Esempio n. 1
def init():
    print('Subsystems init called')
    Creates all subsystems. You must run this before any commands are
    instantiated. Do not run it more than once.
    global driveline
    global drivelift
    global elevator
    global ramp
    global cargograb
    global hatchgrab
    Some tests call startCompetition multiple times, so don't throw an error if
    called more than once in that case.
    if (driveline) is not None and not RobotBase.isSimulation():
        raise RuntimeError('Subsystems have already been initialized')

    driveline = TankDrive()
    drivelift = TankLift()
    elevator = Elevator()
    ramp = Ramp()
    cargograb = CargoGrab()
    hatchgrab = HatchGrab()
Esempio n. 2
 def robotInit(self):
     '''Initialize all subsystems.'''
     self.drivetrain = DriveTrain(self)
     self.puncher = Puncher()
     self.claw = Claw()
     self.arm = Arm()
     self.intake = Intake()
     self.elevator = Elevator()
     self.hatch = Hatch()
     self.intake_winch = IntakeWinch()
     self.oi = OI(self)
Esempio n. 3
    def robotInit(self):
        '''Initialize all subsystems.'''
        self.drivetrain = DriveTrain(self)
        self.rear_puncher = RearPuncher()
        self.arm = Arm()
        self.intake = Intake()
        self.elevator = Elevator()
        self.hatch = Hatch()
        self.intake_winch = IntakeWinch()
        self.lift = Lift()

        # The "front" of the robot (which end is facing forward)
        self.front = -1

        self.oi = OI(self)
Esempio n. 4
    def robotInit(self):
        """This function is run when the robot is first started up and should be
           used for any initialization code."""

        self.drivetrain = DriveTrain(self)
        self.elevator = Elevator(self)
        self.wrist = Wrist(self)
        self.claw = Claw()
        self.oi = OI(self)

        # instantiate the command used for the autonomous period
        self.autonomousCommand = Autonomous(self)

        # Show what command your subsystem is running on the SmartDashboard
Esempio n. 5
 def robotInit(self):
     This function is called upon program startup and
     should be used for any initialization code.
     self.pneumaticControlModuleCANID = robotmap.PCM
     self.kDriveTrain = robotmap.DriveTrain
     self.kCubeGrabber = robotmap.CubeGrabber
     self.kElevator = robotmap.Elevator
     self.kSticks = robotmap.Sticks
     self.kClimber = robotmap.Climber
     self.dStick = Joystick(self.kSticks['drive'])
     self.cStick = Joystick(self.kSticks['control'])
  = Drive(self)
     self.cubeGrabber = cubeGrabber(self)
     self.elevator = Elevator(self)
     self.climber = Climber(self)
Esempio n. 6
    def robotInit(self):
        This is a good place to set up your subsystems and anything else that
        you will need to access later.

        # All commands can get access to the subsystems here
        subsystems.LEDS = LEDs()
        subsystems.DRIVETRAIN = Drivetrain()
        subsystems.ELEVATOR = Elevator()
        subsystems.PAYLOAD = Payload()
        subsystems.SERIAL = SerialEvent()
        subsystems.PIGEON = Pigeon()
        self.compressor = wpilib.Compressor(0)
        Since OI instantiates commands and commands need access to subsystems,
        OI must be initialized after subsystems.
        subsystems.JOYSTICK = oi.get_joystick()