Esempio n. 1
print ""

print "assumed top and bottom space is:", top_bottom_space
print "assumed left and right space is:", left_right_space

combo = read_pcd_file(args[1], ['xyzrgb', 'xyz', 'xy', 'yz', 'xz', 'x', 'y', 'z'])
xyzrgb, xyz, xy, yz, xz, x, y, z = combo

if render:
    render_3d_scatter(xyzrgb, proportion=0.1).set_title("original cloud")

print ""

ret = sw_back.remove_back(xyz, xy, x, y, z)
min_z, min_dist, sampled_z, all_dists = ret
if min_dist < plane_removal_threshold:
    remove_idxs = remove_plane_idx(xyz, min_z, 'xy')
    combo = select_each(combo, remove_idxs)
    xyzrgb, xyz, xy, yz, xz, x, y, z = combo
    print "Back removed at", min_z

    print "removing points behind back plane"
    _, in_front_idxs = filter_val_idx(lambda z: z<min_z, z)
    combo = select_each(combo, in_front_idxs)
    xyzrgb, xyz, xy, yz, xz, x, y, z = combo
    print "No back detected"

#plt.plot(sampled_z, all_dists)
	x_image = x/z*lift + width/2
	y_image = y/z*lift + height/2
	if not 0<=x_image<=width:
		print "x!", x, y, z, x_image
	if not 0<=y_image<=height:
		print "y!", x, y, z, y_image
	return x_image, y_image

img = cv2.imread(sys.argv[1])
hsv = cv2.cvtColor(img,
hue = hsv[:,:,0]
xyzrgb, xyz, xy, x, y, z = read_pcd_file(sys.argv[2], ['xyzrgb', 'xyz', 'xy', 'x', 'y', 'z'])
min_z, min_dist, zs, dists = sw_back.remove_back(xyz, xy, x, y, z, num_windows=10)
_, tmp_points_idx = filter_val_idx(lambda z:abs(z-min_z)<0.03, z)
xyzrgb_tmp = select(xyzrgb, tmp_points_idx)
xyz_tmp = select(xyz, tmp_points_idx)
xy = select(xy, tmp_points_idx)
x = select(x, tmp_points_idx)
y = select(y, tmp_points_idx)
z = select(z, tmp_points_idx)
a, b, c, d = fit_plane(xyz_tmp)
_, all_points_idx = filter_val_idx(lambda p:dist_point_plane(p, a, b, c, d)<0.03, xyz)
xyzrgb_final = select(xyzrgb, all_points_idx)

eligible_points = []
for p in xyzrgb_final:
	r, g, b = pcl_float_to_rgb(p[3])