Esempio n. 1
  def run_test (self):
    # Generate a block so that we are not "downloading blocks".
    self.nodes[0].generate (1)

    # Compare basic data of getauxblock to getblocktemplate.
    auxblock = self.nodes[0].getauxblock ()
    blocktemplate = self.nodes[0].getblocktemplate ()
    assert_equal (auxblock['coinbasevalue'], blocktemplate['coinbasevalue'])
    assert_equal (auxblock['bits'], blocktemplate['bits'])
    assert_equal (auxblock['height'], blocktemplate['height'])
    assert_equal (auxblock['previousblockhash'], blocktemplate['previousblockhash'])

    # Compare target and take byte order into account.
    target = auxblock['target']
    reversedTarget = auxpow.reverseHex (target)
    assert_equal (reversedTarget, blocktemplate['target'])

    # Verify data that can be found in another way.
    assert_equal (auxblock['chainid'], 98)
    assert_equal (auxblock['height'], self.nodes[0].getblockcount () + 1)
    assert_equal (auxblock['previousblockhash'], self.nodes[0].getblockhash (auxblock['height'] - 1))

    # Calling again should give the same block.
    auxblock2 = self.nodes[0].getauxblock ()
    assert_equal (auxblock2, auxblock)

    # If we receive a new block, the old hash will be replaced.
    self.sync_all ()
    self.nodes[1].generate (1)
    self.sync_all ()
    auxblock2 = self.nodes[0].getauxblock ()
    assert auxblock['hash'] != auxblock2['hash']
      self.nodes[0].getauxblock (auxblock['hash'], "x")
      raise AssertionError ("invalid block hash accepted")
    except JSONRPCException as exc:
      assert_equal (exc.error['code'], -8)

    # Invalid format for auxpow.
      self.nodes[0].getauxblock (auxblock2['hash'], "x")
      raise AssertionError ("malformed auxpow accepted")
    except JSONRPCException as exc:
      assert_equal (exc.error['code'], -1)

    # Invalidate the block again, send a transaction and query for the
    # auxblock to solve that contains the transaction.
    self.nodes[0].generate (1)
    addr = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress ()
    txid = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress (addr, 1)
    self.sync_all ()
    assert_equal (self.nodes[1].getrawmempool (), [txid])
    auxblock = self.nodes[0].getauxblock ()
    blocktemplate = self.nodes[0].getblocktemplate ()
    target = blocktemplate['target']

    # Compute invalid auxpow.
    apow = auxpow.computeAuxpowWithChainId (auxblock['hash'], target, "98", False)
    res = self.nodes[0].getauxblock (auxblock['hash'], apow)
    assert not res

    # Compute and submit valid auxpow.
    apow = auxpow.computeAuxpowWithChainId (auxblock['hash'], target, "98", True)
    res = self.nodes[0].getauxblock (auxblock['hash'], apow)
    assert res

    # Make sure that the block is indeed accepted.
    self.sync_all ()
    assert_equal (self.nodes[1].getrawmempool (), [])
    height = self.nodes[1].getblockcount ()
    assert_equal (height, auxblock['height'])
    assert_equal (self.nodes[1].getblockhash (height), auxblock['hash'])

    # Call getblock and verify the auxpow field.
    data = self.nodes[1].getblock (auxblock['hash'])
    assert 'auxpow' in data
    auxJson = data['auxpow']
    assert_equal (auxJson['index'], 0)
    assert_equal (auxJson['parentblock'], apow[-160:])

    # Check that previous blocks don't have 'auxpow' in their getblock JSON.
    oldHash = self.nodes[1].getblockhash (100)
    data = self.nodes[1].getblock (oldHash)
    assert 'auxpow' not in data

    # Check that it paid correctly to the first node.
    t = self.nodes[0].listtransactions ("", 1)
    assert_equal (len (t), 1)
    t = t[0]
    assert_equal (t['category'], "immature")
    assert_equal (t['blockhash'], auxblock['hash'])
    assert t['generated']
    assert t['amount'] >= Decimal ("500000")
    assert_equal (t['confirmations'], 1)

    # Verify the coinbase script.  Ensure that it includes the block height
    # to make the coinbase tx unique.  The expected block height is around
    # 200, so that the serialisation of the CScriptNum ends in an extra 00.
    # The vector has length 2, which makes up for 02XX00 as the serialised
    # height.  Check this.
    blk = self.nodes[1].getblock (auxblock['hash'])
    tx = self.nodes[1].getrawtransaction (blk['tx'][0], 1)
    coinbase = tx['vin'][0]['coinbase']
    assert_equal ("01%02x01" % auxblock['height'], coinbase[0 : 6]) # NYAN: We mine less blocks in these tests
Esempio n. 2
    def run_test(self):
        # Generate an initial chain
        # Generate a block so that we are not "downloading blocks".

        dummy_p2pkh_addr = "mmMP9oKFdADezYzduwJFcLNmmi8JHUKdx9"
        dummy_p2sh_addr = "2Mwvgpd2H7wDPXx8jWe3Vqiciix6JqSbsyz"

        # Compare basic data of createauxblock to getblocktemplate.
        auxblock = self.nodes[0].createauxblock(dummy_p2pkh_addr)
        blocktemplate = self.nodes[0].getblocktemplate()
        assert_equal(auxblock["coinbasevalue"], blocktemplate["coinbasevalue"])
        assert_equal(auxblock["bits"], blocktemplate["bits"])
        assert_equal(auxblock["height"], blocktemplate["height"])

        # Compare target and take byte order into account.
        target = auxblock["target"]
        reversedTarget = auxpow.reverseHex(target)
        assert_equal(reversedTarget, blocktemplate["target"])

        # Verify data that can be found in another way.
        assert_equal(auxblock["chainid"], 98)
        assert_equal(auxblock["height"], self.nodes[0].getblockcount() + 1)
                     self.nodes[0].getblockhash(auxblock["height"] - 1))

        # Calling again should give the same block.
        auxblock2 = self.nodes[0].createauxblock(dummy_p2pkh_addr)
        assert_equal(auxblock2, auxblock)

        # Calling with an invalid address must fail
            auxblock2 = self.nodes[0].createauxblock("x")
            raise AssertionError("invalid address accepted")
        except JSONRPCException as exc:
            assert_equal(exc.error["code"], -8)

        # Calling with a different address ...
        dummy_addr2 = self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()
        auxblock3 = self.nodes[0].createauxblock(dummy_addr2)

        # ... must give another block because the coinbase recipient differs  ...
        assert auxblock3["hash"] != auxblock["hash"]

        # ... but must have retained the same parameterization otherwise
        assert_equal(auxblock["coinbasevalue"], auxblock3["coinbasevalue"])
        assert_equal(auxblock["bits"], auxblock3["bits"])
        assert_equal(auxblock["height"], auxblock3["height"])
        assert_equal(auxblock["chainid"], auxblock3["chainid"])
        assert_equal(auxblock["target"], auxblock3["target"])

        # If we receive a new block, the template cache must be emptied.

        auxblock4 = self.nodes[0].createauxblock(dummy_p2pkh_addr)
        assert auxblock["hash"] != auxblock4["hash"]
            self.nodes[0].submitauxblock(auxblock["hash"], "x")
            raise AssertionError("invalid block hash accepted")
        except JSONRPCException as exc:
            assert_equal(exc.error["code"], -8)

        # Invalid format for auxpow.
            self.nodes[0].submitauxblock(auxblock4["hash"], "x")
            raise AssertionError("malformed auxpow accepted")
        except JSONRPCException as exc:
            assert_equal(exc.error["code"], -1)

        # Invalidate the block again, send a transaction and query for the
        # auxblock to solve that contains the transaction.
        addr = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress()
        txid = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(addr, 1)
        assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getrawmempool(), [txid])
        auxblock = self.nodes[0].createauxblock(dummy_p2pkh_addr)
        reversedTarget = auxpow.reverseHex(auxblock["target"])

        # Compute invalid auxpow.
        apow = auxpow.computeAuxpowWithChainId(auxblock["hash"],
                                               reversedTarget, "98", False)
        res = self.nodes[0].submitauxblock(auxblock["hash"], apow)
        assert not res

        # Compute and submit valid auxpow.
        apow = auxpow.computeAuxpowWithChainId(auxblock["hash"],
                                               reversedTarget, "98", True)
        res = self.nodes[0].submitauxblock(auxblock["hash"], apow)
        assert res

        # Make sure that the block is accepted.
        assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getrawmempool(), [])
        height = self.nodes[1].getblockcount()
        assert_equal(height, auxblock["height"])
        assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getblockhash(height), auxblock["hash"])

        # check the mined block and transaction
        self.check_mined_block(auxblock, apow, dummy_p2pkh_addr,
                               Decimal("500000"), txid)

        # Mine to a p2sh address while having multiple cached aux block templates
        auxblock1 = self.nodes[0].createauxblock(dummy_p2pkh_addr)
        auxblock2 = self.nodes[0].createauxblock(dummy_p2sh_addr)
        auxblock3 = self.nodes[0].createauxblock(dummy_addr2)
        reversedTarget = auxpow.reverseHex(auxblock2["target"])
        apow = auxpow.computeAuxpowWithChainId(auxblock2["hash"],
                                               reversedTarget, "98", True)
        res = self.nodes[0].submitauxblock(auxblock2["hash"], apow)
        assert res


        # check the mined block
        self.check_mined_block(auxblock2, apow, dummy_p2sh_addr,

        # Solve the first p2pkh template before requesting a new auxblock
        # this succeeds but creates a chaintip fork
        reversedTarget = auxpow.reverseHex(auxblock1["target"])
        apow = auxpow.computeAuxpowWithChainId(auxblock1["hash"],
                                               reversedTarget, "98", True)
        res = self.nodes[0].submitauxblock(auxblock1["hash"], apow)
        assert res

        chaintips = self.nodes[0].getchaintips()
        tipsFound = 0
        for ct in chaintips:
            if ct["hash"] in [auxblock1["hash"], auxblock2["hash"]]:
                tipsFound += 1
        assert_equal(tipsFound, 2)

        # Solve the last p2pkh template after requesting a new auxblock - this fails
        reversedTarget = auxpow.reverseHex(auxblock3["target"])
        apow = auxpow.computeAuxpowWithChainId(auxblock3["hash"],
                                               reversedTarget, "98", True)
            self.nodes[0].submitauxblock(auxblock3["hash"], apow)
            raise AssertionError("Outdated blockhash accepted")
        except JSONRPCException as exc:
            assert_equal(exc.error["code"], -8)


        # Call createauxblock while using the Namecoin API
        nmc_api_auxblock = self.nodes[1].createauxblock(dummy_p2pkh_addr)

        # must not contain a "target" field, but a "_target" field
        assert "target" not in nmc_api_auxblock
        assert "_target" in nmc_api_auxblock

        reversedTarget = auxpow.reverseHex(nmc_api_auxblock["_target"])
        apow = auxpow.computeAuxpowWithChainId(nmc_api_auxblock["hash"],
                                               reversedTarget, "98", True)
        res = self.nodes[1].submitauxblock(nmc_api_auxblock["hash"], apow)
        assert res


        # check the mined block
        self.check_mined_block(nmc_api_auxblock, apow, dummy_p2pkh_addr,