Esempio n. 1
def register_account(uow: UnitOfWork, email: str, password: str,
                     username: str) -> Account:
    whitelisted_emails = getenv('WHITELISTED_EMAILS')

    if whitelisted_emails is not None and email not in whitelisted_emails.split(
        raise AccountRegistrationError('Email not whitelisted')

    with uow:
        if uow.account.get(Account, email=email) is not None:
            raise AccountRegistrationError(
                f"Account with the email '{email}' already exists")

        if uow.user.get(User, username=username):
            raise AccountRegistrationError(
                f"Account with the username '{username}' already exists")

        password_hash = Authentication().generate_password_hash(password)
        user = User(username)
        account = Account(email, password_hash, user)

        account_record = uow.account.add(account)

        account_record = uow.account.get(Account, email=email)
        verification_token = account.generate_verification_token

        return account_record
def login_endpoint() -> Tuple[Response, int]:
        if not request.json:
            raise APIError('Missing request body', 400)

        uow = UnitOfWork()

        email = request.json['email']
        password = request.json['password']

        access_token = get_access_token(uow, email, password)
        token_store = TokenStore()

        user = Authentication().get_jwt_identity(access_token)
        user_id = int(user['user_id'])
        username = user['username']

        refresh_token = set_refresh_token(token_store, user_id, username)

        res = jsonify({'access_token': access_token})
                       secure=not current_app.config['DEBUG'])

        return res, 200
    except KeyError as error:
        raise APIError(f'Expected {error} key', 400) from error
    except AccountError as error:
        raise APIError(str(error), 401) from error
def create_article(uow: UnitOfWork, user_id: int, title: str,
                   body: str) -> Article:
    with uow:
        user_record = uow.user.get(User, id=user_id)

        if user_record is None:
            raise UserError('User does not exist')

        new_article = Article(title, body)


        article_record = uow.articles.get(Article)

        return article_record
def create_project(uow: UnitOfWork, user_id: int, title: str,
                   body: str) -> Project:
    with uow:
        user_record = uow.user.get(User, id=user_id)

        if user_record is None:
            raise UserError('User does not exist')

        new_project = Project(title, body)


        project_record = uow.projects.get(Project)

        return project_record
def get_user_projects_endpoint(username: str) -> Tuple[Response, int]:
        uow = UnitOfWork()

        user_projects = get_user_projects(uow, username)
        res_body = ProjectSchema(many=True).dump(user_projects)

        return jsonify(res_body), 200
    except UserError as error:
        raise APIError(str(error), 400) from error
Esempio n. 6
def verify_account(uow: UnitOfWork, token: str) -> Account:
    registration_details = Account.validate_verification_token(token)
    email = registration_details['email']

    with uow:
        account_record = uow.account.get(Account, email=email)

        if account_record is None:
            raise AccountError(
                f"No registered account with the email '{email}'")

        if account_record.verified:
            raise AccountVerificationError('Account already verified')

        setattr(account_record, 'verified', True)

        account_record = uow.account.get(Account, email=email)

        return account_record
def verify_account_endpoint(token: str) -> Tuple[Response, int]:
        uow = UnitOfWork()

        verified_account = verify_account(uow, token)
        res_body = AccountSchema().dump(verified_account)

        return res_body, 200
    except InvalidSignatureError as error:
        raise APIError(str(error), 400) from error
    except AccountError as error:
        raise APIError(str(error), 400) from error
    except AccountVerificationError as error:
        raise APIError(str(error), 400) from error
def register_account_endpoint() -> Tuple[Response, int]:
        if not request.json:
            raise APIError('Missing request body', 400)

        uow = UnitOfWork()

        email = request.json['email']
        password = request.json['password']
        username = request.json['username']

        registered_account = register_account(uow, email, password, username)
        res_body = AccountSchema().dump(registered_account)

        return res_body, 201
    except KeyError as error:
        raise APIError(f'Expected {error} key', 400) from error
    except AccountRegistrationError as error:
        raise APIError(str(error), 400) from error
Esempio n. 9
    def protected_create_article_endpoint() -> Tuple[Response, int]:
            if not request.json:
                raise APIError('Missing request body', 400)

            access_token = extract_access_token_from_authorization_header(
                cast(str, authorization_header))
            uow = UnitOfWork()

            user = Authentication().get_jwt_identity(access_token)
            user_id = int(user['user_id'])
            title = request.json['title']
            body = request.json['body']

            created_article = create_article(uow, user_id, title, body)
            res_body = ArticleSchema().dump(created_article)

            return res_body, 201
        except KeyError as error:
            raise APIError(f'Expected {error} key', 400) from error