Esempio n. 1
def evaluate_policy_rewards(
        env: VecEnv,
        n_eval_episodes: int = 10,
        deterministic: bool = True,
        render: bool = False) -> Tuple[List[float], List[int], List[int]]:

    if isinstance(env, VecEnv):
        assert env.num_envs == 1, "You must pass only one environment when using this function"
    episode_rewards, episode_lengths, rewards_memory_episodes = [], [], []
    for i in range(n_eval_episodes):

        if not isinstance(env, VecEnv) or i == 0:
            obs = env.reset()
        rewards_memory = []
        done, state = False, None
        episode_reward = 0.0
        episode_length = 0
        while not done:
            action, state = model.predict(obs,
            obs, reward, done, _info = env.step(action)
            episode_reward += reward[0]
            episode_length += 1
            if render:

    return episode_rewards, episode_lengths, rewards_memory_episodes
Esempio n. 2
def generate_trajectories(policy,
                          venv: VecEnv,
                          sample_until: GenTrajTerminationFn,
                          deterministic_policy: bool = False,
                          ) -> Sequence[Trajectory]:
  """Generate trajectory dictionaries from a policy and an environment.

    policy (BasePolicy or BaseRLModel): A stable_baselines policy or RLModel,
        trained on the gym environment.
    venv: The vectorized environments to interact with.
    sample_until: A function determining the termination condition.
        It takes a sequence of trajectories, and returns a bool.
        Most users will want to use one of `min_episodes` or `min_timesteps`.
    deterministic_policy: If True, asks policy to deterministically return
        action. Note the trajectories might still be non-deterministic if the
        environment has non-determinism!

    Sequence of `Trajectory` named tuples.
  if isinstance(policy, BaseRLModel):
    get_action = policy.predict
    get_action = functools.partial(get_action_policy, policy)

  # Collect rollout tuples.
  trajectories = []
  # accumulator for incomplete trajectories
  trajectories_accum = TrajectoryAccumulator()
  obs = venv.reset()
  for env_idx, ob in enumerate(obs):
    # Seed with first obs only. Inside loop, we'll only add second obs from
    # each (s,a,r,s') tuple, under the same "obs" key again. That way we still
    # get all observations, but they're not duplicated into "next obs" and
    # "previous obs" (this matters for, e.g., Atari, where observations are
    # really big).
    trajectories_accum.add_step(dict(obs=ob), env_idx)

  while not sample_until(trajectories):
    acts, _ = get_action(obs, deterministic=deterministic_policy)
    obs, rews, dones, infos = venv.step(acts)

    new_trajs = trajectories_accum.add_steps_and_auto_finish(
      acts, obs, rews, dones, infos)

  # Note that we just drop partial trajectories. This is not ideal for some
  # algos; e.g. BC can probably benefit from partial trajectories, too.

  # Sanity checks.
  for trajectory in trajectories:
    n_steps = len(trajectory.acts)
    # extra 1 for the end
    exp_obs = (n_steps + 1, ) + venv.observation_space.shape
    real_obs = trajectory.obs.shape
    assert real_obs == exp_obs, f"expected shape {exp_obs}, got {real_obs}"
    exp_act = (n_steps, ) + venv.action_space.shape
    real_act = trajectory.acts.shape
    assert real_act == exp_act, f"expected shape {exp_act}, got {real_act}"
    exp_rew = (n_steps,)
    real_rew = trajectory.rews.shape
    assert real_rew == exp_rew, f"expected shape {exp_rew}, got {real_rew}"

  return trajectories
Esempio n. 3
def generate_trajectories(
    venv: VecEnv,
    sample_until: GenTrajTerminationFn,
    deterministic_policy: bool = False,
    rng: np.random.RandomState = np.random,
) -> Sequence[types.TrajectoryWithRew]:
    """Generate trajectory dictionaries from a policy and an environment.

      policy (BasePolicy or BaseRLModel): A stable_baselines policy or RLModel,
          trained on the gym environment.
      venv: The vectorized environments to interact with.
      sample_until: A function determining the termination condition.
          It takes a sequence of trajectories, and returns a bool.
          Most users will want to use one of `min_episodes` or `min_timesteps`.
      deterministic_policy: If True, asks policy to deterministically return
          action. Note the trajectories might still be non-deterministic if the
          environment has non-determinism!
      rng: used for shuffling trajectories.

      Sequence of trajectories, satisfying `sample_until`. Additional trajectories
      may be collected to avoid biasing process towards short episodes; the user
      should truncate if required.
    if isinstance(policy, BaseRLModel):
        get_action = policy.predict
        get_action = functools.partial(get_action_policy, policy)

    # Collect rollout tuples.
    trajectories = []
    # accumulator for incomplete trajectories
    trajectories_accum = TrajectoryAccumulator()
    obs = venv.reset()
    for env_idx, ob in enumerate(obs):
        # Seed with first obs only. Inside loop, we'll only add second obs from
        # each (s,a,r,s') tuple, under the same "obs" key again. That way we still
        # get all observations, but they're not duplicated into "next obs" and
        # "previous obs" (this matters for, e.g., Atari, where observations are
        # really big).
        trajectories_accum.add_step(dict(obs=ob), env_idx)

    # Now, we sample until `sample_until(trajectories)` is true.
    # If we just stopped then this would introduce a bias towards shorter episodes,
    # since longer episodes are more likely to still be active, i.e. in the process
    # of being sampled from. To avoid this, we continue sampling until all epsiodes
    # are complete.
    # To start with, all environments are active.
    active = np.ones(venv.num_envs, dtype=np.bool)
    while np.any(active):
        acts, _ = get_action(obs, deterministic=deterministic_policy)
        obs, rews, dones, infos = venv.step(acts)

        # If an environment is inactive, i.e. the episode completed for that
        # environment after `sample_until(trajectories)` was true, then we do
        # *not* want to add any subsequent trajectories from it. We avoid this
        # by just making it never done.
        dones &= active

        new_trajs = trajectories_accum.add_steps_and_auto_finish(
            acts, obs, rews, dones, infos)

        if sample_until(trajectories):
            # Termination condition has been reached. Mark as inactive any environments
            # where a trajectory was completed this timestep.
            active &= ~dones

    # Note that we just drop partial trajectories. This is not ideal for some
    # algos; e.g. BC can probably benefit from partial trajectories, too.

    # Each trajectory is sampled i.i.d.; however, shorter episodes are added to
    # `trajectories` sooner. Shuffle to avoid bias in order. This is important
    # when callees end up truncating the number of trajectories or transitions.
    # It is also cheap, since we're just shuffling pointers.

    # Sanity checks.
    for trajectory in trajectories:
        n_steps = len(trajectory.acts)
        # extra 1 for the end
        exp_obs = (n_steps + 1, ) + venv.observation_space.shape
        real_obs = trajectory.obs.shape
        assert real_obs == exp_obs, f"expected shape {exp_obs}, got {real_obs}"
        exp_act = (n_steps, ) + venv.action_space.shape
        real_act = trajectory.acts.shape
        assert real_act == exp_act, f"expected shape {exp_act}, got {real_act}"
        exp_rew = (n_steps, )
        real_rew = trajectory.rews.shape
        assert real_rew == exp_rew, f"expected shape {exp_rew}, got {real_rew}"

    return trajectories
Esempio n. 4
def generate_trajectories(
    venv: VecEnv,
    sample_until: GenTrajTerminationFn,
    deterministic_policy: bool = False,
) -> Sequence[Trajectory]:
    """Generate trajectory dictionaries from a policy and an environment.

    policy (BasePolicy or BaseRLModel): A stable_baselines policy or RLModel,
        trained on the gym environment.
    venv: The vectorized environments to interact with.
    sample_until: A function determining the termination condition.
        It takes a sequence of trajectories, and returns a bool.
        Most users will want to use one of `min_episodes` or `min_timesteps`.
    deterministic_policy: If True, asks policy to deterministically return
        action. Note the trajectories might still be non-deterministic if the
        environment has non-determinism!

    Sequence of `Trajectory` named tuples.
    if isinstance(policy, BaseRLModel):
        get_action = policy.predict
        get_action = functools.partial(get_action_policy, policy)

    # Collect rollout tuples.
    trajectories = []
    # accumulator for incomplete trajectories
    trajectories_accum = _TrajectoryAccumulator()
    obs_batch = venv.reset()
    for env_idx, obs in enumerate(obs_batch):
        # Seed with first obs only. Inside loop, we'll only add second obs from
        # each (s,a,r,s') tuple, under the same "obs" key again. That way we still
        # get all observations, but they're not duplicated into "next obs" and
        # "previous obs" (this matters for, e.g., Atari, where observations are
        # really big).
        trajectories_accum.add_step(env_idx, dict(obs=obs))
    while not sample_until(trajectories):
        obs_old_batch = obs_batch
        act_batch, _ = get_action(obs_old_batch,
        obs_batch, rew_batch, done_batch, info_batch = venv.step(act_batch)

        # Don't save tuples if there is a done. The next_obs for any environment
        # is incorrect for any timestep where there is an episode end, so we fix it
        # with returned state info.
        zip_iter = enumerate(
            zip(obs_old_batch, act_batch, obs_batch, rew_batch, done_batch,
        for env_idx, (obs_old, act, obs, rew, done, info) in zip_iter:
            real_obs = obs
            if done:
                # actual obs is inaccurate, so we use the one inserted into step info
                # by stable baselines wrapper
                real_obs = info['terminal_observation']
                    # this is not the obs corresponding to `act`, but rather the obs
                    # *after* `act` (see above)
            if done:
                # finish env_idx-th trajectory
                new_traj = trajectories_accum.finish_trajectory(env_idx)
                trajectories_accum.add_step(env_idx, dict(obs=obs))

    # Note that we just drop partial trajectories. This is not ideal for some
    # algos; e.g. BC can probably benefit from partial trajectories, too.

    # Sanity checks.
    for trajectory in trajectories:
        n_steps = len(trajectory.acts)
        # extra 1 for the end
        exp_obs = (n_steps + 1, ) + venv.observation_space.shape
        real_obs = trajectory.obs.shape
        assert real_obs == exp_obs, f"expected shape {exp_obs}, got {real_obs}"
        exp_act = (n_steps, ) + venv.action_space.shape
        real_act = trajectory.acts.shape
        assert real_act == exp_act, f"expected shape {exp_act}, got {real_act}"
        exp_rew = (n_steps, )
        real_rew = trajectory.rews.shape
        assert real_rew == exp_rew, f"expected shape {exp_rew}, got {real_rew}"

    return trajectories