Esempio n. 1
    def test_frozen(self):
        # Test that the frozen and non-frozen inverse Wishart gives the same
        # answers

        # Construct an arbitrary positive definite scale matrix
        dim = 4
        scale = np.diag(np.arange(dim) + 1)
        scale[np.tril_indices(dim, k=-1)] = np.arange(dim * (dim - 1) / 2)
        scale =, scale)

        # Construct a collection of positive definite matrices to test the PDF
        X = []
        for i in range(5):
            x = np.diag(np.arange(dim) + (i + 1)**2)
            x[np.tril_indices(dim, k=-1)] = np.arange(dim * (dim - 1) / 2)
            x =, x)
        X = np.array(X).T

        # Construct a 1D and 2D set of parameters
        parameters = [
            (10, 1, np.linspace(0.1, 10, 5)),  # 1D case
            (10, scale, X)

        for (df, scale, x) in parameters:
            iw = invwishart(df, scale)
            assert_equal(iw.var(), invwishart.var(df, scale))
            assert_equal(iw.mean(), invwishart.mean(df, scale))
            assert_equal(iw.mode(), invwishart.mode(df, scale))
            assert_allclose(iw.pdf(x), invwishart.pdf(x, df, scale))
Esempio n. 2
    def test_frozen(self):
        # Test that the frozen and non-frozen inverse Wishart gives the same
        # answers

        # Construct an arbitrary positive definite scale matrix
        dim = 4
        scale = np.diag(np.arange(dim)+1)
        scale[np.tril_indices(dim, k=-1)] = np.arange(dim*(dim-1)/2)
        scale =, scale)

        # Construct a collection of positive definite matrices to test the PDF
        X = []
        for i in range(5):
            x = np.diag(np.arange(dim)+(i+1)**2)
            x[np.tril_indices(dim, k=-1)] = np.arange(dim*(dim-1)/2)
            x =, x)
        X = np.array(X).T

        # Construct a 1D and 2D set of parameters
        parameters = [
            (10, 1, np.linspace(0.1, 10, 5)),  # 1D case
            (10, scale, X)

        for (df, scale, x) in parameters:
            iw = invwishart(df, scale)
            assert_equal(iw.var(), invwishart.var(df, scale))
            assert_equal(iw.mean(), invwishart.mean(df, scale))
            assert_equal(iw.mode(), invwishart.mode(df, scale))
            assert_allclose(iw.pdf(x), invwishart.pdf(x, df, scale))
Esempio n. 3
def test1():
    nside = 8
    ell = np.arange(3. * nside)
    Cltrue = np.zeros_like(ell)
    Cltrue[2:] = 1 / ell[2:]**2
    m = hp.synfast(Cltrue, nside)
    Clhat = hp.anafast(m)

    sigma_l = (2 * ell + 1) * Clhat
    sigma_l = Clhat

    Cl = np.linspace(5e-3, 5, 1000)

    sl = sigma_l[2]
    l = ell[2]
    y = np.exp(-(2 * l + 1) * sl / (2 * Cl)) / np.sqrt(Cl**(2 * l + 1))
    plt.semilogx(Cl, y / y.max())
    alpha = (2 * l - 1) / 2
    beta = (2 * l + 1) * sl / 2
    pdf = invgamma.pdf(Cl, alpha, scale=beta)
    plt.semilogx(Cl, pdf / pdf.max())
    pdf = invwishart.pdf(Cl, df=alpha * 2, scale=beta * 2)
    plt.semilogx(Cl, pdf / pdf.max())
    plt.axvline(Cltrue[2], color='k', linestyle='--')

Esempio n. 4
    def pdf(self, x):
        PDF for Inverse Wishart prior

        x : float
            Covariance matrix for which the prior is being formed over

        - p(x)
        return invwishart.pdf(X, df=self.v, scale=self.Psi)
Esempio n. 5
    def pdf(self, X):
        PDF for Inverse Wishart prior

        x : float
            Covariance matrix for which the prior is being formed over

        - p(x)
        return invwishart.pdf(X, df=self.v, scale=self.Psi)
Esempio n. 6
cov_est = s / (j1 + N)

print("Independent Jeffrey's prior")
cov_est = s / (j2 + N)

# Q4 Monte carlo estimation
M = [1000, 10000, 100000]

print("Monte Carlo Bayesian Estimation")

for m in M:
    print("m =", m)
    sigmas = invwishart.rvs(v0, d0, size=m)
    lx = invwishart.pdf(sigmas.T, df=N - 3, scale=s)

    A =, lx) / np.sum(lx)

d0 = np.array([[2, 0], [0, 4]])
print(" part b")
for m in M:
    print("m =", m)
    sigmas = invwishart.rvs(v0, d0, size=m)
    lx = invwishart.pdf(sigmas.T, df=N - 3, scale=s)
    A =, lx) / np.sum(lx)

# Q5 Gibbs Sampling
print("Gibbs sampler")
Esempio n. 7
k_ = 500  # number of grid points

# ## [Step 1]( Compute the expectation and standard deviations of Sigma2 and B

# +
exp_sigma2 = invwishart.mean(v_pri, v_pri * sigma2_pri)
std_sigma2 = np.sqrt(invwishart.var(v_pri, v_pri * sigma2_pri))

exp_beta = beta_pri
std_beta = np.sqrt(sigma2_pri / (sigma2_zpri * t_pri) * v_pri / (v_pri - 2.))
# -

# ## [Step 2]( Compute the marginal pdf of Sigma2

s = np.linspace(0.1, exp_sigma2 + 3 * std_sigma2, k_)
f_sigma2 = invwishart.pdf(s, v_pri, v_pri * sigma2_pri)

# ## [Step 3]( Compute the marginal pdf of B

b = np.linspace(exp_beta - 3 * std_beta, exp_beta + 3 * std_beta, k_)
f_beta = t.pdf((b - beta_pri) / np.sqrt(sigma2_pri / (sigma2_zpri * t_pri)),
               v_pri) / np.sqrt(sigma2_pri / (sigma2_zpri * t_pri))

# ## [Step 4]( Compute the joint pdf of B and Sigma2

f_joint = np.zeros((k_, k_))
for k in range(k_):
    f_joint[:, k] = norm.pdf(b, beta_pri, np.sqrt(
        s[k] / (sigma2_zpri * t_pri))) * f_sigma2[k]

# ## Plots
Esempio n. 8
 def pdf(self,X):
     return invwishart.pdf(X, df=self.v, scale=self.Psi)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import invwishart, invgamma
x = np.linspace(0.01, 1, 100)
iw = invwishart.pdf(x, df=6, scale=1)
# array([  1.20546865e-15,   5.42497807e-06,   4.45813929e-03])
ig = invgamma.pdf(x, 6/2., scale=1./2)
# array([  1.20546865e-15,   5.42497807e-06,   4.45813929e-03])
plt.plot(x, iw)

# The input quantiles can be any shape of array, as long as the last
# axis labels the components.
Esempio n. 10
exp_sigma2_pri = invwishart.mean(v_pri, v_pri * sigma2_pri)
std_sigma2_pri = np.sqrt(invwishart.var(v_pri, v_pri * sigma2_pri))
exp_sigma2_pos = invwishart.mean(v_pos, v_pos * sigma2_pos)
std_sigma2_pos = np.sqrt(invwishart.var(v_pos, v_pos * sigma2_pos))

# ## [Step 4]( Compute marginal pdfs of the sample, prior and posterior distributions of Sigma2

# +
s_max = np.max([
    exp_sigma2_hat + 3. * std_sigma2_hat, exp_sigma2_pri + 3. * std_sigma2_pri,
    exp_sigma2_pos + 3. * std_sigma2_pos
s = np.linspace(0.01, s_max, k_)  # grid

f_sigma2_hat = wishart.pdf(s, t_ - 1, sigma2_hat / t_)  # sample pdf
f_sigma2_pri = invwishart.pdf(s, v_pri, v_pri * sigma2_pri)  # prior pdf
f_sigma2_pos = invwishart.pdf(s, v_pos, v_pos * sigma2_pos)  # posterior pdf
# -

# ## [Step 5]( Compute the pdf of the sample, prior and posterior distributions of M

# +
m_min = np.min([
    mu_hat - 3. * np.sqrt(sigma2_hat / t_),
    mu_pri - 3. * np.sqrt(sigma2_pri / t_pri),
    mu_pos - 3. * np.sqrt(sigma2_pos / t_pos)
m_max = np.max([
    mu_hat + 3. * np.sqrt(sigma2_hat / t_),
    mu_pri + 3. * np.sqrt(sigma2_pri / t_pri),
    mu_pos + 3. * np.sqrt(sigma2_pos / t_pos)
Esempio n. 11
k_ = 500  # number of grid points

# ## [Step 1]( Compute the expectation and standard deviations of Sigma2 and M

# +
exp_sigma2 = invwishart.mean(v_pri, v_pri * sigma2_pri)  # expectation
std_sigma2 = np.sqrt(invwishart.var(v_pri, v_pri * sigma2_pri))  # std

exp_m = mu_pri  # expectation
std_m = np.sqrt((sigma2_pri / t_pri) * (v_pri / (v_pri - 2.)))  # std
# -

# ## [Step 2]( Compute the marginal pdf of Sigma2

y = np.linspace(0.1, exp_sigma2 + 3 * std_sigma2, k_)  # grid
f_sigma2 = invwishart.pdf(y, v_pri, v_pri * sigma2_pri)  # pdf

# ## [Step 3]( Compute the marginal pdf of M

x = np.linspace(exp_m - 3 * std_m, exp_m + 3 * std_m, k_)  # grid
f_m = t.pdf((x - mu_pri) / np.sqrt(sigma2_pri / t_pri), v_pri) / \
      np.sqrt(sigma2_pri / t_pri)  # pdf

# ## [Step 4]( Compute the joint pdf of M and Sigma2

f_joint = np.zeros((k_, k_))
for k in range(k_):
    f_joint[k, :] = norm.pdf(x, mu_pri, np.sqrt(y[k] / t_pri)) * f_sigma2[k]

# ## Plots
std_sigma2_hat = np.sqrt(wishart.var(t_ - 1, sigma2_hat / t_))
exp_sigma2_pri = invwishart.mean(v_pri, v_pri * sigma2_pri)
std_sigma2_pri = np.sqrt(invwishart.var(v_pri, v_pri * sigma2_pri))
exp_sigma2_pos = invwishart.mean(v_pos, v_pos * sigma2_pos)
std_sigma2_pos = np.sqrt(invwishart.var(v_pos, v_pos * sigma2_pos))

# ## [Step 6]( Compute marginal pdfs of the sample, prior and posterior distributions of Sigma2

# +
s_max = np.max([exp_sigma2_hat + 2. * std_sigma2_hat,
                exp_sigma2_pri + 2. * std_sigma2_pri,
                exp_sigma2_pos + 2. * std_sigma2_pos])
s = np.linspace(0.01, s_max, k_)

f_sigma2_hat = wishart.pdf(s, t_ - 1, sigma2_hat / t_)
f_sigma2_pri = invwishart.pdf(s, v_pri, v_pri * sigma2_pri)
f_sigma2_pos = invwishart.pdf(s, v_pos, v_pos * sigma2_pos)
# -

# ## [Step 7]( Compute the mean and standard deviations of the sample, prior and posterior distributions of B

exp_beta_hat = beta_hat
std_beta_hat = np.sqrt(sigma2_hat / (sigma2_zhat * t_))
exp_beta_pri = beta_pri
std_beta_pri = np.sqrt(sigma2_pri / (sigma2_zpri * t_pri) *
                       v_pri / (v_pri - 2.))
exp_beta_pos = beta_pos
std_beta_pos = np.sqrt(sigma2_pos / (sigma2_zpos * t_pos) *
                       v_pos / (v_pos - 2.))

# ## [Step 8]( Compute marginal pdfs of the sample, prior and posterior distributions of B