def test_parse_model_missing_attribute_raises_type_error():
    class TestModel:
        model_id: int
        model_lists: Any

    data = {'ModelID': 1}

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        parsing_helpers.parse_model(data, TestModel)
def test_parse_model():
    class TestModel:
        model_id: int
        model_name: str
        model_score: float
        touched_by: str
        created_date: datetime
        version: int = None

    data = {
        'ModelID': 1,
        'ModelName': 'model1',
        'ModelScore': .97,
        'TouchedBy': 'signal',
        'CreatedDate': '2010-01-01T01:00:00'

    parsed = parsing_helpers.parse_model(data, TestModel)
    assert isinstance(parsed, TestModel)
    assert parsed == TestModel(model_id=1,
Esempio n. 3
def get_multiple(connection: Connection, relative_url: str, cls: Type[TModel],
                 query_string: Optional[QueryString] = None,
                 rename_keys: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None) \
        -> Tuple[TModel, ...]:
    """Get a multiple objects from the API.

    Make a get request to the specified URL to retrieve a sequence of results
    and return a list of objects of the provided class instantiated with the
    retrieved data. If the API responds with an empty sequence an empty list
    is returned.

        connection: The connection object to use to make the appropriate get
            request to the API.
        relative_url: The relative URL to make the request to.
        cls: The class to instantiate the object for the retrieved data.
        query_string: Query parameters for the request.
        rename_keys: Key names to rename to match model attribute names,
            used when an automated translation of the name from CapsWords
            to snake_case is to sufficient. Renaming must provide the name
            in CapsWords.
    response = connection._make_get_request(relative_url,
    data = response.json()
    return tuple(parse_model(d, cls, rename_keys=rename_keys) for d in data)
Esempio n. 4
def get_single(connection: Connection, relative_url: str, cls: Type[TModel],
               query_string: Optional[QueryString] = None,
               rename_keys: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None) \
        -> Optional[TModel]:
    """Get a single object from the API.

    Make a get request to the specified URL and return an object of the
    provided class instantiated with the retrieved data. If the API responds
    with a "Not Found" status code, return None.

        connection: The connection object to use to make the appropriate get
            request to the API.
        relative_url: The relative URL to make the request to.
        cls: The class to instantiate the object for the retrieved data.
        query_string: Query parameters for the request.
        rename_keys: Key names to rename to match model attribute names,
            used when an automated translation of the name from CapsWords
            to snake_case is to sufficient. Renaming must provide the name
            in CapsWords.

        An object of the provided class instantiated with the data retrieved
        from the specified URL, or None if the API responds with a "Not Found"
        status code.
    response = connection._make_get_request(relative_url,

    if response.status_code ==
        return None

    data = response.json()
    return parse_model(data, cls, rename_keys=rename_keys)
def test_parse_model_field(value: Union[str, int, float, bool, None],
                     field_type: Type,
                     expected: Union[str, int, float, bool, None, datetime,
                                     List[int], List[str], Tuple[int, ...],
                                     Tuple[str, ...]]) \
        -> None:
    transformed = parsing_helpers.parse_model(value, field_type)
    assert type(transformed) == type(expected)
    assert transformed == expected
def test_parse_model_rename_key_extra_attribute_ignored():
    class TestModel:
        model_id: int

    data = {'ModelID': 1}
    rename_keys = {'NAME': 'model_name'}
    parsed = parsing_helpers.parse_model(data, TestModel, rename_keys)
    assert isinstance(parsed, TestModel)
    assert parsed == TestModel(model_id=1)
def test_parse_model_default_factory():
    class TestModel:
        model_id: int
        model_lists: List = field(default_factory=list)

    data = {'ModelID': 1}

    parsed = parsing_helpers.parse_model(data, TestModel)
    assert isinstance(parsed, TestModel)
    assert parsed == TestModel(model_id=1, model_lists=[])
def test_parse_model_default():
    class TestModel:
        model_id: int
        model_name: str = 'a'

    data = {'ModelID': 1}

    parsed = parsing_helpers.parse_model(data, TestModel)
    assert isinstance(parsed, TestModel)
    assert parsed == TestModel(model_id=1, model_name='a')
def test_parse_model_rename_key():
    class TestModel:
        model_id: int
        model_name: str

    data = {'ModelID': 1, 'NAME': 'model1'}
    rename_keys = {'NAME': 'model_name'}
    parsed = parsing_helpers.parse_model(data, TestModel, rename_keys)
    assert isinstance(parsed, TestModel)
    assert parsed == TestModel(model_id=1, model_name='model1')
def test_parse_nested_model():
    class TestNestedModel:
        model_id: int

    class TestModel:
        model_id: int
        nested_model: TestNestedModel

    data = {'ModelID': 1, 'nested_model': {'ModelID': 3}}

    parsed = parsing_helpers.parse_model(data, TestModel)
    assert isinstance(parsed, TestModel)
    assert parsed == TestModel(model_id=1, nested_model=TestNestedModel(3))
def test_parse_model_extra_attributes_are_ignored():
    class TestModel:
        model_id: int
        model_name: str

    data = {
        'ModelID': 1,
        'ModelName': 'model1',
        'ModelScore': .97,
        'TouchedBy': 'signal',
        'CreatedDate': '2010-01-01'

    parsed = parsing_helpers.parse_model(data, TestModel)
    assert isinstance(parsed, TestModel)
    assert parsed == TestModel(model_id=1, model_name='model1')
Esempio n. 12
    def get_imos(
            vessel_filter: Optional[VesselFilter] = None
    ) -> Tuple[Vessel, ...]:
        """Retrieves available vessel types.

            vessel_filter: A filter used to find specific vessel . If not
                specified, returns all available vessels .

            A tuple of available vessels that match the filter.
        response = self.__connection._make_get_request(

        vessels = (parse_model(c, Vessel) for c in response.json())
        vessel_filter = vessel_filter or VesselFilter()

        return tuple(vessel_filter._apply(vessels))
Esempio n. 13
    def get_vessel_classes(
        class_filter: Optional[VesselClassFilter] = None
    ) -> Tuple[VesselClass, ...]:
        """Retrieves available vessel classes.

            class_filter: A filter used to find specific vessel classes. If not
                specified, returns all available vessel classes.

            A tuple of available vessel classes that match the filter.
        response = self.__connection._make_get_request(

        classes = (parse_model(c, VesselClass) for c in response.json())
        class_filter = class_filter or VesselClassFilter()

        return tuple(class_filter._apply(classes))
def test_parse_model_field_raises_error(
        value: Union[str, int, float, bool, None], field_type: Type,
        expected_error: Type[BaseException]) -> None:
    with pytest.raises(expected_error):
        parsing_helpers.parse_model(value, field_type)