Esempio n. 1
def word_count(ctx, text, by_spaces=False):
    Returns the number of words in the given text string
    text = conversions.to_string(text, ctx)
    by_spaces = conversions.to_boolean(by_spaces, ctx)
    return len(__get_words(text, by_spaces))
Esempio n. 2
def word_slice(ctx, text, start, stop=0, by_spaces=False):
    Extracts a substring spanning from start up to but not-including stop
    text = conversions.to_string(text, ctx)
    start = conversions.to_integer(start, ctx)
    stop = conversions.to_integer(stop, ctx)
    by_spaces = conversions.to_boolean(by_spaces, ctx)

    if start == 0:
        raise ValueError("Start word cannot be zero")
    elif start > 0:
        start -= 1  # convert to a zero-based offset

    if stop == 0:  # zero is treated as no end
        stop = None
    elif stop > 0:
        stop -= 1  # convert to a zero-based offset

    words = __get_words(text, by_spaces)

    selection = operator.getitem(words, slice(start, stop))

    # re-combine selected words with a single space
    return ' '.join(selection)
Esempio n. 3
def word_count(ctx, text, by_spaces=False):
    Returns the number of words in the given text string
    text = conversions.to_string(text, ctx)
    by_spaces = conversions.to_boolean(by_spaces, ctx)
    return len(__get_words(text, by_spaces))
Esempio n. 4
def word_slice(ctx, text, start, stop=0, by_spaces=False):
    Extracts a substring spanning from start up to but not-including stop
    text = conversions.to_string(text, ctx)
    start = conversions.to_integer(start, ctx)
    stop = conversions.to_integer(stop, ctx)
    by_spaces = conversions.to_boolean(by_spaces, ctx)

    if start == 0:
        raise ValueError("Start word cannot be zero")
    elif start > 0:
        start -= 1  # convert to a zero-based offset

    if stop == 0:  # zero is treated as no end
        stop = None
    elif stop > 0:
        stop -= 1  # convert to a zero-based offset

    words = __get_words(text, by_spaces)

    selection = operator.getitem(words, slice(start, stop))

    # re-combine selected words with a single space
    return " ".join(selection)
Esempio n. 5
def _or(ctx, *logical):
    Returns TRUE if any argument is TRUE
    for arg in logical:
        if conversions.to_boolean(arg, ctx):
            return True
    return False
Esempio n. 6
def _and(ctx, *logical):
    Returns TRUE if and only if all its arguments evaluate to TRUE
    for arg in logical:
        if not conversions.to_boolean(arg, ctx):
            return False
    return True
Esempio n. 7
def _or(ctx, *logical):
    Returns TRUE if any argument is TRUE
    for arg in logical:
        if conversions.to_boolean(arg, ctx):
            return True
    return False
Esempio n. 8
def _and(ctx, *logical):
    Returns TRUE if and only if all its arguments evaluate to TRUE
    for arg in logical:
        if not conversions.to_boolean(arg, ctx):
            return False
    return True
Esempio n. 9
def _if(ctx, logical_test, value_if_true=0, value_if_false=False):
    Returns one value if the condition evaluates to TRUE, and another value if it evaluates to FALSE
    return value_if_true if conversions.to_boolean(logical_test,
                                                   ctx) else value_if_false
Esempio n. 10
def _if(ctx, logical_test, value_if_true=0, value_if_false=False):
    Returns one value if the condition evaluates to TRUE, and another value if it evaluates to FALSE
    return value_if_true if conversions.to_boolean(logical_test, ctx) else value_if_false