Esempio n. 1
 def test_new_task_unknown(self):
     Trying to create a new task with an unknown name must raise a
     `UnknownTaskName` exception.
     task_tmpl = TaskTemplate('dummy')
     with self.assertRaises(UnknownTaskName):
Esempio n. 2
 def test_new_task_unknown(self):
     Trying to create a new task with an unknown name must raise a
     `UnknownTaskName` exception.
     task_tmpl = TaskTemplate('dummy')
     with self.assertRaises(UnknownTaskName):
Esempio n. 3
 def test_build_from_dict_without_name(self):
     The only required argument to create a task template is the task
     task_dict = {
         "id": "1234",
     with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
Esempio n. 4
 def test_build_from_dict_without_name(self):
     The only required argument to create a task template is the task
     task_dict = {
         "id": "1234",
     with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
Esempio n. 5
    def test_build_from_dict(self):
        Create a new task template from a dictionary
        task_dict = {
            "id": "1234",
            "name": "dummy"
        task_tmpl = TaskTemplate.from_dict(task_dict)
        self.assertIsInstance(task_tmpl, TaskTemplate)
        self.assertEqual(task_tmpl.uid, '1234')
        self.assertEqual(, 'dummy')
        self.assertEqual(task_tmpl.topics, [])
        self.assertEqual(task_tmpl.config, {})

        # Can also create a task template without ID defined in the dict
        task_dict = {
            "name": "dummy",
            "topics": ["yummy"],
            "config": {"hello": "world"},
            "foo": None,
            "bar": [1, 2, 3, 4]
        task_tmpl = TaskTemplate.from_dict(task_dict)
        self.assertIsInstance(task_tmpl, TaskTemplate)
        # Even if no ID is provided, it must be generated
        self.assertIsInstance(task_tmpl.uid, str)
        self.assertEqual(len(task_tmpl.uid), 36)
        self.assertEqual(, 'dummy')
        self.assertEqual(task_tmpl.topics, ["yummy"])
        self.assertEqual(task_tmpl.config, {"hello": "world"})

        # Additional keys in the dict don't harm
        task_dict = {
            "name": "dummy",
            "foo": None,
            "bar": [1, 2, 3, 4]
        task_tmpl = TaskTemplate.from_dict(task_dict)
        self.assertIsInstance(task_tmpl, TaskTemplate)
        # Even if no ID is provided, it must be generated
        self.assertIsInstance(task_tmpl.uid, str)
        self.assertEqual(len(task_tmpl.uid), 36)
        self.assertEqual(, 'dummy')
        self.assertEqual(task_tmpl.topics, [])
        self.assertEqual(task_tmpl.config, {})
Esempio n. 6
    def test_build_from_dict(self):
        Create a new task template from a dictionary
        task_dict = {
            "id": "1234",
            "name": "dummy"
        task_tmpl = TaskTemplate.from_dict(task_dict)
        self.assertIsInstance(task_tmpl, TaskTemplate)
        self.assertEqual(task_tmpl.uid, '1234')
        self.assertEqual(, 'dummy')
        self.assertEqual(task_tmpl.topics, [])
        self.assertEqual(task_tmpl.config, {})

        # Can also create a task template without ID defined in the dict
        task_dict = {
            "name": "dummy",
            "topics": ["yummy"],
            "config": {"hello": "world"},
            "foo": None,
            "bar": [1, 2, 3, 4]
        task_tmpl = TaskTemplate.from_dict(task_dict)
        self.assertIsInstance(task_tmpl, TaskTemplate)
        # Even if no ID is provided, it must be generated
        self.assertIsInstance(task_tmpl.uid, str)
        self.assertEqual(len(task_tmpl.uid), 36)
        self.assertEqual(, 'dummy')
        self.assertEqual(task_tmpl.topics, ["yummy"])
        self.assertEqual(task_tmpl.config, {"hello": "world"})

        # Additional keys in the dict don't harm
        task_dict = {
            "name": "dummy",
            "foo": None,
            "bar": [1, 2, 3, 4]
        task_tmpl = TaskTemplate.from_dict(task_dict)
        self.assertIsInstance(task_tmpl, TaskTemplate)
        # Even if no ID is provided, it must be generated
        self.assertIsInstance(task_tmpl.uid, str)
        self.assertEqual(len(task_tmpl.uid), 36)
        self.assertEqual(, 'dummy')
        self.assertEqual(task_tmpl.topics, [])
        self.assertEqual(task_tmpl.config, {})
Esempio n. 7
    def test_new_task(self):
        Can create new asyncio tasks from the task template

        # Create a task from a registered task holder
        task_tmpl = TaskTemplate('my-task-holder')
        task = task_tmpl.new_task('dummy-data', loop=self.loop)
        self.assertIsInstance(task, TukioTask)
        self.assertEqual(task.inputs, 'dummy-data')

        # Also works with a registered coroutine
        task_tmpl = TaskTemplate('dummy-coro')
        task = task_tmpl.new_task(data='junk-data', loop=self.loop)
        self.assertIsInstance(task, TukioTask)
        self.assertEqual(task.inputs, 'junk-data')
Esempio n. 8
    def from_dict(cls, wf_dict):
        Build a new workflow description from the given dictionary.
        The dictionary takes the form of:
                "id": <workflow-uid>,
                "topics": [<a-topic>, <another-topic>],
                "policy": <policy>,
                "tasks": [
                    {"id": <task-uid>, "name": <name>, "config": <cfg-dict>},
                "graph": {
                    <t1-uid>: [t2-uid, <t3-uid>],
                    <t2-uid>: [],

        See below the conditions applied to trigger a workflow according to the
        value of 'topics':
            {"topics": None}
            try to trigger a workflow each time data is received by the engine
            ** default behavior **

            {"topics": []}
            never try to trigger a workflow when data is received by the engine

            {"topics": ["blob", "foo"]}
            try to trigger a workflow when data is received by the engine in
            topics "blob" and "foo" only
        wf_tmpl = cls(uid=wf_dict.get('id'),

        # Tasks
        task_ids = dict()
        for task_dict in wf_dict.get('tasks', []):
            task_tmpl = TaskTemplate.from_dict(task_dict)
            task_ids[task_tmpl.uid] = task_tmpl

        # Graph
            for up_id, down_ids_set in wf_dict.get('graph', {}).items():
                up_tmpl = task_ids[up_id]
                for down_id in down_ids_set:
                    down_tmpl = task_ids[down_id]
          , down_tmpl)
        except KeyError as exc:
            raise TemplateGraphError(exc.args[0]) from exc

        return wf_tmpl
Esempio n. 9
    def test_dump_as_dict(self):
        A TaskTemplate instance can be dumped as a dictionary
        task_tmpl = TaskTemplate('my-task-holder', config={'hello': 'world'})
        task_tmpl.topics = ['my-topic']

        expected_dict = {
            "name": "my-task-holder",
            "topics": ["my-topic"],
            "config": {'hello': 'world'}

        task_dict = task_tmpl.as_dict()
        del task_dict['id']
        self.assertEqual(task_dict, expected_dict)

        # The dumped dict must be loadable by the `from_dict()` classmethod
        other_tmpl = TaskTemplate.from_dict(task_dict)
        self.assertIsInstance(other_tmpl, TaskTemplate)
Esempio n. 10
    def test_dump_as_dict(self):
        A TaskTemplate instance can be dumped as a dictionary
        task_tmpl = TaskTemplate('my-task-holder', config={'hello': 'world'})
        task_tmpl.topics = ['my-topic']

        expected_dict = {
            'name': 'my-task-holder',
            'timeout': None,
            'topics': ['my-topic'],
            'config': {'hello': 'world'}

        task_dict = task_tmpl.as_dict()
        del task_dict['id']
        self.assertEqual(task_dict, expected_dict)

        # The dumped dict must be loadable by the `from_dict()` classmethod
        other_tmpl = TaskTemplate.from_dict(task_dict)
        self.assertIsInstance(other_tmpl, TaskTemplate)
Esempio n. 11
    def test_new_task_bad_args(self):
        Trying to create a new task with invalid arguments must raise a
        `TypeError` exception.
        # Missing argument
        task_tmpl = TaskTemplate('my-task-holder')
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'positional argument'):

        # Too many arguments
        task_tmpl = TaskTemplate('bad-coro-task')
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'positional argument'):
Esempio n. 12
 def test_new_template(self):
     Valid new task template operations
     # The simplest case: only a name is required
     # Note: task name is not checked!
     name = 'dummy'
     task_tmpl = TaskTemplate(name)
     self.assertEqual(, name)
     self.assertEqual(task_tmpl.config, {})
     self.assertEqual(task_tmpl.topics, [])
     # Even if no ID is provided, it must be generated
     self.assertIsInstance(task_tmpl.uid, str)
     self.assertEqual(len(task_tmpl.uid), 36)
Esempio n. 13
    def test_new_task_bad_args(self):
        Trying to create a new task with invalid arguments must raise a
        `TypeError` exception.
        # Missing argument
        task_tmpl = TaskTemplate('my-task-holder')
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'positional argument'):

        # Too many arguments
        task_tmpl = TaskTemplate('bad-coro-task')
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'positional argument'):
Esempio n. 14
    def test_new_task(self):
        Can create new asyncio tasks from the task template

        # Create a task from a registered task holder
        task_tmpl = TaskTemplate('my-task-holder')
        task = task_tmpl.new_task('dummy-data', loop=self.loop)
        self.assertIsInstance(task, TukioTask)
        self.assertEqual(task.inputs, 'dummy-data')

        # Also works with a registered coroutine
        task_tmpl = TaskTemplate('dummy-coro')
        task = task_tmpl.new_task(data='junk-data', loop=self.loop)
        self.assertIsInstance(task, TukioTask)
        self.assertEqual(task.inputs, 'junk-data')
Esempio n. 15
    def from_dict(cls, wf_dict):
        Build a new workflow description from the given dictionary.
        The dictionary takes the form of:
                "id": <workflow-uid>,
                "topics": [<a-topic>, <another-topic>],
                "policy": <policy>,
                "timeout": <timeout>,
                "schema": <int>,
                "tasks": [
                    {"id": <task-uid>, "name": <name>, "config": <cfg-dict>},
                "graph": {
                    <t1-uid>: [t2-uid, <t3-uid>],
                    <t2-uid>: [],

        See below the conditions applied to trigger a workflow according to the
        value of 'topics':
            {"topics": None}
            try to trigger a workflow each time data is received by the engine
            ** default behavior **

            {"topics": []}
            never try to trigger a workflow when data is received by the engine

            {"topics": ["blob", "foo"]}
            try to trigger a workflow when data is received by the engine in
            topics "blob" and "foo" only
        wf_tmpl = cls(

        # Tasks
        task_ids = dict()
        for task_dict in wf_dict.get('tasks', []):
            task_tmpl = TaskTemplate.from_dict(task_dict)
            task_ids[task_tmpl.uid] = task_tmpl

        # Graph
        for up_id, down_ids_set in wf_dict.get('graph', {}).items():
            up_tmpl = task_ids[up_id]
            for down_id in down_ids_set:
                down_tmpl = task_ids[down_id]
      , down_tmpl)

        # Graph validation
        except KeyError as exc:
            raise TemplateGraphError(exc.args[0]) from exc

        return wf_tmpl