Esempio n. 1
 def testOpen(self):
     # Open file, ensure values are read properly.
     sat = pbs.VirtSat('data/pybats_test/sat_multispecies.sat')
     self.assertEqual(self.knownSatXmax, sat['x'].max())
     self.assertEqual(self.knownSatPmax, sat['p'].max())
     self.assertEqual(self.knownSatHmax, sat['rhoh'].max())
     self.assertEqual(self.knownSatOmax, sat['rhoo'].max())
Esempio n. 2
    def testCalc(self):
        # Test various unit calculations
        sat = pbs.VirtSat('data/pybats_test/sat_multispecies.sat')

        # Test calculation of species number density:
        self.assertTrue('N' in sat)
        self.assertEqual(100, sat['oFrac'][0]+sat['hFrac'][0]+sat['heFrac'][0])
Esempio n. 3
 def testOpen(self):
     # Open file, ensure values are read properly.
     sat = pbs.VirtSat(
         os.path.join(spacepy_testing.datadir, 'pybats_test',
     self.assertEqual(self.knownSatXmax, sat['x'].max())
     self.assertEqual(self.knownSatPmax, sat['p'].max())
     self.assertEqual(self.knownSatHmax, sat['rhoh'].max())
     self.assertEqual(self.knownSatOmax, sat['rhoo'].max())
Esempio n. 4
    def testCalc(self):
        # Test various unit calculations
        sat = pbs.VirtSat(
            os.path.join(spacepy_testing.datadir, 'pybats_test',

        # Test calculation of species number density:
        self.assertTrue('N' in sat)
                         sat['oFrac'][0] + sat['hFrac'][0] + sat['heFrac'][0])
if args.obsdst:
    if not log.fetch_obs_dst():
        raise ValueError('Failed to obtain observed Dst.  Is KyotoWDC down?')


if end:
    end = parse(end)
    end = log['time'][-1]
trange = [start, end]

sats = []
if args.sats:
    for s in glob(prefix + "*.sat"):
if sats:
    print('\tVirtSats: found {} virtual satellites'.format(len(sats)))

if args.nthread > 1:
    print('\tParallel: using {} threads.'.format(args.nthread))

# Create function for generating plots.
def plot_results(fileY, fileZ, iFile=0, nFiles=1):
    Create a nice plot of WTF is happening.
    Kwargs iFile and nFiles are for reporting progress.

    # Get start times from file names:
Esempio n. 6
def calc_tdiff(t1, arrival=arrival):
    t_out = np.array([(t1[i] - arrival).total_seconds()
                      for i in range(t1.size)])
    return t_out


# Open all files, stash them into a list:
sats = []
for f in glob(path + 'sat*.sat'):  # Loop over all files in directory.
    # Load file, stash it into the satellite file.
    # Create an alternative time value relative to the time when
    # the shock wave hits the bow shock:

# Create a beautiful plot:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=[8.25, 5.75])
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

# Plot each virtual satellite result:
for s in sats:
    # Convert time into time from impact on magnetosphere:
    t_now = calc_tdiff(s['time'])
    # Add line to plot:
    ax.plot(t_now, s['b1z'], label=f'{s["x"][0]:.1f} $R_E$', lw=2)

# Add two vertical lines to mark shock arrival into