def test_spark_property():
    c = sparklauncher.SparkConfiguration()
    c.conf.spark.executor.cores = 5
    assert c.conf._conf_dict.get('spark.executor.cores') == 5

    c.conf.set_if_unset('spark.executor.cores', 10)
    assert c.conf._conf_dict.get('spark.executor.cores') == 5
Esempio n. 2
def test_spark_launcher_multiple_argument():
    c = sparklauncher.SparkConfiguration()
    archive = ["/path/to/some/", "/path/to/someother/"]
    c.archives = archive
    assert ('--archives ' +
            ','.join(archive)) in os.environ['PYSPARK_SUBMIT_ARGS']
Esempio n. 3
def test_prepare_interactive():
    c = sparklauncher.SparkConfiguration()

    new_conf = prepare_pyspark_yarn_interactive("conda",
                                                "hdfs://some/env/", c)

    # Must be a new instance not a copy.
    assert new_conf is not c

    expected_python = os.path.join(".", "CONDA", "conda", "bin", "python")
    assert new_conf._python_path == expected_python
    # archive must be added tp the arguments that will be supplied.
    assert "hdfs://some/env/" in new_conf.archives
    assert os.environ["PYSPARK_PYTHON"] == expected_python
def test_sparkconf_hasattr():
    c = sparklauncher.SparkConfiguration()
    assert hasattr(c, "foo") is False
    assert hasattr(c, "driver_memory") is True
    assert hasattr(c, "driver-memory") is True
    assert c.driver_memory is None
    c.driver_memory = "4g"
    assert c.driver_memory == "4g"
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        # make sure that attempting to access unknown variables raises an attribute error
        getattr(c, 'foo')
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        # make sure that attempting to set unknown variables raises an attribute error = "bar"
Esempio n. 5
def spark_tuple_module(request):
    conf = sparklauncher.SparkConfiguration()
    conf.master = "local[1]"
    sc, sqlContext = conf.sql_context("test")
    return sc, sqlContext
def test_set_spark_property():
    c = sparklauncher.SparkConfiguration()
    c.driver_memory = "4g"
def test_config_priority():
    c = sparklauncher.SparkConfiguration()
    c.driver_memory = "4g"
    c.conf.spark.driver.memory = "5g"
    assert '--driver-memory 5g' in os.environ['PYSPARK_SUBMIT_ARGS']
def test_spark_launcher_argument():
    c = sparklauncher.SparkConfiguration()
    archive = "/path/to/some/"
    c.archives = archive
    assert ('--archives ' + archive) in os.environ['PYSPARK_SUBMIT_ARGS']