Esempio n. 1
def to_u8_rgba(image):
    if not hasattr(image, 'n') or image.m != 1:
        raise Exception(
            'the input image needs to be a Vector field (matrix with 1 column)'
    if len(image.shape) != 2:
        raise Exception(
            "the shape of the image must be of the form (width,height)")

    if image.dtype == u8 and image.n == 4:
        # already in the desired format
        return image

    if image not in image_field_cache:
        staging_img = Vector.field(4, u8, image.shape)
        image_field_cache[image] = staging_img
        staging_img = image_field_cache[image]

    if image.dtype == u8:
        copy_image_u8_to_u8(image, staging_img, image.n)
    elif image.dtype == f32:
        copy_image_f32_to_u8(image, staging_img, image.n)
        raise Exception("dtype of input image must either be u8 or f32")
    return staging_img
Esempio n. 2
def get_normals_field(vertices):
    if vertices not in normals_field_cache:
        N = vertices.shape[0]
        normals = Vector.field(3, f32, shape=(N, ))
        normal_weights = field(f32, shape=(N, ))
        normals_field_cache[vertices] = (normals, normal_weights)
        return (normals, normal_weights)
    return normals_field_cache[vertices]
Esempio n. 3
def get_vbo_field(vertices):
    if vertices not in vbo_field_cache:
        N = vertices.shape[0]
        pos = 3
        normal = 3
        tex_coord = 2
        color = 4
        vertex_stride = pos + normal + tex_coord + color
        vbo = Vector.field(vertex_stride, f32, shape=(N, ))
        vbo_field_cache[vertices] = vbo
        return vbo
    return vbo_field_cache[vertices]