Esempio n. 1
    def test_nomerges_condition (self):
        """Test SCM object with a no merges condition"""

        nomerges = NomergesCondition ()
        data = SCM (database = database, var = "ncommits",
                    conditions = (nomerges,))
        self.assertEqual (, 4206)
Esempio n. 2
    def test_branches_condition (self):
        """Test SCM object with a branches condition"""

        # Master branch
        branches = BranchesCondition (branches = ("master",))
        data = SCM (database = database, var = "ncommits",
                    conditions = (branches,))
        self.assertEqual (, 3685)
Esempio n. 3
    def value (self):
        """Obtain the value for a variable"""

        if self.param["family"] == "scm":
            data = SCM (database = self.database, var = self.param["id"],
                        conditions = self.conditions)
            if self.param["type"] == "total":
            elif self.param["type"] == "timeseries":
                return data.timeseries()
            raise Exception ("Unknown family: " + self.param["family"] \
                                 + " (variable: " + variable + ")")
Esempio n. 4
    def test_combined_conditions (self):
        """Test SCM object with a combination of conditions"""

        # Branches and period, and the other way around
        branches = BranchesCondition (branches = ("master",))
        period = PeriodCondition (start = self.start, end = self.end,
                                  date = "author")
        data = SCM (database = database, var = "ncommits",
                    conditions = (branches,period))
        self.assertEqual (, 647)
        data = SCM (database = database, var = "ncommits",
                    conditions = (period, branches))
        self.assertEqual (, 647)
        # Branches, period and merges (in several orders)
        nomerges = NomergesCondition ()
        data = SCM (database = database, var = "ncommits",
                    conditions = (nomerges, period, branches))
        self.assertEqual (, 647)
        data = SCM (database = database, var = "ncommits",
                    conditions = (branches, nomerges, period))
        self.assertEqual (, 647)
Esempio n. 5
    def test_period_condition (self):
        """Test SCM object with a period condition"""

        # Only start for period
        period = PeriodCondition (start = self.start, end = None)
        data = SCM (database = database, var = "ncommits",
                    conditions = (period,))
        self.assertEqual (, 839)
        # Start and end
        period = PeriodCondition (start = self.start, end = self.end)
        data = SCM (database = database, var = "ncommits",
                    conditions = (period,))
        self.assertEqual (, 730)
        # Start and end, authoring date
        period = PeriodCondition (start = self.start, end = self.end,
                                  date = "author")
        data = SCM (database = database, var = "ncommits",
                    conditions = (period,))
        self.assertEqual (, 728)
Esempio n. 6
    def test_no_condition (self):
        """Test SCM object with no conditions"""

        data = SCM (database = database, var = "ncommits")
        self.assertEqual (, 4465)