Esempio n. 1
def test_sample_continuous():
    z = Symbol('z')
    Z = ContinuousRV(z, exp(-z), set=Interval(0, oo))
    assert sample(Z) in Z.pspace.domain.set
    sym, val = list(Z.pspace.sample().items())[0]
    assert sym == Z and val in Interval(0, oo)
    assert density(Z)(-1) == 0
def test_sample_continuous():
    z = Symbol('z')
    Z = ContinuousRV(z, exp(-z), set=Interval(0, oo))
    assert density(Z)(-1) == 0

    scipy = import_module('scipy')
    if not scipy:
        skip('Scipy is not installed. Abort tests')
    assert sample(Z) in Z.pspace.domain.set
    sym, val = list(Z.pspace.sample().items())[0]
    assert sym == Z and val in Interval(0, oo)

    libraries = ['scipy', 'numpy', 'pymc3']
    for lib in libraries:
            imported_lib = import_module(lib)
            if imported_lib:
                s0, s1, s2 = [], [], []
                s0 = sample(Z, size=10, library=lib, seed=0)
                s1 = sample(Z, size=10, library=lib, seed=0)
                s2 = sample(Z, size=10, library=lib, seed=1)
                assert all(s0 == s1)
                assert all(s1 != s2)
        except NotImplementedError:
def test_sample_continuous():
    z = Symbol('z')
    Z = ContinuousRV(z, exp(-z), set=Interval(0, oo))
    assert density(Z)(-1) == 0

    scipy = import_module('scipy')
    if not scipy:
        skip('Scipy is not installed. Abort tests')
    with ignore_warnings(
            UserWarning):  ### TODO: Restore tests once warnings are removed
        assert next(sample(Z)) in Z.pspace.domain.set
    sym, val = list(Z.pspace.sample().items())[0]
    assert sym == Z and val in Interval(0, oo)

    libraries = ['scipy', 'numpy', 'pymc3']
    for lib in libraries:
            imported_lib = import_module(lib)
            if imported_lib:
                s0, s1, s2 = [], [], []
                s0 = list(sample(Z, numsamples=10, library=lib, seed=0))
                s1 = list(sample(Z, numsamples=10, library=lib, seed=0))
                s2 = list(sample(Z, numsamples=10, library=lib, seed=1))
                assert s0 == s1
                assert s1 != s2
        except NotImplementedError:
Esempio n. 4
def test_ContinuousRV():
    pdf = sqrt(2) * exp(-x**2 / 2) / (2 * sqrt(pi))  # Normal distribution
    # X and Y should be equivalent
    X = ContinuousRV(x, pdf)
    Y = Normal('y', 0, 1)

    assert variance(X) == variance(Y)
    assert P(X > 0) == P(Y > 0)
Esempio n. 5
def test_ContinuousRV():
    x = Symbol('x')
    pdf = sqrt(2)*exp(-x**2/2)/(2*sqrt(pi)) # Normal distribution
    # X and Y should be equivalent
    X = ContinuousRV(x, pdf)
    Y = Normal(0, 1)

    assert Var(X) == Var(Y)
    assert P(X>0) == P(Y>0)
Esempio n. 6
def test_sample():
    z = Symbol('z')
    Z = ContinuousRV(z, exp(-z), set=Interval(0, oo))
    assert sample(Z) in Z.pspace.domain.set
    sym, val = Z.pspace.sample().items()[0]
    assert sym == Z and val in Interval(0, oo)