Esempio n. 1
def test_MPOGraph_term_conversion():
    L = 4

    g1 = mpo.MPOGraph([spin_half] * L, 'infinite')
    for i in range(L):
        g1.add(i, 'IdL', 'IdR', 'Sz', 0.5)
        g1.add(i, 'IdL', ("left", i, 'Sp', 'Id'), 'Sp', 1.)
        g1.add(i + 1, ("left", i, 'Sp', 'Id'), 'IdR', 'Sm', 1.5)
    terms = [[("Sz", i)] for i in range(L)]
    terms += [[("Sp", i), ("Sm", i + 1)] for i in range(L)]
    prefactors = [0.5] * L + [1.5] * L
    term_list = TermList(terms, prefactors)
    g2 = mpo.MPOGraph.from_term_list(term_list, [spin_half] * L, 'infinite')
    assert g1.graph == g2.graph
    terms[3:3] = [[("Sm", 2), ("Sp", 0), ("Sz", 1)]]
    prefactors[3:3] = [3.]
    term_list = TermList(terms, prefactors)
    g3 = mpo.MPOGraph.from_term_list(term_list, [spin_half] * L, 'infinite')
    g4 = mpo.MPOGraph([spin_half] * L, 'infinite')
    for i in range(L):
        g4.add(i, 'IdL', 'IdR', 'Sz', 0.5)
        g4.add(i, 'IdL', ("left", i, 'Sp', 'Id'), 'Sp', 1.)
        g4.add(i + 1, ("left", i, 'Sp', 'Id'), 'IdR', 'Sm', 1.5)
    g4.add(1, ("left", 0, 'Sp', 'Id'), ("right", 2, 'Sm', 'Id'), 'Sz', 3.)
    g4.add(2, ("right", 2, 'Sm', 'Id'), 'IdR', 'Sm', 1.)
    assert g4.graph == g3.graph
Esempio n. 2
def test_expectation_value_term():
    s = spin_half
    psi1 = mps.MPS.from_singlets(s, 6, [(1, 3), (2, 5)], lonely=[0, 4], bc='finite')
    ev = psi1.expectation_value_term([('Sz', 2), ('Sz', 3)])
    assert abs(0. - ev) < 1.e-14
    ev = psi1.expectation_value_term([('Sz', 1), ('Sz', 3)])
    assert abs(-0.25 - ev) < 1.e-14
    ev = psi1.expectation_value_term([('Sz', 3), ('Sz', 1), ('Sz', 4)])
    assert abs(-0.25 * 0.5 - ev) < 1.e-14
    fs = site.SpinHalfFermionSite()
    # check fermionic signs
    psi2 = mps.MPS.from_product_state([fs] * 4, ['empty', 'up', 'down', 'full'], bc="infinite")
    ev = psi2.expectation_value_term([('Cu', 2), ('Nu', 1), ('Cdu', 2)])
    assert 1. == ev
    ev2 = psi2.expectation_value_term([('Cu', 2), ('Cd', 1), ('Cdd', 1), ('Cdu', 2)])
    assert ev2 == ev
    ev3 = psi2.expectation_value_term([('Cd', 1), ('Cu', 2), ('Cdd', 1), ('Cdu', 2)])
    assert ev3 == -ev2
    # over the infinite MPS boundary
    ev = psi2.expectation_value_term([('Nu', 1), ('Nd', 4)])  # should be zero
    assert abs(ev) == 0.
    ev = psi2.expectation_value_term([('Nu', 1), ('Nd', 6)])
    assert abs(ev) == 1.
    # terms_sum
    pref = np.random.random([5])
    term_list = TermList(
        [[('Nd', 0)], [('Nu', 1), ('Nd', 2)], [('Nd', 2),
                                               ('Nu', 5)], [('Nu Nd', 3)], [('Nu', 1),
                                                                            ('Nu', 5)]], pref)
    desired = sum(pref[1:])
    assert desired == sum(
        [psi2.expectation_value_term(term) * strength for term, strength in term_list])
    evsum, _ = psi2.expectation_value_terms_sum(term_list)
    assert abs(evsum - desired) < 1.e-14
Esempio n. 3
def test_TermList():
    terms = [[('N', 3), ('N', 2), ('N', 3)], [('C', 0), ('N', 2), ('N', 4), ('Cd', 3), ('C', 2)],
             [('C', 0), ('N', 2), ('N', 4), ('Cd', 3), ('Cd', 0), ('C', 2)]]
    strength = [1., 2., 3.]
    terms_copy = copy.deepcopy(terms)
    terms_ordered = [[('N', 2), ('N N', 3)], [('C', 0), ('N C', 2), ('Cd', 3), ('N', 4)],
                     [('C Cd', 0), ('N C', 2), ('Cd', 3), ('N', 4)]]
    tl = TermList(terms, strength)
    tl.order_combine([dummy] * 7)
    assert terms == terms_copy
    assert tl.terms == terms_ordered
    assert np.all(tl.strength == np.array(strength))  # no sites -> just permute
    tl = TermList(terms, strength)
    tl.order_combine([fermion] * 3)  # should anti-commute
    assert tl.terms == terms_ordered
    assert np.all(tl.strength == np.array([1., -2., 3.]))
Esempio n. 4
    def calculate_expvals(self):
        if self.dmrg_retval is None:
        ESn = sum(
            self.psi.expectation_value_multi_sites([oper, oper], i)
            for i, oper in product(range(self.L - 1), ['Sx', 'Sy', 'Sz']))

        relweight = 1
        sstermlist = [ [(oper1,i),(oper2,i),(oper1,i+1),(oper2,i+1)]\
            for oper1,oper2 in product(['Sx','Sy','Sz'],['Sx','Sy','Sz'])\
            for i in range(self.L-1) ] #[(term,weight)], where term=[(operator,index),…]
        sstermlistobject = TermList(sstermlist, np.ones(len(sstermlist)))

        ESSn, _ = self.psi.expectation_value_terms_sum(
        )  #some intermediate calculations are also returned

        ESz = sum(
            self.psi.expectation_value_multi_sites(['Sz'], i)
            for i in range(self.L))
        return (ESn, ESSn, ESz)
Esempio n. 5
def test_correlation_function():
    s = spin_half
    Pup = s.Id.copy()
    Pup[s.state_labels['down'], s.state_labels['down']] = 0.
    Pdown = s.Id.copy()
    Pdown[s.state_labels['up'], s.state_labels['up']] = 0.
    s.add_op('Pup', Pup, need_JW=False, hc='Pup')
    s.add_op('Pdown', Pdown, need_JW=False, hc='Pdown')
    psi1 = mps.MPS.from_singlets(s,
                                 6, [(1, 3), (2, 5)],
                                 lonely=[0, 4],
    corr1 = psi1.correlation_function('Sz', 'Sz')
    corr1_exact = 0.25 * np.array([[ 1.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  1.,  0.],
                                   [ 0.,  1.,  0., -1.,  0.,  0.],
                                   [ 0.,  0.,  1.,  0.,  0., -1.],
                                   [ 0., -1.,  0.,  1.,  0.,  0.],
                                   [ 1.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  1.,  0.],
                                   [ 0.,  0., -1.,  0.,  0.,  1.]])  # yapf: disable
    npt.assert_almost_equal(corr1, corr1_exact)
    corr1 = psi1.term_correlation_function_right([('Sz', 0)], [('Sz', 0)])
    npt.assert_almost_equal(corr1, corr1_exact[0, 1:])
    corr1 = psi1.term_correlation_function_right([('Sz', 0)], [('Sz', 1)])
    npt.assert_almost_equal(corr1, corr1_exact[0, 1:])
    corr1 = psi1.term_correlation_function_right([('Sz', 1)], [('Sz', 1)])
    npt.assert_almost_equal(corr1, corr1_exact[1, 2:])
    corr1 = psi1.term_correlation_function_right([('Sz', 1)], [('Sz', -1)])
    npt.assert_almost_equal(corr1, corr1_exact[1, 2:-1])

    corr1 = psi1.term_correlation_function_left([('Sz', 0)], [('Sz', 0)],
                                                range(0, 5), 5)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(corr1[::-1], corr1_exact[:-1, 5])
    corr1 = psi1.term_correlation_function_left([('Sz', 1)], [('Sz', 1)],
                                                range(0, 4), 4)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(corr1[::-1], corr1_exact[1:-1, 5])

    Sz = TermList([[('Pup', 0)], [('Pdown', 0)]],
                  [0.5, -0.5])  # complicated way to write Sz
    corr1 = psi1.term_list_correlation_function_right(Sz, Sz)
    # check term_list_correlation_function_right for terms with different qtotal
    npt.assert_almost_equal(corr1, corr1_exact[0, 1:])
    Sx = TermList([[('Sp', 0)], [('Sm', 0)]],
                  [0.5, +0.5])  # complicated way to write Sx_0
    Sy = TermList([[('Sp', 1)], [('Sm', 1)]],
                  [-0.5j, +0.5j])  # complicated way to write Sy_1
    corrxx = psi1.term_list_correlation_function_right(Sx, Sx)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(corrxx, np.zeros((5, )))  # Sx_0 gives 0
    corrxx = psi1.term_list_correlation_function_right(Sx, Sx, 1)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(corrxx, 0.25 * np.array([0., -1., 0., 0.]))
    corrxy = psi1.term_list_correlation_function_right(Sx, Sy, 1, range(1, 5))
    npt.assert_almost_equal(corrxy, np.zeros((4, )))

    # check fermionic signs
    fs = site.SpinHalfFermionSite()
    psi2 = mps.MPS.from_product_state([fs] * 4,
                                      ['empty', 'up', 'down', 'full'],
    corr2 = psi2.correlation_function('Cdu', 'Cu')
    corr2_exact = np.array([[ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
                            [ 0.,  1.,  0.,  0.],
                            [ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
                            [ 0.,  0.,  0.,  1.]])  # yapf: disable
    npt.assert_almost_equal(corr2, corr2_exact)
    psi3 = psi2.copy()
    from tenpy.algorithms.tebd import RandomUnitaryEvolution
    RandomUnitaryEvolution(psi3, {'N_steps': 4}).run()

    corr3 = psi3.correlation_function('Cdu', 'Cu')
    corr3_d = psi3.correlation_function('Cu', 'Cdu')
    npt.assert_almost_equal(np.diag(corr3) + np.diag(corr3_d), 1.)
    corr3 = corr3 - np.diag(np.diag(corr3))  # remove diagonal
    corr3_d = corr3_d - np.diag(np.diag(corr3_d))
        corr3, -corr3_d.T)  # check anti-commutation of operators

    corr = psi3.term_correlation_function_right([('Cdu', 0)], [('Cu', 0)],
                                                j_R=range(1, 4))
    npt.assert_almost_equal(corr, corr3[0, 1:])
    corr3_long = psi3.correlation_function('Cdu', 'Cu', [0],
                                           range(4, 11 * 4, 4)).flatten()
    corr3_long2 = psi3.term_correlation_function_right([('Cdu', 0)],
                                                       [('Cu', 0)])
    npt.assert_array_almost_equal(corr3_long, corr3_long2)
    term1 = TermList([[('Cdu', 0)]], [1.])
    term2 = TermList([[('Cu', 0)], [('Ntot', -1)]],
                     [1., 2.])  # N shouldn't contribute!
    corr3_long3 = psi3.term_list_correlation_function_right(term1, term2)
Esempio n. 6
def test_MPO_conversion():
    L = 8
    sites = []
    for i in range(L):
        s = site.Site(spin_half.leg)
        s.add_op("X_{i:d}".format(i=i), np.diag([2., 1.]))
        s.add_op("Y_{i:d}".format(i=i), np.diag([1., 2.]))
    terms = [
        [("X_0", 0)],
        [("X_0", 0), ("X_1", 1)],
        [("X_0", 0), ("X_3", 3)],
        [("X_4", 4), ("Y_5", 5), ("Y_7", 7)],
        [("X_4", 4), ("Y_5", 5), ("X_7", 7)],
        [("X_4", 4), ("Y_6", 6), ("Y_7", 7)],
    prefactors = [0.25, 10., 11., 101., 102., 103.]
    term_list = TermList(terms, prefactors)
    g1 = mpo.MPOGraph.from_term_list(term_list,
    ct_add = MultiCouplingTerms(L)
    ct_add.add_coupling_term(12., 4, 5, "X_4", "X_5")
    ct_add.add_multi_coupling_term(0.5, [4, 5, 7], ["X_4", "Y_5", "X_7"], "Id")
    H1 = g1.build_MPO()
    grids = [
        [['Id', 'X_0', [('X_0', 0.25)]]  # site 0
            ['Id', None, None],  # site 1
            [None, 'Id', [('X_1', 10.0)]],
            [None, None, 'Id']
            ['Id', None, None],  # site 2
            [None, [('Id', 11.0)], None],
            [None, None, 'Id']
            ['Id', None],  # site 3
            [None, 'X_3'],
            [None, 'Id']
            ['X_4', None],  #site 4
            [None, 'Id']
            ['Id', 'Y_5', [('X_5', 12.0)]],  # site 5
            [None, None, 'Id']
            # site 6
            [None, [('Y_6', 103.0)], None],
            [[('Id', 102.5)], [('Id', 101.0)], None],
            [None, None, 'Id']
            ['X_7'],  # site 7
    H2 = mpo.MPO.from_grids(sites, grids, 'finite', [0] * 4 + [None] * 5,
                            [None] * 5 + [-1] * 4)
    for w1, w2 in zip(H1._W, H2._W):
        assert npc.norm(w1 - w2, np.inf) == 0.