Esempio n. 1
            def extractVectorContents(vectorIVC):
                if len(vectorIVC) == 0:
                    return {'listContents': []}
                vec = ComputedValue.ComputedValueVector(
                vecSlice = vec.entireSlice

                res = None
                preventPythonArrayExtraction = False

                #see if it's a string. This is the only way to be holding a Vector of char
                if vectorIVC.isVectorOfChar():
                    res = vecSlice.extractVectorDataAsNumpyArray()
                    if res is not None:
                        res = {'string': res.tostring()}

                #see if it's simple enough to transmit as numpy data
                if res is None and len(vectorIVC.getVectorElementsJOR()
                                       ) == 1 and len(vectorIVC) > 1:
                    res = vecSlice.extractVectorDataAsNumpyArrayInChunks()

                    if res is not None:
                        firstElement = vecSlice.extractVectorItemAsIVC(0)
                        if firstElement is None:
                            #note we can't import this at the top of the file because this file gets imported
                            #during the build process, which doesn't have pyfora installed.
                            import pyfora.Exceptions as Exceptions
                            raise Exceptions.ForaToPythonConversionError(
                                "Shouldn't be possible to download data as numpy, and then not get the first value"

                        res = {
                            'firstElement': firstElement,
                            'contentsAsNumpyArrays': res
                        if not vecSlice.vdmThinksIsLoaded():
                            #there's a race condition where the data could be loaded between now and
                            #the call to 'extractVectorDataAsPythonArray'. This prevents it.
                            preventPythonArrayExtraction = True

                #see if we can extract the data as a regular pythonlist
                if not preventPythonArrayExtraction and res is None:
                    res = vecSlice.extractVectorDataAsPythonArray()
                    if res is not None:
                        res = {'listContents': res}

                if res is None:
                    return None

                return res
Esempio n. 2
            def extractVectorContents(vectorIVC):
                if len(vectorIVC) == 0:
                    return []
                vec = ComputedValue.ComputedValueVector(
                vecSlice = vec.entireSlice

                if vectorIVC.isVectorOfChar():
                    res = vecSlice.extractVectorDataAsNumpyArray()
                    if res is not None:
                        res = res.tostring()
                    res = vecSlice.extractVectorDataAsPythonArray()

                if res is None:
                    return None

                return res