Esempio n. 1
    def _compute_returned_code(self):
        Compute the returned code that this Execution instance should returned.
        This method is used internally, it is not normally called by the client.

        The actual execution *should* have completed
        (task_self().resume() or task_self().join())
        returned_rc = ACTION_RC_OK
        for action in self.executed_actions.values():
            current_rc = action.rc
            # We reach an error, we will return an error
            if is_error_rc(current_rc):
                return current_rc
            if is_warning_rc(current_rc):
                returned_rc = ACTION_RC_WARNING

        return returned_rc
Esempio n. 2
 def _update_remote_action(self, ssh_worker):
     Update the fields of the related remote action
     # Worker SSH
     overall_rc = ACTION_RC_OK
     overall_stdout = ""
     overall_stderr = ""
     for rc, nodes in ssh_worker.iter_retcodes():
         for buf, nodes in ssh_worker.iter_buffers(nodes):
             overall_stdout += "%s: %s" % (nodes, buf)
         for error, nodes in ssh_worker.iter_errors(nodes):
             overall_stderr += "%s: %s" % (nodes, error)
         if is_error_rc(rc):
             overall_rc = rc
         if is_warning_rc(rc):
             overall_rc = rc
     self.action.rc = overall_rc
     self.action.stdout = overall_stdout
     self.action.stderr = overall_stderr