Esempio n. 1
  def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs):
    Passes appropriate kwargs to Config, pays local attention to these keys:
    updateInterval: default: '0' format: 'dd:hh:mm:ss', leading parts optional. Must be >= 0 seconds.
    updateFunction: default: noop(). Takes self as argument. Behavior: Updates default values in argument
    reEvaluateFunction: default: noop(). Takes self as argument. Behavior: Mutates values in argument
    signalNumber: default: SIGALRM (14). If 0, then signals will not be handled.
      Instances that share the same signalNumber will all be update()-ed at every signal.

    self.internal.updateFunction may be set after construction if desired: Avoids double-work at construction
    self.internal.reEvalutateFunction may be set after construction if desired, but this is not recommended.
    skwargs = dict([(x,kwargs[x]) for x in socorro_config.getDefaultedConfigOptions().keys() if x in kwargs])
    for i in range(len(args)):
      skwargs[socorro_config.namedConfigOptions[i]] = args[i]
    self.internal.updateFunction = kwargs.get('updateFunction',noop)
    self.internal.reEvaluateFunction = kwargs.get('reEvaluateFunction',noop)
    self.internal.signalNumber = kwargs.get('signalNumber',14)
    self.internal.nextUpdate = None
    updateInterval = kwargs.get('updateInterval','0:0:0:0')
    self.internal.updateDelta = socorro_config.timeDeltaConverter(updateInterval)
    if self.internal.updateDelta:
      if self.internal.updateDelta < datetime.timedelta(0):
        raise ValueError("updateInterval must be non-negative, but %s"%self.internal.updateDelta)
      self.internal.nextUpdate = utc_now() + self.internal.updateDelta

    # finally: make sure we are current
    if self.internal.signalNumber:
      priorSignal = signal.signal(self.internal.signalNumber,DynamicConfig.handleAlarm)
    DynamicConfig.instances[id(self)] = self
Esempio n. 2
def getProcessingWindow(configContext,tableName, productVersionRestriction,cursor,logger, **kwargs):
  ProcessingWindow is a single time window over which to aggregate materialized view data.

  Returns (startWindow,deltaWindow,endWindow) using this heuristic:
  kwargs beats configContext which beats latest table row
  if two among startWindow, endWindow, deltaWindow in config or kwargs: they are used.
    if all three: assert startWindow + deltaWindow == endWindow
  Backward compatibility: if processingDay is present and windowXxx are not:
    startWindow = midnight of given day, deltaWindow = timedelta(days=1)
  else: try to read window_end and window_size from the given table
  if one is available from config/kwargs it beats the same (or calculated) one from the table
  On inconsistency or failure, logs the problem and aborts
  BEWARE: You can get inconsitency by having one item in config and the other two in kwargs: BEWARE
  config = {}
  startWindow = config.get('startWindow')
  if type(startWindow) is str:
    startWindow = cm.dateTimeConverter(startWindow)
  deltaWindow = config.get('deltaWindow')
  if type(deltaWindow) is str:
    deltaWindow = cm.timeDeltaConverter(deltaWindow)
  endWindow = config.get('endWindow')
  if type(endWindow) is str:
    endWindow = cm.dateTimeConverter(endWindow)
  processingDay = config.get('processingDay')
  if type(processingDay) is str:
    processingDay = cm.dateTimeConverter(processingDay)
    if startWindow or deltaWindow or endWindow:
      if startWindow and endWindow and deltaWindow:
        assert startWindow + deltaWindow == endWindow,"inconsistent: %s + %s != %s"%(startWindow,deltaWindow,endWindow)
      elif startWindow and endWindow:
        deltaWindow = endWindow - startWindow
      elif startWindow and deltaWindow:
        endWindow = startWindow + deltaWindow
      elif deltaWindow and endWindow:
        startWindow = endWindow - deltaWindow
        assert not (startWindow or deltaWindow or endWindow), "insufficient: Need two of window ...Start: %s, ...Delta: %s, ...End:%s"%(startWindow,deltaWindow,endWindow)
    elif processingDay:
      dayt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(processingDay.timetuple()))
      startWindow = dayt.replace(hour=0,minute=0,second=0,microsecond=0)
      assert startWindow == dayt,'processingDay must be some midnight, but was %s'%dayt
      deltaWindow = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
      endWindow = startWindow + deltaWindow
    else: # no params: try table
      startWindow,deltaWindow = getLastWindowAndSizeFromTable(cursor,tableName, productVersionRestriction,logger)
      if startWindow:
        endWindow = startWindow+deltaWindow
    return (startWindow,deltaWindow,endWindow)
jsonFileSuffix.doc = 'the suffix used to identify a json file'
jsonFileSuffix.default = '.json'

dumpFileSuffix = cm.Option()
dumpFileSuffix.doc = 'the suffix used to identify a dump file'
dumpFileSuffix.default = '.dump'

checkForPriorityFrequency = cm.Option()
checkForPriorityFrequency.doc = 'the time bewteen checks for priority jobs (HHH:MM:SS)'
checkForPriorityFrequency.default = '0:01:00'
checkForPriorityFrequency.fromStringConverter = cm.timeDeltaConverter

processorCheckInTime = cm.Option()
processorCheckInTime.doc = 'the time after which a processor is considered dead (HH:MM:SS)'
processorCheckInTime.default = "00:05:00"
processorCheckInTime.fromStringConverter = lambda x: str(cm.timeDeltaConverter(x))

processorCheckInFrequency = cm.Option()
processorCheckInFrequency.doc = 'the frequency in seconds for the processor to check in with the monitor'
processorCheckInFrequency.default = '0:05:00'
processorCheckInFrequency.fromStringConverter = cm.timeDeltaConverter

batchJobLimit = cm.Option()
batchJobLimit.doc = 'the number of jobs to pull in a time'
batchJobLimit.default = 10000

irrelevantSignatureRegEx = cm.Option()
irrelevantSignatureRegEx.doc = 'a regular expression matching frame signatures that should be ignored when generating an overall signature'
irrelevantSignatureRegEx.default = '@0x[01234567890abcdefABCDEF]{2,}'

prefixSignatureRegEx = cm.Option()
Esempio n. 4
def getProcessingDates(configContext, tableName, productVersionRestriction, cursor, logger, **kwargs):
  A processing interval is a time interval greater or equal to a processing window. Used to
  calculate a series of adjacent materialized view aggregates.

  Returns (startDate, deltaDate, endDate) using this heuristic:
  kwargs beats configContext
  if none are provided, calculates based on latest row of table, now()
  if only one is provided, logs the insufficiency and aborts
  if two among startDate, deltaDate, endDate: they are used
  Checks the table for most recent window_end
    if startDate < window_end:
      startDate = window_end change...)
  if startDate >= endDate, or deltaDate <= 0, or three provided are inconsistent:
    logs the inconsistency and aborts
  config = {}
  delta0 = datetime.timedelta(days=0)
  delay = config.get('processingDelay', datetime.timedelta(hours=2))
  startDate = config.get('startDate')
  if startDate:
    startDate = "%s"%(startDate)
    startDate = cm.dateTimeConverter(startDate)
  deltaDate = config.get('deltaDate')
  if type(deltaDate) is str:
    deltaDate = cm.timeDeltaConverter(deltaDate)
  endDate = config.get('endDate')
  if endDate:
    endDate = "%s"%(endDate)
    endDate = cm.dateTimeConverter(endDate)
  initialDeltaDate = config.get('initialDeltaDate',config.get('deltaDate'))
  if not initialDeltaDate: initialDeltaDate = globalInitialDeltaDate
  defaultDeltaWindow = config.get('defaultDeltaWindow',config.get('deltaWindow'))
  if not defaultDeltaWindow: defaultDeltaWindow = globalDefaultDeltaWindow
      logger.debug('trying getDefaultDateInterval')
      startDateFromTable,endDateFromTable,latestWindowEnd = getDefaultDateInterval(cursor,tableName,delay,initialDeltaDate,defaultDeltaWindow,productVersionRestriction,logger)
    except Exception, x:
      print x
    if startDate and endDate and deltaDate:
      assert startDate + deltaDate == endDate,"inconsistent: %s + %s != %s"%(startDate,deltaDate,endDate)
    elif startDate and endDate:
      assert startDate < endDate, 'inconsistent: startDate %s >= endDate %s'%(startDate,endDate)
      deltaDate = endDate - startDate
    elif startDate and deltaDate:
      assert deltaDate > delta0, 'inconsistent: deltaDate %s <= 0'%(deltaDate)
      endDate = startDate + deltaDate
    elif deltaDate and endDate:
      assert deltaDate > delta0, 'inconsistent: deltaDate %s <= 0'%(deltaDate)
      startDate = endDate - deltaDate
      assert not (startDate or deltaDate or endDate), "insufficient: Need two xxxDate: start: %s, delta: %s, end:%s"%(startDate,deltaDate,endDate)
      startDate = startDateFromTable
      endDate = endDateFromTable
      deltaDate = endDate - startDate
    if latestWindowEnd and startDate < latestWindowEnd:"given/calculated startDate: %s < latest row in %s. Changing to %s",startDate,tableName,latestWindowEnd)
      startDate = latestWindowEnd
      deltaDate = endDate - startDate
      assert deltaDate > delta0, 'inconsistent (after check with db table %s): deltaDate %s <= 0'%(tableName,deltaDate)
    return (startDate,deltaDate,endDate)
Esempio n. 5
#dumpDirPrefix.doc = 'dump directory names begin with this prefix'
#dumpDirPrefix.default = 'tst_'

#jsonFileSuffix = cm.Option()
#jsonFileSuffix.doc = 'the suffix used to identify a json file'
#jsonFileSuffix.default = '.json'

#dumpFileSuffix = cm.Option()
#dumpFileSuffix.doc = 'the suffix used to identify a dump file'
#dumpFileSuffix.default = '.dump'

processorCheckInTime = cm.Option()
processorCheckInTime.doc = 'the time after which a processor is considered dead (HH:MM:SS)'
processorCheckInTime.default = "00:05:00"
processorCheckInTime.fromStringConverter = lambda x: str(

standardLoopDelay = cm.Option()
standardLoopDelay.doc = 'the time between scans for jobs (HHH:MM:SS)'
standardLoopDelay.default = '00:05:00'
standardLoopDelay.fromStringConverter = cm.timeDeltaConverter

cleanupJobsLoopDelay = cm.Option()
cleanupJobsLoopDelay.doc = 'the time between runs of the job clean up routines (HHH:MM:SS)'
cleanupJobsLoopDelay.default = '00:05:00'
cleanupJobsLoopDelay.fromStringConverter = cm.timeDeltaConverter

priorityLoopDelay = cm.Option()
priorityLoopDelay.doc = 'the time between checks for priority jobs (HHH:MM:SS)'
priorityLoopDelay.default = '00:01:00'
priorityLoopDelay.fromStringConverter = cm.timeDeltaConverter