def do_security(): global STATUS_LOCK, CAR_UPDATE_FLAG, CAMERA_UPDATE_FLAG global CAMERA_CURRENT_TIME, CAR_CURRENT_TIME global GLOBAL_MOVE_PUB, VEL_PUB global NAV_FLAG_PUB, ENABLE_MOVE_FLAG, BAR_FLAG time_now = STATUS_LOCK.acquire() if CAR_UPDATE_FLAG: time1_diff = time_now - CAR_CURRENT_TIME if CAMERA_UPDATE_FLAG: time2_diff = time_now - CAMERA_CURRENT_TIME # 视觉丢失超时保险 # 里程计丢失超时保险 if (CAMERA_UPDATE_FLAG and time2_diff.to_sec() > 180 and not BAR_FLAG) or time1_diff.to_sec() > 5.: # 发布全局禁止flag global_move_flag = Bool() = False GLOBAL_MOVE_PUB.publish(global_move_flag) car_twist = Twist() VEL_PUB.publish(car_twist) CAMERA_UPDATE_FLAG = False CAR_UPDATE_FLAG = False CAMERA_CURRENT_TIME = CAR_CURRENT_TIME = STATUS_LOCK.release()
def talker(): rospy.init_node("frobit_test_set_speed") deadman_pub = rospy.Publisher("/fmSignals/deadman", Bool) deadman = Bool() cmd_vel_left_pub = rospy.Publisher("/fmSignals/cmd_vel_left", TwistStamped) twist_left = TwistStamped() cmd_vel_right_pub = rospy.Publisher("/fmSignals/cmd_vel_right", TwistStamped) twist_right = TwistStamped() r = rospy.Rate(node_upd_freq) # set talker update frequency while not rospy.is_shutdown(): = 1 # publish deadman topic deadman_pub.publish(deadman) twist_left.header.stamp = twist_left.twist.linear.x = spd_left # publish cmd_vel topic for left wheel cmd_vel_left_pub.publish(twist_left) twist_right.header.stamp = twist_right.twist.linear.x = spd_right # publish cmd_vel topic for right wheel cmd_vel_right_pub.publish(twist_right) r.sleep()
def callback_manipulator(self, controller): if controller.killswitch != self.controller.killswitch: shut_down = Bool() = self.controller.killswitch == 1 self.callback_auto_shut_down(shut_down) self.controller = controller self.send_manipulator = True
def status_updated_callback(self, msg): # GoalStatusArray intermediate_statuses = [GoalStatus.PENDING, GoalStatus.ACTIVE, GoalStatus.RECALLING, GoalStatus.PREEMPTING] for goal in msg.status_list: # status = GoalManager.status_list[goal.status] # rospy.logerr("Goal %s. %s" % (status, goal.text)) goal_idx = self.get_index_of( if goal.status == GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED: # do a little dance to celebrate rospy.loginfo("Goal %s reached!" % last_goal_reached = Bool() = not self.loop_goals and goal_idx + 1 == len(self.goals) self.done_pub.publish(last_goal_reached) self.wait_for_goal() if goal_idx + 1 == len(self.goals): if self.loop_goals: rospy.loginfo("Now looping back to first goal") self.reset_goal_list() self.next_goal() else: self.next_goal(goal_idx + 1) elif goal.status in intermediate_statuses: # transitional state, so just wait pass elif goal.status == GoalStatus.PREEMPTED: rospy.logwarn("Goal %s was preempted. %s" % (, goal.text)) else: # the robot's dead status = GoalManager.status_list[goal.status] rospy.logerr("Goal %s %s. %s" % (, status, goal.text))
def navToPose(goal): """Drive to a goal subscribed to from /move_base_simple/goal""" #compute angle required to make straight-line move to desired pose global xPosition global yPosition global theta #capture desired x and y positions desiredY = goal.pose.position.y desiredX = goal.pose.position.x #capture desired angle quat = goal.pose.orientation q = [quat.x, quat.y, quat.z, quat.w] roll, pitch, yaw = euler_from_quaternion(q) desiredT = yaw * (180.0/math.pi) #compute distance to target goalDistance = math.sqrt(math.pow((desiredX - xPosition),2) + math.pow((desiredY-yPosition),2))#Distance formula #compute initial turn amount initialTurn = math.atan((desiredY-yPosition)/(desiredX-xPosition)) print "spin!" #turn to calculated angle rotate(initialTurn) print "move!" #move in straight line specified distance to new pose driveStraight(0.25, goalDistance) rospy.sleep(2) print "spin!" #spin to final angle rotate(desiredT) print "done" arrival = Bool() = True arrival_pub.publish(arrival)
def model_stateCB(self, msg): if not return quaternion_msg = [msg.pose[1].orientation.x, msg.pose[1].orientation.y, msg.pose[1].orientation.z, msg.pose[1].orientation.w] euler = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(quaternion_msg) self.robot_pose = (msg.pose[1].position.x, msg.pose[1].position.y, euler[2]) # print self.robot_pose # print 'robot_pose:', self.robot_pose#, 'waypoints:', self.waypoints self.destination_pose = self.circleIntersect(self.lookahead_distance) if self.destination_pose == None: = False print "approach destination " self.gazebo_cmd(0,0) msg = Bool() = True self.pub_finish.publish(msg) else: # print 'destination_pose:', self.destination_pose # print 'waypoint_index:', self.current_waypoint_index self.speed = self.default_speed distance_to_destination= self.getDistance(self.robot_pose, self.destination_pose) angle_to_destination = -self.getAngle(self.robot_pose, self.destination_pose) # self.steering_angle = np.arctan((2 * self.robot_length * np.sin(angle_to_destination)) / distance_to_destination) # print "robot_head",euler[2]*180/math.pi,"angle_to_destination", angle_to_destination*180/math.pi w = (angle_to_destination + math.pi) / (2 * math.pi) - 0.5 self.gazebo_cmd(self.speed,w)
def newSample(self, msg): newFFT = self.stft.ingestSample( if newFFT is not None: self.FFT = newFFT # Mask and average data guard1 = np.mean(newFFT[self.G1_mask, :][:, self.channel_mask]) alpha = np.mean(newFFT[self.Al_mask, :][:, self.channel_mask]) guard2 = np.mean(newFFT[self.G2_mask, :][:, self.channel_mask]) detected = self.movavg.step(alpha > (guard1 + guard2)*1.1) > 0.5 if detected and not self.ignore.test(): self.movavg.reset() self.ignore.reset(4) else: detected = False # Publish messages msg = Float32() = guard1 self.pub_guard1.publish(msg) msg = Float32() = alpha self.pub_alpha.publish(msg) msg = Float32() = guard2 self.pub_guard2.publish(msg) msg = Bool() = detected self.pub_eyes.publish(msg)
def prepare_std_msg(self): rospy.loginfo("Preparing std_msgs......") ''' Fill Bool message ''' bool_msg = Bool() = False ''' Fill Float32 message ''' float32_msg = Float32() = 1.0 ''' Fill Int32 message Please, do it your self for practice ''' ''' Fill String message Please, do it your self for practice ''' rospy.loginfo("std_msgs preparation done......")
def pub_e( self , enable ): """ pub enable status """ msg = Bool() = enable self.pub_enable.publish( msg )
def model_stateCB(self, msg): if not return quaternion_msg = [msg.pose[1].orientation.x, msg.pose[1].orientation.y, msg.pose[1].orientation.z, msg.pose[1].orientation.w] euler = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(quaternion_msg) self.robot_pose = (msg.pose[1].position.x, msg.pose[1].position.y, euler[2]) distance_to_destination= self.getDistance(self.robot_pose, self.destination_pose) angle_to_destination = -self.getAngle(self.robot_pose, self.destination_pose) if angle_to_destination < 3 * (math.pi/180): print "correct straight line" if distance_to_destination<= self.threshold_proximity: print "ready to grab" self.gazebo_cmd(0,0) = False self.gripper_cmd(0,0.5) msg = Bool() = True self.pub_grab_object.publish(msg) else: self.gazebo_cmd(self.speed,0) else: print "correct orientation" w = (angle_to_destination + math.pi) / (2 * math.pi) - 0.5 self.gazebo_cmd(0,w)
def run(self): while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if time.time() - self.current_time > self.time: shutoff = Bool() = True self.pub_shutoff.publish(shutoff) time.sleep(1)
def grab_close_ball(self): self.switch_to_cam("arm") mode = Bool() = True self.arm_mode_pub.publish(mode) req = False self.grab_request(req)
def test_std_msgs_Bool(self): from std_msgs.msg import Bool self.assertEquals(Bool(), Bool()) self._test_ser_deser(Bool(), Bool()) # default value should be False self.assertEquals(False, Bool().data) # test various constructor permutations for v in [True, False]: self.assertEquals(Bool(v), Bool(v)) self.assertEquals(Bool(v), Bool(data=v)) self.assertEquals(Bool(data=v), Bool(data=v)) self.assertNotEquals(Bool(True), Bool(False)) self._test_ser_deser(Bool(True), Bool()) self._test_ser_deser(Bool(False), Bool()) # validate type cast to bool blank = Bool() b = StringIO() Bool(True).serialize(b) blank.deserialize(b.getvalue()) self.assert_( self.assert_(type( == bool) b = StringIO() Bool(True).serialize(b) blank.deserialize(b.getvalue()) self.assert_( self.assert_(type( == bool)
def cbJoy(self, joy_msg): model_state_msg = Twist() model_state_msg.linear.x = joy_msg.axes[1] * self.v_gain model_state_msg.linear.y = 0 model_state_msg.linear.z = 0 model_state_msg.angular.x = 0 model_state_msg.angular.y = 0 model_state_msg.angular.z = -joy_msg.axes[3] * self.w_gain self.pub_gazebo.publish(model_state_msg) model_state_msg.linear.x = 0 model_state_msg.angular.z = 0 if joy_msg.buttons[0] == 1: model_state_msg.angular.z = -1 elif joy_msg.buttons[1] == 1: model_state_msg.angular.z = 1 self.pub_gazebo_gripper.publish(model_state_msg) if (joy_msg.buttons[7] == 1): reset_msg = Bool() = True self.pub_encoder_reset.publish(reset_msg)
def errorCheck(pub): r = rospy.Rate(10) global count precount = 0 thread_unloop_count = 0 while True: error_flag = Bool() if (count - precount) > 0: thread_unloop_count = 0 precount = count elif (count - precount) == 0: thread_unloop_count += 1 precount = count else: thread_unloop_count = 0 precount = 0 if thread_unloop_count > 2: = True print'********++++++++++------------------AMU is rebooting now!!------------------++++++++******' else: = False #commented out by hagiwara 0224 #print'********++++++++++------------------AMU is OK!!------------------++++++++******' pub.publish(error_flag) r.sleep()
def talker(options): pub = rospy.Publisher("pr2_etherCAT/motors_halted", Bool) rospy.init_node(NAME, anonymous=True) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): out = Bool() = options.halt pub.publish(out) rospy.sleep(1.0)
def publishOrderBegun(): pubBegunMsg = Bool() if(orderProcess == True): = 1 else: = 0 global pubOrderBegun pubOrderBegun.publish(pubBegunMsg)
def pub_e( self , enable ): """ pub actuator cmd """ msg = Bool() = enable self.pub_enable.publish( msg )
def vacuum_state_cb(msg, arm): print("state call back %8s %7.2f %s"%(arm, g_force[arm], pub_msg = Bool(False) if g_force[arm] > 15 and is True: = True if arm == "left": left_vacuum_pub.publish(pub_msg) elif arm == "right": right_vacuum_pub.publish(pub_msg)
def send_move_status(msg): """ Send a movement status message. :param msg: A bool, true if moving, false if stopped. """ global move_status_pub status_msg = Bool() = msg move_status_pub.publish(status_msg)
def halt_test(): rospy.init_node('halt_test') bool_msg = Bool() = True rate = rospy.Rate(10) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): pub_halt = rospy.Publisher('/collide/halt', Bool, queue_size = 10) print 'published successfully!' rate.sleep() pub_halt.publish(bool_msg)
def shutdown(self): rospy.loginfo("Stopping the robot...") # Stop the robot self.cmd_vel_pub.publish(Twist()) rospy.loginfo("enable BarDetectFlag") # enable BarDetectFlag flag=Bool() self.barDetectFlag_pub.publish(flag) rospy.sleep(0.5)
def run_dryer(self, run_it=True): cmd = Bool() if run_it == True: = True else: = False "Updating dryer" self.dryer_pub.publish(cmd)
def _stop_teleop_cb(self): ''' Sends the stop teleop command IGC ''' msg = Bool() = True ret = QMessageBox.question(self._widget, "Stop Arm Teleop", 'Do you want to stop the arm teleoperation?', QMessageBox.Ok, QMessageBox.Cancel) if ret == QMessageBox.Ok: self.teleop_done_pub.publish(msg)
def laser_callback(self, laser_scan): if self.ping_index_ < 0: self.set_scan_properties(laser_scan) # Assume min/max angle are symmetrical and set up evenly on robot # This is the ping index that is straight ahead self.ping_index_ = int( (0 - self.angle_min_) / self.angle_increment_) rospy.loginfo("LIDAR setup: ping_index = %d", self.ping_index_) # Set the beginning and end of our scan zone self.min_index = self.ping_index_ - int(self.ALARM_SCAN_WIDTH / 2) if self.min_index < 0: rospy.logwarn("Lidar alarm scan width is too large!") self.min_index = 0 self.max_index = self.ping_index_ + int(self.ALARM_SCAN_WIDTH / 2) if self.max_index > len(laser_scan.ranges): rospy.logwarn("Lidar alarm scan width is too large") self.max_index = len(laser_scan.ranges) rospy.loginfo("min index is %d", self.min_index) rospy.loginfo("max index is %d", self.max_index) count = 0 num_pings = 0 average = 0 for x in range(self.min_index, self.max_index): if laser_scan.ranges[x] > self.range_min_: if laser_scan.ranges[x] < self.range_max_: num_pings += 1 rospy.logdebug("Ping %d with range %f", num_pings, laser_scan.ranges[x]) average += laser_scan.ranges[x] if laser_scan.ranges[x] < self.MIN_SAFE_DISTANCE: count += 1 rospy.loginfo( "%d valid lidar pings, %d dangerous pings, average distance %f", num_pings, count, float(average) / float(num_pings)) if count > (num_pings * self.ALARM_TRIP_PERCENTAGE): self.laser_alarm = True rospy.loginfo("LIDAR ALARM! DANGER!") else: self.laser_alarm = False lidar_alarm_msg = Bool() = self.laser_alarm self.lidar_alarm_publisher.publish(lidar_alarm_msg) lidar_dist_msg = Float32() = self.ping_dist_in_front_ self.lidar_dist_publisher_.publish(lidar_dist_msg)
def on_stopButton_clicked(self): try: rospy.delete_param('/tracking/scenario') except KeyError: pass msg1 = SimControl() msg1.mode = "stop" self.pub_control.publish(msg1) msg2 = Bool() = True self.pub_reset.publish(msg2)
def pauseSystem(self, pausing): learningStatus = Bool() controlStatus = Bool() if not pausing: self.expStatus = "monitor" self.backToInit = not pausing = not pausing self.learningMF_pub.publish(learningStatus) self.learningMB_pub.publish(learningStatus) self.learningMB2_pub.publish(learningStatus) = not pausing self.control_pub.publish(controlStatus)
def __init__(self): # initialize robot node rospy.init_node("robot") # parse config file self.config = read_config() self.goal = self.config['goal'] self.threshold = self.config['threshold'] # initialize temperature and texture fields self.temperature = 0.0 self.texture = '' self.position = [0,0] self.move = '' # initialize robot's belief about position initial_belief = 1/(float((len(self.config['pipe_map']) * len(self.config['pipe_map'][0]))) - float(len(self.config['walls']))) self.prior_belief = [[initial_belief for x in range(len(self.config['pipe_map'][y]))] for y in range(len(self.config['pipe_map']))] for x, row in enumerate(self.prior_belief): for y, col in enumerate(row): if [x,y] in self.config['walls']: col = 0.0 #calculate MDP here self.policy = mdp(self.config) self.move_instruction = { 'N': [-1,0], 'W': [0,-1], 'S': [1,0], 'E': [0,1], 'WALL': [2,2], 'GOAL': [0,0] } # Initialize subscribers, publishers, and services self.init_ros_things() # Publish bool message to temp sensor's activation topic bool_msg = Bool() = True self.temperature_activation.publish(bool_msg) # Publish the results of MDP policy_list = [x for y in self.policy for x in y] self.policy_publisher.publish(policy_list) rospy.sleep(1) rospy.spin() rospy.signal_shutdown(self)
def haltCB(msg): global HALT #print "haltCB start" HALT = #pub_twist = rospy.Publisher('/robot0/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size = 10) pub_turn_reset = rospy.Publisher('/turn/reset', Bool, queue_size = 10) if HALT == True: #once halt, send reset to the turn bool_msg = Bool() twist = Twist() = True pub_turn_reset.publish(bool_msg) print "turn reset message was published successfully in haltCB!"
def _handle_vision_ball_position(msg): global _measured, _last_time _measured = (msg.x, msg.y) # Timestamp this msg so the ball updater knows # how much time elapsed since last measurement _last_time = time.time() # Was there a goal? if abs(msg.x) > 1.79 and (abs(msg.y) < .305): msg = Bool() = True _goal_pub.publish(msg)
def get_ctrl_output(self): # if in velocity control mode, just return the goal velocity if self.ctrl_mode == 'open': cmd_vel = Twist() cmd_vel.linear.x = self.vel_g[0] cmd_vel.angular.y = self.vel_g[1] goal_reached = Bool() = False return cmd_vel, goal_reached try: # update position information (translation, rotation) = self.trans_listener.lookupTransform( "/map", "/base_footprint", rospy.Time(0)) self.x = translation[0] self.y = translation[1] self.theta = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(rotation)[2] except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException): rospy.logerr("Cannot localize robot!") # use self.x self.y and self.theta to compute the right control input here # compute rho and alpha, beta x_g = self.x_g y_g = self.y_g th_g = self.th_g # Distance to goal rho = np.sqrt((x_g - self.x)**2 + (y_g - self.y)**2) # Direction to goal ang = np.arctan2(y_g - self.y, x_g - self.x) # Difference between heading and ang alpha = self.wrapToPi(ang - self.theta) # Difference between heading and th_g beta = self.wrapToPi(th_g - self.theta) # check if near goal # Only reset if double the threshold from goal. Adds robustness to map jumping if not self.near_goal: self.near_goal = rho < self.goal_reached_thresh else: self.near_goal = 0.5 * rho < self.goal_reached_thresh if not self.near_goal: V = 0.5 - np.absolute(np.arctan(alpha * 5.0) / (np.pi)) - max(0, -0.5 / 0.2 * rho + 0.5) om = np.arctan(alpha * 2.5) / (np.pi / 2.0) else: V = 0 om = np.arctan(beta * 2.5) / (np.pi / 2.0) # Apply saturation limits V = np.sign(V) * min(0.3, np.abs(V)) om = np.sign(om) * min(1, np.abs(om)) cmd = Twist() cmd.linear.x = V cmd.angular.z = om # check if goal is reached goal_reached = Bool() near_theta = np.absolute(self.theta - th_g) < self.theta_goal_thresh = self.near_goal and near_theta #if np.linalg.norm(rho) < self.goal_reached_thresh and (np.absolute(self.theta - th_g) < self.theta_goal_thresh): # = True #else: # = False return cmd, goal_reached
def openDoor(self): self.openDoorStatus = not self.openDoorStatus status = Bool() = self.openDoorStatus self.set_doorstate_publisher.publish(status)
def using_teleop_timer(self, event): if not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.pub_using_telop.publish(Bool(self.using_teleop))
def publish_lc_status(self, msg): self.publishers['lc_status'].publish(Bool(msg))
def __init__(self): # The current status of the joints. self.JointState = JointTrajectoryControllerState() # The servo power's status of the robot. self.ServoPowerState = Bool() # The fault power's status of the robot. self.PowerFaultState = Bool() # The reference coordinate in the calculations of the elfin_basic_api node self.RefCoordinate = String() # The end coordinate in the calculations of the elfin_basic_api node self.EndCoordinate = String() #The value of the dynamic parameters of elfin_basic_api, e.g. velocity scaling. self.DynamicArgs = Config() # get the reference coordinate name of elfin_basic_api from the response of this service. self.call_ref_coordinate = rospy.ServiceProxy('elfin_basic_api/get_reference_link', SetBool) self.call_ref_coordinate_req = SetBoolRequest() # get the current position of elfin_ros_control from the response of this service. self.call_current_position = rospy.ServiceProxy('elfin_ros_control/elfin/get_current_position', SetBool) self.call_current_position_req = SetBoolRequest() # call service recognize_position of elfin_ros_control. self.call_recognize_position = rospy.ServiceProxy('elfin_ros_control/elfin/recognize_position', SetBool) self.call_recognize_position_req = SetBoolRequest() = True # get the end coordinate name of elfin_basic_api from the response of this service. self.call_end_coordinate = rospy.ServiceProxy('elfin_basic_api/get_end_link', SetBool) self.call_end_coordinate_req = SetBoolRequest() # for publishing joint goals to elfin_basic_api self.JointsPub = rospy.Publisher('elfin_basic_api/joint_goal', JointState, queue_size=1) self.JointsGoal = JointState() # for publishing cart goals to elfin_basic_api self.CartGoalPub = rospy.Publisher('elfin_basic_api/cart_goal', PoseStamped, queue_size=1) self.CartPos = PoseStamped() # for pub cart path self.CartPathPub = rospy.Publisher('elfin_basic_api/cart_path_goal', PoseArray, queue_size=1) self.CartPath = PoseArray() self.CartPath.header.stamp=rospy.get_rostime() self.CartPath.header.frame_id='elfin_base_link' # for pub one specific joint action to elfin_teleop_joint_cmd_no_limit self.JointCmdPub = rospy.Publisher('elfin_teleop_joint_cmd_no_limit', Int64 , queue_size=1) self.JointCmd = Int64() # for pub multi specific joint action to elfin_teleop_joint_cmd_no_limit self.JointsCmdPub = rospy.Publisher('changyuan_joints_cmd', JointsFloat64, queue_size=1) self.JointsCmd = JointsFloat64() # action client, send goal to move_group self.action_client = SimpleActionClient('elfin_module_controller/follow_joint_trajectory', FollowJointTrajectoryAction) self.action_goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal() #self.goal_list = JointTrajectoryPoint() self.goal_list = [] self.joints_ = [] self.ps_ = [] self.listener = tf.TransformListener() self.robot=moveit_commander.RobotCommander() self.scene=moveit_commander.PlanningSceneInterface()'elfin_arm') self.ref_link_lock=threading.Lock() self.end_link_lock=threading.Lock() self.call_teleop_stop=rospy.ServiceProxy('elfin_basic_api/stop_teleop', SetBool) self.call_teleop_stop_req=SetBoolRequest() self.call_teleop_joint=rospy.ServiceProxy('elfin_basic_api/joint_teleop',SetInt16) self.call_teleop_joint_req=SetInt16Request() self.call_teleop_joints=rospy.ServiceProxy('elfin_basic_api/joints_teleops',SetFloat64s) self.call_teleop_joints_req=SetFloat64sRequest() self.call_teleop_cart=rospy.ServiceProxy('elfin_basic_api/cart_teleop', SetInt16) self.call_teleop_cart_req=SetInt16Request() self.call_move_homing=rospy.ServiceProxy('elfin_basic_api/home_teleop', SetBool) self.call_move_homing_req=SetBoolRequest() self.call_reset=rospy.ServiceProxy(self.elfin_driver_ns+'clear_fault', SetBool) self.call_reset_req=SetBoolRequest() self.call_power_on = rospy.ServiceProxy(self.elfin_driver_ns+'enable_robot', SetBool) self.call_power_on_req=SetBoolRequest() self.call_power_off = rospy.ServiceProxy(self.elfin_driver_ns+'disable_robot', SetBool) self.call_power_off_req = SetBoolRequest() self.call_velocity_setting = rospy.ServiceProxy('elfin_basic_api/set_velocity_scale', SetFloat64) self.call_velocity_req = SetFloat64Request() self._velocity_scale = 0.78 self.set_velocity_scale(self._velocity_scale) pass
#!/usr/bin/env python import rospy from std_msgs.msg import Bool #init ros node pub = rospy.Publisher('led_status', Bool, queue_size=10) rospy.init_node('publish', anonymous=True) Xau = Bool() = True while True: print( pub.publish(Xau) rospy.sleep(2) = not
rospy.loginfo("DONE") last_time_steps = np.append(last_time_steps, [int(t + 1)]) reward_msg = RLExperimentInfo() reward_msg.episode_number = x reward_msg.episode_reward = cumulated_reward reward_pub.publish(reward_msg) break m, s = divmod(int(time.time() - start_time), 60) h, m = divmod(m, 60) rospy.loginfo( ("EP: " + str(x + 1) + " - [alpha: " + str(round(qlearn.alpha, 2)) + " - gamma: " + str(round(qlearn.gamma, 2)) + " - epsilon: " + str(round(qlearn.epsilon, 2)) + "] - Reward: " + str(cumulated_reward) + " Time: %d:%02d:%02d" % (h, m, s))) done_msg = Bool() = True done_pub.publish(done_msg) l = last_time_steps.tolist() l.sort() rospy.loginfo("Overall score: {:0.2f}".format(last_time_steps.mean())) rospy.loginfo("Best 100 score: {:0.2f}".format( reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, l[-100:]) / len(l[-100:]))) env.close() # Save the q_value for latter usage. + '/q_value' + str(experiment) + '.npy', qlearn.Q)
def run(self): self.currentState == SPEECH_STATE while (self.currentState == START_STATE or self.currentState == SPEECH_STATE) and not rospy.is_shutdown(): pass self.speech_enable.publish(Bool(False))
def _movo_teleop(self, joyMessage): self._parse_joy_input(joyMessage) if self.button_state[MAP_REC_GOAL_IDX] == 1: if (False == self.goalrecorded): temp = Bool() = True self.goalrecorder_pub.publish(temp) self.goalrecorded = True else: self.goalrecorded = False if self.button_state[MAP_DTZ_IDX]: self.cfg_cmd.gp_cmd = 'GENERAL_PURPOSE_CMD_SET_OPERATIONAL_MODE' self.cfg_cmd.gp_param = DTZ_REQUEST elif self.button_state[MAP_PWRDWN_IDX]: self.cfg_cmd.gp_cmd = 'GENERAL_PURPOSE_CMD_SET_OPERATIONAL_MODE' self.cfg_cmd.gp_param = STANDBY_REQUEST elif self.button_state[MAP_STANDBY_IDX]: self.cfg_cmd.gp_cmd = 'GENERAL_PURPOSE_CMD_SET_OPERATIONAL_MODE' self.cfg_cmd.gp_param = STANDBY_REQUEST elif self.button_state[MAP_TRACTOR_IDX]: self.cfg_cmd.gp_cmd = 'GENERAL_PURPOSE_CMD_SET_OPERATIONAL_MODE' self.cfg_cmd.gp_param = TRACTOR_REQUEST else: self.cfg_cmd.gp_cmd = 'GENERAL_PURPOSE_CMD_NONE' self.cfg_cmd.gp_param = 0 if ('GENERAL_PURPOSE_CMD_NONE' != self.cfg_cmd.gp_cmd): self.cfg_cmd.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() self.cfg_pub.publish(self.cfg_cmd) self.cfg_cmd.header.seq self.send_cmd_none = True elif (True == self.send_cmd_none): self.cfg_cmd.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() self.cfg_pub.publish(self.cfg_cmd) self.cfg_cmd.header.seq self.send_cmd_none = False elif (False == self.send_cmd_none): if self.button_state[MAP_DEADMAN_IDX]: self.motion_cmd.linear.x = ( self.axis_value[MAP_TWIST_LIN_X_IDX] * self.x_vel_limit_mps) self.motion_cmd.linear.y = ( self.axis_value[MAP_TWIST_LIN_Y_IDX] * self.y_vel_limit_mps) self.motion_cmd.angular.z = ( self.axis_value[MAP_TWIST_ANG_Z_IDX] * self.yaw_rate_limit_rps) self.last_motion_command_time = rospy.get_time() else: self.motion_cmd.linear.x = 0.0 self.motion_cmd.linear.y = 0.0 self.motion_cmd.angular.z = 0.0 dt = rospy.get_time() - self.last_joy self.last_joy = rospy.get_time() if (dt >= 0.01): self.limited_cmd.linear.x = slew_limit( self.motion_cmd.linear.x, self.limited_cmd.linear.x, self.accel_lim, dt) self.limited_cmd.linear.y = slew_limit( self.motion_cmd.linear.y, self.limited_cmd.linear.y, self.accel_lim, dt) self.limited_cmd.angular.z = slew_limit( self.motion_cmd.angular.z, self.limited_cmd.angular.z, self.yaw_accel_lim, dt) if ((rospy.get_time() - self.last_motion_command_time) < 2.0): self.motion_pub.publish(self.limited_cmd) if self.button_state[MAP_DEADMAN_IDX] and self.button_state[ MAP_MAN_OVVRD_IDX]: self.override_pub.publish(self.motion_cmd)
def set_autopilot(self, enable): """ enable/disable the autopilot """ self.auto_pilot_enable_publisher.publish(Bool(data=enable))
def set_vehicle_control_manual_override(self, enable): """ Set the manual control override """ self.hud.notification('Set vehicle control manual override to: {}'.format(enable)) self.vehicle_control_manual_override_publisher.publish((Bool(data=enable)))
def announceExplorer(self): object_msg = Bool() = True self.explore_pub.publish(object_msg)
def __init__(self): # publisheri self.pub1 = rospy.Publisher('/sphero_1/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=1) self.pub2 = rospy.Publisher('/sphero_2/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=1) # stvaramo objekte self.vel = Twist() self.pose_m = Point() # varijable i inicijalne vrijednosti self.vel.angular.x = 0 self.vel.angular.y = 0 self.pose_m.x = 0 self.pose_m.y = 0 self.pose_x_R_S = 0 self.pose_y_R_S = 0 self.pose_x_B_S = 0 self.pose_y_B_S = 0 self.pose_R_x = 0 self.pose_R_y = 0 self.pose_B_x = 0 self.pose_B_y = 0 # parametri regulatora self.K_p = 0.5 # proporcionalno pojacanje self.K_i = 0.0005 # integralno pojacanje self.K_d = 0 # derivacijsko pojacanje self.T = 0.15 self.max = 60 self.min = 10 self.v_x = 0 self.v_y = 0 # pomocni brojac self.cnt = 0 # objekt razreda PID_controller self.pid_sphero_x = PID_controller(self.K_p, self.K_i, self.K_d, self.T, self.min, self.max) self.pid_sphero_y = PID_controller(self.K_p, self.K_i, self.K_d, self.T, self.min, self.max) # # dobivanje pozicije crvenog markera --> samo jednom # self.pose_m = rospy.wait_for_message("/red_m", Point) # self.pose_R_x = 100.0 * self.pose_m.x # self.pose_R_y = 100.0 * self.pose_m.y # # dobivanje pozicije plavog markera --> samo jednom # self.pose_m = rospy.wait_for_message("/blue_m", Point) # self.pose_B_x = 100.0 * self.pose_m.x # self.pose_B_y = 100.0 * self.pose_m.y self.sphero_start_bool = Bool() self.sphero_start_bool = False # subscriberi rospy.Subscriber("/red_s", Point, self.sphero_red_callback) rospy.Subscriber("/blue_s", Point, self.sphero_blue_callback) rospy.Subscriber("/sphero", Bool, self.sphero_start_callback) rospy.Subscriber("/red_m", Point, self.red_marker) rospy.Subscriber("/blue_m", Point, self.blue_marker) # konacna brzina self.final_value = 0
def switch_position_control(self): msg = Bool() = True self.switch_pub.publish(msg) rospy.loginfo("Switched to position control")
# Remove models from the scene on shutdown # rospy.on_shutdown(delete_gazebo_models) # Wait for the All Clear from emulator startup # rospy.wait_for_message("/robot/sim/started", Empty) limb = 'left' #shapes = ['triangle', 'square', 'circle'] shapes = ['triangle', 'square'] hover_distance = 0.15 desired_position = [320, 250] for shape in shapes: print(shape) pnp = PickAndPlace(shape, desired_position, limb, hover_distance) pub_pid_enable = rospy.Publisher("/pid_enable", Bool, queue_size=1) msg_pid_enable = Bool(True) pub_pid_enable.publish(msg_pid_enable) # Subscribe Image from camera rospy.Subscriber("/detected_object", Object, pnp.callback_camera) # Subscribe Image from camera # rospy.Subscriber("/control_effort", Float64, pnp.callback_control_effort) # Subscribe Image from kinect #rospy.Subscriber("/xxxxxxx", Pose, pnp.callback_kinect) quaternion = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0.0, math.pi, 0.0, axes='sxyz') hover = Pose()
lightPubs = {} addressMap = {} for robot in robotNames: key = str((len(robotKeyNameMap) + 1) % 10) robotKeyNameMap[key] = robot velPubs[key] = rospy.Publisher(robot + '/cmd_vel_relay', Twist, queue_size=1) commPubs[key] = rospy.Publisher(robot + '/comm', String, queue_size=1) selPubs[key] = rospy.Publisher(robot + '/select', Bool, queue_size=1) lightPubs[key] = rospy.Publisher(robot + '/light', Bool, queue_size=1) addressMap[key] = robotAddressMap[robot] if len(robotKeyNameMap) == 10: break currentRobotKey = '1' flag = Bool() = True selPubs[currentRobotKey].publish(flag) speed = rospy.get_param("~speed", 0.5) turn = rospy.get_param("~turn", 1.0) x = 0 y = 0 z = 0 th = 0 status = 0 try: print(msg) print('--------------------------') print('Robot List:')
def run(self): rate = rospy.Rate(5) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.rescue_pub.publish(Bool(self.rescuing)) rate.sleep()
def run(self): f_r = open("trajectories.txt", "w+") key = "" heading = Float32() = 0.0 distance = Float32() return_ground_truth = Bool() = True while key != 's': modelstate = self.get_model_state(model_name="mobile_base") currx = modelstate.pose.position.x curry = modelstate.pose.position.y roll = modelstate.pose.orientation.x pitch = modelstate.pose.orientation.y yaw = modelstate.pose.orientation.z w = modelstate.pose.orientation.w orientation_list = [roll, pitch, yaw,w] (roll, pitch, yaw) = euler_from_quaternion(orientation_list) print "current positions are: "+str((currx,curry,yaw)) key = raw_input("PRESS CONTROL KEYS:\n(The rotation keys rotate the turtlebot with respect to x-axis)\nl : +45 degree\na : -45 degree\nt : +90 degree\nv : -90 degree\nj : 0 degree\nf : -180 degree\nh : +135 degree\ng: -135 degree\n\nd : to move 1 cm\nm : to move sqrt(2) cm (diagonally)\n\ns : to stop\n") = 0.0 if key == 'l': = np.pi/4 elif key == 'a': = -np.pi/4 elif key == 't': = np.pi/2 elif key == 'v': = -np.pi/2 elif key == 'j': = 0 elif key == 'f': = -np.pi elif key == 'h': = 3*np.pi/4 elif key == 'g': = -3*np.pi/4 elif key == 'd': = 1.0 elif key == 'm': = 1.414 print("Heading: "+str(heading)) print("Distance: "+str(distance)) f_r.write("Heading: "+str(heading)+"\n") f_r.write("Distance: "+str(distance)+"\n") output = self.turtlebot_control_service(heading, distance, return_ground_truth) #print(output) f_r.write(str(output)+"\n") f_r.close() rospy.spin()
if __name__ == '__main__': try: rospy.init_node('set_goal') done_pub = rospy.Publisher('/elevator/done', Bool, queue_size=1) move = Navigation() move.set_init_pose(pos=[-24.5, -3.5, 0], ori=[0, 0, 0.999993843881, 0.00350887452617], cov=[ 0.25, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.25, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.06853892326654787 ]) # Go to cafe result = move.movebase_client( pos=[-49.2158203125, -7.58403015137, 0], ori=[0, 0, 0.708139986808, 0.706072063661]) ### DO STUFF ### # Go back to elevator result = move.movebase_client( pos=[-25.4651012421, -3.54517769814, 0], ori=[0, 0, 0.0123519308175, 0.999923711993]) done_pub.publish(Bool(data=True)) except rospy.ROSInterruptExsception: rospy.loginfo("Navigation test finished.")
from cv_bridge import CvBridge from std_msgs.msg import String from std_msgs.msg import UInt32MultiArray, UInt32, Bool #Others import sys import os import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from threading import Thread #MoPAT alogirithm files sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/../") from algorithms.mopat_astar_ros import Astar #Global variables motion_plans_done = Bool() #Flag - Bool type rosmsg static_config = None #Predefined global static_config screen_size = None #Predefined global static_config robot_num = 0 #Number of robots in simulation robot_starts = {} #Dict - robot_index : robot_start robot_goals = {} #Dict - robot_index : robot_goal motion_plans = {} #Dict - robot_index : robot_plan got_static_config = False #Flag - True if static_config received all_planners_started = False #Flag - True if all motion_planners started = False #Flag - True if all motion plans done bridge = CvBridge() #Required for rosmsg-cv conversion def config_space_cb(data): '''
def publish_dbw_status(self, data): self.publishers['dbw_status'].publish(Bool(data))
def publish_dbw_status(self, data): self.publishers['dbw_status'].publish(Bool(data)) self.server('dbw_status', data={'dbw_status': str(data)})
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import rospy import time from std_msgs.msg import Bool, Float32 if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('actuator', anonymous=True) # 吸盘控制 suction_pub = rospy.Publisher('suction_chatter', Bool, queue_size=10) # 夹爪控制 gripper_pub = rospy.Publisher('gripper_chatter', Bool, queue_size=10) # 定义Bool变量 并初始化 suction_signal = Bool(data=False) gripper_signal = Bool(data=False) # 下面使吸盘和夹爪间歇切换工作 while True: # 发布False,夹爪张开 = False gripper_pub.publish(gripper_signal) print("stop") rospy.sleep(2) # 发布True,夹爪闭合 = True gripper_pub.publish(gripper_signal) print("activate") rospy.sleep(2) # 发布False,吸盘释放
def doOdomPub(): global camUpdateFlag, carUpdateFlag, mStatusLock global cam_currentPose, cam_currentTime global car_currentPose, car_currentTime global car_lastPose, cam_lastPose, Odom_last global begin_flag, scale, OdomPub, globalMovePub, velPub global tf_rot, tf_trans, scale global odom_combined_tf, odom_combined_tf2 time_now = Odom = Odometry() Odom.header.stamp = time_now Odom.header.frame_id = "/odom_combined" mStatusLock.acquire() camflag = camUpdateFlag carflag = carUpdateFlag if begin_flag: cam_lastPose = cam_currentPose car_lastPose = car_currentPose if camUpdateFlag: Tad = np.array([ cam_currentPose.position.x, cam_currentPose.position.y, cam_currentPose.position.z ]) q = [ cam_currentPose.orientation.x, cam_currentPose.orientation.y, cam_currentPose.orientation.z, cam_currentPose.orientation.w ] M = tf.transformations.quaternion_matrix(q) Rad = M[:3, :3] #为了简化计算,下文的计算中base_link 和base_footprint被看成是相同的坐标系 #转到odom_combined,得到camera在odom_combined中的pose Rbd = Tbd = scale * ( + tf_trans #由camera 的 pose 得到 base_footprint 的pose,这也是下文要发布的pose Rdc = tf_rot.T Tdc = -1 / scale * ( Rbc = Tbc = scale * ( + Tbd Odom.pose.pose.position.x = Tbc[0] Odom.pose.pose.position.y = Tbc[1] Odom.pose.pose.position.z = 0. #Tbc[2] M = np.identity(4) M[:3, :3] = Rbc q = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_matrix(M) Odom.pose.pose.orientation.x = q[0] Odom.pose.pose.orientation.y = q[1] Odom.pose.pose.orientation.z = q[2] Odom.pose.pose.orientation.w = q[3] cam_lastPose = cam_currentPose else: if carUpdateFlag: q = [ Odom_last.pose.pose.orientation.x, Odom_last.pose.pose.orientation.y, Odom_last.pose.pose.orientation.z, Odom_last.pose.pose.orientation.w ] euler = euler_from_quaternion(q) theta_last = euler[2] delta_car = math.sqrt( (car_currentPose.position.x - car_lastPose.position.x) * (car_currentPose.position.x - car_lastPose.position.x) + (car_currentPose.position.y - car_lastPose.position.y) * (car_currentPose.position.y - car_lastPose.position.y)) if car_currentPose.position.z < 0.000001: delta_car = -1. * delta_car Odom.pose.pose.position.x = Odom_last.pose.pose.position.x + delta_car * math.cos( theta_last) Odom.pose.pose.position.y = Odom_last.pose.pose.position.y + delta_car * math.sin( theta_last) Odom.pose.pose.position.z = 0. q1 = [ car_lastPose.orientation.x, car_lastPose.orientation.y, car_lastPose.orientation.z, car_lastPose.orientation.w ] q2 = [ car_currentPose.orientation.x, car_currentPose.orientation.y, car_currentPose.orientation.z, car_currentPose.orientation.w ] euler1 = euler_from_quaternion(q1) euler2 = euler_from_quaternion(q2) theta_dleta = euler2[2] - euler1[2] if abs(theta_dleta) > 0.4: theta_dleta = 0.0 q = quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, theta_last + theta_dleta) Odom.pose.pose.orientation.x = q[0] Odom.pose.pose.orientation.y = q[1] Odom.pose.pose.orientation.z = q[2] Odom.pose.pose.orientation.w = q[3] else: Odom = Odom_last time1_diff = time_now - car_currentTime time2_diff = time_now - cam_currentTime car_diff = abs(car_currentPose.position.x - car_lastPose.position.x ) + abs(car_currentPose.position.y - car_lastPose.position.y) if car_diff > 2.0 or time2_diff.to_sec() > 20. or time1_diff.to_sec( ) > 5.: #发布全局禁止flag globalMoveFlag = Bool() = False globalMovePub.publish(globalMoveFlag) CarTwist = Twist() velPub.publish(CarTwist) car_lastPose = car_currentPose cam_currentTime = car_currentTime = mStatusLock.release() return if carUpdateFlag: car_lastPose = car_currentPose camUpdateFlag = False carUpdateFlag = False if begin_flag: Odom_last = Odom begin_flag = False mStatusLock.release() #计算速度 Odom.child_frame_id = "/base_footprint" Odom.twist.twist.linear.x = 30 * (Odom.pose.pose.position.x - Odom_last.pose.pose.position.x) Odom.twist.twist.linear.y = 30 * (Odom.pose.pose.position.y - Odom_last.pose.pose.position.y) q1 = [ Odom_last.pose.pose.orientation.x, Odom_last.pose.pose.orientation.y, Odom_last.pose.pose.orientation.z, Odom_last.pose.pose.orientation.w ] euler1 = euler_from_quaternion(q1) q2 = [ Odom.pose.pose.orientation.x, Odom.pose.pose.orientation.y, Odom.pose.pose.orientation.z, Odom.pose.pose.orientation.w ] euler2 = euler_from_quaternion(q2) Odom.twist.twist.angular.z = (euler2[2] - euler1[2]) * 30. OdomPub.publish(Odom) q = [ Odom.pose.pose.orientation.x, Odom.pose.pose.orientation.y, Odom.pose.pose.orientation.z, Odom.pose.pose.orientation.w ] M = tf.transformations.quaternion_matrix(q) Rbc = M[:3, :3] Tbc = np.array([ Odom.pose.pose.position.x, Odom.pose.pose.position.y, Odom.pose.pose.position.z ]) if odom_combined_tf != None: Rcb = Rbc.T T = M = np.identity(4) M[:3, :3] = Rcb q = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_matrix(M) odom_combined_tf.sendTransform(T, q, time_now, "/odom_combined", "/base_footprint") if odom_combined_tf2 != None: M = np.identity(4) M[:3, :3] = tf_rot q = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_matrix(M) odom_combined_tf2.sendTransform(tf_trans, q, time_now, "/ORB_SLAM/World", "/odom_combined") Odom_last = Odom
def execute(self, userdata): completed = Bool() = True self.completed_task_publisher.publish(completed) return 'done'
def __init__(self): # self.bridge = CvBridge() # self.image_received = False self.encLeft_received = False self.encRight_received = False self.apriltagStatus_received = False self.apriltagID_received = False self.apriltag_detection_ID = None self.taskONE = False self.taskTWO = False self.MAX_LIN_VEL = 0.02 self.MAX_ANG_VEL = 0.03 # set PID values for panning self.panP = 0.5 self.panI = 0 self.panD = 0 # set PID values for tilting self.tiltP = 0.5 self.tiltI = 0 self.tiltD = 0.5 # create a PID and initialize it self.panPID = PID(self.panP, self.panI, self.panD) self.tiltPID = PID(self.tiltP, self.tiltI, self.tiltD) self.panPID.initialize() self.tiltPID.initialize() self.partyTwist = Twist() self.resetLeft = Bool() self.resetRight = Bool() rospy.logwarn("Party Node [ONLINE]...") # rospy shutdown rospy.on_shutdown(self.cbShutdown) # Subscribe to Int64 msg self.encLeft_topic = "/val_encLeft" self.encLeft_sub = rospy.Subscriber(self.encLeft_topic, Int64, self.cbEncoderLeft) # Subscribe to Int64 msg self.encRight_topic = "/val_encRight" self.encRight_sub = rospy.Subscriber(self.encRight_topic, Int64, self.cbEncoderRight) # Subscribe to Bool msg self.apriltagStatus_topic = "/apriltag_detection_status" self.apriltagStatus_sub = rospy.Subscriber( self.apriltagStatus_topic, Bool, self.cbAprilTagDetectionStatus) # Subscribe to Int64 msg self.apriltagID_topic = "/apriltag_detection_ID" self.apriltagID_sub = rospy.Subscriber(self.apriltagID_topic, Int64, self.cbAprilTagDetectionID) # Subscribe to objCenter msg self.objCoord_topic = "/objCoord" self.objCoord_sub = rospy.Subscriber(self.objCoord_topic, objCoord, self.cbObjCoord) # Subscribe to CameraInfo msg self.telloCameraInfo_topic = "/cv_camera/camera_info_converted" self.telloCameraInfo_sub = rospy.Subscriber(self.telloCameraInfo_topic, CameraInfo, self.cbCameraInfo) # Publish to Twist msg self.partyTwist_topic = "/cmd_vel" self.partyTwist_pub = rospy.Publisher(self.partyTwist_topic, Twist, queue_size=10) # Subscribe to Int64 msg self.rstEncLeft_topic = "/rstEncLeft" self.rstEncLeft_pub = rospy.Publisher(self.rstEncLeft_topic, Bool, queue_size=10) # Subscribe to Int64 msg self.rstEncRight_topic = "/rstEncRight" self.rstEncRight_pub = rospy.Publisher(self.rstEncRight_topic, Bool, queue_size=10) # Allow up to one second to connection rospy.sleep(1)
class AvoidPredictedAccident: accident_predict_result = AccidentPredictResult() seniorcar_odometry = Odometry() seniorcar_state = SeniorcarState() seniorcar_command = SeniorcarState() seniorcar_command.accel_opening = 0 seniorcar_state.accel_opening = 0 seniorcar_command.steer_angle = 0 seniorcar_command.max_velocity = 2.0 enable_steer_motor = Bool() = False #for initialize 11/2 enable_program = Bool() #11/6 = True #11/6 the seniorcar avoids a step then it turns False start_odometry = Odometry() odom_recive_flag = True update_flag = Bool() = True #11/7_23_15 time_counter = 0 #one way to keep time. 11/7 time_counter_flag = False t1 = rospy.Time() #another way to keep time.11/7 t2 = rospy.Time() t3 = 0 t1_flag = Bool() = True avoid_index1 = 0 avoid_index2 = 0 counter = 0 old_steer_command_angle = 0.0 def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('generate_seniorca_comand_to_avoid_predicted_accident') = rospy.Publisher('seniorcar_command', SeniorcarState, queue_size=10) self.pub2 = rospy.Publisher('enable_motor', Bool, queue_size=10) #self.pub3 = rospy.Publisher('enable_brake', Bool, queue_size=10)#for avoid program colision 11/6 def subscribe_predicted_result(self): rospy.Subscriber("accident_predict", AccidentPredictResult, self.accidentsubCallback) rospy.Subscriber("seniorcar_state", SeniorcarState, self.stateCallback) rospy.Subscriber("seniorcar_odometry", Odometry, self.odomCallback) def stateCallback(self, msg): self.seniorcar_state = msg self.seniorcar_command.max_velocity = msg.max_velocity def odomCallback(self, msg): if self.odom_recive_flag: self.start_odometry = msg print "start_odometry" print "x:" + str( self.start_odometry.pose.pose.position.x) + "y:" + str( self.start_odometry.pose.pose.position.y) self.odom_recive_flag = False self.seniorcar_odometry = msg def accidentsubCallback(self, msg): self.accident_predict_result = msg self.min_predict_angle = msg.steer_angle[0] self.predict_angle_devision = abs(msg.steer_angle[1] - msg.steer_angle[0]) def calcSteerAngleToPredictedAngleIndex(self, steer_angle): # radに直す steer_angle *= 3.14 / 180 # まだ判定結果を受信していない場合は0を返す if len(self.accident_predict_result.steer_angle) < 1: return 0 # 範囲外の処理 elif steer_angle < self.accident_predict_result.steer_angle[0]: return 0 elif steer_angle > self.accident_predict_result.steer_angle[-1]: return int(len(self.accident_predict_result.steer_angle) - 1) else: return int( (steer_angle - self.accident_predict_result.steer_angle[0]) / (self.accident_predict_result.steer_angle[1] - self.accident_predict_result.steer_angle[0])) def update_seniorcar_command(self): if == False: pass if == True: data_num = len(self.accident_predict_result.steer_angle) if data_num < 1: return current_steer_index = self.calcSteerAngleToPredictedAngleIndex( self.seniorcar_state.steer_angle) # 現在の操舵角度0度の番号 if current_steer_index == 0: current_steer_index += 1 elif current_steer_index == data_num - 1: current_steer_index -= 1 if self.accident_predict_result.max_distance[ current_steer_index] > APPROACH_THRESHOLD and self.accident_predict_result.max_distance[ current_steer_index + 1] > APPROACH_THRESHOLD and self.accident_predict_result.max_distance[ current_steer_index - 1] > APPROACH_THRESHOLD: # 前方が安全なら操舵角度そのまま self.seniorcar_command.steer_angle = self.seniorcar_state.steer_angle = False self.seniorcar_command.accel_opening = min( self.seniorcar_state.accel_opening, MAX_ACCEL_OPENING) else: # 安全に走行できる経路の中で現在の角度に近い場所を探す。そもそも無ければ停止する avoid_index = -1 for i in range(0, data_num - 1): if self.accident_predict_result.max_distance[ i] > AVOID_THRESHOLD and self.accident_predict_result.max_distance[ i + 1] > APPROACH_THRESHOLD and self.accident_predict_result.max_distance[ i - 1] > APPROACH_THRESHOLD: if abs(current_steer_index - i) < abs(current_steer_index - avoid_index): avoid_index = i if avoid_index == -1: self.seniorcar_command.accel_opening = min( self.seniorcar_state.accel_opening * DECELERATION_CONSTANT, MAX_ACCEL_OPENING * DECELERATION_CONSTANT) = False else: self.seniorcar_command.accel_opening = min( self.seniorcar_state.accel_opening, MAX_ACCEL_OPENING) = True if avoid_index < 5 and avoid_index > 2: #to adjust offset.11/6 self.avoid_index1 = avoid_index - 2 self.seniorcar_command.steer_angle = self.accident_predict_result.steer_angle[ self.avoid_index1] * 180.0 / 3.14 if == True: self.t1 = = False #elif avoid_index == 7: #self.seniorcar_command.steer_angle = self.accident_predict_result.steer_angle[avoid_index] * 180.0 /3.14 elif avoid_index > 9 and avoid_index < 12: self.avoid_index1 = avoid_index + 2 self.seniorcar_command.steer_angle = self.accident_predict_result.steer_angle[ self.avoid_index1] * 180.0 / 3.14 if == True: self.t1 = = False else: self.avoid_index1 = avoid_index self.seniorcar_command.steer_angle = self.accident_predict_result.steer_angle[ self.avoid_index1] * 180.0 / 3.14 #11/6 # 急激に変化しないようにする処理 if abs(self.seniorcar_command.steer_angle - self.old_steer_command_angle ) > MAX_CHANGE_STEER_ANGLE_BY_STEP: if self.seniorcar_command.steer_angle > self.old_steer_command_angle: self.seniorcar_command.steer_angle = self.old_steer_command_angle + MAX_CHANGE_STEER_ANGLE_BY_STEP elif self.seniorcar_command.steer_angle < self.old_steer_command_angle: self.seniorcar_command.steer_angle = self.old_steer_command_angle - MAX_CHANGE_STEER_ANGLE_BY_STEP self.old_steer_command_angle = self.seniorcar_command.steer_angle def func(self): pass def calculate_and_publish_command(self): rate = rospy.Rate(PUBLISH_RATE) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # 最初は足元の情報がないので介入なし if pow( self.seniorcar_odometry.pose.pose.position.x - self.start_odometry.pose.pose.position.x, 2) + pow( self.seniorcar_odometry.pose.pose.position.y - self.start_odometry.pose.pose.position.y, 2) < pow( NO_INTERVATION_DISTANCE, 2): = False self.seniorcar_command.accel_opening = min( self.seniorcar_state.accel_opening, MAX_ACCEL_OPENING) self.seniorcar_command.steer_angle = self.seniorcar_state.steer_angle else: self.update_seniorcar_command() #11/7_23_15 if == False: self.t2 = self.t3 = self.t2.secs - self.t1.secs print(self.t3) #to check t3 11/8_10_25 #11/8_9_20 I checked once t1_flag turn False . and then turn off coment out #11/7_23_15 if self.t3 < DELAY_TIME and self.t3 > 0 or self.t3 == DELAY_TIME: # I will check here .11/7_9_28 self.update_seniorcar_command() print("Hello") if == True: print("True") #self.func() elif self.t3 > DELAY_TIME and self.t3 < DELAY_TIME * 2: = False #self.seniorcar_command.accel_opening = 0 self.avoid_index2 = 14 - self.avoid_index1 self.seniorcar_command.steer_angle = self.accident_predict_result.steer_angle[ self.avoid_index2] print("avoid_index1") print(self.avoid_index1) print("avoid_index2") print(self.avoid_index2) #self.seniorcar_command.accel_opening = 0 elif self.t3 == 0 or self.t3 < 0: self.func() print("start") else: print("I'll update") = True = True #11/7_23_15 self.pub2.publish(self.enable_steer_motor) rate.sleep()
def reset(self): self.force_zero.publish(Bool(True))
import smach_ros import mavros_msgs from std_msgs.msg import Bool from mavros_msgs import srv from mavros_msgs.srv import SetMode, CommandBool from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseStamped, TwistStamped from mavros_msgs.msg import State from mavros_msgs.msg import Mavlink ERR = 0.1 goalPose = PoseStamped() mavPose = PoseStamped() mavState = State() repeat = Bool() = True def MissionFlowCallback(b): global repeat repeat = b def setPoint(x, y, z): global goalPose goalPose.pose.position.x = x goalPose.pose.position.y = y goalPose.pose.position.z = z posePub.publish(goalPose) rate.sleep()