Esempio n. 1
    def checkHash(self, digestHash):
        Verify that the credentials represented by this object agree with the
        credentials represented by the I{H(A1)} given in C{digestHash}.

        @param digestHash: A precomputed H(A1) value based on the username,
            realm, and password associate with this credentials object.
        response = self.fields.get("response")
        uri = self.fields.get("uri")
        nonce = self.fields.get("nonce")
        cnonce = self.fields.get("cnonce")
        nc = self.fields.get("nc")
        algo = self.fields.get("algorithm", b"md5").lower()
        qop = self.fields.get("qop", b"auth")

        expected = calcResponse(
            calcHA1(algo, None, None, None, nonce, cnonce, preHA1=digestHash),
            calcHA2(algo, self.method, uri, qop, None),

        return expected == response
Esempio n. 2
 def authResponse(self, wwwauth):
     if wwwauth.startswith('Digest '):
         wwwauth = wwwauth.replace('Digest ', '', 1)
     fields = {}
     for field in wwwauth.split(','):
         k, v = field.split('=')
         fields[k] = v.strip('"')
     auth = {}
     auth['Username'] = self.account.username
     auth['realm'] = fields['realm']
     auth['nonce'] = fields['nonce']
     auth['uri'] = 'sip:{0}'.format(
     auth['algorithm'] = fields['algorithm']
     ha1 = calcHA1(fields['algorithm'].lower(), self.account.username, fields['realm'], self.account.password,
                   fields['nonce'], None)
     ha2 = calcHA2(fields['algorithm'].lower(), 'REGISTER', 'sip:{0}'.format(, None, None)
     r = calcResponse(ha1, ha2, fields['algorithm'].lower(), fields['nonce'], None, None, None)
     auth['response'] = r
     auth['opaque'] = fields['opaque']
     header = []
     for k,v in zip(auth.keys(), auth.values()):
         header.append('{0}="{1}"'.format(k, v))
     header = ', '.join(header)
     return 'Digest {0}'.format(header)
Esempio n. 3
    def checkPassword(self, password):
        Verify that the credentials represented by this object agree with the
        given plaintext C{password} by hashing C{password} in the same way the
        response hash represented by this object was generated and comparing
        the results.
        response = self.fields.get("response")
        uri = self.fields.get("uri")
        nonce = self.fields.get("nonce")
        cnonce = self.fields.get("cnonce")
        nc = self.fields.get("nc")
        algo = self.fields.get("algorithm", b"md5").lower()
        qop = self.fields.get("qop", b"auth")

        expected = calcResponse(
            calcHA1(algo, self.username, self.realm, password, nonce, cnonce),
            calcHA2(algo, self.method, uri, qop, None),

        return expected == response
Esempio n. 4
    def getAuthorization(self, user, pwd_digest, method, uri):
        algo = self.algorithmName
        cnonce = DigestAuthentication.calculateCnonce()
        _ha1 = calcHA1(algo, None, None, None, self.nonce, cnonce,
        _ha2 = calcHA2(algo, method, uri, self.qop, None)
        resp = calcResponse(_ha1, _ha2, algo,
                            self.nonce, '{:08x}'.format(self.nonce_count),
                            cnonce, self.qop)

        header = 'Digest username="******", realm="{1}", ' \
                     'nonce="{2}", uri="{3}", ' \
                     'response="{4}", algorithm="{5}"' \
        if self.opaque is not None:
            header += ', opaque="{}"'.format(self.opaque)
        if self.qop is not None:
            header += ', qop="{0}", nc="{1:08x}", cnonce="{2}"' \
                          .format(self.qop, self.nonce_count, cnonce)
        return header
Esempio n. 5
    def checkHash(self, digestHash):
        Verify that the credentials represented by this object agree with the
        credentials represented by the I{H(A1)} given in C{digestHash}.

        @param digestHash: A precomputed H(A1) value based on the username,
            realm, and password associate with this credentials object.
        response = self.fields.get("response")
        uri = self.fields.get("uri")
        nonce = self.fields.get("nonce")
        cnonce = self.fields.get("cnonce")
        nc = self.fields.get("nc")
        algo = self.fields.get("algorithm", "md5").lower()
        qop = self.fields.get("qop", "auth")

        expected = calcResponse(
            calcHA1(algo, None, None, None, nonce, cnonce, preHA1=digestHash),
            calcHA2(algo, self.method, uri, qop, None),

        return expected == response
Esempio n. 6
    def checkPassword(self, password):
        Verify that the credentials represented by this object agree with the
        given plaintext C{password} by hashing C{password} in the same way the
        response hash represented by this object was generated and comparing
        the results.
        response = self.fields.get("response")
        uri = self.fields.get("uri")
        nonce = self.fields.get("nonce")
        cnonce = self.fields.get("cnonce")
        nc = self.fields.get("nc")
        algo = self.fields.get("algorithm", "md5").lower()
        qop = self.fields.get("qop", "auth")

        expected = calcResponse(
            calcHA1(algo, self.username, self.realm, password, nonce, cnonce),
            calcHA2(algo, self.method, uri, qop, None),

        return expected == response
Esempio n. 7
    def checkPassword(self, password):
        Verify that the credentials represented by this object agree with the
        given plaintext C{password} by hashing C{password} in the same way the
        response hash represented by this object was generated and comparing
        the results.
        response = self.fields.get('response')
        uri = self.fields.get('uri')
        nonce = self.fields.get('nonce')
        cnonce = self.fields.get('cnonce')
        nc = self.fields.get('nc')
        algo = self.fields.get('algorithm', b'md5').lower()
        qop = self.fields.get('qop', b'auth')

        expected = calcResponse(
            calcHA1(algo, self.username, self.realm, password, nonce, cnonce),
            calcHA2(algo, self.method, uri, qop, None), algo, nonce, nc,
            cnonce, qop)

        return expected == response
Esempio n. 8
    def checkPassword(self, password):
        Verify that the credentials represented by this object agree with the
        given plaintext C{password} by hashing C{password} in the same way the
        response hash represented by this object was generated and comparing
        the results.
        response = self.fields.get('response')
        uri = self.fields.get('uri')
        nonce = self.fields.get('nonce')
        cnonce = self.fields.get('cnonce')
        nc = self.fields.get('nc')
        algo = self.fields.get('algorithm', b'md5').lower()
        qop = self.fields.get('qop', b'auth')

        expected = calcResponse(
            calcHA1(algo, self.username, self.realm, password, nonce, cnonce),
            calcHA2(algo, self.method, uri, qop, None),
            algo, nonce, nc, cnonce, qop)

        return expected == response
Esempio n. 9
    def checkHash(self, digestHash):
        Verify that the credentials represented by this object agree with the
        credentials represented by the I{H(A1)} given in C{digestHash}.

        @param digestHash: A precomputed H(A1) value based on the username,
            realm, and password associate with this credentials object.
        response = self.fields.get('response')
        uri = self.fields.get('uri')
        nonce = self.fields.get('nonce')
        cnonce = self.fields.get('cnonce')
        nc = self.fields.get('nc')
        algo = self.fields.get('algorithm', b'md5').lower()
        qop = self.fields.get('qop', b'auth')

        expected = calcResponse(
            calcHA1(algo, None, None, None, nonce, cnonce, preHA1=digestHash),
            calcHA2(algo, self.method, uri, qop, None), algo, nonce, nc,
            cnonce, qop)

        return expected == response
Esempio n. 10
    def checkHash(self, digestHash):
        Verify that the credentials represented by this object agree with the
        credentials represented by the I{H(A1)} given in C{digestHash}.

        @param digestHash: A precomputed H(A1) value based on the username,
            realm, and password associate with this credentials object.
        response = self.fields.get('response')
        uri = self.fields.get('uri')
        nonce = self.fields.get('nonce')
        cnonce = self.fields.get('cnonce')
        nc = self.fields.get('nc')
        algo = self.fields.get('algorithm', b'md5').lower()
        qop = self.fields.get('qop', b'auth')

        expected = calcResponse(
            calcHA1(algo, None, None, None, nonce, cnonce, preHA1=digestHash),
            calcHA2(algo, self.method, uri, qop, None),
            algo, nonce, nc, cnonce, qop)

        return expected == response