Esempio n. 1
 def open_with_external_spyder(self, text):
     """Load file in external Spyder's editor, if available
     This method is used only for embedded consoles
     (could also be useful if we ever implement the magic %edit command)"""
     match = get_error_match(to_text_string(text))
     if match:
         fname, lnb = match.groups()
         builtins.open_in_spyder(fname, int(lnb))
Esempio n. 2
 def open_with_external_spyder(self, text):
     """Load file in external Spyder's editor, if available
     This method is used only for embedded consoles
     (could also be useful if we ever implement the magic %edit command)"""
     match = get_error_match(to_text_string(text))
     if match:
         fname, lnb = match.groups()
         builtins.open_in_spyder(fname, int(lnb))