def __init__(self, controller="random", customFunction=None): # "random", "gp", "alphazero", "*anyother we're planning to implement" self.controller = controller self.customFunction = customFunction # add any other variables as needed self.stockfish = Stockfish( './stockfish-10-win/Windows/stockfish_10_x64.exe')
class Bot(): def __init__(self): self.stockfish = Stockfish() def acceptable_challenge(self, chall): if chall["variant"]["key"] != "standard": return False if chall["timeControl"]["limit"] > 60: return False if chall["timeControl"]["increment"] > 0: return False return True def get_move(self, moves): b = chess.Board() if moves[0] == '': moves = [] for m in moves: b.push(chess.Move.from_uci(m)) if len(list(b.legal_moves)) < 1: return None # random move if bool(getrandbits(1)): return choice(list(b.legal_moves)) # stockfish move self.stockfish.set_position(moves) return self.stockfish.get_best_move()
def __initial_game(self): # self.parent.withdraw() self.parent.destroy() self.tabuleiro = ChessMatch.ChessMatch(self.bot_color) self.stockfish = Stockfish("./src/cpu/stockfish_20090216_x64") self.stockfish.set_skill_level(0) self.game_gui = Game(self.tabuleiro, self.stockfish)
class RandomFish(): def __init__(self): self.stockfish = Stockfish() self.board = chess.Board() def get_config(self): return 'rand0mfish.yml' def get_name(self): return 'rand0mfish' def new_game(self): self.board.reset() def set_position(self, moves): self.board.reset() for m in moves: self.board.push(chess.Move.from_uci(m)) def get_move(self): # random move if bool(getrandbits(1)): return choice(list(self.board.legal_moves)) # stockfish move self.stockfish.set_fen_position(self.board.fen()) return self.stockfish.get_best_move()
def Score(fen): stockfish = Stockfish("./stockfish_20090216_x64.exe", parameters={ "Write Debug Log": "false", "Contempt": 0, "Min Split Depth": 30, "Threads": 1, "Ponder": "false", "Hash": 16, "MultiPV": 1, "Skill Level": 20, "Move Overhead": 30, "Minimum Thinking Time": 20, "Slow Mover": 84, "UCI_Chess960": "false",} ) stockfish.set_fen_position(fen) score = stockfish.get_evaluation() print(score) # fen = "2N5/8/2Q5/4k2p/1R6/7P/6P1/7K b - - 4 66" # engine = init_stockfish_engine() # print(StockfishScore(fen, engine)) # Score(fen) # engine.quit()
class Engine: def __init__(self, skill_level): parameters = { "Write Debug Log": "false", "Contempt": 0, "Min Split Depth": 0, "Threads": 1, "Ponder": "false", "Hash": 16, "MultiPV": 1, "Skill Level": skill_level, "Move Overhead": 30, "Minimum Thinking Time": 20, "Slow Mover": 80, "UCI_Chess960": "false", } self.engine = Stockfish("resources/stockfish.exe", parameters=parameters) self.engine.set_depth(ENGINE_DEPTH) def set_position(self, fen): self.engine.set_fen_position(fen) def get_move(self, time): return self.engine.get_best_move_time(time)
def __init__(self, game, level): = game self.engine = Stockfish('engines/stockfish', parameters={ "Threads": 4, "Skill Level": level })
def __init__(self): self.best_move = '' self.stockfish = Stockfish( "stockfish_14_linux_x64_avx2/stockfish_14_x64_avx2") self.positions2 = "" self.pos_temp = 0 self.curr_position = (Fen().start_position_list()).copy()
def __init__(self, first: bool, host: str, port: int, skill_level: Optional[int], depth: Optional[int], stockfish: Optional[str]): """ Initialize a player. Args: first: Is the player going first. host: The host of the game. port: The port in the host of the game. skill_level: Still level for stockfish. depth: Depth to search for best move for stockfish. stockfish: Path to the stockfish executable to use. """ self.player_turn = first = host self.port = port self.skill_level = skill_level self.depth = depth self.moves = [] self.socket = None self.stockfish = Stockfish(stockfish or "./stockfish") if self.skill_level is not None: self.stockfish.set_skill_level(self.skill_level) if self.depth is not None: self.stockfish.set_depth(self.depth)
def test_get_best_move_wrong_position(self): wrong_fen = "3kk3/8/8/8/8/8/8/3KK3 w - - 0 0" s = Stockfish() s.set_fen_position(wrong_fen) assert s.get_best_move() in ( "d1e2", "d1c1", )
class GameStockfish(Game): """ Represents a game agaisnt a Stockfish Agent.""" def __init__(self, stockfish, player_color=Game.WHITE, board=None, date=None, stockfish_depth=10): super().__init__(board=board, player_color=player_color, date=date) if stockfish is None: raise ValueError('A Stockfish object or a path is needed.') self.stockfish = stockfish stockfish_color = not self.player_color if type(stockfish) == str: self.stockfish = Stockfish(stockfish_color, stockfish, search_depth=stockfish_depth) elif type(stockfish) == Stockfish: self.stockfish = stockfish def move(self, movement): """ Makes a move. If it's not your turn, Stockfish will play and if the move is illegal, it will be ignored. Params: movement: str, Movement in UCI notation (f2f3, g8f6...) """ # If stockfish moves first if self.stockfish.color and len(self.board.move_stack) == 0: stockfish_best_move = self.stockfish.best_move(self) self.board.push(chess.Move.from_uci(stockfish_best_move)) else: made_movement = super().move(movement) if made_movement and self.get_result() is None: stockfish_best_move = self.stockfish.best_move(self) self.board.push(chess.Move.from_uci(stockfish_best_move)) def get_copy(self): return GameStockfish(board=self.board.copy(), stockfish=self.stockfish) def tearup(self): """ Free resources. This cannot be done in __del__ as the instances will be intensivily cloned but maintaining the same stockfish AI engine. We don't want it deleted. Should only be called on the end of the program. """ self.stockfish.kill() def free(self): """ Unlinks the game from the stockfish engine. """ self.stockfish = None def __del__(self): #del(self.board) pass
def get_best_move(board): stockfish = Stockfish() move_list = [] for move in board.moves: move_list.append(move.to_long_algebraic()) stockfish.set_position(move_list) return long_algebraic_to_coordinate(stockfish.get_best_move())
def initEngine(self): self.moves = [] self.stockfish = Stockfish(None, 10, { 'Skill Level': 2500, 'Threads': 4 }) self.stockfish.set_position([]) self.fetchBoard() self.printBoard()
def __init__(self): self.stockfish = Stockfish("./stockfish") self.knn_clf = joblib.load("train/model.pkl") #The board size. Should be 320 because thats what the model has been trained on self.board_size = 320 self.checking = False self.bot_turn = True
def test_stockfish_easy_mate(self): # Test that it finds mate in 2 stockfish_engine = Stockfish("/usr/games/stockfish") position_mate_in_two = "r2qb1rk/ppb2p1p/2n1pPp1/B3N3/2B1P2Q/2P2R2/1P4PP/7K w - - 0 1" stockfish_engine.set_fen_position(position_mate_in_two) proposed_moves = stockfish_engine.get_top_moves() self.assertEqual({ 'Move': 'h4h7', 'Centipawn': None, 'Mate': 2 }, proposed_moves[0])
def __init__(self): abs_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) # local path rel_path = 'stockfish-10-win/stockfish-10-win/stockfish_x86-64-modern.exe' self.sf = Stockfish(os.path.join( abs_path, rel_path)) # pull the engine from compiled file self.m_skill_level = 0 # skill level of engine self.m_cur_turn = 0 # 0 for player turn, 1 for computer turn self.m_in_game = False # see if we're still in game self.m_move_his = [] # move history to update position in stockfish self.num_moves = 0 # number of moves (extraneous, may remove) self.set_skill_level( self.request_skill_level()) # request a skill level for engine self.choose_side(self.request_side()) # request a starting side self.m_starting_side = 0 self.m_board = Board(self.m_cur_turn)
def insertFEN(self, fen): """Is inserting FEN into sqlite :param fen: chess position in Forsyth-Edwards-Notation (FEN), e.g. r4rnk/1pp4p/3p4/3P1b2/1PPbpBPq/8/2QNB1KP/1R3R2 w KQkq - 0 25 """ self.cursor.execute("select count(*) from FEN where fen = ?;", [fen]) data = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] if data == 0: stockfish = Stockfish('/usr/games/stockfish') stockfish.set_fen_position(fen) bestmove = stockfish.get_best_move() try: self.cursor.execute("insert into FEN(fen, bestmove) values(?,?);", (str([fen]), bestmove)) except sqlite3.IntegrityError: pass
def __init__(self, stockfishpath): conf = { "Write Debug Log": "false", "Contempt": 0, "Min Split Depth": 0, "Threads": 1, "Ponder": "false", "Hash": 16, "MultiPV": 1, "Skill Level": 20, "Move Overhead": 30, "Minimum Thinking Time": 20, "Slow Mover": 80, "UCI_Chess960": "false", } self.stockfish = Stockfish(stockfishpath, parameters=conf)
def test_stockfish_constructor_with_custom_params(self): stockfish = Stockfish(parameters={"Skill Level": 1}) assert stockfish.get_parameters() == { "Write Debug Log": "false", "Contempt": 0, "Min Split Depth": 0, "Threads": 1, "Ponder": "false", "Hash": 16, "MultiPV": 1, "Skill Level": 1, "Move Overhead": 30, "Minimum Thinking Time": 20, "Slow Mover": 80, "UCI_Chess960": "false", }
class Moves: def __init__(self): self.best_move = '' self.stockfish = Stockfish( "stockfish_14_linux_x64_avx2/stockfish_14_x64_avx2") self.positions2 = "" self.pos_temp = 0 self.curr_position = (Fen().start_position_list()).copy() def current_position(self): return self.curr_position def change_position(self, position): start_pos = position[0:2].lower() stop_pos = position[2:4].lower() for key, value in self.curr_position.items(): if key == start_pos: moved_obj = value self.curr_position[start_pos] = None self.curr_position[stop_pos] = moved_obj return self.curr_position def curr_fen(self): self.positions2 = '' for ix, value in enumerate(self.curr_position.values()): # import ipdb # ipdb.set_trace() if ix % 8 == 0 and ix != 0: if self.pos_temp > 0: self.positions2 += str(self.pos_temp) self.positions2 += "/" self.pos_temp = 0 if not value: self.pos_temp += 1 else: if self.pos_temp > 0: self.positions2 += str(self.pos_temp) self.pos_temp = 0 self.positions2 += value print(self.positions2) return self.positions2 + ' b KQkq - 0 1' def stock_best(self): self.stockfish.set_fen_position(self.curr_fen()) self.best_move = self.stockfish.get_best_move_time(10) return self.best_move
class ChessGame: def __init__(self, fen): """ constructor taking initial FEN position""" self.d_engine = Stockfish() self.setFen(fen) def setFen(self, fen): """ set board in fen notation """ self.d_engine.set_fen(fen) def move(self, algMove): """ move in long algebraic notation, send to stockfish """ if self.d_engine.is_move_correct(algMove): print("correct") def bestMove(self): return self.d_engine.get_best_move()
def evaluation_from_board(board: chess.Board, evaluation_depth: int = 22) -> Dict: board_fen = board.fen() stockfish = Stockfish("/opt/homebrew/Cellar/stockfish/13/bin/stockfish") stockfish.set_depth(evaluation_depth) # set engine depth stockfish.set_fen_position(board_fen) return stockfish.get_evaluation()
class Brain: def __init__(self): self.sf = Stockfish() self.ucim = [] self.tablero = chess.Board() print(self.tablero) def legal(self, mv): mov = self.to_move(mv) return (mov in self.tablero.legal_moves) def mover_uci(self, mv): self.ucim.append(mv) self.sf.set_position(self.ucim) self.tablero.push_uci(mv) print(self.tablero) def auto(self): mv = self.sf.get_best_move() print(mv) return (mv) def to_move(self, mv): return chess.Move.from_uci(mv) def is_over(self): return self.tablero.is_game_over() def capturo(self, mv): if self.tablero.is_capture(mv): if self.tablero.is_en_passant(mv): return (True, True) else: return (True, False) else: return (False, False) return def enroque(self, mv): if self.tablero.is_kingside_castling(mv): return (True, True) elif self.tablero.is_queenside_castling(mv): return (True, False) else: return (False, False)
def __init__(self, skill_level): parameters = { "Write Debug Log": "false", "Contempt": 0, "Min Split Depth": 0, "Threads": 1, "Ponder": "false", "Hash": 16, "MultiPV": 1, "Skill Level": skill_level, "Move Overhead": 30, "Minimum Thinking Time": 20, "Slow Mover": 80, "UCI_Chess960": "false", } self.engine = Stockfish("resources/stockfish.exe", parameters=parameters) self.engine.set_depth(ENGINE_DEPTH)
def __init__(self) -> None: self.path = "stockfish.exe" if sys.platform == "win32" else "stockfish" try: Stockfish(self.path) except FileNotFoundError: print( f"cannot find stockfish executable. try putting one as `{self.path}` in the path" ) exit(-1)
def start_game(self, uid: UUID, opts: GameOptions) -> ChessGame: if opts.ai_is_white is None: raise NotImplementedError( "not using stockfish is not currently implimented")[uid] = ChessGame( stockfish=Stockfish(self.path), timer=asyncio.get_event_loop().create_task( delete_match_in(self, uid)), ) return[uid]
def __init__(self, stockfish, player_color=Game.WHITE, board=None, date=None, stockfish_depth=10): super().__init__(board=board, player_color=player_color, date=date) if stockfish is None: raise ValueError('A Stockfish object or a path is needed.') self.stockfish = stockfish stockfish_color = not self.player_color if type(stockfish) == str: self.stockfish = Stockfish(stockfish_color, stockfish, search_depth=stockfish_depth) elif type(stockfish) == Stockfish: self.stockfish = stockfish
class Player: def __init__(self, controller="random", customFunction=None): # "random", "gp", "alphazero", "*anyother we're planning to implement" self.controller = controller self.customFunction = customFunction # add any other variables as needed self.stockfish = Stockfish( './stockfish-10-win/Windows/stockfish_10_x64.exe') def choose_move(self, board, moves): if self.controller == "random": chosenMoveIndex = random.randint(0, len(moves) - 1) chosenMove = moves[chosenMoveIndex] return chosenMove elif self.controller == "custom": return self.customFunction(board, moves) elif self.controller == "stockfish": self.stockfish.set_fen_position(board.fen()) uciStr = self.stockfish.get_best_move() move = chess.Move.from_uci(uciStr) return move elif self.controller == "player": while True: print(board) move = input( "Input a move, or input m for a list of possible moves: ") if move == 'm': for move in moves: print(move) continue try: move = chess.Move.from_uci(move) if move in moves: return move else: print("Invalid move") except: print("Invalid move") continue else: # implement controller's movement choice pass
def bot_move(self): stfish = Stockfish('stockfish') stfish.set_fen_position(self.fen()) if self.board.turn: stfish.depth = self.white_bot_power else: stfish.depth = self.black_bot_power move = stfish.get_best_move() return self.make_move(move)
def get_groundtruth(self): feature_batch = [] targets_batch = [] board_positions = self.get_board_position() shuffle(board_positions) print("done shuffling") print("generating evaluations on {} board positions...".format( len(board_positions))) # stockfish = Stockfish() for index, board_position in enumerate(board_positions): print(index) stockfish = Stockfish() feature_batch.append(board_to_feature(board_position)) targets_batch.append(stockfish.stockfish_eval(board_position, 10)) stockfish.kill_me() feature_arr = np.asarray(feature_batch) targets_arr = np.asarray(targets_batch)'features.txt', feature_arr)'values.txt', targets_arr)
""" Before running do pip install stockfish to get the stockfish python interface """ from stockfish import Stockfish stockfish = Stockfish() stockfish.set_position(['e2e4', 'e7e6']) stockfish.depth = 20 print(stockfish.get_best_move()) print(stockfish.is_move_correct('a2a3'))
def setUp(self): self.stockfish = Stockfish()
class TestStockfish(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.stockfish = Stockfish() def test_get_best_move(self): best_move = self.stockfish.get_best_move() self.assertIn(best_move, ('e2e4', 'g1f3',)) self.stockfish.set_position(['e2e4', 'e7e6']) best_move = self.stockfish.get_best_move() self.assertIn(best_move, ('d2d4', 'g1f3',)) # mate self.stockfish.set_position(['f2f3', 'e7e5', 'g2g4', 'd8h4']) self.assertFalse(self.stockfish.get_best_move()) def test_is_move_correct(self): self.assertFalse(self.stockfish.is_move_correct('e2e1')) self.assertTrue(self.stockfish.is_move_correct('a2a3')) self.stockfish.set_position(['e2e4', 'e7e6']) self.assertFalse(self.stockfish.is_move_correct('e2e1')) self.assertTrue(self.stockfish.is_move_correct('a2a3'))
def __init__(self, fen): """ constructor taking initial FEN position""" self.d_engine = Stockfish() self.setFen(fen)