Esempio n. 1
 def get_human_readable_action(self, action: Action) -> Action:
     precondition = list(
         map(self.get_human_readable_fact, action.preconditions))
     postconditions = list(
         map(self.get_human_readable_fact, action.postconditions))
     name = self.kb.inform7_commands[].split("{")[0].strip()
     return Action(name, precondition, postconditions)
Esempio n. 2
    def set_conditions(self, conditions: Iterable[Proposition]) -> Action:
        Set the triggering conditions for this event.

            conditions: Set of propositions which need to
                        be all true in order for this event
                        to get triggered.
            Action that can only be applied when all conditions are statisfied.
        if not conditions:
            if len(self.actions) == 0:
                raise UnderspecifiedEventError()

            # The default winning conditions are the postconditions of the
            # last action in the quest.
            conditions = self.actions[-1].postconditions

        variables = sorted(set([v for c in conditions for v in c.arguments]))
        event = Proposition("event", arguments=variables)
        self.condition = Action("trigger",
                                postconditions=list(conditions) + [event])
        return self.condition
Esempio n. 3
    def set_winning_conditions(
            winning_conditions: Optional[Collection[Proposition]]) -> Action:
        """ Sets wining conditions for this quest.

            winning_conditions: Set of propositions that need to be true
                                before marking the quest as completed.
                                Default: postconditions of the last action.
            An action that is only applicable when the quest is finished.
        if winning_conditions is None:
            if len(self.actions) == 0:
                raise UnderspecifiedQuestError()

            # The default winning conditions are the postconditions of the
            # last action in the quest.
            winning_conditions = self.actions[-1].postconditions

        # TODO: Make win propositions distinguishable by adding arguments?
        win_fact = Proposition("win")
        self.win_action = Action("win",
                                 postconditions=list(winning_conditions) +
        return self.win_action
Esempio n. 4
def test_logic_parsing():
    P = Variable("P", "P")
    kitchen = Variable("kitchen", "r")
    egg = Variable("egg", "f")

    assert Variable.parse("P") == P
    assert Variable.parse("kitchen: r") == kitchen

    at_kitchen = Proposition("at", [P, kitchen])
    in_kitchen = Proposition("in", [egg, kitchen])
    raw_egg = Proposition("raw", [egg])
    cooked_egg = Proposition("cooked", [egg])

    assert Proposition.parse("at(P, kitchen: r)") == at_kitchen

    assert Signature.parse("at(P, r)") == at_kitchen.signature

    cook_egg = Action("cook", [at_kitchen, in_kitchen, raw_egg],
                      [at_kitchen, in_kitchen, cooked_egg])
    assert Action.parse(
        "cook :: $at(P, kitchen: r) & $in(egg: f, kitchen: r) & raw(egg: f) -> cooked(egg: f)"
    ) == cook_egg

    P = Placeholder("P", "P")
    r = Placeholder("r", "r")
    d = Placeholder("d", "d")
    rp = Placeholder("r'", "r")
    assert Placeholder.parse("P") == P
    assert Placeholder.parse("r") == r
    assert Placeholder.parse("d") == d
    assert Placeholder.parse("r'") == rp

    at_r = Predicate("at", [P, r])
    link = Predicate("link", [r, d, rp])
    unlocked = Predicate("unlocked", [d])
    at_rp = Predicate("at", [P, rp])
    assert Predicate.parse("link(r, d, r')") == link

    go = Rule("go", [at_r, link, unlocked], [link, unlocked, at_rp])
    assert Rule.parse(
        "go :: at(P, r) & $link(r, d, r') & $unlocked(d) -> at(P, r')") == go

    # Make sure the types match in the whole expression
    assert_raises(ValueError, Rule.parse,
                  "take :: $at(P, r) & $in(c, r) & in(o: k, c) -> in(o, I)")
Esempio n. 5
    def set_failing_conditions(self, failing_conditions: Optional[Collection[Proposition]]) -> Optional[Action]:
        """ Sets the failing conditions of this quest.

            failing_conditions: Set of propositions that if are all true
                                means the quest is failed.
                                Default: can't fail the quest.
            An action that is only applicable when the quest has failed or `None`
            if the quest can be failed.
        self.fail_action = None
        if failing_conditions is not None:
            # TODO: Make fail propositions distinguishable by adding arguments?
            fail_fact = Proposition("fail")
            self.fail_action = Action("fail", preconditions=failing_conditions,
                                              postconditions=list(failing_conditions) + [fail_fact])

        return self.fail_action
Esempio n. 6
    def set_failing_conditions(
        self, failing_conditions: Optional[Collection[Proposition]]
    ) -> Optional[Action]:
        """ Sets the failing conditions of this quest.

            failing_conditions: Set of propositions that if are all true
                                means the quest is failed.
                                Default: can't fail the quest.
            An action that is only applicable when the quest has failed or `None`
            if the quest can be failed.
        self.fail_action = None
        if failing_conditions is not None:
            self.fail_action = Action("fail", failing_conditions,

        return self.fail_action
Esempio n. 7
    def set_winning_conditions(
            winning_conditions: Optional[Collection[Proposition]]) -> Action:
        """ Sets wining conditions for this quest.

            winning_conditions: Set of propositions that need to be true
                                before marking the quest as completed.
                                Default: postconditions of the last action.
            An action that is only applicable when the quest is finished.
        if winning_conditions is None:
            if self.actions is None:
                raise UnderspecifiedQuestError()

            # The default winning conditions are the postconditions of the
            # last action in the quest.
            winning_conditions = self.actions[-1].postconditions

        self.win_action = Action("win", winning_conditions,
        return self.win_action
Esempio n. 8
from typing import List

from textworld.logic import Action, Proposition, State
from textworld.generator.user_query import query_for_important_facts

# noinspection PyAbstractClass
class FakeState(State):
    def __init__(self, parrot_facts: List[Proposition]):
        self._facts = parrot_facts

    def facts(self):
        return self._facts

# generate fake propositions
propositions = []
for i in range(3):
    new_prop = Proposition(name='thing %d' % (i, ))
fake_state = FakeState(propositions)

# run the test
action = Action(name='Test action',
facts = query_for_important_facts(actions=[action], last_game_state=fake_state)