Esempio n. 1
    def test_findSize(self):
        # Given
        sut = Product()
        sizeA = Size(sizeEU="41.25")
        sizeB = Size(sizeEU="38 2/3")
        sizeC = Size(sizeEU="39")

        # When given size not exists
        foundSize = sut.findSize(sizeStr="45")
        # Then
        self.assertIsNone(foundSize, f"Expected that size was not found and "
                                     f"returned value is None, but got '{foundSize}'")

        # When
        foundSize = sut.findSize(sizeStr=sizeA.sizeEU)
        # Then
        self.assertEqual(sizeA, foundSize)

        # When
        foundSize = sut.findSize(sizeStr=sizeB.sizeEU)
        # Then
        self.assertEqual(sizeB, foundSize)

        # When
        foundSize = sut.findSize(sizeStr=sizeC.sizeEU)
        # Then
        self.assertEqual(sizeC, foundSize)
Esempio n. 2
    def _processSizeChange(product: Product, sizeStr: str,
                           isSizeInStock: bool) -> ProductChanged:

        isProductChanged = False

        # Check if scraped size already exists
        foundSize: Size = product.findSize(sizeStr)

        # If an existing size was found, copy its reference(!). Otherwise, take a new Size object.
        size: Size = foundSize if foundSize else Size()

        # 1.
        # Scraped size does not exist at all, so add to product and mark product as changed.
        if not foundSize:
            size.sizeEU = sizeStr
            isProductChanged = True
            logger.debug("New size '%s' detected & added. %s", size.sizeEU,

        # 2.
        # Size already exists but its stock indicator is marked as unavailable, whereas the
        # newly scraped size is marked as in-stock. Mark product as changed.
        if not size.isInStock and isSizeInStock:
            isProductChanged = True
            logger.debug("Size '%s' has been restocked. %s", size.sizeEU,

        # 3.
        # After comparison, set/update size stock indicator. Always update ALL
        # found sizes as their availability may have changed to True or False and
        # we have to be up-to-date in case we are sending a message.
        # Note that 'size' var whether is a yet unrelated Size object or a reference
        # to an existing product.size
        size.isInStock = isSizeInStock

        return isProductChanged