Esempio n. 1
 def test_basic(self):
     assert_allclose(signal.triang(6, True),
                     [1 / 6, 1 / 2, 5 / 6, 5 / 6, 1 / 2, 1 / 6])
                     [1 / 4, 1 / 2, 3 / 4, 1, 3 / 4, 1 / 2, 1 / 4])
     assert_allclose(signal.triang(6, sym=False),
                     [1 / 4, 1 / 2, 3 / 4, 1, 3 / 4, 1 / 2])
Esempio n. 2
	def __init__(self, fibers, innervation_ratio, spindleCallback, golgiCallback):

		self.fibers = fibers
		self.fiber_strengths = np.array([f[0] for f in self.fibers])
		self.fiber_count = len(self.fibers)
		self.innervation_ratio = innervation_ratio
		# Divide our fibers into motor units
		self.motor_unit_count = self.fiber_count / self.innervation_ratio
		self.extra_fiber_count = self.fiber_count % self.innervation_ratio
		self.activations = None

		# The set of innervation filters across all fibers
		self.innervation_filter = []
		# For each motor unit
		for i in range(self.motor_unit_count - 1):
			# A triangle filter around the center of the unit
			# This will simulate the diminishing strength a signal has on fibers distant from
			# a motor neuron.
			f = triang(innervation_ratio)

		# Final motor unit picks up any extra fibers
		self.innervation_filter.extend(triang(self.innervation_ratio + self.extra_fiber_count))
		self.innervation_filter = self.innervation_filter
Esempio n. 3
    def test_basic(self):

        assert_allclose(signal.triang(6, True),
                        [1/6, 1/2, 5/6, 5/6, 1/2, 1/6])
                        [1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 1, 3/4, 1/2, 1/4])
        assert_allclose(signal.triang(6, sym=False),
                        [1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 1, 3/4, 1/2])
Esempio n. 4
def get_smoothing_filter(
        window_size=(9, 9), window_shape="gauss", plot_filter=False):
    """Computes and returns a smoothing filter.

    :param window_size: Filter window size, defaults to (9, 9)
    :type window_size: tuple(int, int), optional
    :param window_shape: Filter type, defaults to 'gauss'
    :type window_shape: str, optional. Options: {'gauss'} | 'tri' | 'circ' | 'rect'.
    :param plot_filter: Whether to plot the filter or not, defaults to False
    :type plot_filter: boolean, optional

    :raises ValueError: In case of wrong filter name

    :return: The filter
    :rtype: `numpy.array_like`
    window_size = np.array(window_size)

    if window_shape.lower() == "tri":
        window_filter = spsig.triang(window_size[0])[:, None] * spsig.triang(
            window_size[1])[None, :]
    elif window_shape.lower() == "circ":
        tt = np.linspace(-(window_size[0] - 1) / 2, (window_size[0] - 1) / 2,
        ss = np.linspace(-(window_size[1] - 1) / 2, (window_size[1] - 1) / 2,
        [tt, ss] = np.meshgrid(tt, ss, indexing="ij")
        window_filter = np.sqrt(tt**2 + ss**2) <= (window_size[1] - 1) / 2
    elif window_shape.lower() == "gauss":
        tt = np.linspace(-(window_size[0] - 1) / 2, (window_size[0] - 1) / 2,
        ss = np.linspace(-(window_size[1] - 1) / 2, (window_size[1] - 1) / 2,
        [tt, ss] = np.meshgrid(tt, ss, indexing="ij")
        window_filter = np.exp(-((2 * tt)**2 / window_size[0] +
                                 (2 * ss)**2 / window_size[1]))
    elif window_shape.lower() == "rect":
        window_filter = np.ones(window_size)
        raise ValueError("Unknown filter: %s" % window_shape)

    if plot_filter:
        tt = np.linspace(-(window_size[0] - 1) / 2, (window_size[0] - 1) / 2,
        ss = np.linspace(-(window_size[1] - 1) / 2, (window_size[1] - 1) / 2,
        [tt, ss] = np.meshgrid(tt, ss, indexing="ij")

        f = plt.figure()
        ax = f.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection="3d")
        ax.plot_surface(tt, ss, window_filter)
        ax.view_init(12, -7.5)

    return window_filter / np.sum(window_filter)
def melfilterbank(nfilters, nsamples, freq, lofreq, hifreq):
    """Create Mel filterbank.

    nfilters : int
        Number of Mel filters.
    nsamples : int
        Number of samples per filter.
    freq : int or float
        Frequency (sample rate) of the signal.
    lofreq : int or float
        Left boundary for fitlers.
    higreq : int or float
        Right boundary for fitlers.

    bank : ndarray
        2D array (nfilters, nsamples) of Mel filters.
    lomel = hz2mel(lofreq)
    himel = hz2mel(hifreq)
    melpoints = np.linspace(lomel, himel, nfilters + 2)
    points = np.vectorize(mel2hz)(melpoints)
    bins = np.asarray(points * (nsamples / freq), dtype=int)
    bank = np.zeros([nfilters, nsamples])
    for i in range(nfilters):
        start = bins[i]
        end = bins[i + 2]
        bank[i][start:end] = signal.triang(end - start)
    return bank
Esempio n. 6
 def filter_csd(self):
     '''Spatial filtering of the CSD estimate, using an N-point filter'''
     if not self.f_order > 0 and type(self.f_order) == type(3):
         raise Exception, 'Filter order must be int > 0!'
     if self.f_type == 'boxcar':
         num = ss.boxcar(self.f_order)
         denom = pl.array([num.sum()])
     elif self.f_type == 'hamming':
         num = ss.hamming(self.f_order)
         denom = pl.array([num.sum()])
     elif self.f_type == 'triangular':
         num = ss.triang(self.f_order)
         denom = pl.array([num.sum()])
     elif self.f_type == 'gaussian':
         num = ss.gaussian(self.f_order[0], self.f_order[1])
         denom = pl.array([num.sum()])
         raise Exception, '%s Wrong filter type!' % self.f_type
     num_string = '[ '
     for i in num:
         num_string = num_string + '%.3f ' % i
     num_string = num_string + ']'
     denom_string = '[ '
     for i in denom:
         denom_string = denom_string + '%.3f ' % i
     denom_string = denom_string + ']'
     print 'discrete filter coefficients: \nb = %s, \na = %s' % \
                                                  (num_string, denom_string) 
     self.csd_filtered = pl.empty(self.csd.shape)
     for i in xrange(self.csd.shape[1]):
         self.csd_filtered[:, i] = ss.filtfilt(num, denom, self.csd[:, i])
Esempio n. 7
def sineModelSynth(tfreq, tmag, tphase, N, H, fs):
	Synthesis of a sound using the sinusoidal model
	tfreq,tmag,tphase: frequencies, magnitudes and phases of sinusoids
	N: synthesis FFT size, H: hop size, fs: sampling rate
	returns y: output array sound
	hN = N//2                                               # half of FFT size for synthesis
	L = tfreq.shape[0]                                      # number of frames
	pout = 0                                                # initialize output sound pointer         
	ysize = H*(L+3)                                         # output sound size
	y = np.zeros(ysize)                                     # initialize output array
	sw = np.zeros(N)                                        # initialize synthesis window
	ow = triang(2*H)                                        # triangular window
	sw[hN-H:hN+H] = ow                                      # add triangular window
	bh = blackmanharris(N)                                  # blackmanharris window
	bh = bh / sum(bh)                                       # normalized blackmanharris window
	sw[hN-H:hN+H] = sw[hN-H:hN+H]/bh[hN-H:hN+H]             # normalized synthesis window
	lastytfreq = tfreq[0,:]                                 # initialize synthesis frequencies
	ytphase = 2*np.pi*np.random.rand(tfreq[0,:].size)       # initialize synthesis phases 
	for l in range(L):                                      # iterate over all frames
		if (tphase.size > 0):                                 # if no phases generate them
			ytphase = tphase[l,:] 
			ytphase += (np.pi*(lastytfreq+tfreq[l,:])/fs)*H     # propagate phases
		Y = UF.genSpecSines(tfreq[l,:], tmag[l,:], ytphase, N, fs)  # generate sines in the spectrum         
		lastytfreq = tfreq[l,:]                               # save frequency for phase propagation
		ytphase = ytphase % (2*np.pi)                         # make phase inside 2*pi
		yw = np.real(fftshift(ifft(Y)))                       # compute inverse FFT
		y[pout:pout+N] += sw*yw                               # overlap-add and apply a synthesis window
		pout += H                                             # advance sound pointer
	y = np.delete(y, range(hN))                             # delete half of first window
	y = np.delete(y, range(y.size-hN, y.size))              # delete half of the last window 
	return y
def square_wave_gen(number_half_waves, resolution, samples_per_wave):
    Takes in number of half waves and resolution in multiples of 12 samples per wave 1 = 12 samples per wave 2 = 24 so on 
    Output square wave oscillating at 40,000 Hz with the x axis in microseconds and centered around zero    
    from scipy import signal
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np
    number_half_waves += 10

    # One wave is 25 microseconds
    t = np.linspace(0,
                    12.5 * number_half_waves,
                    int(samples_per_wave * resolution *
                        (number_half_waves / 2)),
    #wave = -signal.square(2 * np.pi * 0.04 * t)*1.65

    Fs = 40000 * 12.5 * 2  ## Sampling Rate
    f = 40000  ## Frequency (in Hz)
    ####### sine wave ###########
    wave = -np.sin(2 * np.pi * f * t / Fs)
    triangle = signal.triang(len(t))
    peaked_wave = np.multiply(triangle, wave)

    return t, wave
Esempio n. 9
def sineSubtraction(x, N, H, sfreq, smag, sphase, fs):
	Subtract sinusoids from a sound
	x: input sound, N: fft-size, H: hop-size
	sfreq, smag, sphase: sinusoidal frequencies, magnitudes and phases
	returns xr: residual sound

	hN = N/2                                           # half of fft size
	x = np.append(np.zeros(hN),x)                      # add zeros at beginning to center first window at sample 0
	x = np.append(x,np.zeros(hN))                      # add zeros at the end to analyze last sample
	bh = blackmanharris(N)                             # blackman harris window
	w = bh/ sum(bh)                                    # normalize window
	sw = np.zeros(N)                                   # initialize synthesis window
	sw[hN-H:hN+H] = triang(2*H) / w[hN-H:hN+H]         # synthesis window
	L = sfreq.shape[0]                                 # number of frames, this works if no sines
	xr = np.zeros(x.size)                              # initialize output array
	pin = 0
	for l in range(L):
		xw = x[pin:pin+N]*w                              # window the input sound
		X = fft(fftshift(xw))                            # compute FFT
		Yh = UF_C.genSpecSines(N*sfreq[l,:]/fs, smag[l,:], sphase[l,:], N)   # generate spec sines
		Xr = X-Yh                                        # subtract sines from original spectrum
		xrw = np.real(fftshift(ifft(Xr)))                # inverse FFT
		xr[pin:pin+N] += xrw*sw                          # overlap-add
		pin += H                                         # advance sound pointer
	xr = np.delete(xr, range(hN))                      # delete half of first window which was added in stftAnal
	xr = np.delete(xr, range(xr.size-hN, xr.size))     # delete half of last window which was added in stftAnal
	return xr
Esempio n. 10
def sineSubtraction(x, N, H, sfreq, smag, sphase, fs):
	Subtract sinusoids from a sound
	x: input sound, N: fft-size, H: hop-size
	sfreq, smag, sphase: sinusoidal frequencies, magnitudes and phases
	returns xr: residual sound

	hN = N/2                                           # half of fft size
	x = np.append(np.zeros(hN),x)                      # add zeros at beginning to center first window at sample 0
	x = np.append(x,np.zeros(hN))                      # add zeros at the end to analyze last sample
	bh = blackmanharris(N)                             # blackman harris window
	w = bh/ sum(bh)                                    # normalize window
	sw = np.zeros(N)                                   # initialize synthesis window
	sw[hN-H:hN+H] = triang(2*H) / w[hN-H:hN+H]         # synthesis window
	L = sfreq.shape[0]                                 # number of frames, this works if no sines
	xr = np.zeros(x.size)                              # initialize output array
	pin = 0
	for l in range(L):
		xw = x[pin:pin+N]*w                              # window the input sound
		X = fft(fftshift(xw))                            # compute FFT
		Yh = UF_C.genSpecSines(N*sfreq[l,:]/fs, smag[l,:], sphase[l,:], N)   # generate spec sines
		Xr = X-Yh                                        # subtract sines from original spectrum
		xrw = np.real(fftshift(ifft(Xr)))                # inverse FFT
		xr[pin:pin+N] += xrw*sw                          # overlap-add
		pin += H                                         # advance sound pointer
	xr = np.delete(xr, range(hN))                      # delete half of first window which was added in stftAnal
	xr = np.delete(xr, range(xr.size-hN, xr.size))     # delete half of last window which was added in stftAnal
	return xr
Esempio n. 11
def triangle_periodic(img_width, period, offset, bw):
    '''Spatial forcing function - Periodic Triangle with bandwidth (bw)

    img_width : array_like
        Width of image singal
    period: int
        Period in pixels of forcing function
    offset: int
        Offset in pixels (i.e. cyclic shift)
    bw : float
        Bandwidth (width in pixel from base of triangle) of forcing function 

    g(x) : complex
        Desired spatial response of uniform phantom with periodic off resonance 

    bw = round(bw)
    period = round(period)

    assert period >= bw

    window = triang(bw)
    window = np.concatenate((window, np.zeros(period - bw)))
    num_of_windows = math.ceil(img_width / period)
    response = np.tile(window, (num_of_windows))
    response = response[:img_width]
    response = np.roll(response, offset)
    return response
Esempio n. 12
def sineModelSynth(tfreq, tmag, tphase, N, H, fs):
    Synthesis of a sound using the sinusoidal model
    tfreq, tmag, tphase: frequencies, magnitudes and phases of sinusoids
    N: synthesis FFT size, H: hop size, fs: sampling rate
    returns y: output array sound

    hN = N / 2 # half of FFT size for synthesis
    L = tfreq.shape[0] # number of frames
    pout = 0
    ysize = H * (L+3)
    y = np.zeros(ysize)
    # synthesis window
    sw = np.zeros(N)
    ow = triang(2 * H)
    sw[hN-H:hN+H] = ow
    bh = blackmanharris(N)
    bh = bh / sum(bh)
    sw[hN-H:hN+H] = sw[hN-H:hN+H] / bh[hN-H:hN+H]
    lastytfreq = tfreq[0,:]
    ytphase = 2*np.pi*np.random.rand(tfreq[0,:].size)
    for l in range(L): # iterate over all frames
        if (tphase.size > 0):
            ytphase = tphase[l, :]
Esempio n. 13
def sineModelSynth(tfreq, tmag, tphase, N, H, fs):
	Synthesis of a sound using the sinusoidal model
	tfreq,tmag,tphase: frequencies, magnitudes and phases of sinusoids
	N: synthesis FFT size, H: hop size, fs: sampling rate
	returns y: output array sound
	hN = N/2                                                # half of FFT size for synthesis
	L = tfreq.shape[0]                                      # number of frames
	pout = 0                                                # initialize output sound pointer         
	ysize = H*(L+3)                                         # output sound size
	y = np.zeros(ysize)                                     # initialize output array
	sw = np.zeros(N)                                        # initialize synthesis window
	ow = triang(2*H)                                        # triangular window
	sw[hN-H:hN+H] = ow                                      # add triangular window
	bh = blackmanharris(N)                                  # blackmanharris window
	bh = bh / sum(bh)                                       # normalized blackmanharris window
	sw[hN-H:hN+H] = sw[hN-H:hN+H]/bh[hN-H:hN+H]             # normalized synthesis window
	lastytfreq = tfreq[0,:]                                 # initialize synthesis frequencies
	ytphase = 2*np.pi*np.random.rand(tfreq[0,:].size)       # initialize synthesis phases 
	for l in range(L):                                      # iterate over all frames
		if (tphase.size > 0):                                 # if no phases generate them
			ytphase = tphase[l,:] 
			ytphase += (np.pi*(lastytfreq+tfreq[l,:])/fs)*H     # propagate phases
		Y = UF.genSpecSines(tfreq[l,:], tmag[l,:], ytphase, N, fs)  # generate sines in the spectrum         
		lastytfreq = tfreq[l,:]                               # save frequency for phase propagation
		ytphase = ytphase % (2*np.pi)                         # make phase inside 2*pi
		yw = np.real(fftshift(ifft(Y)))                       # compute inverse FFT
		y[pout:pout+N] += sw*yw                               # overlap-add and apply a synthesis window
		pout += H                                             # advance sound pointer
	y = np.delete(y, range(hN))                             # delete half of first window
	y = np.delete(y, range(y.size-hN, y.size))              # delete half of the last window 
	return y
Esempio n. 14
def sineModelSynth(tfreq, tmag, tphase, M, H, fs):
    Synthesis of a sound using the sinusoidal model
    *** The hop size needs to be the same as what was used for the sineModelAnal ***
    *** (This probably means that the window/FFT size should be about the same as well) ***
    tfreq,tmag,tphase: frequencies, magnitudes (in dB) and phases of sinusoids
    tfreq should be within the range of frequencies captured by an FFT of size M and sampling rate fs
    M: synthesis FFT size (Blackman-Harris window size - should be a power of two for iFFT)
    H: hop size, fs: sampling rate
    returns y: output array sound
    if not isPower2(M):
        M_new = nextbiggestpower2(M)
            "Non-power of 2 FFT size of {} passed to sineModelSynth, using {} instead"
            .format(M, M_new))
        M = M_new

    hM = M // 2  # half analysis window size

    L = tfreq.shape[0]  # number of frames
    pout = 0  # initialize output sound pointer
    ysize = H * (
        L - 1
    ) + M + 1  # output sound size: H*(L-1) is the number of samples in signal, NB added 1
    print('ysize, M', ysize, M)
    # plus the length of the window
    y = np.zeros(ysize)  # initialize output array
    sw = np.zeros(M)  # initialize synthesis window
    ow = triang(hM)  # triangular window - half of Blackman-Harris window size

    htriM = hM // 2  # half analysis window size
    sw[hM - htriM:hM + htriM] = ow  # add triangular window to the middle of sw

    bh = blackmanharris(M)  # blackmanharris window
    bh = bh / sum(bh)  # normalized blackmanharris window
    sw[hM - htriM:hM +
       htriM] = sw[hM - htriM:hM +
                   htriM] / bh[hM - htriM:hM +
                               htriM]  # normalized synthesis window
    lastytfreq = tfreq[0, :]  # initialize synthesis frequencies
    ytphase = 2 * np.pi * np.random.rand(
        tfreq[0, :].size)  # initialize synthesis phases
    for l in range(L):  # iterate over all frames
        if (tphase.size > 0):
            ytphase = tphase[l, :]
        else:  # if no phases generate them
            ytphase += (np.pi * (lastytfreq + tfreq[l, :]) /
                        fs) * H  # propagate phases
        Y = UF.genSpecSines_p(tfreq[l, :], tmag[l, :], ytphase, M,
                              fs)  # generate sines in the spectrum
        lastytfreq = tfreq[l, :]  # save frequency for phase propagation
        ytphase = ytphase % (2 * np.pi)  # make phase inside 2*pi
        yw = np.real(fftshift(ifft(Y)))  # compute inverse FFT
        y[pout:pout + M] += sw * yw  # overlap-add and apply a synthesis window
        pout += H  # advance sound pointer
    y = np.delete(y, range(hM))  # delete half of first window
    y = np.delete(y, range(y.size - hM,
                           y.size))  # delete half of the last window
    return y
Esempio n. 15
def win_sel(win_str, win_size):
        Function returns a window vector based on window name.
        Note class can only use windows found in scipy.signal library.
    overlap = 0
    if (win_str == 'blackmanharris'):
        win = sig.blackmanharris(win_size)
        overlap = .75
    elif (win_str == 'blackman'):
        win = sig.blackman(win_size)
    elif (win_str == 'bartlett'):
        win = sig.bartlett(win_size)
    elif (win_str == 'hamming'):
        win = sig.hamming(win_size)
    elif (win_str == 'hanning'):
        win = sig.hanning(win_size)
    elif (win_str == 'hann'):
        win = sig.hann(win_size)
    elif (win_str == 'barthann'):
        win = sig.barthann(win_size)
    elif (win_str == 'triang'):
        win = sig.triang(win_size)
    elif (win_str == 'rect' or win_str == None):
        win = np.ones(win_size)
        print('Invalid Window Defined')
        return -1
    return win, overlap
Esempio n. 16
def choose_windows(type, wlen):
        1、 汉明窗
        2、 海宁窗
        3、 矩形窗
        4、 三角窗
    :param type:
    :param wlen:
    if type == 1:
        window = np.array([
            0.54 - 0.46 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * n / (wlen - 1))
            for n in range(wlen)
    elif type == 2:
        window = np.array([
            0.5 * (1 - np.cos(2 * np.pi * n / (wlen - 1))) for n in range(wlen)
    elif type == 3:
        window = np.ones(wlen)
    elif type == 4:
        window = signal.triang(wlen)
    return window
Esempio n. 17
def sinewaveSynth(freq, mag, N, H, fs):
  # Synthesis of a time-varying sinusoid
  # freq,mag, phase: frequency, magnitude and phase of sinusoid,
  # N: synthesis FFT size, H: hop size, fs: sampling rate
  # returns y: output array sound
  hN = N/2                                                # half of FFT size for synthesis
  L = freq.size                                           # number of frames
  pout = 0                                                # initialize output sound pointer         
  ysize = H*(L+3)                                         # output sound size
  y = np.zeros(ysize)                                     # initialize output array
  sw = np.zeros(N)                                        # initialize synthesis window
  ow = triang(2*H);                                       # triangular window
  sw[hN-H:hN+H] = ow                                      # add triangular window
  bh = blackmanharris(N)                                  # blackmanharris window
  bh = bh / sum(bh)                                       # normalized blackmanharris window
  sw[hN-H:hN+H] = sw[hN-H:hN+H]/bh[hN-H:hN+H]             # normalized synthesis window
  lastfreq = freq[0]                                      # initialize synthesis frequencies
  phase = 0                                               # initialize synthesis phases 
  for l in range(L):                                      # iterate over all frames
    phase += (np.pi*(lastfreq+freq[l])/fs)*H            # propagate phases
    Y = UF.genSpecSines(freq[l], mag[l], phase, N, fs)    # generate sines in the spectrum         
    lastfreq = freq[l]                                    # save frequency for phase propagation
    yw = np.real(fftshift(ifft(Y)))                       # compute inverse FFT
    y[pout:pout+N] += sw*yw                               # overlap-add and apply a synthesis window
    pout += H                                             # advance sound pointer
  y = np.delete(y, range(hN))                             # delete half of first window
  y = np.delete(y, range(y.size-hN, y.size))              # delete half of the last window 
  return y
def convolute(t_list, y_list, normal):
    """ """
    convoluted = []
    cx = []
    for j in range(1, 200):
        line = signal.triang(j * 10)
        conv = signal.convolve(normal, line, 'same') / sum(line)
        v_list = velocity_transformation(t_list, 4)
        unnormal = []
        for idx in range(len(conv)):
            unnormal.append(conv[idx] * t_list[idx])
        convoluted.append(solve(v_list, unnormal))
        cx.append(t_list[len(t_list) - j * 10] / 2)
        # if j == 50:
        #     plotter(v_list, unnormal, "Velocity (m/s)", "Capture Flux", "Capture Flux vs Velocity after Convolution")

    c1 = []
    for num in convoluted:
        c1.append((num - 1) * 886.3)

    min = .1
    for idx in range(len(c1)):
        if abs(c1[idx] - (c1[0] + .1)) < min:
            min = abs(c1[idx] - (c1[0] + .1))
            tenth_x = cx[idx]
            tenth_y = c1[idx]

    xlabel = 'Width of Triangle Signal (s)'
    ylabel = 'Correction in Seconds'
    title = 'Correction Dependence on Convolution to Triangle Signal'
    print('Width of Triangle Signal to get a tenth of a second error', tenth_x,
Esempio n. 19
def linearErodeInner(x, blend_size=10):
    Linear ramp erosion of an array.

    This function thresholds an array to values greater than zero, then erodes
    all edges to within the support of the thresholded array. If the array is
    not binary, it is reduced to a binary form, normalized from 0-1.

    x: array-like
        The array we wish to erode
    blend_size: int
        The amount of erosion we wish to perform. This number corresponds to the
        maximum distance inside the edge of the support of x.

        The eroded version of x.

    # Get dtype and backend
    dtype = getDatatype(x)
    backend = getBackend(x)

    # Normalize x
    _x = dcopy(x)
    _x[:] -= min(x)
    _x[:] = asarray(_x > 0, dtype, backend)

    # Create triangular wave
    s = sig.triang(2 * blend_size + 1)
    triang_2d = s[:, np.newaxis] * s
    triang_2d /= sum(triang_2d)
    triang_2d = asarray(triang_2d, dtype, backend)

    # Generate crop operator which pads edges for convolutionx
    padded_size = [scipy.fftpack.next_fast_len(int(s + 2 * blend_size)) for s in shape(_x)]
    x_padded = pad(_x, padded_size, pad_value='edge', center=True)

    # Pad triangular wave as well
    triang_2d_padded = pad(triang_2d, padded_size, center=True, pad_value=0)

    coords = argmax(triang_2d_padded)
    triang_2d_padded = zeros_like(triang_2d_padded)
    triang_2d_padded[coords] = 1.0

    # Perform FFT convolution
    x_filtered = iFt(Ft(triang_2d_padded) * Ft(x_padded))
    # x_filtered = sig.fftconvolve(np.asarray(triang_2d_padded), np.asarray(x_padded), mode='same')
    x_filtered = crop(x_filtered, shape(x), center=True)

    # # Threshold to within existing range
    x_filtered[:] -= 0.5
    x_filtered[:] *= (real(x_filtered) >= 0)
    x_filtered[:] *= 2

    # Return
    return x_filtered
Esempio n. 20
def f():
    window_type = display['window_type']
    window_size = int(display['size'])
    p = float(display['param'])

    window = np.zeros(window_size)

    if window_type == 'square':
        window = np.ones(window_size)
    elif window_type == 'exponential':
        window = np.exp(np.arange(window_size) * p)
    elif window_type == 'hanning':
        window = np.hanning(window_size)
    elif window_type == 'blackman':
        window = np.blackman(window_size)
    elif window_type == 'ricker':
        window = ricker(window_size, p)
    elif window_type == 'gaussian':
        window = gaussian(window_size, p)
    elif window_type == 'barthann':
        window = barthann(window_size)
    elif window_type == 'flattop':
        window = flattop(window_size)
    elif window_type == 'cosine':
        window = cosine(window_size)
    elif window_type == 'triangle':
        window = triang(window_size)

    return window
Esempio n. 21
def raw_ctd_filter(df=None, window="triangle", win_size=24, parameters=None):
    Filter raw CTD data using one of three window types (boxcar, hanning, triangle).

    df : DataFrame
        Raw CTD data
    window : str, optional
        Type of filter window
    win_size : int, optional
        Length of window in number of samples
    parameters : list of str, optional
        List of DataFrame columns to be filtered

    filtered_df : DataFrame
        CTD data with filtered parameters

    filter_df = df.copy()
    if parameters is not None:
        for p in parameters:
            if window == "boxcar":
                win = sig.boxcar(win_size)
            elif window == "hanning":
                win = sig.hann(win_size)
            elif window == "triangle":
                win = sig.triang(win_size)
            filter_df[p] = sig.convolve(filter_df[p], win,
                                        mode="same") / np.sum(win)

    return filter_df
Esempio n. 22
def cqtfft(X, fs=44100, lo=12, hi=None):
    q, p = cqtfft(X, fs)

    Returns the complex constant-Q transform vector of fft vector X
    with sampling rate FS. Like chroma, but unwrapped.
    Here, Q = 16.817.
    #Q = 16.817
    Q = 8.1658
    if X.ndim == 2:
        X = X[:, 0].squeeze()
    if hi is None:
        hi = int(hz2midi(fs / 2))
    p = scipy.arange(lo, hi)
    q = scipy.zeros(hi - lo)

    for i, midi in enumerate(p):
        center = X.size * midi2hz(midi) / fs
        width = int(center / Q)
        center = int(center)
        w = ss.triang(2 * width + 1)
        q[i] = scipy.inner(w, X[center - width:center + width + 1])

    return q, p
Esempio n. 23
def sineModelSynth(tfreq, tmag, tphase, N, H, fs):	
	hN = N//2                                              
	L = tfreq.shape[0]                                      
	out = 0                                            
	ysize = H*(L+3)                                     
	y = np.zeros(ysize)                                  
	synthWin = np.zeros(N)                                     
	triWin = triang(H*2)                                     
	synthWin[hN-H:hN+H] = triWin                                    
	bh = blackmanharris(N)               
	bh = bh / sum(bh)                                     
	synthWin[hN-H:hN+H] = synthWin[hN-H:hN+H]/bh[hN-H:hN+H]             
	lastytfreq = tfreq[0,:]                                 
	ytphase = 2*np.pi*np.random.rand(tfreq[0,:].size)     
	for l in range(L):                                    
		if (tphase.size > 0):                               
			ytphase = tphase[l,:] 
			ytphase += (np.pi*(lastytfreq+tfreq[l,:])/fs)*H     # propagate phases
		Y = U.genSinesSpectrum(tfreq[l,:], tmag[l,:], ytphase, N, fs)         
		lastytfreq = tfreq[l,:]                               # save frequency for phase propagation
		ytphase = ytphase % (2*np.pi)                        
		yw = np.real(fftshift(ifft(Y)))                      
		y[out:out+N] += synthWin*yw                              
		out += H                                     
	y = np.delete(y, range(hN))                         
	y = np.delete(y, range(y.size-hN, y.size))         
	return y
def harmonicModel(x, fs, w, N, t, nH, minf0, maxf0, f0et):
	Analysis/synthesis of a sound using the sinusoidal harmonic model
	x: input sound, fs: sampling rate, w: analysis window, 
	N: FFT size (minimum 512), t: threshold in negative dB, 
	nH: maximum number of harmonics, minf0: minimum f0 frequency in Hz, 
	maxf0: maximim f0 frequency in Hz, 
	f0et: error threshold in the f0 detection (ex: 5),
	returns y: output array sound

	hN = N/2                                                # size of positive spectrum
	hM1 = int(math.floor((w.size+1)/2))                     # half analysis window size by rounding
	hM2 = int(math.floor(w.size/2))                         # half analysis window size by floor
	x = np.append(np.zeros(hM2),x)                          # add zeros at beginning to center first window at sample 0
	x = np.append(x,np.zeros(hM1))                          # add zeros at the end to analyze last sample
	Ns = 512                                                # FFT size for synthesis (even)
	H = Ns/4                                                # Hop size used for analysis and synthesis
	hNs = Ns/2      
	pin = max(hNs, hM1)                                     # init sound pointer in middle of anal window          
	pend = x.size - max(hNs, hM1)                           # last sample to start a frame
	fftbuffer = np.zeros(N)                                 # initialize buffer for FFT
	yh = np.zeros(Ns)                                       # initialize output sound frame
	y = np.zeros(x.size)                                    # initialize output array
	w = w / sum(w)                                          # normalize analysis window
	sw = np.zeros(Ns)                                       # initialize synthesis window
	ow = triang(2*H)                                        # overlapping window
	sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = ow      
	bh = blackmanharris(Ns)                                 # synthesis window
	bh = bh / sum(bh)                                       # normalize synthesis window
	sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] / bh[hNs-H:hNs+H]     # window for overlap-add
	hfreqp = []
	f0t = 0
	f0stable = 0
	while pin<pend:             
		x1 = x[pin-hM1:pin+hM2]                               # select frame
		mX, pX = DFT.dftAnal(x1, w, N)                        # compute dft
		ploc = UF.peakDetection(mX, t)                        # detect peak locations     
		iploc, ipmag, ipphase = UF.peakInterp(mX, pX, ploc)   # refine peak values
		ipfreq = fs * iploc/N
		f0t = UF.f0Twm(ipfreq, ipmag, f0et, minf0, maxf0, f0stable)  # find f0
		if ((f0stable==0)&(f0t>0)) \
				or ((f0stable>0)&(np.abs(f0stable-f0t)<f0stable/5.0)):
			f0stable = f0t                                     # consider a stable f0 if it is close to the previous one
			f0stable = 0
		hfreq, hmag, hphase = harmonicDetection(ipfreq, ipmag, ipphase, f0t, nH, hfreqp, fs) # find harmonics
		hfreqp = hfreq
		Yh = UF.genSpecSines(hfreq, hmag, hphase, Ns, fs)     # generate spec sines          
		fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Yh))                         # inverse FFT
		yh[:hNs-1] = fftbuffer[hNs+1:]                        # undo zero-phase window
		yh[hNs-1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs+1] 
		y[pin-hNs:pin+hNs] += sw*yh                           # overlap-add
		pin += H                                              # advance sound pointer
	y = np.delete(y, range(hM2))                            # delete half of first window which was added in stftAnal
	y = np.delete(y, range(y.size-hM1, y.size))             # add zeros at the end to analyze last sample
	return y
Esempio n. 25
def sprModel(x, fs, w, N, t):
	Analysis/synthesis of a sound using the sinusoidal plus residual model, one frame at a time
	x: input sound, fs: sampling rate, w: analysis window, 
	N: FFT size (minimum 512), t: threshold in negative dB, 
	returns y: output sound, ys: sinusoidal component, xr: residual component

	hN = N/2                                                      # size of positive spectrum
	hM1 = int(math.floor((w.size+1)/2))                           # half analysis window size by rounding
	hM2 = int(math.floor(w.size/2))                               # half analysis window size by floor
	Ns = 512                                                      # FFT size for synthesis (even)
	H = Ns/4                                                      # Hop size used for analysis and synthesis
	hNs = Ns/2      
	pin = max(hNs, hM1)                                           # initialize sound pointer in middle of analysis window          
	pend = x.size - max(hNs, hM1)                                 # last sample to start a frame
	fftbuffer = np.zeros(N)                                       # initialize buffer for FFT
	ysw = np.zeros(Ns)                                            # initialize output sound frame
	xrw = np.zeros(Ns)                                            # initialize output sound frame
	ys = np.zeros(x.size)                                         # initialize output array
	xr = np.zeros(x.size)                                         # initialize output array
	w = w / sum(w)                                                # normalize analysis window
	sw = np.zeros(Ns)     
	ow = triang(2*H)                                              # overlapping window
	sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = ow      
	bh = blackmanharris(Ns)                                       # synthesis window
	bh = bh / sum(bh)                                             # normalize synthesis window
	wr = bh                                                       # window for residual
	sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] / bh[hNs-H:hNs+H]
	while pin<pend:  
		x1 = x[pin-hM1:pin+hM2]                                     # select frame
		mX, pX = DFT.dftAnal(x1, w, N)                              # compute dft
		ploc = UF.peakDetection(mX, t)                              # find peaks 
		iploc, ipmag, ipphase = UF.peakInterp(mX, pX, ploc)         # refine peak values		iploc, ipmag, ipphase = UF.peakInterp(mX, pX, ploc)          # refine peak values
		ipfreq = fs*iploc/float(N)                                  # convert peak locations to Hertz
		ri = pin-hNs-1                                              # input sound pointer for residual analysis
		xw2 = x[ri:ri+Ns]*wr                                        # window the input sound                                       
		fftbuffer = np.zeros(Ns)                                    # reset buffer
		fftbuffer[:hNs] = xw2[hNs:]                                 # zero-phase window in fftbuffer
		fftbuffer[hNs:] = xw2[:hNs]                           
		X2 = fft(fftbuffer)                                         # compute FFT for residual analysis
		Ys = UF.genSpecSines(ipfreq, ipmag, ipphase, Ns, fs)        # generate spec of sinusoidal component          
		Xr = X2-Ys;                                                 # get the residual complex spectrum
		fftbuffer = np.zeros(Ns)
		fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Ys))                               # inverse FFT of sinusoidal spectrum
		ysw[:hNs-1] = fftbuffer[hNs+1:]                             # undo zero-phase window
		ysw[hNs-1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs+1] 
		fftbuffer = np.zeros(Ns)
		fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Xr))                               # inverse FFT of residual spectrum
		xrw[:hNs-1] = fftbuffer[hNs+1:]                             # undo zero-phase window
		xrw[hNs-1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs+1]
		ys[ri:ri+Ns] += sw*ysw                                      # overlap-add for sines
		xr[ri:ri+Ns] += sw*xrw                                      # overlap-add for residual
		pin += H                                                    # advance sound pointer
	y = ys+xr                                                     # sum of sinusoidal and residual components
	return y, ys, xr
def _get_weights(shape):
    shape = shape[1:]
    weights = 1
    for idx_d in range(len(shape)):
        slicey = [np.newaxis]*len(shape)
        slicey[idx_d] = slice(None)
        size = shape[idx_d]
        weights = weights*triang(size)[tuple(slicey)]
    return weights[np.newaxis, ].astype(np.float32)
    def generate_peak(self, multipath=False, delta_dopp=0, delta_tau=0, delta_phase=0, alpha_att=1, ref_features=False):
        x = np.linspace(self.dopp[0], self.dopp[1], self.discr_size_fd)
        y = np.linspace(self.tau[0], self.tau[1], self.scale_code)
        # Create empty matrix for peaks
        matrix = np.zeros((self.discr_size_fd, self.scale_code))
        # Convert tau/ doppler deviation into pixel scale
        xk = int(x.mean() + delta_dopp / (x.max() - x.min()) * self.discr_size_fd)
        yk = int(y.mean() + delta_tau / (y.max() - y.min()) * self.scale_code)         
        # Generate triangle/ sinc function
        func1 = self.sign_amp * signal.triang(self.scale_code)
        func2 = self.sign_amp * np.sinc((x + delta_dopp) * self.Tint)
        # Only 1 principal peak
        for i, point in enumerate(func2):
            matrix[i] = alpha_att * func1 * point
        # Superpose 2 peaks. Weight matrix of MP peak by the matrix of principal peak 
        if multipath:
            if xk >= 0:
                matrix = matrix[:matrix.shape[0]- xk, :matrix.shape[1]-yk]
                matrix = matrix[abs(xk):, :matrix.shape[1]-yk]
        # Split matrices in I, Q channels
        I = matrix * self.sin_cos_matrix(multipath=multipath, delta_dopp=delta_dopp, delta_phase=delta_phase, xk=xk, yk=yk)[0]
        Q = -matrix * self.sin_cos_matrix(multipath=multipath, delta_dopp=delta_dopp, delta_phase=delta_phase, xk=xk, yk=yk)[1]
        # Add noise model
        mean = self.noise_model()[0]
        var = self.noise_model()[1]
        module = np.sqrt(I**2 + Q**2)
        I += np.random.normal(mean, var, size=matrix.shape)
        Q += np.random.normal(mean, var, size=matrix.shape)
        #if ref_features:
        #    print('check no normalization for reference')
        #    I_norm = I[...,None]
        #    Q_norm = Q[...,None]
        I_norm = (I - module.min()) / (module.max() - module.min())
        Q_norm = (Q - module.min()) / (module.max() - module.min())
        module = (module - module.min()) / (module.max() - module.min())
        #I_norm = I
        #Q_norm = Q
        #print('CHECK SCALE')
        I_norm = I_norm[...,None]
        Q_norm = Q_norm[...,None]

        matrix = np.concatenate((I_norm, Q_norm), axis=2)
        return matrix, module, xk, yk
Esempio n. 28
def _get_weights(shape):
    shape_in = shape
    shape = shape[1:]
    weights = 1
    for idx_d in range(len(shape)):
        slicey = [np.newaxis] * len(shape)
        slicey[idx_d] = slice(None)
        size = shape[idx_d]
        weights = weights * triang(size)[tuple(slicey)]
    return np.broadcast_to(weights, shape_in).astype(np.float32)
Esempio n. 29
def output_waveform(seconds):
    #Here we make a triangle wave
    peak_v = 5
    wave_form_step_size = 101
    triangle_wave = signal.triang(wave_form_step_size)
    period = 30 #seconds
    x =, period) / period * (wave_form_step_size-1)))

    voltage = triangle_wave[x] * peak_v
    return voltage
Esempio n. 30
    def __generate_peak__(self, multipath=False, delta_dopp=0, delta_tau=0, delta_phase=0, alpha_att=1, ref_features=False):
        x = np.linspace(self.dopp[0], self.dopp[1], self.discr_size_fd)
        y = np.linspace(self.tau[0], self.tau[1], self.scale_code)
        # Create empty matrix for peaks
        matrix_i = np.zeros((self.discr_size_fd, self.scale_code))
        matrix_q = np.zeros((self.discr_size_fd, self.scale_code))
        matrix_tr_i = np.zeros((self.discr_size_fd, self.scale_code // 2))
        matrix_tr_q = np.zeros((self.discr_size_fd, self.scale_code // 2))
        # Convert tau/ doppler deviation into pixel scale
        xk = int(x.mean() + delta_dopp / (x.max() - x.min()) * self.discr_size_fd)
        yk = int(y.mean() + delta_tau / (y.max() - y.min()) * self.scale_code)
        # adjust xk
        if xk <= - matrix_i.shape[0] // 2:
            xk = matrix_i.shape[0] - abs(xk)
        if xk >= matrix_i.shape[0] // 2:
            xk = -(matrix_i.shape[0] - abs(xk))
        # Generate triangle function
        func1 = self.sign_amp * signal.triang(self.scale_code // 2)
        # Generate sinc*sin / sinc*cos functions for I, Q channels 
        sin_cos_array = self.__sin_cos_matrix__(multipath=multipath, delta_dopp=delta_dopp, delta_phase=delta_phase, xk=xk, yk=yk)
        func2i = self.sign_amp * np.sinc(x * self.Tint * SINC_WIDTH_COEF) * sin_cos_array[0]
        func2q = self.sign_amp * np.sinc(x * self.Tint * SINC_WIDTH_COEF) * sin_cos_array[1]
        # Only 1 principal peak
        for i, (pointi, pointq) in enumerate(zip(func2i, func2q)):
            matrix_tr_i[i] = alpha_att * func1 * pointi
            matrix_tr_q[i] = alpha_att * func1 * pointq

        # sum matrix_tr and matrix of background according interval offset
        matrix_i[:, 5:(self.scale_code // 2 + 5)] = matrix_tr_i
        matrix_q[:, 5:(self.scale_code // 2 + 5)] = matrix_tr_q
        # Apply offset on dopp (xk) and code to mutlipath peak
        if multipath:
            if xk >= 0:
                matrix_i = matrix_i[:matrix_i.shape[0]-xk, :matrix_i.shape[1]-yk]
                matrix_q = matrix_q[:matrix_q.shape[0]-xk, :matrix_q.shape[1]-yk]
                matrix_i = matrix_i[abs(xk):, :matrix_i.shape[1]-yk]
                matrix_q = matrix_q[abs(xk):, :matrix_q.shape[1]-yk]
        I = matrix_i 
        Q = matrix_q
        I = I[...,None]
        Q = Q[...,None]

        matrix = np.concatenate((I, Q), axis=2)
        return matrix, xk, yk
Esempio n. 31
def sine_model_synthesis(t_freq, t_mag, t_phase, n, h, fs):
    Synthesis of a sound using the sinusoidal model                         
    t_freq, t_mag, t_phase: frequencies, magnitudes and phases of sinusoids 
    n: synthesis FFT size
    h: hop size
    fs: sampling rate                   

    returns y: output array sound                                           
    h_n = n / 2  # half of FFT for synth
    L = t_freq.shape[0]  # no. frames
    p_out = 0  # init ouputput sound pointer
    y_size = h * (L + 3)  # output size
    y = np.zeros(y_size)  # init output array
    sw = np.zeros(n)  # init synth window
    tw = triang(2 * h)  # triangular window
    sw[h_n - h:h_n + h] = tw  # add triang window
    bh = blackmanharris(n)  # blackman-harris window

    # normalize windows
    bh = bh / sum(bh)
    sw[h_n - h:h_n + h] = sw[h_n - h:h_n + h] / bh[h_n - h:h_n + h]

    last_y_t_freq = t_freq[0, :]  # init synth freqs...
    y_t_phase = 2 * np.pi * np.random.rand(t_freq[0, :].size)  # ...and phases

    # For all frames
    for l in range(L):
        # if no phases, then generate
        if (t_phase.size > 0):
            y_t_phase = t_phase[l, :]
            y_t_phase += (np.pi * (last_y_t_freq + t_freq[l, :]) / fs) * h

        # generate sines in spectrum
        Y = uf.genSpecSines(t_freq[l, :], t_mag[l, :], y_t_phase, n, fs)
        # save freq for phase propagation
        last_y_freq = t_freq[l, :]
        # bound freq inside 2pi
        y_t_phase = y_t_phase % (2 * np.pi)
        # Inverse FFT
        yw = np.real(fftshift(ifft(Y)))

        # Overlap-add and apply synth window
        y[p_out:p_out + n] += sw * yw
        p_out += h

    # delete half of first window...
    y = np.delete(y, range(h_n))
    # ...and half of last window
    y = np.delete(y, range(y.size - h_n, y.size))

    return y
Esempio n. 32
def create_synth_window(N, H):
    hN = N / 2
    sw = np.zeros(N)  # initialize synthesis window
    ow = triang(2 * H)  # triangular window
    sw[hN - H:hN + H] = ow  # add triangular window
    bh = blackmanharris(N)  # blackman-harris window
    bh = bh / sum(bh)  # normalized window
    sw[hN - H:hN +
       H] = sw[hN - H:hN + H] / bh[hN - H:hN +
                                   H]  # normalized synthesis window
    return sw
Esempio n. 33
def hpsModelSynth(hfreq, hmag, hphase, mYst, N, H, fs):
	# Synthesis of a sound using the harmonic plus stochastic model
	# hfreq: harmonic frequencies, hmag:harmonic amplitudes, mYst: stochastic envelope
	# Ns: synthesis FFT size, H: hop size, fs: sampling rate 
	# y: output sound, yh: harmonic component, yst: stochastic component
	hN = N/2                                                  # half of FFT size for synthesis
	L = hfreq[:,0].size                                       # number of frames
	nH = hfreq[0,:].size                                      # number of harmonics
	pout = 0                                                  # initialize output sound pointer         
	ysize = H*(L+4)                                           # output sound size
	yhw = np.zeros(N)                                        # initialize output sound frame
	ysw = np.zeros(N)                                        # initialize output sound frame
	yh = np.zeros(ysize)                                      # initialize output array
	yst = np.zeros(ysize)                                     # initialize output array
	sw = np.zeros(N)     
	ow = triang(2*H)                                          # overlapping window
	sw[hN-H:hN+H] = ow      
	bh = blackmanharris(N)                                   # synthesis window
	bh = bh / sum(bh)                                         # normalize synthesis window
	wr = bh                                                   # window for residual
	sw[hN-H:hN+H] = sw[hN-H:hN+H] / bh[hN-H:hN+H]             # synthesis window for harmonic component
	sws = H*hanning(N)/2                                      # synthesis window for stochastic component
	lastyhfreq = hfreq[0,:]                                   # initialize synthesis harmonic frequencies
	yhphase = 2*np.pi*np.random.rand(nH)                      # initialize synthesis harmonic phases     
	for l in range(L):
		yhfreq = hfreq[l,:]                                     # synthesis harmonics frequencies
		yhmag = hmag[l,:]                                       # synthesis harmonic amplitudes
		mYrenv = mYst[l,:]                                      # synthesis residual envelope
		if (hphase.size > 0):
			yhphase = hphase[l,:] 
			yhphase += (np.pi*(lastyhfreq+yhfreq)/fs)*H             # propagate phases
		lastyhfreq = yhfreq
		Yh = UF.genSpecSines(yhfreq, yhmag, yhphase, N, fs)     # generate spec sines 
		mYs = resample(mYrenv, hN)                              # interpolate to original size
		mYs = 10**(mYs/20)                                      # dB to linear magnitude  
		pYs = 2*np.pi*np.random.rand(hN)                        # generate phase random values
		Ys = np.zeros(N, dtype = complex)
		Ys[:hN] = mYs * np.exp(1j*pYs)                         # generate positive freq.
		Ys[hN+1:] = mYs[:0:-1] * np.exp(-1j*pYs[:0:-1])        # generate negative freq.
		fftbuffer = np.zeros(N)
		fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Yh))                           # inverse FFT of harm spectrum
		yhw[:hN-1] = fftbuffer[hN+1:]                         # undo zer-phase window
		yhw[hN-1:] = fftbuffer[:hN+1] 
		fftbuffer = np.zeros(N)
		fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Ys))                           # inverse FFT of stochastic approximation spectrum
		ysw[:hN-1] = fftbuffer[hN+1:]                           # undo zero-phase window
		ysw[hN-1:] = fftbuffer[:hN+1]
		yh[pout:pout+N] += sw*yhw                               # overlap-add for sines
		yst[pout:pout+N] += sws*ysw                             # overlap-add for stoch
		pout += H                                               # advance sound pointer
	y = yh+yst                                                # sum harmonic and stochastic components
	return y, yh, yst
Esempio n. 34
def create_triangle_trace(sampling_rate=40.0, duration=5.0, **header_kwargs):
    header = {
        'sampling_rate': sampling_rate,
        'starttime': UTCDateTime(0),
        'channel': 'Z',
        'station': 'test'
    header = {**header, **header_kwargs}
    x = np.linspace(0, duration, num=int(duration * sampling_rate))
    data = signal.triang(int(duration * sampling_rate))
    trace = Trace(data=data, header=header)
    trace.stats.data_type = 'test'
    return Stream(traces=[trace])
def find_node_centers(similarity_profile, peak_thr=1, filter_w=13):

    node_centers = dict()

    triang_w = triang(filter_w) / (filter_w/2)

    for name, vec in similarity_profile.items():

        filtered_vec = convolve(vec, triang_w, mode='same' )
        peaks = find_peaks(filtered_vec, height=peak_thr)
        node_centers[name] = peaks[0]

    return node_centers
Esempio n. 36
def triang_template():
    # a = np.arange(0,50,2, dtype=int)
    # b = np.arange(48,-1,-2, dtype=int)
    # c = np.zeros(20, dtype=int)
    a = signal.triang(21)
    c = np.zeros(10)
    d = np.concatenate([a, c])
    d2 = d[::-1]  #flip
    d2 = -d2
    e = np.concatenate([d, d2])
    # e2 = e[::-1]
    # e = np.concatenate([a, b])
    return sum(d), e
Esempio n. 37
def convolve(specratio, tr, stf='triangular', filterlim=None, trim=None):
    from scipy.signal import triang, convolve
    edata = specratio.egftr
    pick_small = edata.stats.starttime + 2.
    ts1 = edata.copy()
    if trim:
        ts1.trim(starttime=pick_small + trim[0], endtime=pick_small + trim[1])
    if filterlim:
        ts1.filter(type='bandpass', freqmin=filterlim[0], freqmax=filterlim[1])
    if stf == 'triangular':
        n = tr * edata.stats.sampling_rate
        tstf = triang(round(n))
    return convolve(ts1, tstf)
def FILTERDesign(Filter, fc1, fc2, window,T):
    x,n = sinc(fc1,T)
    win = np.ones(len(n))
    if(window == "hamming"):
        win = sig.hamming(len(n))
    if(window == "hanning"):
        win = sig.hanning(len(n))
    if(window == "blackman"):
        win = sig.blackman(len(n))
    if(window == "triangular"):
        win = sig.triang(len(n))
    if(Filter == "LPF"):
        # Low pass filter
        x,n = sinc(fc1,T)
        X,w = fft(x*win,n)
        return X/max(X),w
    if(Filter == "HPF"):
        # High Pass Filter
        x,n = sinc(np.pi-fc1,T)
        X,w = fft(x*win,n)
        X = X/max(X)
        return np.flip(X),w
    if(Filter == "BPF"):
        # Band Pass filter
        f1 = fc1
        f2 = fc2
            x1,n1 = sinc(np.pi-f1,T)
            x2,n2 = sinc(f2,T)
            X1,w = fft(x1*win,n1)
            X2,w = fft(x2*win,n2)
            X1 = X1/max(X1)
            X2 = X2/max(X2)
            return (np.flip(X1)*X2)/max(np.flip(X1)*X2),w
    if(Filter == "BRF"):
        # Band Pass filter
        f1 = fc1
        f2 = fc2
            x1,n1 = sinc(f1,T)
            x2,n2 = sinc(np.pi-f2,T)
            X1,w = fft(x1*win,n1)
            X2,w = fft(x2*win,n2)
            X1 = X1/max(X1)
            X2 = X2/max(X2)
            return (np.flip(X2)+(X1))/max(np.flip(X2)+X1),w
Esempio n. 39
def sineModelMultiRes(x, fs, wList, NList, t, BList):
	Analysis/synthesis of a sound using the sinusoidal model, without sine tracking
	x: input array sound, w: analysis window, N: size of complex spectrum, t: threshold in negative dB 
	returns y: output array sound

	#-----synthesis params init-----             
	Ns = 512                                                # FFT size for synthesis (even)
	H = Ns/4                                                # Hop size used for analysis and synthesis
	hNs = Ns/2                                              # half of synthesis FFT size
	yw = np.zeros(Ns)                                       # initialize output sound frame
	y = np.zeros(x.size)                                    # initialize output array
	sw = np.zeros(Ns)                                       # initialize synthesis window
	ow = triang(2*H)                                        # triangular window
	sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = ow                                    # add triangular window
	bh = blackmanharris(Ns)                                 # blackmanharris window
	bh = bh / sum(bh)                                       # normalized blackmanharris window
	sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] / bh[hNs-H:hNs+H]     # normalized synthesis window
	for i in range(3):
	#-----analysis params init-----             
		w = wList[i]
		N = NList[i]
		Bmin = BList[i][0]
		Bmax = BList[i][1]
		hM1 = int(math.floor((w.size+1)/2))                     # half analysis window size by rounding
		hM2 = int(math.floor(w.size/2))                         # half analysis window size by floor
		pin = max(hNs, hM1)                                     # init sound pointer in middle of anal window       
		pend = x.size - max(hNs, hM1)                           # last sample to start a frame
		fftbuffer = np.zeros(N)                                 # initialize buffer for FFT	
		w = w / sum(w)                                          # normalize analysis window
		while pin<pend:                                         # while input sound pointer is within sound 
			x1 = x[pin-hM1:pin+hM2]                               # select frame
			mX, pX = DFT.dftAnal(x1, w, N)                        # compute dft
			ploc = UF.peakDetection(mX, t)                        # detect locations of peaks
			iploc, ipmag, ipphase = UF.peakInterp(mX, pX, ploc)   # refine peak values by interpolation
			ipfreq = fs*iploc/float(N)                            # convert peak locations to Hertz
			ipmag = ipmag[np.logical_and(ipfreq>=Bmin, ipfreq<Bmax)]
			ipphase = ipphase[np.logical_and(ipfreq>=Bmin, ipfreq<Bmax)]
			ipfreq = ipfreq[np.logical_and(ipfreq>=Bmin, ipfreq<Bmax)]
			Y = UF.genSpecSines(ipfreq, ipmag, ipphase, Ns, fs)   # generate sines in the spectrum         
			fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Y))                          # compute inverse FFT
			yw[:hNs-1] = fftbuffer[hNs+1:]                        # undo zero-phase window
			yw[hNs-1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs+1] 
			y[pin-hNs:pin+hNs] += sw*yw                           # overlap-add and apply a synthesis window
			pin += H                                              # advance sound pointer

	return y
Esempio n. 40
def sineModel(x, fs, w, N, t):
  # Analysis/synthesis of a sound using the sinusoidal model
  # x: input array sound, w: analysis window, N: size of complex spectrum,
  # t: threshold in negative dB 
  # returns y: output array sound

  hN = N/2                                                # size of positive spectrum
  hM1 = int(math.floor((w.size+1)/2))                     # half analysis window size by rounding
  hM2 = int(math.floor(w.size/2))                         # half analysis window size by floor
  Ns = 512                                                # FFT size for synthesis (even)
  H = Ns/4                                                # Hop size used for analysis and synthesis
  hNs = Ns/2                                              # half of synthesis FFT size
  pin = max(hNs, hM1)                                     # initialize sound pointer in middle of analysis window       
  pend = x.size - max(hNs, hM1)                           # last sample to start a frame
  fftbuffer = np.zeros(N)                                 # initialize buffer for FFT
  yw = np.zeros(Ns)                                       # initialize output sound frame
  y = np.zeros(x.size)                                    # initialize output array
  w = w / sum(w)                                          # normalize analysis window
  sw = np.zeros(Ns)                                       # initialize synthesis window
  ow = triang(2*H);                                       # triangular window
  sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = ow                                    # add triangular window
  bh = blackmanharris(Ns)                                 # blackmanharris window
  bh = bh / sum(bh)                                       # normalized blackmanharris window
  sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] / bh[hNs-H:hNs+H]     # normalized synthesis window

  while pin<pend:                                         # while input sound pointer is within sound 
    xw = x[pin-hM1:pin+hM2] * w                           # window the input sound
    fftbuffer = np.zeros(N)                               # reset buffer
    fftbuffer[:hM1] = xw[hM2:]                            # zero-phase window in fftbuffer
    fftbuffer[N-hM2:] = xw[:hM2]        
    X = fft(fftbuffer)                                    # compute FFT
    mX = 20 * np.log10( abs(X[:hN]) )                     # magnitude spectrum of positive frequencies
    ploc = PP.peakDetection(mX, hN, t)                    # detect locations of peaks
    pmag = mX[ploc]                                       # get the magnitude of the peaks
    pX = np.unwrap( np.angle(X[:hN]) )                    # unwrapped phase spect. of positive freq.
    iploc, ipmag, ipphase = PP.peakInterp(mX, pX, ploc)   # refine peak values by interpolation
    plocs = iploc*Ns/N;                                   # adapt peak locations to size of synthesis FFT
    Y = GS.genSpecSines(plocs, ipmag, ipphase, Ns)        # generate sines in the spectrum         
    fftbuffer = np.real( ifft(Y) )                        # compute inverse FFT
    yw[:hNs-1] = fftbuffer[hNs+1:]                        # undo zero-phase window
    yw[hNs-1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs+1] 
    y[pin-hNs:pin+hNs] += sw*yw                           # overlap-add and apply a synthesis window
    pin += H                                              # advance sound pointer
  return y
Esempio n. 41
def sineModelMultiRes(x, fs, w, N, t, B):
	Analysis/synthesis of a sound using the sinusoidal model, without sine tracking
	x: input array sound, w: array of analysis windows, N: array of sizes of complex spectrum,
	t: threshold in negative dB, B: array of frequency bands
	returns y: output array sound

    hM1 = [int(math.floor((_w.size + 1) / 2)) for _w in w]  # half analysis window(s) size by rounding
    hM2 = [int(math.floor(_w.size / 2)) for _w in w]  # half analysis window(s) size by floor
    Ns = 512  # FFT size for synthesis (even)
    H = Ns / 4  # Hop size used for analysis and synthesis
    hNs = Ns / 2  # half of synthesis FFT size
    pin = max(hNs, max(hM1))  # init sound pointer in middle of anal window
    pend = x.size - max(hNs, max(hM1))  # last sample to start a frame
    fftbuffer = np.array([])  # initialize buffer for FFT
    yw = np.zeros(Ns)  # initialize output sound frame
    y = np.zeros(x.size)  # initialize output array
    w = [_w / sum(_w) for _w in w]  # normalize analysis window(s)
    sw = np.zeros(Ns)  # initialize synthesis window
    ow = triang(2 * H)  # triangular window
    sw[hNs - H : hNs + H] = ow  # add triangular window
    bh = blackmanharris(Ns)  # blackmanharris window
    bh = bh / sum(bh)  # normalized blackmanharris window
    sw[hNs - H : hNs + H] = sw[hNs - H : hNs + H] / bh[hNs - H : hNs + H]  # normalized synthesis window
    while pin < pend:  # while input sound pointer is within sound
        # -----analysis-----
        ipmag = ipphase = ipfreq = np.array([])  # initialize the synthesis arrays
        for i in range(0, len(w)):  # for each window, use some loop variables ('_' prefix)
            _hM1, _hM2, _w, _N, _B = (hM1[i], hM2[i], w[i], N[i], B[i])
            x1 = x[pin - _hM1 : pin + _hM2]  # select frame
            mX, pX = DFT.dftAnal(x1, _w, _N)  # compute dft
            ploc = UF.peakDetection(mX, t)  # detect locations of peaks
            iploc, _ipmag, _ipphase = UF.peakInterp(mX, pX, ploc)  # refine peak values by interpolation
            _ipfreq = fs * iploc / float(_N)  # convert peak locations to Hertz
            lo, hi = (_B[0], _B[1])  # low/high from band tuples [..(lo, hi)..]
            mask = (_ipfreq >= lo) * (_ipfreq < hi)  # mask for in-band components
            ipmag = np.append(ipmag, _ipmag * mask)  # mask and append components
            ipphase = np.append(ipphase, _ipphase * mask)
            ipfreq = np.append(ipfreq, _ipfreq * mask)
            # -----synthesis-----
        Y = UF.genSpecSines(ipfreq, ipmag, ipphase, Ns, fs)  # generate sines in the spectrum
        fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Y))  # compute inverse FFT
        yw[: hNs - 1] = fftbuffer[hNs + 1 :]  # undo zero-phase window
        yw[hNs - 1 :] = fftbuffer[: hNs + 1]
        y[pin - hNs : pin + hNs] += sw * yw  # overlap-add and apply a synthesis window
        pin += H  # advance sound pointer
    return y
Esempio n. 42
def ConvSilence( inXArray, inYArray, samplingRate ):		

	if inXArray.size != inYArray.size:
		print "Error in ConvSilence: Dimensions must agree"
		return [ None, None, None, None ]

	#convWin = numpy.ones( WINDOW_WIDTH * samplingRate )
	convWin = signal.triang( WINDOW_WIDTH * samplingRate )
	starProduct = numpy.convolve( abs(inYArray), convWin, 'same' )
	starProduct = starProduct / max(starProduct)

	silenceList = starProduct < NORM_CONV_THRESH

	threshold = SIL_THRESH * samplingRate
	silence = True
	silList = []
	for i in range(silenceList.size):
		risingEdge = silence and not silenceList[i]
		fallingEdge = not silence and silenceList[i]
		if (risingEdge or fallingEdge):
			silence = not silence
			if ( len(silList) > 0 and i - silList[-1] < threshold ):

	toRetX = numpy.split(inXArray,silList)
	toRetY = numpy.split(inYArray,silList)

	#now we split between evens and odds
	#because we have silence=True to start,
	#the evens are silent, and the odds are not

	silentX = toRetX[::2]
	silentY = toRetY[::2]

	speakX = toRetX[1::2]
	speakY = toRetY[1::2]

	#print "reading "+str(i+1)+" has "+str(len(silList)/2)+" pauses"

	return [ silentX, silentY, speakX, speakY ]
Esempio n. 43
def gain_norm(stream, N):
    stream2 = copy.deepcopy(stream)
    for trace in arange(len(stream2)):
        data = stream2[trace].data
        dt = 1./(stream2[trace].stats.sampling_rate)
        L = floor((N/dt+1./2.))
        h = triang(2.*L+1.)
        e = data**2.
        rms = (convolve(e,h,'same')**0.5)
        epsilon = 1.e-12*amax(rms)
        op = rms/(rms**2+epsilon)
        dout = data*op
        stream2[trace].data = dout
    return stream2
Esempio n. 44
    def gen_window(window_type, window_size, sym=True):
        Generates a window function of given size and type
        Returns a 1D numpy array

        sym: Used in the triangle window generation. When True (default),
        generates a symmetric window, for use in filter design. When False,
        generates a periodic window, for use in spectral analysis

        Available window types:

        - hanning

        - hamming

        - bartlett

        - blackman

        - kaiser

        - triangle
        if window_type is "hanning":
            return np.hanning(window_size)
        elif window_type is "hamming":
            return np.hamming(window_size)
        elif window_type is "bartlett":
            return np.bartlett(window_size)
        elif window_type is "blackman":
            return np.blackman(window_size)
        elif window_type is "kaiser":
            return np.kaiser(window_size)
        elif window_type is "triangle":
            return signal.triang(window_size, sym=sym)
            raise ValueError("'{0}' is not a valid window"
                             " type".format(window_type))
Esempio n. 45
File: Progetto: zangsir/pymir
def cqtfft(X, fs=44100, lo=12, hi=None):
    q, p = cqtfft(X, fs)

    Returns the complex constant-Q transform vector of fft vector X
    with sampling rate FS. Like chroma, but unwrapped.
    Here, Q = 16.817.
    if X.ndim==2:
        X = X[:,0].squeeze()
    if hi is None:
        hi = int(hz2midi(fs/2))
    p = scipy.arange(lo, hi)
    q = scipy.zeros(hi-lo)
    for i,midi in enumerate(p):
        center = X.size*midi2hz(midi)/fs
        width = int(center/16.817)
        center = int(center)
        w = ss.triang(2*width+1)
        q[i] = scipy.inner(w, X[center-width:center+width+1])

    return q, p
Esempio n. 46
def harmonicModel(x, fs, w, N, t, nH, minf0, maxf0, f0et, maxhd, maxnpeaksTwm=10):
  # Analysis/synthesis of a sound using the sinusoidal harmonic model
  # x: input sound, fs: sampling rate, w: analysis window, 
  # N: FFT size (minimum 512), t: threshold in negative dB, 
  # nH: maximum number of harmonics, minf0: minimum f0 frequency in Hz, 
  # maxf0: maximim f0 frequency in Hz, 
  # f0et: error threshold in the f0 detection (ex: 5),
  # maxhd: max. relative deviation in harmonic detection (ex: .2)
  # maxnpeaksTwm: maximum number of peaks used for F0 detection
  # yh: harmonic component, yr: residual component
  # returns y: output array sound

  hN = N/2                                                      # size of positive spectrum
  hM1 = int(math.floor((w.size+1)/2))                           # half analysis window size by rounding
  hM2 = int(math.floor(w.size/2))                               # half analysis window size by floor
  Ns = 512                                                      # FFT size for synthesis (even)
  H = Ns/4                                                      # Hop size used for analysis and synthesis
  hNs = Ns/2      
  pin = max(hNs, hM1)                                           # initialize sound pointer in middle of analysis window          
  pend = x.size - max(hNs, hM1)                                 # last sample to start a frame
  fftbuffer = np.zeros(N)                                       # initialize buffer for FFT
  yh = np.zeros(Ns)                                             # initialize output sound frame
  y = np.zeros(x.size)                                          # initialize output array
  w = w / sum(w)                                                # normalize analysis window
  sw = np.zeros(Ns)                                             # initialize synthesis window
  ow = triang(2*H)                                              # overlapping window
  sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = ow      
  bh = blackmanharris(Ns)                                       # synthesis window
  bh = bh / sum(bh)                                             # normalize synthesis window
  sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] / bh[hNs-H:hNs+H]
  while pin<pend:             
    xw = x[pin-hM1:pin+hM2] * w                                  # window the input sound
    fftbuffer = np.zeros(N)                                      # reset buffer
    fftbuffer[:hM1] = xw[hM2:]                                   # zero-phase window in fftbuffer
    fftbuffer[N-hM2:] = xw[:hM2]                           
    X = fft(fftbuffer)                                           # compute FFT
    mX = 20 * np.log10( abs(X[:hN]) )                            # magnitude spectrum of positive frequencies
    ploc = PP.peakDetection(mX, hN, t)                           # detect peak locations
    pX = np.unwrap( np.angle(X[:hN]) )                           # unwrapped phase spect. of positive freq.     
    iploc, ipmag, ipphase = PP.peakInterp(mX, pX, ploc)          # refine peak values
    f0 = fd.f0DetectionTwm(iploc, ipmag, N, fs, f0et, minf0, maxf0, maxnpeaksTwm)  # find f0
    hloc = np.zeros(nH)                                          # initialize harmonic locations
    hmag = np.zeros(nH)-100                                      # initialize harmonic magnitudes
    hphase = np.zeros(nH)                                        # initialize harmonic phases
    hf = (f0>0)*(f0*np.arange(1, nH+1))                          # initialize harmonic frequencies
    hi = 0                                                       # initialize harmonic index
    npeaks = ploc.size                                           # number of peaks found
    while f0>0 and hi<nH and hf[hi]<fs/2 :                       # find harmonic peaks
      dev = min(abs(iploc/N*fs - hf[hi]))
      pei = np.argmin(abs(iploc/N*fs - hf[hi]))                  # closest peak
      if ( hi==0 or not any(hloc[:hi]==iploc[pei]) ) and dev<maxhd*hf[hi] :
        hloc[hi] = iploc[pei]                                    # harmonic locations
        hmag[hi] = ipmag[pei]                                    # harmonic magnitudes
        hphase[hi] = ipphase[pei]                                # harmonic phases
      hi += 1                                                    # increase harmonic index
    hloc = (hloc!=0) * (hloc*Ns/N)                               # synth. locs
    Yh = GS.genSpecSines(hloc, hmag, hphase, Ns)                 # generate spec sines          
    fftbuffer = np.real( ifft(Yh) )                              # inverse FFT
    yh[:hNs-1] = fftbuffer[hNs+1:]                               # undo zero-phase window
    yh[hNs-1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs+1] 
    y[pin-hNs:pin+hNs] += sw*yh                                  # overlap-add
    pin += H                                                     # advance sound pointer
  return y
Esempio n. 47
    def filter_csd(self, csd, filterfunction='convolve'):
        Spatial filtering of the CSD estimate, using an N-point filter

        csd : np.ndarrray * quantity.Quantity
            Array with the csd estimate
        filterfunction : str
            'filtfilt' or 'convolve'. Apply spatial filter using
            scipy.signal.filtfilt or scipy.signal.convolve.
        if self.f_type == 'gaussian':
                assert(len(self.f_order) == 2)
            except AssertionError as ae:
                raise ae('filter order f_order must be a tuple of length 2')
                assert(self.f_order > 0 and isinstance(self.f_order, int))
            except AssertionError as ae:
                raise ae('Filter order must be int > 0!')
            assert(filterfunction in ['filtfilt', 'convolve'])
        except AssertionError as ae:
            raise ae("{} not equal to 'filtfilt' or \

        if self.f_type == 'boxcar':
            num = ss.boxcar(self.f_order)
            denom = np.array([num.sum()])
        elif self.f_type == 'hamming':
            num = ss.hamming(self.f_order)
            denom = np.array([num.sum()])
        elif self.f_type == 'triangular':
            num = ss.triang(self.f_order)
            denom = np.array([num.sum()])
        elif self.f_type == 'gaussian':
            num = ss.gaussian(self.f_order[0], self.f_order[1])
            denom = np.array([num.sum()])
        elif self.f_type == 'identity':
            num = np.array([1.])
            denom = np.array([1.])
            print('%s Wrong filter type!' % self.f_type)

        num_string = '[ '
        for i in num:
            num_string = num_string + '%.3f ' % i
        num_string = num_string + ']'
        denom_string = '[ '
        for i in denom:
            denom_string = denom_string + '%.3f ' % i
        denom_string = denom_string + ']'

        print(('discrete filter coefficients: \nb = {}, \
               \na = {}'.format(num_string, denom_string)))

        if filterfunction == 'filtfilt':
            return ss.filtfilt(num, denom, csd, axis=0) * csd.units
        elif filterfunction == 'convolve':
            csdf = csd / csd.units
            for i in range(csdf.shape[1]):
                csdf[:, i] = ss.convolve(csdf[:, i], num / denom.sum(), 'same')
            return csdf * csd.units
Esempio n. 48
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import hamming, triang, blackmanharris

triangle = np.zeros (70)
triangle[1:32] = triang (31)
rectangle = np.zeros (70)
rectangle[1:32] = np.ones (31)
output = np.zeros (70)
output = np.convolve(triangle, rectangle)

plt.subplot(3, 1, 1)
plt.title ('triangle')
plt.subplot(3, 1, 2)
plt.title ('rectangle')
plt.subplot(3, 1, 3)
plt.title ('triangle * rectangle')
def hpsModelSpectrogramPlot(x, fs, w, N, t, nH, minf0, maxf0, f0et, maxhd, stocf, maxFreq): 
	hN = N/2                                                      # size of positive spectrum
	hM1 = int(math.floor((w.size+1)/2))                           # half analysis window size by rounding
	hM2 = int(math.floor(w.size/2))                               # half analysis window size by floor
	Ns = 512                                                      # FFT size for synthesis (even)
	H = Ns/4                                                      # Hop size used for analysis and synthesis
	hNs = Ns/2      
	pin = max(hNs, hM1)                                           # initialize sound pointer in middle of analysis window          
	pend = x.size - max(hNs, hM1)                                 # last sample to start a frame
	fftbuffer = np.zeros(N)                                       # initialize buffer for FFT
	yhw = np.zeros(Ns)                                            # initialize output sound frame
	yrw = np.zeros(Ns)                                            # initialize output sound frame
	yh = np.zeros(x.size)                                         # initialize output array
	yr = np.zeros(x.size)                                         # initialize output array
	w = w / sum(w)                                                # normalize analysis window
	sw = np.zeros(Ns)     
	ow = triang(2*H)                                              # overlapping window
	sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = ow      
	bh = blackmanharris(Ns)                                       # synthesis window
	bh = bh / sum(bh)                                             # normalize synthesis window
	wr = bh                                                       # window for residual
	sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] / bh[hNs-H:hNs+H]

	numFrames = int(math.floor(pend/float(H)))
	frmNum = 0
	frmTime = []
	lastBin = N*maxFreq/float(fs)
	binFreq = np.arange(lastBin)*float(fs)/N       # The bin frequencies
	while pin<pend:                                         # while sound pointer is smaller than last sample    
		xw = x[pin-hM1:pin+hM2] * w                                  # window the input sound
		fftbuffer = np.zeros(N)                                      # reset buffer
		fftbuffer[:hM1] = xw[hM2:]                                   # zero-phase window in fftbuffer
		fftbuffer[N-hM2:] = xw[:hM2]                           
		X = fft(fftbuffer)                                           # compute FFT
		mX = 20 * np.log10(abs(X[:hN]))                              # magnitude spectrum of positive frequencies
		ploc = PP.peakDetection(mX, hN, t)                
		pX = np.unwrap(np.angle(X[:hN]))                             # unwrapped phase spect. of positive freq.    
		iploc, ipmag, ipphase = PP.peakInterp(mX, pX, ploc)          # refine peak values
		f0 = fd.f0DetectionTwm(iploc, ipmag, N, fs, f0et, minf0, maxf0)  # find f0
		hloc = np.zeros(nH)                                          # initialize harmonic locations
		hmag = np.zeros(nH)-100                                      # initialize harmonic magnitudes
		hphase = np.zeros(nH)                                        # initialize harmonic phases
		hf = (f0>0)*(f0*np.arange(1, nH+1))                          # initialize harmonic frequencies
		hi = 0                                                       # initialize harmonic index
		npeaks = ploc.size;                                          # number of peaks found
		while f0>0 and hi<nH and hf[hi]<fs/2 :                       # find harmonic peaks
			dev = min(abs(iploc/N*fs - hf[hi]))
			pei = np.argmin(abs(iploc/N*fs - hf[hi]))                  # closest peak
			if ( hi==0 or not any(hloc[:hi]==iploc[pei]) ) and dev<maxhd*hf[hi] :
				hloc[hi] = iploc[pei]                                    # harmonic locations
				hmag[hi] = ipmag[pei]                                    # harmonic magnitudes
				hphase[hi] = ipphase[pei]                                # harmonic phases
			hi += 1                                                    # increase harmonic index
		if frmNum == 0:                                       # Accumulate and store STFT
			XSpec = np.transpose(np.array([mX[:lastBin]]))
			ind1 = np.where(hloc>0)[0]
			ind2 = np.where(hloc<=lastBin)[0]
			ind = list((set(ind1.tolist())&set(ind2.tolist())))
			final_peaks = hloc[ind]
			parray = np.zeros([final_peaks.size,2])
			specPeaks = parray
			XSpec = np.hstack((XSpec,np.transpose(np.array([mX[:lastBin]]))))
			ind1 = np.where(hloc>0)[0]
			ind2 = np.where(hloc<=lastBin)[0]
			ind = list((set(ind1.tolist())&set(ind2.tolist())))
			final_peaks = hloc[ind]
			parray = np.zeros([final_peaks.size,2])
			specPeaks = np.append(specPeaks, parray,axis=0)
		hloc[:hi] = (hloc[:hi]!=0) * (hloc[:hi]*Ns/N)                # synth. locs
		ri = pin-hNs-1                                               # input sound pointer for residual analysis
		xr = x[ri:ri+Ns]*wr                                          # window the input sound                                       
		fftbuffer = np.zeros(Ns)                                     # reset buffer
		fftbuffer[:hNs] = xr[hNs:]                                   # zero-phase window in fftbuffer
		fftbuffer[hNs:] = xr[:hNs]                           
		Xr = fft(fftbuffer)                                          # compute FFT for residual analysis
		Yh = GS.genSpecSines(hloc[:hi], hmag, hphase, Ns)            # generate spec sines of harmonic component          
		Yr = Xr-Yh;                                                  # get the residual complex spectrum
		mYr = 20 * np.log10(abs(Yr[:hNs]))
		mYrenv = resample(np.maximum(-200, mYr), mYr.size*stocf)     # decimate the magnitude spectrum and avoid -Inf
		mYs = resample(mYrenv, hNs)
		lastBinYr = Ns*maxFreq/float(fs)
		binFreqYr = np.arange(lastBinYr)*float(fs)/Ns       # The bin frequencies
		if frmNum == 0:                                        # Accumulate and store STFT
			YrSpec = np.transpose(np.array([mYr[:lastBinYr]]))
			YsSpec = np.transpose(np.array([mYs[:lastBinYr]]))
			YrSpec = np.hstack((YrSpec,np.transpose(np.array([mYr[:lastBinYr]]))))
			YsSpec = np.hstack((YsSpec,np.transpose(np.array([mYs[:lastBinYr]]))))
		pin += H
		frmNum += 1
	frmTime = np.array(frmTime)                               # The time at the centre of the frames
	plt.scatter(specPeaks[:,0]+(0.5*H/float(fs)), specPeaks[:,1], s=10, marker='x')
	plt.title('X spectrogram + peaks')

	plt.title('X residual spectrogram')

	plt.title('X residual stochastic approx. spectrogram')
	return YSpec
Esempio n. 50
def sineModelMultiRes_combined(x, fs, multi_w, multi_N, t, multi_B):
    Analysis/synthesis of a sound using the sinusoidal model, without sine tracking
    x: input array sound, w: analysis window, N: size of complex spectrum, t: threshold in negative dB
    returns y: output array sound

    # fallback for original code
    w = multi_w[0]
    N = multi_N[0]

    bands = range(len(multi_B))                                     # to iterate over bands

    hM1 = int(math.floor((w.size+1)/2))                     # half analysis window size by rounding
    hM2 = int(math.floor(w.size/2))                         # half analysis window size by floor
    multi_w_size = np.array([multi_w[i].size for i in bands])
    multi_hM1 = np.floor((multi_w_size + 1)/2.0).astype(int)                     # half analysis window size by rounding
    multi_hM2 = np.floor(multi_w_size / 2.0).astype(int)                         # half analysis window size by floor

    Ns = 512                                                # FFT size for synthesis (even)
    H = Ns/4                                                # Hop size used for analysis and synthesis
    hNs = Ns/2                                              # half of synthesis FFT size

    pin = max(hNs, hM1)                                     # init sound pointer in middle of anal window
    pend = x.size - max(hNs, hM1)                           # last sample to start a frame
    multi_pin = np.maximum(hNs, multi_hM1)                    # init sound pointer in middle of anal window
    multi_pend = x.size - multi_pin                           # last sample to start a frame

    fftbuffer = np.zeros(N)                                 # initialize buffer for FFT
    fftbuffer_combined = np.zeros(N)
    #multi_fftbuffer = [np.array(multi_N[i]) for i in bands]

    yw = np.zeros(Ns)                                       # initialize output sound frame
    y = np.zeros(x.size)                                    # initialize output array

    yw_combined = np.zeros(Ns)                                       # initialize output sound frame
    y_combined = np.zeros(x.size)                                    # initialize output array

    w = w / sum(w)                                          # normalize analysis window
    multi_w = [multi_w[i] / sum(multi_w[i]) for i in bands]                                          # normalize analysis window

    sw = np.zeros(Ns)                                       # initialize synthesis window
    ow = triang(2*H)                                        # triangular window
    sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = ow                                    # add triangular window
    bh = blackmanharris(Ns)                                 # blackmanharris window
    bh = bh / sum(bh)                                       # normalized blackmanharris window
    sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] / bh[hNs-H:hNs+H]     # normalized synthesis window

    while pin<pend and (multi_pin<multi_pend).all():                                         # while input sound pointer is within sound

        x1 = x[pin-hM1:pin+hM2]                               # select frame
        multi_x1 = [x[(multi_pin[i] - multi_hM1[i]) : (multi_pin[i] + multi_hM2[i])] for i in bands]                               # select frame

        mX, pX = DFT.dftAnal(x1, w, N)                        # compute dft
        multi_mX = []
        multi_pX = []
        for i in bands:
            mXi, pXi = DFT.dftAnal(multi_x1[i], multi_w[i], multi_N[i])

        # we could apply the filters for the bands here already ...

        ploc = UF.peakDetection(mX, t)                        # detect locations of peaks
        #pmag = mX[ploc]                                       # get the magnitude of the peaks
        multi_ploc = []
        #multi_pmag = []
        for i in bands:
            ploci = UF.peakDetection(multi_mX[i], t)                        # detect locations of peaks
            #pmagi = multi_mX[i][ploci]                                       # get the magnitude of the peaks

        iploc, ipmag, ipphase = UF.peakInterp(mX, pX, ploc)   # refine peak values by interpolation
        ipfreq = fs*iploc/float(N)                            # convert peak locations to Hertz
        #multi_iploc = []
        multi_ipmag = []
        multi_ipphase = []
        multi_ipfreq = []
        for i in bands:
            iploci, ipmagi, ipphasei = UF.peakInterp(multi_mX[i], multi_pX[i], multi_ploc[i])   # refine peak values by interpolation
            ipfreqi = fs*iploci/float(multi_N[i])                            # convert peak locations to Hertz

        # ... but we shall decide here!

        print "--------------------------------------"
        print ipfreq
        print ipmag
        print ipphase

        ipfreq_combined = []
        ipmag_combined = []
        ipphase_combined = []
        for i in bands:
            for p in range(len(multi_ipfreq[i])):
                f = multi_ipfreq[i][p]
                if (i == 0 or f >= multi_B[i-1]) and f < multi_B[i]:

        #ipfreq = np.array(ipfreq_combined)
        #ipmag = np.array(ipmag_combined)
        #ipphase = np.array(ipphase_combined)

        # count first for array allocation
        num_ip = 0
        for i in bands:
            for p in range(len(multi_ipfreq[i])):
                f = multi_ipfreq[i][p]
                if (i == 0 or f >= multi_B[i-1]) and f < multi_B[i]:
                    num_ip += 1

        ipfreq_combined = np.zeros(num_ip)
        ipmag_combined = np.zeros(num_ip)
        ipphase_combined = np.zeros(num_ip)
        ip = 0
        for i in bands:
            for p in range(len(multi_ipfreq[i])):
                f = multi_ipfreq[i][p]
                if (i == 0 or f >= multi_B[i-1]) and f < multi_B[i]:
                    ipfreq_combined[ip] = f
                    ipmag_combined[ip] = multi_ipmag[i][p]
                    ipphase_combined[ip] = multi_ipphase[i][p]
                    ip += 1

        print "--------------------------------------"
        print ipfreq_combined
        print ipmag_combined
        print ipphase_combined

        Y = UF.genSpecSines(ipfreq, ipmag, ipphase, Ns, fs)   # generate sines in the spectrum
        fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Y))                          # compute inverse FFT
        yw[:hNs-1] = fftbuffer[hNs+1:]                        # undo zero-phase window
        yw[hNs-1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs+1]
        y[pin-hNs:pin+hNs] += sw*yw                           # overlap-add and apply a synthesis window
        #print y[pin-hNs:pin+hNs]
        pin += H                                              # advance sound pointer

        Y_combined = UF.genSpecSines(ipfreq_combined, ipmag_combined, ipphase_combined, Ns, fs)   # generate sines in the spectrum
        fftbuffer_combined = np.real(ifft(Y_combined))                          # compute inverse FFT
        yw_combined[:hNs-1] = fftbuffer_combined[hNs+1:]                        # undo zero-phase window
        yw_combined[hNs-1:] = fftbuffer_combined[:hNs+1]
        y_combined[pin-hNs:pin+hNs] += sw*yw_combined                           # overlap-add and apply a synthesis window
        #print y_combined[pin-hNs:pin+hNs]
        multi_pin += H


    return y, y_combined
Esempio n. 51
def hpsModel(x, fs, w, N, t, nH, minf0, maxf0, f0et, stocf):
	Analysis/synthesis of a sound using the harmonic plus stochastic model, one frame at a time, no harmonic tracking
	x: input sound; fs: sampling rate, w: analysis window; N: FFT size (minimum 512), t: threshold in negative dB, 
	nH: maximum number of harmonics, minf0: minimum f0 frequency in Hz; maxf0: maximim f0 frequency in Hz, 
	f0et: error threshold in the f0 detection (ex: 5); stocf: decimation factor of mag spectrum for stochastic analysis
	returns y: output sound, yh: harmonic component, yst: stochastic component

	hN = N/2                                               # size of positive spectrum
	hM1 = int(math.floor((w.size+1)/2))                    # half analysis window size by rounding
	hM2 = int(math.floor(w.size/2))                        # half analysis window size by floor
	Ns = 512                                               # FFT size for synthesis (even)
	H = Ns/4                                               # Hop size used for analysis and synthesis
	hNs = Ns/2      
	pin = max(hNs, hM1)                                    # initialize sound pointer in middle of analysis window          
	pend = x.size - max(hNs, hM1)                          # last sample to start a frame
	fftbuffer = np.zeros(N)                                # initialize buffer for FFT
	yhw = np.zeros(Ns)                                     # initialize output sound frame
	ystw = np.zeros(Ns)                                    # initialize output sound frame
	yh = np.zeros(x.size)                                  # initialize output array
	yst = np.zeros(x.size)                                 # initialize output array
	w = w / sum(w)                                         # normalize analysis window
	sw = np.zeros(Ns)     
	ow = triang(2*H)                                       # overlapping window
	sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = ow      
	bh = blackmanharris(Ns)                                # synthesis window
	bh = bh / sum(bh)                                      # normalize synthesis window
	wr = bh                                                # window for residual
	sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] / bh[hNs-H:hNs+H]    # synthesis window for harmonic component
	sws = H*hanning(Ns)/2                                  # synthesis window for stochastic
	hfreqp = []
	f0t = 0
	f0stable = 0
	while pin<pend:  
		x1 = x[pin-hM1:pin+hM2]                              # select frame
		mX, pX = DFT.dftAnal(x1, w, N)                       # compute dft
		ploc = UF.peakDetection(mX, t)                       # find peaks                
		iploc, ipmag, ipphase = UF.peakInterp(mX, pX, ploc)  # refine peak values
		ipfreq = fs * iploc/N                                # convert peak locations to Hz
		f0t = UF.f0Twm(ipfreq, ipmag, f0et, minf0, maxf0, f0stable)  # find f0
		if ((f0stable==0)&(f0t>0)) \
			or ((f0stable>0)&(np.abs(f0stable-f0t)<f0stable/5.0)):
			f0stable = f0t                                     # consider a stable f0 if it is close to the previous one
			f0stable = 0
		hfreq, hmag, hphase = HM.harmonicDetection(ipfreq, ipmag, ipphase, f0t, nH, hfreqp, fs) # find harmonics
		hfreqp = hfreq
		ri = pin-hNs-1                                       # input sound pointer for residual analysis
		xw2 = x[ri:ri+Ns]*wr                                 # window the input sound                                       
		fftbuffer = np.zeros(Ns)                             # reset buffer
		fftbuffer[:hNs] = xw2[hNs:]                          # zero-phase window in fftbuffer
		fftbuffer[hNs:] = xw2[:hNs]                           
		X2 = fft(fftbuffer)                                  # compute FFT for residual analysis
		Yh = UF.genSpecSines(hfreq, hmag, hphase, Ns, fs)    # generate spec sines of harmonic component          
		Xr = X2-Yh                                           # get the residual complex spectrum
		mXr = 20 * np.log10(abs(Xr[:hNs]))                   # magnitude spectrum of residual
		mXrenv = resample(np.maximum(-200, mXr), mXr.size*stocf) # decimate the magnitude spectrum and avoid -Inf                     
		stocEnv = resample(mXrenv, hNs)                      # interpolate to original size
		pYst = 2*np.pi*np.random.rand(hNs)                   # generate phase random values
		Yst = np.zeros(Ns, dtype = complex)
		Yst[:hNs] = 10**(stocEnv/20) * np.exp(1j*pYst)       # generate positive freq.
		Yst[hNs+1:] = 10**(stocEnv[:0:-1]/20) * np.exp(-1j*pYst[:0:-1])  # generate negative freq.

		fftbuffer = np.zeros(Ns)
		fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Yh))                         # inverse FFT of harmonic spectrum
		yhw[:hNs-1] = fftbuffer[hNs+1:]                       # undo zero-phase window
		yhw[hNs-1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs+1] 

		fftbuffer = np.zeros(Ns)
		fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Yst))                        # inverse FFT of stochastic spectrum
		ystw[:hNs-1] = fftbuffer[hNs+1:]                      # undo zero-phase window
		ystw[hNs-1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs+1]

		yh[ri:ri+Ns] += sw*yhw                                # overlap-add for sines
		yst[ri:ri+Ns] += sws*ystw                             # overlap-add for stochastic
		pin += H                                              # advance sound pointer
	y = yh+yst                                              # sum of harmonic and stochastic components
	return y, yh, yst
Esempio n. 52
def spsModel(x, fs, w, N, t, stocf):
  # Analysis/synthesis of a sound using the sinusoidal plus residual model
  # x: input sound, fs: sampling rate, w: analysis window, 
  # N: FFT size (minimum 512), t: threshold in negative dB, 
  # stocf: decimation factor of mag spectrum for stochastic analysis
  # y: output sound, ys: sinusoidal component, yr: residual component

  hN = N/2                                                      # size of positive spectrum
  hM1 = int(math.floor((w.size+1)/2))                           # half analysis window size by rounding
  hM2 = int(math.floor(w.size/2))                               # half analysis window size by floor
  Ns = 512                                                      # FFT size for synthesis (even)
  H = Ns/4                                                      # Hop size used for analysis and synthesis
  hNs = Ns/2      
  pin = max(hNs, hM1)                                           # initialize sound pointer in middle of analysis window          
  pend = x.size - max(hNs, hM1)                                 # last sample to start a frame
  fftbuffer = np.zeros(N)                                       # initialize buffer for FFT
  ysw = np.zeros(Ns)                                            # initialize output sound frame
  ystw = np.zeros(Ns)                                            # initialize output sound frame
  ys = np.zeros(x.size)                                         # initialize output array
  yst = np.zeros(x.size)                                         # initialize output array
  w = w / sum(w)                                                # normalize analysis window
  sw = np.zeros(Ns)     
  ow = triang(2*H)                                              # overlapping window
  sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = ow      
  bh = blackmanharris(Ns)                                       # synthesis window
  bh = bh / sum(bh)                                             # normalize synthesis window
  wr = bh                                                       # window for residual
  sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] / bh[hNs-H:hNs+H]

  while pin<pend:  
    xw = x[pin-hM1:pin+hM2] * w                                  # window the input sound
    fftbuffer = np.zeros(N)                                      # reset buffer
    fftbuffer[:hM1] = xw[hM2:]                                   # zero-phase window in fftbuffer
    fftbuffer[N-hM2:] = xw[:hM2]                           
    X = fft(fftbuffer)                                           # compute FFT
    mX = 20 * np.log10(abs(X[:hN]))                              # magnitude spectrum of positive frequencies
    ploc = PP.peakDetection(mX, hN, t)                
    pX = np.unwrap(np.angle(X[:hN]))                             # unwrapped phase spect. of positive freq.    
    iploc, ipmag, ipphase = PP.peakInterp(mX, pX, ploc)          # refine peak values
    iploc = (iploc!=0) * (iploc*Ns/N)                            # synth. locs
    ri = pin-hNs-1                                               # input sound pointer for residual analysis
    xr = x[ri:ri+Ns]*wr                                          # window the input sound                                       
    fftbuffer = np.zeros(Ns)                                     # reset buffer
    fftbuffer[:hNs] = xr[hNs:]                                   # zero-phase window in fftbuffer
    fftbuffer[hNs:] = xr[:hNs]                           
    Xr = fft(fftbuffer)                                          # compute FFT for residual analysis
    Ys = GS.genSpecSines(iploc, ipmag, ipphase, Ns)              # generate spec of sinusoidal component          
    Yr = Xr-Ys;                                                  # get the residual complex spectrum
    mYr = 20 * np.log10( abs(Yr[:hNs]) )                         # magnitude spectrum of residual
    mYrenv = resample(np.maximum(-200, mYr), mYr.size*stocf)     # decimate the magnitude spectrum and avoid -Inf                     
    mYst = resample(mYrenv, hNs)                                 # interpolate to original size
    mYst = 10**(mYst/20)                                         # dB to linear magnitude  
    fc = 1+round(500.0/fs*Ns)                                    # 500 Hz to bin location
    mYst[:fc] *= (np.arange(0, fc)/(fc-1))**2                    # high pass filter the stochastic component
    pYst = 2*np.pi*np.random.rand(hNs)                           # generate phase random values
    Yst = np.zeros(Ns, dtype = complex)
    Yst[:hNs] = mYst * np.exp(1j*pYst)                           # generate positive freq.
    Yst[hNs+1:] = mYst[:0:-1] * np.exp(-1j*pYst[:0:-1])          # generate negative freq.

    fftbuffer = np.zeros(Ns)
    fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Ys))                                # inverse FFT of sinusoidal spectrum
    ysw[:hNs-1] = fftbuffer[hNs+1:]                              # undo zero-phase window
    ysw[hNs-1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs+1] 
    fftbuffer = np.zeros(Ns)
    fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Yst))                                # inverse FFT of residual spectrum
    ystw[:hNs-1] = fftbuffer[hNs+1:]                              # undo zero-phase window
    ystw[hNs-1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs+1]
    ys[ri:ri+Ns] += sw*ysw                                       # overlap-add for sines
    yst[ri:ri+Ns] += sw*ystw                                       # overlap-add for residual
    pin += H                                                     # advance sound pointer
  y = ys+yst                                                      # sum of sinusoidal and residual components
  return y, ys, yst
Esempio n. 53
def sineModelMultiRes(x, fs, multi_w, multi_N, t, multi_B):
    Analysis/synthesis of a sound using the sinusoidal model, without sine tracking
    x: input array sound, w: analysis window, N: size of complex spectrum, t: threshold in negative dB
    returns y: output array sound

    bands = range(len(multi_B))                                     # to iterate over bands

    N = max(multi_N)

    multi_w_size = np.array([multi_w[i].size for i in bands])
    multi_hM1 = np.floor((multi_w_size + 1)/2.0).astype(int)                     # half analysis window size by rounding
    multi_hM2 = np.floor(multi_w_size / 2.0).astype(int)                         # half analysis window size by floor

    Ns = 512                                                # FFT size for synthesis (even)
    H = Ns/4                                                # Hop size used for analysis and synthesis
    hNs = Ns/2                                              # half of synthesis FFT size

    multi_pin = np.maximum(hNs, multi_hM1)                    # init sound pointer in middle of anal window
    multi_pend = x.size - multi_pin                           # last sample to start a frame

    fftbuffer_combined = np.zeros(N)

    yw_combined = np.zeros(Ns)                                       # initialize output sound frame
    y_combined = np.zeros(x.size)                                    # initialize output array

    multi_w = [multi_w[i] / sum(multi_w[i]) for i in bands]                                          # normalize analysis window

    sw = np.zeros(Ns)                                       # initialize synthesis window
    ow = triang(2*H)                                        # triangular window
    sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = ow                                    # add triangular window
    bh = blackmanharris(Ns)                                 # blackmanharris window
    bh = bh / sum(bh)                                       # normalized blackmanharris window
    sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] / bh[hNs-H:hNs+H]     # normalized synthesis window

    while (multi_pin<multi_pend).all():                                         # while input sound pointer is within sound

        multi_x1 = [x[(multi_pin[i] - multi_hM1[i]) : (multi_pin[i] + multi_hM2[i])] for i in bands]                               # select frame

        multi_mX = []
        multi_pX = []
        for i in bands:
            mXi, pXi = DFT.dftAnal(multi_x1[i], multi_w[i], multi_N[i])

        multi_ploc = []
        for i in bands:
            ploci = UF.peakDetection(multi_mX[i], t)                        # detect locations of peaks

        multi_ipmag = []
        multi_ipphase = []
        multi_ipfreq = []
        for i in bands:
            iploci, ipmagi, ipphasei = UF.peakInterp(multi_mX[i], multi_pX[i], multi_ploc[i])   # refine peak values by interpolation
            ipfreqi = fs*iploci/float(multi_N[i])                            # convert peak locations to Hertz

        # count first for array allocation
        num_ip = 0
        for i in bands:
            for p in range(len(multi_ipfreq[i])):
                f = multi_ipfreq[i][p]
                if (i == 0 or f >= multi_B[i-1]) and f < multi_B[i]:
                    num_ip += 1

        ipfreq_combined = np.zeros(num_ip)
        ipmag_combined = np.zeros(num_ip)
        ipphase_combined = np.zeros(num_ip)
        ip = 0
        for i in bands:
            for p in range(len(multi_ipfreq[i])):
                f = multi_ipfreq[i][p]
                if (i == 0 or f >= multi_B[i-1]) and f < multi_B[i]:
                    ipfreq_combined[ip] = f
                    ipmag_combined[ip] = multi_ipmag[i][p]
                    ipphase_combined[ip] = multi_ipphase[i][p]
                    ip += 1

        Y_combined = UF.genSpecSines(ipfreq_combined, ipmag_combined, ipphase_combined, Ns, fs)   # generate sines in the spectrum
        fftbuffer_combined = np.real(ifft(Y_combined))                          # compute inverse FFT
        yw_combined[:hNs-1] = fftbuffer_combined[hNs+1:]                        # undo zero-phase window
        yw_combined[hNs-1:] = fftbuffer_combined[:hNs+1]
        y_combined[multi_pin[0]-hNs:multi_pin[0]+hNs] += sw*yw_combined                           # overlap-add and apply a synthesis window
        multi_pin += H

    return y_combined
Esempio n. 54
def hprModel(x, fs, w, N, t, nH, minf0, maxf0, f0et):
	Analysis/synthesis of a sound using the harmonic plus residual model
	x: input sound, fs: sampling rate, w: analysis window, 
	N: FFT size (minimum 512), t: threshold in negative dB, 
	nH: maximum number of harmonics, minf0: minimum f0 frequency in Hz, 
	maxf0: maximim f0 frequency in Hz, 
	f0et: error threshold in the f0 detection (ex: 5),
	maxhd: max. relative deviation in harmonic detection (ex: .2)
	returns y: output sound, yh: harmonic component, xr: residual component

	hN = N/2                                                      # size of positive spectrum
	hM1 = int(math.floor((w.size+1)/2))                           # half analysis window size by rounding
	hM2 = int(math.floor(w.size/2))                               # half analysis window size by floor
	Ns = 512                                                      # FFT size for synthesis (even)
	H = Ns/4                                                      # Hop size used for analysis and synthesis
	hNs = Ns/2      
	pin = max(hNs, hM1)                                           # initialize sound pointer in middle of analysis window          
	pend = x.size - max(hNs, hM1)                                 # last sample to start a frame
	fftbuffer = np.zeros(N)                                       # initialize buffer for FFT
	yhw = np.zeros(Ns)                                            # initialize output sound frame
	xrw = np.zeros(Ns)                                            # initialize output sound frame
	yh = np.zeros(x.size)                                         # initialize output array
	xr = np.zeros(x.size)                                         # initialize output array
	w = w / sum(w)                                                # normalize analysis window
	sw = np.zeros(Ns)     
	ow = triang(2*H)                                              # overlapping window
	sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = ow      
	bh = blackmanharris(Ns)                                       # synthesis window
	bh = bh / sum(bh)                                             # normalize synthesis window
	wr = bh                                                       # window for residual
	sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] / bh[hNs-H:hNs+H]
	hfreqp = []
	f0t = 0
	f0stable = 0
	while pin<pend:  
		x1 = x[pin-hM1:pin+hM2]                                     # select frame
		mX, pX = DFT.dftAnal(x1, w, N)                              # compute dft
		ploc = UF.peakDetection(mX, t)                              # find peaks 
		iploc, ipmag, ipphase = UF.peakInterp(mX, pX, ploc)         # refine peak values
		ipfreq = fs * iploc/N                                       # convert locations to Hz
		f0t = UF.f0Twm(ipfreq, ipmag, f0et, minf0, maxf0, f0stable) # find f0
		if ((f0stable==0)&(f0t>0)) \
			or ((f0stable>0)&(np.abs(f0stable-f0t)<f0stable/5.0)):
			f0stable = f0t                                            # consider a stable f0 if it is close to the previous one
			f0stable = 0
		hfreq, hmag, hphase = HM.harmonicDetection(ipfreq, ipmag, ipphase, f0t, nH, hfreqp, fs) # find harmonics
		hfreqp = hfreq
		ri = pin-hNs-1                                             # input sound pointer for residual analysis
		xw2 = x[ri:ri+Ns]*wr                                       # window the input sound                     
		fftbuffer = np.zeros(Ns)                                   # reset buffer
		fftbuffer[:hNs] = xw2[hNs:]                                # zero-phase window in fftbuffer
		fftbuffer[hNs:] = xw2[:hNs]                     
		X2 = fft(fftbuffer)                                        # compute FFT of input signal for residual analysis
		Yh = UF.genSpecSines(hfreq, hmag, hphase, Ns, fs)          # generate sines
		Xr = X2-Yh                                                 # get the residual complex spectrum                       
		fftbuffer = np.zeros(Ns)
		fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Yh))                              # inverse FFT of harmonic spectrum
		yhw[:hNs-1] = fftbuffer[hNs+1:]                            # undo zero-phase window
		yhw[hNs-1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs+1] 
		fftbuffer = np.zeros(Ns)
		fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Xr))                              # inverse FFT of residual spectrum
		xrw[:hNs-1] = fftbuffer[hNs+1:]                            # undo zero-phase window
		xrw[hNs-1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs+1]
		yh[ri:ri+Ns] += sw*yhw                                     # overlap-add for sines
		xr[ri:ri+Ns] += sw*xrw                                     # overlap-add for residual
		pin += H                                                   # advance sound pointer
	y = yh+xr                                                    # sum of harmonic and residual components
	return y, yh, xr
Esempio n. 55
def hprModelFrame(x, fs, w, N, t, nH, minf0, maxf0, f0et, maxhd):
  hN = N/2                                                      # size of positive spectrum
  hM1 = int(math.floor((w.size+1)/2))                           # half analysis window size by rounding
  hM2 = int(math.floor(w.size/2))                               # half analysis window size by floor
  Ns = 512                                                      # FFT size for synthesis (even)
  H = Ns/4                                                      # Hop size used for analysis and synthesis
  hNs = Ns/2      
  pin = max(hNs, hM1)                                           # initialize sound pointer in middle of analysis window          
  fftbuffer = np.zeros(N)                                       # initialize buffer for FFT
  yhw = np.zeros(Ns)                                            # initialize output sound frame
  yrw = np.zeros(Ns)                                            # initialize output sound frame
  yh = np.zeros(x.size)                                         # initialize output array
  yr = np.zeros(x.size)                                         # initialize output array
  w = w / sum(w)                                                # normalize analysis window
  sw = np.zeros(Ns)     
  ow = triang(2*H)                                              # overlapping window
  sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = ow      
  bh = blackmanharris(Ns)                                       # synthesis window
  bh = bh / sum(bh)                                             # normalize synthesis window
  wr = bh                                                       # window for residual
  sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] / bh[hNs-H:hNs+H]

  xw = x[pin-hM1:pin+hM2] * w                                  # window the input sound
  fftbuffer = np.zeros(N)                                      # reset buffer
  fftbuffer[:hM1] = xw[hM2:]                                   # zero-phase window in fftbuffer
  fftbuffer[N-hM2:] = xw[:hM2]                           
  X = fft(fftbuffer)                                           # compute FFT
  mX = 20 * np.log10(abs(X[:hN]))                              # magnitude spectrum of positive frequencies
  ploc = PP.peakDetection(mX, hN, t)                
  pX = np.unwrap(np.angle(X[:hN]))                             # unwrapped phase spect. of positive freq.    
  iploc, ipmag, ipphase = PP.peakInterp(mX, pX, ploc)          # refine peak values
  f0 = fd.f0DetectionTwm(iploc, ipmag, N, fs, f0et, minf0, maxf0)  # find f0
  hloc = np.zeros(nH)                                          # initialize harmonic locations
  hmag = np.zeros(nH)-100                                      # initialize harmonic magnitudes
  hphase = np.zeros(nH)                                        # initialize harmonic phases
  hf = (f0>0)*(f0*np.arange(1, nH+1))                          # initialize harmonic frequencies
  hi = 0                                                       # initialize harmonic index
  npeaks = ploc.size;                                          # number of peaks found
  while f0>0 and hi<nH and hf[hi]<fs/2 :                       # find harmonic peaks
      dev = min(abs(iploc/N*fs - hf[hi]))
      pei = np.argmin(abs(iploc/N*fs - hf[hi]))                  # closest peak
      if ( hi==0 or not any(hloc[:hi]==iploc[pei]) ) and dev<maxhd*hf[hi] :
        hloc[hi] = iploc[pei]                                    # harmonic locations
        hmag[hi] = ipmag[pei]                                    # harmonic magnitudes
        hphase[hi] = ipphase[pei]                                # harmonic phases
      hi += 1                                                    # increase harmonic index
  hlocN = hloc
  hloc[:hi] = (hloc[:hi]!=0) * (hloc[:hi]*Ns/N)                # synth. locs
  ri = pin-hNs-1                                               # input sound pointer for residual analysis
  xr = x[ri:ri+Ns]*wr                                          # window the input sound                                       
  fftbuffer = np.zeros(Ns)                                     # reset buffer
  fftbuffer[:hNs] = xr[hNs:]                                   # zero-phase window in fftbuffer
  fftbuffer[hNs:] = xr[:hNs]                           
  Xr = fft(fftbuffer)                                          # compute FFT for residual analysis
  Yh = GS.genSpecSines(hloc[:hi], hmag, hphase, Ns)            # generate spec sines of harmonic component          
  mYh = 20 * np.log10(abs(Yh[:hNs]))
  pYh = np.unwrap(np.angle(Yh[:hNs])) 
  Yr = Xr-Yh;                                                  # get the residual complex spectrum
  mXr = 20 * np.log10(abs(Xr[:hNs]))
  pXr = np.unwrap(np.angle(Xr[:hNs])) 
  mYr = 20 * np.log10(abs(Yr[:hNs]))
  pYr = np.unwrap(np.angle(Yr[:hNs])) 

  fftbuffer = np.zeros(Ns)
  fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Yh))                                # inverse FFT of harmonic spectrum
  yhw[:hNs-1] = fftbuffer[hNs+1:]                              # undo zero-phase window
  yhw[hNs-1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs+1] 
  fftbuffer = np.zeros(Ns)
  fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Yr))                                # inverse FFT of residual spectrum
  yrw[:hNs-1] = fftbuffer[hNs+1:]                              # undo zero-phase window
  yrw[hNs-1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs+1]
  yh[ri:ri+Ns] += sw*yhw                                       # overlap-add for sines
  yr[ri:ri+Ns] += sw*yrw                                       # overlap-add for residual
  y = yh+yr                                                      # sum of harmonic and residual components
  return mX, pX, hlocN, hmag, hphase, mYh, pYh, mXr, pXr, mYr, pYr, yh, yr, y
Esempio n. 56
def sineModelMultiRes(x, fs, Ns, W, M, N, B, T):
    Analysis/synthesis of a sound using the multi-resolution sinusoidal model, without sine tracking
    x:  input array sound,
    fs: sampling frequency, 
    Ns: FFT size for synthesis, 
    W:  array of analysis window types, 
    M:  array of analysis windows sizes, 
    N:  array of sizes of complex spectrums,
    B:  array of frequency bands separators (ascending order of frequency, number of bands == B.size + 1),
    T:  array of peak detection thresholds in negative dB. 
    returns y: output array sound
    nResolutions = W.size    
    if (nResolutions != N.size) or (nResolutions != B.size + 1) or (nResolutions != T.size): 
        raise ValueError('Parameters W,N,B,T shall have compatible sizes')    

    H = Ns/4                                                # Hop size used for analysis and synthesis
    hNs = Ns/2                                              # half of synthesis FFT size
    yw = np.zeros(Ns)                                       # initialize output sound frame
    y = np.zeros(x.size)                                    # initialize output array
    sw = np.zeros(Ns)                                       # initialize synthesis window
    ow = triang(2*H)                                        # triangular window
    sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = ow                                    # add triangular window
    bh = blackmanharris(Ns)                                 # blackmanharris window
    bh = bh / sum(bh)                                       # normalized blackmanharris window
    sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] / bh[hNs-H:hNs+H]     # normalized synthesis window

    HM1 = map(lambda m: math.floor((m+1)/2),M)              # half analysis windows sizes by rounding
    HM2 = map(lambda m: math.floor( m   /2),M)              # half analysis windows sizes by floor
    maxHM1 = max(HM1)                                       # max half analysis window size by rounding
    pin = max(hNs, maxHM1)                                  # init sound pointers in the middle of largest window       
    pend = x.size - pin                                     # last samples to start a frame
    while pin < pend:                                       # while input sound pointer is within sound

        combinedIPFreq = np.array([])
        combinedIPMag  = np.array([])
        combinedIPhase = np.array([])
        windowSizeAttribution = np.array([])
        #-----multi-resolution spectrum calculation-----
        for k in range(0,nResolutions):
            windowType = W[k]
            windowSize = M[k]
            w = get_window(windowType,windowSize)                 # normalize analysis window
            w = w / sum(w)
            n = N[k]
            t = T[k]
            hM1 = HM1[k]                                          # half analysis window size by rounding
            hM2 = HM2[k]                                          # half analysis window size by floor
            x1 = x[pin-hM1:pin+hM2]                               # select frame
            mX, pX = DFT.dftAnal(x1, w, n)                        # compute dft
            ploc = UF.peakDetection(mX, t)                        # detect locations of peaks
            iploc, ipmag, ipphase = UF.peakInterp(mX, pX, ploc)   # refine peak values by interpolation
            ipfreq = fs*iploc/float(n)                            # convert peak locations to Hertz
            if k == 0:    # First frequency range starts from zero 
                f0 = 0.0
                f0 = B[k-1]
            if k == B.size:    # Last frequency range ends at fs/2
                f1 = fs / 2.0
                f1 = B[k]
            for l in range(0,ipfreq.size):    # Pick the peaks (no pun intended:) inside the assigned frequency band
                f = ipfreq[l]
                if f0 <= f and f < f1:
                    combinedIPFreq = np.append(combinedIPFreq, f)
                    combinedIPMag  = np.append(combinedIPMag , ipmag  [l])
                    combinedIPhase = np.append(combinedIPhase, ipphase[l])
                    windowSizeAttribution = np.append(windowSizeAttribution, windowSize)
        # Let's smooth out "double-reported" peaks close to the division frequencies of the frequency ranges        
        freqDiffThreshold = (fs*6)/float(n)
        smoothedIPFreq = np.array([])
        smoothedIPMag  = np.array([])
        smoothedIPhase = np.array([])
        nPeaks = combinedIPFreq.size
        l = 0
        while l < (nPeaks-1):
            f1 = combinedIPFreq[l]
            f2 = combinedIPFreq[l+1]
            m1 = windowSizeAttribution[l]
            m2 = windowSizeAttribution[l+1]
            freqDiff = abs(f1-f2)
            if freqDiff < freqDiffThreshold and m1 != m2:
                #print '!',f1,f2,m1,m2,freqDiff
                smoothedIPFreq = np.append(smoothedIPFreq, (f1+f2)/2.0)
                smoothedIPMag  = np.append(smoothedIPMag , (combinedIPMag [l] + combinedIPMag [l+1])/2.0)
                smoothedIPhase = np.append(smoothedIPhase, (combinedIPhase[l] + combinedIPhase[l+1])/2.0)
                l = l + 2
                smoothedIPFreq = np.append(smoothedIPFreq, f1)
                smoothedIPMag  = np.append(smoothedIPMag , combinedIPMag [l])
                smoothedIPhase = np.append(smoothedIPhase, combinedIPhase[l])
                l = l + 1
        # Add the last peak        
        smoothedIPFreq = np.append(smoothedIPFreq,combinedIPFreq[nPeaks-1])
        smoothedIPMag  = np.append(smoothedIPMag ,combinedIPMag [nPeaks-1])
        smoothedIPhase = np.append(smoothedIPhase,combinedIPhase[nPeaks-1])

        Y = UF.genSpecSines(smoothedIPFreq, smoothedIPMag, smoothedIPhase, Ns, fs)   # generate sines in the spectrum         
        fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Y))                          # compute inverse FFT
        yw[:hNs-1] = fftbuffer[hNs+1:]                        # undo zero-phase window
        yw[hNs-1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs+1] 
        y[pin-hNs:pin+hNs] += sw*yw                           # overlap-add and apply a synthesis window
        pin += H                                              # advance sound pointer

    return y
Esempio n. 57
Ns = 512
hNs = Ns / 2
H = Ns / 4
M = 511
t = -70
w = get_window('hamming', M)
x1 = x[.8*fs:0.8*fs+M]
mX, pX = DFT.dftAnal(x1, w, Ns)
ploc = UF.peakDetection(mX, t)
iploc, ipmag, ipphase = UF.peakInterp(mX, pX, ploc)
ipfreq = fs * iploc / float(Ns)
Y = UF.genSpecSines_p(ipfreq, ipmag, ipphase, Ns, fs)
y = np.real(ifft(Y))

sw = np.zeros(Ns)
ow = triang(Ns/2)
sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = ow
bh = blackmanharris(Ns)
bh = bh / sum(bh)
sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] / bh[hNs-H:hNs+H]

yw = np.zeros(Ns)
yw[:hNs-1] = y[hNs+1:]
yw[hNs-1:] = y[:hNs+1]
yw *= sw

freqaxis = fs * np.arange(Ns/2 + 1) / float(Ns)
plt.plot(freqaxis, mX)
plt.plot(fs * iploc / Ns, ipmag, marker = 'x', linestyle = '')
Esempio n. 58
def hpsModel(x, fs, w, N, t, nH, minf0, maxf0, f0et, maxhd, stocf) :
  # Analysis/synthesis of a sound using the harmonic plus stochastic model
  # x: input sound, fs: sampling rate, w: analysis window (odd size), 
  # N: FFT size (minimum 512), t: threshold in negative dB, 
  # nH: maximum number of harmonics, minf0: minimum f0 frequency in Hz, 
  # maxf0: maximim f0 frequency in Hz, 
  # f0et: error threshold in the f0 detection (ex: 5),
  # maxhd: max. relative deviation in harmonic detection (ex: .2)
  # stocf: decimation factor of mag spectrum for stochastic analysis
  # y: output sound, yh: harmonic component, ys: stochastic component
  x = np.float32(x) / (2**15)                                   # normalize input signal

  fig = plt.figure(figsize = (10.5, 6.5), dpi = 100)
  ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((4, 6), (0, 1), colspan = 4)
  ax1.set_position([0.10, 0.77, 0.8, 0.16])
  ax1.set_xlim(0, 10000)
  ax1.set_ylim(x.min(), x.max())
  ax1.set_title("Input Signal")
  plt.setp(ax1.get_xticklabels(), visible = False)
  ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((4, 6), (1, 1), colspan = 4, sharex = ax1, sharey = ax1)
  ax2.set_position([0.10, 0.55, 0.8, 0.16])
  ax2.set_xlim(0, 10000)
  ax2.set_ylim(x.min(), x.max())
  ax2.set_title("Output Signal")

  ax3 = plt.subplot2grid((4, 6), (2, 0), rowspan = 2, colspan = 2)
  ax3.set_position([0.05, 0.08, 0.35, 0.35])
  ax3.set_xlim(0, w.size)
  # ax4 = plt.subplot2grid((4, 4), (2, 1), rowspan = 2)
  # plt.title("Windowed")

  ax5 = plt.subplot2grid((4, 6), (2, 3), rowspan = 2, colspan = 4)
  ax5.set_position([0.47, 0.08, 0.5, 0.35])
  ax5.set_xlabel("Frequency (Hz)")
  ax5.set_ylabel("Amplitude (dB)")
  ax5.set_xlim(0, fs/2)

  hN = N/2                                                      # size of positive spectrum
  hM1 = int(math.floor((w.size+1)/2))                           # half analysis window size by rounding
  hM2 = int(math.floor(w.size/2))                               # half analysis window size by floor
  Ns = 512                                                      # FFT size for synthesis (even)
  H = Ns/4                                                      # Hop size used for analysis and synthesis
  hNs = Ns/2      
  pin = max(hNs, hM1)                                           # initialize sound pointer in middle of analysis window          
  pend = x.size - max(hNs, hM1)                                 # last sample to start a frame
  fftbuffer = np.zeros(N)                                       # initialize buffer for FFT
  yhw = np.zeros(Ns)                                            # initialize output sound frame
  ysw = np.zeros(Ns)                                            # initialize output sound frame
  yh = np.zeros(x.size)                                         # initialize output array
  ys = np.zeros(x.size)                                         # initialize output array
  w = w / sum(w)                                                # normalize analysis window
  sw = np.zeros(Ns)     
  ow = triang(2*H)                                              # overlapping window
  sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = ow      
  bh = blackmanharris(Ns)                                       # synthesis window
  bh = bh / sum(bh)                                             # normalize synthesis window
  wr = bh                                                       # window for residual
  sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] = sw[hNs-H:hNs+H] / bh[hNs-H:hNs+H]
  sws = H*hanning(Ns)/2                                         # synthesis window for stochastic
  lastyhloc = np.zeros(nH)                                      # initialize synthesis harmonic locations
  yhphase = 2*np.pi * np.random.rand(nH)                        # initialize synthesis harmonic phases     


  while pin<pend:       
    rect = patches.Rectangle((pin-hM1, -2**7), width = w.size, height = 2**15, color = 'red', alpha = 0.3)
    xw = x[pin-hM1:pin+hM2] * w                                  # window the input sound
    fftbuffer = np.zeros(N)                                      # reset buffer
    fftbuffer[:hM1] = xw[hM2:]                                   # zero-phase window in fftbuffer
    fftbuffer[N-hM2:] = xw[:hM2]                           
    X = fft(fftbuffer)                                           # compute FFT

    ax3.set_xlim(0, w.size)
    ax3.ticklabel_format(scilimits = (-3,3))                     # use scientific limits above 1e3
    ax3.plot(w, 'r')
    ax3.set_title("Windowed Frame")
    ax3.plot(xw, 'b')
    ax3.set_xlim(0, w.size)
    ax3.ticklabel_format(scilimits = (-3,3))                     # use scientific limits above 1e3

    ax3.set_title("Windowed Frame zero-phase")
    ax3.plot(fftbuffer, 'b')
    ax3.set_xlim(0, w.size)
    ax3.ticklabel_format(scilimits = (-3,3))                     # use scientific limits above 1e3

    X = fft(fftbuffer)                                           # compute FFT
    mX = 20 * np.log10( abs(X[:hN]) )                            # magnitude spectrum of positive frequencies
    ploc = PP.peakDetection(mX, hN, t)                 
    pX = np.unwrap( np.angle(X[:hN]) )                           # unwrapped phase spect. of positive freq.    
    iploc, ipmag, ipphase = PP.peakInterp(mX, pX, ploc)            # refine peak values
    freq = np.arange(0, fs/2, fs/N)                              # frequency axis in Hz
    freq = freq[:freq.size-1]
    ax5.set_xlabel("Frequency (Hz)")
    ax5.set_ylabel("Amplitude (dB)")
    ax5.set_xlim(0, fs/2)
    ax5.plot(freq, mX, 'b')
    ax5.fill_between(freq, ax5.get_ylim()[0], mX, facecolor = 'blue', alpha = 0.3)
    ax5.plot(np.float32(iploc)/N*fs, ipmag, 'ro', ms = 4, alpha = 0.4)

    f0 = fd.f0DetectionTwm(iploc, ipmag, N, fs, f0et, minf0, maxf0)  # find f0
    if f0 > 0:
      loc = np.where(iploc/N*fs == f0)[0]
      if loc.size == 0: loc = np.argmin(np.abs(iploc/N*fs-f0))   # closest peak location
      ax5.plot(f0, ipmag[loc], 'go', ms = 4, alpha = 1)
    hloc = np.zeros(nH)                                          # initialize harmonic locations
    hmag = np.zeros(nH)-100                                      # initialize harmonic magnitudes
    hphase = np.zeros(nH)                                        # initialize harmonic phases
    hf = (f0>0)*(f0*np.arange(1, nH+1))                          # initialize harmonic frequencies
    hi = 0                                                       # initialize harmonic index
    npeaks = ploc.size                                           # number of peaks found

    while f0>0 and hi<nH and hf[hi]<fs/2 :                       # find harmonic peaks
      dev = min(abs(iploc/N*fs - hf[hi]))
      pei = np.argmin(abs(iploc/N*fs - hf[hi]))                  # closest peak
      if ( hi==0 or not any(hloc[:hi]==iploc[pei]) ) and dev<maxhd*hf[hi] :
        hloc[hi] = iploc[pei]                                    # harmonic locations
        hmag[hi] = ipmag[pei]                                    # harmonic magnitudes
        hphase[hi] = ipphase[pei]                                # harmonic phases
      hi += 1                                                    # increase harmonic index
    ax5.plot(np.float32(hloc)/N*fs, hmag, 'yo', ms = 4, alpha = 0.7)
    hloc = (hloc!=0) * (hloc*Ns/N)                               # synth. locs

    ri = pin-hNs-1                                               # input sound pointer for residual analysis
    xw2 = x[ri:ri+Ns]*wr                                         # window the input sound                                       
    fftbuffer = np.zeros(Ns)                                     # reset buffer
    fftbuffer[:hNs] = xw2[hNs:]                                  # zero-phase window in fftbuffer
    fftbuffer[hNs:] = xw2[:hNs]              
    X2 = fft(fftbuffer)                                          # compute FFT for residual analysis
    Yh = GS.genSpecSines(hloc, hmag, hphase, Ns)                    # generate spec sines          
    Xr = X2-Yh                                                   # get the residual complex spectrum
    mXr = 20 * np.log10( abs(Xr[:hNs]) )                         # magnitude spectrum of residual
    mXrenv = resample(np.maximum(-200, mXr), mXr.size*stocf)     # decimate the magnitude spectrum

    mYs = resample(mXrenv, hNs)                                  # interpolate to original size
    pYs = 2*np.pi*np.random.rand(hNs)                            # generate phase random values

    Ys = np.zeros(Ns, dtype = complex)
    Ys[:hNs] = 10**(mYs/20) * np.exp(1j*pYs)                     # generate positive freq.
    Ys[hNs+1:] = 10**(mYs[:0:-1]/20) * np.exp(-1j*pYs[:0:-1])    # generate negative freq.

    fftbuffer = np.zeros(Ns)
    fftbuffer = np.real( ifft(Yh) )                              # inverse FFT
    ax3.set_title("Reconstructed Frame")
    ax3.plot(fftbuffer, 'g')
    ax3.set_xlim(0, w.size)
    ax3.ticklabel_format(scilimits = (-3,3))                     # use scientific limits above 1e3

    yhw[:hNs-1] = fftbuffer[hNs+1:]                              # undo zero-phase window
    yhw[hNs-1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs+1] 
    ax3.set_title("Reconstructed Frame")
    ax3.plot(yhw, 'g')
    ax3.set_xlim(0, w.size)
    ax3.ticklabel_format(scilimits = (-3,3))                     # use scientific limits above 1e3

    fftbuffer = np.zeros(Ns)
    fftbuffer = np.real( ifft(Ys) )
    ysw[:hNs-1] = fftbuffer[hNs+1:]                              # residual in time domain using inverse FFT
    ysw[hNs-1:] = fftbuffer[:hNs+1]

    yh[ri:ri+Ns] += sw*yhw                                       # overlap-add for sines
    ys[ri:ri+Ns] += sws*ysw                                      # overlap-add for stochastic
    pin += H                                                     # advance sound pointer
    ax3.set_title("Reconstructed Frame")
    ax3.plot(sw*yhw, 'g')
    ax3.set_xlim(0, w.size)
    ax3.ticklabel_format(scilimits = (-3,3))                     # use scientific limits above 1e3

    rect2 = patches.Rectangle((pin-hM1, -2**7), width = Ns, height = 2**15, color = 'green', alpha = 0.3)
    ax2.set_xlim(0, 10000)
    ax2.set_ylim(x.min(), x.max())
    ax2.set_title("Output Signal")
    ax2.plot(yh, 'b')

  y = yh+ys
  return y, yh, ys
Esempio n. 59
def main(argv=sys.argv): 
    #Earth's parameters 
    #~ beta = 4.e3 #m/s 
    #~ rho = 3.e3 #kg/m^3 
    #~ mu = rho*beta*beta
    PLotSt = ["IU.TRQA.00.LHZ",
    #PlotSubf = [143, 133, 123, 113, 103, 93,
     #           83, 73, 63, 53]
    PlotSubf = [6,3]

    #Set rup_vel = 0 to have a point source solution
    RupVel = 2.1 #Chilean eq from Lay et al
    t_h     = 10. # Half duration for each sf  
    noiselevel = 0.0# L1 norm level of noise
    mu =40e9
    #W-Phase filter 
    corners = 4.
    fmin = 0.001
    fmax = 0.005
    ### Data from Chilean 2010 EQ (Same as W phase inv.) 
    strike = 18.
    dip    = 18.
    rake   = 104. # 109.
    rakeA = rake + 45.
    rakeB = rake - 45.
    ### Fault's grid parameters
    nsx   = 21 #Number of sf along strike
    nsy   = 11 #Number of sf along dip
    flen  = 600. #Fault's longitude [km] along strike
    fwid  = 300. #Fault's longitude [km] along dip
    direc = 0    #Directivity 0 = bilateral
    Min_h = 10.  #Min depth of the fault
    ### Derivated parameters:
    nsf = nsx*nsy
    sflen = flen/float(nsx)         
    sfwid = fwid/float(nsy)
    swp = [1, 0, 2] # useful to swap (lat,lon, depth)  
    mindist = flen*fwid # minimun dist to the hypcen (initializing)
    #weight = np.load("RealSol.npy") 
    weight = np.zeros(nsf)
    weight[::2] = 1 
    #weight[::2] = 1 
    #~ weight[10]=15
    #~ weight[5001]=10
    #~ weight[3201]=2
    ## Setting dirs and reading files.
    GFdir = "/home/roberto/data/GFS/"
    workdir = os.path.abspath(".")+"/"
    datadir = workdir + "DATA/"
    tracesfilename = workdir + "goodtraces.dat"
    tracesdir = workdir + "WPtraces/"
        reqfilename    = glob.glob(workdir + '*.syn.req')[0]
    except IndexError:   
        print "There is not *.syn.req file in the dir"
    basename = reqfilename.split("/")[-1][:-4]
    if not os.path.exists(tracesfilename): 
        print tracesfilename, "does not exist."
    if not os.path.exists(datadir):
    if not os.path.exists(tracesdir):
    tracesfile = open(tracesfilename)    
    reqfile =  open(reqfilename)    
    trlist = readtraces(tracesfile)
    eqdata = readreq(reqfile)    

    ####Hypocentre from
    cmteplat = -35.91#-35.85#-36.03#-35.83
    cmteplon = -72.73#-72.72#-72.83# -72.67
    cmtepdepth= 35.
    eq_hyp = (cmteplat,cmteplon,cmtepdepth)

    # Defining the sf system
    grid, sblt = fault_grid('CL-2010',cmteplat,cmteplon,
                            cmtepdepth, direc,
                            Min_h, strike, dip, rake, flen,fwid ,nsx,nsy,
    print ('CL-2010',cmteplat,cmteplon,
                            cmtepdepth, direc,
                            Min_h, strike, dip, rake, flen,fwid ,nsx,nsy)
    print grid[0][1]
    #This calculation is inside of the loop
    #~ NP = [strike, dip, rake]
    #~ M = np.array(NodalPlanetoMT(NP))  
    #~ Mp = np.sum(M**2)/np.sqrt(2)    
    ######Determining the sf closest to the hypocentre:    
    min_Dist_hyp_subf = flen *fwid
    for subf in range(nsf):
        sblat   = grid[subf][1]
        sblon   = grid[subf][0]
        sbdepth = grid[subf][2]              
        sf_hyp =  (sblat,sblon, sbdepth)        
        Dist_hyp_subf = hypo2dist(eq_hyp,sf_hyp)
        if Dist_hyp_subf < min_Dist_hyp_subf:
            min_Dist_hyp_subf = Dist_hyp_subf
            min_sb_hyp = sf_hyp
            hyp_subf = subf
    ####Determining trimming times:    
    test_tr = read(GFdir + "H003.5/PP/GF.0001.SY.LHZ.SAC")[0]
    t0 = test_tr.stats.starttime
    TrimmingTimes = {}   # Min. Distace from the fault to each station. 
    A =0
    for trid in trlist:     
        metafile = workdir + "DATA/" + "META." + trid + ".xml"
        META = DU.getMetadataFromXML(metafile)[trid]
        stlat = META['latitude']
        stlon = META['longitude'] 
        dist =   locations2degrees(min_sb_hyp[0],min_sb_hyp[1],\
        parrivaltime = getTravelTimes(dist,min_sb_hyp[2])[0]['time']        
        ta = t0 + parrivaltime
        tb = ta + round(15.*dist) 
        TrimmingTimes[trid] = (ta, tb)

    DIST = []
    # Ordering the stations in terms of distance
    for trid in trlist: 
        metafile = workdir + "DATA/" + "META." + trid + ".xml"
        META = DU.getMetadataFromXML(metafile)[trid]
        lat = META['latitude']
        lon = META['longitude']
        trdist = locations2degrees(cmteplat,

    DistIndex = lstargsort(DIST)
    trlist = [trlist[i] for i in DistIndex]
    stdistribution = StDistandAzi(trlist, eq_hyp , workdir + "DATA/")
    #Main loop


    for subf in range(nsf):
        print subf
        sflat   = grid[subf][1]
        sflon   = grid[subf][0]           
        sfdepth = grid[subf][2]
        #~ strike = grid[subf][3] #+ 360.
        #~ dip    = grid[subf][4]
        #~ rake   = grid[subf][5] #     
        NP = [strike, dip, rake]  
        NPA = [strike, dip, rakeA]
        NPB = [strike, dip, rakeB]        

        M = np.array(NodalPlanetoMT(NP))   
        MA = np.array(NodalPlanetoMT(NPA)) 
        MB = np.array(NodalPlanetoMT(NPB)) 
        #Time delay is calculated as the time in which 
        #the rupture reach the subfault
        sf_hyp = (sflat, sflon, sfdepth) 
        Dist_ep_subf = hypo2dist(eq_hyp,sf_hyp)
        if Dist_ep_subf < mindist:
            mindist = Dist_ep_subf
            minsubf = subf
        if RupVel == 0:
            t_d = eqdata['time_shift']
            t_d = round(Dist_ep_subf/RupVel) #-59.
        print sflat, sflon, sfdepth
        # Looking for the best depth dir:
        depth = []
        depthdir = []
        for file in os.listdir(GFdir):
            if file[-2:] == ".5":
        BestDirIndex = np.argsort(abs(sfdepth\
                                  - np.array(depth)))[0]      
        hdir = GFdir + depthdir[BestDirIndex] + "/"     

        SYN = np.array([])
        SYNA = np.array([])
        SYNB = np.array([])
        for trid in trlist:     
            metafile = workdir + "DATA/" + "META." + trid + ".xml"
            META = DU.getMetadataFromXML(metafile)[trid]
            lat = META['latitude']
            lon = META['longitude']  
            #Subfault loop               
            #GFs Selection:
            ##Change to folloing loop
            dist = locations2degrees(sflat,sflon,lat,lon)                                
            azi =  -np.pi/180.*gps2DistAzimuth(lat,lon,
            trPPsy,  trRRsy, trRTsy,  trTTsy = \
            trROT =  MTrotationZ(azi, trPPsy,  trRRsy, trRTsy,  trTTsy) 
            orig = trROT[0].stats.starttime  
            dt = trROT[0]                       

            trianglen = 2.*int(t_h/dt)-1.
            FirstValid = int(trianglen/2.) + 1 # to delete
            window = triang(trianglen)
            window /= np.sum(window)
            #window = np.array([1.])
            parrivaltime = getTravelTimes(dist,sfdepth)[0]['time']
            t1 = TrimmingTimes[trid][0] - t_d
            t2 = TrimmingTimes[trid][1] - t_d
            for trR in trROT:
       *= 10.**-21 ## To get M in Nm                   
                AUX1 = len(trR)
       = convolve(,window,mode='valid') 
                AUX2 = len(trR)
                mean = np.mean(np.hstack(([0]*np.ones(FirstValid),\
                #mean = np.mean([:60])
       -= mean      
       = bp.bandpassfilter(,len(trR),,\
                                             corners , 1 , fmin, fmax)  
                t_l = dt*0.5*(AUX1 - AUX2)                             
                trR.trim(t1-t_l,t2-t_l, pad=True,[0])  #We lost t_h due to the convolution        

            #~ for trR in trROT:
                #~ *= 10.**-23 ## To get M in Nm                   
                #~ -=[0]
                #~ = convolve(,window,mode='same') 

                #~ #mean = np.mean(np.hstack(([0]*np.ones(FirstValid),\
                #~ mean = np.mean([:60])
                #~ -= mean      
                #~ = bp.bandpassfilter(,len(trR),,\
                                             #~ corners , 1 , fmin, fmax)  
                #~ trR.trim(t1,t2,pad=True,[0])     
            trROT = np.array(trROT)  
            syn  =,M) 
            synA =,MA)
            synB =,MB)
            SYN = np.append(SYN,syn)  
            SYNA = np.append(SYNA,synA)
            SYNB = np.append(SYNB,synB)
        print np.shape(A), np.shape(np.array([SYN]))    
        if subf == 0: 
            A = np.array([SYN])
            AA = np.array([SYNA])
            AB = np.array([SYNB])
            A = np.append(A,np.array([SYN]),0)    
            AA = np.append(AA,np.array([SYNA]),0)
            AB = np.append(AB,np.array([SYNB]),0)
    AC = np.vstack((AA,AB))
    print np.shape(AC)
    print np.shape(weight)
    B =,weight)
    stsyn = Stream()
    n = 0
    Ntraces= {}
    for trid in trlist: 
        spid = trid.split(".")        
        print trid
        NMIN = 1. + (TrimmingTimes[trid][1] - TrimmingTimes[trid][0]) / dt
        Ntraces[trid] = (n,NMIN + n)
        trsyn = Trace(B[n:NMIN+n])   
        n += NMIN        = spid[0]
        trsyn.stats.station = spid[1]
        trsyn.stats.location = spid[2] = spid[3] 
        trsyn = AddNoise(trsyn,level = noiselevel)
        #trsyn.stats.starttime = 
    stsyn.write(workdir+"WPtraces/" + basename + ".decov.trim.mseed",
    # Plotting:
    #we are going to reflect the y axis later, so:
    print minsubf
    hypsbloc = [minsubf / nsy , -(minsubf % nsy) - 2]

    #Creating the strike and dip axis:
    StrikeAx= np.linspace(0,flen,nsx+1)
    DipAx= np.linspace(0,fwid,nsy+1)
    DepthAx = DipAx*np.sin(np.pi/180.*dip) + Min_h    
    hlstrike = StrikeAx[hypsbloc[0]] + sflen*0.5
    hldip = DipAx[hypsbloc[1]] + sfwid*0.5 
    hldepth = DepthAx[hypsbloc[1]] + sfwid*0.5*np.sin(np.pi/180.*dip)
    StrikeAx = StrikeAx - hlstrike
    DipAx =     DipAx   - hldip

    XX, YY = np.meshgrid(StrikeAx, DepthAx)
    XX, ZZ = np.meshgrid(StrikeAx, DipAx )

    sbarea = sflen*sfwid
    SLIPS = weight.reshape(nsx,nsy).T#[::-1,:]
    SLIPS /= mu*1.e6*sbarea
    ax = host_subplot(111)
    im = ax.pcolor(XX, YY, SLIPS, cmap="jet")    
    ax.set_ylabel('Depth [km]')       
    # Creating a twin plot 
    ax2 = ax.twinx()
    #im2 = ax2.pcolor(XX, ZZ, SLIPS[::-1,:], cmap="Greys") 
    im2 = ax2.pcolor(XX, ZZ, SLIPS[::-1,:], cmap="jet")    
    ax2.set_ylabel('Distance along the dip [km]')
    ax2.set_xlabel('Distance along the strike [km]')    
    divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
    cax = divider.append_axes("bottom", size="5%", pad=0.1)
    cb = plt.colorbar(im, cax=cax, orientation="horizontal")
    cb.set_label("Slip [m]") 
    ax2.plot([0], [0], '*', ms=225./(nsy+4))

    #########Plotting the selected traces:
    nsp = len(PLotSt) * len(PlotSubf)
    plt.title("Synthetics for rake = " + str(round(rake)))
    mindis = []
    maxdis = []
    for i, trid in enumerate(PLotSt):   
        x = np.arange(0,Ntraces[trid][1]-Ntraces[trid][0],
        for j, subf in enumerate(PlotSubf):
            y = A[subf, Ntraces[trid][0]:Ntraces[trid][1]]
            if j == 0:
                yy = y
                yy = np.vstack((yy,y))        

    for i, trid in enumerate(PLotSt):   
        x = np.arange(0,Ntraces[trid][1]-Ntraces[trid][0],

        for j, subf in enumerate(PlotSubf):
            y = A[subf, Ntraces[trid][0]:Ntraces[trid][1]]
            plt.subplot2grid((len(PlotSubf), len(PLotSt)),
                              (j, i))                                
            plt.plot(x,y, linewidth=2.5)
            if j == 0:
            fig = plt.gca()            
            if subf != PlotSubf[-1]: