Esempio n. 1
def b_mat(ind_mat):
    r""" Calculates the B coefficients from [1]_ Eq. 27.

    index_matrix : array, shape (N,3)
        ordering of the basis in x, y, z

    B : array, shape (N,)
        B coefficients for the basis

    .. [1] Ozarslan E. et. al, "Mean apparent propagator (MAP) MRI: A novel
    diffusion imaging method for mapping tissue microstructure",
    NeuroImage, 2013.

    B = np.zeros(ind_mat.shape[0])
    for i in range(ind_mat.shape[0]):
        n1, n2, n3 = ind_mat[i]
        K = int(not(n1 % 2) and not(n2 % 2) and not(n3 % 2))
        B[i] = K * np.sqrt(factorial(n1) * factorial(n2) * factorial(n3)
                           ) / (factorial2(n1) * factorial2(n2) * factorial2(n3))

    return B
Esempio n. 2
def radon_n_bspline_general( y , theta , m , n ):
    exponent = 2*m - n + 1
    y_plus = positive_power( exponent )

    ##  Calculate  m+1 fold derivative (analytically)
    deriv_positive_power = scalar_product( ( misc.factorial( exponent ) / \
                   misc.factorial( exponent - (m +1) ) ) , positive_power( m - n ) )

    if theta == 0.0 or theta == np.pi/2.0 or theta == np.pi:
        y_plus = deriv_positive_power
    ##  Consider special case of theta = 0 , pi
    if np.abs( theta - np.pi/2.0 ) > eps:
        for i in range( m + 1 ):
            y_plus = finite_difference( y_plus, np.cos(theta) )

    ##  Consider special case of theta = pi/2
    if np.abs( theta ) > eps  and np.abs( theta - np.pi ) > eps:
        for i in range( m + 1 ):
            y_plus = finite_difference( y_plus , np.sin(theta) )
    return y_plus(y)/float( misc.factorial( exponent ) )  
Esempio n. 3
    def normal_reference_constant(self):
        Constant used for silverman normal reference asymtotic bandwidth

        C  = 2((pi^(1/2)*(nu!)^3 R(k))/(2nu(2nu)!kap_nu(k)^2))^(1/(2nu+1))
        nu = kernel order
        kap_nu = nu'th moment of kernel
        R = kernel roughness (square of L^2 norm)

        Note: L2Norm property returns square of norm.
        nu = self._order

        if not nu == 2:
            msg = "Only implemented for second order kernels"
            raise NotImplementedError(msg)

        if self._normal_reference_constant is None:
            C = np.pi ** (0.5) * factorial(nu) ** 3 * self.L2Norm
            C /= 2 * nu * factorial(2 * nu) * self.moments(nu) ** 2
            C = 2 * C ** (1.0 / (2 * nu + 1))
            self._normal_reference_constant = C

        return self._normal_reference_constant
Esempio n. 4
    def update_rho(self, rho):
        calculate probability distribution for quadrature measurement
        outcomes given a two-mode density matrix

        X1, X2 = np.meshgrid(self.xvecs[0], self.xvecs[1])

        p = np.zeros((len(self.xvecs[0]), len(self.xvecs[1])), dtype=complex)
        N = rho.dims[0][0]

        M1 = np.zeros((N, N, len(self.xvecs[0]), len(self.xvecs[1])), dtype=complex)
        M2 = np.zeros((N, N, len(self.xvecs[0]), len(self.xvecs[1])), dtype=complex)

        for m in range(N):
            for n in range(N):
                M1[m,n] = exp(-1j * self.theta1 * (m - n)) / \
                    sqrt(pi * 2 ** (m + n) * factorial(n) * factorial(m)) * \
                    exp(-X1 ** 2) * np.polyval(hermite(m), X1) * np.polyval(hermite(n), X1)
                M2[m,n] = exp(-1j * self.theta2 * (m - n)) / \
                    sqrt(pi * 2 ** (m + n) * factorial(n) * factorial(m)) * \
                    exp(-X2 ** 2) * np.polyval(hermite(m), X2) * np.polyval(hermite(n), X2)

        for n1 in range(N):
            for n2 in range(N):
                i = state_number_index([N, N], [n1, n2])
                for p1 in range(N):
                    for p2 in range(N):
                        j = state_number_index([N, N], [p1, p2])
                        p += M1[n1, p1] * M2[n2, p2] *[i, j] = p
Esempio n. 5
def K(dim=4, dfn=7, dfd=np.inf):
    Determine the polynomial K in:

        Worsley, K.J. (1994). 'Local maxima and the expected Euler
        characteristic of excursion sets of \chi^2, F and t fields.' Advances in
        Applied Probability, 26:13-42.

    If dfd=inf, return the limiting polynomial.
    def lbinom(n, j):
        return gammaln(n+1) - gammaln(j+1) - gammaln(n-j+1)

    m = dfd
    n = dfn
    D = dim
    k = np.arange(D)
    coef = 0
    for j in range(int(np.floor((D-1)/2.)+1)):
        if np.isfinite(m):
            t = (gammaln((m+n-D)/2.+j) - 
                 gammaln(j+1) -
            t += lbinom(m-1, k-j) - k * np.log(m)
            _t = np.power(2., -j) / (factorial(k-j) * factorial(j))
            t = np.log(_t)
            t[np.isinf(_t)] = -np.inf
        t += lbinom(n-1, D-1-j-k) 
        coef += (-1)**(D-1) * factorial(D-1) * np.exp(t) * np.power(-1.*n, k) 
    return np.poly1d(coef[::-1])
Esempio n. 6
def beta(p,a):
    """Returns the pth coefficient beta.

    p -- (int) pth coefficient
    a -- (float) uncorrected fractional distance of MC


    beta_p -- pth beta coefficient for given vel. or accel.

    beta_p = a ** (p+1) / factorial(p+1)

    if p > 0:

        for q in range(p):

            if a >= 0:

                beta_p -= beta(q,a) / factorial(p + 1 - q)

            else: # a < 0

                beta_p -= (-1) ** (p+q) * beta(q,a) / factorial(p + 1 - q)

    return beta_p
Esempio n. 7
def shore_odf_matrix(radial_order, mu, smoment, vertices):
    Eq. 33 (choose ux=uy=uz)

    ind_mat = shore_index_matrix(radial_order)

    n_vert = vertices.shape[0]

    n_elem = ind_mat.shape[0]

    odf_mat = np.zeros((n_vert, n_elem))

    rho = mu

    for i in range(n_vert):

        vx, vy, vz = vertices[i]

        for j in range(n_elem):

            n1, n2, n3 = ind_mat[j]
            f = np.sqrt(factorial(n1) * factorial(n2) * factorial(n3))

            k = mu ** (smoment) / np.sqrt(2 ** (2 - smoment) * np.pi ** 3)

            odf_mat[i, j] = k * f * _odf_cfunc(n1, n2, n3, vx, vy, vz, smoment)

    return odf_mat
Esempio n. 8
def arcsin(n,x):
    #construct a backwards order of your n's
    integers = np.arange(n,-1,-1, dtype=np.float64)
    coeff = factorial(integers*2)/((2*integers+1)*(factorial(integers)**2)*(4**integers))
    allcoeff = np.zeros(2*n+2)
    return np.polyval(allcoeff,x)
Esempio n. 9
 def eval_expx(lamb,i,j):
     '''get the i,j element of exp(lamb(a+a^dag))'''
     for m in xrange(r):
     return exp(lamb**2/2)*res #it is a pending issue whether '-' sign make sense here.
Esempio n. 10
def _sch_lpmv(n, x):
    Outputs array of Schmidt Seminormalized Associated Legendre Functions
    S_{n}^{m} for m<=n.

    n : int
        Degree of polynomial.

    x : float
        Point at which to evaluate

    array of values for Legendre functions.

    from scipy.special import lpmv
    n = int(n)
    sch = np.array([1.0])
    sch2 = np.array([(-1.0) ** m * np.sqrt(
        (2.0 * factorial(n - m)) / factorial(n + m)) for m in range(1, n + 1)])
    sch = np.append(sch, sch2)
    if isinstance(x, float) or len(x) == 1:
        leg = lpmv(np.arange(0, n + 1), n, x)
        return np.array([sch * leg]).T
        for j in range(0, len(x)):
            leg = lpmv(range(0, n + 1), n, x[j])
            if j == 0:
                out = np.array([sch * leg]).T
                out = np.append(out, np.array([sch * leg]).T, axis=1)
    return out
Esempio n. 11
def cumulant_from_moments(momt, n):
    """Compute n-th cumulant given moments.

    momt: array_like
        `momt[j]` contains `(j+1)`-th moment.
        These can be raw moments around zero, or central moments
        (in which case, `momt[0]` == 0).
    n: integer
        which cumulant to calculate (must be >1)

    kappa: float
        n-th cumulant.

    if n < 1:
        raise ValueError("Expected a positive integer. Got %s instead." % n)
    if len(momt) < n:
        raise ValueError("%s-th cumulant requires %s moments, "
                         "only got %s." % (n, n, len(momt)))
    kappa = 0.
    for p in _faa_di_bruno_partitions(n):
        r = sum(k for (m, k) in p)
        term = (-1)**(r - 1) * factorial(r - 1)
        for (m, k) in p:
            term *= np.power(momt[m - 1] / factorial(m), k) / factorial(k)
        kappa += term
    kappa *= factorial(n)
    return kappa
Esempio n. 12
def get_n_combos(n,k):
    Returns the number of combinations of n choose k.
    Uses Stirling's approximation when numbers are very large.

    result = None
        fac_n = factorial(n)
        fac_k = factorial(k)
        fac_nk = factorial(n-k)
        summ = fac_n + fac_k + fac_nk
        if summ == np.inf or summ != summ:
            raise ValueError("Values too large. Using Stirling's approximation")
        result = fac_n/fac_k
        result /= fac_nk
    except: # Catch all large number exceptions.  
    if not result or result == np.inf or result != result: # No result yet.  
        if n == k or k == 0:
            result = 1
            x = stirling(n) - stirling(k) - stirling(n-k) # Use Stirling's approx.
            result = np.exp(x) 
    return result
Esempio n. 13
    def wdm_linearity(self, domain):
        # Calculate dispersive terms:
        if self.beta is None:
            self.factor = (0.0, 0.0)
            if self.centre_omega is None:
                self.Domega = ( - domain.centre_omega,
                      - domain.centre_omega)
                self.Domega = ( - self.centre_omega[0],
                      - self.centre_omega[1])

            terms = [0.0, 0.0]
            for n, beta in enumerate(self.beta[0]):
                terms[0] += beta * np.power(self.Domega[0], n) / factorial(n)
            for n, beta in enumerate(self.beta[1]):
                terms[1] += beta * np.power(self.Domega[1], n) / factorial(n)
            self.factor = (1j * fftshift(terms[0]), 1j * fftshift(terms[1]))

        # Include attenuation terms if available:
        if self.alpha is None:
            return self.factor
            self.factor[0] -= 0.5 * self.alpha[0]
            self.factor[1] -= 0.5 * self.alpha[1]
            return factor
Esempio n. 14
    def update(self, rho):
        Calculate the probability function for the given state of an harmonic
        oscillator (as density matrix)

        if isket(rho):
            rho = ket2dm(rho) = np.zeros(len(self.xvecs[0]), dtype=complex)
        M, N = rho.shape

        for m in range(M):
            k_m = pow( / pi, 0.25) / \
                sqrt(2 ** m * factorial(m)) * \
                exp(-self.xvecs[0] ** 2 / 2.0) * \
                np.polyval(hermite(m), self.xvecs[0])

            for n in range(N):
                k_n = pow( / pi, 0.25) / \
                    sqrt(2 ** n * factorial(n)) * \
                    exp(-self.xvecs[0] ** 2 / 2.0) * \
                    np.polyval(hermite(n), self.xvecs[0])

       += np.conjugate(k_n) * k_m *[m, n]
def GL_mode(u,p):
	r = len(u[:,0])
	z = len(u[0,:])
	L = zeros((r,z))
	for i in range(p+1):
		L += float(factorial(p))*(-u)**i/( float(factorial(p - i))*(float(factorial(i)))**2. )
	return L
Esempio n. 16
    def time(self, t, s=1.0):
        Complex Paul wavelet, centred at zero.

        t : float
            Time. If `s` is not specified, i.e. set to 1, this can be
            used as the non-dimensional time t/s.
        s : float
            Scaling factor. Default is 1.

        out : complex
            Value of the Paul wavelet at the given time

        The Paul wavelet is defined (in time) as::

            (2 ** m * i ** m * m!) / (pi * (2 * m)!) \
                    * (1 - i * t / s) ** -(m + 1)

        m = self.m
        x = t / s

        const = (2 ** m * 1j ** m * factorial(m)) \
            / (np.pi * factorial(2 * m)) ** .5
        functional_form = (1 - 1j * x) ** -(m + 1)

        output = const * functional_form

        return output
Esempio n. 17
    def B(l,ll,r,rr,i,l1,l2,Ra,Rb,Rp,g1,l3,l4,Rc,Rd,Rq,g2):
        Expansion coefficient B.

            Handbook of Computational Chemistry
            David Cook
            Oxford University Press

        b = 1
        b *= (-1)**(l) * theta(l,l1,l2,Rp-Ra,Rp-Rb,r,g1)
        b *= theta(ll,l3,l4,Rq-Rc,Rq-Rd,rr,g2)
        b *= (-1)**i * (2*delta)**(2*(r+rr))
        b *= misc.factorial(l + ll - 2*r - 2*rr,exact=True)
        b *= delta**i * (Rp-Rq)**(l+ll-2*(r+rr+i))

        tmp = 1
        tmp *= (4*delta)**(l+ll) * misc.factorial(i,exact=True)
        tmp *= misc.factorial(l+ll-2*(r+rr+i),exact=True)

        b /= tmp

        return b
Esempio n. 18
def series_problem_a():
	c = np.arange(70, -1, -1) # original values for n
	c = factorial(2*c) / ((2*c+1) * factorial(c)**2 * 4**c) #series coeff's
	p = np.zeros(2*c.size) # make space for skipped zero-terms
	p[::2] = c # set nonzero polynomial terms to the series coeff's
	P = np.poly1d(p) # make a polynomial out of it
	return 6 * P(.5) #return pi (since pi/6 = arcsin(1/2))
Esempio n. 19
def arcsin_approx():
	n = 70
	s = 1. * np.arange(70,-1,-1)
	r = factorial(2*s)/((2*s+1)*(factorial(s)**2)*(4**s)) # computes coefficients
	q = np.zeros(142)
	q[0::2] = r
	P = np.poly1d(q)
	return P(1/math.sqrt(2))*4
Esempio n. 20
def likelihood(theta, n, x):
    :param theta: probability of infection
    :param n: n testing
    :param x: x positive
    :return likelihood probability
    return (factorial(n) / (factorial(n-x) * factorial(x))) * (1 - theta) ** (n - x) * (theta ** x)
Esempio n. 21
def beta_m(a, B, N):
    A = np.zeros([N,N])
    alpha = np.zeros([N,1])
    for i in range(N):
        alpha[i,0] = a ** (i+1) / factorial(i+1)
        for j in range(i+1):
            A[i,j] = B[i-j]/factorial(i-j)
Esempio n. 22
 def integrand(zbar, T=T, data=data):
     fromb_times = data[1][data[2]=="B"]
     #total = len(fromb_times)
     numbefore = np.sum(fromb_times<=zbar)
     numafter = np.sum(fromb_times>zbar)
     pbefore = zbar**numbefore*np.exp(-zbar)/float(factorial([numbefore])[0])
     pafter = (1.4*(T-zbar))**numafter*np.exp(-1.4*(T-zbar))/float(factorial([numafter])[0])
     return pbefore*pafter*.2*np.exp(-.2*zbar)
Esempio n. 23
def basis2d(n0,n1,beta=[1.,1.]):
    """2d dimensionless Cartesian basis function"""
    exp0=lambda x: beta[0] * b[0](x) * np.exp(-.5*(x**2))
    exp1=lambda x: beta[1] * b[1](x) * np.exp(-.5*(x**2))
    return [exp0,exp1]
Esempio n. 24
def constant_potential_twosphere_identical(phi01, phi02, r1, r2, R, kappa, epsilon):
#   From Carnie+Chan 1993

    N = 20 # Number of terms in expansion
    qe = 1.60217646e-19
    Na = 6.0221415e23
    E_0 = 8.854187818e-12
    cal2J = 4.184 

    index = arange(N, dtype=float) + 0.5

    k1 = special.kv(index, kappa*r1)*sqrt(pi/(2*kappa*r1))
    k2 = special.kv(index, kappa*r2)*sqrt(pi/(2*kappa*r2))

    i1 = special.iv(index, kappa*r1)*sqrt(pi/(2*kappa*r1))
    i2 = special.iv(index, kappa*r2)*sqrt(pi/(2*kappa*r2))

    B = zeros((N,N), dtype=float)

    for n in range(N):
        for m in range(N):
            for nu in range(N):
                if n>=nu and m>=nu:
                    g1 = gamma(n-nu+0.5)
                    g2 = gamma(m-nu+0.5)
                    g3 = gamma(nu+0.5)
                    g4 = gamma(m+n-nu+1.5)
                    f1 = factorial(n+m-nu)
                    f2 = factorial(n-nu)
                    f3 = factorial(m-nu)
                    f4 = factorial(nu)
                    Anm = g1*g2*g3*f1*(n+m-2*nu+0.5)/(pi*g4*f2*f3*f4)
                    kB = special.kv(n+m-2*nu+0.5,kappa*R)*sqrt(pi/(2*kappa*R))
                    B[n,m] += Anm*kB 

    M = zeros((N,N), float)
    for i in range(N):
        for j in range(N):
            M[i,j] = (2*i+1)*B[i,j]*i1[i]
            if i==j:
                M[i,j] += k1[i]

    RHS = zeros(N)
    RHS[0] = phi01

    a = solve(M,RHS)

    a0 = a[0] 
    U = 4*pi * ( -pi/2 * a0/phi01 * 1/sinh(kappa*r1) + kappa*r1 + kappa*r1/tanh(kappa*r1) )

#    print 'E: %f'%U
    C0 = qe**2*Na*1e-3*1e10/(cal2J*E_0)
    C1 = r1*epsilon*phi01*phi01
    E_inter = U*C1*C0
    return E_inter
Esempio n. 25
def wigner6j(j1,j2,j3,J1,J2,J3):
    """Return the value of the 6-j symbol for the given values of j and m using the Racah formula.
        / j1 j2 j3 \
        <          >
        \ J1 J2 J3 /
        Based upon Wigner3j.m from David Terr, Raytheon                         

        wigner = Wigner6j(j1,j2,j3,J1,J2,J3)
        j1 (float): j1
        j2 (float): j2
        j3 (float): j3
        J1 (float): J1
        J2 (float): J2
        J3 (float): J3
        float: value of the 6-j symbol
    # Check that the js and Js are only integer or half integer
    if ( ( 2*j1 != round(2*j1) ) | ( 2*j2 != round(2*j2) ) | ( 2*j2 != round(2*j2) ) | ( 2*J1 != round(2*J1) ) | ( 2*J2 != round(2*J2) ) | ( 2*J3 != round(2*J3) ) ):
        print('All arguments must be integers or half-integers.')
        return -1
# Check if the 4 triads ( (j1 j2 j3), (j1 J2 J3), (J1 j2 J3), (J1 J2 j3) ) satisfy the triangular inequalities
    if ( ( abs(j1-j2) > j3 ) | ( j1+j2 < j3 ) | ( abs(j1-J2) > J3 ) | ( j1+J2 < J3 ) | ( abs(J1-j2) > J3 ) | ( J1+j2 < J3 ) | ( abs(J1-J2) > j3 ) | ( J1+J2 < j3 ) ):
        print('6j-Symbol is not triangular!')
        return 0
    # Check if the sum of the elements of each traid is an integer
    if ( ( 2*(j1+j2+j3) != round(2*(j1+j2+j3)) ) | ( 2*(j1+J2+J3) != round(2*(j1+J2+J3)) ) | ( 2*(J1+j2+J3) != round(2*(J1+j2+J3)) ) | ( 2*(J1+J2+j3) != round(2*(J1+J2+j3)) ) ):
        print('6j-Symbol is not triangular!')
        return 0
    # Arguments for the factorials
    t1 = j1+j2+j3
    t2 = j1+J2+J3
    t3 = J1+j2+J3
    t4 = J1+J2+j3
    t5 = j1+j2+J1+J2
    t6 = j2+j3+J2+J3
    t7 = j1+j3+J1+J3

    # Finding summation borders
    tmin = max(0, max(t1, max(t2, max(t3,t4))))
    tmax = min(t5, min(t6,t7))
    tvec = arange(tmin,tmax+1,1)
    # Calculation the sum part of the 6j-Symbol
    WignerReturn = 0
    for t in tvec:
        WignerReturn += (-1)**t*factorial(t+1)/( factorial(t-t1)*factorial(t-t2)*factorial(t-t3)*factorial(t-t4)*factorial(t5-t)*factorial(t6-t)*factorial(t7-t) )

    # Calculation of the 6j-Symbol
    return WignerReturn*sqrt( TriaCoeff(j1,j2,j3)*TriaCoeff(j1,J2,J3)*TriaCoeff(J1,j2,J3)*TriaCoeff(J1,J2,j3) )
Esempio n. 26
def dimBasis2d(n0,n1,beta=[1.,1.],phs=[1.,1.]):
    """2d dimensional Cartesian basis function of characteristic size beta
    phs: additional phase factor, used in the Fourier Transform"""
    exp0=lambda x: b[0](x/beta[0]) * np.exp(-.5*((x/beta[0])**2)) * phs[0]
    exp1=lambda x: b[1](x/beta[1]) * np.exp(-.5*((x/beta[1])**2)) * phs[1]
    return [exp0,exp1]
Esempio n. 27
def radial_poly(rho, n, m):
    upper = (n - np.abs(m)) / 2
    s = np.arange(upper + 1)
    consts = -1 ** s
    consts *= factorial(n - s)
    consts /= factorial(s)
    consts /= factorial((n + np.abs(m))/2 - s)
    consts /= factorial((n - np.abs(m))/2 - s)
    return (consts * rho[..., np.newaxis]**(n - 2 * s)).sum(axis=-1)
 def number_of_permutations(self):
     Returns the number of permutations of this coordination geometry.
     if self.permutations_safe_override:
         return factorial(self.coordination)
     elif self.permutations is None:
         return factorial(self.coordination)
     return len(self.permutations)
Esempio n. 29
def get_K(x,n):

    K = 0.
    n_fact = factorial(n)
    n_fact2 = factorial(2*n)
    for s in range(n+1):
        K += 2**s*n_fact*factorial(2*n-s)/(factorial(s)*n_fact2*factorial(n-s)) * x**s

    return K
Esempio n. 30
def _maternpolykernel(R, p, l):
	nu = p + 0.5	
	r = np.sqrt(2.*nu)*R/l
	poly = np.zeros_like(r)
	factor = gamma(p+1)/gamma(2*p+1)
	for i in np.arange(p+1):
		poly +=  factorial(p+i)*np.power(2.*r,p-i)/(factorial(i)*factorial(p-i))

	return factor*np.exp(-r)*poly
Esempio n. 31
def calculateExponentialSeries(ck, truncationOrder):
    N = truncationOrder // 2
    n = np.linspace(0, 2 * N - 1, 2 * N)
    expSeries = np.power(-ck**2 / 2, n) / factorial(n)
    # print(expSeries)
    return expSeries
Esempio n. 32
def PiecewiseMollify(theta, c_j, a_n, x):
    Piecewise mollify the spectral reconstruction of a discontinuous function 
    to reduce the effect of Gibbs phenomenon. Perform a real-space convolution 
    of a spectral reconstruction with an adaptive unit-mass mollifier.

    theta : float
            free parameter to vary in the range 0 < theta < 1

    c_j : 1D array, 
          Array containing x positions of the discontinuities in the data
    a_n : 1D array, shape = (N+1,)
          N - highest order in the Chebyshev expansion
          vector of Chebyshev expansion coefficients

    x : 1D array,
        1D grid of points in real space, where the function is evaluated

    mollified : 1D array, shape = (len(x),)
                real space mollified representation of a discontinuous function

    mollified_err : 1D array, shape = (len(x),)
                    error estimate for each point in the convolution, derived from

    N = a_n.shape[0] - 1
    sanity_check = np.empty(len(x))
    mollified = np.array([])
    mollified_err = np.array([])

    I_N = lambda y: T.chebval(y, a_n)
    chi_top = lambda y, f: f(y) if -1 <= y <= 1 else 0
    I_N_top = lambda y: chi_top(y, I_N)
    c_jplus = np.append(c_j, 1.0)

    for idx_c, pos in enumerate(c_jplus):

        if idx_c == 0:

            lim_left = -1.0
            lim_right = pos

            offset = > lim_right, x)
            offset =


            lim_left = c_jplus[idx_c - 1]
            lim_right = pos

            offset = > lim_right, x)
            offset = <= lim_left, offset)
            offset =

        chi_cut = lambda y, f: f(y) if lim_left <= y <= lim_right else 0
        convolution = np.empty(len(offset))
        convolution_err = np.empty(len(offset))

        for idx_o, off_x in enumerate(offset):
            c_jx = c_j - off_x
            dx = lambda y: sqrt(theta * N * min(abs(y - c) for c in c_jx))
            var = lambda y: N / (2 * theta * dx(y))
            p_N = lambda y: (theta**2) * dx(y) * N
            j_max = int(np.amax(np.frompyfunc(p_N, 1, 1)(x)))
            h_j = np.zeros(2 * (j_max + 1))

            for j in range(j_max + 1):
                h_j[2 * j] = ((-1)**j) / ((4**j) * factorial(j))

            hermite = lambda y: H.hermeval(sqrt(var(y)) * y, h_j)
            expon = lambda y: (1. / sqrt(theta * N * dx(y))) * exp(-var(y) *
            phi0 = lambda y: hermite(y) * expon(y)
            phi_off = lambda y: phi0(y - off_x)
            phi = lambda y: chi_cut(y, phi_off)
            norm = quad(phi, lim_left, lim_right)[0]

            convfunc = lambda y: (1 / norm) * (phi(y) * I_N_top(y))
            convolution[idx_o], convolution_err[idx_o] = quad(
                convfunc, lim_left, lim_right)

        mollified = np.append(mollified, convolution)
        mollified_err = np.append(mollified_err, convolution_err)

    assert mollified.shape == sanity_check.shape, "Piecewise mollification inconsistent with regular one"
    assert mollified_err.shape == sanity_check.shape, "Piecewise mollification inconsistent with regular one"

    return mollified, mollified_err
Esempio n. 33
import scipy.misc as sp
import numpy as np

limit = int(sp.factorial(9))
curious = []
for ii in range(limit):
    s = str(ii)
    temp_sum = 0
    for jj in range(len(s)):
        # print(s[jj])
        temp_sum += sp.factorial(int(s[jj]))
    if temp_sum == ii:

curious = curious[2:]  # Remove 1 and 2
Esempio n. 34
def Wigner6j(j1, j2, j3, J1, J2, J3):
    # Calculating the Wigner6j-Symbols using the Racah-Formula
    # Author: Ulrich Krohn
    # Date: 13th November 2009
    # Based upon Wigner3j.m from David Terr, Raytheon
    # Reference:
    # Usage:
    # from wigner import Wigner6j
    # WignerReturn = Wigner6j(j1,j2,j3,J1,J2,J3)
    #  / j1 j2 j3 \
    # <            >
    #  \ J1 J2 J3 /

    # Check that the js and Js are only integer or half integer
    if ((2 * j1 != round(2 * j1)) | (2 * j2 != round(2 * j2)) |
        (2 * j2 != round(2 * j2)) | (2 * J1 != round(2 * J1)) |
        (2 * J2 != round(2 * J2)) | (2 * J3 != round(2 * J3))):
        raise ('All arguments must be integers or half-integers.')
        return -1

# Check if the 4 triads ( (j1 j2 j3), (j1 J2 J3), (J1 j2 J3), (J1 J2 j3) ) satisfy the triangular inequalities
    if ((abs(j1 - j2) > j3) | (j1 + j2 < j3) | (abs(j1 - J2) > J3) |
        (j1 + J2 < J3) | (abs(J1 - j2) > J3) | (J1 + j2 < J3) |
        (abs(J1 - J2) > j3) | (J1 + J2 < j3)):
        #print '6j-Symbol is not triangular!'
        return 0

    # Check if the sum of the elements of each traid is an integer
    if ((2 * (j1 + j2 + j3) != round(2 * (j1 + j2 + j3))) |
        (2 * (j1 + J2 + J3) != round(2 * (j1 + J2 + J3))) |
        (2 * (J1 + j2 + J3) != round(2 * (J1 + j2 + J3))) |
        (2 * (J1 + J2 + j3) != round(2 * (J1 + J2 + j3)))):
        #print '6j-Symbol is not triangular!'
        return 0

    # Arguments for the factorials
    t1 = j1 + j2 + j3
    t2 = j1 + J2 + J3
    t3 = J1 + j2 + J3
    t4 = J1 + J2 + j3
    t5 = j1 + j2 + J1 + J2
    t6 = j2 + j3 + J2 + J3
    t7 = j1 + j3 + J1 + J3

    # Finding summation borders
    tmin = max(0, max(t1, max(t2, max(t3, t4))))
    tmax = min(t5, min(t6, t7))
    tvec = arange(tmin, tmax + 1, 1)

    # Calculation the sum part of the 6j-Symbol
    WignerReturn = 0
    for t in tvec:
        WignerReturn += (-1)**t * factorial(t + 1) / (
            factorial(t - t1) * factorial(t - t2) * factorial(t - t3) *
            factorial(t - t4) * factorial(t5 - t) * factorial(t6 - t) *
            factorial(t7 - t))

    # Calculation of the 6j-Symbol
    return WignerReturn * sqrt(
        TriaCoeff(j1, j2, j3) * TriaCoeff(j1, J2, J3) * TriaCoeff(J1, j2, J3) *
        TriaCoeff(J1, J2, j3))
Esempio n. 35
import scipy.misc as spm

factorials = {}
for i in range(10):
    factorials[str(i)] = spm.factorial(i)

ans = 0
for i in range(3, 500000):
    stri = str(i)
    num = 0
    for j in stri:
        # if j == '9' or j =='8':
        # break
        num += factorials[j]
    if num == i:
        print i
        ans += i
print ans
Esempio n. 36
 def norm(self, n):
     return 1.0 / (np.sqrt(np.sqrt(np.pi) * (2.0**n) * factorial(n)))
Esempio n. 37
    def _build_levels_c(self, lodft, log_rad, angle, Xrcos, Yrcos, height,
        Modified by Li Jie
        Add muti scale,for example,scale_factor=2**(1/2)
        if height <= 1:
            coeff = [lodft]


            Xrcos = Xrcos - np.log2(self.scale_factor)

            ####################### Orientation bandpass #######################
            himask = pointOp(log_rad, Yrcos, Xrcos)

            order = self.nbands - 1
            const = np.power(2, 2 * order) * np.square(
                factorial(order)) / (self.nbands * factorial(2 * order))
            Ycosn = 2 * np.sqrt(const) * np.power(np.cos(
                self.Xcosn), order) * (np.abs(self.alpha) < np.pi / 2)

            # Loop through all orientation bands
            orientations = []
            for b in range(self.nbands):
                anglemask = pointOp(angle, Ycosn,
                                    self.Xcosn + np.pi * b / self.nbands)
                banddft = np.power(np.complex(
                    0, -1), self.nbands - 1) * lodft * anglemask * himask

            ######################## Subsample lowpass #########################

            dims = np.array(lodft.shape)
            ctr = np.ceil((dims + 0.5) / 2)

            lodims = np.round(img_dims /
                              (self.scale_factor**(self.height - height)))
            loctr = np.ceil((lodims + 0.5) / 2)
            lostart = (ctr - loctr).astype(
            loend = (lostart + lodims).astype(

            # Selection
            log_rad = log_rad[lostart[0]:loend[0], lostart[1]:loend[1]]
            angle = angle[lostart[0]:loend[0], lostart[1]:loend[1]]
            lodft = lodft[lostart[0]:loend[0], lostart[1]:loend[1]]

            # Subsampling in frequency domain
            YIrcos = np.abs(np.sqrt(1 - Yrcos**2))
            lomask = pointOp(log_rad, YIrcos, Xrcos)
            lodft = lomask * lodft

            ####################### Recursion next level #######################

            coeff = self._build_levels_c(lodft, log_rad, angle, Xrcos, Yrcos,
                                         height - 1, img_dims)
            coeff.insert(0, orientations)

        return coeff
Esempio n. 38
 def function(x, lamb, offsX, offsY, scaleX, scaleY):
     # poisson function, parameter lamb is the fit parameter
     x = (x - offsX) / scaleX
     y = (lamb**x / factorial(x)) * np.exp(-lamb)
     return scaleY * y + offsY
Esempio n. 39
 def double_poisson(self,k, *params):
     (r1,r2,p1,p2)   = params
     poisson_1       = p1 * (r1**k/factorial(k)) * np.exp(-r1)
     poisson_2       = p2 * (r2**k/factorial(k)) * np.exp(-r2)
     return  poisson_1 + poisson_2
Esempio n. 40
def factor(n, d):
    return (1./np.sqrt(2**n * factorial(n)))*((omega/np.pi)**0.25)*np.exp(-0.5*omega*(x-d)**2)\
           *eval_hermite(n, np.sqrt(omega)*(x-d))
Esempio n. 41
def chi(zeta, n):
    "Returns the normalization constant of the mSPF basis."
    return np.sqrt(2 / zeta**1.5 * factorial(n) / gamma(n + 3.5))
Esempio n. 42
def whitney_innerproduct(complex,k):
    For a given SimplicialComplex, compute a matrix representing the 
    innerproduct of Whitney k-forms
    assert(k >= 0 and k <= complex.complex_dimension())    
    rows,cols = massmatrix_rowcols(complex,k)
    data = empty(rows.shape)

    p = complex.complex_dimension()
    scale_integration = (factorial(k)**2)/((p + 2)*(p + 1))   
    k_forms = [tuple(x) for x in combinations(range(p+1),k)]
    k_faces = [tuple(x) for x in combinations(range(p+1),k+1)]

    num_k_forms = len(k_forms)
    num_k_faces = len(k_faces)

    k_form_pairs = [tuple(x) for x in combinations(k_forms,2)] + [(x,x) for x in k_forms]
    num_k_form_pairs = len(k_form_pairs)
    k_form_pairs_to_index = dict(zip(k_form_pairs,range(num_k_form_pairs)))
    k_form_pairs_to_index.update(zip([x[::-1] for x in k_form_pairs],range(num_k_form_pairs)))
    num_k_face_pairs = num_k_faces**2

    if k > 0:
        k_form_pairs_array = array(k_form_pairs)

    #maps flat vector of determinants to the flattened matrix entries
    dets_to_vals = scipy.sparse.lil_matrix((num_k_face_pairs,num_k_form_pairs))

    k_face_pairs = []
    for face1 in k_faces:
        for face2 in k_faces:
            row_index = len(k_face_pairs)


            for n in range(k+1):
               for m in range(k+1):
                   form1 = face1[:n] + face1[n+1:]
                   form2 = face2[:m] + face2[m+1:]

                   col_index = k_form_pairs_to_index[(form1,form2)]

                   dets_to_vals[row_index,col_index] += (-1)**(n+m)*((face1[n] == face2[m]) + 1)                 

    k_face_pairs_to_index = dict(zip(k_face_pairs,range(num_k_faces**2)))
    dets_to_vals = dets_to_vals.tocsr()

    if k == 1:
        Fdet = lambda x : x #det for 1x1 matrices - extend
        Fdet, = scipy.linalg.flinalg.get_flinalg_funcs(('det',),(complex.vertices,))

    dets = ones(num_k_form_pairs)

    for i,s in enumerate(complex[-1].simplices):

        # for k=1, dets is already correct i.e. dets[:] = 1
        if k > 0:  
            # lambda_i denotes the scalar barycentric basis function of the i-th vertex of this simplex
            # d(lambda_i) is the 1 form (gradient) of the i-th scalar basis function within this simplex
            pts      = complex.vertices[s,:]
            d_lambda = barycentric_gradients(pts)
            mtxs = d_lambda[k_form_pairs_array]     # these lines are equivalent to:
            for n,(A,B) in enumerate(mtxs):         #   for n,(form1,form2) in enumerate(k_form_pairs):
                dets[n] = Fdet(inner(A,B))[0]       #       dets[n] = det(dot(d_lambda[form1,:],d_lambda[form2,:].T))

        volume = complex[-1].primal_volume[i]
        vals = dets_to_vals * dets
        vals *= volume * scale_integration  #scale by the volume, barycentric weights, and account for the p! in each whitney form

        #put values into appropriate entries of the COO data array
        data[i*num_k_face_pairs:(i+1)*num_k_face_pairs] = vals

    #now rows,cols,data form a COOrdinate representation for the mass matrix
    shape = (complex[k].num_simplices,complex[k].num_simplices)  
    return coo_matrix((data,(rows,cols)), shape).tocsr()
def poisson_prob(n, lam):
    global poissonBackup
    key = n * 10 + lam
    if key not in poissonBackup.keys():
        poissonBackup[key] = np.exp(-lam) * lam ** n / factorial(n)
    return poissonBackup[key]
Esempio n. 44
def multinomial(x, n, p):
    x = np.atleast_2d(x)
    return factorial(n) / factorial(x).prod(1) * (p**x).prod(1)
Esempio n. 45
 def rc(self, n, m, l):
     return (-1.)**l*factorial(n - l)/(factorial(l)*factorial((n+m)/2.0 - l)*factorial((n-m)/2.0 - l))
Esempio n. 46
import lib.AmBePlots as abp
import lib.BeamPlots as bp
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.optimize as scp
import numpy as np
import scipy.misc as scm

SIGNAL_DIRS = ["./Data/V3_5PE100ns/BeamData/"]
BKG_DIR = "./Data/BkgCentralData/"


expoPFlat= lambda x,C1,tau,mu,B: C1*np.exp(-(x-mu)/tau) + B
mypoisson = lambda x,mu: (mu**x)*np.exp(-mu)/scm.factorial(x)

def GetDataFrame(mytreename,mybranches,filelist):
    RProcessor = rp.ROOTProcessor(treename=mytreename)
    for f1 in filelist:
    data = RProcessor.getProcessedData()
    df = pd.DataFrame(data)
    return df

def BeamPlotDemo(PositionDict,MCdf):
    Sdf = PositionDict["Beam"][0]
    Sdf_trig = PositionDict["Beam"][1]
    Sdf_mrd = PositionDict["Beam"][2]

    Sdf = Sdf.loc[Sdf["eventTimeTank"]>-9].reset_index(drop=True)
Esempio n. 47
def Wigner3j(j1, j2, j3, m1, m2, m3):
    # Wigner3j.m by David Terr, Raytheon, 6-17-04
    # Compute the Wigner 3j symbol using the Racah formula [1].
    # Usage:
    # from wigner import Wigner3j
    # wigner = Wigner3j(j1,j2,j3,m1,m2,m3)
    #  / j1 j2 j3 \
    #  |          |
    #  \ m1 m2 m3 /
    # Reference: Wigner 3j-Symbol entry of Eric Weinstein's Mathworld:

    # Error checking
    if ((2 * j1 != floor(2 * j1)) | (2 * j2 != floor(2 * j2)) |
        (2 * j3 != floor(2 * j3)) | (2 * m1 != floor(2 * m1)) |
        (2 * m2 != floor(2 * m2)) | (2 * m3 != floor(2 * m3))):
        raise ('All arguments must be integers or half-integers.')
        return -1

    # Additional check if the sum of the second row equals zero
    if (m1 + m2 + m3 != 0):
        #print '3j-Symbol unphysical'
        return 0

    if (j1 - m1 != floor(j1 - m1)):
        #print '2*j1 and 2*m1 must have the same parity'
        return 0

    if (j2 - m2 != floor(j2 - m2)):
        #print '2*j2 and 2*m2 must have the same parity'

    if (j3 - m3 != floor(j3 - m3)):
        #print '2*j3 and 2*m3 must have the same parity'
        return 0

    if (j3 > j1 + j2) | (j3 < abs(j1 - j2)):
        #print 'j3 is out of bounds.'
        return 0

    if abs(m1) > j1:
        #print 'm1 is out of bounds.'
        return 0

    if abs(m2) > j2:
        #print 'm2 is out of bounds.'
        return 0

    if abs(m3) > j3:
        #print 'm3 is out of bounds.'
        return 0

    t1 = j2 - m1 - j3
    t2 = j1 + m2 - j3
    t3 = j1 + j2 - j3
    t4 = j1 - m1
    t5 = j2 + m2

    tmin = max(0, max(t1, t2))
    tmax = min(t3, min(t4, t5))
    tvec = arange(tmin, tmax + 1, 1)

    wigner = 0

    for t in tvec:
        wigner += (-1)**t / (factorial(t) * factorial(t - t1) *
                             factorial(t - t2) * factorial(t3 - t) *
                             factorial(t4 - t) * factorial(t5 - t))

    return wigner * (-1)**(j1 - j2 - m3) * sqrt(
        factorial(j1 + j2 - j3) * factorial(j1 - j2 + j3) *
        factorial(-j1 + j2 + j3) / factorial(j1 + j2 + j3 + 1) *
        factorial(j1 + m1) * factorial(j1 - m1) * factorial(j2 + m2) *
        factorial(j2 - m2) * factorial(j3 + m3) * factorial(j3 - m3))
Esempio n. 48
def _derivative_stencil_coefficients(axis, p=1, q=3):
    """Calculates the coefficients needed for the derivative.

    axis : array like
        Axis onto which the derivative will be calculated.
    p : integer, optional
        Order of the derivative to be calculated. Default is to
        calculate the first derivative (p=1). 2*n-p+1 gives the relative
        order of the approximation.
    q : integer, optional
        Length of the stencil used for centered differentials. The
        length has to be odd numbered. Default is q=3.

    Coefficients (a_q) needed for the linear combination of `q` points
    to get the first derivative according to Arbic et al. (2012)
    equations (20) and (22). At the boundaries forward and backward
    differences approximations are calculated.

    Cushman-Roisin, B. & Beckers, J.-M. Introduction to geophysical
    fluid dynamics: Physical and numerical aspects Academic Press, 2011,
    101, 828.

    Arbic, Brian B. Scott, R. B.; Chelton, D. B.; Richman, J. G. &
    Shriver, J. F. Effects of stencil width on surface ocean geostrophic
    velocity and vorticity estimation from gridded satellite altimeter
    data. Journal of Geophysical Research, 2012, 117, C03029.

    # Calculate left and right stencils.
    q_left = (q - 1) / 2
    q_right = (q - 1) / 2 + 1
    I = axis.size

    # Constructs matrices according to Cushman-Roisin & Beckers (2011)
    # equations (1.25) and adapted for variable grids as in Arbic et
    # al. (2012), equations (20), (22). The linear system of equations
    # is solved afterwards.
    coeffs = zeros((I, q))
    smart_coeffs = dict()
    for i in range(I):
        A = zeros((q, q))
        if i < q_left:
            start = q_left - i
            start = 0
        if i > I - q_right:
            stop = i - (I - q_right)
            stop = 0
        A[0, start:q + stop] = 1
        da = axis[i - q_left + start:i + q_right - stop] - axis[i]
        da_key = str(da)
        if da_key not in smart_coeffs.keys():
            for h in range(1, q):
                A[h, start:q - stop] = da**h
            B = zeros((q, 1))
            # This tells where the p-th derivative is calculated
            B[p] = factorial(p)
            C = linalg.solve(A[:q - start - stop, start:q - stop],
                             B[:q - (start + stop), :])
            smart_coeffs[da_key] = C.flatten()
        coeffs[i, start:q - stop] = smart_coeffs[da_key]
    return coeffs
Esempio n. 49
def TriaCoeff(a, b, c):
    # Calculating the triangle coefficient
    return factorial(a + b - c) * factorial(a - b + c) * factorial(
        -a + b + c) / (factorial(a + b + c + 1))
Esempio n. 50
def residuez(b, a, tol=1e-3, rtype='avg'):
    """Compute partial-fraction expansion of b(z) / a(z).

    If M = len(b) and N = len(a)

            b(z)     b[0] + b[1] z**(-1) + ... + b[M-1] z**(-M+1)
    H(z) = ------ = ----------------------------------------------
            a(z)     a[0] + a[1] z**(-1) + ... + a[N-1] z**(-N+1)

                 r[0]                   r[-1]
         = --------------- + ... + ---------------- + k[0] + k[1]z**(-1) ...
           (1-p[0]z**(-1))         (1-p[-1]z**(-1))

    If there are any repeated roots (closer than tol), then the partial
    fraction expansion has terms like

               r[i]              r[i+1]                    r[i+n-1]
          -------------- + ------------------ + ... + ------------------
          (1-p[i]z**(-1))  (1-p[i]z**(-1))**2         (1-p[i]z**(-1))**n

    See also
    invresz, poly, polyval, unique_roots

    b, a = map(asarray, (b, a))
    gain = a[0]
    brev, arev = b[::-1], a[::-1]
    krev, brev = polydiv(brev, arev)
    if krev == []:
        k = []
        k = krev[::-1]
    b = brev[::-1]
    p = roots(a)
    r = p * 0.0
    pout, mult = unique_roots(p, tol=tol, rtype=rtype)
    p = []
    for n in range(len(pout)):
        p.extend([pout[n]] * mult[n])
    p = asarray(p)
    # Compute the residue from the general formula (for discrete-time)
    #  the polynomial is in z**(-1) and the multiplication is by terms
    #  like this (1-p[i] z**(-1))**mult[i].  After differentiation,
    #  we must divide by (-p[i])**(m-k) as well as (m-k)!
    indx = 0
    for n in range(len(pout)):
        bn = brev.copy()
        pn = []
        for l in range(len(pout)):
            if l != n:
                pn.extend([pout[l]] * mult[l])
        an = atleast_1d(poly(pn))[::-1]
        # bn(z) / an(z) is (1-po[n] z**(-1))**Nn * b(z) / a(z) where Nn is
        # multiplicity of pole at po[n] and b(z) and a(z) are polynomials.
        sig = mult[n]
        for m in range(sig, 0, -1):
            if sig > m:
                # compute next derivative of bn(s) / an(s)
                term1 = polymul(polyder(bn, 1), an)
                term2 = polymul(bn, polyder(an, 1))
                bn = polysub(term1, term2)
                an = polymul(an, an)
            r[indx + m - 1] = (polyval(bn, 1.0 / pout[n]) /
                               polyval(an, 1.0 / pout[n]) /
                               factorial(sig - m) / (-pout[n]) ** (sig - m))
        indx += sig
    return r / gain, p, k
Esempio n. 51
def cm_volume_helper(cm_det_abs_root, n):
    return cm_det_abs_root / ((2.**(n / 2.)) * factorial(n))
Esempio n. 52
# PS1EX3
from numpy import sqrt, sin, pi
from scipy.misc import factorial

print(sin((18 * 2 * pi) / 360))

# PS1EX4
import sys
import numpy as np

G = 9.81

def distance(height, time):
    fallen = 0.5 * G * time**2
    return height - fallen if fallen <= height else 0

if __name__ == '__main__':

        # also handels non-int input, by ValueError
        given = raw_input("Enter the height and time, space seperated: ")
        height, time = [float(n) for n in given.split(' ')]
    except ValueError:
        print('Not a number. Usage: HEIGHT TIME')

    final_height = distance(height, time)
Esempio n. 53
def MollifyQuadBuffer(theta, c_j, a_n, x):
    Mollify the spectral reconstruction of a discontinuous function 
    to reduce the effect of Gibbs phenomenon. Perform a real-space convolution 
    of a spectral reconstruction with an adaptive unit-mass mollifier.

    theta : float
            free parameter to vary in the range 0 < theta < 1

    c_j : 1D array, 
          Array containing x positions of the discontinuities in the data
    a_n : 1D array, shape = (N+1,)
          N - highest order in the Chebyshev expansion
          vector of Chebyshev expansion coefficients

    x : 1D array,
        1D grid of points in real space, where the function is evaluated

    convolution : 1D array, shape = (len(x),)
                  real space mollified representation of a discontinuous function


    N = a_n.shape[0] - 1
    deltax = 2.0 / (len(x) - 1)

    I_N = lambda y: T.chebval(y, a_n)
    I_Nf = lambda y: I_N(y) if -1 <= y <= 1 else 0
    buff_right = lambda y: I_N(2.0 - y) if 1.0 < y < 1.4 else 0
    buff_left = lambda y: I_N(-(2.0 + y)) if -1.4 < y < -1.0 else 0
    I_Nnew = lambda y: buff_right(y) + buff_left(y) + I_Nf(y)

    add_left = np.arange(-1.4, -1.0, deltax)
    add_right = np.arange(1.0, 1.4, deltax)
    offset = np.hstack((add_left, x, add_right))
    convolution = np.empty(len(offset))

    for idx, off_x in enumerate(offset):
        c_jx = c_j - off_x
        dx = lambda y: sqrt(theta * N * min(abs(y - c) for c in c_jx))
        var = lambda y: N / (2 * theta * dx(y))
        p_N = lambda y: (theta**2) * dx(y) * N
        j_max = int(np.amax(np.frompyfunc(p_N, 1, 1)(x)))
        h_j = np.zeros(2 * (j_max + 1))

        for j in range(j_max + 1):
            h_j[2 * j] = ((-1)**j) / ((4**j) * factorial(j))

        hermite = lambda y: H.hermeval(sqrt(var(y)) * y, h_j)
        expon = lambda y: (1. / sqrt(theta * N * dx(y))) * exp(-var(y) *
        phi = lambda y: hermite(y) * expon(y)
        phif = lambda y: phi(y - off_x)
        norm = quad(phi, -1.4, 1.4)[0]

        convfunc = lambda y: (phif(y) * I_Nnew(y))
        convolution[idx] = (1 / norm) * quad(convfunc, -1.4, 1.4)[0]

    convolution = convolution[len(add_left):-(len(add_right))]

    return convolution
Esempio n. 54
def residue(b, a, tol=1e-3, rtype='avg'):
    Compute partial-fraction expansion of b(s) / a(s).

    If ``M = len(b)`` and ``N = len(a)``, then the partial-fraction
    expansion H(s) is defined as::

              b(s)     b[0] s**(M-1) + b[1] s**(M-2) + ... + b[M-1]
      H(s) = ------ = ----------------------------------------------
              a(s)     a[0] s**(N-1) + a[1] s**(N-2) + ... + a[N-1]

               r[0]       r[1]             r[-1]
           = -------- + -------- + ... + --------- + k(s)
             (s-p[0])   (s-p[1])         (s-p[-1])

    If there are any repeated roots (closer together than `tol`), then H(s)
    has terms like::

            r[i]      r[i+1]              r[i+n-1]
          -------- + ----------- + ... + -----------
          (s-p[i])  (s-p[i])**2          (s-p[i])**n

    r : ndarray
    p : ndarray
    k : ndarray
        Coefficients of the direct polynomial term.

    See Also
    invres, numpy.poly, unique_roots


    b, a = map(asarray, (b, a))
    rscale = a[0]
    k, b = polydiv(b, a)
    p = roots(a)
    r = p * 0.0
    pout, mult = unique_roots(p, tol=tol, rtype=rtype)
    p = []
    for n in range(len(pout)):
        p.extend([pout[n]] * mult[n])
    p = asarray(p)
    # Compute the residue from the general formula
    indx = 0
    for n in range(len(pout)):
        bn = b.copy()
        pn = []
        for l in range(len(pout)):
            if l != n:
                pn.extend([pout[l]] * mult[l])
        an = atleast_1d(poly(pn))
        # bn(s) / an(s) is (s-po[n])**Nn * b(s) / a(s) where Nn is
        # multiplicity of pole at po[n]
        sig = mult[n]
        for m in range(sig, 0, -1):
            if sig > m:
                # compute next derivative of bn(s) / an(s)
                term1 = polymul(polyder(bn, 1), an)
                term2 = polymul(bn, polyder(an, 1))
                bn = polysub(term1, term2)
                an = polymul(an, an)
            r[indx + m - 1] = polyval(bn, pout[n]) / polyval(an, pout[n]) \
                          / factorial(sig - m)
        indx += sig
    return r / rscale, p, k
Esempio n. 55
    def graficos(self, PA):

        base_path = self.__base_path + '/Graficos/'
        # Gráficos da otimização
        base_dir = '/PSO/'
        Validacao_Diretorio(base_path, base_dir)

        self.Otimizacao.Graficos(base_path + base_dir,

        # Gráficos da estimação
        base_dir = '/Estimacao/'
        Validacao_Diretorio(base_path, base_dir)

        # Gráfico comparativo entre valores experimentais e calculados pelo modelo, sem variância
        for i in xrange(self.NY):
            y = self.y.experimental.matriz_estimativa[:, i]
            ym = self.y.modelo.matriz_estimativa[:, i]

            ymin = min(y)
            ymax = max(y)

            diag = linspace(min(y), max(y))
            fig = figure()
            ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
            plot(y, ym, 'bo', linewidth=2.0)
            plot(diag, diag, 'k-', linewidth=2.0)
            ax.yaxis.grid(color='gray', linestyle='dashed')
            ax.xaxis.grid(color='gray', linestyle='dashed')
            xlim((ymin, ymax))
            ylim((ymin, ymax))

            if self.y.simbolos == None and self.y.unidades == None:
                xlabel(r'$y_{%d}$' % (i + 1) + ' experimental')
                ylabel(r'$y_{%d}$' % (i + 1) + ' calculado')
            elif self.y.simbolos != None and self.y.unidades == None:
                xlabel(self.y.simbolos[i] + ' experimental')
                ylabel(self.y.simbolos[i] + ' calculado')
            elif self.y.simbolos != None and self.y.unidades != None:
                xlabel(self.y.simbolos[i] + '/' + self.y.unidades[i] +
                       ' experimental')
                ylabel(self.y.simbolos[i] + '/' + self.y.unidades[i] +
                       ' calculado')
            fig.savefig(base_path + base_dir + 'grafico_' +
                        str(self.y.nomes[i]) + '_ye_ym_sem_var.png')

        # Região de abrangência (verossimilhança)

        Hist_Posicoes, Hist_Fitness = self.regiaoAbrangencia(PA)

        if self.NP == 1:

            aux = []
            for it in xrange(
                    size(self.parametros.regiao_abrangencia) / self.NP):

            X = [Hist_Posicoes[it][0] for it in xrange(len(Hist_Posicoes))]
            Y = Hist_Fitness
            X_sort = sort(X)
            Y_sort = [Y[i] for i in argsort(X)]
            fig = figure()
            ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
            plot(X_sort, Y_sort, 'bo', markersize=4)
            plot([min(aux), min(aux)], [min(Y_sort), max(Y_sort) / 4], 'r-')
            plot([max(aux), max(aux)], [min(Y_sort), max(Y_sort) / 4], 'r-')
                    max(Y_sort) / 4,
                    u'%.2e' % (min(aux), ),
                    max(Y_sort) / 4,
                    u'%.2e' % (max(aux), ),
            ax.yaxis.grid(color='gray', linestyle='dashed')
            ax.xaxis.grid(color='gray', linestyle='dashed')
            ylabel(r"$\quad \Phi $", fontsize=20)
            if self.parametros.simbolos == None and self.parametros.unidades == None:
                xlabel(r'$\theta_{%d}$' % (i + 1), fontsize=20)
            elif self.parametros.simbolos != None and self.parametros.unidades == None:
                xlabel(self.parametros.simbolos[0], fontsize=20)
            elif self.parametros.simbolos != None and self.parametros.unidades != None:
                xlabel(self.parametros.simbolos[0] + '/' +
            fig.savefig(base_path + base_dir + 'Regiao_verossimilhanca_' +
                        str(self.parametros.nomes[0]) + '_' +
                        str(self.parametros.nomes[0]) + '.png')


            Combinacoes = int(
                factorial(self.NP) / (factorial(self.NP - 2) * factorial(2)))
            p1 = 0
            p2 = 1
            cont = 0
            passo = 1

            for pos in xrange(Combinacoes):
                if pos == (self.NP - 1) + cont:
                    p1 += 1
                    p2 = p1 + 1
                    passo += 1
                    cont += self.NP - passo

                fig = figure()
                ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)

                for it in xrange(
                        size(self.parametros.regiao_abrangencia) / self.NP):
                    PSO, = plot(self.parametros.regiao_abrangencia[it][p1],

                ax.yaxis.grid(color='gray', linestyle='dashed')
                ax.xaxis.grid(color='gray', linestyle='dashed')

                if self.parametros.simbolos == None and self.parametros.unidades == None:
                    xlabel(r'$\theta_{%d}$' % (p1 + 1), fontsize=20)
                    ylabel(r'$\theta_{%d}$' % (p2 + 1), fontsize=20)
                elif self.parametros.simbolos != None and self.parametros.unidades == None:
                    xlabel(self.parametros.simbolos[p1], fontsize=20)
                    ylabel(self.parametros.simbolos[p2], fontsize=20)
                elif self.parametros.simbolos != None and self.parametros.unidades != None:
                    xlabel(self.parametros.simbolos[p1] + '/' +
                    ylabel(self.parametros.simbolos[p2] + '/' +
                fig.savefig(base_path + base_dir + 'Regiao_verossimilhanca_' +
                            str(self.parametros.nomes[p1]) + '_' +
                            str(self.parametros.nomes[p2]) + '.png')
                p2 += 1
Esempio n. 56
def fact(x):
    """Inputs x and outputs x!."""
    return misc.factorial(x, exact=True)
Esempio n. 57
def clebsch(j1, j2, j3, m1, m2, m3):
    """Calculates the Clebsch-Gordon coefficient
    for coupling (j1,m1) and (j2,m2) to give (j3,m3).

    j1 : float
        Total angular momentum 1.

    j2 : float
        Total angular momentum 2.

    j3 : float
        Total angular momentum 3.

    m1 : float
        z-component of angular momentum 1.

    m2 : float
        z-component of angular momentum 2.

    m3 : float
        z-component of angular momentum 3.

    cg_coeff : float
        Requested Clebsch-Gordan coefficient.

    if m3 != m1 + m2:
        return 0
    vmin = int(np.max([-j1 + j2 + m3, -j1 + m1, 0]))
    vmax = int(np.min([j2 + j3 + m1, j3 - j1 + j2, j3 + m3]))

    C = np.sqrt(
        (2.0 * j3 + 1.0) * factorial(j3 + j1 - j2) * factorial(j3 - j1 + j2) *
        factorial(j1 + j2 - j3) * factorial(j3 + m3) * factorial(j3 - m3) /
        (factorial(j1 + j2 + j3 + 1) * factorial(j1 - m1) *
         factorial(j1 + m1) * factorial(j2 - m2) * factorial(j2 + m2)))
    S = 0
    for v in range(vmin, vmax + 1):
        S += (-1.0) ** (v + j2 + m2) / factorial(v) * \
            factorial(j2 + j3 + m1 - v) * factorial(j1 - m1 + v) / \
            factorial(j3 - j1 + j2 - v) / factorial(j3 + m3 - v) / \
            factorial(v + j1 - j2 - m3)
    C = C * S
    return C
Esempio n. 58
 def ref_xfact(m):
     return factorial2(2 * m - 1) / np.sqrt(factorial(2 * m))
Esempio n. 59
 def single_poisson(self,k, lam):
     poisson         = (lam**k/factorial(k)) * np.exp(-lam)
     return  poisson
Esempio n. 60
def gamma(x):
    if x % 1 == 0:
        return factorial(x - 1)
    if x % 1 == 0.5:
        return np.sqrt(np.pi) * factorial(
            2 * (x - 0.5)) / (4**(x - 0.5) * factorial((x - 0.5)))