Esempio n. 1
def get_fragment_triples(fid):
    if not r.sismember('fragments', fid):
        raise NotFound('The fragment {} does not exist'.format(fid))

    if r.get('fragments:{}:pulling'.format(fid)) is not None:
        triples = [u'{} {} {} .'.format(s.n3(), p.n3(), o.n3()) for (c, s, p, o) in load_stream_triples(fid, '+inf')]
        response = make_response('\n'.join(triples))
        response.headers['content-type'] = 'text/n3'
        return response

    return 'hello!'
Esempio n. 2
def __replace_fragment(fid):
    Recreate fragment <fid> cached data and all its data-contexts from the corresponding stream (Redis)
    :param fid:
    tps = cache.get_context(fid).subjects(RDF.type, AGORA.TriplePattern)
    cache.remove_context(cache.get_context("/" + fid))
    for tp in tps:
        cache.remove_context(cache.get_context(str((fid, __triple_pattern(cache, tp)))))
    fragment_triples = load_stream_triples(fid, calendar.timegm(
    for c, s, p, o in fragment_triples:
        cache.get_context(str((fid, c))).add((s, p, o))
        cache.get_context("/" + fid).add((s, p, o))
    with r.pipeline() as pipe:
Esempio n. 3
    def fragment(self, stream=False, timestamp=None, result_set=False):
        def __transform(x):
            if x.startswith('"'):
                return Literal(x.replace('"', ''), datatype=XSD.string).n3(self.graph(stream).namespace_manager)
            return x

        def __build_query_pattern(x):
            if '"' in x:
                return '{ %s }' % x
            return 'OPTIONAL { %s }' % x

        def __read_contexts():
            contexts = self.sink.fragment_contexts
            triple_patterns = {context: eval(context)[1] for context in contexts}
            for context in self.sink.fragment_contexts:
                for (s, p, o) in self.graph().get_context(context):
                    yield triple_patterns[context], s, p, o

        if timestamp is None:
            timestamp = calendar.timegm(

        from_streaming = stream and not self.sink.backed

        if from_streaming:
            triples = load_stream_triples(self.sink.fragment_id, timestamp)
            return triples, stream
        elif stream:
            return __read_contexts(), from_streaming

        gp = [' '.join([__transform( for part in tp.split(' ')]) for tp in]
        if result_set:
            # where_gp = ' '.join(map(__build_query_pattern, gp))
            where_gp = ' . '.join(gp)
            # TODO: Consider using selective OPTIONAL clauses
            query = """SELECT %s WHERE { %s }""" % (' '.join(self.sink.preferred_labels), where_gp)
            where_gp = ' . '.join(gp)
            query = """CONSTRUCT WHERE { %s }""" % where_gp

        result = []
            result = self.graph(data=True).query(query)
        except Exception, e:  # ParseException from query