f["doc"] = ""
        f = f["type"]

        if "doc" not in f:
            f["doc"] = ""

        def extendsfrom(item, ex):
            if "extends" in item:
                for e in aslist(item["extends"]):
                    ex.insert(0, self.typemap[e])
                    extendsfrom(self.typemap[e], ex)

        ex = [f]
        extendsfrom(f, ex)

        enumDesc = {}
        if f["type"] == "enum" and isinstance(f["doc"], list):
            for e in ex:
                for i in e["doc"]:
                    idx = i.find(":")
                    if idx > -1:
                        enumDesc[i[:idx]] = i[idx+1:]
                e["doc"] = [i for i in e["doc"] if i.find(":") == -1 or i.find(" ") < i.find(":")]

        f["doc"] = fix_doc(f["doc"])

        if f["type"] == "record":
            for field in f.get("fields", []):
                if "doc" not in field:
                    field["doc"] = ""

        if f["type"] != "documentation":
            lines = []
            for l in f["doc"].splitlines():
                if len(l) > 0 and l[0] == "#":
                    l = ("#" * depth) + l
            f["doc"] = "\n".join(lines)

            _, frg = urlparse.urldefrag(f["name"])
            num = self.toc.add_entry(depth, frg)
            doc = "## %s %s\n" % (num, frg)
            doc = ""

        if self.title is None:
            self.title = f["doc"][0:f["doc"].index("\n")][2:]

        if f["type"] == "documentation":
            f["doc"] = number_headings(self.toc, f["doc"])

        #if "extends" in f:
        #    doc += "\n\nExtends "
        #    doc += ", ".join([" %s" % linkto(ex) for ex in aslist(f["extends"])])
        #if f["name"] in self.subs:
        #    doc += "\n\nExtended by"
        #    doc += ", ".join([" %s" % linkto(s) for s in self.subs[f["name"]]])
        #if f["name"] in self.uses:
        #    doc += "\n\nReferenced by"
        #    doc += ", ".join([" [%s.%s](#%s)" % (s[0], s[1], to_id(s[0])) for s in self.uses[f["name"]]])

        doc = doc + "\n\n" + f["doc"]

        doc = mistune.markdown(doc, renderer=MyRenderer())

        if f["type"] == "record":
            doc += "<h3>Fields</h3>"
            doc += """<table class="table table-striped">"""
            doc += "<tr><th>field</th><th>type</th><th>required</th><th>description</th></tr>"
            required = []
            optional = []
            for i in f.get("fields", []):
                tp = i["type"]
                if isinstance(tp, list) and tp[0] == "":
                    opt = False
                    tp = tp[1:]
                    opt = True

                desc = i["doc"]
                #if "inherited_from" in i:
                #    desc = "%s _Inherited from %s_" % (desc, linkto(i["inherited_from"]))

                frg = schema.avro_name(i["name"])
                tr = "<td><code>%s</code></td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td>" % (frg, self.typefmt(tp, self.redirects), opt, mistune.markdown(desc))
                if opt:
            for i in required+optional:
                doc += "<tr>" + i + "</tr>"
            doc += """</table>"""
        elif f["type"] == "enum":
            doc += "<h3>Symbols</h3>"
            doc += """<table class="table table-striped">"""
            doc += "<tr><th>symbol</th><th>description</th></tr>"
            for e in ex:
                for i in e.get("symbols", []):
                    doc += "<tr>"
                    frg = schema.avro_name(i)
                    doc += "<td><code>%s</code></td><td>%s</td>" % (frg, enumDesc.get(frg, ""))
                    doc += "</tr>"
            doc += """</table>"""
        f["doc"] = doc


        subs = self.docParent.get(f["name"], []) + self.record_refs.get(f["name"], [])
        if len(subs) == 1:
            self.render_type(self.typemap[subs[0]], depth)
            for s in subs:
                self.render_type(self.typemap[s], depth+1)

        for s in self.docAfter.get(f["name"], []):
            self.render_type(self.typemap[s], depth)
    def render_type(self, f, depth):
        if f["name"] in self.rendered or f["name"] in self.redirects:

        if "doc" not in f:
            f["doc"] = ""

        f["type"] = copy.deepcopy(f)
        f["doc"] = ""
        f = f["type"]

        if "doc" not in f:
            f["doc"] = ""

        f["doc"] = fix_doc(f["doc"])

        if f["type"] == "record":
            for field in f.get("fields", []):
                if "doc" not in field:
                    field["doc"] = ""

        if f["type"] != "documentation":
            lines = []
            for l in f["doc"].splitlines():
                if len(l) > 0 and l[0] == "#":
                    l = ("#" * depth) + l
            f["doc"] = "\n".join(lines)

            _, frg = urlparse.urldefrag(f["name"])
            num = self.toc.add_entry(depth, frg)
            doc = "## %s %s\n" % (num, frg)
            doc = ""

        if self.title is None:
            self.title = f["doc"][0:f["doc"].index("\n")][2:]

        if f["type"] == "documentation":
            f["doc"] = number_headings(self.toc, f["doc"])

        #if "extends" in f:
        #    doc += "\n\nExtends "
        #    doc += ", ".join([" %s" % linkto(ex) for ex in aslist(f["extends"])])
        #if f["name"] in self.subs:
        #    doc += "\n\nExtended by"
        #    doc += ", ".join([" %s" % linkto(s) for s in self.subs[f["name"]]])
        #if f["name"] in self.uses:
        #    doc += "\n\nReferenced by"
        #    doc += ", ".join([" [%s.%s](#%s)" % (s[0], s[1], to_id(s[0])) for s in self.uses[f["name"]]])

        doc = doc + "\n\n" + f["doc"]

        doc = mistune.markdown(doc, renderer=MyRenderer())

        if f["type"] == "record":
            doc += "<h3>Fields</h3>"
            doc += """<table class="table table-striped">"""
            doc += "<tr><th>field</th><th>type</th><th>required</th><th>description</th></tr>"
            for i in f.get("fields", []):
                doc += "<tr>"
                tp = i["type"]
                if isinstance(tp, list) and tp[0] == "null":
                    opt = False
                    tp = tp[1:]
                    opt = True

                desc = i["doc"]
                #if "inherited_from" in i:
                #    desc = "%s _Inherited from %s_" % (desc, linkto(i["inherited_from"]))

                frg = schema.avro_name(i["name"])
                doc += "<td><code>%s</code></td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td>" % (frg, typefmt(tp, self.redirects), opt, mistune.markdown(desc))
                doc += "</tr>"
            doc += """</table>"""
        f["doc"] = doc


        subs = self.docParent.get(f["name"], []) + self.record_refs.get(f["name"], [])
        if len(subs) == 1:
            self.render_type(self.typemap[subs[0]], depth)
            for s in subs:
                self.render_type(self.typemap[s], depth+1)

        for s in self.docAfter.get(f["name"], []):
            self.render_type(self.typemap[s], depth)