Esempio n. 1
def ellipsoid_shape_func(a, b, c):
    phi = np.arccos(c/a)
    m = (a**2.-b**2.)/(a**2.-c**2.)
    la = a*b*c/((a**2.-b**2.)*np.sqrt(a**2.-c**2.))*(ellipkinc(phi,m)-ellipeinc(phi,m))
    lc = b/(b**2.-c**2.)*(b-a*c/np.sqrt(a**2.-c**2.)*ellipeinc(phi,m))
    lb = 1.-la-lc
    return la, lb, lc
Esempio n. 2
def get_kth_point_on_ellipse(k, n, a, b, accuracy=1e-4):
    if a == 0:
        return (0, 0)
    m = 1 - (b**2 / a**2)
    c = get_ellipse_circumference(a, b)
    expected = c * (k / n)

    # initial guess - as if its a circle
    phi = 2 * np.pi * k / n

    error = (a * ellipeinc(phi, m) - expected) / c

    if error < 0:
        phi_under = phi
        phi_over = 2 * np.pi
    elif error > 0:
        phi_under = 0
        phi_over = phi
        return np.array([a * np.sin(phi), b * np.cos(phi)])

    while abs(error) > accuracy:
        phi = (phi_over + phi_under) / 2
        error = (a * ellipeinc(phi, m) - expected) / c

        if error < 0:
            phi_under = phi
        elif error > 0:
            phi_over = phi
            return np.array([a * np.sin(phi), b * np.cos(phi)])

    return np.array([a * np.sin(phi), b * np.cos(phi)])
Esempio n. 3
def hyperuniform_ellipse(N, a = 1, b = 2):
    '''Generate Hyperuniformly-Sampled 2-D Ellipse'''
    assert(a < b) # a must be length of minor semi-axis; b major semi-axis
    X = [[],[]] # init data list [[x],[y]] 
    C = np.linspace(0, 1, N) # init color list for plotting
    angles = 2*np.pi*np.arange(N)/N
    if a != b:
        '''Given N points, combine scipy elliptic integral + optimize to find 
           N equidistant points along ellilpse manifold, then convert to angles'''
        e = np.sqrt(1.0 - a**2 / b**2)
        tot_size = special.ellipeinc(2.0 * np.pi, e)
        arc_size = tot_size / N
        arcs = np.arange(N) * arc_size
        res = optimize.root(
                lambda x: (special.ellipeinc(x, e) - arcs), angles)
        angles = res.x
        arcs = special.ellipeinc(angles, e)
    for t in angles:
        X[0].append(a * np.cos(t)) # x
        X[1].append(b * np.sin(t)) # y
    return np.asarray(X), np.asarray(C)
    def get_evenly_distributed_ellipse_coordinates(
            number_of_coordinates: int = 50) -> List[Tuple[float, float]]:
        Makes use of scipy.special.ellipeinc() which provides the numerical integral along the perimeter of the ellipse,
        and scipy.optimize.root() for solving the equal-arcs length equation for the angles.

        :param number_of_coordinates: number of evenly distributed points to generate along the ellipsis line
        :return: list of tuple's with coordinates along the ellipse line
        angles = 2 * np.pi * np.arange(
            number_of_coordinates) / number_of_coordinates
        e = (1.0 - self.minor_axis**2.0 / self.major_axis**2.0)**0.5
        total_size = special.ellipeinc(2.0 * np.pi, e)
        arc_size = total_size / number_of_coordinates
        arcs = np.arange(number_of_coordinates) * arc_size
        res = optimize.root(lambda x: (special.ellipeinc(x, e) - arcs), angles)
        angles = res.x
        if self.width > self.height:
            x_points = list(self.major_axis * np.sin(angles))
            y_points = list(self.minor_axis * np.cos(angles))
            x_points = list(self.minor_axis * np.cos(angles))
            y_points = list(self.major_axis * np.sin(angles))
        coordinates = [(point_x + self.x_center, point_y + self.y_center)
                       for point_x, point_y in zip(x_points, y_points)]
        return coordinates
def map_on_ellipse(xq, a=4, b=1, gap_angle=90):
    """Map 2D points on bend ellipse in 3D.


    xq: (n, 2) array-like
        The 2D points
    a, b: non-negative, scalar
        Ellipsis axis
    gap_angle: scalar in [0,360)
        Degree of the gap the bend ellipse should have.
        E.g. for 0 the data is mapped onto a closed ellipse.


    xyz: (n, 3) array-like
        Mapped 3D points
    gap_angle = np.deg2rad(gap_angle) / 2
    # Range of the data
    x_min = np.min(xq[:, 0])
    x_max = np.max(xq[:, 0])
    width = x_max - x_min

    # Compute perimeter of the open ellipse
    a = abs(a)
    b = abs(b)
    major, minor = max(a, b), min(a, b)
    ecc = (1 - minor**2 / major**2)**2
    offset = ellipeinc(gap_angle, ecc)
    diameter = major * (4 * ellipe(ecc) - offset)
    # Scale ellipse to match the span
    scale = width / diameter
    a *= scale
    b *= scale

    # Find the angles. We use the canonical parametrization.
    x_zeroed = xq[:, 0] - x_min
    alpha = (2 * np.pi - 2 * gap_angle) * x_zeroed / (
        x_max - x_min) + gap_angle  # initial guess
    for _ in range(6):
        # 6 Newton steps to solve inverse elliptic integral.
        # 6 Newton steps ought to be enough for anybody.
        f = major * ellipeinc(alpha, ecc) - (x_zeroed + major * offset)
        f_prime = major * np.sqrt(1 - ecc * np.sin(alpha)**2)
        alpha = alpha - f / f_prime
    xy = np.vstack((a * np.cos(alpha), b * np.sin(alpha))).T
    z = xq[:, 1]  # z-axis is the previous y-axis, we only bend in the xy-plane
    xyz = np.hstack((xy, z.reshape(-1, 1)))
    return xyz
Esempio n. 6
def ellippi(n, m):
    Complete elliptic integral of third kind (simplified version).

    .. FIXME: Incorrect, because of non-standard definitions of elliptic integral in the reference

    F. LAMARCHE and C. LEROY, Evaluation of the volume of a sphere with a cylinder by elliptic integrals,
        Computer Phys. Comm. 59 (1990) pg. 365
    a2 = n
    k2 = m
    k2_a2 = k2 + a2
    phi = np.arcsin(a2 / k2_a2)

    Kc = ellipk(k2)
    Ec = ellipe(k2)
    Ki = ellipkinc(phi, (1. - k2)**1)
    Ei = ellipeinc(phi, (1. - k2)**1)

    c1 = k2 / k2_a2
    c2 = np.sqrt(a2 / (1 + a2) / k2_a2)

    return c1 * Kc + c2 * ((Kc - Ec) * Ki + Kc * Ei)
Esempio n. 7
def psi_x(z, x, beta):
    Eq.(24) from Ref[1] with argument zeta=0 and no constant factor e*beta**2/2/rho**2.
    Note that 'x' here corresponds to 'chi = x/rho', 
    and 'z' here corresponds to 'xi = z/2/rho' in the paper. 
    # z = np.float(z)
    # x = np.float(x)
    kap = kappa(z, x, beta)
    alp = alpha(z, x, beta)
    arg2 = -4 * (1 + x) / x**2
        T1 = (1 / abs(x) / (1 + x) *
              ((2 + 2 * x + x**2) * ss.ellipkinc(alp, arg2) -
               x**2 * ss.ellipeinc(alp, arg2)))
        D = kap**2 - beta**2 * (1 + x)**2 * sin(2 * alp)**2
        T2 = ((kap**2 - 2 * beta**2 * (1 + x)**2 + beta**2 * (1 + x) *
               (2 + 2 * x + x**2) * cos(2 * alp)) / beta / (1 + x) / D)
        T3 = -kap * sin(2 * alp) / D
        T4 = kap * beta**2 * (1 + x) * sin(2 * alp) * cos(2 * alp) / D
        T5 = 1 / abs(x) * ss.ellipkinc(alp,
                                       arg2)  # psi_phi without e/rho**2 factor
        out = real((T1 + T2 + T3 + T4) - 2 / beta**2 * T5)
    except ZeroDivisionError:
        out = 0
        # print(f"Oops!  ZeroDivisionError at (z,x)= ({z:5.2f},{x:5.2f}). Returning 0.")
    return np.nan_to_num(out)
Esempio n. 8
def _E_F_field(ellipsoid, kappa, phi):
    Calculates the Legendre's normal elliptic integrals of first
    and second kinds which are used to calculate the potential
    fields outside the triaxial ellipsoid.


    * ellipsoid : element of :class:`mesher.TriaxialEllipsoid`.
    * lamb: numpy array 1D
        Parameter lambda for each point in the ellipsoid system.
    * kappa: numpy array 1D
        Squared modulus of the elliptic integral.
    * phi: numpy array 1D
        Amplitude of the elliptic integral.


    F, E: numpy arrays 1D
        Legendre's normal elliptic integrals of first and second kinds.

    E = ellipeinc(phi, kappa)
    F = ellipkinc(phi, kappa)

    return E, F
Esempio n. 9
def _E_F_demag(ellipsoid):
    Calculates the Legendre's normal elliptic integrals of first
    and second kinds which are used to calculate the demagnetizing


    * ellipsoid : element of :class:`mesher.TriaxialEllipsoid`.


    F, E : floats
        Legendre's normal elliptic integrals of first and second kinds,

    a = ellipsoid.large_axis
    b = ellipsoid.intermediate_axis
    c = ellipsoid.small_axis

    kappa = (a * a - b * b) / (a * a - c * c)
    phi = np.arccos(c / a)

    # E = ellipeinc(phi, kappa*kappa)
    # F = ellipkinc(phi, kappa*kappa)
    E = ellipeinc(phi, kappa)
    F = ellipkinc(phi, kappa)

    return E, F
Esempio n. 10
def ellippi(n, m):
    Complete elliptic integral of third kind (simplified version).

    .. FIXME: Incorrect, because of non-standard definitions of elliptic integral in the reference

    F. LAMARCHE and C. LEROY, Evaluation of the volume of a sphere with a cylinder by elliptic integrals,
        Computer Phys. Comm. 59 (1990) pg. 365
    a2 = n
    k2 = m
    k2_a2 = k2 + a2
    phi = np.arcsin(a2 / k2_a2)

    Kc = ellipk(k2)
    Ec = ellipe(k2)
    Ki = ellipkinc(phi, (1. - k2) ** 1)
    Ei = ellipeinc(phi, (1. - k2) ** 1)

    c1 = k2 / k2_a2
    c2 = np.sqrt(a2 / (1 + a2) / k2_a2)

    return c1 * Kc + c2 * ((Kc - Ec) * Ki + Kc * Ei)
Esempio n. 11
def Int3(q, r, R):
    Integral I3.
    m = 4 * R * r / (q**2 + (r + R)**2)

    K0 = ellipk(m)  # Complete elliptic integral of the first kind
    K1 = ellipk(1 - m)
    E0 = ellipe(m)  # Complete elliptic integral of the second kind
    E1 = ellipe(1 - m)

    beta = np.arcsin(q / np.sqrt(q**2 + (R - r)**2))
    K2 = ellipkinc(beta,
                   1 - m)  # Incomplete elliptic integral of the first kind
    E2 = ellipeinc(beta,
                   1 - m)  # Incomplete elliptic integral of the second kind

    Z = E2 - E1 * K2 / K1  # Jacobi zeta function

    lamb = K2 / K1 + 2 * K0 * Z / np.pi  # Heuman’s lambda function

    I3 = -q * np.sqrt(m) * K0 / (2 * np.pi * R * np.sqrt(r * R)) + (
        np.heaviside(r - R, 0.5) - np.heaviside(R - r, 0.5)) * lamb / (
            2 * R) + np.heaviside(R - r, 0.5) / R

    return I3
def _E_F_demag(a, b, c):
    Calculates the Legendre's normal elliptic integrals of first
    and second kinds which are used to calculate the demagnetizing

    a: float - semi-axis a (in meters).
    b: float - semi-axis b (in meters).
    c: float - semi-axis c (in meters).

    F - Legendre's normal elliptic integrals of first kind.
    E - Legendre's normal elliptic integrals of second kind.

    assert a > b > c, 'a must be greater than b and b must be greater than c'

    assert (a > 0) and (b > 0) and (c > 0), 'a, b and c must \
        be all positive'

    kappa = np.sqrt(((a * a - b * b) / (a * a - c * c)))
    phi = np.arccos(c / a)

    E = ellipeinc(phi, kappa * kappa)
    F = ellipkinc(phi, kappa * kappa)

    return E, F
def _E_F_field(a, b, c, kappa, phi):
    Calculates the Legendre's normal elliptic integrals of first
    and second kinds which are used to calculate the potential
    fields outside the body.

    a: float - semi-axis a (in meters).
    b: float - semi-axis b (in meters).
    c: float - semi-axis c (in meters).
    kappa: float - an argument of the elliptic integrals.
    phi: numpy array 1D - an argument of the elliptic integrals.

    F: numpy array 1D - Legendre's normal elliptic integrals of first kind.
    E: numpy array 1D - Legendre's normal elliptic integrals of second kind.

    assert a > b > c, 'a must be greater than b and b must be greater than c'

    assert (a > 0) and (b > 0) and (c > 0), 'a, b and c must \
        be all positive'

    E = ellipeinc(phi, kappa * kappa)
    F = ellipkinc(phi, kappa * kappa)

    return E, F
Esempio n. 14
def old_psi_x(z, x, beta):
    Eq.(24) from Ref[1] with argument zeta=0 and no constant factor e*beta**2/2/rho**2.
    Note that 'x' here corresponds to 'chi = x/rho', 
    and 'z' here corresponds to 'xi = z/2/rho' in the paper. 
    beta2 = beta**2
    alp = old_alpha(z, x, beta2)
    kap = sqrt(x**2 + 4*(1+x) * sin(alp)**2) # kappa(z, x, beta2) inline
    sin2a = sin(2*alp)
    cos2a = cos(2*alp)    
    arg2 = -4 * (1+x) / x**2
    ellipkinc = ss.ellipkinc(alp, arg2) 
    ellipeinc = ss.ellipeinc(alp, arg2)
    T1 = (1/abs(x)/(1 + x) * ((2 + 2*x + x**2) * ellipkinc - x**2 * ellipeinc))
    D = kap**2 - beta2 * (1 + x)**2 * sin2a**2
    T2 = ((kap**2 - 2*beta2 * (1+x)**2 + beta2 * (1+x) * (2 + 2*x + x**2) * cos2a)/ beta/ (1+x)/ D)
    T3 = -kap * sin2a / D
    T4 = kap * beta2 * (1 + x) * sin2a * cos2a / D
    T5 = 1 / abs(x) * ellipkinc # psi_phi without e/rho**2 factor
    out = (T1 + T2 + T3 + T4) - 2 / beta2 * T5

    return out
Esempio n. 15
def demagEllipsoid(length, width, height, cgs=False):
    '''Returns the demag factors of an ellipsoid'''
    a = 0.5 * length  # Semimajor
    b = 0.5 * width  # Semiminor
    c = 0.5 * height  # Semi-more-minor

    b1 = b / a
    b2 = np.sqrt(1.0 - b1 * b1)

    c1 = c / a
    c2 = np.sqrt(1.0 - c1 * c1)

    d2 = b2 / c2
    d1 = np.sqrt(1.0 - d2 * d2)

    theta = np.arccos(c1)
    m = d2 * d2

    E = special.ellipeinc(theta, m)  # incomplete elliptic int of second kind
    F = special.ellipkinc(theta, m)  # incomplete elliptic int of first kind

    Nxx = (b1 * c1) / (c2**3 * d2**2) * (F - E)
    Nyy = (b1 * c1) / (c2**3 * d2**2 * d1**2) * (E - d1 * d1 * F -
                                                 d2 * d2 * c2 * c1 / b1)
    Nzz = (b1 * c1) / (c2**3 * d1**2) * (c2 * b1 / c1 - E)

    if cgs:
        return np.pi * 4.0 * np.array([Nxx, Nyy, Nzz])
        return np.array([Nxx, Nyy, Nzz])
Esempio n. 16
def ellipse_points(ellipse, n=12):

    c = 0
    dtheta = 0
    C = ellipse.circumference.evalf()
    e = ellipse.eccentricity.evalf()

    a = ellipse.hradius
    b = ellipse.vradius

    points = [0] * n
    points[0] = [a.__round__(6), 0]
    points[n // 4] = [0, b.__round__(6)]
    points[2 * n // 4] = [-a.__round__(6), 0]
    points[3 * n // 4] = [0, -b.__round__(6)]
    k = 1
    while (k < n // 4):
        while (c < k * C // n):
            c = a * ellipeinc(dtheta, round(
                e**2, 16))  # Not rounding causes TypeError at function
            dtheta += 0.01
        x = a * np.cos(dtheta)
        y = b * np.sin(dtheta)
        x = x.__round__(6)
        y = y.__round__(6)
        points[k] = [+x, +y]
        points[k + n // 4] = [-x, +y]
        points[k + 2 * n // 4] = [-x, -y]
        points[k + 3 * n // 4] = [+x, -y]
        k += 1
    return points
Esempio n. 17
def psi_sx(z, x, beta):
    2D longitudinal and transverse potential
    Eq. (23) from Ref[1] with no constant factor (e*beta**2/2/rho**2).
    Eq.(24) from Ref[1] with argument zeta=0 and no constant factor e*beta**2/2/rho**2.
    Note that 'x' here corresponds to 'chi = x/rho', 
    and 'z' here corresponds to 'xi = z/2/rho' in the paper. 
    This is the most efficient routine.
    z : array-like
    x : array-like
    beta : float
        Relativistic beta
    psi_s, psi_x : tuple(ndarray, ndarray)

    # beta**2 appears far more than beta. Use this in internal functions
    beta2 = beta**2

    alp = alpha(z, x, beta2)
    kap = sqrt(x**2 + 4 * (1 + x) * sin(alp)**2)  # kappa(z, x, beta2) inline

    sin2a = sin(2 * alp)
    cos2a = cos(2 * alp)

    # psi_s calc
    out_psi_s = (cos2a - 1 / (1 + x)) / (kap - beta * (1 + x) * sin2a)

    # psi_x calc
    arg2 = -4 * (1 + x) / x**2

    ellipeinc = ss.ellipeinc(alp, arg2)
    ellipkinc = ss.ellipkinc(alp, arg2)

    T1 = (1 / abs(x) / (1 + x) *
          ((2 + 2 * x + x**2) * ellipkinc - x**2 * ellipeinc))
    D = kap**2 - beta2 * (1 + x)**2 * sin2a**2
    T2 = ((kap**2 - 2 * beta2 * (1 + x)**2 + beta2 * (1 + x) *
           (2 + 2 * x + x**2) * cos2a) / beta / (1 + x) / D)
    T3 = -kap * sin2a / D
    T4 = kap * beta2 * (1 + x) * sin2a * cos2a / D
    T5 = 1 / abs(x) * ellipkinc  # psi_phi without e/rho**2 factor
    out_psi_x = (T1 + T2 + T3 + T4) - 2 / beta2 * T5

    return out_psi_s, out_psi_x
Esempio n. 18
def d1(v):
    beta = np.arccos((v+1. - np.sqrt(3.)) / (v+1. + np.sqrt(3.)))
    sin75 = np.sin(75. * np.pi/180.)
    sin75 = sin75*sin75
    result = (5./3.) * (v) * (((3.**0.25) * (np.sqrt(1. + v**3.)) * (scs.ellipeinc(beta, sin75)
             - (1. / (3.+np.sqrt(3.))) * scs.ellipkinc(beta, sin75)))
             + ((1. - (np.sqrt(3.)+1.)*v*v) / (v+1. + np.sqrt(3.))))
    return result
Esempio n. 19
def force_ring(n, m):
    qp = dq[n]
    qq = dq[m]
    rp = p[n]
    rq = p[m]
    d = rp**2 + rq**2
    a = rp + rq
    sq_a = (a)**2
    s = (rp - rq)
    four = 4 * (rp * rq) / sq_a
    val = 1 * (1 / (rp * s *  np.sqrt(d))) * np.sqrt(d / sq_a) * \
            (a * sp.ellipeinc(pi / 4, four) + a * \
             sp.ellipeinc(3 * pi / 4, four) + s * \
             (sp.ellipkinc(pi / 4, four) + \
             sp.ellipkinc(3 * pi / 4, four)))
    val = qp * qq * val
    return val
Esempio n. 20
def SurfaceAreaTri(La, Lb, Lc, p):
    phi = np.arccos(Lc / La)
    k = np.sqrt(
        (La * La * (Lb * Lb - Lc * Lc)) / (Lb * Lb * (La * La - Lc * Lc)))
    Fphik = special.ellipkinc(phi, k)
    Ephik = special.ellipeinc(phi, k)
    return 2.0 * np.pi * (Lc * Lc / p) + 2.0 * np.pi * (
        La * Lb / p) * (Ephik * np.sin(phi) * np.sin(phi) +
                        Fphik * np.cos(phi) * np.cos(phi)) / np.sin(phi)
Esempio n. 21
def d1(v):
    beta = np.arccos((v + 1. - np.sqrt(3.)) / (v + 1. + np.sqrt(3.)))
    sin75 = np.sin(75. * np.pi / 180.)
    sin75 = sin75**2
    return (5. / 3.) * (v) * (
        ((3.**0.25) * (np.sqrt(1. + v**3.)) *
         (scs.ellipeinc(beta, sin75) -
          (1. / (3. + np.sqrt(3.))) * scs.ellipkinc(beta, sin75))) +
        ((1. - (np.sqrt(3.) + 1.) * v * v) / (v + 1. + np.sqrt(3.))))
Esempio n. 22
def gendata(phis, alps):
    l = '%23s%23s%23s\n' % ('phi', 'k', 'E')  # phi [rad]
    for i, alp in enumerate(alps):
        k = np.sin(d2r(alp))
        m = k**2.0
        for j, phi in enumerate(phis):
            p = d2r(phi)
            r = sp.ellipeinc(p, m)
            l += '%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n' % (p, k, r)
    return l
Esempio n. 23
def calc_t_r(qr, r1, r2, r3, r4, En, Lz, aa, M=1):
    delta_t_r in Drasco and Hughes (2005)

        qr (float)
        r1 (float): radial root
        r2 (float): radial root
        r3 (float): radial root
        r4 (float): radial root
        En (float): energy
        Lz (float): angular momentum
        aa (float): spin

    Keyword Args:
        M (float): mass

        t_r (float)
    psi_r = calc_psi_r(qr, r1, r2, r3, r4)

    kr = ((r1 - r2) * (r3 - r4)) / ((r1 - r3) * (r2 - r4))

    rp = M + sqrt(-(aa**2) + M**2)
    rm = M - sqrt(-(aa**2) + M**2)

    hr = (r1 - r2) / (r1 - r3)
    hp = ((r1 - r2) * (r3 - rp)) / ((r1 - r3) * (r2 - rp))
    hm = ((r1 - r2) * (r3 - rm)) / ((r1 - r3) * (r2 - rm))

    return -((En * (
        (-4 * (r2 - r3) *
         (-(((-2 * aa**2 + (4 - (aa * Lz) / En) * rm) *
             ((qr * float(ellippi(hm, kr))) / pi -
              float(ellippi(hm, psi_r, kr)))) /
            ((r2 - rm) *
             (r3 - rm))) +
          ((-2 * aa**2 + (4 - (aa * Lz) / En) * rp) *
           ((qr * float(ellippi(hp, kr))) / pi - float(ellippi(hp, psi_r, kr)))
           ) /
          ((r2 - rp) * (r3 - rp)))) /
        (-rm + rp) + 4 * (r2 - r3) *
        ((qr * float(ellippi(hr, kr))) / pi - float(ellippi(hr, psi_r, kr)))
        (r2 - r3) *
        (r1 + r2 + r3 + r4) *
        ((qr * float(ellippi(hr, kr))) / pi - float(ellippi(hr, psi_r, kr))) +
        (r1 - r3) *
        (r2 - r4) *
        ((qr * ellipe(kr)) / pi - ellipeinc(psi_r, kr) +
         (hr * cos(psi_r) * sin(psi_r) * sqrt(1 - kr * sin(psi_r)**2)) /
         (1 - hr * sin(psi_r)**2)))) / sqrt(
             (1 - En**2) * (r1 - r3) * (r2 - r4)))
Esempio n. 24
    def generate_ellipse_angles(num, a, b):

        angles = 2 * numpy.pi * numpy.arange(num) / num
        if a < b:
            e = float((1.0 - a**2 / b**2)**0.5)
            tot_size = ellipeinc(2.0 * numpy.pi, e)
            arc_size = tot_size / num
            arcs = numpy.arange(num) * arc_size
            res = optimize.root(lambda x: (ellipeinc(x, e) - arcs), angles)
            angles = res.x
        elif b < a:
            e = float((1.0 - b**2 / a**2)**0.5)
            tot_size = ellipeinc(2.0 * numpy.pi, e)
            arc_size = tot_size / num
            arcs = numpy.arange(num) * arc_size
            res = optimize.root(lambda x: (ellipeinc(x, e) - arcs), angles)
            angles = numpy.pi / 2 + res.x
            numpy.arange(0, 2 * numpy.pi, 2 * numpy.pi / num)
        return angles
Esempio n. 25
def test_ellint_2():

    a = np.random.rand(1).item()
    b = np.random.rand(1).item()
    assert (roundScaler(NumCpp.ellint_2_Scaler(a, b), NUM_DECIMALS_ROUND) ==
            roundScaler(sp.ellipeinc(b, a**2), NUM_DECIMALS_ROUND))

    shapeInput = np.random.randint(20, 100, [2, ])
    shape = NumCpp.Shape(shapeInput[0].item(), shapeInput[1].item())
    aArray = NumCpp.NdArray(shape)
    bArray = NumCpp.NdArray(shape)
    a = np.random.rand(shape.rows, shape.cols)
    b = np.random.rand(shape.rows, shape.cols)

    assert np.array_equal(roundArray(NumCpp.ellint_2_Array(aArray, bArray), NUM_DECIMALS_ROUND),
                          roundArray(sp.ellipeinc(b, a**2), NUM_DECIMALS_ROUND))
Esempio n. 26
def d1(v):
        d1(v) = D(a)/a where D is growth function see. Einsenstein 1997 
    beta  = np.arccos((v+1.-np.sqrt(3.))/(v+1.+np.sqrt(3.)))
    sin75 = np.sin(75.*np.pi/180.)
    sin75 = sin75**2
    ans   = (5./3.)*(v)*(((3.**0.25)*(np.sqrt(1.+v**3.))*(scs.ellipeinc(beta,sin75)\
    return ans
def ellipeOsc(x,m):
    Compute the oscillating part of elliptic function ?th kind, E

        x (real): elliptic function arugment
        m (real): elliptic function modulus

    return ellipeinc(x , m) - 2*x*ellipe(m)/(np.pi)
Esempio n. 28
def ellipsoid_area(ellipsoid):
    Compute the surface of a define ellipsoid with its half-axes (a, b, c)
    c, b, a = sorted([ellipsoid['a'], ellipsoid['b'], ellipsoid['c']])
    if a == b == c:
        area = 4*np.pi*a**2
        phi = np.arccos(c/a)
        m = (a**2 * (b**2 - c**2)) / (b**2 * (a**2 - c**2))
        temp = ellipeinc(phi, m)*np.sin(phi)**2 + ellipkinc(phi, m)*np.cos(phi)**2
        area = 2*np.pi*(c**2 + a*b*temp/np.sin(phi))
    return area
Esempio n. 29
 def precomputeEllipticArc(grid_size, ratio):
     Precomputes the incomplete elliptic integrals on a grid of theta so that 
     one can find the adress on a ellipse (x, y coordinates) for a given arc 
     length, :math:`k = \\sqrt{1 - b^2/a^2}` where b is semi-minor and a is 
     semi-major axis of the ellipse 
             The number of points (on a=1 ellipse) where the 
             incomplete elliptic integrals is computed 
             b/a (semi-minor/semi-major) of Ellipse 
             the grid of angles (ellipse parameter) on which the arc 
             lengths are evaluated 
             the evaluated arc lengths 
     k = np.sqrt(1- ratio**2)
     phi = np.linspace(0, np.pi/2, grid_size+1)
     ellip = scsp.ellipeinc(phi, k)    
     # now the phi runs from 0 - pi/2 owing to symmetry of the ellipse
     # compute the arc length of the ellipse along the perimeter for phi from
     # 0 to 2pi, weave together 0-pi/2, and then pi/2-0 etc. 
     max_val = ellip[-1]
     ellip = np.delete(ellip, -1)
     all_path_length = np.zeros(4*(grid_size) + 1 )  # four quarters of 0 - (pi/2 - grid) 
     all_phi = np.zeros(4*(grid_size) + 1) # the last value is 2*pi
     all_path_length[0:grid_size]  = ellip #the last element is for pi/2
     all_path_length[(grid_size):(2*grid_size)] = (max_val - ellip[::-1])  + max_val #weaving requres reversing,
     #owing to the nature of arc length on an ellipse
     all_path_length[(2*grid_size):(3*grid_size)] = ellip  + 2*max_val
     all_path_length[(3*grid_size):(4*grid_size)] = (max_val - ellip[::-1])  + 3*max_val 
     all_path_length[-1] = 4*max_val 
     for i in range(4):   
         all_phi[i*(grid_size):(i+1)*(grid_size)] = phi[:-1] + i*phi[-1]                    
     all_phi[-1] = 2*np.pi
     return all_phi, all_path_length 
Esempio n. 30
def growth_factor(z, Omega_m):
    a = 1.0/(1.0+z)
    v = (1.0+z)*(Omega_m/(1.0-Omega_m))**(1.0/3.0)
    phi = np.arccos((v+1.0-3.0**0.5)/(v+1.0+3.0**0.5))
    m = (np.sin(75.0/180.0* np.pi))**2.0
    part1c = 3.0**0.25 * (1.0+ v**3.0)**0.5
# first elliptic integral
    F_elliptic = special.ellipkinc(phi, m)
# second elliptic integral
    Se_elliptic = special.ellipeinc(phi, m)
    part1 = part1c * ( Se_elliptic - 1.0/(3.0+3.0**0.5)*F_elliptic)
    part2 = (1.0 - (3.0**0.5 + 1.0)*v*v)/(v+1.0+3.0**0.5)
    d_1 = 5.0/3.0*v*(part1 + part2)
# if a goes to 0, use d_11, when z=1100, d_1 is close to d_11
#    d_11 = 1.0 - 2.0/11.0/v**3.0 + 16.0/187.0/v**6.0
    return a*d_1
Esempio n. 31
def calculate_ellipse_arc(ellipse, t):

    :param ellipse:
    :param t:

    phi = EllipticIntegralHelper.convert_phi_to_t(t)

    ellipse_arc_from_y_axis = ellipse.semi_x_axis * spsp.ellipeinc(
        phi, ellipse.m)

    ellipse_arc = ellipse.circumference / 4 - ellipse_arc_from_y_axis

    return ellipse_arc
Esempio n. 32
    def surface_area(self):
        """float: Get the surface area."""
        # Implemented from this example:
        # It requires that a >= b >= c, so we sort the principal axes:
        c, b, a = sorted([self.a, self.b, self.c])
        if a > c:
            phi = np.arccos(c / a)
            m = (a**2 * (b**2 - c**2)) / (b**2 * (a**2 - c**2))
            elliptic_part = ellipeinc(phi, m) * np.sin(phi)**2
            elliptic_part += ellipkinc(phi, m) * np.cos(phi)**2
            elliptic_part /= np.sin(phi)
            elliptic_part = 1

        result = 2 * np.pi * (c**2 + a * b * elliptic_part)
        return result
Esempio n. 33
def area(rad):
    """Area of a spheroid

    rad : dict
        {'a', 'b', 'c'} Equatorial1, Equatorial2, and polar radius
    a, b, c = rad['a'], rad['b'], rad['c']

    if (a != c) and (b != c): #spheroid
        k = a**2*(b**2-c**2) / (b**2*(a**2-c**2))
        phi = np.arccos(c/a)
        tmp = ellipeinc(phi, k)*sin(phi)**2 + ellipkinc(phi, k)*cos(phi)**2
        out = 2*pi*c**2 + tmp*2*pi*a*b/sin(phi) 
    else: #sphere
        out = 4*pi*a**2

    return out
Esempio n. 34
def ellipeinc_(f, k):
    return ellipeinc(f, k*k)
Esempio n. 35
def sin_length(phi,k,omega):
  ## The length of a sinusoid is a classic calculus problem that falls into an elliptic integral.
  m = 1 + k**2 * omega**2
  return ellipeinc(pi/2+omega*phi, 1-1/m )*sqrt(m)/omega
def fun(x):
  return np.sqrt(37)/6.0 * ellipeinc(6*x, 36.0/37.0);
def fun(x):
  return ellipeinc(x,0.5);
Esempio n. 38
    a1b2 = 1 - (e*e)
    a1b = math.sqrt(a1b2)

    ### Case 2:  b is semi-major axis of length 1; b = 1 > a
    b1b = b1b2 = a1a
    b1a2 = a1b2
    b1a = a1b

    ### Append Cases 1 and 2 results to elis list
      (subpct                         ### Percent of PI/2 to use for upper limit
      ,theta                          ### Upper limit Eccentric Anomaly angle
      ,e                              ### Eccentricity a.k.a. Elliptic Modulus
      ,a1b                            ### semi-minor axis b for a = 1 > b
      ,eli(a1a,a1b,substep)           ### Case 1 arc length from a for b < a = 1
      ,ellipeinc(math.pi/2,e2)-ellipeinc(math.pi/2-theta,e2)  ### Case 1 actual
      ,eli(b1a,b1b,substep)           ### Case 2 arc length from a for b = 1 > a
      ,ellipeinc(theta,e2)            ### Case 2 actual

### Print out results
for subpct,theta,e,a1b,a1eli,Ecompl,b1eli,E in elis:
  print('%s%3d %16.16f %10.8f %12.10f %12.10f %12.10f %12.4e %12.10f %12.10f %12.4e'
  %(e==0. and '\n' or ''
   ,subpct                               ### Upper limit, percent of PI/2
   ,theta                                ### Upper limit Ecc. Anom. angle
   ,e                                    ### Eccentricity
   ,a1b                                  ### semi-minor axis
   ,a1eli                                ### Case 1 numerical result
Esempio n. 39
from __future__ import division, print_function
from math import pi
from scipy.special import ellipeinc
import sys

J = float(sys.argv[1])

Gamma = 1
lam = J/(2*Gamma)
theta = 4*lam/(1+lam)**2