Esempio n. 1
def getRenameMaps(srgFiles, mcpConfDir, lvRangeMapFile, dumpRenameMap, srcRoot, excFiles):
    maps = {}
    importMaps = {}

    # CB -> packaged MCP class/field/method
    _notReallyThePackageMap, classMap, fieldMap, methodMap, methodSigMap = srglib.readMultipleSrgs(srgFiles)
    for old,new in classMap.iteritems():
        maps["class "+old]=srglib.splitBaseName(new) 
        importMaps["class "+old]=srglib.internalName2Source(new)  # when renaming class, need to import it, too
    for old,new in fieldMap.iteritems():
        maps["field "+old]=srglib.splitBaseName(new)
    for old,new in methodMap.iteritems():
        maps["method "+old]=srglib.splitBaseName(new)

    # CB class -> MCP package name
    for cbClass, mcpClass in classMap.iteritems():
        cbFile = "src/main/java/"+cbClass+".java"
        mcpPackage = srglib.splitPackageName(mcpClass)
        maps["package "+cbClass] = srglib.internalName2Source(mcpPackage)

    # Read parameter map from MCP.. it comes from MCP with MCP namings, so have to remap to CB 
    invMethodMap, invMethodSigMap = srglib.invertMethodMap(methodMap, methodSigMap)
    invClassMap = srglib.invertDict(classMap)
    if mcpConfDir is not None:
        mcpParamMap = srglib.readParameterMap(mcpConfDir, apply_map = False)
        cbParamMap, removedParamMap = srglib.remapParameterMap(mcpParamMap, invMethodMap, invMethodSigMap, invClassMap)
        if not excFiles is None:
            for file in excFiles:
                tmp = srglib.readParameterMap(mcpConfDir, file, apply_map = False)
                tmp_clean, _ = srglib.remapParameterMap(tmp, invMethodMap, invMethodSigMap, invClassMap, keep_missing=True)
        # removedParamMap = methods in FML/MCP repackaged+joined but not CB = client-only methods

        # don't rename any parameters
        mcpParamMap = {}
        cbParamMap = {}
        removedParamMap = {}

    for old,new in cbParamMap.iteritems():
        for i in range(0,len(new)):
            maps["param %s %s" % (old, i)] = new[i]

    # Local variable map - position in source -> name; derived from MCP rangemap
    if lvRangeMapFile is not None:
        readLocalVariableMap(lvRangeMapFile, maps, invClassMap, invMethodMap, invMethodSigMap, srcRoot)

    if dumpRenameMap:
        for key in sorted(maps.keys()):
            newName = maps[key]
            print "RENAME MAP: %s -> %s" % (key, newName)

    return maps, importMaps
Esempio n. 2
def getRenameMaps(srgFiles, mcpConfDir, lvRangeMapFile, dumpRenameMap, srcRoot):
    maps = {}
    importMaps = {}

    # CB -> packaged MCP class/field/method
    _notReallyThePackageMap, classMap, fieldMap, methodMap, methodSigMap = srglib.readMultipleSrgs(srgFiles)
    for old,new in classMap.iteritems():
        maps["class "+old]=srglib.splitBaseName(new) 
        importMaps["class "+old]=srglib.internalName2Source(new)  # when renaming class, need to import it, too
    for old,new in fieldMap.iteritems():
        maps["field "+old]=srglib.splitBaseName(new)
    for old,new in methodMap.iteritems():
        maps["method "+old]=srglib.splitBaseName(new)

    # CB class -> MCP package name
    for cbClass, mcpClass in classMap.iteritems():
        cbFile = "src/main/java/"+cbClass+".java"
        mcpPackage = srglib.splitPackageName(mcpClass)
        maps["package "+cbClass] = srglib.internalName2Source(mcpPackage)

    # Read parameter map from MCP.. it comes from MCP with MCP namings, so have to remap to CB 
    invMethodMap, invMethodSigMap = srglib.invertMethodMap(methodMap, methodSigMap)
    invClassMap = srglib.invertDict(classMap)
    if mcpConfDir is not None:
        mcpParamMap = srglib.readParameterMap(mcpConfDir)
        cbParamMap, removedParamMap = srglib.remapParameterMap(mcpParamMap, invMethodMap, invMethodSigMap, invClassMap)
        # removedParamMap = methods in FML/MCP repackaged+joined but not CB = client-only methods

        # don't rename any parameters
        mcpParamMap = {}
        cbParamMap = {}
        removedParamMap = {}

    for old,new in cbParamMap.iteritems():
        for i in range(0,len(new)):
            maps["param %s %s" % (old, i)] = new[i]

    # Local variable map - position in source -> name; derived from MCP rangemap
    if lvRangeMapFile is not None:
        readLocalVariableMap(lvRangeMapFile, maps, invClassMap, invMethodMap, invMethodSigMap, srcRoot)

    if dumpRenameMap:
        for key in sorted(maps.keys()):
            newName = maps[key]
            print "RENAME MAP: %s -> %s" % (key, newName)

    return maps, importMaps
Esempio n. 3
def getConstructor(key):
    tokens = key.split(" ", 2)  # TODO: switch to non-conflicting separator..types can have spaces :(
    if tokens[0] != "method": return None
    print tokens
    kind, fullMethodName, methodSig = tokens
    if methodSig[-1] != "V": return None # constructors marked with 'V' return type signature in ApplySrg2Source and MCP
    fullClassName = srglib.splitPackageName(fullMethodName)
    methodName = srglib.splitBaseName(fullMethodName)

    packageName = srglib.splitPackageName(fullClassName)
    className = srglib.splitBaseName(fullClassName)

    if className == methodName: # constructor has same name as class
        return fullClassName
        return None
Esempio n. 4
def getNewName(key, oldName, renameMap, shouldAnnotate):
    if key.startswith("localvar"):
        # Temporary hack to rename local variables without a mapping
        # This is not accurate.. variables are not always monotonic nor sequential
        # TODO: extract local variable map from MCP source with same tool, range map -> local var
        newName = "var%s" % ((int(key.split(" ")[-1]) + 1),)
        if not renameMap.has_key(key):
            constructorClassName = getConstructor(key)
            if constructorClassName is not None:
                # Constructors are not in the method map (from .srg, and can't be derived
                # exclusively from the class map since we don't know all the parameters).. so we
                # have to synthesize a rename from the class map here. Ugh..but, it works.
                print "FOUND CONSTR", key, constructorClassName
                if renameMap.has_key("class " + constructorClassName):
                    # Rename constructor to new class name
                    newName = srglib.splitBaseName(renameMap["class " + constructorClassName])
                    return None
                # Not renaming this
                return None
            newName = renameMap[key]

    if shouldAnnotate:
        newName = newName + "/*was:" + oldName + "*/"

    return newName
Esempio n. 5
def getConstructor(key):
    tokens = key.split(" ", 2)  # TODO: switch to non-conflicting separator..types can have spaces :(
    if tokens[0] != "method": return None
    print tokens
    kind, fullMethodName, methodSig = tokens
    if methodSig[-1] != "V": return None # constructors marked with 'V' return type signature in ApplySrg2Source and MCP
    fullClassName = srglib.splitPackageName(fullMethodName)
    methodName = srglib.splitBaseName(fullMethodName)

    packageName = srglib.splitPackageName(fullClassName)
    className = srglib.splitBaseName(fullClassName)

    if className == methodName: # constructor has same name as class
        return fullClassName
        return None
Esempio n. 6
def readLocalVariableMap(filename, renameMaps, invClassMap, invMethodMap, invMethodSigMap, srcRoot):
    for line in file(filename).readlines():
        tokens = line.strip().split("|")
        if tokens[0] != "@": continue
        absFilename, startRangeStr, endRangeStr, expectedOldText, kind = tokens[1:6]
        filename = getProjectRelativePath(absFilename, srcRoot)
        startRange = int(startRangeStr)
        endRange = int(endRangeStr)
        info = tokens[6:]

        if kind != "localvar": continue

        mcpClassName, mcpMethodName, mcpMethodSignature, variableName, variableIndex = info

        mcpClassName = srglib.sourceName2Internal(mcpClassName)

        # Range map has MCP names, but we need to map from CB

        if not invClassMap.has_key(mcpClassName):
            className = "net.minecraft.server." + srglib.splitBaseName(mcpClassName) # fake it, assuming CB mc-dev will choose similar name to MCP
            print "WARNING: readLocalVariableMap: no CB class name for MCP class name '%s', using %s" % (mcpClassName, className)
            className = invClassMap[mcpClassName]

        if mcpMethodName == "{}": 
            # Initializer - no name
            methodName = className + "/{}"
            methodSignature = ""
        elif srglib.splitBaseName(mcpClassName) == mcpMethodName:
            # Constructor - same name as class
            methodName = className + "/" + srglib.splitBaseName(className)
            methodSignature = srglib.remapSig(mcpMethodSignature, invClassMap)
            # Normal method
            key = mcpClassName+"/"+mcpMethodName+" "+mcpMethodSignature
            if not invMethodMap.has_key(key):
                print "NOTICE: local variables available for %s but no inverse method map; skipping" % (key,)
                # probably a changed signature

            methodName = invMethodMap[key]
            methodSignature = invMethodSigMap[key]

        key = "localvar "+methodName+" "+methodSignature+" "+str(variableIndex)

        renameMaps[key] = expectedOldText  # existing name
Esempio n. 7
def readLocalVariableMap(filename, renameMaps, invClassMap, invMethodMap, invMethodSigMap, srcRoot):
    for line in file(filename).readlines():
        tokens = line.strip().split("|")
        if tokens[0] != "@": continue
        absFilename, startRangeStr, endRangeStr, expectedOldText, kind = tokens[1:6]
        filename = getProjectRelativePath(absFilename, srcRoot)
        startRange = int(startRangeStr)
        endRange = int(endRangeStr)
        info = tokens[6:]

        if kind != "localvar": continue

        mcpClassName, mcpMethodName, mcpMethodSignature, variableName, variableIndex = info

        mcpClassName = srglib.sourceName2Internal(mcpClassName)

        # Range map has MCP names, but we need to map from CB

        if not invClassMap.has_key(mcpClassName):
            className = "net.minecraft.server." + srglib.splitBaseName(mcpClassName) # fake it, assuming CB mc-dev will choose similar name to MCP
            print "WARNING: readLocalVariableMap: no CB class name for MCP class name '%s', using %s" % (mcpClassName, className)
            className = invClassMap[mcpClassName]

        if mcpMethodName == "{}": 
            # Initializer - no name
            methodName = className + "/{}"
            methodSignature = ""
        elif srglib.splitBaseName(mcpClassName) == mcpMethodName:
            # Constructor - same name as class
            methodName = className + "/" + srglib.splitBaseName(className)
            methodSignature = srglib.remapSig(mcpMethodSignature, invClassMap)
            # Normal method
            key = mcpClassName+"/"+mcpMethodName+" "+mcpMethodSignature
            if not invMethodMap.has_key(key):
                print "NOTICE: local variables available for %s but no inverse method map; skipping" % (key,)
                # probably a changed signature

            methodName = invMethodMap[key]
            methodSignature = invMethodSigMap[key]

        key = "localvar "+methodName+" "+methodSignature+" "+str(variableIndex)

        renameMaps[key] = expectedOldText  # existing name
Esempio n. 8
def main():
    packageMap, classMap, fieldMap, methodMap, methodSigMap = srglib.readSrg(sys.argv[1])
    oldNames = {}

    for oldFull, newFull in fieldMap.iteritems():
        oldName = srglib.splitBaseName(oldFull)
        newName = srglib.splitBaseName(newFull)

        if oldName == newName: continue  # skip un-renamed

        #print oldName,newName,oldFull,newFull

        if not oldNames.has_key(oldName):
            oldNames[oldName] = []

    for oldName, newNames in oldNames.iteritems():
        obfNames = uniq([x for x,y,z in newNames])
        print len(obfNames),oldName,[newNames]
Esempio n. 9
def getRenameMaps(srgFiles, mcpConfDir, mcpRangeMapFile, dumpRenameMap, srcRoot):
    maps = {}
    importMaps = {}

    # CB -> packaged MCP class/field/method
    _notReallyThePackageMap, classMap, fieldMap, methodMap, methodSigMap = srglib.readMultipleSrgs(srgFiles)
    for old, new in classMap.iteritems():
        maps["class " + old] = srglib.splitBaseName(new)
        importMaps["class " + old] = srglib.internalName2Source(new)  # when renaming class, need to import it, too
    for old, new in fieldMap.iteritems():
        maps["field " + old] = srglib.splitBaseName(new)
    for old, new in methodMap.iteritems():
        maps["method " + old] = srglib.splitBaseName(new)

    # CB class -> MCP package name
    for cbClass, mcpClass in classMap.iteritems():
        cbFile = "src/main/java/" + cbClass + ".java"
        mcpPackage = srglib.splitPackageName(mcpClass)
        maps["package " + cbClass] = srglib.internalName2Source(mcpPackage)

    # Read parameter map.. it comes from MCP with MCP namings, so have to remap to CB
    mcpParamMap = srglib.readParameterMap(mcpConfDir)
    invMethodMap, invMethodSigMap = srglib.invertMethodMap(methodMap, methodSigMap)
    invClassMap = srglib.invertDict(classMap)
    cbParamMap, removedParamMap = srglib.remapParameterMap(mcpParamMap, invMethodMap, invMethodSigMap, invClassMap)
    # removedParamMap = methods in FML/MCP repackaged+joined but not CB = client-only methods

    for old, new in cbParamMap.iteritems():
        for i in range(0, len(new)):
            maps["param %s %s" % (old, i)] = new[i]

    # Local variable map - position in source -> name; derived from MCP rangemap
    readLocalVariableMap(mcpRangeMapFile, maps, invClassMap, invMethodMap, invMethodSigMap, srcRoot)

    if dumpRenameMap:
        for key in sorted(maps.keys()):
            newName = maps[key]
            print "RENAME MAP: %s -> %s" % (key, newName)

    return maps, importMaps
Esempio n. 10
def main():
    packageMap, classMap, fieldMap, methodMap, methodSigMap = srglib.readSrg(

    oldNames = {}

    for oldFull, newFull in fieldMap.iteritems():
        oldName = srglib.splitBaseName(oldFull)
        newName = srglib.splitBaseName(newFull)

        if oldName == newName: continue  # skip un-renamed

        #print oldName,newName,oldFull,newFull

        if not oldNames.has_key(oldName):
            oldNames[oldName] = []
        oldNames[oldName].append((newName, oldFull, newFull))

    for oldName, newNames in oldNames.iteritems():
        obfNames = uniq([x for x, y, z in newNames])
        print len(obfNames), oldName, [newNames]
Esempio n. 11
def getNewName(key, oldName, renameMap, shouldAnnotate):
    if not renameMap.has_key(key):
        constructorClassName = getConstructor(key)
        if constructorClassName is not None:
            # Constructors are not in the method map (from .srg, and can't be derived
            # exclusively from the class map since we don't know all the parameters).. so we
            # have to synthesize a rename from the class map here. Ugh..but, it works.
            print "FOUND CONSTR",key,constructorClassName
            if renameMap.has_key("class "+constructorClassName):
                # Rename constructor to new class name
                newName = srglib.splitBaseName(renameMap["class "+constructorClassName])
                return None
            # Not renaming this
            return None
        newName = renameMap[key]

    if shouldAnnotate:
        newName = newName+"/*was:"+oldName+"*/"

    return newName
Esempio n. 12
def getNewName(key, oldName, renameMap, shouldAnnotate):
    if not renameMap.has_key(key):
        constructorClassName = getConstructor(key)
        if constructorClassName is not None:
            # Constructors are not in the method map (from .srg, and can't be derived
            # exclusively from the class map since we don't know all the parameters).. so we
            # have to synthesize a rename from the class map here. Ugh..but, it works.
            print "FOUND CONSTR",key,constructorClassName
            if renameMap.has_key("class "+constructorClassName):
                # Rename constructor to new class name
                newName = srglib.splitBaseName(renameMap["class "+constructorClassName])
                return None
            # Not renaming this
            return None
        newName = renameMap[key]

    if shouldAnnotate:
        newName = newName+"/*was:"+oldName+"*/"

    return newName
Esempio n. 13
def isUnmappedCB(s):
    return len(srglib.splitBaseName(s)) < 3
Esempio n. 14
def processJavaSourceFile(srcRoot, filename, rangeList, renameMap, importMap, shouldAnnotate, options):
    path = os.path.join(options.srcRoot, filename)
    data = file(path).read()

    if "\r" in data:
        # BlockJukebox is the only file with CRLF line endings in NMS.. and.. IntelliJ IDEA treats offsets 
        # as line endings being one character, whether LF or CR+LF. So remove the extraneous character or
        # offsets will be all off :.
        print "Warning: %s has CRLF line endings; consider switching to LF" % (filename,)
        data = data.replace("\r", "")

    importsToAdd = set()

    shift = 0

    # Existing package/class name (with package, internal) derived from filename
    oldTopLevelClassFullName = getTopLevelClassForFilename(filename)
    oldTopLevelClassPackage = srglib.splitPackageName(oldTopLevelClassFullName)
    oldTopLevelClassName = srglib.splitBaseName(oldTopLevelClassFullName)

    # New package/class name through mapping
    newTopLevelClassPackage = srglib.sourceName2Internal(renameMap.get("package "+oldTopLevelClassFullName))
    newTopLevelClassName = renameMap.get("class "+oldTopLevelClassFullName)
    if newTopLevelClassPackage is not None and newTopLevelClassName is None:
        assert False, "filename %s found package %s->%s but no class map for %s" % (filename, oldTopLevelClassPackage, newTopLevelClassPackage, newTopLevelClassName)
    if newTopLevelClassPackage is None and newTopLevelClassName is not None:
        assert False, "filename %s found class map %s->%s but no package map for %s" % (filename, oldTopLevelClassName, newTopLevelClassName, oldTopLevelClassPackage)

    for start,end,expectedOldText,key in rangeList:
        if renameMap.has_key(key) and len(renameMap[key]) == 0:
            # Replacing a symbol with no text = removing a symbol
            assert key.startswith("package "), "unable to remove non-package symbol %s" % (key,)
            # Remove that pesky extra period after qualified package names
            end += 1
            expectedOldText += "."

        oldName = data[start+shift:end+shift]

        assert oldName == expectedOldText, "Rename sanity check failed: expected '%s' at [%s,%s] (shifted %s to [%s,%s]) in %s, but found '%s'\nRegenerate symbol map on latest sources or start with fresh source and try again" % (
            expectedOldText, start, end, shift, start+shift, end+shift, filename, oldName)

        newName = getNewName(key, oldName, renameMap, shouldAnnotate)
        if newName is None:
            print "No rename for "+key

        print "Rename",key,[start+shift,end+shift],"::",oldName,"->",newName

        if importMap.has_key(key):
            # This rename requires adding an import, if it crosses packages
            importPackage = srglib.splitPackageName(srglib.sourceName2Internal(importMap[key]))
            if importPackage != newTopLevelClassPackage:

        # Rename algorithm: 
        # 1. textually replace text at specified range with new text
        # 2. shift future ranges by difference in text length
        data = data[0:start+shift] + newName + data[end+shift:]
        shift += len(newName) - len(oldName)

    # Lastly, update imports - this is separate from symbol range manipulation above
    data = updateImports(data, importsToAdd, importMap)

    if options.rewriteFiles:
        print "Writing",filename

    if options.renameFiles:
        if newTopLevelClassPackage is not None: # rename if package changed
            newFilename = os.path.join("src/main/java/", newTopLevelClassPackage, newTopLevelClassName + ".java")
            newPath = os.path.join(options.srcRoot, newFilename)

            print "Rename file",filename,"->",newFilename

            if filename != newFilename:
                # Create any missing directories in new path
                dirComponents = os.path.dirname(newPath).split(os.path.sep)
                for i in range(2,len(dirComponents)+1):
                    intermediateDir = os.path.sep.join(dirComponents[0:i])
                    if not os.path.exists(intermediateDir):

                #os.rename(path, newPath)

                wd = os.getcwd()
                cmd = "git mv '%s' '%s'" % (filename, newFilename)  # warning: if filename contains quotes..
                status = os.system(cmd)
                assert status == 0, "Failed to execute rename command: %s" % (cmd,)
Esempio n. 15
def processJavaSourceFile(filename, rangeList, renameMap, importMap, renameLocalVars, shouldAnnotate):
    path = os.path.join(srcRoot, filename)
    data = file(path).read()

    if "\r" in data:
        # BlockJukebox is the only file with CRLF line endings in NMS.. and.. IntelliJ IDEA treats offsets
        # as line endings being one character, whether LF or CR+LF. So remove the extraneous character or
        # offsets will be all off :.
        print "Warning: %s has CRLF line endings; consider switching to LF" % (filename,)
        data = data.replace("\r", "")

    importsToAdd = set()

    shift = 0

    # Existing package/class name (with package, internal) derived from filename
    oldTopLevelClassFullName = getTopLevelClassForFilename(filename)
    oldTopLevelClassPackage = srglib.splitPackageName(oldTopLevelClassFullName)
    oldTopLevelClassName = srglib.splitBaseName(oldTopLevelClassFullName)

    # New package/class name through mapping
    newTopLevelClassPackage = srglib.sourceName2Internal(renameMap.get("package " + oldTopLevelClassFullName))
    newTopLevelClassName = renameMap.get("class " + oldTopLevelClassFullName)
    if newTopLevelClassPackage is not None and newTopLevelClassName is None:
        assert False, "filename %s found package %s->%s but no class map for %s" % (
    if newTopLevelClassPackage is None and newTopLevelClassName is not None:
        assert False, "filename %s found class map %s->%s but no package map for %s" % (

    for start, end, expectedOldText, key in rangeList:
        if renameMap.has_key(key) and len(renameMap[key]) == 0:
            # Replacing a symbol with no text = removing a symbol
            assert key.startswith("package "), "unable to remove non-package symbol %s" % (key,)
            # Remove that pesky extra period after qualified package names
            end += 1
            expectedOldText += "."

        if renameLocalVars == False and key.startswith("localvar"):
            # non-NMS, no need to rename local variables

        oldName = data[start + shift : end + shift]

        if oldName != expectedOldText:
            print "Rename sanity check failed: expected '%s' at [%s,%s] (shifted %s to [%s,%s]) in %s, but found '%s'" % (
                start + shift,
                end + shift,
            print "Regenerate symbol map on latest sources or start with fresh source and try again"
            # file("/tmp/a","w").write(data)
            raise SystemExit

        newName = getNewName(key, oldName, renameMap, shouldAnnotate)
        if newName is None:
            print "No rename for " + key

        print "Rename", key, [start + shift, end + shift], "::", oldName, "->", newName

        if importMap.has_key(key):
            # this rename requires adding an import

        # Rename algorithm:
        # 1. textually replace text at specified range with new text
        # 2. shift future ranges by difference in text length
        data = data[0 : start + shift] + newName + data[end + shift :]
        shift += len(newName) - len(oldName)

    # Lastly, update imports - this is separate from symbol range manipulation above
    data = updateImports(data, importsToAdd, importMap)

    if rewriteFiles:
        print "Writing", filename
        file(path, "w").write(data)

    if renameFiles:
        if newTopLevelClassPackage is not None:  # rename if package changed
            newFilename = os.path.join(
                srcRoot, "src/main/java/", newTopLevelClassPackage, newTopLevelClassName + ".java"
            newPath = os.path.join(srcRoot, newFilename)

            print "Rename file", filename, "->", newFilename
            srglib.rename_path(path, newPath)
Esempio n. 16
def processJavaSourceFile(srcRoot, filename, rangeList, renameMap, importMap, shouldAnnotate, options):
    path = os.path.join(options.srcRoot, filename)
    data = file(path).read()

    if "\r" in data:
        # BlockJukebox is the only file with CRLF line endings in NMS.. and.. IntelliJ IDEA treats offsets 
        # as line endings being one character, whether LF or CR+LF. So remove the extraneous character or
        # offsets will be all off :.
        print "Warning: %s has CRLF line endings; consider switching to LF" % (filename,)
        data = data.replace("\r", "")

    importsToAdd = set()

    shift = 0

    # Existing package/class name (with package, internal) derived from filename
    oldTopLevelClassFullName = getTopLevelClassForFilename(filename)
    oldTopLevelClassPackage = srglib.splitPackageName(oldTopLevelClassFullName)
    oldTopLevelClassName = srglib.splitBaseName(oldTopLevelClassFullName)

    # New package/class name through mapping
    newTopLevelClassPackage = srglib.sourceName2Internal(renameMap.get("package "+oldTopLevelClassFullName))
    newTopLevelClassName = renameMap.get("class "+oldTopLevelClassFullName)
    if newTopLevelClassPackage is not None and newTopLevelClassName is None:
        assert False, "filename %s found package %s->%s but no class map for %s" % (filename, oldTopLevelClassPackage, newTopLevelClassPackage, newTopLevelClassName)
    if newTopLevelClassPackage is None and newTopLevelClassName is not None:
        assert False, "filename %s found class map %s->%s but no package map for %s" % (filename, oldTopLevelClassName, newTopLevelClassName, oldTopLevelClassPackage)

    for start,end,expectedOldText,key in rangeList:
        if renameMap.has_key(key) and len(renameMap[key]) == 0:
            # Replacing a symbol with no text = removing a symbol
            assert key.startswith("package "), "unable to remove non-package symbol %s" % (key,)
            # Remove that pesky extra period after qualified package names
            end += 1
            expectedOldText += "."

        oldName = data[start+shift:end+shift]

        assert oldName == expectedOldText, "Rename sanity check failed: expected '%s' at [%s,%s] (shifted %s to [%s,%s]) in %s, but found '%s'\nRegenerate symbol map on latest sources or start with fresh source and try again" % (
            expectedOldText, start, end, shift, start+shift, end+shift, filename, oldName)

        newName = getNewName(key, oldName, renameMap, shouldAnnotate)
        if newName is None:
            print "No rename for "+key

        print "Rename",key,[start+shift,end+shift],"::",oldName,"->",newName

        if importMap.has_key(key):
            # This rename requires adding an import, if it crosses packages
            importPackage = srglib.splitPackageName(srglib.sourceName2Internal(importMap[key]))
            if importPackage != newTopLevelClassPackage:

        # Rename algorithm: 
        # 1. textually replace text at specified range with new text
        # 2. shift future ranges by difference in text length
        data = data[0:start+shift] + newName + data[end+shift:]
        shift += len(newName) - len(oldName)

    # Lastly, update imports - this is separate from symbol range manipulation above
    data = updateImports(data, importsToAdd, importMap)

    if options.rewriteFiles:
        print "Writing",filename

    if options.renameFiles:
        if newTopLevelClassPackage is not None: # rename if package changed
            newFilename = os.path.join("src/main/java/", newTopLevelClassPackage, newTopLevelClassName + ".java")
            newPath = os.path.join(options.srcRoot, newFilename)

            print "Rename file",filename,"->",newFilename

            if filename != newFilename:
                # Create any missing directories in new path
                dirComponents = os.path.dirname(newPath).split(SEP)
                for i in range(2,len(dirComponents)+1):
                    intermediateDir = os.path.sep.join(dirComponents[0:i])
                    if not os.path.exists(intermediateDir):

                #os.rename(path, newPath)

                wd = os.getcwd()
                cmd = "%s mv '%s' '%s'" % (options.git, filename, newFilename)  # warning: if filename contains quotes..
                status = os.system(cmd)
                assert status == 0, "Failed to execute rename command: %s" % (cmd,)
Esempio n. 17

# Filter srg removing names that didn't change

import sys
import srglib

for line in sys.stdin.readlines():
    line = line.strip()
    tokens = line.split(" ")
    kind = tokens[0]
    args = tokens[1:]
    if kind == "PK:":  # package
        print line
    elif kind == "CL:":  # class
        inName, outName = args
        if inName != outName:
            print kind, inName, outName
    elif kind == "FD:":  # field
        inName, outName = args
        if srglib.splitBaseName(inName) != srglib.splitBaseName(outName):
            print kind, inName, outName
    elif kind == "MD:":  # method
        inName, inSig, outName, outSig = args
        if srglib.splitBaseName(inName) != srglib.splitBaseName(outName):
            print kind, inName, inSig, outName, outSig
        print line
Esempio n. 18

# Filter srg removing names that didn't change

import sys
import srglib

for line in sys.stdin.readlines():
    line = line.strip()
    tokens = line.split(" ")
    kind = tokens[0]
    args = tokens[1:]
    if kind == "PK:":  # package
        print line
    elif kind == "CL:": # class
        inName, outName = args
        if inName != outName:
            print kind, inName, outName
    elif kind == "FD:": # field
        inName, outName = args
        if srglib.splitBaseName(inName) != srglib.splitBaseName(outName):
            print kind, inName, outName
    elif kind == "MD:": # method
        inName, inSig, outName, outSig = args
        if srglib.splitBaseName(inName) != srglib.splitBaseName(outName):
            print kind, inName, inSig, outName, outSig
        print line