Esempio n. 1
def test_execute_base_url_not_found(openapi3_base_url, schema_url, app):
    # When base URL is pointing to an unknown location
    schema = oas_loaders.from_uri(schema_url, base_url=f"{openapi3_base_url}/404/")
    # Then the runner should use this base
    # And they will not reach the application
    assert_incoming_requests_num(app, 0)
Esempio n. 2
def test_invalid_path_parameter(schema_url):
    # When a path parameter is marked as not required
    # And schema validation is disabled
    schema = oas_loaders.from_uri(schema_url, validate_schema=False)
    init, *others, finished = from_schema(schema, hypothesis_settings=hypothesis.settings(max_examples=3)).execute()
    # Then Schemathesis enforces all path parameters to be required
    # And there should be no errors
    assert not finished.has_errors
Esempio n. 3
def test_execute_filter_endpoint(app, schema_url):
    schema = oas_loaders.from_uri(schema_url, endpoint=["success"])
    # When `endpoint` is passed in the `execute` call

    # Then the runner will make calls only to the specified path
    assert_incoming_requests_num(app, 1)
    assert_request(app, 0, "GET", "/api/success")
    assert_not_request(app, "GET", "/api/failure")
Esempio n. 4
def test_base_url(openapi3_base_url, schema_url, app, converter):
    base_url = converter(openapi3_base_url)
    # When `base_url` is specified explicitly with or without trailing slash
    schema = oas_loaders.from_uri(schema_url, base_url=base_url)

    # Then each request should reach the app in both cases
    assert_incoming_requests_num(app, 3)
    assert_request(app, 0, "GET", "/api/failure")
    assert_request(app, 1, "GET", "/api/failure")
    assert_request(app, 2, "GET", "/api/success")
Esempio n. 5
def test_exceptions(schema_url, app, loader_options, from_schema_options):
    schema = oas_loaders.from_uri(schema_url, **loader_options)
    results = from_schema(schema, **from_schema_options).execute()
    assert any([event.status == Status.error for event in results if isinstance(event, events.AfterExecution)])
Esempio n. 6
def test_execute_filter_method(app, schema_url):
    schema = oas_loaders.from_uri(schema_url, method="POST")
    # When `method` corresponds to a method that is not defined in the app schema
    # Then runner will not make any requests
    assert_incoming_requests_num(app, 0)
Esempio n. 7
def real_app_schema(schema_url):
    return oas_loaders.from_uri(schema_url)