Esempio n. 1
class TSParser:
    def __init__(self, lang: str):
        self.lang = lang
        self.parser = TSBaseParser()
        self.tsLang = Language(LIBRARY_PATH, lang)

    def parse(self, code: str) -> Node:
        return self(code).root_node

    def sexp(self, code: str) -> str:
        return self.parse(code).sexp()

    def query(self, query: str, code: str) -> dict[str, str]:
        return dict((k, extract(v, code)) for v, k in self.tsLang.query(

    def __call__(self, value: str) -> Tree:
        return self.parser.parse(bytes(value, "utf8"))
Esempio n. 2
#!/usr/bin/env python3

from tree_sitter import Language, Parser
from pathlib import Path

import pkg_resources

LANGUAGE = Language(next(Path(__file__).parent.glob("binding.*.so")),
    pkg_resources.resource_string(__name__, "queries/highlights.scm"))

    from pygments.lexer import Lexer
    from pygments import token

    class TreeSitterLexer(Lexer):
        ts_alias = {
            "comment": token.Comment,
            "type.builtin": token.Name.Builtin,
            "punctuation.delimiter": token.Punctuation,
            "function": token.Name.Function,
            "keyword": token.Keyword,
            "operator": token.Operator,
            "punctuation.bracket": token.Punctuation,
            "number": token.Number,
            "string": token.String,
            "escape": token.String.Escape,
            "constant.builtin": token.Generic,
            "variable": token.Name.Variable,
Esempio n. 3
class BaseParser(object):
    Base parser exposes the common interface that we extend per language
    def __init__(self,
                 language: str,
                 query_class_name: str,
                 query_file_path: str,
                 library_loc: str = None):
        if os.getenv("TS_LIB_PATH") is not None and library_loc is None:
            library_loc = os.getenv("TS_LIB_PATH")

        if not library_loc:
            raise ParserLibraryNotFoundError(
                "Parser library path is 'None'. Please either set up the environment or call the constructor with the path"

        if not Path(library_loc).exists() or not Path(library_loc).is_file():
            raise ParserLibraryNotFoundError(
                f"Parser library '{library_loc}' not found. Did you set up the environement variables?"

        self.language = Language(library_loc, language)
        self.parser = Parser()
        self.qclass = Query.fromFile(query_file_path)
        self.QUERIES = self.qclass[query_class_name]

    def _run_query_and_get_captures(self, q_name: str,
                                    root_node: Node) -> List:
        Runs a query on the the language and returns the raw spans.

        Sometimes you may need to do to some specilized processing on the returned lines
        Check languane specific codes to see what that can be.
        query = self.language.query(self.QUERIES[q_name])
        captures = query.captures(root_node)
        return captures

    def parse_file(self, file_path: str):
        Parses a single file and retunrs True if success
        if not Path(file_path).exists() or not Path(file_path).is_file():
            raise SourceFileNotFoundError(f"Source file {file_path} not found")
            with open(file_path, encoding='utf-8') as f:
                blob =
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            return False
        self.raw_code = blob
        self.splitted_code = blob.split("\n")
        self.tree: Tree = self.parser.parse(bytes(blob.encode('utf-8')))
        self.root_node: Node = self.tree.root_node
        return True

    def parse_code_as_string(self, blob: str):
        parse_code_as_string provides the same functions as parse_file but takes string blob as code 
        instead of a file location.

            self.raw_code = blob
            self.splitted_code = blob.decode('utf-8').split("\n")
            self.tree: Tree = self.parser.parse(bytes(blob.encode('utf-8')))
            self.root_node: Node = self.tree.root_node
            return True
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            return False
        except AttributeError:
            self.raw_code = blob
            self.splitted_code = blob.split("\n")
            self.tree: Tree = self.parser.parse(bytes(blob.encode('utf-8')))
            self.root_node: Node = self.tree.root_node
            return True

    def sexp(self):
        return self.tree.root_node.sexp()

    def reload_queries(self):
        Reloads the query file and the internal data structure.
        This is a temporary method and it should not be a part of the API. 
        mainly to dynamically reload the queries while in development for 
        IPython console

    def _has_children(self, node: Node) -> bool:
        return len(node.children) > 0

    def _walk_recursive(self, cursor: TreeCursor, apply):
        for ch in cursor.node.children:
            self._walk_recursive(ch.walk(), apply)

    def _reduce_recursive(self, cursor: TreeCursor, reduction, accumulator):
        acc = accumulator
        for ch in cursor.node.children:
            acc = self._reduce_recursive(ch.walk(), reduction,
                                         reduction(ch, acc))
        return acc

    def walk(self, apply):
        Iterate over the tree of the parsed code and apply the given 
        self._walk_recursive(self.root_node.walk(), apply)

    def reduction(self, reduction, neutral):
        Apply a reduction operation over the tree of the parsed code
        return self._reduce_recursive(self.root_node.walk(), reduction,
                                      reduction(self.root_node, neutral))