Esempio n. 1
def test_is_instance():
    s = is_instance(int)

    check_spec(s, 1)
    check_spec(s, "",
               [Problem(path(), "", s, "expected an int but got a str")])

    assert is_instance(int) == is_instance(int)
Esempio n. 2
def test_dict_spec_returns_conformed_values():
    s = dict_spec({'k': sc.Uuid})

    expected_conformed_value = UUID('80b71e04-9862-462b-ac0c-0c34dc272c7b')
    original_value = str(expected_conformed_value)

    check_spec(s, {'k': original_value},
               expected_conform={'k': expected_conformed_value})
Esempio n. 3
def test_specizing_builtin():
    s = callable

    check_spec(s, lambda x: x)

    assert isinvalid(conform(s, "not callable"))

    explanation = explain_data(s, "clearly-not-callable")
    assert explanation is not None
    assert explanation.problems[0].reason == "not callable"
    assert explanation.problems[0].value == "clearly-not-callable"
    assert explanation.problems[0].path == path()
Esempio n. 4
def test_specizing_lambda():
    s = (lambda x: bool(x))

    check_spec(s, True)

    assert isinvalid(conform(s, False))

    explanation = explain_data(s, False)
    assert explanation is not None
    # This is obviously not ideal
    assert explanation.problems[0].reason == "not <lambda>"
    assert explanation.problems[0].value is False
    assert explanation.problems[0].path == path()
Esempio n. 5
def test_dict_example_treats_values_as_equal_to_spec():
    expected_value = UUID('80b71e04-9862-462b-ac0c-0c34dc272c7b')

    s = dict_example({'k': expected_value})

    check_spec(s, {'k': expected_value})

    wrong_value = UUID('a5bef1a0-d139-49d3-91ff-79a69aa39759')
    check_spec(s, {'k': wrong_value}, [
            path('k'), wrong_value, equal_to(expected_value),
            "expected 80b71e04-9862-462b-ac0c-0c34dc272c7b (UUID) but got a5bef1a0-d139-49d3-91ff-79a69aa39759 (UUID)"
Esempio n. 6
def test_in_range():
    s = in_range(2, 4)

    check_spec(s, 2)
    check_spec(s, 3)
    check_spec(s, 1,
               [Problem(path(), 1, s, "not between 2 and 4")])
    check_spec(s, 4,
               [Problem(path(), 4, s, "not between 2 and 4")])
Esempio n. 7
def test_greater_than_or_equal_to():
    s = gte(2)

    check_spec(s, 3)
    check_spec(s, 2)
    check_spec(s, 1,
               [Problem(path(), 1, s, "not greater than or equal to 2")])
    check_spec(s, 0,
               [Problem(path(), 0, s, "not greater than or equal to 2")])
Esempio n. 8
def test_less_than_or_equal_to():
    s = lte(2)

    check_spec(s, 1)
    check_spec(s, 2)
    check_spec(s, 3,
               [Problem(path(), 3, s, "not less than or equal to 2")])
    check_spec(s, 4,
               [Problem(path(), 4, s, "not less than or equal to 2")])
Esempio n. 9
def test_sets():
    s = {"a", "b"}

    check_spec(s, "a")
    check_spec(s, "b")
    check_spec(s, "c",
               [Problem(path(), "c", specize(s), "not in ['a', 'b']")])
Esempio n. 10
def test_is_in_over_dicts():
    s = is_in({"a": 1, "b": 2})

    check_spec(s, "a")
    check_spec(s, "b")
    check_spec(s, "c",
               [Problem(path(), "c", specize(s), "not in ['a', 'b']")])
Esempio n. 11
def test_is_in_over_lists():
    s = is_in(["a", "b"])

    check_spec(s, "a")
    check_spec(s, "b")
    check_spec(s, "c",
               [Problem(path(), "c", specize(s), "not in ['a', 'b']")])
Esempio n. 12
def test_greater_than():
    s = gt(2)

    check_spec(s, 3)
    check_spec(s, 2,
               [Problem(path(), 2, s, "not greater than 2")])
    check_spec(s, 1,
               [Problem(path(), 1, s, "not greater than 2")])
Esempio n. 13
def test_less_than():
    s = lt(2)

    check_spec(s, 1)
    check_spec(s, 2,
               [Problem(path(), 2, s, "not less than 2")])
    check_spec(s, 3,
               [Problem(path(), 3, s, "not less than 2")])
Esempio n. 14
def test_odd():
    s = odd()

    check_spec(s, 3)
    check_spec(s, 4,
               [Problem(path(), 4, s, "not an odd number")])
    check_spec(s, "",
               [Problem(path(), "", s, "not an odd number")])
Esempio n. 15
def test_is_none():
    s = is_none()

    check_spec(s, None)
    check_spec(s, "",
               [Problem(path(), "", s, "not None")])
    check_spec(s, [],
               [Problem(path(), [], s, "not None")])
Esempio n. 16
def test_even():
    s = even()

    check_spec(s, 2)
    check_spec(s, 3,
               [Problem(path(), 3, s, "not an even number")])
    check_spec(s, "",
               [Problem(path(), "", s, "not an even number")])
Esempio n. 17
def test_coll_of():
    item_spec = specize(int)
    s = coll_of(item_spec)

    check_spec(s, [1])
    check_spec(s, [1, 2])
    check_spec(s, (1, 2))

        assert_spec(s, ["one", 2, "three"])
        assert False, "Expected exception"
    except SpecError as e:
        error = e
        assert error.explanation == Explanation.with_problems(
            Problem(path(0), "one", item_spec, "expected an int but got a str"),
            Problem(path(2), "three", item_spec, "expected an int but got a str"))

        assert_spec(s, 1)
        assert False, "Expected exception"
    except SpecError as e:
        error = e
        assert error.explanation == Explanation.with_problems(Problem(path(), 1, s, "not iterable"))
Esempio n. 18
def test_any():
    s = any_()

    check_spec(s, 1)
    check_spec(s, None)
    check_spec(s, "")
Esempio n. 19
def test_specizing_arity_1_lambdas():
    # arity 1 functions are fine
    check_spec(lambda x: True, True)

    # additional varargs should also work
    check_spec(lambda x, *ys: True, True)

    # only varargs should also be fine
    check_spec(lambda *xs: True, True)

    # extra arguments with defaults shouldn't count
    check_spec(lambda x, y=1: True, True)

    # only arguments with defaults should work too
    check_spec(lambda x=1: True, True)
    check_spec(lambda x=1, *xs, **kws: True, True)

    # just trying to break it now
    check_spec(lambda x, y=1, z=2, *xs, **kws: True, True)
    check_spec(lambda x, *xs, **kws: True, True)
Esempio n. 20
def test_types_as_specs():
    s = int

    check_spec(s, 1)
    check_spec(s, "",
               [Problem(path(), "", is_instance(s), "expected an int but got a str")])
Esempio n. 21
def test_coerce():
    underlying_spec = in_range(1, 2)
    s = coerce(int, underlying_spec)

    check_spec(s, 1)
    check_spec(s, "1", expected_conform=1)

    # TODO: problem contains underlying_spec. Not sure yet if this is the right behaviour
    check_spec(s, 2, [Problem(path(), 2, underlying_spec, "not between 1 and 2")])
    check_spec(s, "2", [Problem(path(), 2, underlying_spec, "not between 1 and 2")])

    check_spec(s, "one",
               [Problem(path(), "one", s,
                        "could not coerce 'one' (str) using coercer: int because:\n"
                        "invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'one'")])

    spec_using_a_class_as_a_coercer = coerce(CoercingClass(), underlying_spec)
    check_spec(spec_using_a_class_as_a_coercer, "one",
                        "could not coerce 'one' (str) using coercer: CoercingClass because:\n"
                        "invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'one'")])

    spec_using_a_lambda_as_a_coercer = coerce(lambda x: int(x), underlying_spec)
    check_spec(spec_using_a_lambda_as_a_coercer, "one",
               [Problem(path(), "one", spec_using_a_lambda_as_a_coercer,
                        "could not coerce 'one' (str) using coercer: <lambda> because:\n"
                        "invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'one'")])
Esempio n. 22
def test_equal_to():
    s = equal_to(1)

    check_spec(s, 1)
    check_spec(s, 2,
               [Problem(path(), 2, s, "expected 1 (int) but got 2 (int)")])