Esempio n. 1
 def test_group_denovo_specific(self):
     obs1, obs2 = group_denovo(self.testclusterslt10, ['.....((((.......))))...'], 10)
     exp1 = {
         '(((...)))...(((...)))': [(9, 10)],
         '(((...)))': [(1, 2), (3, 4), (11, 12), (5, 6)],
         '.....((((.......))))...': [(15, 16), (7, 8)],
         '............': [(13, 14)]}
     exp2 = ['.....((((.......))))...', '(((...)))...(((...)))', '(((...)))', '............']
     self.assertEqual(obs1, exp1)
     self.assertEqual(obs2, exp2)
Esempio n. 2
 def test_group_denovo_all(self):
     obs1, obs2 = group_denovo(self.testclusterslt10, self.testclusterslt10.keys(), 10)
     print "\n", obs1
     print obs2
     exp1 = {
         '(((...)))...(((...)))': [(9, 10)],
         '(((...)))': [(1, 2), (3, 4), (11, 12), (5, 6)],
         '.....((((.......))))...': [(7, 8)],
         '............': [(13, 14)]}
     exp2 = ['.....((((.......))))...', '(((...)))...(((...)))', '(((...)))', '............']
     self.assertEqual(obs1, exp1)
     self.assertEqual(obs2, exp2)
 #broken out by shapes. No comparison needed at first if not same shape,
 #as most likely not simmilar enough
 files = []
 hold = {}
 #pool = Pool(processes=args.c)
 #run the pool over all shape groups to get final grouped structgroups
 fout = open(otufolder + "shapesizes.txt", 'w')
 groupnum = 1
 for shapegroup in groups_shape.keys():
     #write out each group to file for use in subprocess
     groupinfo = {struct: structgroups[struct] for struct in groups_shape[shapegroup]}
     #fout.write(shapegroup + "\t" + str(len(groupinfo)) + "\n")
     #    args=(groupinfo, structscore, None, None,, callback=hold.update)
     stime = time()
     hold.update(group_denovo(groupinfo, groupinfo.keys(), structscore))
     print len(groupinfo), "clusters:", str((time()-stime)/60), "min"
 #memory saving wipe of structgroups, groups_shape, and groupinfo
 del groups_shape
 del groupinfo
 del structgroups
 #hold should now be the combined dictionaries from all calls of
 #group_by_forester, aka new structgroups
 #do one more grouping with all remaining structs regardless of shape
 #print len(hold), "clusters fgrouping"