Esempio n. 1
def test_diffgeom():
    from sympy.diffgeom import Manifold, Patch, CoordSystem, BaseScalarField
    x, y = symbols('x y', real=True)
    m = Manifold('M', 2)
    assert str(m) == "M"
    p = Patch('P', m)
    assert str(p) == "P"
    rect = CoordSystem('rect', p, [x, y])
    assert str(rect) == "rect"
    b = BaseScalarField(rect, 0)
    assert str(b) == "x"
Esempio n. 2
def test_diffgeom():
    from sympy.diffgeom import Manifold, Patch, CoordSystem, BaseScalarField
    m = Manifold('M', 2)
    p = Patch('P', m)
    rect = CoordSystem('rect', p)
    assert srepr(
    ) == "CoordSystem(Str('rect'), Patch(Str('P'), Manifold(Str('M'), Integer(2))), ('rect_0', 'rect_1'))"
    b = BaseScalarField(rect, 0)
    assert srepr(
    ) == "BaseScalarField(CoordSystem(Str('rect'), Patch(Str('P'), Manifold(Str('M'), Integer(2))), ('rect_0', 'rect_1')), Integer(0))"
Esempio n. 3
def test_covD():
    M = Manifold('Reisner-Nordstrom', 4)
    p = Patch('origin', M)
    cs = CoordSystem('spherical', p, ['t', 'r', 'theta', 'phi'])
    t, r, theta, phi = cs.coord_functions()
    dt, dr, dtheta, dphi = cs.base_oneforms()
    f = Function('f')
    metric = f(r)**2 * TP(dt, dt) - f(r)**(-2) * TP(dr, dr) - r**2 * TP(
        dtheta, dtheta) - r**2 * sin(theta)**2 * TP(dphi, dphi)
    ch_2nd = metric_to_Christoffel_2nd(metric)
    G = ToArray(metric)
    assert (G.covD(ch_2nd).to_tensor() == 0)
Esempio n. 4
def define_coord_sys():
    global rect
    global polar
    """定义Manifold, Patch, CoordSystem"""
    r, theta = symbols('r, theta')
    x, y = symbols('x, y')
    m = Manifold('M', 2)
    # 定义一个patch
    patch = Patch('P', m)
    # 为这个patch建立坐标系,一个是笛卡尔,一个是极坐标
    rect = CoordSystem('rect', patch)
    polar = CoordSystem('polar', patch)
    polar.connect_to(rect, [r, theta], [r * cos(theta), r * sin(theta)])
Esempio n. 5
def test_deprecations():
    m = Manifold('M', 2)
    p = Patch('P', m)
    with warns_deprecated_sympy():
        CoordSystem('Car2d', p, names=['x', 'y'])

    with warns_deprecated_sympy():
        c = CoordSystem('Car2d', p, ['x', 'y'])

    with warns_deprecated_sympy():

    with warns_deprecated_sympy():
Esempio n. 6
def mobius_strip():
    import find_metric as fm
    import tensor as t
    g, diff = fm.mobius_strip()
    R = t.Riemann(g, dim=2, sys_title='mobius_strip', flat_diff=diff)
    from sympy.diffgeom import TensorProduct, Manifold, Patch, CoordSystem
    manifold = Manifold("M", 2)
    patch = Patch("P", manifold)
    system = CoordSystem('mobius_strip', patch, ["u", "v"])
    u, v = system.coord_functions()
    du, dv = system.base_oneforms()
    from sympy import cos
    metric = (cos(u / 2)**2 * v**2 / 4 + cos(u / 2) * v + v**2 / 16 +
              1) * TensorProduct(du, du) + 0.25 * TensorProduct(dv, dv)
    C = Christoffel_2nd(metric=metric)
    return C
Esempio n. 7
    def __new__(cls, *args):
        obj = super(Manifold, cls).__new__(cls)
        if len(args) >= 1:
            dependent = args[0]

        if len(args) >= 2:
            name = args[1]
            name = 'manifold' = name
        obj.dimension = len(dependent)
        obj._manifold = sympyManifold(, obj.dimension)
        obj._patch = Patch('Atlas', obj._manifold)
        obj._coordsystem = CoordSystem('Coordinates',
                                       names=[str(d) for d in dependent])
        return obj
Esempio n. 8
def toroidal_coords(manifold: Manifold = None, dim: int = 4):
    """Create a Toroidal Coordinate system (t ~ R and (x,y,z) ~ S^3) with maximal
    dimension 4 (can create subspaces too)

            Manifold, default None. If specified use this Manifold to take a coordinate patch
            int, the dimension of the resulting coordinate system. Must be less than or equal to 4,
                and must match the dimension of the given Manifold if specified.

        CoordSystem, the coordinate system
    if manifold is None:
        manifold = Manifold('M', dim)
    origin_patch = Patch('o', manifold)
    return CoordSystem('toroidal', origin_patch, SPHERICAL_SYMBOLS[:dim])
Esempio n. 9
def flat_kerr(a=0, G=1, M=0.5):
    import find_metric as fm
    from sympy.diffgeom import CoordSystem, Manifold, Patch, TensorProduct

    manifold = Manifold("M", 3)
    patch = Patch("P", manifold)
    kerr = CoordSystem("kerr", patch, ["u", "v", "w"])
    u, v, w = kerr.coord_functions()
    du, dv, dw = kerr.base_oneforms()

    g11 = (a**2 * sym.cos(v) + u**2) / (-2 * G * M * u + a**2 + u**2)
    g22 = a**2 * sym.cos(v) + u**2
    g33 = -(1 - 2 * G * M * u / (u**2 + a**2 * sym.cos(v)))
    # time independent : unphysical ?
    #g33 = 2*G*M*a**2*sym.sin(v)**4*u/(a**2*sym.cos(v) + u**2)**2 + a**2*sym.sin(v)**2 + sym.sin(v)**2*u**2
    metric = g11 * TensorProduct(du, du) + g22 * TensorProduct(
        dv, dv) + g33 * TensorProduct(dw, dw)
    C = Christoffel_2nd(metric=metric)
    return C
Esempio n. 10
    def _set_coordinates(self, sys_title):
        from sympy.diffgeom import CoordSystem, Manifold, Patch
        manifold = Manifold("M", self.dim)
        patch = Patch("P", manifold)
        if self.dim == 4:
            system = CoordSystem(sys_title, patch, ["u", "v", "w", "t"])
            u, v, w, t = system.coord_functions()
            self.w = w
            self.t = t

        if self.dim == 3:
            system = CoordSystem(sys_title, patch, ["u", "v", "w"])
            u, v, w = system.coord_functions()
            self.w = w

        if self.dim == 2:
            system = CoordSystem(sys_title, patch, ["u", "v"])
            u, v = system.coord_functions()

        self.u, self.v = u, v
        self.system = system
Esempio n. 11
 def _dummy_cs(self):
     """Create a dummy CoordSystem"""
     manifold = Manifold('M', 3)
     origin_patch = Patch('o', manifold)
     return coords.CoordSystem('euclidean', origin_patch, ['x', 'y', 'z'])
Esempio n. 12
from sympy.diffgeom import Manifold, Patch
m = Manifold('M', 3)
p = Patch('P', m)
p in m.patches
Esempio n. 13

import numpy
import scipy
from sympy.diffgeom import Manifold, Patch, CoordSystem

m = Manifold('my_manifold', 2)  # A 2D manifold called 'my_manifold'
p = Patch('my_patch', m)  # A patch called 'my_patch'

cs_r = CoordSystem('R', p)  # A coordinate system called 'R' (for rectangular)
point = cs_r.point([1, 1])  # A point with coordinates (1, 1)


import numpy
import scipy
from sympy.diffgeom import CoordSystem, Manifold, Patch

m = Manifold("my_manifold", 2)  # A 2D manifold called 'my_manifold'
p = Patch("my_patch", m)  # A patch called 'my_patch'

cs_r = CoordSystem("R", p)  # A coordinate system called 'R' (for rectangular)
point = cs_r.point([1, 1])  # A point with coordinates (1, 1)

Esempio n. 15
from sympy.physics.vector import gradient
from sympy.physics.vector import ReferenceFrame
from sympy import *
from sympy.tensor import IndexedBase, Idx
from sympy import symbols
from sympy import Matrix, I
from sympy import symbols, sin, cos, pi
from sympy.diffgeom import Manifold, Patch, CoordSystem
if __name__ == '__main__':

    #f = Function('f')(x, y)
    #g1 = Function('g')(x, y)
    a1, a2, a3, ao1, ao2, theta1, theta2, theta3, theta4 = symbols(
    m = Manifold('M', 4)
    patch = Patch('P', m)
    rect = CoordSystem('rect', patch)
    polar = CoordSystem('polar', patch)
    rect in patch.coord_systems
    polar.connect_to(rect, [theta1, theta2, theta3, theta4], [
        a1 * theta1 + a2 * theta2 + a3 * theta3 +
        (theta1 * ao1 + theta2 * ao2) * theta4
    print(polar.jacobian(rect, [theta1, theta2, theta3, theta4]))
    g = polar.jacobian(rect, [theta1, theta2, theta3, theta4])

    patch2 = Patch('P', m)
    rect2 = CoordSystem('rect2', patch2)
    polar2 = CoordSystem('polar2', patch2)
    rect2 in patch2.coord_systems
    polar2.connect_to(rect2, [theta1, theta2, theta3, theta4], g)

from sympy import cos, pi, sin, symbols
from sympy.diffgeom import CoordSystem, Manifold, Patch
from sympy.simplify import simplify

r, theta = symbols("r, theta")

m = Manifold("M", 2)
patch = Patch("P", m)

rect = CoordSystem("rect", patch)
polar = CoordSystem("polar", patch)

print(rect in patch.coord_systems)

polar.connect_to(rect, [r, theta], [r * cos(theta), r * sin(theta)])

print(polar.coord_tuple_transform_to(rect, [0, 2]))
print(polar.coord_tuple_transform_to(rect, [2, pi / 2]))
print(rect.coord_tuple_transform_to(polar, [1, 1]).applyfunc(simplify))

print(polar.jacobian(rect, [r, theta]))

p = polar.point([1, 3 * pi / 4])

v_x = rect.base_vector(0)
x = rect.coord_function(0)
Esempio n. 17
from sympy.diffgeom import Manifold, Patch, CoordSystem, Point
from sympy import symbols, Function

m = Manifold("m", 2)
p = Patch("p", m)
cs = CoordSystem("cs", p, ["a", "b"])
cs_noname = CoordSystem("cs", p)
x, y = symbols("x y")
f = Function("f")
s1, s2 = cs.coord_functions()
v1, v2 = cs.base_vectors()
f1, f2 = cs.base_oneforms()

def test_point():
    point = Point(cs, [x, y])
    assert point == point.func(*point.args)
    assert point != Point(cs, [2, y])
    # TODO assert point.subs(x, 2) == Point(cs, [2, y])
    # TODO assert point.free_symbols == set([x, y])

def test_rebuild():
    assert m == m.func(*m.args)
    assert p == p.func(*p.args)
    assert cs == cs.func(*cs.args)
    assert cs_noname == cs_noname.func(*cs_noname.args)
    assert s1 == s1.func(*s1.args)
    assert v1 == v1.func(*v1.args)
    assert f1 == f1.func(*f1.args)
Esempio n. 18
from sympy.diffgeom import Manifold, Patch, CoordSystem, Point
from sympy import symbols, Function

m = Manifold('m', 2)
p = Patch('p', m)
cs = CoordSystem('cs', p, ['a', 'b'])
cs_noname = CoordSystem('cs', p)
x, y = symbols('x y')
f = Function('f')
s1, s2 = cs.coord_functions()
v1, v2 = cs.base_vectors()
f1, f2 = cs.base_oneforms()

def test_point():
    point = Point(cs, [x, y])
    assert point == point.func(*point.args)
    assert point != Point(cs, [2, y])
    #TODO assert point.subs(x, 2) == Point(cs, [2, y])
    #TODO assert point.free_symbols == set([x, y])

def test_rebuild():
    assert m == m.func(*m.args)
    assert p == p.func(*p.args)
    assert cs == cs.func(*cs.args)
    assert cs_noname == cs_noname.func(*cs_noname.args)
    assert s1 == s1.func(*s1.args)
    assert v1 == v1.func(*v1.args)
    assert f1 == f1.func(*f1.args)
Esempio n. 19

from sympy import symbols, sin, cos, pi
from sympy.diffgeom import Manifold, Patch, CoordSystem
from sympy.simplify import simplify

r, theta = symbols('r, theta')

m = Manifold('M', 2)
patch = Patch('P', m)

rect = CoordSystem('rect', patch)
polar = CoordSystem('polar', patch)

print(rect in patch.coord_systems)

polar.connect_to(rect, [r, theta], [r*cos(theta), r*sin(theta)])

print(polar.coord_tuple_transform_to(rect, [0, 2]))
print(polar.coord_tuple_transform_to(rect, [2, pi/2]))
print(rect.coord_tuple_transform_to(polar, [1, 1]).applyfunc(simplify))

print(polar.jacobian(rect, [r, theta]))

p = polar.point([1, 3*pi/4])

v_x = rect.base_vector(0)
x = rect.coord_function(0)
Esempio n. 20
from sympy.diffgeom import Manifold, Patch, CoordSystem
from sympy.diffgeom import TensorProduct as TP
from sympy.diffgeom import metric_to_Riemann_components as Riemann
from sympy.diffgeom import metric_to_Christoffel_2nd as Christoffel
from sympy import Symbol, Function, latex, sin

n = 2
M = Manifold('M', n)
P = Patch('P', M)

coord = CoordSystem('coord', P, ['x%s'%i for i in range(n)])
x = coord.coord_functions()
dx = coord.base_oneforms()
g = [[1, 0], [0, sin(x[0])**2]]
metric = sum([g[i][j]*TP(dx[i], dx[j]) for i in range(n) for j in range(n)])

C = Christoffel(metric)
R = Riemann(metric)
# Basic imports and functions
from sympy import latex, symbols, sin, cos, pi, simplify
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp

from sympy.diffgeom import (Manifold, Patch, CoordSystem,
                            metric_to_Christoffel_2nd, TensorProduct as TP)

# def lprint(v):
#     display(Math(latex(v)))

# Create a manifold.
M = Manifold('M', 4)

# Create a patch.
patch = Patch('P', M)

# Basic symbols
c, r_s = symbols('c r_s')

# Coordinate system
schwarzchild_coord = CoordSystem('schwarzchild', patch,
                                 ['t', 'r', 'theta', 'phi'])

# Get the coordinate functions
t, r, theta, phi = schwarzchild_coord.coord_functions()

# Get the base one forms.
dt, dr, dtheta, dphi = schwarzchild_coord.base_oneforms()

# Auxiliar terms for the metric.
Esempio n. 22
from sympy import symbols, sin, cos, pi
from sympy.diffgeom import Manifold, Patch, CoordSystem
r, theta = symbols('r, theta')
m = Manifold('M', 2)
patch = Patch('P', m)
rect = CoordSystem('rect', patch)
polar = CoordSystem('polar', patch)
rect in patch.coord_systems
polar.connect_to(rect, [r, theta], [r*cos(theta), r*sin(theta)])
polar.coord_tuple_transform_to(rect, [0, 2])
polar.coord_tuple_transform_to(rect, [2, pi/2])
rect.coord_tuple_transform_to(polar, [1, 1])
polar.jacobian(rect, [r, theta])
p = polar.point([1, 3*pi/4])
#Define a basis scalar field (i.e. a coordinate function), that takes a point and returns its coordinates. It is an instance of BaseScalarField.
#Define a basis vector field (i.e. a unit vector field along the coordinate line). Vectors are also differential operators on scalar fields. It is an instance of BaseVectorField.
v_x = rect.base_vector(0)
x = rect.coord_function(0)
#Define a basis oneform field:
dx = rect.base_oneform(0)
#If you provide a list of names the fields will print nicely: - without provided names:
x, v_x, dx
#with provided names
rect = CoordSystem('rect', patch, ['x', 'y'])
rect.coord_function(0), rect.base_vector(0), rect.base_oneform(0)