Esempio n. 1
File: Progetto: jrherr/pyBWA
    def bwa_return_code( self, output ):
            Just make sure bwa output has the following regex and make sure the read \d counts
            up to how many sequence lines there are
            Should end with Version line

            Example Line:
                [M::main_mem] read 100 sequences (111350 bp)...
                [main] Version: 0.7.4-r385
        read_line_pat = '\[M::main_mem\] read (\d+) sequences \((\d+) bp\)...'
        cpat = re.compile( read_line_pat )

        total_reads = 0
        total_bp = 0
        counts = cpat.findall( output )
        for reads, bps in counts:
            total_reads += int( reads )
            total_bp += int( bps )

        # Count num of read sequences
        expected_reads = seqio.reads_in_file( self.args[1] )
        # If mates file was given count them too
        if len( self.args ) == 3:
            expected_reads += seqio.reads_in_file( self.args[2] )

        # No lines found in input file?
        if expected_reads == 0:
            return 1

        if total_reads != expected_reads:
            logger.warning( "Expecting BWA to process {} reads but processed {}".format(expected_reads, total_reads) )
            return 1

        return super( BWAMem, self ).bwa_return_code( output )
Esempio n. 2
File: Progetto: kpullu/msc
 def required_args(self):
     if len(self.args) != 1:
         raise ValueError(
             'BWAIndex needs 1 parameter: the input fasta file')
     if seqio.reads_in_file(self.args[0]) == 0:
         raise ValueError('{0} is not a valid file to index'.format(
Esempio n. 3
File: Progetto: jrherr/pyBWA
 def required_args( self ):
         Index only requires an input fasta file to index
         Validate that it is an actual fasta file
     if len( self.args ) != 1:
         raise ValueError( "bwa index needs only 1 parameter" )
     self.validate_input( self.args[0] )
     if seqio.reads_in_file( self.args[0] ) == 0:
         raise ValueError( "{} is not a valid file to index".format(self.args[0]) )